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May 26, 2013 7:11 PM

Sep 2012
Bunch magazine, July issue. Buy it!

BTOOOM! 11 Japanese, buy it! The english translations now available, buy them! Support this awesome manga! Just a fanboy...


Chapter 63: Cost becomes heavy

The chopper. The commander lies there, his arms melted off. A soldier is down too. Murasaki san lies still on the beach, her torso riddled with bullets.

A bloody chipped hand reaches up. Is it possible to grasp at life?

On the stage the announcer says, with English translation, "BTOOOM! Gamers, eh? What a fascinating show. It brings out the ugly side of human nature."

I can't quote too much of the English without violating fair use but if you find a raw copy you will be able to read much of the chapter, including some of the most important points. But then, again, it becomes important that only some people are translated... for now I shall paraphrase and abridge:

Date was a snobby elitist who thought he was invincible. But that's why he was so quick to turn on people whenever he got a chance. His last thought must have been, how could this happen to me? I'm better than this game!

Same goes for laptop guy, who felt secure in all his programming.

HEF idiots. The entire planet is a battleground! But they didn't care, that was their downfall. Never knowing what it really meant to be the best. Isn't this great? It's going to blow everyone's mind! It's going to be the high point of the project!

Back to Japanese only, Takanohashi-san flying the second chopper, "Osamukai, respond! Is anyone alive down there? Wakamoto-kun!! Respond!!"

Ryota and Hidemi are at the chopper. They see Date and laptop guy, say, "He attacked and... what happened? Wakamoto-kun (laptop guy)!" Turns out Ryoto knew Wakamoto-kun from BTOOOM too. The bullet hole in the mask was his doom, but he killed Date san. "Here, attacking, what a disgrace! Couldn't you see with your eyes?" The pilot moves, still fine, was wearing the other mask and protected from the gas.

Hidemi grabs the gun from Wakamoto's hand and pulls it on the pilot, says "Don't move!" in Japanese. He says, "Wait, don't shoot!" in English. She says, "Can't understand a word!" in Japanese and shoots, a hole coming out the side of the chopper. But she put the bullet through the mask bottom and says, "If you want to complain, use Japanese!" in Japanese.

Ryota is out of the chopper yelling, "Himiko! Murasaki san!" He uses his radar, sees two superimposed bodies, one riding piggyback. It's Oda carrying an injured Himiko. He says, "Oda! Why, Himiko, what's the matter?" Her arm's all bloody and she holds it tight, cringing.

Oda says, "She was attacked so I threw her BIM. That's all."

Ryota says, "Eh? Yeah, what about Murasaki san?"

Ryota is at the beach, holding Murasaki-san's bullet riddled body. She is barely alive. "Mura... saki san..." he says.

"That...." she says, "that sort of thing, a fitting death really..."

Himiko is crying, "Murasaki san... it could just as easily have been on my side."

"Be happy," says Murasaki san.

Oda says, "If reinforcements arrive..."

Himiko says she is sorry she couldn't protect her. "Please respond... ahhhhhhhh!" she cries as Murasaki-san dies.

Oda says, "Because we all came to this island, we all had to fight, we couldn't be conscious of who it was but that's all over now."

Hidemi yells from the chopper, "What are you doing??? Hurry up, we have to get out of here!"

Himeko says, "I'm sorry we can't bury you. Please rest as a couple in peace."

They arrange the bodies of Date san and Murasaki san on the beach, holding hands. And they go.

They untie the chopper and climb in. AND THEY TAKE OFF, THE CHOPPER TAKES OFF!

They look back at the beach, at the bodies.

Takanohashi in the second chopper says, "The chopper is taking off? The pilot is alive? Aside from the pilot the rest of the squad is dead?? Sakamoto kun... you actually did it."

Now in English, "Pilot, report back! Go back to the island or you'll be in deep doodoo!"

Chopper pilot says, "Hey, that chopper is threatening us! Impossible, all the staff was supposed to be in this one!"

In English, "Respond dammit!"

Hidemi says, "This is great, eh? Really awesome tactics!"

Ryota is tending to Himiko's arm with the first aid kit, applying antiseptics and says, "Not that great, Murasaki san and Date san ... And Himiko getting injured."

Oda says, "Luxury talk, things have been looking up for Ryota but everything has been worse for me."

