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Jan 5, 2014 7:21 PM

Feb 2011
Chapter 1:
The sunlight slowly vanished beneath the treetops. A single lonely hut was cloaked in the shadows of the surrounding forest edge while field in front of it enjoyed the last beams of light for this day. Along the tree line, not far from the hut, was a hill, from which a cloaked figure was observing the wooden house. No one left or entered it during the day. Either it was abandoned or the residents were nocturnal and would set out as soon as the sun has vanished. He has seen quite a few of those creatures, who set out to hunt at night, even encountered a few and barely got away. But he doubted that they'd live in a house. Still, caution was what had him survive this long here. He won't approach the hut until it's dark.
As night fell, he saw two figures leaving the house. So they were indeed nocturnal. He couldn't make out what they were, but they looked mostly human like. The hut was small so he doubted there would be someone else living inside, guarding it now. There was still a small chance though. But his patience was at an end. He was hungry and his reserves were used up. Either he would act now or soon he would be too hungry to think cleary or act in case of danger. His dagger could only buy him a few moments. Compared to them he was weak. But he already escaped a few times thanks to his weapon. He wouldn't go down there without it.

There was no visible light shining through the windows. So most likely there were indeed only two of them living here. The door opened with a slight creaking sound. Through the small gap he could peek inside and as he thought, nobody was inside. He slipped inside and closed the door. The moonlight was barely enough to roughly make out the interior. He quickly let his gaze wander through the room. There was a fire place, a table in the middle. Most importantly there was food on it. He approached the table to take a closer look. Bread, something that looked like fruits and leftover bones. Sadly no meat, which he could use the most now, but better nothing. He quickly grabbed the bread and some of the fruits and stuffed them in his pockets. Next were the wardrobes. There might be tools in them, he could use later. He pulled out a drawer. With a groan he noticed the thick layer of dust that now sticked to his hand and....
""Wait a sec....""
He quickly revised the situation. When he searched the table there was no dust on it. Now that he looked around again he noticed the partially rampaged furniture. Examining the room closer he noticed that dust was everywhere except for the table with food on it. Either the people living here were really lazy or...
As soon as he thought the word he already heard a loud slam on the ceiling. Fear and reflex caused him to cower. He held his breath while listening to the creaking of the wood as the creature slowly moved above him. He quickly looked around. There has to be a way out. The front door led to an open field. He was lost if he took that way. So the only other option was....
"The forest!"
Now he had to act quickly. Above him the creature let out a bone chilling scream. She called the others.
Jumping to the window he pulled open the wooden cover to climb out. At the same time, a fist crashed through the front door behind him, while more screams could be heard.
The forest was dark but it was his only hope of escape. The moss softened his clumsy fall out of the window.
Then he began to run. The deeper he got into the forest the unsteadier the ground became. Meanwhile he heard several creatures catching up to him.and suddendly something pounced at him from the sides, but he was quick enough to slide under a fallen tree. The wood broke from the impact as the creature tried to smite him.
"Just how powerful are they?!!"
It was now far darker than at the edge of the forest. The creatures were nocturnal and had a clear advantage in terrain. Then... a stone wall.
"You are kidding me, right?"
A steep hill blocked the side. It would take too long the climb it. It was a dead end. At first he thought he was done, but then he noticed something. The screams had stopped and nothing came out to attack him.
"geez... and here I thought I could witness a funny feast"
Normally he was pretty alert when it came to dangers near him, but he didn't notice her presence at all. Maybe the hunger numbed his senses.
Far above him she sat on a tree branch. On the first look human but on closer inspection one would notice the ears standing straight up from her head and the furry tail, laid over her lap.
"It's pretty entertaining to watch werewolfs eat."

I decided to start a bit ahead, so my character is already on the island for a while. But flashback chapters on how he got there will definitely come. If you have any suggestions on what I can improve let me know. My creativity is lacking atm which is why I write rather slowly T_T
madhatter10May 16, 2016 2:30 PM
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Jan 5, 2014 7:49 PM

Nov 2012
That's pretty cool, starting further ahead in the story and underneath telling how you want to recap to this point, I also liked how you've set these monsters up as a major threat, it gives the idea on how hard careful humans have to be

Loving it so far
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jan 5, 2014 8:27 PM

Feb 2011
Chapter 2:
"You can lower your "weapon", you know. I don't intend to harm you. Too bothersome, too easy."
"Did they flee because of you?"
She didn't move a bit. Just sitting relaxed on the tree branch.
"Nay. Doubt they were intelligent enough to even notice I was here. But bigger hunters are moving this night. That's what scared them."
"Are you one of them?"
He wasn't sure if he should ask that question. If she took it as provocation, he would be dead for sure.
Though there was a great distance between them she instantly appeared before him.
"Do you want to find out?"
Grinning she bared her fangs. Afraid he tumbled a few steps back.
"Just kidding. I won't kill my entertainment."
"Yes. I've followed you quite a while now. It's interesting how you've fought your way through the wilderness till now. Though today I thought they would finally get you. You have amazing luck."
("So, she watched me walking right into all of the traps without thinking about helping me...")
Meanwhile he noticed that here tail has split up into several. Six in total, which were swishing around.
" was also amazing how you distracted the dragon with that bag of coins. I always wondered why you carried that around with you, eventhough you never visited a city."
("Talking about things that could have killed me, like it was some adventure show... wait... what was that? Cities?")
"There are cities?"
"Ohh.. you didn't know? There are, not many though and a single human would attract a lot of attention, walking around alone there."
She didn't seem to have any intend of harming him. Maybe she could help him out.
"Alone... then couldn't you.."
And with a quick jump she was already on a tree branch again.
"That's your problem to solve. I just watch you and laugh from time to time., she responded with a fang bearing grin, before disappearing completely.
"Awesome... whatever. I got what I came here for. Time to eat.
But before he could grab into his pockets he heard her voice from above again.
"By the way. Here is not the safest place for a night camp. Whatever drove the wolfs away is looking for you. If you go a bit further ahead you will find a centaur camp. They are all pretty drunk already so if you stay close and hidden you should be safe. And if you wait until they leave in the morning you may even find some leftovers. But be quick.
"I thought you didn't want to help me.", he shouted towards the treecrowns.
"Aye. 'Tis some small repayment."
Just before he could ask himself what the repayment was for, he heard her munching down on something. Only then he noticed that parts of the food he scavenged were missing.
Shrugging his shoulders and sighing angrily over how he got tricked he marched on, until he saw light from the campside. Nobody could possibly overhear the noise they made. He was still cautious. Sneaking to a tree that was not to far and not to close to them he sat down and began eating the leftovers of the food to the sound of drunk and shouting centaurs and clashing beer mugs.

So chapter 2 finished. Hope the evil fox turned out as evil as I wanted her to. The flashback chapters will be a bit scattered though^^ Nice to know that it turned out the way I wanted. I more or less tried to split monster girls into civilized and less civilized although there may be exceptions.
madhatter10Jan 5, 2014 8:36 PM
Jan 5, 2014 8:43 PM

Nov 2012
The fox seemed more whimsical then evil, but I liked her, it shows she's like a ghost, helping only to her benefit and entertainment while showing what kind of character she is (one not to be trifled with), and you've done or doing well on the civil/wild aspect on things

Scattered flash backs? I would have done it all at once at a cliff hanger or safe spot, like your life flashing before your eyes or recollecting events till now, but your the writer so I'll wait and see some good stuff
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jan 6, 2014 12:11 AM

Jul 2008
Great start. I assume this is still quite early on since your arrival?
Jan 9, 2014 8:32 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 3:
The next morning, all that was left were clear traces that a centaur group has had a party here. He has slept light and woke up, when he heard the centaurs departing. They left back quite a mess. From torn furs to broken mugs and flasks. Smoke was still rising from the burned out campfire and among the mess and ashes he really found leftovers, just like the strange fox predicted. The centaurs most likely were hunters. Several skinned animals lying around the campside. Since they were herbivores, they discarded the meat. Lucky for him.
("The last thing a centaur with a hangover cares about are the leftovers from yesterday"), she'd said.
He quickly cleaned the food from dirt and ashes and roasted it on the still hot campfire ashes. He had nearly forgotten the taste of meat and beer. It felt refreshing, after days of eating either nothing or just vegetables and fruits. In the night he overheard the centaurs talking. Among the drunk shouting some of them mentioned cities and how the inhabitants of these cities were cowards who couldn't survive in the wilderness. He picked up rough directions and eventhough they had several pints too much, he had no reason to doubt there sense of orientation. That was his next destination. How he would get into the city was a problem for a later time. Now he needed to search the camp for anything viable. In the night he already noticed others, who waited for the centaurs to leave and his only protection from them was the fact that noone wanted to fight near a horde of drunk and armed horsegirls. It wouldn't take long until they would appear here for the same reason he was there. He had to hurry and leave until then.
It was quite a long and unsteady way out of the forest and he felt lucky for not encountering any trouble and although he felt a gaze in his back now and then, after yesterdays meeting he could imagine who it was. Trying to start a conversation with her felt useless as she would most likely not answer him and even if, she would just steal his food again.
After making his way through the green for a while he finally found the river the centaur talked about. Not only was the forest less thick in this area but now he also had a source of water and a waypoint he just needed to follow. From time to time though he had to stay hidden, as other creatures also used the river. When a lizard girl and something resembling a unicorn crossed paths at the river in order to drink, he expected them to fight, given that most other inhabitants of this island he'd met before were rather aggressive. But they completely ignored each other, finishing what they came here for and leaving quietly.
And then, after following the river for a while, finally the end of the forest. Infront of him the river ended in a waterfall and continued to flow through the rocky valley. In the distance he could see the city, although it was smaller than he imagined and more of a village. Most of it was made of wood and there was no wall surrounding it. The hills around the village seemed to be enough of a natural barrier. He was sure that he would find helpful things inside the city. The question was, if he could hide his human identity and if they were willing to give them to him. But first he had to get there.

-meanwhile at the abandoned centaur camp-
The scent was only faint, but the source of it definitely passed through here. A werebear and an elf were searching the camp for ressources and food. She regarded the elf nostalgically. Once she was one of them. But now they feared her and would attack her if they got a chance. A single one of them was nothing to worry about though. She pulled down the cloth that covered half her face to pick up the scent again. Ever since she first came across it, she was magically drawn to it and tracked it since then. Apart from the scent she was searching, she could also smell the blood of the elf and the werebear. It made her hungry again. Maybe before she continues she She quickly covered her face again. The cloth was tinctured with a strong perfume, so she couldn't smell the blood around her. It would drive her crazy otherwise. She left silently toward the river. It would be more difficult to track it there, but as long as there was no bloodshed along the way she should be able to trace it. She would definitely find the source of it.

Well I imagined the fox to be a more sadistic version of Holo from Spice & Wolf^^
Maybe I will do it that way but I still need ideas for that. Atm it's easier for me to continue from where I am.

Thx Yummy^^
Yes he's not that long on the Island (longer than Roy though). I would say approximately 2 months.

Next Chapter will be a flashback but not from the MC :D
madhatter10Jan 26, 2017 7:18 AM
Jan 9, 2014 12:28 PM

Nov 2012
Wow two months, he must be pretty good at survival
And I don't know what a were ear is, unless you mean grizzly, but that elf seems quite high strunge, and for a reason I bet, too bad the fix didn't come out, I like her, she's helpful and dangerous :)
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jan 9, 2014 10:09 PM

Feb 2011
Chapter 4 - Flashback:
"At first nothing seemed different. It was just a slight fever. Only that it burned through the whole body. I lost my hunger and prefered to stay inside my room than going outside to play in the forest.
It all started when people began to vanish, my brother among them. Soon the elders grew more and more nervous and then we realised that we suffered under a plague. That plague was called Vampire and to them, we were nothing but food. It was not soon after the first attacks that the elders took action and despite their pride as elves called for help. And help came. A warrior dressed in a black cloak and a dragon like creature entered our village. Though he came to bring us salvation from our nightly terrors, the elders seemed to be even more affraid of him. Maybe it was his huge figure, maybe the sword he carried, which seemed like it was made for giants to wield or maybe it was the fact that he looked human, but the aura around him couldn't have been more unhuman.
"We really appreciate your help. I hope you had a safe travel."
The voice of the elder was clearly trembling as he greeted the stranger. The warrior had to look down to meet the eyes of the elder and though he knew how scared they were he kept up a polite attitude.
"Don't worry. Charlotte and I know how to keep us safe."
His companion stayed quiet throughout the whole conversation. Because of my mother I had to end my observation as she came to call me for dinner.
"Come now Evelin. The food is ready. Or are you not hungry today, too?"
"No, I'm there in a second."
What happened then, I would never forget in my life.
The eyes of the stranger pierced right through me. Glowing red irises, like them. Like a hunter his eyes were fixed at me. My mother noticed it, too and I've never seen her so terrified. She quickly grabbed me and carried me in the kitchen. Dinner went by silently. The food was still tasteless and soon night fell over our village again. Everyone vanished in their houses and hoped that the sun would soon protect us from them again. Before I went to sleep I went to the room of my brother again. It was a daily ritual since he'd disappeared. No screams, no bloodshed. They'd taken him silently, the open window as the only sign they had even been there.
I couldn't sleep that night. I thought the pressence of someone who would protect us would calm me down, but my thoughts were still uneasy and though I knew the danger that awaited me outside I snuck outside to watch him. Back then I though he didn't notice me, but now I'm sure he was always aware of my pressence. He stood at the centre of our village, his sword rammed into the ground infront of him. There was no sign of the dragon and of vampires. Suddendly something swooped down above me, grabbed a figure behind me and quickly rose up again. It was the dragon and she'd grabbed a vampire who'd snuck up behind me. She threw the vampire toward the warrior who turned around and cleaved her in half with one strike. More came out of nowhere and stormed toward him. His dragon would strike down at some of them while he swung his sword to kill them and keep others at distance. A bone chilling shriek suddendly cought the attention of the combatants. On a houseroof stood a vampire that was different from the others. While most of them looked nearly like humans, this one looked like a beast. Skinny and pale, wings sprouting from her back. The others backed off as she approached him.
"Charlotte, keep the others at bay, if they try something funny. I'll take care of this one."
The vampire chief's voice was terribly distorted and deep because of her form. Other villagers seemed to watch the scene through gaps in their windows.
"Betrayer! Do you claim all this food for yourself?! Or do you think they will be nice to you if you hunt us? Do they even know that you are one of us?"
"Uhh.. big mistake. Comparing him to your kind makes him angry."
Before I could look back to him he had already thrown his sword, with such force that it pinned the vampire to the housewall behind her.
"Firstly, these elves are no food. And I don't need to drink blood since I'm conserving my energy pretty well. Secondly, I don't expect them to be nice. After this job is done I'm gone. And lastly..."
He grabbed her face.
"...I'm not like you"
The sound of cracking bones echoed through the village. Now it was the vampires turn to be scared. They backed off and one after another fled from the village. He had defeated them. I snuck back into our house and for the first time I thought I could sleep well again.
It was nothing like that. The fever got worse and worse and soon during the night, I lost consciousness. The last thing I remembered was that I tumbled out of my bed, following a scent.

