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Sep 20, 2010 4:58 AM

May 2010
like the always asuka feels down because she feels she cant compete with haruto's harem but this time not about the breast lol

then saying i she doesnt want to go the same college with haruto and she wants her to stay in hiroshima because haruto is having so much fun

then saying them going to the same university was supposed to be a joke but he took it seriously and because she liked him since they first met its making her fall for him more and more

than haruto said he wants to seriously go out with her ^^
Sep 20, 2010 8:32 AM

Jan 2010
i dun understand the raw scans but i roughly agree. chinese scan earliest tmr
Sep 20, 2010 9:57 AM
Nov 2009
this chapter was expected sooner or later
haruto taking asuka noooo why can t shiho come back or at least nanami was cute
overalll good chapter

zader1Sep 23, 2010 8:06 AM
Sep 20, 2010 11:05 AM

Jun 2009
Well, there goes Haruto and I was seriously hoping that they would be some chance for Nanami or Akari. Mishima is nice but I prefer those two more.
Sep 20, 2010 3:38 PM

May 2010
yeah there they go but i think haruto will stay in hiroshima for a few chapters more i hope because kiyomi said she's going home and asaka said she misses her own home to and they cant barge in until the new year
Sep 21, 2010 10:02 PM

May 2010
w0w early release but it isn't a red hawk so i am not sure if its 100% accurate
Sep 21, 2010 10:19 PM

Mar 2010
frozen_soul said:
w0w early release but it isn't a red hawk so i am not sure if its 100% accurate

actually, it is red hawk, only a new translator for them
"It's super milk time!"-Oga Tatsumi

Sep 21, 2010 11:29 PM

May 2010
Asuka x Haruto !!

I wonder if their relationship will continue till the end ?

Sep 22, 2010 12:17 AM
Apr 2010
Hmm hope it goes well for Haruto and Eba in the end :/

Sep 22, 2010 1:18 AM

Jan 2010
detonator238 said:
frozen_soul said:
w0w early release but it isn't a red hawk so i am not sure if its 100% accurate

actually, it is red hawk, only a new translator for them

No... they're website doesn't say squat O_O
Anyways, we're moving pretty quick..

Villain is now Eva who shall come back and try cry Haruto back.
Sep 22, 2010 6:09 AM

Mar 2010
I don't really like the translation, it seems like I'm reading a draft..but, oh well, at least I get to read it early..

Asuka gets serious! =|
Sep 22, 2010 7:28 AM

Jan 2008
FranzSeno said:
I don't really like the translation, it seems like I'm reading a draft..but, oh well, at least I get to read it early..

Asuka gets serious! =|

lol well the front page kinda explains why the translation was only decent. but yeah her reasoning went out the window there.
Sep 22, 2010 10:04 AM

Feb 2009
My body is not yet ready for this :/

And crappy translations is crappy.
Sep 22, 2010 1:45 PM

Jun 2009

So yeah, i'll wait for RedHawk, just according to Keikaku.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Sep 22, 2010 2:08 PM

May 2010
detonator238 said:
frozen_soul said:
w0w early release but it isn't a red hawk so i am not sure if its 100% accurate

actually, it is red hawk, only a new translator for them

it isn't a red hawk the one did it individually so i am still expecting for a red hawk release
Sep 22, 2010 2:11 PM

May 2010
to everyone lets just be thankful that we where able to read the chapter 4 days earlier than expected so just enjoy it
Sep 22, 2010 8:03 PM

Jan 2009
Nicklas92 said:
Hmm hope it goes well for Haruto and Eba in the end :/

I'll second that.