Himiko says, "Ryota, without her, everyone would have lost. She put our lives ahead of hers."

...skipping some may fill tomorrow...

Hidemi is thinking about ex-soccer player Seiya she was with when... the chopper makes a sudden maneuver! They are thrown about the chopper.

Hidemi says in Japanese, "What the hell are you doing??? Hold it steady!"

Instead, the pilot puts the chopper into a steep climb and Hidemi's head slams into his seat, she loses partial consciousness, he grabs her wrist, turns it around and puts a bullet through her head. Hidemi is dead, without a doubt. Point blank. Dead fish eyes to the ceiling. Blood and brains of Hidemi join Date san's on the ceiling. All are in shock.

"Kinosita san!" says Ryota, holding her body.

"The chopper made a u-turn heading back to the island," says the pilot in English, "back to the game, you Japs!" (Note, that is what it says, the pilot is racist.)

In Japanese, Ryota says, "You... what... did..." but he says, "I don't understand Japanese." He holds up the gun and asks, "Does this help?"

Himiko is in shock. Misinterpreting her fear he grabs the stick with his other hand from behind and says, "No sweat, I can fly this thing with my eyes closed." again in English. "Go back to the island or you'll be just like that bitch over there," he says.

In Japanese Ryota says, "Wha... what did you say?"

Himiko says, "Return to the island he said."

"Himiko..." says Ryota.

In English, Himiko says, "No! Let us go back to Japan!! Please!!"

The pilot says, "Oh.. here's someone who speaks language. That'll speed things up. OK, translate this... If you think you can get off scot free killing our soldiers you're outta luck. You have 0% chance without your beloved BIMs. If you like your life, do what I tell you or I'll put a bullet in your head too. See, there's a bay there, jump out!"

Ryota says, "Himiko... what did he say?"

She says, "Open the door and jump out or return to the game..."

Oda says, "Ryota, he doesn't understand Japanese so we can speak as usual. Two of us can take him. But the thing is, after we kill him, can we fly this thing to Japan?"

"Understood," Ryota says, "Oda is going to give you the stun gun," as he pulls a knife from his fanny pack.

The pilot says, "Stop blabbing and open that hatch. Now!!"

Oda says, "O-Ke- O-Ke- I'll go now" In Japanese but O-Ke- is universal. He pretends to stumble and passes the stun gun to Himiko and moves to the hatch open mechanism, saying "Ryota, when I open the door, we do it."

'Please god'


OMG, you gotta be kidding me, another cliffhanger.

And another death. The body bags are really piling up on the island and now off it as well.

Not sure how this will go. On the one hand I would not be shocked to see that this was ending in two chapters, seeing that they are on the chopper. But it could also end up with them right back on the island.

Even if they do go to Japan, will it be over? Or will they try to take the fight to them? So it could end soon in book 12 or it could go on for some time, hard to say...
hpulleyMay 27, 2013 4:49 AM
Jun 1, 2013 2:41 PM

Jul 2012
Ok i know i hated date (but did they really have to put the two together sometimes i can't tell if murasaki and date like each other or hate each other)
hidemi i didn't like either but god i thought that the pilot died...

let's say they go back to japan but then the creators of the game purposely write their names in again on the "go die" list and are sent back
but then ryota and the others suspect this and use the chance to rescue the others and destroy the hardware stuff (the place that was running the programs)

or when they get back to japan government tries to do something or covers up the whole incident and rescue everyone who was still alive
however there is still the chance the government doesn't care as they are cooperating with this and put up false news to make it seem like it was over

Whatever they were the possible outcomes if they go back to japan...

