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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Jun 6, 2016 1:12 AM
· Scored
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Days: 19.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries53
- Reread0
- Chapters3,439
- Volumes177
All Comments (1015) Comments
How are you? Any plans for your birthday ? :)
Wow! Gintama is one of your favourite anime, huh? :) I like the series as well and want to catch the current series -.-
Jormungand is an anime I enjoy, too. Depends on what you're looking for. I'm still enjoying the moe comedy anime so Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! is really enjoyable. Same with Girls und Panzer. Psycho-Pass is some sci-fi stuff I'm watching, I'm also still watching Sword Art Online.
Uchuu Kyoudai is one of my favorites this season. Very enjoyable, with actual plot.
And hello! I liked F.E.A.R. quite a bit, the storyline is fun. 1 and 2 were great - 3 wasn't as good but hope they're working on 4 which should scare the shit out of me again. Worth going back to should you find yourself in a void without horror games.
I take you are back from Abyss to MAL to spread the evil here again. So what's your take on Steins;Gate so far ?
and that's a lot of long ass Cyruz Comments you got right below :o ( I know you will see this eventually CY )
I remember The Room. I didn't play it but the soundtrack is fabulous.
Books are usually better than any of their adaptions, so I can understand that.
Haibane Renmei is actually on my Currently Watching list. Haven't seen an episode in a long time but I'll get there.
I'm a fan of horror games, too. Most I've played are FPS, like the F.E.A.R. and Dead Space series. Dead Space 2 was fantastic, a really nice gaming experience if you don't hate FPS. Some psycho elements, alien horror and you even get to move around freely in space! Horror ftw.
Anyway, it's funny you should mention classic games. Just a couple of weeks ago I replayed some old ass point-and-click puzzle games, Broken Sword 2 and 3, and I started 4. Quite enjoyable. I'm not quite with you on interfaces - as long as they work well and look somewhat tech-y, I'm game. Literally.
I've only played Silent Hill on the first PlayStation. I've seen a video on of the latest one and it looked very disappointing, like the writers and 3D artists were stuck in a 2005 time loop.
I watched a Game Of Thrones episode earlier actually. That's the series based on the Song Of Ice And Fire books, right? I'll probably never get around to read those but I'll put them on the list anyway. The series is good.
I liked my Ai-themed list, too. The wallpaper I used is one of the best I've ever seen. I envy you for having that artbook, I saw a few scans with pictures from it online I think. Nice grab.
Feel free to grab some titles. I'm not sure I'm gonna score them early though so you'll just have to check which ones I stick with and read the synopsis just in case. I've watched 2 episodes of an anime that pukes happiness while the story is about a guy sleeping on a stranded ship at night and baking bread all day.
Yes, WTF indeed.
Good luck with the job and university, being busy is a good thing. Later you can check out what turned out to be a good anime and maybe pick that one up. Yay for trophy hunting. I do the same with game achievements. I love them. It's such a satisfying thing to hear the notification sound after you just spent a good bit of thinking on your last mission or whatever. And yes, hardest difficulty whenever possible. I love me a challenge! You're right, Bioshock doesn't really look scary or anything but I did see some giant ass owl... bot thing which looked pretty dope. It's gonna be hard to evoke a creepy atmosphere if your main motive is jumping around in the sky. Though maybe they'll put some gimmicks into the game... like an all around thunderstorm. I haven't played Amnesia. I don't think I've heard about it before, I'll do some information digging.
Sounds like a nice job you had there, too bad it didn't last. Something like that would be perfect for me. The Codex is indeed cool. I haven't even read all of it yet. Mainly because I made the mistake of ordering in the German Ubisoft online shop. So the book's in German, not in original English. Might try to buy one on ebay some day. I've also got a sweet AC encyclopedia on my shelf. That thing's four times the size of the codex - I just haven't found the time to read through it yet. Once summer comes, I'll slam my ass onto a beach chair or something, get a drink and get started.
