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New Anime Project for BL Manga 'Junjou Romantica' Announced

Aug 29, 2013 11:29 PM

Sep 2012
According to the cover wrap on the latest volume 17, a new anime project for the BL manga "Junjou Romantica" has started. Previously the manga had two seasons of TV series in 2008 and an OVA which came with volume 16 of the manga in 2012. Studio and cast information has not been disclosed yet.

Source: Cover wrap of manga vol.17 via yaraon
NaruleachOct 5, 2013 5:11 PM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
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Aug 29, 2013 11:31 PM

Mar 2012
I'm not watching BL but it look like this and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi is really popular to get many season.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Aug 29, 2013 11:35 PM

Sep 2012
Yay for oddly disproportionate chins and mouths, rape = love, and forced melodrama I guess.
Aug 29, 2013 11:56 PM

Jun 2011
Jesus, those are some pointy looking chins.
Aug 30, 2013 12:11 AM
Feb 2013
Oh I don't prefer the art style either. Most of yaoi art looks weird in many ways; thick lips, pointy chins, long limbs and those hands..... But I'm still looking forward to this! :D
Aug 30, 2013 12:18 AM

Oct 2008
Honestly not looking forward to this, but hey, some BL is better than no BL at all xD Obviously, there are better BL manga out there, but if there's no-one willing to animate them, it can't be helped.
I hope the new anime will be an OVA or smth~
Aug 30, 2013 1:17 AM

Oct 2010
Admittedly, I'm a little excited.
Aug 30, 2013 1:32 AM

Oct 2012
Red_Keys said:
Yay for oddly disproportionate chins and mouths, rape = love, and forced melodrama I guess.

This is what I've only ever seen from this show.

From out of all other yaoi series... bleh. I guess Ill be ok with other yaoi series..
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 30, 2013 1:42 AM

Jan 2008
I hope that this time it won't be all about Romantica again. It's, like, the most boring of couples Junjou has to offer. Make something up if you don't have material, I'll take it over Usagi and his sick love to Misaki (and the latter being confused about it for whole two seasons and a special) every day.
Aug 30, 2013 2:03 AM

Aug 2011
Is this the only BL mangaka in existence?

FastWheels said:
Jesus, those are some pointy looking chins.

Those chins only apply to the uke 1/2 of the relationship, the other half has the squarest chin in the universe.
Because stereotypes.
Aug 30, 2013 2:07 AM

Dec 2010
Being a BL fangirl, anime adaptations are always a good news. I'm just sad that Junjou Romantica adaptations are always announced, when there are more series that are superior in terms of the story.
Aug 30, 2013 2:16 AM

Jun 2008
parfaited said:
Is this the only BL mangaka in existence?

I'm wondering the same Q_Q

Out of anything that could get an adaption (or: compared to everything that deserves an adaption), why this!? Щ(ºДºщ)
Aug 30, 2013 2:38 AM

Jun 2013
Am I the only dude who watches JJR , and literally grinning when I saw the news .
"Children of Japan. And those who were once children. Listen! This is not a dream. This is not fiction. In reality, your superheroes were always fighting. To teach viewers courage and the meaning of justice! No matter how many enemies there are. No matter how strong evil is. Just remember. Does any another country have so many heroes? Has any another country been protected by multiple superheroes? Stand with me, friends! Remember when you used to watch your superheroes!
Once you may have given up this dream. But today, you can be a hero!"

- Kaname Jouji , Red Axe

Aug 30, 2013 3:23 AM

Apr 2011
OH EM GEEEE! *silent squeal* i'm just a tad excited about this!!!! XD

This and Hybrid Child...YAYZ!!!
Aug 30, 2013 3:29 AM
Oct 2009
YESSS! Loved season 1, was gonna watch season 2 sson. This is really, really great stuff :D
Aug 30, 2013 3:48 AM

Dec 2012
WHAAAATTT??!!! Why are my favorites (which I believe are pretty good and pretty famous too) not getting another season while these kinds of anime are getting this much??? :'(
Aug 30, 2013 3:48 AM

May 2011
Really excited for this, can't wait! :D
Aug 30, 2013 3:50 AM

Mar 2012
krisalice85 said:
WHAAAATTT??!!! Why are my favorites (which I believe are pretty good and pretty famous too) not getting another season while these kinds of anime are getting this much??? :'(
What is your favorite?
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Aug 30, 2013 4:06 AM
May 2012
Yay a new anime!!!