And thanks again hpulley!:D
From now on expect me to be one of your supporters :3

This manga is monthly right? I wanna be the first to thank you for your summary work every time you put up a new summary! XD
Jun 1, 2013 3:38 PM

Sep 2012
You're welcome! Yes, it is a monthly manga. I put the summary up as soon as I get my monthly Bunch magazine.
Jun 4, 2013 6:48 PM

Jul 2011
Thanks a lot for the summary! :D

And another dead to the list *O*
Dat cliffhanger at the end T_T, i can't wait for the next chapter [or summary, lol]

csal07 said:

This manga is monthly right? I wanna be the first to thank you for your summary work every time you put up a new summary! XD

Now you have a rival, i'll be the first one in the next XD
Just Kidding, no matter to be the first one, the important is just to thank to hpulley for bring us the summaries :D
Jun 5, 2013 2:10 AM

Sep 2012
Again, you're welcome! Next Bunch magazine comes out June 21st... not sure if I'll get it that Friday or if it won't come until the Monday after. The wait is a killer!
Jun 13, 2013 10:14 AM

Mar 2013
Thank you hpulley!!!
Sep 27, 2013 5:30 PM
Sep 2013
One way or another, I knew they wouldn't make it out of there prematurely. They still have to contend with the other team as well as the entire island. This is like Battle royale where one or two people (lovers maybe) are allowed to escape the game and their tormentors in the end.
Nov 15, 2013 5:57 PM

Nov 2011
>Don't shoot!

Poor Murasaki though ;.;
Hope they can take out that pilot though. Otherwise, it's back to the freaking game AGAIN.
Nov 15, 2013 6:25 PM
Mar 2012
Damn, wonder if their plan will work
Nov 15, 2013 6:59 PM

Feb 2011
So close, just a little more.
Nov 15, 2013 11:22 PM

Jan 2011
God dammit, Kinoshita died! I started to like her a lot these past few chapters too. D: The pilot doesn't understand any Japanese at all? I hope that is actually true but I feel as if he's lying. Ryouta and Oda working together again eh?
Nov 15, 2013 11:48 PM

Aug 2010

Didn't expect her to die like that. Head shot!

It's obvious they're gonna be going back though. There r still quite a lot of characters to be introduced.
Nov 16, 2013 1:22 AM

Feb 2012
Damn it, Inoue is killing off the players one after another.

The tension, man, are they going to make it?
Nov 16, 2013 3:05 AM

Jun 2011
wtf!!? 2 headshots in 2 chapters..
crazy..! didn't see that at all..
Nov 16, 2013 6:10 AM

May 2013
Wow this is getting good. R.I.P Kinoshita Hopefully they can succeed in getting out.
Nov 16, 2013 8:38 AM

Nov 2011
why? was that really necessary? poor Kinoshita :/ now i wonder what will happen
Nov 16, 2013 8:24 PM

Jan 2011
I have a feeling this is gonna end with only Ryouta and Himiko left alive.
Nov 16, 2013 8:52 PM

Dec 2012
Wow, Kinoshita's death was really sudden.
Nov 17, 2013 5:46 PM

Dec 2012
All these cliffhangers man...
Nov 17, 2013 7:41 PM

Aug 2012
Damn didn't expect Kinosita to die and that cliffhanger.
Nov 18, 2013 6:51 AM

Jun 2009
great Chapter cant wait for the next one and hope oda don't gets shot either
Nov 18, 2013 10:53 AM

Oct 2011
Oh man, I need the next chapter like right now. Hope Oda survives.
Nov 19, 2013 3:13 AM

Dec 2008
Didn't see Kinoshita's death coming at all.
I want this plan to succeed. It's time for them to get off the island.
I've got a bad feeling that Oda may die.
Nov 23, 2013 12:21 PM

Jun 2008
And just when I started to like Kinoshita she dies.
But there are still so many characters that haven't been introduced, how's it gonna work out if they don't go back to the island? But I really hope they get away.
Dec 1, 2013 8:38 AM

Sep 2011
does anybody know when 64 chapter gonna be translated ? :(
Mar 26, 2015 12:32 AM

Nov 2012
[b]Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Don't shoot!
Jun 4, 2015 1:11 AM

Feb 2012
that pilot sure is a piece of shit
Jun 20, 2015 10:01 AM

Nov 2013
Can someone explain to me whether Data ended up betraying them or sticking to the plan? I'm under the impression that he betrayed them in the end with the gas mask cause there was only 2 and he needed the pilot alive to get home. But them the other characters acted as if his death was sad which made me think he kept to the plan! Confused!

Sep 11, 2020 2:40 AM

May 2020
Kinoshita also died omg. There will be no people as long as they are dead. Seems a magical plan incoming.
Mar 2, 10:58 AM
Jul 2023
Damn everyone keeps dying….If season 2 ever got animated,i’mma cry the fuck out

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