Shugo Chara!
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Shugo Chara!

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Shugo Chara! Encore!
Japanese: しゅごキャラ!
English: Shugo Chara!
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 12
Chapters: 55
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 28, 2005 to Aug 3, 2010
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance, Supernatural Supernatural
Themes: Mahou Shoujo Mahou Shoujo, School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Nakayoshi
Authors: PEACH‐PIT (Story & Art)


Score: 7.711 (scored by 1994619,946 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #16992
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #465
Members: 39,979
Favorites: 1,797

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Preliminary Spoiler
Jan 19, 2010
Preliminary (48/55 chp)
"All kids have eggs in their hearts..."

Story: 7

Shugo Chara is basically a typical magical girl manga. I knew it was but something about it draws you in. Maybe it was because of Amu's cool appearance or maybe it was the because of the eggs I'm not sure. But one thing that is for certain, Peach-Pit takes your typical magical girl manga, adds in some spice and tadaa~ a very original magical girl manga.

However something is stopping Shugo Chara from getting an 8. Though the storyline is original with the whole egg and your true self thing, Shugo Chara gets extremely tedious after the first couple ...
Jun 19, 2009
Preliminary (26/55 chp)
A very original magical girl manga. Its whole storyline and character personality is great. And need I say, most of the pages will make you laugh and have you wishing for the next volume to come out. I think anyone who likes the cute magical side of life will fall head over heels for this manga and will soon be wish for his or hers own Guardian Characters.
Oct 23, 2014
I started off reading this manga because I heard it was a fun, happy-go-lucky kind of story. It was! I laughed out loud a lot and the message was upbeat and positive. But it was more than just a good time. I finished the series feeling not just satisfied and cuddly, but inspired.

I'm a sucker for creators who take an everyday life concern and turn it into a compelling story. The concept which this manga is based on, that of having dreams or an ideal self, is something I think everyone can relate to. I know I struggled with identity when I was younger. Getting ...
Nov 5, 2020

First of all, I'd like to say that the score I gave is clearly biased, but this manga doesn't deserve anything less than 8.

Shugo Chara! may look like a typical shoujo, but its peculiarities make it unique in my opinion; the main character, Amu, has doubts and insecurities normally present at her age, the classic love indecision seen in any lead in the genre, and a will for being the best she can be that seems innovative to me in this category. There is the everlasting love triangle, but it doesn't maintain itself as the primary aspect of her life. The little 10, 12 and ...
Apr 15, 2009
Preliminary (1/55 chp)
Every person Hinamori Amu knows thinks she's the coolest girl they know. Except the fact that behind everyone she hides her true feelings. One morning when she wakes up, she comes across three eggs called "Guardian Characters." These Guardian Characters help her find out that her true personality isn't that bad, and that her real personality is cool too.

Everyone at Seiyo Elementary thinks Hinamori Amu is the coolest girl in class. But, she's nothing like that. Amu's actually a very shy girl who wishes to have courage to truly be herself. One morning, she found three mysterious, little eggs in her bed. Each egg ...
Apr 30, 2015
I like the art - clean, straightforward, and very pleasing to the eyes. I thought the character's emotions were also clearly reflected in the art.

The story was okay. It was fast-paced which is good. I love Ikuto's character very much. Hehe. There was too much idealism which isn't much too my taste. And at the end, there was a confusing all-fantasy arc that surpassed space and time which I didn't really like. But overall, I thought the manga was good and I definitely enjoyed it. I liked best the dokidoki moments of Ikuto and Amu. Hehe. I also liked how Ikuto was portrayed and those ...
May 26, 2009
Preliminary (40/55 chp)
Loads of people say this manga/ anime is for total kids cos of the story, this may lead to people not wanting to read this. Plus, it's a magical girl manga too... which can really annoy people... but don't let that put you off! This story is not for little kids! It has a perverted cat boy (Ikuto) (loads of fangirls including myself!) and the source of the magical girl (or boy) powers are from eggs! Totally original, way to go Peach-Pit! PS There is major shock at chapter 40! It's like OMG, you need to read this the whole way through!
It has amazing art ...
Feb 28, 2017
Mixed Feelings
The idea for the story was good, and it had plenty of humor and kept me hooked... at first. But as I got more into the story, I noticed that it just didn't have the right... appeal, or feeling, so to speak. The concept was creative, but the story overall could be better. And the ending was confusing and a lot went unanswered. Overall, this manga was alright, but could have been better. I was hoping for a better story, and a better understanding. It is also considered a "children's manga", but I highly disagree. With a few strong curse words and a couple of ...
Oct 27, 2009
Preliminary (Unknown/55 chp)
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS MANGA!!! and i don't say that very much it has such a great story and let me say this isn't so much for kids there will be allllllooooottttt of moments for adults ^_^ which i love all of them the romance is perfect, the story is perfect, the characters are perfect and let me say i'm a huge ikuto fan I LOVE HIM!!!!!! but really a great manga the anime tends to not follow the story lots of the time so i recommend if you want to know more about shugo chara read the manga first than watch the anime but ...
Jun 8, 2022
I have got mixed feelings about this one.

The start was way too boring. Nothing that was happening made sense to me. The characters felt boring and one-dimensional. I felt as if this would be a 6/10 manga. But something changed. Halfway through the series, the characters grew on me, the story started to make sense and everything that felt a little off started to click.

This series is more focused on emotions and drama and the process of solving it rather than the technicalities. There are so many plot holes and plot points that don't make any sense. Even though it had so many problems, I ...
Feb 8, 2024
Shugo Chara's manga fixes a lot of the problems that I found were present in the anime; mainly, that the manga is much more streamlined and cuts out a large presence of filler, though not to the point that it actively distracts from the plot. In my personal opinion, Shugo Chara, beyond its first season, suffered from its anime adaptation (which should be noted, is the version I watched first), and that a lot of elements that were heavily distracting, such as forgotten or abandoned plot points, were drastically toned down. This gives the manga the likely feel that the anime was going for as ...
Feb 5, 2016
In one line : // If you're into fanservice before anything else, this manga is for you. //

I've never been into Shoujo. Works targeting females very often present the same overused tropes with little to no variation ; therefore, I've never been too fond of them. If I do feel like reading one from time to time, I easily enter the "overdose" zone when it comes to them. To some extent, it can be argued it just isn't my thing, that Shounen, Seinen, etc. also lack variations overall and yes, I couldn't deny it is partly true.

That settled, how come I started Shugo Chara so ...
Jan 1, 2018
Mixed Feelings
Alright, I'll be honest. This was an interesting series, though I have my reservations.

I'll be quick with a review because others have already gone into depth about the ups and downs of this story.

The story concept is good; unique and wholesome.
It's cute.

*Slight spoilers ahead?*
