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Jul 28, 2022
Conclusion: I have mixed feelings on this one but I would recommend this to anyone regardless of their favorite genre. This manga was just blind fun without thinking about the story much.
The story was as straightforward as possible. No mind-bending strategies, no complex character’s background, yet, equally fun to read. The characters are well written but due to the sheer number of characters, everyone feels a little underdeveloped while an arc of other characters is due. Character development feels a little forced as the dynamics change really fast most of the time.
The overall plot is really well written and nicely planned for a pleasant read.
No over information is provided which feels refreshing and easier to comprehend.
The artwork is good. Nothing extraordinary but not bad either. Some moments were really well drawn but overall art felt a little lacking in personality. It was really good though.
The ending was well, questionable. I wouldn’t spoil anything but it was just… bad? It led up to a very cheesy ending which according to me was just the opposite of what they should have done. The ending was definitely 100% fitting the theme, but it just felt as if a 14-year-old had finalized the ending.
The themes talked about in this manga are really heavy and serious for the general feel of the show. Despite the contrasting features of the two, they fit in amazingly well.
Overall: One of the best, not the best. Go watch it. Now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 20, 2022
Conclusion: Sure, the ending isn’t worth the journey, but the journey is definitely worth your time. Go read it now. One of the best experiences I have ever had was while reading this manga. Truly splendid. Too good to be true. Let’s start from the basics.
The story is just as given in the synopsis of this manga. This manga, having a supernatural theme, actually feels like a supernatural story. Normally, in a fantasy world, it takes a little time for the world-building to happen, but this manga didn’t pull any punches. It gave a smack right in the start by giving us a really dope
new concept of petrification and then a scientist trying to bring back civilization to life. He didn’t care about anything, just wanted to work for humanity just like other really great well-known scientists. The story has really humble beginnings, compared to the ending, which ill talk about in a later paragraph. The story had very linear progress as everything is connected till the very ending of the manga. It’s just really well planned. This manga, despite being serious at times, can be really very hilarious usually. The jokes are well written and the jokes serve some or other meaning to the story. The jokes aren’t there just for making the readers laugh, the jokes serve a purpose. There is no focus on only one character. This manga has a plethora of cast and uses every single one of them very well. The main character isn’t the main character but the whole group of the immediate side characters together act as the main character. Reviving the whole earth isn’t something to be laughed at, is it? The story has if not THE perfect pacing according to me. It was covering all the little details in the start but as things became at a larger scale, it skipped over the little technicalities while being realistic and having humanly realistic jumps in technological advancements… (Don’t get it? Don’t worry. You will once you actually read the manga)
Talking about the characters… damn. I have never felt so close to a cast of so many characters all at the same time. Despite having so many characters, all the characters were about equally used and given importance. None of the characters had a character development arc. The entire manga was a development arc for each and every character in the manga while new characters were kept being introduced. It felt a little flat at times but everything was worth it in the ending. Sure, you could feel the author’s favorite characters, but that didn’t mean the author undermining the worth of other characters which is very less seen as sometimes some characters are just used for gag purposes.
The artwork was really fitting for the theme of this manga. Realistic approach with chibi form in the comedic bits. It was really well drawn. Some of the landscapes were so well drawn that you will want to scan the manga and use that image as your wallpaper. I really enjoyed this manga way too much.
This manga was the combination of everything PERFECTLY… yet I gave it a 9 but not a 10... but why...? One simple reason: The ENDING!!! I can’t express the emotion, I felt after I completed the manga, in words because I have a weak vocabulary… It was something you might feel when: your favorite anime gets a second season but the second season flops and then the manga has to stop because the author died… but dial that feeling a little more. Combine this feeling with disappointment and a lot of disappointment and A LOT of disappointment and serve it after garnishing a little more disappointment. That’s how I felt about the manga ending…
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 11, 2022
One of the best rom-com I have ever read.
