I rarely give tens to mangas. But this one just deserves it! Why? I'm going to tell you:
Monster isn't a tradional manga. It isn't about fighting. I even dare to say it is a 'Love it or hate it'-manga. If you are the type of Naruto and Bleach and looking for that kind of manga, this isn't the manga for you. If you are looking for an intense, well-written manga, I would recommend this certainly for you.
The story is complex and long. Altough it's long, there isn't one single filler. It is all part of the same story. The story is about several characters, whom
Alternative TitlesJapanese: MONSTER More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 162
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 5, 1994 to Dec 20, 2001
Big Comic Original Authors:
Urasawa, Naoki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #52 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #28
Members: 265,336
Favorites: 22,498 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 78 / 88
Your Feelings Categories Mar 22, 2012
"Look at me! Look at me! The monster inside of me has grown this big!".
Is the righteous path always the right path to take? Is it possible to regret doing the right thing and standing for justice? Is a righteous choice with a bad effect a good choice or a bad choice? How far is anyone prepared to go to correct what wasn't wrong in the first place? In these questions we find the basic premise of Monster. Monster is a brilliant piece. A thriller with a story so unified, steady, complex and without plot holes that puts 99% of all thrillers (be them books, movies ... Jun 8, 2015
I loved this Manga, one of my favourites, and the first Naoki Urasawa manga that i've read, and this has definitely made me want to read more of his work!
SPOILER FREE STORY: I've spoken with friends who are big fans of 20th century boys (which i've started to read) and i've been told a couple times that the story is a little hard to get into. I do see what they're saying, it starts off a little slow but after the short first chapters of set up the reader is thrown into an adventure and chase that never seems to have a dull moment. ... Mar 26, 2015
What makes a great psychological thriller? An intelligent plot? Unpredictable plot twists? Memorable, deep characters? Or is it the overall atmosphere of the series? If you're looking for a manga that can give you all of the above, Naoki Urasawa's got your back. Chances are that you have probably heard of Monster before and was wondering if it's as good as some people make it out to be, and to be quite honest, it deserves every bit of praise it gets and lives up to the hype surrounding it. Securing a position at the top of almost every manga ranking site, Monster is a critically
Dec 21, 2010
Not an overrated masterpiece but clearly a hollow one.
I have to admit I couldn't remove my bias even before I completed the first arc/chapter/plot event. (The way the story is told is via one huge epic. This could just have easily been a Resident Evil type of game, a film directed by Kubrick or a crime thriller novel and thus normal manga reviewing aren't as relevant to grasping the quality of this series) In that initial bias, I so wanted to shout "overrated" and how this was another fake Hollywood made serial killer story. Monster's plots are more unrealistic, unlikely and forget forced - the characters ... May 22, 2023
I've read and seen a lot of critically acclaimed fiction in my life. Some became my favourites, while others were so-so. Monster, however, is the first instance of me coming across a critically acclaimed fiction that turned out to be truly, truly terrible. And I'll be honest, even though I have tried to be as objective as possible, my intense hatred for its completely undeserved reputation is what motivated me to publish this review.
It's ironic that my single biggest issue with Monster is what its fans claim to be its greatest asset, the villain Johan Liebert. It's very clear what Naoki Urasawa's motivation was behind ... Jan 18, 2020
Monster - the Midwit Masterpiece
There are few mangas/animes that I regret reading/watching, but Monster is definitely one of them. It is an absolute bore with zero payoff, an incredibly unsatisfying ending that renders a majority of the plot meaningless, as well as unrealistic and uninteresting characters. Ultimately it boils down to a mostly episodic series where the main character Tenma roams around Europe helping everyone in his path. There are a lot of sappy exchanges, but I really couldn't find myself caring about any of these random people. The evil characters are over-the-top and sinister, something I noticed right away, and that never stops. Since the ... Feb 7, 2024
✳️ This review will be written in both English and Portuguese (PT-BR) - Essa crítica será escrita em inglês e português (PT-BR)✳️
𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚𓐚 🇺🇸 🔶"The monster in 'Monster' isn't as monstrous as it seems" My experience with Monster was quite interesting, to say the least. Initially, I must confess that the size of the manga made me a bit lazy to start reading the work, which delayed me from picking up the manga and reading it from cover to cover. However, after overcoming this barrier, I was immersed in a story rich in philosophical reflections on life, morality, and human nature. But despite everything, the monster in "Monster" wasn't ... Dec 25, 2007
The Viz Signature collections features some of my most favorite mangas of all time, The Drifting Classroom, Uzumaki, and Black & White. However, there was always one story that just caught my attention right away after the Signature series started and that was Monster.
Story: The story is completely different then any other series I have ever read and leaves me wondering what will happen next to our hero. After every volume, I feel I learned something new, but I'm still no closer to the mystery behind the villian. Art: This artist has some great skills. Every character and every location is amazingly detailed and drawn ... Apr 15, 2021
Monster fails in most of its attempts to be interesting.