Sep 22, 2010 8:11 PM
Apr 2009
Grateful for an early draft translation. Glad Haruto is trying to move on, but I really wish Kanzaki and Akari somehow get back into the picture for real. Takashi needs some more face-time too, haha. He's the best source for comic-relief with all of Haruto's drama.
Sep 23, 2010 12:36 AM
Mar 2008
Man, for a moment there I was expecting another Eba move from Mishima (getting close to Haruto, then throwing him away). Thank god he shows some balls in the end.
Sep 23, 2010 2:44 AM

May 2010
lilmp89 said:
Grateful for an early draft translation. Glad Haruto is trying to move on, but I really wish Kanzaki and Akari somehow get back into the picture for real. Takashi needs some more face-time too, haha. He's the best source for comic-relief with all of Haruto's drama.

if you want comic relief there is someone that could rival her even be a part of haruto's harem NAGOSHI to bad she isnt showing much T_T
Sep 23, 2010 5:20 AM

Sep 2008
frozen_soul said:
to everyone lets just be thankful that we where able to read the chapter 4 days earlier than expected so just enjoy it

Can't read it, it's so poor. Nothing to be thankful about here.
Sep 23, 2010 10:14 AM

Sep 2009
One word to describe what's going on right now. Bullshit. So many other hot girls to choose from and you choose the one that's basically the ugliest, planiest, most boring girl out of them all.

Credit to WingZero619 from Animesuki!!
Sep 23, 2010 12:19 PM

Nov 2009
The version I read looked nice, I don't know much about the actual translating parts though.

He really likes a lot of girls = / I don't really care who he ends up with anymore, any is fine with me now -_-'
Sep 23, 2010 1:36 PM

Jun 2010
I can see why Haruto likes Mishima. She has a cute personality, very happy & fun. And since she has been the happiness that kept him from despair during the whole 'Eba is a bitch' saga, I can see his connection to her. Plus since he liked Kanzaki in the beginning she is kind of 'used' as far as heroines go. Same with Akari, sadly.

That being said, I don't know if I like the way this chapter went. It kind of pushed Haruto into a rushed answer, rather than him deciding for himself. It reeks of "short term rebound". That said, I estimate that Eba will come back at some point, cause mayhem with him & Mishima, then Haruto somehow end up with Mishima still.

I guess now that it looks like Eba is finished, Im a little sad. I really liked her character when she was sitting on the back of his bike. And Mishima has kind of been ignored a lot, so her character feels a little empty, especially compared to the amount of effort that went into building Eba's character before Haruto confessed to her. ... Damn, now Im starting to want Eba to come back, just a little bit. >.< Someone stop me! I've forgotten all the evil!

xXC64Xx: I love your avatar, she was my favourite character in that series ^__^
Sep 23, 2010 2:14 PM

Jun 2009
Last page made me lol. Wonder what's gonna happen...
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Sep 23, 2010 2:48 PM

May 2009
Wooo! So much win. I hope they end up together. Asuka is obviously the superior girl. ^^
Sep 23, 2010 9:51 PM

May 2009
Gotta agree that this looks to be a rebound relationship for Haruto. More so since he was kinda swept up in the moment and leapt into without fully thinking it through. That said, Asuka's really nice and cute. We'll see how long this sticks.
Sep 23, 2010 10:01 PM

Jul 2009
I'm gonna sit there and wait till the abomination came and make Mishima cry
Sep 23, 2010 10:57 PM

Sep 2010
Kirishima is really complicated, so is his girls (:|
Sep 24, 2010 7:31 AM

May 2010
aceoflife said:
Kirishima is really complicated, so is his girls (:|

Yeah but i guess that is what makes the story more interesting doesn't it !
Sep 25, 2010 5:25 PM

Nov 2007
it would be fine if he got with her right here. no problem just do it. I still liked nanami but asuka works. they won't though. somehow they will bring the evil airhead Eba back to ruin everything.
Sep 26, 2010 6:53 AM

Nov 2009
"I've been seriously thinking I want to go out with you..."
Not really romantic, i don't think it is really the translator. Sounds like he is pitying her that way. >.<
I like Asuka though, she is energetic and bubbly but not annoying like most of those characters. I am really hoping Eba doesn't troll me though.
Sep 27, 2010 11:29 PM
Sep 2010
Most people seem to say that Eba is a bitch or they hate her etc. but this is what the author had to do with the way that he wrote it, I think. If you are going to start the story off with the main girl (okay it's possible eba isn't but she's been the closest for the entire story) already liking the main character then the story will likely either be kind of short, or kind of boring after you run out of material.