This manga uses the perfect mixture of comedy and romance to reach the peak of rom-coms. Not a second feels wasted in this manga. At the start, you might feel that the same stuff is repeating over and over but it isn't the case at all. The characters slowly but surely develop, and the development pace is so realistic that if you try re-reading the manga from the start, you will notice things that changed in the characters clearly. The short and sweet story enhanced the plot as there wasn't any wasted time. It never feel as
if it was being elongated more than needed and felt very natural. The characters aren't straight-up dumb which we get to see a lot. There was no un need for shipping of other characters. The author didn't make all the main girls fall for someone which was quite surprising but it was the most natural of all which felt really refreshing. Nothing in this manga felt forced. The characters were realistic.
The characters arent 'normal' by any means. They are so over-exaggerated that it clearly couldn't be a rom-com... or so would you think. Each and every character has depth to them and it's clear that every single one of their actions had some or other reason behind them. I can't say much about this rom-com as saying stuff might spoil it for you. I enjoyed this manga way too fricking much.
Overall: It is a really dope rom-com which you will complete in about 2 hours or so.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 10, 2022
Just as epic as I remembered it was.
I had watched the anime many years ago and had forgotten most of the story elements. But one thing I hadn't forgotten was the the chills that I had, the goosebumps I felt. And guess what... I re-felt them, even greater this time.
The story, the art, the characters, the setting, the narration, the chapter placement, every single thing in this manga complimented each other perfectly. You get so invested while reading this manga series that you forget to exist at times... Its just too good.
The insane levels this manga reaches is just too much for weak
hearted to handle. The pure dastardly atmosphere you will feel in some moments is unfortunately unforgettable yet I am truly glad I can't forget the emotions that I felt during the reading session of this manga. There will be a time when I once again forget the story of this manga but it won't stop me from recommending this to anyone.
I might be praising this manga a LOT but it of course also has its flaws. At moments it just gets weird. Too much emphasis is given on characters at times rather than explaining the situation. Story is fast paced in a few instances but slow in some other. Plot armor that the MC has is evident and poorly hidden.
(This para includes VERY light spoilers which can be understood only by those who have finished reading the manga)But the worst thing of the manga was the ending itself. It felt as if the author tried to make a euphoric ending for our MC after ending the manga once but then changing their mind later on. A dark and sad ending would have suited the theme of the manga much more than what the author chose here.
Conclusion: Instead of me explaining why this manga is one of the best in its genre. I recommend you to read it. Just give it a try and I am pretty sure you gonna love it. If you don't like this genre, this manga might develop a new side in you. Read this manga for its story, and not only because of the best waifu.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 10, 2022
It was nice.
It had significant problems like romanticizing toxic behavior, unfunny jokes, unrealistic situations, weird resolutions, and many more. But what mattered was "Did I enjoy" and heck yea I did.
It's your average rom-com in which they have tried to add some spice or something but have failed to make a mid-tier romance anime.
Some moments were actually cute but some others were just... damn, how can a rom-com trigger me so fricking much. I have mixed feelings regarding this one. I thought it would be a nice slice-of-life type high school romance anime but it was a weird slice-of-life type high school romance
type where the boy and girl switched the stereotypical traits.
Conclusion: Give it a try if you like rom-coms and have nothing other to watch
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 6, 2022
This book reminded me a lot about the rom-com genre as a whole. It can be just so infuriating at times but it still somehow manages to spin grip me and get me invested in the world. The funny thing is… even though rom-coms are generally supposed to be a new world with new characters, somehow every single rom-com feels the same at the start. The pacing, the plot point, the jokes, the tension, the problems, the solutions, and even the ending. It is very rare that you see a rom-com doing something new, without failing. This novel did just that.
At first, you will feel
that everything is the same, the same old cliché protagonist who has no interesting qualities, and his harem. At times, this novel felt like that but I bet you, it’s not. It is something that you probably have read or seen before but with a new perspective with realistic features. The MC doesn’t feel like a jackass nor does he feel like an overly powerful person who knows everything but tries to hide it. Nope. None of that shit. Our MC has some good points and some bad points which he tries to fix to get some friends. The novel covers his journey to get friends with other people who are there alongside him, people who also want friends. Every single character who is in the ‘main squad’ is really deeply explored but not over-explored. It doesn’t feel that you don’t know anything about the characters but it doesn’t feel boring to see the characters again. Everything isn’t spoon-fed to the reader and some things are just hinted at. It doesn’t feel that a character is being very hugely emphasized. One character gets highlighted in a volume and then in the later volumes, characters are developed together. It’s really beautiful the way the author chose the routes that the story progresses throughout all the volumes. The way the characters are developed, the choices that are taken by them, the things they do, their goal, every single thing was really well thought of and I loved this beautiful lore of students struggling to get some friends and live a ‘normal’ student life.
