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Nov 16, 2008 9:46 AM

Jul 2008
RAW came in! NEW STUFF! I like it a lot! LOL at Ryouta! IT's getting better! ART IS GOOD TOO! NICE NEW ED!

THE FIRST PART was sort of like a repetition of the soccer match in a earlier episode BUT when it went after the match......OH MAN! Ryota being AGAIN A LOSER! This time to a girl! Natsumi! He lost in all challenges he proposed to her! WHAT was EPIC is that she lost to Ryota sewing ABILITY! THAT IS WEIRD cause girls are supposed to be good at that BUT NATSUMI IS MORE LIKE A TOMBOY!

Well the result is the guys LOST MORE THAN they bargained and each time they lost they had to exchange their desserts! If I would be their age...........I WOULD BE PISSED if it happened for a whole week each day.

THE SECOND PART is EPIC! The entering scene of the girls reminded of some Terminator movie! Like walking death machines..............ON TOP OF THAT they beat Ryota and his gang with weapons they themselves used for battle! WATER GUNS! :P


LOL at the girls getting wet cause of a guy throwing a bucket of water on them! LOL

THE THIRD PART was stupid...............a book store and the issues kids have in JAPAN about the manga they want. ANSWER: The guys go for MANGA's that are like power rangers/ULTRAMAN with masks or extra free stuff and GIRLS go for romance/LOVE types. THE ONLY LOL is at the end when THEY PLAY LIKE HEROES! I USED TO DO IT AT 9/10 years old!

THE FOURTH PART I THINK WAS DONE ALREADY before? It is the competition with legs tied by a ribbon! THAT WAS LOL but I think I saw before in this series.



angel999Nov 16, 2008 12:28 PM
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Nov 16, 2008 9:54 PM
Jul 2018
New stuff? I really felt like I have seen this alredy, was it too similar to previous episodes or did they cover it in the OVA?

The end of the first part was a bit conflicting, Ryouta wanted to win at all costs to be a man, but the only discipline he could win.. did not make him stand there really manly :P
Second part was self-explanatory, nice in-between but it would get boring if you have such scenes too often.
I liked the third part, it was quite fast how they solved their problems.
The girls' problem still happens, you want to have it _now_ and you can afford it but then you won't be able to buy anything for this month ^^
The last part was definitely one covered before.. maybe I should really rewatch the OVA, it's only 4 episodes..?
Nov 16, 2008 10:04 PM

Jul 2008
HoaRy said:
New stuff? I really felt like I have seen this alredy, was it too similar to previous episodes or did they cover it in the OVA?

The end of the first part was a bit conflicting, Ryouta wanted to win at all costs to be a man, but the only discipline he could win.. did not make him stand there really manly :P
Second part was self-explanatory, nice in-between but it would get boring if you have such scenes too often.
I liked the third part, it was quite fast how they solved their problems.
The girls' problem still happens, you want to have it _now_ and you can afford it but then you won't be able to buy anything for this month ^^
The last part was definitely one covered before.. maybe I should really rewatch the OVA, it's only 4 episodes..?

Yeah some stuff looks repetitive but IT'S NOT although many things may look like somethings have been added. But IT'S NOT ULTRA BRAND NEW!
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Nov 17, 2008 10:08 AM

Feb 2008
The third part reminded me why I'm watching this show and ZKC, even if they're probably aimed at 10 year olds or something. The reason is because I like them and nobody should be able to tell me what I can't watch.
Anyway, this was a cute episode and it seems we got a new ED?

Was the slow motion part with the girls in the second part a parody of something or was I way off?
Nov 17, 2008 10:35 AM
Jul 2018
Those shows are definitely not aimed at 10 year old, even when the characters are at that age. Kyou no 5-2 airs somewhen past midnight between Sunday and Monday, no primary school student will watch this^^ and for ZKC, it airs on Sunday 10 am but this was also Hayate no Gotoku!'s slot, so this doesn't mean a lot. It's more the reasons like Loli and Moe which leads them to show us 10 year old children having fun like it is directed at primary schoolers. I imagine this could be very hard to be understandable for any non-otaku or western civilization :D

And yes, we got a new ED. But when I have seen Kyou no 5-2, the OP is singing in my head for the whole day xD
Nov 17, 2008 11:03 AM

Feb 2008
ZKC is definately aimed at ~10 year olds, some of the karaoke lyrics in katagana/hiragana/whatever prove that much. The airing time is Sunday morning, as you said, which is further proof. It's also sponsored by McDonald's, for crying out loud. I'm pretty sure Hayate had the same target audience, maybe a little bit older.