"We are truly grateful for your help. Thank you so much for taking care of the vampires. I doubt we will see them again."
Still pretty nervous in his pressence, the village chief gave the mercenaries their rewards, thanking them over and over again.
"It's too soon for that. I didn't take care of all of them. One is left."
"W-what? How?"
"I originally wanted to pay them a visit this morning. But it seems I'm too late already. You will see soon."
The villagers followed his eyes and as soon as the door of the house opened, horror was in their faces. Out of the doorway stumbled a young elf girl, her mouth and hands covered in blood. She was like in trance and stopped after a few steps.
"S-She too? A monster was in our midst this whole time?!"
A villager who was brave enough ran past her into the house. After a while he opened the window, depression on his face and shaking his head.

It was then that I regained my consciousness. Infront of me a large crowd. The stranger among them. My head still felt dizzy.
"G-Good morning elder."
But as soon as I tried to approach them, they backed of in fear. Before I knew it, the first stone hit my face. Then another and another.
"Get lost you monster! How could you do that?!"
They didn't stop throwing stones at me even as blood began to run down my face. I didn't understand what was going on and soon, two of the adults grabbed me and pushed me to the ground. It was then that I got a clear look of the blood on my hands and I realized the scent I followed in the night was the scent of blood. The blood of my parents which I killed that night. It probably happened the night when they took my brother. Ever since then I suffered from the fever and a faint pain in my neck. Realizing that I watched our neighbour fetching an axe and approaching me. He lost his daughter to the vampires. It was only natural that he wanted to kill me. Closing my eyes I waited for the axe to come down. But all I felt were sparks, that lightly burned my neck as a result of clashing metal. When I opened my eyes the shadow of a broad blade covered me.
"I'll take responsibility for her. It was partly my fault this happened."
"You knew what she was?! And why do you protect her. Vampires are savages and must be eradicated!"
One look of the stranger was enough to silence the shouting villager, as he remembered who he was talking to.
"I didn't expect it to happen so soon. She is still young, unable ot fight her urges. I wanted to meet her but now it is too late. She already lost control last night. I'll take responsibility for her. She will come with me. I will take her away from your village. That should be in your interest. If you still want to kill her, you can try to take her away from me."
Naturally noone dared to oppose him. They loosened their grip and he helped me up.
"What's your name?"
"I see. I'm Harrison. And the Wyvern here is Charlotte. You and me are basically the same. Although you seem to be a bit more complete than me. We will take you to a place, where you can live peacefully. You won't need to worry about blood or people that want to kill you."
He smiled lightly while he said that. A bit later we left the village. He carried me a bit since I was still too weak to walk on my own.
Back then I didn't knew, what he had planned for me. But one thing was sure. Harrison and Charlotte saved me from an early death and helped me to control my vampirism. They took me to an Abbey in the mountains, where I was trained in combat. And soon I set out like them, to roam the land and help where I could.
That is, until came across the scent from something that wasn't from these lands..."

This one came out a bit longer. Could finish it quickly because I already had a rough idea how it should be. Next chapter will be a bit more difficult :/
Yeah Werebear = Grizzly but Werebear sounds more dangerous :D
I didn't really think of a time window but since he already knows his way around I would say around 2 months. Longer than Roy but by far not longer than Harrison who is probably already several years on the island.
Jan 10, 2014 1:46 PM

Nov 2012
woah, a monster with a boy sibling, I didn't expect that so soon but who knows, maybe he's adopted :P
anyway I feel sorry for Evelin, that's harsh & do you plan to have roy make an appearance? just a quick moment or a turning point for your new character?
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jan 11, 2014 9:19 PM

Feb 2011
Chapter 5:
The village wasn't too small but also not really big. He would stand out as a stranger right away. But that wasn't a problem as long as he could cover up his human identity. His clothes would cover most of him, including his face. But if they decided to talk to him, it would be over. His voice wasn't really feminine and so far he had only seen female specimen. That would of course also exclude talking to them to get information. He went along a small path and soon, passed the first houses. So far all went good. He earned curious looks here and there, but that was to be expected. Nothing assaulted or tried to stop him. It felt strange. The village seemed so human like. Inhabitants greeting each other and merchants trying to sell their goods. In a street corner he stopped and watched how a blacksmith worked for a customer. The blacksmith had lizard like features, red scales and a burning tail. She skillfully used the flames on her tail to heat up the metal before working on it. While waiting for the raw metal to be ready she engaged in small chit chat with her customer. At first glance he thought he'd finally found another human, but as with the fox, the differences were in the details, in this case pointy elf like ears and a tail with a spade shaped end. As soon as the metal was glowing white, she began to work on it and slowly shaped it into a slender blade. He regarded her other works, presented on a wooden table. Among various weapons, there was also tableware. Knifes and forkes for everyday life.
"Pretty awesome work, don't you think?", she said, confident in her craft.
Not paying attention, he hadn't noticed that the customer already had left and that the blacksmith had turned her attention towards him. Now he was in trouble..
"Aye. You won't find anything better in town! Seen anything you like?"
("Eh? There's no way she hasn't noticed that she is talking to a guy. Yet she isn't attacking. She didn't even question it. Maybe there really are male specimen and she thinks I am one?")
"E-eh no. I'm just looking at the moment."
"Ah, too bad. Let me know, if you find something."
Just before she could continue another customer came and delivered a package.
("I need to get out of here quickly!")
"I've never seen you here. New in town? Where do you come from?"
He froze midstep.
("Damnit! Don't make this even harder for me!!")
"I...I'm a traveler. Stopping here and there..he..he
"Hooo... a traveler. And only armed with a butter knife? You must be really good then."
"Well... I know my way around... I need to get going, still need to reserve my room in the hotel...."
"Ah sure... but this town doesn't even have a hotel...are you sure you know your way around here?"
She was grinning friendly, but he just felt like he was stabbed several times.
"Ah! A new face in town!"
Approaching him was the fox girl he met in the forest.
("The fox! I'm saved! Please get me out of here!")
"If you look for somewhere to sleep, I think I know a place or two."
He probably never felt so relieved to see a familiar face. Then... he could see it in her smile. Her eyes said "friendly", but her smile said "I'm gonna dunk you so deep in shit you're gonna suffocate on it".
"You smell strange. I never came across this scent. What race do you belong to?"
"Yeah.. Are you an elf or a Werewolf? You are obviously not a Lizardman or Centaur."
"W-w-well. I-I..."
"Now that you mention it. He really has a strange scent."
("Whyyyy?!!! T_T)
He wanted to disappear. Nothing he could say now would redeem him.
"Let me have a look on your cute face!"
With a quick motion she pulled up his hood, revealing his head.
"Hmm... no pointy ears. Not an elf. *Sniff* *sniff* And certainly not a werewolf. The scent of wet dog is missing for that. Seems like we have something more exotic here."
"A human?!"
("I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!")
"Hey, human! Do you have a owner?"
"Companion, wife, whatever you want to call it. What I'm asking is, did someone of us already claim you?"
"Hell no!"
Suddendly the fox started waving her hand.
"What the hell are you doing now!"
"Waving at the passing chance that could have gotten you out of this mess."
Then he realised.
("Shit... If I had pretended she was my owner, this crap could have been already over!")
"Then couldn't you....
"No, chance missed.", she turned her head stubbornly.
"Not the right time to be sulky!!!"
"Good. Then I will."
"Don't just decide that on your own!! Where are my rights."
"You have the right to be the father of my offspring."
Angrily he pointed his dagger at her.
"Hoo... quite passionate. I like men with a strong will. But are you sure you want to fight me with that? I'll be fair and give you one of my swords."
"This served me better than any clunky sword you have could."
Suddendly the flames on her tail shot up.
"One does not simply insult a blacksmiths work.", the fox lectured and indeed the lizard woman was furious now.
"W-What was that?! I-I see. Some customers need a practical demonstration in order to be convinced."
"Nice to have known you."
The lizard girl dashed forward and before he could react, his face was already in the dust. But not because she hit him. Someone pushed him out of the way and parried the attack. The sound of clashing metal echoed through the streets.
In the spot where he stood a second ago was now a slender elf girl ,clad in black leather armor, parrying the downwards strike on her knee with a slim katana.
"I lay claim to him!"

No Devil he was also an elf and her real brother xD
Appereance of Roy in this story is not planned atm. But might be the other way round.
madhatter10Jan 11, 2014 9:23 PM
Jan 12, 2014 3:22 AM

Nov 2012
I ment the elf girl... anyway I LOVED this chapter, at 1st it was like all cool then abit unsure with all the information you where throwing around, then it went for comedy and I was enjoying the show, once you were revealed (and wasn't instantly spotted unfortunately even by others in the street as well :/ ) I was at the edge of my seat, as soon as the salamander stepped up all I could think of is that jurassic park scene were the raptor steps up onto the kitchen table before leaping out at the kid

and now the elvish vampire steps in and causes a really big and dynamic change and twist to your foxes already perfect scene... speaking of you do know vampires cant handle the sun? :P
just keeping to the myths and stuff
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jan 12, 2014 8:25 AM

Feb 2011
good thing you mentioned it, because I forgot that xD
Actually that gave me an idea for the next chapter.
He was surely spotted by others aswell since they caused quite a ruckus around him. The other monster girls just didnt want to pick a fight with the salamander^^
Jan 12, 2014 8:40 PM

Nov 2012
well i look forward to your next chapter
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jan 14, 2014 1:50 AM

Jul 2008
Oh is this one completely tied in with your other story? It seems like the stage is well set.
Jan 14, 2014 10:16 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 6:
It was quite a strong blow. It wouldn't have killed him that was not her intention, but it would have certainly left a mark.
The girl that catched the blow for him turned her head.
"Are you all right?"
He slowly pulled himself together. Seemed like it was enough of an answer for her.
"Stand aside human. This girl is now my opponent."
Grunting angrily he dusted his clothes off and took his place besides the fox, who was responsible for this mess.
"What the hell do they all want from me? I though here they would be more civilized than out there!"
"Oh, they are more civilized. The others wouldn't have warned you before assaulting you. Anyway the girl will lose."
"How the hell can you say that already?!"
"Just look at her. The blow wasn't even meant to kill, yet she needs all her strength to block it. Now against her, the lizard won't hold back."
"Then why did she interfere anyway?"
"Acting before thinking. Playing the hero. Or maybe she has a special interest in you. Remember when I told you, something is looking for you? That's her."
He looked back at her. She wound herself out of the block and built up distance again. The tail of the blacksmith was swishing around in anticipation, sending out sparks in every direction.
"I'm following you quite a while now. Every night I felt something was out there. During the day I didn't notice anything at all. But during the night I felt it clearly. And everyone in the area did, too. She is definitely a night hunter. But the sun still shines, so she is no threat for the Lizard, who doesn't care if it's day or night."
Suddendly the elf girl shot forward. She could have gone for a full frontal attack, but instead she tried to circle the lizard to get behind her. Then he could see it. From her gaping mouth two pointy fangs that tried to pierce the lizards neck. But she was quicker and the elf only bit the scaled arm. She could pull back just quick enough to avoid a devastating tail swipe.
"Hoo... so a vampire it is. Smart move. But reaching that neck will be difficult.
"Vampire? Don't they die in sunlight?"
"No. But they are weak as a kitty in it. Right now, she only has the speed of her elvish body. But compared to Salamanders, elves are far weaker in combat. So unless she gets to drink the blood of the Lizard, she won't have the power to defeat her. And it's still a while till dawn when her weakness will start to disappear. It won't be long until the lizard..."
He felt a bushy tail swishing across his neck area. Shivers ran down his spine.
He didn't want to belong to either of them. But he also didn't want to be responsible for a death. He was thinking quickly. This time she was too slow and the impact launched her into a house.
("Now or never!. You brought this upon yourself, lizard!")
He pointed his palm towards the lizard and began to concentrate. Slowly he felt heat flowing through his arm.
"Steady there little one... don't increase the heat too fast.
Even the fox was suprised as flames suddendly began to flicker from his arms.
("Idiot... your thoughts are too unsteady for this.")

A pained scream disrupted the fighters. They turned towards the direction it came from and saw the human, they both desired, screaming and twitching on the ground, his right arm in flames.

Same setting. Yes^^ Both stories will complement each other a bit, with this one showing things the other one won't.

Next chapter will be another short flashback. This time from the MC. And don't worry. I won't turn him into a mage. Not a thirty year old virgin yet.
madhatter10Jan 20, 2014 12:49 PM
Jan 14, 2014 12:00 PM

Nov 2012
I'm not sure I like vampires in sun light (if anything I prefer they be wrapped in a cloak or something to hide from the light)
And already trying some magic? Judging from your previous chapters your setting up something
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jan 14, 2014 12:14 PM

Feb 2011
Not exactly his magic though. And like you've read it extremely backfired. The next chapter will explain more :)
Well Harrison has his cloak + only half transformed. He could theoretically fight in sunlight^^
Jan 19, 2014 6:13 PM

Nov 2012
thats true, half vamp can walk in sun but be weaker, but if the time difference is great since her turning she's need to be cover up (you know e.g. leather armour, gloves, cloak) at least then once she takes it off you can describe that scene like claire form your last story (who i miss... ron should have had her way with him)

I only ask this because by "normal" vampires she could take a blow to the arm or be skewered and it would have not real harm, unless decapitated or through the heart and possibly fire being effective ways of hurting/killing her (garlic's a weakener)
BlackRegisJan 19, 2014 7:10 PM
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jan 25, 2014 4:39 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 7:
Pain pulsed through his head while he slowly regained his consciousness. He opened his eyes but the vision was still blurry. Someone was infront of him and he was lying in a bed. Having blinked a few more times improved his view and he could make out the fox standing infront of the bed, holding a wooden table with food on it. She seemed to have expected him to wake up, smiling and wagging her tails.
"Something's not right when you are nice. What do you want?"
"He he..."

"Thanks for letting us use your room."
Evelin and the Salamander blacksmith were on their way back from the market. It was a chilly morning and thick fog lay over the small village, because of the nearby river.
"Don't sweat it. Dead he wouldn't be of use to any of us."
"Well... about our little difference..."
"We didn't finish our fight, didn't we? Nothing's been decided."
Meanwhile they had reached said room. After stepping through the door they were exposed to a strange sight.
"Guess you should hurry, if you still want a piece of him. The fox seems to already have enslaved him..."
"I... guess I'm glad that you are awake. But what the hell are you doing?"
"SHE forced me to do it. She said she wouldn't give me food unless I help her comb her tails..."
"Aye. It's a hassle to comb six tails alone. So I thought you could help me. One hand washed the other. I brought you the food so this is just a small favor in return.
He was greatly displeased on how this favor was forced upon him.
"How is your arm?", the elf girl turned towards him.
"Suprisingly good. Nearly healed again, eventhough I don't know how."
"Ha! Guess what I'm missing at the moment."
"Shame and conscience mostly."
Her answer came promptly with a smack of her tail in his face.
"No, stupid! My Orb. I planted it inside you temporarily to speed up your healing process."
"That's why I feel so strange..."
Another smack from her tail.
"Before you have so much fur in your mouth that you can't talk anymore, mind telling us why you can cast fire?"
"That's also a reason I planted my orb inside him. But so far I only found out that he has a strange magic flow inside him. And it's not his."
"You mean he's possessed?"
"Not possessed, more like a little parasite living inside him. I can try to pull it out if you want."
"WAIT! I know what it is and it's not dangerous!"
"It nearly burned your arm off...."
"That's...because it's...inexperienced...
"Then tell us what it is."

