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Feb 11, 2012 4:09 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- so is it released in Japan or pushed back again?share your thoughts if u have watched it.i don't have much expectations but rly wish they don't ruin it since i am a DA fan...good thing they will release the blu-ray this spring. |
Feb 11, 2012 4:48 AM
Couldn't find anything about it yet. But looking at this: The elves look more like they did in DAO. I wonder if they will go with this look for DA3. Damn it Bioware make up your mind already |
Feb 12, 2012 7:04 AM
Apr 26, 2012 3:26 PM
Earwen said:!&t=20120212143526 lol'd at the article especially that part Some parts look so anime-ish I was almost certain the same artist from Naruto was working on it seriously? |
May 8, 2012 9:02 PM
I thought it was pretty decent. After the bomb that was the ending to Mass Effect 3, I was expecting much worse. I thought they played Cassandra up way too much compared to her role in Dragon Age 2, considering she didn't really do anything. I would have preferred to see the movie about Hawke or the Warden, but that's just me. |
May 30, 2012 7:10 PM
![]() The anime reaffirmed my dislikes of some aspects of western role playing games, that is, their tendency to have characters so old. That was something I disliked in Skyrim, everyone all elderly. However at least in Mass Effect I could have characters look kind of younger and in dragon age. That is to say, the anime had some pretty nice designs for characters. Regalyan D'Marcall was pretty cool for the main male protagonists, Fenric, while old and such, was actually an epic antagonist. Mages are always superior characters when faced with sword only users, and he and the other blood mages were like no other. Regular mages too were cool too, such flashy and powerful skills. Cassandra took awhile to like for me. Her english VA sounded weird trying to get an accent (I didn't know she even has an accent, you can't tell when she voices Monkey D Luffy...) and she was so hardened against mages, which is against my own beliefs. However the backstory was believable and understandable for her The plot felt like a nice addition to the world and I think this anime highlights excellent design of dragons. These dragons actually looked believable, powerful, and non cartoony and terrible like other media and mainstream movies and books. I haven't seen dragons look this good since Mashima's Fairy Tail. Oh and one particular dragon the High Dragon The story had lots of low points but they were worth it alone for the tension among factions and traitors, as well as the action interspersed. My favorite moments were Fenric turning into a crow in the beginning and the massive dragon assault at the ending climax that sudden death of the High Seeker :( and almost for Her Divine Animation was decent. Backgrounds and environments were stunning, the dragons were cool. Blood felt awkward. It sometimes felt really cheesy and distracting. It had weird fluid physics. I would have been alright if blood was omitted, especially since, its so prevalent that it becomes annoying to see and laughable. 7 / 10...great for $12.99 and an good slow Wednesday evening watch. I didn't mean to type this much. |
<img src="" /> |
Jun 3, 2012 5:16 PM
This wasn’t very true to the game and also lacked common logic (who needs logic in a fantasy setting anyway :). Why were the mages so weak? Why were they hitting people with their staffs (is that the correct plural?) instead of using deadly spells? How could Cassandra kill several dragons with a pocket knife, but she couldn’t do anything against a simple pride demon? It wasn’t so bad overall, but Cassandra was an annoying and unlikable protagonist. She was practically a female Fenris (Dragon age 2 emo character). She would have ruined the whole movie, if it wasn't for Regalyan. And dear Bioware, WHO CARES about the Chantry and the Templars? We want our Grey Wardens back! |
Jun 4, 2012 3:37 AM
What a load of crap. Bioware should be ashamed they put their name on this shit. I guess it was to be expected, but still hurts to watch the Dragon Age name getting abused like this. |
Jun 7, 2012 5:47 PM
While the movie's far from masterpiece, it was pretty decent. Unlike the recent Berserk movie, with this one they did it right and made a full CGI movie. If they use CGI, better make it full CGI, and not just for each movement. I have to agree with zealot7, the scene where the mages were fighting the Templar with their staffs was a bit ridiculous, but overall, the fights were decent. But for the dragon killing part, didn't they mention that she was a dragon hunter something? At least she did look like the specialist in that field. And that knife was obviously enchanted and probably specialized in dragon killing. The characters were likeable, but lacked the development. The antagonist was just plain boring, from design to actions. And that elf girl, Alexis or what's her name, should have been more explored. She didn't have any character. She ended up being just some weapon. The viewer couldn't give a damn about her, like she wasn't even human (elf). The movie was okay. 3/5 |