I don't have any idea what the target audience is for Kyou no Go no Ni actually is and I don't really care :)

The OP is also singing in my head :)
Nov 17, 2008 12:15 PM
Jul 2018
Ok, I informed me a bit more about ZKC.. this is really oriented at a younger audience, Furigana and stuff is enough proof for this^^, I dropped it after 8 episodes because I just had no interest in following it.
And HnG is more directed to some years older.. about 14 year old I guess. There were a lot of references to Detective Conan, Inu Yasha and other Anime which are known and popular amongst "ordinary people". But sometimes it went deeper into the otaku stuff which younger people won't (or at least shouldn't) understand. Somehow like a bridge between normal Anime for kids and otaku stuff? ;D
Nov 17, 2008 4:28 PM

Aug 2008
zzzzZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzz is all I can add
Nov 17, 2008 5:15 PM

Jul 2008
Meh the two first part were good, the last one sucked, at least we got to see Ryouta getting jealous about the other guy having Chika for himself X).
Nov 17, 2008 9:23 PM

Nov 2007
I'm not impressed by the fact that they seem to have more interest in animating a new ED every few episodes than to actually animate parts of the episode itself. The waterfight scene was entirely made of moving still shots =/ but then again I shouldn't have had any expectations for this show when it comes to animation. Overall I'd say its just alright, an average episode.
Nov 18, 2008 12:13 AM

Sep 2007
kuroshiroi said:
ZKC is definately aimed at ~10 year olds
That might be where it's aimed, but it definitely hits the lolicon demographic. Just look at Kaoru's character. Why would a 10-year-old possibly be interested in another 10-year-old with perverted fantasies about older girls?

And Kyou no Go no Ni is even more obviously not aimed at 10-year-olds... although at first glance it definitely looks that way.
Nov 18, 2008 9:38 AM

Feb 2008
naikou said:
Why would a 10-year-old possibly be interested in another 10-year-old with perverted fantasies about older girls?
Everybody knows all girls are lesbians before the age of 13. Don't ask silly questions like that again :P

In all seriousness, a loli show is obviously going to hit the lolicon demographic. That doesn't change the fact it's aimed at 10 year olds. Anyway, I'm not watching it for the loli-factor, I'm watching it because it's hilarious and silly.

Back on topic, Kyou no Go no Ni. Go!
Nov 18, 2008 1:24 PM

Feb 2007
Beware of killerloli's xD

Donate to my awesomeness! | "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
Nov 18, 2008 2:22 PM

Aug 2008
bleh, nothing special, some moments were smile worthy, but nothing laugh worthy
Nov 23, 2008 4:37 AM

Feb 2008
noteDhero said:
bleh, nothing special, some moments were smile worthy, but nothing laugh worthy

I agree.-_-

No wait... the "Cross Fire" Episode was okay...
Oct 28, 2009 3:57 PM

Nov 2007
Hm..lotta competition in this episode.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Jun 4, 2010 2:22 PM

Nov 2009
wow the competitions were sad XP poor Ryouta couldnt win anything except. . .something girly haha... OMG my FAVORITE clip was the girls in war!!! that was amazing!!! the guys so deserved it!!! i love how in the bg they had like marching noises when they walked 2gether XD that was the best!!! OMG Tsubasa is ADORABLE!!! i love how he doesnt care what others think about him... he does what he likes =D lol and poor poor Yuki got tied up with Ryouta!!! thats REALLY sad!!! but it was funny... "and they lost after all" haha
Jul 5, 2011 2:06 PM

Apr 2011
His first time winning and is in such a way XD
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
Jul 30, 2011 10:34 PM

Mar 2009
I just knew they'd lose anyway..
Dec 2, 2013 9:59 AM

May 2012
Pretty decent episode, the new scenes sure were nice but the redone ones from the OVA were still worse than the actual ones from the OVA!
May 12, 2021 10:29 AM

Apr 2018
After all this training, they still didn't succeed xD

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