It happened not long after I arrived here. To make a long story short, I woke up somewhere along the coastline and made my way further inland. That was when I came across it. A completely burned down field. There were a few houses but nothing was left standing. Naturally I tried to find something I could use. And then in one of the ruins I found a single flickering flame. At first I ignored it but the I noticed the writing burned into the ground next to it.
"Eat me".
"What am I?! Some kind of circus artist?!", I thought at first but suddendly the flame began to furiously bounce up and down. I ignored it and continued with my search, unaware of the approaching danger. When the little flame burned my ankle I instantly drew my dagger and turned around. Behind my was a wolf like creature pouncing at me. I knew it was to late but I desperately tried to slash it, when suddendly a flame burst from my dagger, driving it away. The little flame had tried to warn me and jumped on my dagger while I was turning around. After the wolf fled it jumped back on the ground.
"That was close... thanks for the warning little on. Hey? Did you get smaller."
It really looked like it was on the verge of going out. That was when I decided to follow it's request, taking it in my hand and swallowing what was left of it. It didn't hurt but felt incredibly warm. Since then my wounds heal a bit faster and fire doesn't hurt as much as before.

"Sounds like you met an Ignis."
"A what?"
"A fire spirit. From what you told us, it was indeed on the verge of death and used you to save itself."
"If that is true, then we have a real problem here."
"W-w-what? Why? Am I going to die?"
"Not from the Ignis for sure. But now witches, dark magicians and other magic users will hunt you down."
"What pointy-ears is trying to say is that you've become a catalyst for magic rituals. Most of these rituals will certainly lead to your death. Normally they can't use an elemental spirit, since they are...spirits. They need a container for it. And since you've made a contract with one, you are now exactly that."
This was too much for him. So now he was officially wanted in these lands.
"I guess the Ignis back then didn't have any evil intend. It just wanted to save itself. Not all creatures here are evil as you noticed."
"Yeah. Just bat shit crazy, when it comes to marriage..."
"Well... that's true...partially. But maybe at my order we can help you and seperate you from the Ignis.
"I'm a bit worried about what will happen to it, when we do that..."
"Expressing worries for a creature you barely know. You never did that for me!", the fox complained pouting.
"You stole my food!!"
"I can't say what will happen to the Ignis. But if you get caught and used in a ritual, you will both die."
"Well... sounds reasonable. And traveling with you will be easier than getting around alone."
"Then it's decided."

A bit later around noon they left the village, being seen off by the Salamander-smith with the words that he still has a chance to marry her if he changes his mind. Their way led them in the direction of the biggest mountain on the Island.
"Pardon me my impoliteness, but I didn't introduce myself. I'm Evelin. I grew up at the order we are heading to know. What's your name?"
He remembered that it has been a long time since he last introduced himself. He had to think a bit before he remembered what he was called.
"I'm Michael. And why the hell are you following us?!"
"Kasumi it is. And you still have my orb inside you. I can't be seperated from you thus."
Suddendly a blue ball shot out of Michaels back.
"Looks like the Ignis had enough of unwanted guests inside Michael."
"Well...", she said, hugging him from behind," you still won't get rid of me that easily", she whispered in his ear, snickering.
"We have quite a way ahead of us. Let's hope we can avoid unnecessary trouble."

And so, their long way into the mountains began. But others already had set their sights on the anomaly traveling with them...

So finally finished. Hope this explains a bit more. Turned out quite long and is mostly more background info. Will try to write a few more fights into the next chapter.
Ah and the order Evelin mentioned is the mountain abbey Harrison took her to, after saving her from the village.

The cut at the end seems a bit abrupt to me, but during writing it I noticed that I had written 2 full pages already and needed to end the chapter soon xD I didn't see a possibility to split the chapter at another point.
Well, hope you like it, eventhough it's mostly talking.
madhatter10Jan 25, 2014 4:44 AM
Jan 25, 2014 4:58 AM

Nov 2012
yeah I know what you mean, I can get into it too at some times, I liked it very much and having an ignus really matures your character development into a mage user style :P but I know you preffer the assassin typed, anyways it was a great chapter, I liked how you combed kasumi's tails and the explination of your magical origins, that was pretty awesome
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Feb 8, 2014 7:38 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 8:
It was a rocky but not too steep path they followed. Evelyn was walking a head. She knew the way to the abbey after all.There wasn't much vegetation at this height but sometimes they needed to cross a river, which ran down into the valley. Occasionally they encountered traveling merchants, one which Kasumi plotted to rob, only to be scolded by Evelin. She seemed to be more of a righteous type.
"Michael...carry me... I don't want to walk anymore..."
"Stop clinging to my arm please..."
"But we have to pretend to be a couple. Or the next merchant might try to buy you off us. How much do you think is appropriate for him pointy ears?"
"He's a walking potential catastrophy. There's no way we could sell him. And stop calling me that. Your ears are pretty pointy to after all."
"My ears are elegantly shaped and coated with fine fur. Yours are like his, just pointy.", she explained proudly.
"Anyway. I don't want to walk anymore. Can we stop at the next village?"
With these words she let go of Michael and ran a bit ahead. Meanwhile Evelin was inspecting her ears.
"Bothered by what she said?"
"Eh?! Ah.. no, no. It's alright... I guess."
Her face became bright red and it didn't take a genius to notice how uncomfortable she was.
"Well I guess that's just her. She really is a cunning and mean fox."
"How did you meet? You two seem really close. Is she your companion?"
"No I'm her entertainment..:"
"WHAT?! You mean, you two d-d-d-d...
Her face became even redder and it took him a few moments tll he realised what she was getting at.
"NO! Not that kind of entertainment! She stalked me for quite some time and watched me going through all kind of shit without even THINKING of helping me...."
"So.. like watching gladiators fight."
"Kind of..."
Kasumi was now far ahead of them, but given her grin she'd still listened to their conversation.
"Get going! You are slower than a holstaurus! I can see smoke from here!"
"Who was complaining, not wanting to walk anymore...Wait a sec... smoke?!"
Quickly the two of them catched up with her. From this point they could go two ways. Crossing the bridge in front of them, which lead over a steaming waterfall. This was the original route Evelin wanted to take. The smoke Kasumi has seen came from a bit higher up. A side way lead them along the river up a hill. Michael was suprised to see trees up here but these looked sturdier than the ones he had seen in the forest. Behind the treeline, smoke rose up.
"Smoke equals people equals food equals a warm bed. Let's take a look!"
Kasumi didn't wait for a reply and ran straight ahead. Her hunger seemed to be bigger than her lazyness.
"We wouldn't have made it to the abbey today anyway. Better than sleeping outside."
Evelin just shrugged and began trotting after Kasumi.
"That damn fox..."

Soon the first houses came into sight.
"It's too quiet..."
"Didn't you notice it? No bird sounds. No sounds of live in general..."
"Now that you say it.. yeah. It really is too quiet for a village. Even the smallest villages are quite busy at this time. How did you notice it so quickly?"
"Past weeks full of danger. I know when something's not right around me."

The village was like a ghost town. There were a few houses but no signs of life in any of them. Evelin tried knocking on a few doors but there was no response. Three strangers would have attracted at least a bit of attention.
"Let's spread out and see if we can find some clues. If not, we meet up again and stay in one of the houses for the night."
They looked around the village, but nothing could be found. Not a single soul and not the source of the smoke. Even the smoke itself was gone. In fact it looked like the town has been abandoned for a long time. There were signs of a fight though, as some houses were in terrible condition. They met up again and entered one of the better looking houses.
"I will see if I can hunt something during dawn. For now we should rest. I think we are pretty safe here."
Kasumi was wagging her tails excitingly.
"What? I'm not combing your tails again!"
"I didn't mean that. Do you still have some of those sweet red little things?"
"Berries. Yes, but you are not getting any. Scavenge your own stuff!"
Sulking she crawled in the corner of the room and covered herself in her tails.
"Michael is so mean... I always paid him back.... life is not fair..."
Evelin nudged him, signaling that he should do something about her.
"Jeez... here."
He threw a small leather satchel to Kasumi. Her mood changed right away and she began munching down the berries.
"What about you? Don't you need something to eat?"
"Not at the moment. I still don't feel comfortable staying here. It's better if I don't sleep too deep."
"I'tsh gonna be alwright", Kasumi said with a full mouth, berry juice sticking to her face.
"I think so, too. Let's sleep. We will continue early tomorrow. I will be the night watch, since I need less sleep."
"I will sleep next to Michael!"
"What?! No!!"
But her tails already wrapped around his arms and legs and pulled him towards her.
"Evelin! Don't just stand around there! Help me!"
Evelin's face though, was bright red again, as if she catched two lovers in their bedroom and she couldn't do anything, besides standing there embarrassed.
After struggling for a while he gave up. Constricted in Kasumi's tails they lay on some cloth sheets they found, Kasumi snoring noticeably. Evelin had her eyes closed but seemingly was awake, leaning towards the wall with her sword embraced.
He asked himself if Kasumi's snoring annoyed her as much as him, but moreover, he couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was in this village. The silence was as eerie in the night as it was during the day. It was like a shadow hung over this region. Soon though, he couldn't resist falling asleep.
He had two powerful creatures around him. What could possibly go wrong?

So part one of the next little adventure.
Assassin type is reserved for Roy :D Because of the rework Roy will undergo a lot of changes and I plan on hinting on that later in this story. But Michael is more of a... runner. If he can save his hide he will rather do so than fight. But the problem with having companions is, as soon as you have two strong guardians who are devoted to protect you, the things you need to be afraid of are limited. That's why I made Kasumi not care about defending him at all xD
madhatter10Feb 8, 2014 7:45 AM
Feb 8, 2014 5:37 PM

Nov 2012
that was a good chapter, and I figured Micheal was more the survivalist then the runner, always scavenging and using what he can around him, anyway I found this funny and serious all at once, kasumi is nice but troubling, and evilins cute yet serious :P strange but wonderful concept
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Feb 19, 2014 9:35 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 9:
Staying awake through the whole night was tough, even for a vampire. Maybe it was the rhythmic snoring of Kasumi that slowly swayed her into sleep. The next thing she remembered was a sudden loud scream of Michael, which went silent seconds later as Kasumi choked him with her tail. Though it seemed more like her tail had a will of it's own since she only awoke seconds before Michael nearly lost consciousness. Evelin jumped up right away and drew her katana. Kasumi was still drowsy, her hair a mess. She couldn't make out the problem right away.
"What are you pointing your sword at, pointy ears?"
"Can't you see?! Look around you!"
Michael caught his breath, while Kasumi released him from her grip and after she thoroughly rubbed her eyes and looked around she got it.
"Oh my! Seems the village wasn't as abandoned as we thought."
In front of them stood a small family, a man, a woman and a small child.
"Ha ha. No need to be hostile. We won't do anything to you. We just returned this morning and found you sleeping here.", the middle aged man said. There was no abnormality in his appearance. He could be human. But this island has suprised Michael many times. He would not let his guard down. And the fact that Evelin looked uneasy, too, proofed him right in doing so. The only one who was still relaxed, was Kasumi, but that's just her. Evelin lowered her sword and whispered to Michael.
"How?! Didn't we make sure that the town was empty?"
"Well they said, they returned only this morning. Maybe they were on a expedition. But still, leaving a village completely alone, eventhough this area is secluded.
"And look around the house. Wasn't it in much worse condition yesterday?"
"Hey, what are you whispering about?! Let me join, too!"
Kasumi stuck her head between them. A bit annoyed Evelin signaled Michael to go with it for now. He nodded in response.
"I'm sorry. We arrived here yesterday and thought this town was abandoned. So we stayed here for the night. Sorry for the disturbance. We were going to leave this morning anyway."
"No, no, no. Not at all. If it's hospitality you are looking for, you are more than welcomed! Please stay and rest as long as you like."
It was now the woman who was speaking. She had a gentle face and long red hair.
"I'm sure Enya would like to play with some new faces, too. As you said, this village is pretty secluded, so we rarely get visitors."
Evelin and Michael looked at each other again. Evelin gestured him to decline but before he could do that....
"Good idea! I want to take a bath!"
Even the villagers looked a little suprised at Kasumis sudden request, but after thinking for a short moment they showed them the way to a hot spring a bit further up the mountain. On their way to it, the suprises continued. The village was now full of life. Several people, children like adults wandered between the houses. Of course they regarded the outsiders curiously. The little girl, who shortly introduced herself as Enya, led them up to a small wooden house. Kasumi wanted to go first, while Michael and Evelin waited outside.

"Geez... that fox... eventhough she knows we are in a hurry."
"Yeah... though I can't deny that I look forward taking a bath again."
Mist hung over the mountain. It was still early in the morning and the fog hung thickly over the village. Evelin looked tense down the road they went up, when suddendly Michael got up and began massaging her shoulders.
"M-Michael?! W-w-what are you doing?!"
"I still haven't payed you back for saving me from the salamander lady."
"But that was just my duty...."
Her voice was a mere whisper now.
"I still don't understand why you are so determined to help me. I mean.. Kasumi doesn't seem to care at all if I'm something dangerous or not... and I know you even less."
"Personal reasons mostly...
"I don't need to tell you that's not a satisfying answer. So, what's it? I can't trust you if you keep you motives secret from me."
It looked like she was thinking really hard, maybe even she didn't know the answer. The explanation she presented Michael was enough for him though.
"Back when I became a vampire and therefore a threat to my home village, I was really glad when someone came and saved me. I thought I didn't deserve it. I've done terrible things back then. But he was a hero to me and gave me my will to live back. Since then I wanted to be the same for someone else. A help, a light in the darkness. But all I did so far was solve minor skirmishes and help out villagers in need. It's a nice feeling to be regarded with more than just fear. But it's not what I felt back then. And then you appeared. Eventhough I haven't met you in person, I was attracted to you and followed your trail till I finally catched up with you. That's pretty much it..."
Michael caught himself blushing a bit.
"So you thought I might be the one, who needed you the most right now?"
"I-I'm not sure myself... but you carry a heavy burden, which you don't seem to be aware of. I would be glad, if I could take this burden off you."
("So she only does it out of pure generosity? That's rare. Probably even rarer in this place.")
"Ah, sorry. I think my reasons are pretty selfish... I just remembered I forgot my bag in the house. I will go and fetch it quickly."
With these words she ran down the path through the mist. Faintly he could see her red irises pierce through the fog, when she looked back to him for a short moment. Then her schemes disappeared.
"Selfish, eh? Than what am I doing this whole time, surviving no matter what..."