oh no yaoi.

me not want.
Aug 30, 2013 4:26 AM

Oct 2010
I am happy I like this manga but it's like there's only anime for these series lol they should animate others BL too.
darkuriaAug 30, 2013 4:33 AM

Aug 30, 2013 4:40 AM
Oct 2012
YAY!!! I get to fall in love with this series all over again <3 thanks for posting, means a lot :) <3
Aug 30, 2013 4:48 AM

Jun 2011
Whoo... more bl.....
Aug 30, 2013 4:55 AM

May 2012
YAY, hoping for a whole season and not an OVA, like last year.

Nakamuras's art improved a lot but there are things like the "yaoi hands syndrome" in almost every new volume that comes out (like the last Onodera no Baai).

A good thing is that in anime form, the art always get a little better.
Aug 30, 2013 5:06 AM

Dec 2007

I'm so tired of this style, this author and this in general, someone should animate quality BL instead.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Aug 30, 2013 5:11 AM

Oct 2011
I think I enjoy this series (and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi) literally because it's the only decent bl anime series out there. But there are so much better bl manga that I wish would get a chance to be turned into a series and not get turned into half-baked and crappy OVAs. Nakamura Shungiku had a good run and I will be looking forward to the new season but I wish another series/mangaka would get a well done anime.
Aug 30, 2013 5:13 AM

Mar 2012
Without a doubt :D I am looking forward to it :D
Aug 30, 2013 5:36 AM

Jul 2010
Yeah I'm ready for other BL to be animated. I understand the concept of sticking with what's profitable, and I will watch this cause I'm a beggar not a chooser, but yeah.

I'm ready for other BL to be animated.

Into TV shows.

That aren't really poor adaptations.

Aug 30, 2013 6:23 AM

Jul 2010
Like most people here I'm grateful for more yaoi animes, especially Junjou and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi have super quality adaptations... but... pls animate some other yaois, seriously!!! Junjou is not bad, but I preferred new series. I can imagine new series would sell as well as known series or even better, but then who am I to know that xD
Not sure whether to be happy or not about these news.
Aug 30, 2013 6:31 AM

Aug 2007
Face_Faith said:
parfaited said:
Is this the only BL mangaka in existence?

I'm wondering the same Q_Q

Out of anything that could get an adaption (or: compared to everything that deserves an adaption), why this!? Щ(ºДºщ)

For some reason I still haven't figured out, this manga is crazy popular, so they milk it out nicely until everyone's sick of it, I guess. I honestly like Shounen Ai/Yaoi/BL, but this one I've never came to like. I don't find these rape-stories very appealing, because they try to convice the audience that rape leads to real love and the fake melodrama is usually where it shouldn't be. Rape is just such a serious subject, that I don't like manga making fun of it and the way this manga treats rape, it's not taking the subject seriously. I watched both season and successfully came to the conclusion, that Junjou Romantica is nowhere near anything I like.
I like it when manga or anime treat touchy subject with the right respect, that's why I love REAL by Takehiko Inoue so much, it deals with disabled people and it does a fantastic job. However, I really dislike how Junou Romantica deals with rape, it feels like a porno, where rape is just there to achieve some kind of interaction between the characters and start a realtionship.
Aug 30, 2013 6:38 AM

Jan 2013
Yay! I hope this is another season.
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Aug 30, 2013 6:41 AM

Aug 2013
I always welcome more bl, I have to admit I'm excited.
Aug 30, 2013 7:50 AM

May 2010
Yay!! I love everything related to JR, both seasons, ova, manga... Hopefully it's a third season, I would be in heaven <3
Aug 30, 2013 7:51 AM

Jul 2007
I definitely want more BL shows, but I really hated JR and SH... :( Why can't they animate new things!!
Aug 30, 2013 7:57 AM

Nov 2008
will pass not my kind of anime anyway
Aug 30, 2013 8:25 AM

Aug 2011
WOW. What. A. Surprise. I could have never expected another Nakamura project. Seriously, it's such a shocker!

