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Here comes the most important episode which we all have been waiting for!!
All pieces are in position for M.T. (Once we are done with these 2-week remasters, hopefully)
So here is a detailed account of what happened in this episode:
Shiho Miyano (Haibara in her former body) rescued the children from the mountain hut.
Of course, even though it was too convenient to be true, she had the victim's clothes to change into and appear in front of the children.
The victim's supposedly dying message was Usagi (rabbit), which is the perpetrator's last name. Since the victim was a nursery school teacher, she used both hands to make a rabbit which can be seen by the hands' shadow if illuminated by light.
Another hint which led to believe the culprit is right-handed is that the victim's injury was caused by an axe and it was from the upper right side of the victim's back going down to the left.
As well as the footprints left near the hole which indicated that the left leg was in front and the right leg was in the back. And one wouldn't need to stand in such a way to use a shovel to dig a hole unless they're right-handed.
Thus the culprit is the only male who is right-handed and whose name is Usagi which is Usagi Chouzou, the cameraman.
Now for the most important parts:
It was fun to see Conan's frightened face once more when who thought the children died in that hut:
Conan, in the end, met with Sherry who was disappointed that the person she believed will come to their rescue didn't make an appearance:
Haibara couldn't take off the Mystery Train Pass ring as her body grew bigger:
The victim led her boyfriend to that dark hut in order to cure his phobia but that bizarre plan backfired as he entered a panic state and stabbed her back with the axe by accident. The victim didn't leave a dying message or hold any grudges but simply wanted to embrace the shape of a rabbit which represented her beloved person's name in her last moments.
Sera saw the video footage of the lady who saved the children:
The children wanted Mouri to investigate the identity of the pretty lady who saved them and emailed the "movie" to Kogorou's.
Amuro, the sneaky rascal, using his twisted ways saw the footage as well:
(Kogrou's laptop password was Ko go ro san,
which can be represented in numbers as 5 5 6 3)
As well as Subaru:
Amuro then notices someone is hacking Mouri's laptop.
Here is my speculation which shall be 100% correct (No. I DO NOT READ THE MANGA!! Yet, I'll put it in a spoiler since I'm confident in what I have concluded):
Subaru, Akai Shuuichi in disguise, was the one who hacked Mouri's laptop in order to protect Sherry and keep up his promise to Akemi. Amuro is obviously Bourbon as I have said in previous topics and he was wearing gloves and barely made a sound which is characteristic of the B.O. Sera should be Akai's sister as I have concluded from her talk about a person who rarely smiled in a previous ep (You can go back to that topic to see the whole deduction in process).
Hopefully, 2 more weeks till M.T.!
This is a trailer I've subbed 5 months ago for M.T. It is now appropriate to post it in here:
^ Use that and the new OP to get yourselves hyped!
(Again I feel like I should have just subbed the episode instead of writing all of this however this time I used a synopsis form instead of my usual dialogue form.--And, M-L subs are really accurate and are becoming really fast after DCTP's help so I believe fans will get to watch this in the desired top-notch quality soon enough.)
[PLEASE be considerate to others and use a spoiler button if you plan on discussing ANYTHING which DID NOT HAPPEN in the anime yet!!]
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rodacFeb 6, 2014 9:08 PM
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
A remaster (Fuck... But atleast no AO horsecrap, the difference is like night and day atm) ... So no episodes since there reads Part 1, it won't be a special
That case is probably related to a disc the BO is after like the one remasters before the last 2 eps
Oh well anyway, that was done really well... Loved Amuros smile at the end LOVED it (5th time watching that)
Apparently next year is going to be maybe the biggest BO arc in Conan history?
Lol, look at the 3rd to last pic in the OP if thats what the Bell Tree Express is going to look like.., Woohoo!
k11chi said: A remaster (Fuck... But atleast no AO horsecrap, the difference is like night and day atm) ... So no episodes since there reads Part 1, it won't be a special
That case is probably related to a disc the BO is after like the one remasters before the last 2 eps
Oh well anyway, that was done really well... Loved Amuros smile at the end LOVED it (5th time watching that)
Apparently next year is going to be maybe the biggest BO arc in Conan history?