Jun 8, 2012 4:13 PM
Jun 11, 2012 9:24 PM
I can't say I went into it with a positive mindset (after reading some reviews and having..well.. eyes) but at the end of the day, I could probably write a page long essay per 10 seconds on why those particular 10 seconds sucked balls. Well maybe not on the why but on the how much. This has been one of the worst movies I've seen coming from Japan or in general. Ever. |
Jul 11, 2012 3:59 PM
It was okay. They overstylized Cassandra a bit compared to the game, and she was already extremely stylized there. I mean, that eyebrows and that gaze..i am sure she could kill a dragon by only starring at it long enough with such a piercing glance. It was a bit stupid that she was completely useless against the pride demon, seeing that she was a really experienced fighter in general and as dragon hunter and seeker, she should have experience fighting against huge beasts and demons. That she is like 100% effective against dragons, vs. having trouble with a pride demon, okay, but totally outmatched? Also: Why did every single member of the clergy literally just wait for their doom? The divine could easily have went down the stairs before the high dragon blocked it, and the others could at least have escaped behind the pillars like the grand cleric of Orlais did, if not directly inside. There was no reason for them to stay there. Also, both theTemplars and the Seekers as an organization are totally ineffective. The only thing they did was cause a bit of trouble to Cassandra, the mages had to save the day there. Some Templars tried to get to the divine, but gave up as soon as some stones blocked it, instead of trying to move them away. And against the dragons and the blood mage, they didn't even lift a finger. I was waiting for the Templars to arrive when the blood mage started casting, i mean, it's their speciality to surpress mages, especially blood mages. Thats the only reason they exist (though Orlais doesn't seem to have a city guard, unless this was all Chantry grounds, which is quite possible). But no, the mages have to block the attack, Cassandra had to buy time, and the girl had to summon the high dragon who basically defeated the blood mage/pride demon, with Cassandra showing off in the end. Where where the Templars when they had an actual blood mage and demon to deal with? The way the High Seeker was killed was also stupid. I totally expected him to betray Cassandra, thats the usual thing to do, thats the usual thing to do (see High-Commander..), they decide to not be so cliche to have everyone in an authority position who knows whats going on to be a traitor..only to kill him off a split second after he learned of it. Which is kinda the only thing that proved that he wasn't a traitor, ironically. He didn't have a chance to betray them, so little impact had his role. And the High Commander..seriously. He goes in there alone, with Cassandras sword, kills the High Seeker more or less directly behind the door, explains a huge part of his plan to them, then calls for the Seekers and they gladly abide. Even if you leave out the fact that they listened to a Templar, who should not have any authority, and even with Cassandras mentor dead, there should still be a Seeker with a position of authority in all of Orlais..they can't have that little of of a chain of command that killing one or two persons means they don't have a, even if you ignore that.. Didn't they wonder that the Cassandra they knew suddenly killed the High Seeker she respected? That the High Commander took so long, that she didn't attack the High Commander, who was a more likely target then the High Seeker anyways, and was either defenseless, or walked in there with two swords, one of it drawn. Totally not suspicious in any way, right. So, overall it was better then i expected from a Dragon Age anime, but there were a lot of issues that were totally unnecessary. |
Sep 30, 2012 1:09 PM
EnkoKasumi said: I can look past every flaw here, but I just can't forgive them for the fat elf! Elves are all pretty, I refuse to believe that abomination is an elf. ![]() Orana says hello. |
Dec 23, 2012 11:10 AM
It wasn't even that bad. Mass Effect: Paragon Lost is way better though. |
Mr. Wonsworth, you may NOT eat my scones!![]() |