The story is completely predictable. Up to the point where i dropped it, there was not a single plot point which i did not guess. I could probably accurately guess which chapter a character will die in. Many people call this a suspense and i think it does this very very poorly for several reasons. First, the characters are not interesting and i do not care about any of them. They are one note and flat. For a story which is about the darkness within people and how everyone can have a monster inside of them for every ... Apr 16, 2022
It is hard to review a manga like Monster, it's reputation proceeds it to the point it's hard to offer any substantial and unique criticism. It's the kind of reputation that causes people to either praise it for living up to its expectation or label it as overrated if it falls short. Despite it's reputation and popularity I will avoiding going into spoilers but I won't waste your time explaining the premise or giving you any background about the story because you most likely have already read enough to know whether you're interesting in it or maybe you have already finished. You might have just
Dec 14, 2010
Let me start off by saying, that this is my favorite manga of all time. I know I give it a perfect score, and there are many reasons for this. Lets start with the story.
This manga takes place in Germany and follows the main character, Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a brilliant brain surgeon. His fiance' is the director of the hospital's daughter. Tenma is torn between following orders from his boss and doing what he thinks is right. Basically he is told to opperate on the mayor of the town, but because a little boy came in first, he decides to ... Aug 30, 2016
It kind of offends me that this manga is so praised.
If you are considering taking this up let me tell you one very important thing. It's a spoiler for sure, but it's a fair one because without knowing this you can end up accusing the manga of false advertising: you will not learn here how a monster is created As I am sure you know, the story is about a surgeon on a road trip looking for a kid he saved on the operating table, a kid that turns out is pure evil, a monster, something like a murdering psychopath/genius tactician/politician/businessman and also, oh man was this ... Apr 26, 2012
REALLY fascinating manga.
Basically about the genius neurosurgeon Tenma who choose duty over hospital politics and decides to save a young child shot in the head over the famous celebrity. Tenma loses his job because of this and worse... the boy he saves grows up to be a crazed serial killer! WHAT. Lots of twists and turns and increeeedibly addictive. Read all of it in about 2 days. Ending leaves a lot to interpretation, which was a nice touch for a manga that was so morally ambiguous throughout. Writing is very tight; sometimes some threads of the story seem ... Jan 9, 2013
Finally read Monster after countless years, and it's an amazingly good manga,free from most traps that make especially seinen manga a dreadful cornucopia of blandness, and managing to claw its way to classic status.
Story : 9/10 Easily Monster's strong suit, the storyline is extremely, be it plot , dialogue, and even the translated text holds some literary value in parts. Naoki Urasawa here, as he does with Pluto later, sets his story mostly in Germany , something unusual for a manga but I reckon even more close to the affections and experiences of most Western readers. He masterfully weaves long, seemingly totally disconnected threads ... Dec 28, 2013
Look at me, look at me! The monster inside me has grown this large!
- The Nameless Monster (Obluda, Která Nemá Své Jméno) What does a man have to do to become fictitious? How does one make his existence merely fiction? It's dubbed as the "perfect suicide". Kill everyone who has had memories of you, and finally, kill yourself. Somewhat long summary, or rather, plot introduction: The plot of Monster revolves around Dr. Tenma, a surgeon with a bright future in his field of work, and engaged to the beautiful and glamorous daughter of one of the medical world's most influential players, his hospital's director, Udo Heinemann. One day, he ... Oct 22, 2008
Oh, MONSTER does many, many things right. An American creator would surely be jealous of things that Urasawa succeeds at seemingly effortlessly. The cast is large but each character’s motivation is clearly defined. Many of the secondary characters steal their scenes (none moreso than the icy “computer-brained” police investigator chasing the lead character). Urasawa seamlessly integrates effective single-episode stories into his larger arcs, adding extra depth to the proceedings. While my initial impression was that the characterization was still far too thin, by the end Urasawa had convinced me (at least with the main character) that he’d pulled off a satisfying character arc over the
Nov 1, 2024
I fell for the hype around this manga, and it is leagues out of proportion to the quality of this work.
Story: Monster is slow and boring. While the premise is interesting, it long overstays its welcome. The story drags on and on in a very predictable fashion. The ending is very ambiguous leaving it up to interpretation. There isn’t anything wrong with that, the problem however is the fact that it feels extremely anti-climactic being at the end of a very drawn out story. 4/10 Characters/Themes: Monster excels in this department, unfortunately it is also the only thing it has going for it. Dr. Tenma is a beacon of ... Feb 18, 2024
having also read billy bat previously, i think i can say that i am not the biggest fan of urasawa's works. for monster, perhaps it's my expectations being too high, but there definitely was something missing for me.
don't get me wrong, it was mostly an enjoyable experience. i adored tenma, his work ethic, him always putting others first even if it means sacrification, him not being able to shoot even the most evil 'monsters' out there, and his long journey into reversing his damage done and discovering the darkness that roams. i often got goosebumps whenever johan appeared, theorising about his ... |