Talking about the main thing- romance, well yea… it was at best, good. Every girl was given their time to shine, and every girl despite having some-or-the-other flaws, really made you forget about them for some time… This is the first novel where I am satisfied with the ending despite the MC not ending up with the ‘best girl’ for me.
All of this doesn’t mean that it’s perfect. The novel had some seriously major flaws in it. Sometimes what the MC or the other characters did were seriously either very badly explained, or just straight-up rubbish i.e., way out of their personality. This was particularly visible in the last few volumes where characters were developing faster than the speed of light. It felt refreshing but felt a little too abrupt for my liking. I have mixed feelings on this topic. This novel would be a 9/10 if not for the weird last volume. The rushing in the last volume could be felt deep into my core while I was reading through it. I felt as if some things could be explored a little more but I understood that there was just not enough time to do so. I felt seriously weird about it. A few characters felt a little hypocritic at what they preached compared to their actions but well that is normal if the characters are tried to be kept as humane as possible.
The artwork in this novel is just… NOICE. I have no comments on the artwork because I feel that they couldn’t have been better. They fit the theme of the novel perfectly.
Conclusion: Read it if you like slice-of-life and rom-com. Wouldn’t recommend it if you like something high-paced as this novel is one of the slower ones I have read until now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 29, 2022
The only reason I gave this season a 5 was because of the average animation. Otherwise, it would be a 3.
This season was seriously just a DISASTER. Absolutely NOTHING was done right. All the things done perfectly in season 1 were just scraped and totally removed from this season. Way too bad a successor. I seriously can't understand how could they do this to such a great story...
"New characters were, useless plot points, overly confusing and boring storyline with the worst possible main villain"
This line sums up the entire season.
Conclusion: Watch this only if you want to simp on a character. Useless for
any other reason.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 19, 2022
One of the best romance manga out there. It has no flaws in the story or the art. Probably the most realistic manga I have EVER read.
This manga doesn't only tackle the problems one faces till they get a girlfriend, but also focuses on the misunderstandings they get while dating. It stretches itself a lot till marriage which is a first for me as in most of the romance manga that I have read, they start and end in the school itself, never to be seen yet again. It's as if there is no life outside school. Some mangas try a little different ending
by giving a time skip, which is kind of infuriating. This manga really blew my mind. It had everything you can think about 'romance' and even more. As the manga follows more than a single couple, it can be a bit distracting but there were even more problems portrayed due to it. But, due to there being so many characters, the story progression felt very slow till about 70% of the manga is done and dusted. Normally, whenever new characters are introduced, it feels as if the new character is being used to develop the main characters only to be forgotten once their arc ends; this manga didn't do so. It gave all sorts of time a character needed to fully bring out their inner feelings and perspectives which is seen very less usually.
I am subtracting a point from the overall rating just because I feel that some of the other characters could use some more time. The start felt utterly slow and the ending felt very premiumly rushed. This doesn't change the fact that this manga is probably the best read you will get if you purely want to focus on the "rom-com" genre.
Conclusion: Do yourself a favor and go read this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 15, 2022
This is one of the more unique animes out there. The story and the choices of genres are pretty mixed up. Horror-comedy is a very less explored and even less mastered genre. Despite that, this anime did its job perfectly as a horror-comedy anime. The comedy felt a bit heavier than the horror part as every single 'horror scene' or 'jumpscare' felt the same, rinse and repeat. As the anime moved forward, it tried to explore its horror part more but just couldn't find a perfect balance between comedy and horror.