Considering that there are so many BL mangaka in existence, some with stories that are less repetitive than Nakamura's, why do they not animate some other BL manga? There are so many games too. Seven Days was great, Honto Yajuu, Elektal Delusion, DRAMATICAL Murder, Lamento (hey how about a remake of TnC), Acid Town and other stuff. Sigh. It's like there aren't any BL mangaka besides Nakamura and this really annoys me. Come on, Japan.

Honestly, Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi are so alike it's ridiculous. And also very predictable. At this point, idk if I'm going to watch this 'new project' for JR. I'm still forever looking forward to Love Stage!, whenever that comes out.

I'm just really disappointed. Every time I hear news of a BL anime, it's always Nakamura's stuff. I mean good job for her, her shit's getting popular but there is no variety. Sigh. I guess it is what it is.
Aug 30, 2013 8:54 AM

May 2008
Lol why are people that DON'T like yaoi even posting in this topic.

New Junjou was bound to happen because the manga has enough material for TWO more seasons at this point.

I'm happy as all hell. I need my fill of Junjou over Hatsukoi and it's been a while since a new chapter was released.

Everyone needs to quit bitching and be greatful we're getting more yaoi in general. Yeah more shows other than JR and SH need to be animated, but it's popular.

As if DBZ hasn't been milked to death, and One Piece and Naruto aren't ending anytime soon and you don't see people whining about those.

Aug 30, 2013 9:05 AM

Sep 2011
I'm guessing this is gonna be an OVA, i noticed most of these "anime projects" tend to be OVA's, and see'ing as the TV anime weren't selling that much, i doubt they're gonna bother making a full TV anime.

Laciie said:
WOW. What. A. Surprise. I could have never expected another Nakamura project. Seriously, it's such a shocker!

Considering that there are so many BL mangaka in existence, some with stories that are less repetitive than Nakamura's, why do they not animate some other BL manga? There are so many games too. Seven Days was great, Honto Yajuu, Elektal Delusion, DRAMATICAL Murder, Lamento (hey how about a remake of TnC), Acid Town and other stuff. Sigh. It's like there aren't any BL mangaka besides Nakamura and this really annoys me. Come on, Japan.

It's mainly because Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi are one of the few BL mangas to have several volumes, and are by far one of the very few long running BL mangas and as far as i'm concerned are the Top selling "strictly"- BL mangas, so i kind of understand why they would stick with these, since everything else might be a risk for them.
Downgrade355Aug 30, 2013 9:08 AM
Aug 30, 2013 10:29 AM

Nov 2012
yesssss. i totally love yaoi. so happy theres a new season. FUJOSHI.
Aug 30, 2013 10:30 AM

Sep 2011
KayChan4U said:
Lol why are people that DON'T like yaoi even posting in this topic.

New Junjou was bound to happen because the manga has enough material for TWO more seasons at this point.

I'm happy as all hell. I need my fill of Junjou over Hatsukoi and it's been a while since a new chapter was released.

Everyone needs to quit bitching and be greatful we're getting more yaoi in general. Yeah more shows other than JR and SH need to be animated, but it's popular.

As if DBZ hasn't been milked to death, and One Piece and Naruto aren't ending anytime soon and you don't see people whining about those.
Oh shut up, please. People have EVERY right to post in this topic as you do. Most people here don't even SAY they don't like BL, they just don't like stupid melodramatic rape = love stories, which Im sure they would hate even if it was hetero.

No, people aren't going to quit bitching and "be grateful" for something that they don't like. You're honestly going to need to learn to suck it up and realize that not everyone is going to comment positively on something that YOU like. That's just how it is. We all have our right to express our opinions just as much as you do.
Dont touch me I'm in despair.
Aug 30, 2013 10:36 AM

Jun 2012
Aug 30, 2013 10:54 AM

Aug 2011
Downgrade355 said:
I'm guessing this is gonna be an OVA, i noticed most of these "anime projects" tend to be OVA's, and see'ing as the TV anime weren't selling that much, i doubt they're gonna bother making a full TV anime.

Laciie said:
WOW. What. A. Surprise. I could have never expected another Nakamura project. Seriously, it's such a shocker!

Considering that there are so many BL mangaka in existence, some with stories that are less repetitive than Nakamura's, why do they not animate some other BL manga? There are so many games too. Seven Days was great, Honto Yajuu, Elektal Delusion, DRAMATICAL Murder, Lamento (hey how about a remake of TnC), Acid Town and other stuff. Sigh. It's like there aren't any BL mangaka besides Nakamura and this really annoys me. Come on, Japan.