Originally I planned this to be only 2 parts long. But it seems it will be at least 3-4 parts xD
This time a bit more from Evelin, since I thought I neglected her character a bit too much. Next part is almost done, too.
madhatter10Feb 23, 2014 6:06 AM
Feb 20, 2014 7:03 PM

Nov 2012
it was good to see more of evilin and that town is creepy as Resident evil 4 *pushes under the couch* aside from that theres not much more to say really, apart from you should have peeked in on kasume for revenge
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Feb 23, 2014 7:17 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 10
He didn't know why Kasumi insisted on him entering the bath after her, but he had no reason to decline.
"Kasumi are you still there?"
No answer.
"Hm.. maybe she fell asleep in the hotspring or she's finished already."
The Bath was split into two areas. The washing area and the actual hotspring. It was bigger than it looked from the outside. Naturally one would enter the washing area first, so Michael undressed and entered a stone plastered room. It was pretty steamy, eventhough it was not even the actual hotspring. A bucket stood infront of a small sink and traces of Kasumi could be found there. There was also a larger pool and Michael decided that it was best to wash himself there, since he neither had a tail to help him wash his back nor did he have someone elso who could do it. The water was pleasantly warm and he began to wash off the dirt thoroughly. (Sorry the music just fits this scene xD)

So thoroughly in fact that he didn't notice the ears sticking out of the water.
"At least I don't have to do something ridiculous like washing Kasumi's tails or something like that..."
Slowly the sharp pointed ears cut their way through the water closer to Michael, around his back.
"WAH! Something touched my leg!"
Suddendly something shot out of the water and grabbed his arm. He had no time to think further, as it tried to drag him underwater.
"Shit! What is that! EVELIN! HELP!"
More and more wet "tentacles" grabbed him as he screamed his lungs out, but Evelin was probably still in the village. And this thing was strong. Finally it succeded in dragging him underwater, transforming his screams in inaudible burbling.

[Music End]

"Kasumi, I fucking hate you!"
"My, my. I just couldn't resist. And you are the only one I can entrust my tails to.
Could it really be that hard to wash six tails? Or was she just too lazy to do it herself. Grumpy he sat behind her, her bunched tails on his lap, washing one by one.
"By the way. Did you notice it? The village I mean."
"Hm... I still don't have a good feeling about staying here any longer. I mean the village was definitely destroyed when we arrived here. How the hell is what we are seeing now possible?"
"Who knows..he he."
Her tails were heavy from the water soaked into them and rubbing the piece of soap into the fur was more difficult than it seemed. She would strangle him if he did something wrong or wasn't precise enough, though. She had coiled her long hair around her ears, which was a pretty funny sight. While he was busy with her tails, she washed her front.
"Couldn't you have asked Evelin to do that for you?!"
"Nay. Evelin still lacks tail experience. And she acts like a virgin maiden who can't imagine the look of a naked body."
Michael would have loved to hear Evelins answer to that...
"Or didn't you hear her stupid excuse when I told her that we girls could bath together and didn't need to go one after another."
Kasumi now sounded slightly annoyed.
"I can't bath together with you! What If my bloodthirst takes over and I assault you?!"
She dramatically gestured with her hands as she ridiculed Evelin.
"That newbie vampire would have lost her fangs faster than she could look."
Even Michael had to smirk at that.
"That's why I decided that you take care of me again."
Her ears were twitching as she said that and the whole ball of hair around them moved with it.
"By the way. I forgot to tell her that we changed the bathing order."
"Kasumi? Are you still there? I'm coming in now!"
Before he could finish he recieved a wet slap from her tail, which hurt even more than normal and, to his chargrin, turned his head into the direction of the door, which was about to slide open, The fog rushed through the open door and revealed Michael and Kasumi.
With a shocked expression her view switched to Michael, whose face revealed just as much shock as her own, then to Kasumi who was happily wagging her tails, then back to Michael who seemed to be about to die.
"Great! Now we three can take a bath aaaall together!"

No chance to get revenge on that fox.
Little filler before the story continues.
madhatter10Feb 23, 2014 7:21 AM
Feb 24, 2014 5:53 PM

Nov 2012
i very much enjoyed that character development, and i know evelin will run away, but still the idea of getting in that situation is tantalizing... kasume's naked right?
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Mar 9, 2014 4:40 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 11
Evelin's scream could probably be heard down in the village. Afterwards, the bathing continued rather calm. Kasumi dragged Evelin back into the hotspring and the three of them sat in the warm water. Michael was glad he could relax, Kasumi teased both of them from time to time and Evelin's head was bright red. And that wasn't because of the hot water.
The sun was now standing high, it was around midday. The fog cleared up a bit, but was still there. The group decided to split up. Evelin wanted to ask around if there are any supplies for their travel they could take. Kasumi and Michael looked around the village. Kasumi had seen a strange building higher up the mountain path, which led to the hotspring. Just before they wanted to set off, Enya and her mother showed up. Her mother was obviously doing housework and asked them, if they could play with her for a bit. So they took her along.
"Prepare youself for some trouble a bit later, Evelin."
Evelin assumed it was her duty to take care of Enya, later. But that didn't matter to her. In her abbey she often played with the children there and she was confident, she could handle a child better than Kasumi.

"Why don't you play with the other children? Playing with adults must be boring."
Michael tried to bring some life into their silent march.
"Fool! In every village, there is this one girl that stands out. Nobody notices her or plays with her. Enya seems to be the one here.", she explained, smirking.
Enya seemed pretty shy but now she was pouting and looking at Kasumi angrily.
"Mean furry lady...", she murmured.
"Ah.. don't pay attention to her. She's just this way. Kasumi, be a bit nicer to her. She's just a child!"
The path was marked with wooden planks and a bit steep. They would need to take some breaks with Enya with them.
"Soo... how do you kill time all day up here?"
Kasumi gave a disgusted look at the word "studying".
"Must be boring."
"It's lonely."
"I can imagine that. One of the reasons I left my village... Why don''t you do it? There's nothing here for you anyway."
"I'don't know where to go... and I'm just a child. It would be to dangerous."
"Kasumi! Don't give her stupid ideas! She-"
"Shut up, dunce!"
A quick swipe from her tail cut him off midsentence. Enya was snickering at the sight.
"Ah. So you like when I beat that fool. Maybe I should keep going?
The last sentence was directed at Michael with a devilish smile, so he kept silence to prevent further harm to him.
"Tails are practical. I wish I had one..."
"Ah... don't wish for one... they are a lot of work...", she sighted.
("And yet you are not even doing it yourself....")
He better kept that thought to himself.
"I know something! When we reach the top, I will show you a magic trick!"
The small girl brightened up right away and was clingling to Kasumi happily. It was strange to see her getting along so well with children. The temple building was old and run down. Kasumi and Enya waited outside while Michael went inside to look around.

Back in the village, Evelin was rather unsuccessful in finding supplies. The most common excuse was the remote location of the village and therefore the rarity of travelers passing through it. The villagers didn't really store traveling gear or necessities. Since she didn't want to continue begging from the people of the village, she decided to go out hunting. The forest patch was small, but there should still be animals, which provided food and material she could use. But as soon as she approached the exit of the village, one of them came by trying to stop her.
"It's dangerous outside. You better not leave the village.", she said in a worried tone.
"Ah, don't worry. I can defend myself pretty well. I was trained in combat and...."
"I think you don't understand, Miss. It's really not a good idea to leave the village."
His voice was now more serious and pressuring. She could feel the hostility towards her. Furthermore every villager around was now focusing her, their eyes emotionless but still intimidating.
"So that's what Kasumi meant...I knew there was something not right here!"

Kasumi was resting her head on Enya's lap, while the latter was scratching the spot behind Kasumi's ears. She was obviously enjoying herself and it seems, not even children are safe from her, if it comes down to her own comfort. Enya was dreamily looking down the path to the village. As Michael approached them, shrugging because he didn't find anything regarding the village, Kasumi got up.
"As promised, it's time for my magic trick."
Enya jumped up at her words.
In the shadows of the trees, Kasumi positioned herself and stretched out her hand. Enya shouted in excitement when a blue flame shot out of her hand. Skilled, Kasumi balanced the flame in her hand, then threw it high up, where it took the shape of a predator bird.
"Already amazed? I didn't even start!"
She created a second flame and repeated the procedure. The flame birds were circling above her for a while, then they began to fight each other. The flames clashed, combined and seperated again, preparing the next dive attack.
Enya had her mouth open throughout the whole spectacle. Kasumi enjoyed herself, too. But then Michael felt alarmed. Kasumi showed her usual smirk, when she planned something nasty. And somehow he knew, he was not the target this time. The smirk was directed to Enya, who was fully enraptured by her show.
"Now for the grand final!"
The two flames clashed again, fusing together to form a huge dragon out of blue flames.
The dragon dived in Michael and Enya's direction and flew so low over their heads, one could feel the heat of the flames. It turned and landed beside Kasumi. He knew she wouldn't end her show without playing a prank at them. For Enya though it was not a simple prank. She was screaming in terror.
"Make it disappear! Let the dragon vanish! I don't want to be burned to death!", she screamed, while covering her head.
"Kasumi! She's scared!"
But Kasumi didn't intend to stop. At that moment, she expressed a side which Michael didn't know. Her face was full of hate and it was all directed toward Enya.
"Let her suffer a bit more. Do you still not get it? She fooled you two!"
"What do you mean?"

Evelin only saw a blue flame up in the mountain, when suddendly everything around her was in flames. The villagers around her turned into burnt corpsed, still standing and staring at her like before. The houses were burning. Still she felt no heat at all.
"What is this? Kasumi? Is this your doing?"
Without thinking further she ran to the source of the blue flame, toward Michael and Kasumi.

"You were right all along, Michael. The village was destroyed, just as it was when we arrived. Sitting next to you is no ordinary child. It's a powerful witch."
Michael looked at the scared figure of Enya, still hiding her face and shivering beside him. He couldn't fully believe Kasumi.
"My, my. Are you still under the effect of her spell? My race consists of master illusionists. It was easy for me to see past her illusion. She's the only living being here. The rest of the village are fakes."
Suddendly it shot through Michaels head.

What are you pointing your sword at, pointy ears?

Oh my! Seems the village wasn't as abandoned as we thought.

Why don''t you do it? There's nothing here for you anyway.

"Anyway, for a time I played along. But then she decided to not let us leave again. Because she was so lonely, she wanted to take us captive here. Foolish girl."
Enya regained her composure.
"Why couldn't you just stay here?! It could have been so nice if you had just played along!"
"Living in a illusion you created? Boring. The fate of you or your village is of no concern to me. But if you interfere with our travels any longer, you will force me to do terrible things to you."
She flinched back at Kasumi's threat.
"Then...then at least leave the human here! With him I... we could rebuild the town and bring live to it again."
Her request only angered Kasumi further. Her tails rose and emitted a blueish shine, like the flames she'd created before. With a murderous smirk she stated:
"Then you surely know the rule, when two of us desire the same human? Kill me and you can have him. But if you lose, I will make sure you'll meet the rest of your village."
"Stay out of this Michael! The prize has nothing to say in the contest. This girl is more than enough of an opponent."

When Evelin arrived, everything was already over. In front of Kasumi layed the corpse of the little girl. In Kasumi's hands was a golden worm of pure light twitching. She'd ripped out the soul of Enya. The light disappeared. Michael was terrified with his back to a tree, looking at Kasumi with wide eyes.
"W-why...Evelin...this wasn't necessary..."
His voice was weak and he was stuttering. Evelin understood his shock. He had seen many things on this island. But he knew those were dangerous. Kasumi, though was a different matter. He was used to her being light hearted and cunning. He never saw her as a killer. But these were the rules of this island.
"Was the kill justified, Kasumi?"
"She laid claim to Michael. I didn't want to hand him over to her, so we fought for him."
"Then everything was in order."
"W-what? You are okay with this?!"
"You already know this rule. Therefore you shouldn't be suprised to see it carried out infront of you. It would have ended the same way back then, when I fought the salamander, weren't it for your accident."
"You know what that means, Michael?!"
She jumped at him euphorically, hugging him.
"You are now officially mine!"
She was back to her usual self. But that didn't make it any easier for him. He now knew the other side of Kasumi. No. He always knew it. But deep inside he'd hoped he would never see it.

Finally through...
Took me longer than I thought. I decided to go with the bad end. It served me better to show Kasumi's more ruthless side. Next chapter will either be a flashback or the next arc. Let me know if I left something unclear (I'm sure there are some things, as I rewrote a few parts and maybe I forgot to explain them)
Of course she is xD Never saw people taking a bath with their clothes on^^
madhatter10Apr 4, 2014 9:25 AM
Mar 12, 2014 3:47 AM

Nov 2012
wow... just... wow, that really show's the serious and dark side of this island, it's interesting and not entirely wrong... still im impressed and terrified, in saying that *keeps away from katsumi*... your a wicked girl... seriously, killing some random infront of another, and doing it like its a legal rule!? i hope someone explains this in detail to micheal, otherwise i can see katsumi's not going to get any... i have to consider some of these things you have put forth, and no one was suprised about the amount of guys in the village? that and it was destroyed before they went to sleep
BlackRegisMar 12, 2014 3:55 AM
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Apr 5, 2014 6:38 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 12:
"Look. This is Kasumi, your younger sister.She will support you in your role. Kasumi, it's your duty to obey your sister. Do you understand?"
This word rang like a grand bell in her head. She woke up, only to see that Evelin and Michael were still asleep. After they left the village, they walked all day long. This was their final rest until they've reached the abbey. The first sunbeams were coming through and it was a chilly and foggy morning. Michael was shivering under his sheet. He shared his with Kasumi, who was using him as a body pillow through the night. She knew it wasn't because of the cold.
"Are you this scared of me? You don't have to. There, there..."
She slipped one of her tails under his arms, so he could hold on to it. It seemed to work as his shivering imediatly stopped.
"It's unusual to see you so caring. What happened to the "I don't care what happens to you" atiitude?"
"Oh... jealous? Why do you even want to help him?"
"To prevent this island from potential danger."
"Lame excuse. There are only two reasons why one of us would care about a human. Food or family."
Evelin kept silent to her response. She was right in this point. Humans were rare and valued. Did she hope to get something in return for helping him. Many thoughts crossed her mind. She imagined living together with him. Having children, a small house... then she discarded those thoughts. He now belonged to Kasumi. And given her nature nobody could knew, what she had planned for him. Maybe she just did it to prevent him from settling down with the witch. But seeing how she now cared for him, eventhough she knew how scared he was of her, made Evelin worry. But maybe this was her chance. There was noone else with them so he would seek her company. But to officially get him she would have to fight Kasumi, in case she wasn't willing to give him up. She didn't know how strong Kasumi is. She killed the witch, but that was just a small child. Maybe at her peak strength she could... no. They were now quite a few days together. She saw Kasumi and Michael as friends. Why would she want to fight her? She felt confused. A small walk would help.
"I'll go and scout out the area."
"Take care. Your power will be limited again soon."
Just when she was about to go, Kasumi added:
"And don't think about fighting me in your state."
A cold shower ran down her back. Were her thoughts that obvious? Or was it natural jealousy that made Kasumi even sharper than she was before. Women can get scary, when they have something they want to protect. She didn't answer and left silently.