I'm at work so I can't check out the trailer for Dishonored yet, but I will once I get home. It's actually the first time I hear about the game. Bioshock Infinite looks very spectacular and rather huge. I'll probably get lost but I fear it's going to be quite linear and will therefore not have much replay value. I'm not a fan of having to protect someone all the time, but I'll definitely check it out.
I've played many Tomb Raider games, if not all of them, and always enjoyed trying to find your way around the levels. The new game looks like it'll be a lot more serious, grittier, and raw. Lots of darkness. The younger Lara looks great, so that's why I'm looking forward to it.
Not only PC games get pirated these days. They said they justify the price due to production costs etc. in Europe. The console versions cost the same after all - it's not just the PC version that's expensive. I'm going to get the regular version though. As in, purchase it. The whole ME3 business is indeed unparalleled. EA just won some award for the worst company. Not only in games, the worst company period.
Nice comic strip. I often find my creativity at night. If I found a job where I started at 2 or 3 in the afternoon and then worked until 1 or 2 in the morning, that'd be ideal for me, haha.
Didn't know about the Codex Gigas, but I have my own codex on my shelf.
Besides the standalone outfit mod I had a couple of those high res texture mods installed, too. There are beautiful mods for Skyrim that change the leafs and the trees, the night sky, the snowflakes... Shit, now I kinda want to play it again. But it sort of takes over your life and I can't have that at the moment.
I am actually not really an RPG gamer. I never played any of the other Elder Scrolls games, though I've heard of them. I did enjoy Skyrim quite a bit though and I liked the RPG elements in Deus Ex Human Revolution (my favorite game of 2011) a lot. But I'm a compleitionist, I want to do everything. You can't do all the quests in one go in games like Skyrim. I tried The Witcher 2 as well but couldn't get into it at all.
Needless to say I'm very excited about ACIII. Despite all the DRM business, it's my favorite game series and the only one that can make me pre-order special editions 7 months in advance. I really hope it's gonna be big. Revelations was great but disappointed me a little bit so I really hope this next installment will be what I expect it to be.
I'm looking forward to lots of other games, too. Tomb Raider (fresh, juicy Lara.. mmhm) (whenever that's gonna get a release date) and Max Payne 3. Max Payne 2, even if it was GODdamn short, is one of my top 5 games ever. Mainly due the voice talent of James McCaffrey. But they got an insane pre-order special edition thing going on. 100 € for the special edition! That's fucking insane. You get some art, a figure, a keychain and some Multiplayer bonus stuff. The latter being absolutely retarded. I hate it when people can get an advantage in Multiplayer just because they got deeper pockets. Bad PR imo. With no word about the lenght of the single player story, it's quite bold to ask for 100 € so I'm not gonna play along. I can't even order the shit from the UK, which I usually do because they sell original versions (including the DVD cases) and prices are often so much lower, since they want 100 Pounds for the special edition. That's even more than 100 €. Shit's crazy.
But enough rambling. Don't want to make the Devil feel like he's reading as much text as there is in the fucking Bible now, do I? Thanks a lot! I'll do my best in the exams once I can get my lazy ass to studying. Still got some weeks until the exams and I work best under pressure anyway.
I've been gaming a bit, too, as always. While I passed on the Mass Effects games so far, I did play quite a lot of Skyrim, too. Did most of the side quests, then went for the rest of the main one and had some fun with mods after that. After the game decided to just let my in several hours carefully crafted standalone outfit mod (with the appropriate bonus attributes [that involved quite some planning actually - which spells to apply etc.]) vanish into oblivion (no pun intended) without notice after I loaded my last savegame though, I was a bit crossed and haven't touched the game since then.
I've been keeping myself busy with the merits of real life and some other games I decided to re-play. I got some major exams coming up which I'm not exactly looking forward to. There are applications to write, too, but otherwise I'm good. Good to hear you're alright. I'm off to fight one of my nemeses now - Monday.
Lol, Happy Bornday, Devil. Hope you have a good one.