It's mainly because Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi are one of the few BL mangas to have several volumes, and are by far one of the very few long running BL mangas and as far as i'm concerned are the Top selling "strictly"- BL mangas, so i kind of understand why they would stick with these, since everything else might be a risk for them.

But there are also other BL manga that sell very well; these two aren't the only ones. Long running manga like Honto Yajuu and some others have more than enough material for an anime. Plus there are also games that could be adapted. DRAMATICAL Murder is extremely popular right now.

The thing is, nothing will happen unless you take a risk. They took a risk by animating the first Nakamura manga, so why can't they take a risk and animate something else? I mean, it's not like it's being reckless. They can take a calculated risk and animate another popular BL game/novel/manga.
Aug 30, 2013 1:18 PM

Feb 2011
Laciie said:
But there are also other BL manga that sell very well; these two aren't the only ones. Long running manga like Honto Yajuu and some others have more than enough material for an anime. Plus there are also games that could be adapted. DRAMATICAL Murder is extremely popular right now.

The thing is, nothing will happen unless you take a risk. They took a risk by animating the first Nakamura manga, so why can't they take a risk and animate something else? I mean, it's not like it's being reckless. They can take a calculated risk and animate another popular BL game/novel/manga.

I for one would LOVE to see DRAMAtical Murder get made into an anime. *_* Or any of those games. Or other BL manga, I'm not picky. :D
Aug 30, 2013 1:35 PM

May 2013
I'm happy for more BL, but I'd rather they adapt some one else beside Nakamura. I'm glad she's gotten successful, but I just want someone else for a change.

I'd love to see an Elektel Delusion adaption, or even Honto Yajuu.

Anyway, I did enjoy the Egoist pairing, so I guess I'll watch for them even though their story got old forever ago.
“Victor can’t be satisfied by anyone but me.”

Aug 30, 2013 1:53 PM

Jan 2011
I would love to watch a 3rd season of JR, the first two were brilliant and funny :)
Aug 30, 2013 2:39 PM

Nov 2007
Oh, wow~!
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Aug 30, 2013 2:54 PM

Nov 2012
Ok, this is kinda ridiculous. I mean, i like Junjou Romantica and all...but seriously? Another adaption? This isn't the only BL Manga in existence. You know, there is actually manga that deserve to be animated. Good Manga. Like Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi, Otokogokoro/Koibitogokoro/Koigokoro, Black Bird and Noblesse. THOSE, right there, are a good Manga.
Although the Takafumi Yokozawa no Baai looks good, i might just watch that. But they need to quit wasting their money on Junjou Romantica.

If it only has Usagi and Misaki in it. Fuck it. I want some goddamn Shinobu and Miyagi. That couple only got like what, 4 episodes in the entire 2 seasons and OVA? Fuck the other two, make this adaption about Miyagi and Shinobu. That's the least they could waste their money on.

But i still want Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi to be animated. Seriously. I will be forever happy if they do that. Put your money to good use and animate that brilliant BL Manga. Shungiku Nakamura isn't the best and only BL Manga author out there. Her disproportionate body parts are starting to piss me off.
SnazzGaryAug 30, 2013 3:03 PM
"Hey, assbutt!"—Castiel, Supernatural

"Do you ever have a problem where you just don't know how to reply to an argument-- not because you don't know the answer, but you just don't where to begin? Like, the foundation of knowledge you'd need to impart to this person before you could even begin to drag them out of their sinkhole of ignorance would cost thousands of dollars, if it were coming from a University?" -MAL in a nutshell.
Aug 30, 2013 4:14 PM

Mar 2009

seriously is she whoring herself or something to get those adaptations -_-
Aug 30, 2013 4:22 PM

Feb 2011
More Yaoi is NEVER welcomed :3
Aug 30, 2013 4:58 PM

Mar 2011
Oh goooooodness!!!!!
yes yes yes please!!!!!!! <3

season 3 please!! XD
Aug 30, 2013 6:10 PM

May 2013
UnbornMVs said:
More Yaoi is NEVER welcomed :3

Yes it is welcomed, now shut up and stop posting in these kind of threads.
“Victor can’t be satisfied by anyone but me.”

This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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