Slowly Michael began to wake up. His whole body was struggling to get into motion and it took him a while to notice, what he was holding the whole time. He shrieked and jumped up instantly. Kasumi was still lying under the blanket, her tails swishing occasionally. She didn't even smile like usual. Just focusing him and greeting him with a blank "morning".
"That`s it?", he thought. After the last day, where she continuesly clinged onto him. He was nearly a tad disappointed. Kasumi stretched herself in a cat-like manner before she sat up and began brushing her tails. Her hair was a mess but she seemed to care less about that. Yesterday Evelin said that in the morning one could already see the abbey from here. He decided to climb the last bit up the path and take a look. After all, Kasumi was busy with herself and Evelin was probably checking the area. Plus he didn't neccessarily want to stay close to Kasumi at the moment.

Although Evelin said, she wanted to check the area, in truth she just wanted a bit time for herself. She stopped at a small mountain lake and washed her face, before staring at her reflection for a while. Just from appereance, she wasn't too different from Michael, except for her ears. But Kasumi was far more aggressive.... She didn't have much time to dwell in her thoughts before she saw a blue flame shooting up from the point, where Kasumi and Michael were.
Arriving there the two were surrounded by three warriors, Michael dangling midair, wrapped up in Kasumi's tails.
"Brushing my tails for a moment and even more pointy-ears show up."
"Your ears are..."
"We had this discussion already!"
Evelin quickly jumped between them, as Kasumi looked combat ready.
"Wait, Kasumi! They are from my order!"
The three warriors lowered their weapons. They nearly looked like Evelin, face half covered, black armor, pointy elf-like ears, but they had thin tails ending in a spade, which Evelin lacked. So they must be from a different race.
"I'm back. Can you go ahead and tell the high priestess that I need to speak to her about an urgent matter?"
"S-sure. What about them though?"
"It's fine. They are involved in that matter. One of them at least..."
She said the last words while eyeing Kasumi, who had put Michael on the ground again, still having him wrapped up.
"hmpf! Hmpf!"
"What? Speak clearly!"
It seems her tails really had a life of their own.With a slighty suprised "oh" she removed the tail covering Michaels mouth.
"Unwrap me please..."
"Uhh... getting right to the point. And even infront of Evelin..."
"Not that way! The tails! The tails, goddamnit!"

The last bit to the abbey was a long stairway upwards. The abbey itself looked like a japanese shinto temple, just with walls surrounding it. Smaller buildings could be seen inside the walls, too. At the gate they were greeted by the three warriors they've met before. Amidst them stood a woman, who seemed to be the leader of them. She was of the same race as Kasumi, Having sharp pointed ears and silverly furry tails. But compared to her she radiated a much more mature aura than her. She also looked slighty older than her, having fine, barely noticeable wrinkles in the corner of her eyes, which were surrounded by some kind of purple eyeliner.
Kasumi didn't look pleased with this encounter. Maybe because she knew herself, how difficult her race could be to deal with.
"My, My. You've brought some friends with you."
"Mistress, I found the source of the anomaly."
"Right, we will talk about it later. First..."
She was eyeing Michael now and a cold shower ran down his spine. He knew this feeling all too well by now.
"Everyone! Evelin has found a boyfriend!"
Suddendly they were swarmed from all sides. They all were clad in the same black armor as Evelin an bombarded her with questions, handing Michael around, like he was some dog who wanted to be petted. They didn't notice how Kasumi left with the mistress for the inside of the abbey...

The beginning of the next arc. Didn't have much time to write therefore it took a bit longer. I hope the next chapter is finished faster but this is the arc I actually have planned the least xD

I admit that was a part where I screwed up. I tried to do some damage mitigation on those points. There weren't that many guys in the village (At least I didn't specify genders further as it wasn't important. One of them was the father of Enya and at some point I think I accidentally mentioned another (should be corrected now). They knew the village was destroyed but Evelin told them to play along (Michael at least. Kasumi knew what was goint on). They also looked for clues for what was going on there.
madhatter10Feb 8, 2015 12:19 PM
Apr 7, 2014 11:44 PM

Nov 2012
"To prevent this island from potential danger."
that sentence really got to me, it looks like evelin is thinking about the bigger picture, she sure is a rivieran in my imagination of her

anyway it was a fun chapter, you kinda feel sympathetic for the girls since now Micheal view or being has changed since the death of a witch and knowing more so how important he is and where he stands, as for this 'abbey' i like how it's going so far, i will be interested in seeing what comes of it :)
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Apr 25, 2014 3:31 PM

Feb 2011
Chapter 13:
It took Evelin a lot of effort to explain the actual situation to her comrades. They were kinda disappointed, when they heard that he already belonged to someone else. Thinking Kasumi already went ahead they entered the abbey. From the inside, it looked more like a small town. Most buildings resembled old japanese architecture and the inside was divided into several districts. In the center stood the temple-like main building, where Evelin and Michael were headed to. Coming to them from the building was Kasumi and it seemed she was in a bad mood, which Michael hadn't seen before..
"Food.", she said while pulling on Michaels sleeve.
"Uhm... I will get you some later."
"NOW!", she screamed at him.
"Kasumi, this has priority! Just go to one of the stores over there and say I'd sent you. They will give you something."
It seemed like that was enough for her. Not entirely satisfied but quietly she turned around and walked off into the direction Evelin was pointing, while she and Michael entered the main building.
"She probably talked with our leader. You've already seen how she can be..."
"Yeah... they have a lot in common..."
Evelin chuckled at his answer.
"They belong to the same race after all. Although She is much older than Kasumi, she still acts this way... Anyway, she will surely have an answer to our problem."

The long hallway was lit by several lanterns on both sides. Two guards opened the door to a big room. On a big pile of cushions she sat there, illuminated by two blue flames burning in bowls, smoking a pipe.
"Come in! Come in! Here take a seat."
The two guards put cushions on the floor and gestured them to sit down.
"So, you are the anomaly Evelin told me about. I'm Seria, the leader of this abbey."
Her yellow eyes pierced through the dim light. She was stroking her tail fur.
"I already heard the rough story. You fused with an Ignis, right?"
"Yeah... I didn't think it was bad idea until Evelin told me about it."
A small chuckle could be heard and a ghostly fox appeared before Michael.
"Bad idea is a nice way to describe it. You've put yourself in great danger. I'm actually suprised you made it this far."
The ghostly fox walked over to Evelin, who gently petted it.
"He lived out in the wilds for a long time, where he only had to deal with primal monsters. And the Ignis itself did well on not showing herself."
"Still I doubt this has gone unnoticed. That Kasumi girl has proven this."
Michael slowly raised his hand in confusion.
"C-can someone please explain to me what this all means? What situation am I in? And what the heck is a catalyst? Kasumi and Evelin mentioned several times that I've become one."
The ghostly fox disappeared and suddenly more flames appeared, lightening up the whole room. Seria stood up from her throne of pillows and simultaniously, the blue flames burned with greater intensity.
"Of course. This must be really confusing for you. And since you can't even control the Ignis I asume you don't even know the basics of magic. You see, theoretically everyone with a slight affinity to spiritual energy can learn magic. Even you humans. Now Spells require a certain amount of spiritual energy. And the most powerful ones... do you think there exists a monster that can bring up the amount of energy for them alone?"
She was wagging her tails in anticipation as she looked over her shoulder.
"No... is this what a catalyst is for?"
"Exactly. Now to what a catalyst is. There are certain monsters that are nearly pure energy, like the elemental you absorbed. Usually you can't force an elemental to give you it's power. That's why the elementals alone are not catalysts. But if you bind them to a human, who for some is easy to manipulate...."
Sitting down infront of Michael she grabbed his arm. Flames started to flicker on his skin. Not the blue flames from Seria, but normal flames, the ones he tried to use once but failed.
"...they become easily controlable."
The flames vanished the moment she let go of his arm. Relaxed she began stroking her tail and her yellow eyes pierced him again.
"This rarely happens, but it happens. Now you can do two things: Try to get rid of the Ignis and you are posing no threat anymore or learn to control it and use it's power. And honestly, I would prefer if you wouldn't do the latter."
He wasn't sure what to make of all that. But being a target was the last thing he wanted.
"How? And what will happen to the Ignis?"
Another devious smirk from her.
"Are you really in a position to pity the one causing you trouble? There is a way. We need to get the spiritual energy of the Ignis out of you and into another vessel. For that we need a special crystal... which I happen to not possess."
"Can't we try it without?"
"If you want to cause a cataclysm that makes half of the island inhabitable, you can try it without."
"Right now, the Ignis inside your body is pure energy. We need something to contain it. That's what the crystal is for. While I don't have one, I know someone who does. However it will take some time convincing her to give it to me, without revealing to many details to her. I will send a messenger to her right away."
With these words she took seat on her pillows again and guestured them to leave.
"If you have anymore questions, you know where to find me. And Michael..."
A hand grabbed him by his shoulder and he nearly jumped when he saw Serias face next to his.
"...don't trust that girl too much.", she whispered into his ear.

The sun was already setting again and laterns enlightened the ways. Some booths opened only now while others were closing. The streets were still busy, now with more nocturnal creatures.
"I didn't think that this many would live here. You even have shops here."
"Well, it varies. Many are outside on missions and most the ones that are here have just returned. Not many are permanently here. The shops are for the warriors, to spend their pay. Equpment, food, everything you need."
Evelin seemed pretty euphoric explaining everything about her home to Michael, when they suddendly spotted Kasumi stumbling towards them.
"Home... sleep..."
"Ah right. I didn't show you your sleeping place."
Kasumi looked like she had a few too much. Michael hadn't seen her this miserable before. Evelin signaled him to support her, while she went ahead. She led them to a small cabin, made of wood. The sleeping place was in the basement, where it was suprisingly warm although the temperatures outside were quite chilly, as expected this high up in the mountain. He wondered how some of the warriors could wear such revealing clothes, while he was freezing by just looking at them. It took a bit of effort to carry Kasumi to the bed and Michaels protest, if he really needed to share a room with her, were answered with just a "She claimed you".
As soon as he climbed into the bed, Kasumi began clinging to him again. He could smell that she had drunk strong alcohol and probably lots of it, which made him wonder again, what happened between her and Seria. Her words didn't make it better for him. Was he also targeted by Kasumi? He didn't really feel a killing intent from her. But he didn't when she killed the witch, too.
She wrapped him up in her tails again, but this time...gently. Kasumi's sleeping figure was shivering. A nightmare? Could someone like her even have nightmares? Till morning he would stay in this bind.

The air went down to freezing temperatures at night. Still many nocturnal inhabitants were active. The fire of a blacksmith lit the street.
"Good evening, Evelin. Or should I say good morning?"
The dwarfen smith looked up to her. Dwarfs were common in the mountains, but usually they stayed hidden underground. The warriors here were in constant need of high quality weapons, so one happened to settle down here and became one of the abbey's blacksmiths.
"Just one second. Your gauntlet is finished."
While the dwarf went into the back of her shop, Evelin spottet a lone wyvern circling over the abbey.
Down the path to the main gate, a warrior with a huge greatsword on his back walked towards the abbey center.
"Good evening Harrison!"
"Good evening. Stocking up on equipment?"
"It was time for a new gauntlet. This one's worn out. How was your mission?"
He let out a long sigh before he continued.
"Awkward. On my way back I met a human."
"Really? Did you bring him?"
"No. More I couldn't. He wasn't the friendly kind. I've seen a few humans in my time on this island, but this was the first one who tried to fight an oni in hand to hand combat."
"He tried WHAT?"
Evelin couldn't believe her ears.
"I tried to intervene, but then he lashed out at me, saying I would ruin all the fun. That guy was insane. I could fight off the one, but then he was gone before I could ask questions. How did your search go? Did you find your target?"
"Yes, he's here. We have to wait before we can help him further though."
"Good. At least one of us made successful contact to a human."
He smiled under his cloak.
"I would love to talk to him, but unfortunately I will depart again soon. Maybe next time. I have to talk to Seria now. Hopefully she won't cause Charlotte to go on a rampage again."
The wyvern who was circling in the sky landed near the main building and impatiently looked to Harrison.
"Well, got to go now. Charlotte already looks like she wants to get this over with quickly."
Evelyn had to chuckly at his pained smile, before he made his way towards his companion. Her attention shifted back to the dwarf, who was staring fascinatingly at the weapon on his back.
"I really want to meet the one, who made that sword. That thing is a masterpiece. Although I wonder how he can fight with it. Anyway here's your gauntlet. Put it to good use."

Back in her quarter, she let herself fall on her bed. The journey was exhausting. But she couldn't get any sleep. Question flew through her mind. What would Michael do, after they'd seperated him from the Ignis. Would he search for a way to leave the island? Would he stay here? It was useless to wrack one's brain over it. For now she would wait and support him. Till the time comes...

Some foreshadowing done :O
Edit: Oh shit it turned out too long again...
madhatter10Feb 8, 2015 12:22 PM
Apr 26, 2014 5:47 AM

Nov 2012
Ok I read it, read it twice
I thought monsters had demonic energy & humans had spirit, but I get the jist, also it's so sad for the rest of the girls and there's a new mystery now :)
Katsumi sure seems iffy & Evelin's getting really emotionally attached, but This seria's seems to know something & it's unpleasant so far, but at least Harrison seems nice
I'm a little suprised that Michael would be ok with that whole witch killing thing but I guess we all might be desensitized by these things
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Apr 26, 2014 11:09 AM

Feb 2011
Originally I didn't want to talk about magic types at all, just how all magic is generally fueled. That's why I talked about spiritual energy. Completely forgot that you already had that specified in the technical thread. Gonna rephrase that soon.
That's going to be important because it explains why Michael is so dangerous. He's basically a walking nuclear reactor for magic energy.

Harrison is nice, Seria is nice, too. Just like Kasumi a little devious.
Michael is not ok with it. That's why he feels uncomfortable around Kasumi. But she owns his ass, so what can he do?

Next chapter:
-More Evelin
-More relationship between Michael and Evelin
Apr 26, 2014 3:17 PM

Nov 2012
Nah it's ok, besides I kinda Made it that humans to monsters are like that with their spirit energy

And I look forward to the next chapter now, you do Evelin & Matsumoto very well
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jun 1, 2014 11:00 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 14
A sound like a distant earthquake woke him. He had trouble breathing at first, since something pressed down on his chest. Kasumi was lying on top of him, snoring as usual. One could still smell the alcohol from the previous day. Her hair and tail fur was a mess.
"Hey. Wake up!"
Michael poked her face. No reaction. The snoring continued and drool dripped on his face from her open mouth.
Although the room was warm compared to outside, one would still freeze over night without a proper blanket. Kasumi, probably throught he alcohol more sensitive to temperatures, most likely clinged to Michael over night because of the cold. Her fur was warm and Michael couldn't complain because she kept him warm through the night, too. But now it was just uncomfortable. He wanted to stand up or at least get her off him, wether she wanted or not.
"Hey Get off me!"
He grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her. It seemed to work. She woke up almost instantly.
A stream of liquid shot out of her mouth and nose into Michaels face, cutting her off midsentence.

Meanwhile outside..."