Lol, look at the 3rd to last pic in the OP if thats what the Bell Tree Express is going to look like.., Woohoo!
Yeah. This is the last case they need to remaster to make the fans remember this case and the guy.
and that smile of Amuro's xD
Hype!! I just re-watched the OP for the 4th time in a row xP
Atamaaa said: There's no episode on the 6th of july either because of NTV's 開局60年特別番組「THE MUSIC DAY 音楽のちから」 so you're looking at a 3 week period minimum before M.T.
Crap! This is gonna be a long hard wait...
Tokubetsu bangumi toka iranai! No Detective Conan fill for three weeks then T.T
Oh well, hopefully we'll get our long-awaited M.T. before my birthday (July, 21st).
And it's time to re-watch all BO\FBI related eps! (Our wait will be really long so might as well do that)
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
This murder case wasn't to difficult to figure out. The use of shadow puppets to identify the culprit was a decent idea.
It's good to see Haibara turn back into Sherry/Shiho temporary again.
Overall, this was a good episode to lead into the mystery train episodes. I just wish that they would show those episodes next week instead of a rerun.
Armageddon was yesterday, today we have a problem.
i have to admit that sometimes the series can be a bit of a drag, but when we touch the main story, things start to get much much more fun and interesting. Like the last two episodes and the upcoming epidodes. :)
I wonder if they are going to name the parts like with two moons and Black Impact, you know in B.I there was that cross and the name of what part it is when they changed to show different area or later in time it mentions the name of the part which was pretty nice
I think Aoyama draw Mystery Train for that because after every part it starts with where you can see where the Bell Tree Express is from birds perspective, which is pretty cool
There are 7 parts: [All Aboard!]
All aboard [Tunnel]
Something happening [First Class]
More BO [Junction]
"Are you ready?" - Vermouth [Interception]
Reveals [Releasing Smoke]
and the [Final Destination] "Codename: BOURBON
An investigator terrifyingly proficient in observation, perception and the gathering of information..."
If there's no AO after M.T then the next case after this should be rather surprising
Tensai-Kun said: Conan, in the end, met with Sherry who was disappointed that the person she believed will come to their rescue didn't make an appearance:
i'm so, so happy to see the adult version of haibara again :') even though her voice sounded higher than usual? well, maybe that's just me.
i'm glad the end showed that we can expect a lot to happen because at first i was really disappointed because it was like "yeah, haibara took the antidote, saved the kids and in a few minutes she'll go back to normal. no big deal." but this show didn't disappoint me and obviously there'll be consequences.
gregthemaniac said: i have to admit that sometimes the series can be a bit of a drag, but when we touch the main story, things start to get much much more fun and interesting. Like the last two episodes and the upcoming epidodes. :)
that's what i think all the time :D i love this show from the bottom of my heart, but watching 50 episodes that are just pure filler can be really hard, especially when you know that the main story will be awesome as soon as it continues.
jaxjaxk said: i laugh how this has more episodes than anything i have ever seen. and i watched onepiece over summer of 09! this is going to take some time!
Its episodic you can just hop to any episode because theres a recap
WAIT, they actually showed the main plot/storyline ?
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
there has been 1h specials alot though
specials in 400s after 479 (like 487-490 were all 1h) and there has been specials in 500s, sometimes they take 1 season off without any specials though that´s why it has taken so long since we had 1... In other words if they didnt throw specials completely away after 651 to save in budget and M.T for some reason isn´t a special the only case that can be one anymore is a Awfully long Manor Case with Heiji that is exactly like M.T with 1 or 2 episodes first (equivalent of episodes 699 and 700 to Mystery Train) and THEN the main episode that SHOULD be a special instead another 5 episodes because it´s just as long as M.T and I can tell it won´t be good if it is a arc instead of a special either- 7 episodes in row with Heiji, lol. Gawd... I hope they know what they are doing.