Feb 7, 2013 6:13 PM
EnkoKasumi said: I can look past every flaw here, but I just can't forgive them for the fat elf! Elves are all pretty, I refuse to believe that abomination is an elf. LOL I thought the fat informer was human then I saw the pointy ears. XD I haven't played the game but I thought it was OK, at least some of the mages weren't that squishy. 5/10 |
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is, Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy. |
Mar 4, 2013 7:07 PM
It was actually a good movie. The CGI didn't bother me. Though...Colleen Clinkenbeard voicing Cassandra was weird. Only because I didn't realizeit was her until I went to MAL...Her voice was great as usual though. Avexis was adorable at the end! I hope Cassandra becomes a party member in DA3. 8/10. |
May 3, 2013 1:26 AM
I actually enjoyed it! I didn't like the art at first but I got used to it so quick. I loved the dragons detailed and the Animation was good! I didn't get bored at all while watching the whole thing. |
May 3, 2013 6:57 AM
I think this movie is okay, not good as I expected after watching the trailer I hope more, it really has potential to be better 7/10 |
Aug 4, 2013 2:12 PM
Well, the voice acting could have been better - especially compared to the game. The Japanese voice track, save for Cassandra herself, was just embarrassing - Japan can't into voicing old people. I can't say I minded the look though, considering I hated that aspect of Dragon Age: Origins - before I modded the designs of every single companion (and NPCs, with that one mod). I even had to replace a couple of the faces from DAII, which were a whole lot better. Realistic designs are fine, but I'm bothered as hell if all my characters look like creepy middle-age body-builders and have weird, wrinkly faces that look like they've been molded in play-doh. The plot was somewhere between atrocious and boring. Generic fare, nothing to say there. As for characters, I liked Gallian and Cassandra. I wouldn't have minded playing Cassandra myself, she was beautiful in a fight and restored a little of my faith in female protagonists. Overall, 6/10. To quote Hawke: "It could have been worse. It could have been better." Edit: oh, and that Gackt song out of the blue at the end was awesome. |
KiralyAug 4, 2013 2:17 PM
Dec 3, 2013 2:59 PM
-The animation was a bit weird at first but I got used to it. The dragons and demon looked great. -The plot was nothing special. Not terrible but not really good either. -Random Ogre and golem army made NO SENSE. The fight was terrible too. -Mages beating up templars with staffs was hilarious -The final battle was good. Especially the dragons. -Moustache mage was fucking BAMF -lol fat elf -I'm so glad they didn't include actual romance. THANK YOU. -I wonder what will happen to elf girl. She'll probably be turned tranquil or something. The circle won't let a mage that can control dragons run around that's for sure. I hope she'll appear somehow in DAI or whatever. Overall 7/10 |
Mar 12, 2014 8:47 PM
it was pretty good. |
Nov 23, 2014 2:04 PM
Wasn't anything special but I thought it was decent and a nice addition to the Dragon Age franchise. |
Jul 24, 2015 6:38 AM
Feb 24, 2020 1:50 PM
Never played the games but I thought this was decent. At 90 minutes it wasn't too long and the story is paced well enough. It is a very basic plot though and certainly unoriginal. Animation was nice, I liked the style and the CG had a nice flow to it, wasn't overly flashy but I didn't expect it to be really. I suppose for 2012 it could have looked alittle better as it doesn't look alot different to the likes of Vexille or Appleseed Ex Machina which both predate it by five years. Overall I liked this film, it wasn't amazing but it was entertaining so long as you go in with expectations at an appropriate level. |
Aug 27, 2020 7:21 PM
It only truly caught my attention at the last 20 minutes or so. For something called Dragon Age they certainly hold off on getting to the dragons. |
Feb 5, 2023 5:20 PM
daily reminder that western games are dog shit. |
Oct 14, 2023 5:54 AM
Apr 3, 2024 5:15 AM
Pretty entertaining movie, especially if you are a fan of Dragon Age universe. It was cool to see one of Cassandra's adventures from before the events of Dragon Age Inquisition. The visuals were alright. They were different to the art style known from the video games belonging to this franchise, but they looked fine. However, I think there were many weird moments when CGI looked visibly better, only to look visibly worse than on the most of frames. Oh well, at least we could see such great looking moments like the one in the final part of this movie: |
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