In the end she slept pretty badly. As compensation she was greeted with a clear day. Compared to the last days, one could look far into the mountains. It was bright though. The snow reflected most of the sunlight. She had to be careful with her vampiric eyes.
Just when she entered the living quarters to check on Michael and Kasumi, said people came towards her. But something seemed wrong. From afar already she could hear them shouting.
"No more alcohol for you and tomorrow you sleep in your own bed."
"It was all because you shook me too much. If you hadn't it wouldn't have come out!"
She couldn't grasp what they were talking about, but from what they are saying it sounded like...
"Then next time don't lie on top of me.."
Now they noticed her.
"Evelin! Good timing. I want my own room. I don't want to spend another night together with that fox!"
"W-w-what happened?"
"Can't you smell it?"
Evelin pulled down her mask and immediately the scent of alcohol and stomach fluids pierced her nose. She quickly covered her nose, as the stench caused her to make a pained visage.
"Therefore I want my own room. She smells like a tavern and snores like dragon! Damnit I need to get this off my clothes."
Furiously he left.
"But thats why we fit together so perfectly. I smell like a tavern and you like... vomit of...drunken...people...
It happened so quickly that Evelin still couldn't really grasped what happened and why Michael behaved that way. Kasumi on the other hand looked down. First angry now depressed. She never thought Kasumi could behave that way.
"...bath...", she whimpered.
"I will lead you there. It's not far."

She asked Kasumi if she needed any help with her tails, but she declined. Michael didn't show up, too, so Evelin decided to go back to her original plan: training. Luckily there were still some free spots on the training ground. She placed her stuff nearby on the ground and began with hand to hand combat. Delivering punch after punch towards the wooden puppet, she felt anger swelling up inside her. Part of it was directed towards Kasumi.
"She doesn't even know what privilege she has."
Splinters flew as the next imoact hit the training doll. Whirling around, her hair drew and arc into the air.
"She has Michael and now she behaves like this. It's like she wants him to leave her! How can she be so stupid!!"
The last hit pierced through the wooden torso, sending the manikin flying. Panting she stood there. Only now she noticed the tears in her eyes. Kasumi's question rang in her mind. "Why do you want to help him?"
"I don't know..."
"You pack quite a punch."
Michael was standing next to her training square. He looked all clean again and definitely in a better mood than this morning.
"H-how long have you been standing there?!"
"Just arrived. It took me some time to find a place, where I could wash myself. On my way back I saw you here."
He sat down on the closest bench to him. Evelin followed his example and sat next to him. Embarrassed because of her previous thoughts she looked to the ground. Some time passed before Michael spoke up.
"Is the fox not with you?"
"If she's not with you she's either still in the bath or in your quarters."
"I see..."
Silence again. Evelin drank a bit out of her waterskin.
"Ah! Did you already eat something? Let me treat you to something!"
"Ah don't worry about it! I don't want you to spend all your money on us. Kasumi probably costs enough already... Also I survived days without food in the wilderness."
"But this isn't the wilderness. We don't how hard it will be to seperate you from the Ignis. You need to be at full strength!"
No more words of resistance, so she grabbed her stuff and pulled Michael along to a small booth at the main street. The owner was a bear-like creature. Evelin quickly gave up her orders and then – she went silent again. It was clear though she wanted to say something, given the way she was fidgeting on her chair.
"Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah... are you?"
"He...what about me? Protected by two grils, who could punch walls in. Couldn't feel more save."
He was watching the food being prepared. When he shifted his view back to her, wondering why she didn't answer, she was staring at him with big, round, teary eyes.
"I knew it... you find strong girls unattractive..."
"W-w-whaa. No, I didn't mean it that way!"
"*sniff" I know... I mean...have you already decided what you want to do, after your problem is solved."
"Decided... I haven't thought about it for a long time to be honest. When I first arrived here I was so confused. And then I had my first encounter with one of you. It had horns, was easily two heads higher than me. I thought I was done for. Luckily it was slow and in panic I ran as fast as I could."
Even the shop owner was now listening to his story, until she noticed that the meat nearly burned. Quietly Evelin listened.
"The first days I tried to look for a way back to the world I came from. Then hunger nearly got me, so I focused more on surviving. And soon that was all I could do. I gave up looking for a way and instead struggled to get throught the day. I was more times on the brink of death than I can count. Until I met you two."
He felt good, finally being able to talk to someone about that. At the same time he reflected about it and thought, where he was now. From wilderness and struggle to civilization. Two arms wrapped around and tightly embraced him.
"You won't have to go through that anymore."
Her voice was trembling, but her grip was still tight and strong. Her crimson red eyes looked at him pitifully.
"As long as you are on this island, I will protect you. I promise you that. Even..."
"...even from Kasumi?"
Shocked she let go. Her thoughts were really that obvious.
"Then promise me something else: You two will never fight against each other. No matter the reason. Even if it's about me."
"NEVER! You two were the first people I met here, who didn't want to straight out kill or eat me. I don't want to see you behave like the wild beasts out there."
With perfect timing the shopkeeper served the food. Evelin took her seat again and both began eating.
Just before they could finish their meal a kunoichi ran past them shouting something about a stupid fox.
"Hey! What happened?"
The girl in haste stopped shortly past them.
"The fox you brought in nearly set the whole kitchen in the central building on fire! Mumbling about 'trying something out'"
"Let's check that out, Evelin. *sigh* You can't leave her alone for two minutes..."

At the scene, several warriors and kitchen workers tried to extinguish the flames. At the sides sat Kasumi, sulking, ears and tails hanging. She was being scolded by what seemed to be the kitchen chef. Upon spotting Michael, she quickly ran towards him.
"That's all your fault, stupid!!", she screamed and ran past him afterwards.
Evelin felt anger rising up again. How could he ever become happy, with her at his side? It was unfair!
Michael didn't say anything. He looked at the smoke infront of him and sighed.
"Stupid fox..."
Then he turned heel and went back to the quarters.

"I am better suited for him!"
This thought lingered in her mind during most of the day.
"I just have to find a way to show you that. And then I will steal you away from her..:"

I originally wanted the dialogue between Michael and Evelin to be longer, but to be honest, I couldn't make anything up :( Hopefully I will be able to in the next chapters as they will mostly center around Kasumi's and Evelin's fight for Michael.
madhatter10Jun 1, 2014 11:03 AM
Jun 3, 2014 7:15 PM

Nov 2012
oh thats a pretty deep chapter, really giving micheal a "between a rock and a hard place" senario with romantic options, and he really seems desensitized by everything that's happened until now, the best part i find though is how you can fit in all three of your characters in one chapter so perfectly and equally

aside from that i would have put out the fire and was dreading the vomit to the face
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Jul 9, 2014 9:07 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 15:
Later in the afternoon she visited him again. She couldn't sort her thoughts, so she might as well continue their talk from before. But what if Kasumi was with him? Doubtfull. Before it looked like she wouldn't face him anytime soon. The knock on the wooden door was loud enough to be heard down in the basement and shortly after, the door opened, revealing Michael.
"h-h-hi. I thought, eating at the boothes all the time might get a bit too expensive. So... I brought you some supplies. I-I can cook for you, too, if you want..."
She lowered her eyes again. It was hard for her to look at him, when he was starring at her so expectantly. A chuckle sounded, which soon turned into a small laugh.
"You worry too much Evelin. And that again, makes me worry. I don't want you to spend your whole earnings on us. You've already done enough."
She wasn't needed. That's how she felt. She didn't necessarily want to help him with something, but just spending some time with him. But this was the only way she knew how to approach him. This was the sole reason she approached him in the first place. Help. But right now, he didn't want her help. She was confused. What could she do? What other reason did she have? She roamed her mind, but she couldn't think of one. Just talking? Would she get through with that argument? Meanwhile Michael noticed her depressed look. She was fidgeting all over, cringing her teeth.
"Well...since Kasumi's attempt to cook nearly ended in a burned house, I would appreciate it, if you could help me prepare dinner."
Her face lightened up instantly. She nodded and followed his invitation into the house. The cooking place was in the corner next to the fire place. Michael had already figured out how the kitchen worked. With a pair of pliers he grabbed some of the burning fire wood and put it in the oven, together with some more fire wood to get it ready. Evelin prepared some ot he vegetables in the meantime. From time to time she glanced over to him. She asked herself how he felt in this foreign world.
"I know how it is, when the world around you turns hostile..."
"Ah nothing... I just talked without thinking..."
"No. Go on. To be honest, I know more about Kasumi than I do about you. And even that isn't much. You weren't always a Vampire, were you?"
This was her chance to talk to him. But why this topic? Would he hate her, if she told him what she has done?
"No. I was once just an elf. But not for a long time..."
"You were transformed as a child?"
She just nodded. He could see that those were bad memories for her and although he was curious, he would let her decide, if she wanted to tell him.
"I did terrible things shortly after I was transformed. I don't want you to think of me as a monster..."
"I won't. You didn't attack me till now. And I don't think you will do in the future. Whatever you did back then was an accident, wasn't it?"
For a moment she just stood there motionless, before she started shivering.
"I had no control... they had already lost my brother. I never noticed what happened to me. I didn't want to kill them... I..I.."
Now it was his turn to embrace her. Streams of tears were running down her cheeks, wetting the mask that covered her face.
"I think I roughly get what happened. Im sorry."
She held onto his arm, which was wrapped around her. It felt like she would fall if she let go of it.
"When my town found out, what I was, they wanted to execute me. Rightly so... But the vampire hunter they hired saved me. He brought me here and since then, Seria took care of me as if I was her own daughter."
"Yes. Harrison was once a human. But now he's like me. He's really nice. And terribly strong. I wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for him."
The way she talked about him was like she adored her favorite superhero.
"Then I'm glad he saved you."
In a second her face became bright red.
"Don't think so much about the past. You have a beautiful home here. And a great family."
Her startled expression soon became softer. Even through the mask he could see that she was smiling.
"He told me the same back then. I really should not linger in memories too much. Let's finish dinner!"
Her mood seemed better now. Michael felt glad that he could help her for a change.

After they've finished their meals, Evelin was about to leave again. Reluctantly she reminded Michael to give some of the leftovers to Kasumi, when she comes back.
"May I visit you again tomorrow?"
She shyly turned half around and looked at him. Her jetblack hair was a beautiful sight in the moonlight and eventhough for some her glowing red eyes might seem intimidating, the way she looked at him expectantly, with a slight fear of getting rejected, made her look like an innocent maiden.
"Sure. Let's cook again sometime."
The shine in her eyes was enough to show him, how happy his response made her. Without a word she turned around and left. When she vanished from his sight, he went back into his chamber and let himself fall onto the bed. Even at this time it was quite lively outside. He could clearly hear, when a bigger monster girl passed the hut and could only imagine, what kind it was. The fire of the chimney was hypnotising. At the same time it reminded him of the severe burns he had suffered, when he tried to utilize the power of the Ignis inside him.
"Dangerous, but not helpful to me... You are a strange fellow"
Scars of that time were still visible on his arm. Through the dim light the chimney emitted, something else got his attention. A bushy tail peeking down the stairway.
"You don't need to sneak up on me, Kasumi. I'm not angry anymore..."
The tail twitched and soon the rest of it became visible, as Kasumi slowly trotted down the stairs. Her steps were hesitant and she didn't take her place next to Michael, but instead sat on the fur infront of the chimney.
"Are you sure?"
"I am.", he responded while still looking at the ceiling.
"Doesn't sound convincing..."
Pouting she averted her eyes. Her tails threw ghostly shadows on the ground. Angrily she pounded the ground with them, whirling up a cloud of dust. This finally seemed to convince Michael to stand up and walk over to her. He kneeled down face to face to her.
"Do you really think I would hate you for puking in my face and setting the kitchen on fire?"
Their eyes met again. Before he could react her fist hit him in the face, throwing him back several meters.
"No! But you would hate me for killing a monster that tried to take you captive! Do you think I didn't notice how cold you became towards me since then?! You kept your distance from me! You were scared of me! You stayed close to that damned elf, in hope she would protect you from me! But if I really intended to harm you, I could have broken her anytime I wanted to!"
Blue flames surrounded her, engulfing her tails and hands. Michael who tried to get up, suffered another powerful slap from her, leaving burn marks across his cheeks. The whole room was filled with raging blue light from Kasumi's flames.
"You treated me like those savages that hunted you in the wild! Do you know what a disgrace that was for me?! If I hadn't killed her, you would now sit in the village, chained up, being raped by a mad witch, who thought she could change everything back to what it once was! Can you imagine how angry this image made me?!"
She wrapped a tail across his throat, attempting to strangle him.
"What now?! How close am I to the monster you see in me?!"
He felt like he was hanging on a gallow. The force of her tail let air neither in nor out of his lungs.
Having vented out her anger, she finally loosened her grip. Michael crashed to the ground, coughing and gasping for air.
"First my sister, then Evelin and now you! Why is everyone so hateful towards me!"
A hand grabbed hers. Michael was still gasping for air, breathing heavily. But he held her hand firmly.
" not hate you!...I was scared of you... when you killed the witch... infront of me...But I slowly get that it was for my good... I don't understand anything about this island or.... it's rules... but I do not hate you!"
Her crying was slowly reduced to a sniffing, but tears were still rolling down her face.
"You two are special to me! I could never hate you!"
Disbelief was showing in her eyes. She backed off when he reached out for her. But it was exactly what she longed for. The doubt in her eyes was fading and seconds later, she jumped into his arms, crying.
"I won't turn my back to you two..."

A distant forest
The clattering of the metal on his armor sounded through the woods. Around him he could hear the nightlife of the forest. But he didn't fear them. They wouldn't try to attack him as long as Charlotte was around. And even then he could stand his ground. There was another thing out there though that left him uneasy. It followed them for quite a while now.
"Enemies!", it sounded from the sky.
It was barely enough time to draw his sword and jump out of the way, as a lance pierced the ground where just stood.
The weapon belonged to a centaur, clad in black armor, wielding a lance and a shield.
"They are the targets, Harrison"
"Then we have found, what we are here for."
He spun his sword around and rammed it into the ground infront of him, preparing for combat...

