Here I will explain the battle data and how there will be a limit to seated officer's, Lieutenants,And even Captain's.
Seated OfficersHere is a your limiter it goes clockwise so edit your power to your best abilities follows: Offense, Defense, Mobility, Kidō, Reiatsu, Intelligence, Physical Strength, Stamina. And then Total your abilities from 0/800. Make sure you follow the seated officer Data System
Espada (This list may change in the future)
Primera 755
Segunda 735
Tercera 715
Cuarta 700
Quinta 680
Sexta 670
Septima 650
Octava 640
Novena 630
Decima 620
So make your power like so in this
Squad -
Seat -
Offense - Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship)
Master Swordsman - 100
Master Swordsmanship Specialists vary greatly by power and technique.
The criteria for a master is simple; one must have masterful skill in swordsmanship above all else. The attainment of this level of skill is a testament to the wielders power and determination. Most Shinigami Captains are masters, since as the heads of their divisions, they are the true military power of Soul Society. As use of the Zanpakutō is the Shinigami's primary form of combat, it is preferable to have mastered skill in order achieve the rank of captain though mastery is not excluded to them or even to Shinigami.
Expert Swordsman - 75-99
An Expert swordsman is highly skilled using their Zanpakutō while sealed or in its Shikai. Most lieutenants are experts, since they must know Shikai and have mastered it to a degree, so as to be promoted. This applies also to some higher seated officers as well and in some cases to captains who even though possibly having attained their Bankai, don't commonly engage in swordsmanship as their desired form of combat.
Swordsmanship specialists -30-74
Swordsmanship specialists are those that specialize in the use of swords during combat. Someone of this level has to have basic skills in swordsmanship as well. All seated officers of the Gotei 13 have to possess at the very least this level of skill.
Defense -
Mobility - Speed, shunpo
Shunpo Masters- 100
Masters of the technique are obviously by far the fastest beings within Soul Society.
They are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time while only using the least amount of steps to achieve those movements. Masters are capable of using Advanced steps which are considerably harder to initiate. A master can possibly create new techniques but it is most likely a rare occurrence.
Abilities of Shunpo masters
Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps), a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow.[1]. The focal point that determines the basis of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of Shunpo can move; those of little skill in the technique or those who haven't used it an extended amount of time would obviously be out of practice, causing those individuals to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to move the same distance and become winded far easier in a shorter amount of time.
Senka (閃花, Flash Blossom): a special Shunpo technique where one moves to their opponents back. Directly attacking and sealing one's "Saketsu (鎖結, Chain Binding)" and "Hakusui (鎖結, Soul Sleep)" in one strike. The movement is so fast that an opponent may not be able to tell whether he was attacked from the front or the back and even an outside observer may find it impossible to tell what the movements are.
Utsusemi (空蝉, Cicada, referencing their molting): It allows for a movement at great speed leaving an afterimage behind. The afterimage may even appear to have taken damage.
Shunpo Experts - 70-90
Experts of the technique are considerably fast and are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time. While not as fast as a master they can keep up quite effectively. Some holding the title are faster than others but none the less their application of the technique is highly advanced.
Abilities of Shunpo experts
Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps), a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow.[1]. The focal point that determines the basis of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of Shunpo can move; those of little skill in the technique or those who haven't used it an extended amount of time would obviously be out of practice, causing those individuals to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to move the same distance and become winded far easier in a shorter amount of time.
Senka (閃花, Flash Blossom): a special Shunpo technique where one moves to their opponents back. Directly attacking and sealing one's "Saketsu (鎖結, Chain Binding)" and "Hakusui (鎖結, Soul Sleep)" in one strike. The movement is so fast that an opponent may not be able to tell whether he was attacked from the front or the back and even an outside observer may find it impossible to tell what the movements are.
Shunpo Practitioner - 45-65
Practitioners of the technique can maintain fast movements for a short period of time, by seemingly taking only a few steps to bridge what would normally be a large distances. Those who are practitioners commonly use their knowledge of Hohō while engaging in combat to close the space between combatants. Those practitioners that maintain these high speeds for too long tend to become winded.
Abilities Of Shunpo Practitioners
Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps), a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow.[1]. The focal point that determines the basis of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of Shunpo can move; those of little skill in the technique or those who haven't used it an extended amount of time would obviously be out of practice, causing those individuals to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to move the same distance and become winded far easier in a shorter amount of time.
Reiryoku/Kidō - determines your Spiritual power level and kidō such as hado, bakudo
Spiritual Power - 30-69
This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an average level of spiritual power. This level of power is common among those of significant spiritual awareness and may even possess powers of their own but the power levels can vary among individuals. This is also a common level of power for a low ranking seated and non seated members of the Gotei 13 or lesser power individuals.
High Spiritual Energy - 70-80
This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an above average amount of spiritual power, which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average lieutenant rank and high ranked seated officers.
Great Spiritual Energy - 81-94
This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing a large amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average Captain rank.
Immense Spiritual Energy - 95-100
This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is reflected in its ability to enhance a user during combat as well as its ability to affect the surrounding environment on a controlled level, allowing the wielder to use it in combat to startling degrees.
Vast Spiritual Energy - 100+
This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual energy which is wild and untamed. This level of spiritual power has a possible tendency to leak from a person or when released can affect the surrounding area in a destructive way. Those of this level have no actual masterful control over their massive spiritual power, as it can effect those around them unintentionally.
Reiatsu - Spiritual pressure
Intelligence - Power of your zanpakuto ability
Physical Strength - power without kido or zanpakuto abilities (hand to hand combat)
Total: 0/800
Name - Ren
Squad - 5nd Division
Seat - Vice-Captain/ Lieutenant
Offense - 50
Defense - 50
Mobility - 100
Kidō -
Reiatsu - 100
Intelligence - 200
Physical Strength -
Stamina - 100
Total: 600/600
I have no idea if I did it right
Reiryoku/Kidō - determines your Spiritual power level and kidō such as hado, bakudo 100
Reiatsu - Spiritual pressure 80
Intelligence - Power of your zanpakuto ability 105
Physical Strength - power without kido or zanpakuto abilities (hand to hand combat) 100
Total: 600/800