This anime is a good start for developing a new mainstream genre but just
has many flaws. The jokes fell a little flat and the horror isn't scary at all. It is more gross than scary. The story is really good and well planned. Interesting plot twists exist which help the viewer be invested in the anime. The worst part of the anime was that it was "ecchi". It really disheartened me that this anime took the way of ecchiness to advertise the anime while actually being a solid anime on its own. It was seriously un-needed as you can't be horny and scared at the same time.
Characters had some very good personal growth and development with a realistic and reasonable pace which is very less seen in many stories. It's normally not given that much thought and suddenly due to one single thing, the MC changes to something completely new. It isn't the case here. From the start, we have a really good MC with some obvious flaws, which are slowly filled up throughout the course of the 12 episodes.
Conclusion: Watch this anime if you are interested in a new type of genre
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 10, 2022
Every single thing in this anime is top-class. It’s seriously the best it could be. I had very high expectations from this anime because I had heard a lot of things about this anime. I felt as if this anime might not be able to go up to the expectations that I have. I was wrong. VERY.
The very first thing you notice in the anime is the animation. Like of course. Animes nowadays go for looking more and more like real life. Making everything crisper and clearer. But this anime took a different route while being crisper and clearer than many anime movies out
there. Yes. The animation is seriously that good. The different route it took was the more cartoony, brighter, and saturated color palate. The animation itself is enough to hook a person to this anime. I am pretty sure that I would have binged this anime even if it had the worst story I have ever experienced.
Enough about the animation. Let’s discuss some things about the story. The story is a linear hero-villain story with an overly happy ending, and lots of emotions and crying during the process of you watching it. The usual shounen anime story. But what made it so good and different from other shounen anime is that everything was pure and concentrated. There was no need to over-present the same thing. Very clever usage of scenes helped us gain a lot of knowledge just from a single scene. It was a peak example of wise and experienced direction.
My favorite thing was the innocence of the two main characters which were present almost throughout all the episodes. It was pure, unadulterated, transparent innocence in the two which provided a weird type of warmth in my heart. Even though the MC was being berated by literary everyone in the kingdom to be useless, weak and a burden; his friend was the only creature who acknowledged him and didn’t give up hope, even though at first, he was just using him. Another person who tries to help the MC is his step-mom, but due to her awkward nature, she ended up always scolding him instead. Due to everything that happens to MC over a span of a long time, his self-confidence is down the void of the deep depths of hell. He feels that he himself is worthy of nothing, yet, he doesn’t give up. He doesn’t think about ending his life, sees life as beautiful, and doesn’t lose hope. He puts on a mask of smiling every time he is with others.
This reminded me of the reality that everything isn’t as perfect as it looks. On the surface, everyone acts normal, but deep inside, we never know the scars they are hiding…
The story, being dark at some points, doesn’t make the anime totally depressing and insane. It has some cute moments too. These cute moments enhance the negative moments, thus themselves being enhanced. This happens because the emotions of two different extreme ends of the emotional spectrum are constantly interchanged. Almost every single character in the anime does get some or the other character development while having a good reason for the things they are doing which is something very rare to see.
Another thing truly well thought about was the betrayals. Normally animes have betrayals just to enhance the spice of the story, while the justification of that betrayal is very superficial. This anime doesn’t do the same. The betrayals are extremely well thought about, beautifully foreshadowed, and well-executed. The first time for me was that after I made up my mind that I won’t ever like a certain character after he betrayed the MC, I could forgive them and understand what they went through because of which they had to betray.
Even though due to all of this, the anime has a major flaw. It’s the very obvious flaw is something that almost every shounen anime has. *PLOT ARMOR*. Just because the plot armor is so evident, it sometimes ruins the experience of the anime itself. But even though it is evident, even though it does ruin the experience, the anime still is a masterpiece.
Everything that I mention in this review, and even more things that I missed… EVERY SINGLE THING GETS WAY BETTER IN THE SECOND PART OF THE ANIME!!! Seriously. It legit gets way too better. The extremes are stretched even more without feeling pretentious.
Conclusion: Watch it. Go.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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