True. It's a tough situation for him, since they more or less force it upon him. But more to that in the next chapter :3
madhatter10Jul 13, 2014 8:41 PM
Jul 13, 2014 3:28 PM

Nov 2012
No comment? I am sure I did after I read it 2 days ago... Sorry for the delay the , here it is:

Right in the feels! Evelyn and her shyness is so huggables, but katsumi & her try hard affections are to hard to ignore, you brought up some seriously good points about world difference's, actions, opinions and thoughts in this chapter, I can see socially that interaction and information can only go so far but get you in so much troubles, so it looks like your characters just going to have to trust
And Harrison looks abit busy there, but I like how he is portrayed
BlackRegisJul 13, 2014 8:57 PM
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Aug 6, 2014 5:17 AM

Sep 2012
This story if so funny, like your old one. And I really like Kasumi, my fav in the moment and Evelin is also good and a riaval too. You manage to get everything good too and them missunderstandings. Good job and keep it up :D
Aug 10, 2014 12:37 PM

Feb 2011
Chapter 16:
"Are you still awake?"
Kasumi's tails were rustling under the blanket. Some were wrapped around Michael, who was lying next to her.
"How could I not be, when you are clinging to me like that?"
He freed himself from her grip, turning towards Kasumi. Her eyes glowed yellow in the dim light. It was impossible not being enraptured by them.
"You know... it really made me happy, when you said you didn't hate me. But I know you don't love me either."
"Probably not the way, you would like to."
"Aww... you are cold towards me again!"
She played offended and poked him in the chest.
"I will make you fall for me sooner or later"
"Do you believe you can?"
"Time will tell. I will try everything I can. Either you fall in love and stay with me or you will leave me."
The calmness with which she spoke those words made it seem like she was fine with either way. Michael decided to provoke her a bit.
"You are my owner. Why don't you just force me to stay with you?"
She looked at him startled for a moment, before she smiled at him impishly.
"Ha! Anyone here could take a man by force! I have my pride. Seducing a man so that he stays willingly is real skill!"
"So you thought puking in my face was pretty seductively?"
Kasumi cringed at those memories but soon she joined in in Michaels laughter. After a moment of silence, she leaned her head against his chest.
"I like being with you. I want you to stay, to build a new home here. But I know that the thought of going home is tempting. Most of you seek a way off this island, scared by it's inhabitants. Longing for the loved ones left in the other world. That's why I will respect your decission."
His hand patted her head and ears. The fur coating them was indeed really soft. Her ear started twitching as he scratched the base.
"Thank you. But I still haven't decided what I will do. We still have the problem at hand. And if Seria can't give me any clues on how to get back to my world, I have no choice but to stay."
"She won't."
"Eh? How do you know"
"She's pampering the Elf. She wants you to stay and marry her. Most of the inhabitants here won't tell you. Either because they don't know and even if they know, they won't want you to leave. Humans are needed here. If you want information, you will need to look somewhere else."
"Jeez... this is already getting difficult."
Kasumi moved under the blanket. Now she took his head and caressed it.
"Shhh... One thing after another. First we take care of the Ignis. Then everything else. But you shouldn't tell Evelin... that girl's mind is fragile.If she finds out you want to leave, she will probably break down. At the moment she is still convinced that she can make you stay. Don't shatter her illusion at the wrong point."
He pictured the scene in his mind. After successfully seperating him and the Ignis, a happy Evelin confesses to him, wanting him to stay with her. He imagined the shocked look on her face, should he refuse and Evelin falling on her knees, crying an unending stream of tears, while he turns his back on her, leaving for his homeworld. The thought was painful. But sooner or later, he and she would have to deal with this situation.

A distant forest
The Centaur trotted from left to right, expecting an attack.
"Be careful. This one is unnaturally big."
"I've never seen a centaur with a lance. Aren't they normally more of the archer type?"
Facing the centaur, he shouted towards her.
"You know what I am! Why are you ambushing me now, when I am at my peak?"
"You wouldn't put up much of a fight otherwise."
"We will see about that. Charlotte keep an eye out for more of them."
"I don't need to. They are there. But it seems they will leave this fight to their leader. Still, don't let your guard down. Especially not towards that centaur!"
With that she ascended into the sky, circling over the tree tops.
The centaur looked eager to fight.
("The contract said these are high ranking targets. To be honest I expected more than a heavily armored centaur.")
The wait was over. With tremendous speed the centaur charged forward, lance pointed towards Harrison. He quickly pulled out his sword and tried to circle towards her side, swinging it in a wide arc. But she was quick to react. As soon as she knew her attack would miss, she jumped high up, evading his horizontal cleave. Landing just outside his range, she stood up on her behinds, making her look even more like a giant as she already was. She turned on her behinds and pierced after Harrison. Her lance glided off on his blade, but a shield bash pushed him away before he could attack.
"You are different than the other humans. Not the vampirism. Even back in your world you were a warrior. Your movements tell me. You know how to make use of that chunk of iron in your hands."
Regaining his balance, he now held his sword infront of him. It was heavy, a normal human would have never been able to hold it, even lift it. But his boosted strength allowed him to make use of such untypical weapons, be it his sword, the axe of a minotaur or the club of an ogre.
"Tell me. I heard about you. You arrived here long ago. So I guess you come from a time in your world, where war and oppression were all present. What would you do, if a race suddendly invades you lands, killing your comrades and claiming it is theirs?"
"You are talking about the dragon wars?"
"Ho- so you were there when it happened? Then you have got first hand experience, why we must wipe Dragons off this island!"
"Not all of them are like that! There were enough of them, who fought on our side against their brothers and sisters. But we watched you, back then, when your group was formed. You attack dragons indiscriminately, killing many of our allies, shattering the trust between us!"
Raising the sword above his head, he jumped towards her. The shield blocked his blade, but it left a deep dent.
"You even attacked Charlotte, nearly killing her!"
The centaur was forced to back off, as more swings clashed against her shield.
"The whole campaign against the dragon lord nearly failed because of your reckless actions!"
Harrison put all his anger into his swings, deforming her shield completely and throwing her off balance.
Now was his chance. He needed to immobilize her. Crouching down he spun around, aiming for her legs. He pulled his sword through - but his blade crashed against metal. The centaur had rammed the lance into the ground, blocking his blade from hitting her legs. Leaving her weapon behind she jumped over him and delievered a powerful kick with her behinds, breaking his back.
Seeing Harrison hitting a tree, Charlotte dove down in fury.
"Capture her!"
In her anger she forgot the hiding reinforcements, who now overwhelmed her, pinning her onto the ground.
"I will burn you to ashes, horsewoman!"
A taunting smile was on the centaur's face.
"I've heard of three knights, each one belonging to a high ranking noble. One of them had a dragon companion."
"He wasn't my target. You were my dear. The thought of battling Seria's knight was thrilling. And guessing from his skill, I would say he posed the most danger to us."
She walked over to Harrison, glancing quickly to Charlotte, who shot death glares towards her, then pierced his stomach.
"I've heard vampires are sturdy. I wonder how many stabs it will take for you to die. Of course I won't stab your heart. That would be too quick."
"Stop it! You've got what you wanted! Leave him!"
But she ignored her plead and kept piercing his body. When she attempted to pierce his throat, she noticed something back in the forest. A blink in the dark. One second later a knife scuffed her cheek, leaving a deep cut. At the same time one of her soldiers collapsed dead, a knife in the neck.
"Pack up the dragon, we retreat. This one fights differently. And here we are at a severe disadvantage."
Charlotte was knocked unconcious and as they retreated, more of them fell victim to the invisible reinforcements. Soon all there was, was Harrison, lying on the ground, mourning over his loss of Charlotte and his defeat, when a person, dressed in the same cloak as him, stepped out of the shadows, followed by a dragon and a mantis girl.
"I don't understand, why I wasn't allowed to fight them! It would have been over quickly!"
"Has nobody ever told you that burning forests if bad for the ecology? And there would have been nothing left we could follow. Hey stalkergirl! Go stalk them!"
Without further words the mantis girl disappeared into the shadows. The human walked over to Harrison inspecting his wounds.
"You-you again...W-why didn't you save her?"
"Are you crazy? That horse bitch would have killed me for sure! Alice, can you carry him?"
The dragon walked over and looking at the defeated warrior.
"You are from the abbey? We will bring you back there and then we will free your companion."
The dragon named Alice heaved him over her shoulder and the three of them headed for the mountains.
"Off we go! I hope they have pizza up there."

@Carn0 Thx Carn0! Glad to hear that. I Have fun writing her and somehow it's easier for me than write dialogue for Evelin :(

@Devil While I intended to go for a harem ending in my Claire-Alice-Roy story, there won't be one in this. One will win the other will lose. As for Harrison, I thought he appears to less ^^
madhatter10Nov 21, 2016 12:19 PM
Aug 10, 2014 1:24 PM

Sep 2012
aw... charlotte got captured and harrison almost died :(
But six saviours will come to save her in an epic battle. :D
and it will have this playing in the background
Aug 11, 2014 9:03 PM

Nov 2012
wow adding roy, alice and clair now, really linking all your stories now arn't you? im quite impressed you did that but your side story is really messing with your main one, still it's nice to see your taking things quite seriously

as for that little part to me at the end, i expected that in the IEP and understandw hat your saying, your breaking my heart on that but all the more reason to see how things end
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Aug 28, 2014 10:49 AM

Nov 2013
I've finally caught up. Well there's too much for me to comment on at this point so I'll save it for the next chapter though I do have to say, I always find it odd when the humans want to find a way back to our world. Sure you can have a bad taste for the island after dealing with savages but after meeting a couple good girls, that should even it out.

Anyways, its a nice story so far, rooting more for Evelin than Kasumi but she's still interesting as well.
Oct 7, 2014 10:41 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 17:

-Day of the arrival at the abbey-
"I want you to disappear and leave the human."
Seria was sitting on her pile of pillows, her siluette barely visible through the blue light in her room. Kasumi bared her fangs. Flames pulsed aroung her tails and her face was a visage of hate. But she wouldnt risk a fight with an 900 year old fox.
"And why would I do that? He's mine! I already shed blood for him!"
"You will leave and he will marry Evelin.
The naturalness she spoke with angered Kasumi even more.
You are going to force that elf upon him?! He doesn't even have feelings for her!"
"Neither does he have any for you! But he will stay with her and learn. I will watch over them and make sure he does."
Her patience was at an end.
"You are pampering her quite a lot. Maybe you are just desperate because you never had children of your own, you old hag!"
Just as she finished shouting a blue flame bruised her cheek. In an instant several blades were pointed at her.
"Watch your mouth! I know where you come from. I know what your clan strives for. You are a poison among the Kitsune. Nothing good will come if he stays with you...

-Present - Quarters-
A hand was stroking Kasumi's hair when she awoke. Only now she noticed how much she clinged to Michael. It must have hurt. After all she was still stronger than a human. But he didn't say anything. He seemed to notice that she was awake. Instead of talking to her though, he started to tickle the base of her ears. Something she couldn't resist long before bursting out in laughter. After she calmed down, the first thing he recieved was a powerful wack from her tail.
"Idiot! Next time wake me up gently!"
A red stripe was clearly visible on his face now.
"The way you were shivering I thought you had a nightmare. I decided a little laugh would do you good."
She was clearly flustered. Setting her clothes right and mumbling something that sounded like a quiet "thank you" she got out of bed, only to state that she is hungry.
On their way out they met Evelin, who was nearly jumping around excitedly.
"What's wrong pointy-ears? You changed from elf to bunny?"
"We have an answer! It seems we have a way to get our hands onto one of these stones that can help Michael. Seria wants to talk about it right away!"
Kasumi's look of disgust showed how happy she was.
"You don't have to come if it makes you feel uncomfortable."
He looked worryingly at her, which suprised her. She wasn't used to being cared about.
"Ha! I don't want to be the only one left out! I'm coming, too! It concerns my property after all!"
That statement earned her a pained grin from Michael, while Evelin jockingly got upset that she called Michael "property". In the end, they made their way to Seria, who already expected them... with rags of clothes.
"Ah good timing! I thought about choosing for you but now you can do it yourself!"
A questioning look on three faces.
"Come again?"
Seria was a bit too euphoric for his taste, but she quickly explained.
"You are going to a ball!"
Michaels look shifted towards Evelin, who was blushing and had sparkling eyes.
"I thought this was about a stone? Nobody said anything about dancing."
She continued instead of Seria.
"The ball is held by one of the three big nobles in this area. Seria is one of them. The one we are visiting is Sylvia, a vampire."
"There are too many of these bloodsuckers around..."
Michael silenced her with a quick nudge with his elbow. Evelin ignored her and continued.
"According to the letter she has one of the stones we need to seperate the elemental from Michael. She would give it to us but we have to fetch it ourselves. And she wants to see you."
"And that's the part that worries me. We nobles tend to not trust each other too much. Still she has what we need and Evelin will protect you while you are there."
"Me too.", Kasumi bluntly stated.
"Yeah.. whatever. Well, let's get to the fun part! Pick some clothes! You have to be dressed accordingly. I think this will fit you Evelin!"
And with that she began throwing clothes towards her and soon Evelin vanished under a pile of dresses.
"I don't think I can try on all of those...", her muffled voice sounded through the fabric.
"You are right my dear, I'm sorry. Take your time and pick. There are clothes for males too, Michael. You are departing tomorrow."
Michael and Evelin took a bunch of clothes and set off ot another room. Kasumi sat on the windowsill and watched the other two trying on clothes. From time to time one would vanish to change. In the end, Michael went for a white suit, with gold accents. He looked like a military general in it. Evelin took a black dress, which went nearly to the ground. When asked by Michael she replied that she didn't intend to wear heels, but her usual combat boots, since she couldn't walk properly in other shoes. Fitting to her dress she also took black sleeves, which went up to her elbow and had a rose pattern on them.
"Don't you want to to choose something?"
His question took her offguard. But she quickly regained her composure.
"It didn't seem like I was invited. I don't need to."
Michael walked over to the pile of clothes Evelin had thrown aside. Rustling through it he picked out a Kimono in Bright colors. It looked like a rainbow, with blue being the dominant color. On it was white a flower pattern. It was a flashy piece of cloth.
"I think you would look good in this one. You always wear the same white and red clothes. This one would be a nice change."
"Do you want me to look like I rolled around in a pile of berries?"
Her eyes narrowed she looked displeased. Though she stood up, snatched the cloth from Michael and disappeared in the changing room.
Now it was Evelin who looked down. Quietly they sat there, waiting for Kasumi to change.
"geez... this is troublesome..."
Evelin was resting her head on a table, not looking at him.
"Are you sad that it's not just the two of us now? Seria is already discriminating against her enough. I don't want her to feel like she doesn't belong around us anymore."
Another moment of silence passed. He thought hard about how he could cheer her up without risking that Kasumi would be angry at him again.
"I will dance with you first."
Finally she raised her head again.
"At the ball. I will dance with you first. Just quit sulking around. Ok?"
Evelin nodded quickly. Just then Kasumi stepped into the room. Evelin and Michael couldn't help but stare at her.
She still sounded angry.
"It really does look good on you!"
"Kimonos really fit you best!"
"Of course they do!"
"Well now that we have our clothes. How about we grab something to eat?"
"The first good suggestion I hear today."

Changing into their ususal clothes again they met at a food booth. It was around afternoon now. And part of Kasumi's bad mood could have been that she didn't have something to eat till then. She ordered two meals at once right away. Michael used this to get more information from Evelin.
"So who are these nobles exactly?"
After quickly finishing her bite, she seemed to think about the topic.
"Well, you already know Seria. As you can see nobles have a lot of power and influence at their hands. Not as much as a Lord though. Lords are like the queens of the lands. But nobles influence things at a smaller scale, which in turn can have great effects. I don't know how many nobles we have. In our area there are three important nobles. Seria, the fox noble, Sylvia the vampire and..."
"Victoria, the revenant. The outsider of the three. She doesn't obey rules. While all three nobles tent to have humans or males as personal knights, she tends to kill and revive them, binding them to her permanently."
Suprised at the sudden interuption, Evelin shifted her attention to Kasumi
"I didn't think you knew so much about Victoria. I barely know anything but her name and her race."
"My hometown is in her area after all."
"And these Knights are like guards to them?"
"More. They are elite fighters. Stronger than the other warriors under their command."
"Seria's knight is Harrison. I don't know who the others are though...
"I heard Victoria has lost her last knight. And I'm sure we will meet Sylvia's knight at the ball."
"How much trouble can we expect?"
Kasumi continued munching her food while answering.
"Who knows. She seems to know about your problem. That's never a good sign. Even less since she wants you to appear personally."
"We..I will protect you there."
"I will observe the surroundings. If anything strange happens, I will get you out of there."
"I will count on you two then."
"Tomorrow is the departure. We should use the rest of the day to prepare ourselves."
Staring at his food, a strange feeling began expanding in his chest.
"Seems we have come quite close to our goal, doesn't it?"