Suzuka was kind of long, I don't really know much about Seo but I'd guess that he wants to make kimi no iru machi kind of long too. He also might have really wanted to keep the initial plot the same, since it's kind of fun, I definitely liked the pre-tokyo chapters and I think most of you did as well. I guess he really wanted to have the girl that the story seems to be about like the main male character at the beginning of the story but not have him interested in her right away. So if he wants it to be longer, they have to break up.

But everyone likes Eba! Well, to me it seems like maybe because of this, Seo decided to (or he already intended) knock her out of the picture for a bit and bring her back later. To do this, he would kind of have to make something negative about her, and I guess he wanted to keep her involved rather than have her say "sorry haruto" and go away for the middle of the story.

So yes she kind of is a bitch, and she's really kind of dumb sometimes, but she unfortunately has to be like that, to achieve what Seo wants. Maybe she was written to just not know any better, and not be able to make the best decisions. If you think about it from her point of view, maybe it really would be best for her and haruto to not see each other any more, like she has to make a decision that she thinks is correct even though it hurts her too. It's kind of easy to see that things weren't exactly easy for her, especially with her family situations.

Admittedly she does seem to make these decisions kind of easily; aren't these the decisions in real life that people say they are too weak to make? is it better not to make them?

Anyway, I liked Eba a lot in the beginning, and I also like a lot of the other girls now, but I still think I like Eba the best. I was never a big Nanami fan though, maybe that explains it.
asteyrSep 27, 2010 11:33 PM
Sep 28, 2010 2:58 AM

Jun 2010
Wow. Someone who loves Eba enough to make such a large first post.

Asteyr. I think you are right on every point (especially Nanami...:P).
I guess, that the plan Seo has now is to keep Eba out of it for a while so she can slowly recover her character, and come back as the Eba we all remember. Which is something Im betting will happen when they go to University. Either way I like the "original" Eba the best too. (Although not as much as Kaoru from Amagami SS).
Sep 28, 2010 7:03 AM
Dec 2007
Definitely, without her being a bitch, this story would be kinda bland.
i tried writing my signature onto the monitor screen, but it didn't come up. WHY?!!:?!!
Sep 28, 2010 12:10 PM

Jun 2009
asteyr said:
But everyone likes Eba!

Not really.

asteyr said:
I was never a big Nanami fan though, maybe that explains it.

I wasn't either, but i like her more than Eba anyway.

The fuck!?
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Sep 28, 2010 5:17 PM
Sep 2010
You do realize that the first comment was directed towards the pre tokyo arc? Obviously most people hate her now.

I thought about it some more and I think Seo could've made her a little more likable and still would have gotten the job done, but meh.
Oct 30, 2010 10:22 PM

Jun 2009
I love the snowball throw wahaha - poor Takashi

Asuka: Did I see something that I shouldn't have seen? -haha

Okay the time has come..
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Apr 26, 2011 7:58 PM
Mar 2009
Umm...where have we heard that line before?

*cough* Nanami *cough*

Still waiting on that answer he owes Nanami unless his answer was that half-assed, "I don't want to date anyone right now."
Jul 11, 2012 12:36 AM

Nov 2011
New gf huh? seems legit but wonder how Eba would feel about that.
Jul 26, 2012 9:02 PM
Mar 2011
let the new shipping begin ;D
Aug 1, 2012 4:42 AM

Sep 2010
This only makes Haruto look even worse than ever, but I'm all for this, until they inevitably break up. D:
Oct 19, 2012 6:20 PM

Jun 2012
god the pic of asuka in pg 15 was so cute >< she seems to have changed quite a bit since they first met, like become a lot more girlier..i dont mind where this is going but have a feeling its not gona last very long :S
Oct 9, 2013 10:38 PM

Oct 2011
Well, it seems like Haruto x Yuzuki is finally over(?). I really can't believe it as Yuzuki is the girl on every cover for KimiMachi. It's hard to think that she just isn't the main girl anymore, though of course I doubt she would stay away forever now.
Chapter 70 with their kiss was so fucking nice and I can't believe that this is really the last happy moment Haruto and Yuzuki had as a couple.