DC is pretty predictable so I figure I will get mine written down before it happens:
Subaru is drinking bourbon which leads me to think he clearly is not bourbon, but probably related to him in some way, most likely a CIA agent tasked with finding the identity of bourbon.
Sera is clearly related to Akai in some way, and the writers know we know this. She is most likely Bourbon, but misled in some way, such as being told that sherry murdered her brother, or that if she wanted information on Akai she would need to work for the black organization. If not that, she infiltrated the black organization to get information or revenge.
Amuro clearly has some skills, and my gut is telling me that he is the bad guy here. I'm guessing he is either an independent working for the black organization or maybe simply a black organization member who was tasked with figuring out how much Mouri knows and who was working with him, after they let him live in that previous encounter.
I caught up, and I am using Moon Lighters at the moment
Even though DCTP stopped doing Anime, the members can just join another group :D
k11chi said: Bad news: It doesn´t look like Mystery Train is going to be a special.
Aww... I was hoping it was a 2 hour special or something
And finally, 700 episodes!? holy shit!
Love seeing haibara in her adult form, gorgerous as always.
Though Is Sera the sister of Akai or something? She looks way too much like him.
Pretty sure Subaru isn't Bourbon, or Akai, since there is NO WAY that they could disguise that well in front of Conan.
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Oh shit, all three of the suspicious people saw Shiho's true adult form. I wonder how Amuro got access to the pics. Don't use Clouds for important pictures xD
Ugh, I just knew one of them would pull something like that. It seems everyone's disguises are going to be pulled off soon, going a little too fast if you ask me. The ending of the case was boring, killed her because she tried to keep him in a room. So he decided to kill 4 kids, even smiled when he realized what he could do,
Case File #699/#700 The Shadow Pursuing Haibara's Secret
Important Milestone:
All three Bourbon suspects have learned about the survival of "Sherry".
When Conan tries to ask for some APTX "just in case", Haibara's answer is, "I can't give any to a detective from a rom-com who would grow larger whenever the whim takes him." Haha, how true (she also shouts "Pervert!" when he tries to take it away from her). Conan's practically an addict who can't help himself whenever he wants to see Ran in his normal size again.
The featured mystery here is pretty straightforward, nothing really impactful. I would have felt sympathy for the culprit had he not tried to silence the children. Haibara felt that the victim held a grudge against him for killing her, even accidentally, but Conan felt that she merely wanted to keep her "Usagi" close to her heart. Kinda cheesy, but eh, I'll take it.
And so, the climatic showdown has began down at the Mystery Train next episode. WHO IS BOURBON?! Coming up next.
Overall Rating: ★★★★ Mystery Complexity Level: ★★★ Was the victim a jerk?No
cmon everyone, we've seen these kind of cliffhangers before.. Remember the end of Detectives' Nocturne (episode 674) or The Red Shaking Target (episode 581), we were expecting to learn who Bourbon really is, and a bit progress about BO. But what did we have at the end? Nothing! Seriously, im not getting hyped for this show anymore and I don't think we will be revealed about Bourbon's real identity either..
i officially give up too...... i see now that my expectations of manga adapted episodes just really lower the enjoyment.. and my enjoyment got no business be lowered lol
Damn, it was actually weird to see Haibara as adult sized after a long time. So Sera and Amuro seem like they’re working together otherwise there’s no way he would randomly know the kids send something.
Let's go!! A case that is related to the main plot !! and might be the start of the actual main plot!
I believe this is the second time we saw Haibara in her grown-up form. Amuro guy and Subaru guy are spying on them, jeez.
Mori your password 😂😭😭😂😂
Thanks to detective boys the black organisation get a hold of information that conan was hiding with his absolute best, haibara in miyano shiho form looks gorgeous, she's probably the same height as shinichi. Next arc looks spicy asf