No this story isn't dead! >:(

That's stuff for a different story ^^

My old story will be rewritten so it fits with this one. So it isn't really messing with it :D

Thank you for reading! Depending on viewpoint it is. But I think the first natural reaction would be wanting to go home. I don't want to spoiler you on how that will end. But Michael going home isn't really the goal I'm aiming for at the moment^^
The story is a bit biased towards Kasumi (I wouldn't deny it if someone accused me of that). Originally I planned the story with only Kasumi in mind (It quite strayed from what I thought of back then). But then my elf fetish kicked in and I added Evelin xD I try to give her a bigger role but I think this will only be possible after this story ends.
madhatter10Oct 7, 2014 10:44 AM
Oct 8, 2014 2:50 AM

Sep 2012
So that's why Kasumi is so close to Micheal now. Didn't expect that :P
Oct 11, 2014 9:19 PM

Nov 2012
oh wow, some interesting plot devices are now appearing, and nobility as well, seems like there will be quite a large event happening, to be honest with the previous chapters i was expecting there to be some sort of adventurous mix up with harrison, micheal and Roy in some sort of life changing direction but it seems more sophisticated
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Dec 31, 2014 7:53 AM

Feb 2011
Chapter 18:
The carriage arrived early in the morning. It took a while for Kasumi to get out of bed and change. Michael and Evelin were already in the carriage when Kasumi left arrived. After dinner the day before the had disbanded and Kasumi went off alone. Given her bad mood she didn't sleep much last night. Seria gave some last instructions to them before the carriage left. Michael noticed that Evelin had added a veil to her clothes.
"What's that for?", he asked, pointing at her face.
"That's for safety reasons. Vampire noses are a bit sensible towards blood. Especially human blood. I dont want to risk anything with you nearby. It's drenched with a strong perfume that covers up any scent of blood near me. I... thought it would look better than my usual mask... doesn't it?"
Fidgeting she tried to avoid his eyes.
"It suits your dress.", he responed with a smile.
Kasumi was leaning against his shoulder, catching up the sleep she lost this morning.
Just after the first bridge, the carriage passed two figures. A dragon and a cloaked human like person. While passing them the cloaked one turned his head towards Michael, revealing a male human face, grinning. Only after passing Michael noticed that the dragon was carrying a third one up the mountain, in the direction they came from. Kasumi opened her eyes immediately.
"What? Where are we?"
"Still on our way down the mountain."
"Strange... For a second I thought we entered my homeland..."
Stretching and yawning she went back to sleep.
Looking down the valley Michael saw nothing but natural landscape. Only a few small villages here and there.
"Towns are rare. You will most likely not find one unless you know where you have to look. My own hometown was deep inside a forest. We rarely had visitors. Most of them brought in by our hunters. Binding together into a mixed community though also brought problems. Conflicts between different races, slavery. Strong versus the weak."
"I think I can relate to that. It wasn't that different in my world. Not that much where I lived. But other places..."
"Then why are you so eager to go back?", she wanted to ask. But she wasn't sure, if he himself had the answer to that.

The carriage steadily made it's way down the rocky mountain road and soon they were following a broad river in the valley. After quite sometime, when the mansion of Sylvia came into view, stars were already reflecting in the waters surface. They travelled the whole day, with pauses here and there and now it was nearly nighttime again. Though it might have been the most appropriate time for a vampire noble to hold a ball now. The nearer they got the more Evelin seemed to get nervous.
"You know... I think this is a bad idea after all..."
Kasumi was awake by now and quickly pointed out the situation.
"It's too late to get cold feet now. If you are scared because of stories, then you are doing your job wrong. We are here to prevent exactly that."
"What are you talking about?"
While Evelin averted her eyes, Kasumi casually explained.
"Vampire banquets tend to get bloody. There are stories that one of the climaxes of such an event is feasting on captured victims. Of course there will be other races than vampires. But most of them feast either on blood, souls or flesh."
("And you are telling me that NOW?!")
"There will be normal food of course, too!", she happily expressed, at which Michael just rolled his eyes.
Other carriages passed them and now they could see the crowd that stood outside the mansion. There was quite a ruckus. They could see different races, forming groups, having chit-chats and drinking something that looked like red wine. Though from what he heard before, he doubted the wine part. The carriage stopped not far from the crowd of people. Michael hopped out of it first. Evelin was to stiff to stand up, until she recieved an "ease up!"-slap from Kasumi's tail, who then proceeded to hook into his arm as to prevent someone from snatching Michael away. Evelin hopped out of the cart and held onto his other hand. A feeling of uneasisness began to spread inside Michael, as every group they passed starred at him. Some looked curious, some greedy. And some others looked hungry. Kasumi would bare her fangs at those who tried to get too close. Infront of the gigantic entrance door stood a pair of guards, who prompted them for their invitiation, before they where allowed to pass into the front hall.
"This is where the ball takes place.", Evelin, explained.
Two stairs, each on one side at the back of the hall led up to the first floor. But they were blocked by guards. Most likely the private quarters where located up there. Centered between the stairs on a small podest were a group of musicians. Since the ball hasn't officically started they were still busy, adjusting their instruments. Suddendly Kasumi had a sparkle in her eyes and started dragging Michael behind her to the right side of the hall. Michael and Evelin soon realised what she was up to and only with a lot of effort and convincing could they stop her from letting the buffet vanish before the ball had even started.
There were fewer people inside the hall than outside. Most probably enjoyed the evening chill. The three of them positioned themselves roughly in the middle of the hall, with a good view on everything around them.
"So... how are we going to approach her?"
"First she will hold an opening speech. Then either she will approach us or we will have to wait till she's alone. There should be plenty of chances to speak with her during the evening."
"I'd rather not stay here for too long...."
"Hoo... are you scared now?"
He looked at the people assembled in the hall.
"Basically everything that's hunted me in the wild is now here in one place. How could i not be?"
"I doubt you've been hunted by that many high class monsters. You wouldn't have survived the first encounter with one."
"A few of them maybe..."
Evelin tried to direct the conversation back to it's topic.
"First we will wait till the ball starts."
"Waiting is already over.", Kasumi interrupted her while pointing at the entrance.
A huge crowd of people entered the hall and soon they were surrounded amidst them.
Michael noticed a few of them wearing the same red cloak. But soon his attention was directed towards the stairs. Coming down of the stairways was a young beautiful woman, with blond tied up hair, who greeted the crowd.
"Welcome, my honored guests. I'm glad that so many could attend this event. Also I'm excited that among you we have a special guest. The one who can find him, will win a price."
"Oh shit..."
"And with that, the ball is opened!"
At her last words a gust blew out the few lights that lit up the hall, leaving them in complete darkness. Her speech steered up the crowd and everywhere around him Michael could hear beastly grunts and growls from the predators that tried to find him.

Thx to Devil for giving me advices with this chapter :D
It took longer than I wanted to complete it :/ I tried to punch in more details to make it less confusing, as to where the group is currently located and who is traveling with whom. If I still need to improve some parts (except for my terrible writing) let me know :D

Harrison, Roy and Michael's group will rarely meet each other. But they will :D Just not in this story.
madhatter10Feb 8, 2015 12:27 PM
Jan 7, 2015 10:13 AM

Sep 2012
I don't think they will hurt you if they get thier claws on you xD (pun intended)

What a nice ball. :D
Jan 7, 2015 10:44 PM

Nov 2012
Cool, and holy crap your in a bind now!
Very nice twist but I bet this party moves pretty quick from food & conversation to a battling blood bath, or a kinky kidnapping, not sure where this is going
Mon-Love club:

The Shape of happiness might resemble glass...
Even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there...
You merely have to change your Point of View slightly...
and that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light...
Mar 16, 2015 12:36 PM

Feb 2011
Just saying....

Chapter 19:
He felt hands lash out after him. Most if not all of them were night hunters, so he was at a severe disadvantage. The pushing of the guests around them seperated him from Kasumi and Evelin. Could they detect him? Evelin could somehow track him down through the wilderness. But the focus wasn't completely on him. From time to time someone tried to grab him, but they were distracted by something. Suddendly a hand grabbed him by the collar and started dragging him through the crowd. He struggled but couldn't free himself. One final pull and he was out of the crowd, tumbling backwards into someone's arms.
Kasumi's glowing yellow eyes looked at him over his shoulder. Infront of him he could see Evelin's red eyes, as she pulled up her veil again.
"Let's get outside until they calm down."
An open door led to the terrasse, where they waited, keeping an eye on the crowd.
"It's strange though. That wasn't Sylvia."
"Not? Who then?"
"Camilla. My assistant."
Startled Michael and Evelin turned towards where the voice was coming from. Next to them stood a woman with silver hair, tied to a knot with her side hair straightly hanging over her shoulders.
"Allow me to welcome you to my ball. Seria told me about you."
Michael wanted to protest about what's happening inside the hall, but Evelin gestured him not to. Sylvia seemed to notice though.
"Don't worry, Michael. You weren't chanceless. I wanted to spice things up a bit, so I mixed a few... snacks in between the guests."
The hall was lit up again and the guests were like exchanged. Everyone looked like nothing happened at all, except for blood on their clothes and faces, which didn't seem to bother them. Servants hurried inside and dragged the bodies with red cloaks out. None of them seemed alive. So that's what they were. Sacrifices.
"Not what you expected? Trust me, here is the same as the wilderness. Just better dressed."
Her smile was provocating.
"Now then. You didn't come all the way here to talk about the ball. You want a jewel that's in my possession.
She stepped infront of Michael looking down on him, since she was a bit taller.
"Can you show it to me?"
"I can't."
He didn't need to think long for his answer. Since his accident and Seria's warning he was careful with everything concerning the Ignis.
"Why not?"
"I can't control it. I risk harm to myself and everyone around me, if I try to use it's power. These scars on my arm have to be proof enough."
"That's too bad. I bet you could become a powerful mage with it. I could teach..."
In that moment a servant of her appeared and whispered something in her ear. She let out a deep sigh and with a hint of annoyance in her voice she excused herself.
"There seems to be a little incident I need to take care of. Feel free to enjoy my ball till I return. We will continue our talk then."
A young man stepped outside. He was an elf with white hair, covering one eye.
"This is Oswald. He is my knight and responsible for security tonight. If you encounter some... troubles, feel free to approach him."
Oswald bowed formally before he and Sylvia went back inside the hall.
She smiled at Michael one last time before heading inside.
"You aren't going to accept her offer, aren't you?"
Evelin had worry in her eyes.
"Of course not. We need to get her to give us the stone. The sooner this is over the better."
Meanwhile music could be heard from inside and some of the guests started dancing.

"Well, time to enjoy ourselves. We have to wait for her anyway."
Happily wagging her tails Kasumi headed inside, the others following. Near the dancefloor Evelin suddendly stopped and started fidgeting.
"Is something wrong?"
She didn't look him into the eyes and quietly murmured...
" promised..."
Suddendly it came back into his mind.
"You want to dance now? Sure... but,,,"
He looked to Kasumi. She didn't seem to care at all, turning her back to them while answering.
"Go ahead. I already found something to keep me busy."
Licking he lips he headed off to the buffet.
("Oh dear... I hope they are well stocked...")
He turned back to Evelin. Who still had her head hanging down, and offered her his hand.
"Well then. Shall we?"
Even through her veil he could see her bright smile. She grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the dancefloor..
"I should probably warn you. I can't daaaa-...
But she had already started swinging him around, grabbing his other hand and pressing her body close to his. He could feel her pushing or pulling on him and eventhough he was sure that he looked like an idiot at first, he soon realized that she was skillfully leading him. Evelin not only performed her own steps, she was also manipulating his body to adapt to them. Quickly he got used to it and moved with her.
"I had no idea. You never looked like someone who liked dancing."
"Seria taught me more than just fighting.", she proudly stated.
"Fighting with a sword is a lot like dancing. I basically learned both at the same time."
Most pairs consisted of two women, because of the obvious lack of men at the ball. Changing direction Evelin evaded another dancing pair. He could feel the strength, with which she led him. He had seen her breaking a manekin with her bare hands. Yet her movements now were sure and soft.
"This suits you far better than fighting. I don't say you should stop, but you should show this side of you more often."
Embarrassed, she would have loved to hide her face in his chest, but being as tall as Michael she could only avert her eyes.
"T-thank you..."
Looking back at him, he suddendly had a troubled expression, watching something in the distant. At the food table, a certain fox was stappling towers of meat and other delicacies on her plate, while other guests watched in shock.
"Oh dear..."

"And still you are only looking at her..."
A hand touched his cheek and forced him to face Evelin again. She was genuinely angry.
"So I've lost to her. You finally developed feelings and they are for her."
Suprised by her statement, he tried to protect himself from the accusation.
"That's not true. You are both close to me."
"Really? I feel like we haven't been getting closer at all. I have to fight for your feelings, while she just needs to wag her tail for you to turn your head."
She stopped her movement, still holding on to him.
"You hoped to escape this choice by returning to your world. But I've never seen any human leaving this island. Maybe you realised that and chose. And yet you are still denying it. Your indecisiveness hurts me."
Evelin's eyes teared up. He felt like she would push him away any second but she held on to him firmly. There were no more excuses. But at a loss for words, all that left his mouth was stuttering, before Evelin spoke up again.
"How do you feel about me? What do you feel for me?"
Her grip tightened, making sure he wouldn't run away. Was she right? Did he develop feelings for Kasumi? And what about Evelin. They helped him through a lot. He knew how they felt about him and he had told them his feelings in return. Still they continued to court him, but he didn't want to choose. At least that's what he told himself back then. But now one of them seemed to have succeeded and he didn't even notice. Evelin was angry, because he had let her fight a losing battle. And though he didn't want to hurt her feelings, he decided to follow the signs and clear things up.

It seemed like an eternity had passed, when he decided to answer.
"I might not feel the same for you than for her... I'm sorry."
Her sad expression did neither disappear nor worsen. With a calm voice she accepted his answer.
"Don't be. At least now I know that I don't need to fight for your affection anymore."
She let go of him, turning around and heading for the other side of the hall, leaving behind a troubled Michael.

Sooo... guess it's decided now. Had really trouble writing this. Of course it doesn't end here.

Depends on the diet of the captor.
Yeah they are kinda like gremlins when you turn the lights off.

To whoever is still reading: Thx for sticking along this long and bearing with my rather long pauses between chapters.
madhatter10Mar 16, 2015 2:10 PM
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