I don't really mind Haruto x Asuka, but especially since I've seen the OVAs long before I started the manga (so I barely knew what was going to happen until chapter 70) and really started to like Haruto x Yuzuki, even when reading it now, I just can't feel 100% happy right now.
Well I've read the the 106 chapters so far in only 3 days, so that might be a reason as to why I can't accept it right now. I think if had to wait almost 40 weeks from their last meeting before the break up in chapter 70 until now, then I would probably feel different. :/
Jul 24, 2014 5:16 AM

Jul 2012
Aw, that was good, I just hope he will not mess up, as he probably will, seen how dumb haruto is
Mar 28, 2015 8:07 AM

Jun 2014
Oct 16, 2015 6:30 AM

Mar 2013
Not against Asuka but quite disappointed how Nanami was forgotten with all this stuff :/

I thought it could turn out to be nice arc with her and Haruto but guess it'll not happen at all.
Oct 19, 2015 10:16 AM

Aug 2014
asteyr said:
Most people seem to say that Eba is a bitch or they hate her etc. but this is what the author had to do with the way that he wrote it, I think. If you are going to start the story off with the main girl (okay it&#039;s possible eba isn&#039;t but she&#039;s been the closest for the entire story) already liking the main character then the story will likely either be kind of short, or kind of boring after you run out of material.

Suzuka was kind of long, I don&#039;t really know much about Seo but I&#039;d guess that he wants to make kimi no iru machi kind of long too. He also might have really wanted to keep the initial plot the same, since it&#039;s kind of fun, I definitely liked the pre-tokyo chapters and I think most of you did as well. I guess he really wanted to have the girl that the story seems to be about like the main male character at the beginning of the story but not have him interested in her right away. So if he wants it to be longer, they have to break up.

But everyone likes Eba! Well, to me it seems like maybe because of this, Seo decided to (or he already intended) knock her out of the picture for a bit and bring her back later. To do this, he would kind of have to make something negative about her, and I guess he wanted to keep her involved rather than have her say "sorry haruto" and go away for the middle of the story.

So yes she kind of is a bitch, and she&#039;s really kind of dumb sometimes, but she unfortunately has to be like that, to achieve what Seo wants. Maybe she was written to just not know any better, and not be able to make the best decisions. If you think about it from her point of view, maybe it really would be best for her and haruto to not see each other any more, like she has to make a decision that she thinks is correct even though it hurts her too. It&#039;s kind of easy to see that things weren&#039;t exactly easy for her, especially with her family situations.

Admittedly she does seem to make these decisions kind of easily; aren&#039;t these the decisions in real life that people say they are too weak to make? is it better not to make them?

Anyway, I liked Eba a lot in the beginning, and I also like a lot of the other girls now, but I still think I like Eba the best. I was never a big Nanami fan though, maybe that explains it.

It's good to put yourself in mangaka's shoes sometimes. I actually do that too, because sometimes I'm actually wonder how I would write a good story myself and how to make it a little bit longer without becoming boring or filled with crap. And most of the time it's true that you can't do it without breaking the main couple aparat and reuniting them later or switching the main female/male character somwhere along the story. Considering this, I still think Seo Kouji "sank" Eba's lovely character into a deep abyss from which she'll be very hard to recover. If he intends to keep her as main female character and at least to finish the manga on some type of positive note, he will really need to pull some magic and creative writing tricks out of his bag to reedem and make her likeable again in the eyes of his fans - but I wonder...does he really have the skill to do that? That's the real question and that's the factor that will decide how good this manga will be in the end.
PS: Regarding this chapter...I'm sorry for Asuka, this whole situation will only end up with her being hurt by Haruto!
MannohOct 19, 2015 10:47 AM
Jan 16, 2017 12:48 AM

Mar 2015
to hell with dropping it
Dec 25, 2021 8:43 AM

Aug 2017
I mean I wish Asuka really the best, but I just don't get the feeling that they will date for long. Well one can only hope.

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