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Vinland Saga
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Yesterday, 8:35 AM

May 2023
Holy shit... I can't believe it...
Yesterday, 8:49 AM

Jan 2009
will einar really die? damn hope not
Yesterday, 8:51 AM
May 2013
Fuck, that's devastating.
Yesterday, 9:21 AM
Jul 2022
Yesterday, 1:03 PM
Jul 2023
einar won't die like this I'm just waiting to see king canute
Yesterday, 1:20 PM
Aug 2021
Einar got stabbed in the neck artery, he's done. I'm absolutely gutted
Yesterday, 1:27 PM

May 2015
I had such a visceral reaction to that my god. I haven’t felt that kinda shock in a long time.

Yesterday, 1:29 PM

Aug 2023
i hate the mangaka for this shit
Yesterday, 1:30 PM

Aug 2023
TsukuyomiREKT said:
I had such a visceral reaction to that my god. I haven’t felt that kinda shock in a long time.

I actually cried, Vinland Saga is something else
Yesterday, 1:43 PM
Aug 2016
Jesus fucking christ..
Yesterday, 1:56 PM
Nov 2023
Yesterday, 2:22 PM
Aug 2013
YES! He deserves it ...
Yesterday, 2:25 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to UaEfAlCoN83
YES! He deserves it ...
@UaEfAlCoN83 wut lol einar killed one but thorfinn killed hundreds
Yesterday, 2:31 PM
Aug 2013
Reply to deg
@UaEfAlCoN83 wut lol einar killed one but thorfinn killed hundreds
@deg It is not about how many ...

Thorfinn was very young and he "repented" and changed
He moved to Vinland to create a peaceful land and he kept telling others how killing is wrong.

Einar followed his desires and didn't weigh things right just because he idolized his lover and named the village after her. He became very emotional despite being an adult and forgot the main purpose of the village. He didn't want a truce not until he killed a person ...

He had a choice but he kept bitching about not having a choice ...
Yesterday, 2:36 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to UaEfAlCoN83
@deg It is not about how many ...

Thorfinn was very young and he "repented" and changed
He moved to Vinland to create a peaceful land and he kept telling others how killing is wrong.

Einar followed his desires and didn't weigh things right just because he idolized his lover and named the village after her. He became very emotional despite being an adult and forgot the main purpose of the village. He didn't want a truce not until he killed a person ...

He had a choice but he kept bitching about not having a choice ...
@UaEfAlCoN83 there is a reason mass murder has higher punishment than a simple murder the law does not agree with you
Yesterday, 2:52 PM
Apr 2018
no fucking way man 😭
Yesterday, 3:13 PM

Sep 2017
Even though I anticipated something like that, my heart wasn't ready
Yesterday, 3:51 PM
Sep 2022
I cried 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Yesterday, 4:37 PM
Aug 2013
Reply to deg
@UaEfAlCoN83 there is a reason mass murder has higher punishment than a simple murder the law does not agree with you
@deg I don't care about law ... I just said he deserves it

I didn't even bring up Thorfinn to begin with you mentioned him so I told you the difference ...

Also law is established by humans ... there are many BS laws and many laws changed over the past 500 years. And different countries have different set of laws.

Mass murder mostly now is punished with jail when I believe murder is supposed to be punished with murder whether you killed 1 or 4000.

So you cannot enforce your opinion with the "law" argument because it is a human thing that changes. Humans only agreed that killing is bad.

My opinion is not solely based on "he murdered a guy so he deserves it" ... the Lnu started it so this is the price to pay. I am talking about his entire attitude as soon as the conflict started.

He reaped what he sowed.

It is funny that you immediately thought I meant Einar ... maybe I was talking about Styrk. So you probably agree with me deep inside you (;

The gist of it I believe all of them deserve what they got: Einar, Styrk, and Ivar.

They all played an important role in this conflict: Styrk was a sly; Ivar was arrogant and rebellious and made things worse by brining the sword and attacking the elder; Einar -- who is supposed to be one of the leaders of the village -- was hasty and selfish because he valued his "hardwork" and the village named after his idolized lover over the safety of people when they didn't even have weapons! And then after killing he kept seeking for an excuse by saying "tell me I had no choice tell me I was right?" instead of admitting his mistake like Thorfinn dead.

It is not about killing for me ...

You can believe otherwise it is fine in the end right and wrong cannot be declared by humans alone because they ban what is "right" when it is against them and allow what is "wrong" when it benefits them.
Yesterday, 4:46 PM
May 2021
wow.. actually shocked cant believe einar died
Yesterday, 5:06 PM
Mar 2025
holy shit i didnt expect that
Yesterday, 5:42 PM
Apr 2023
I was mad at Einar when he went with fighting... I thought his demeanor this last chapters was like that because he was blinded by rage... It completely broke my heart when he broke down (insane panel when Thorfinn sees the dead Lnu btw)... Another soul lost to the curse... I was crying already at that point and he goes and ends up killed trying to stop that asshole... I don't know what Yukimura has in store but I'm rapidly giving up hope on finding any sweetness in between all this bitterness
Yesterday, 5:53 PM
Oct 2020
I really don't have the words right now. idk I'm going to cry now probably.

RIP Einar

At least I guess Einar didn't have to live with the weight of murder for too fuck everything. Fuck Styrk in particular. He proved to always be the worst till the end.
RexnihiloYesterday, 5:57 PM
Yesterday, 6:54 PM
FMAB is the BEST

Aug 2017
Seeing this play out like this is so fucking sad. Einar dying Thorfinn yet again seeing a friend/family die is so heartbreaking man
Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.
Yesterday, 7:27 PM
Nov 2024
rest in peace einar true brother
Yesterday, 7:33 PM

Apr 2022
welp, einar instead of thorfinn.
Yesterday, 7:37 PM
May 2021
Prayers for Einar ladsπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
Yesterday, 10:54 PM

Nov 2023
great chapter. it could go either way but i assume einar is going to die. the lnu and nords both choosing not to engage was great 5/5
Yesterday, 11:13 PM

Nov 2023
Reply to UaEfAlCoN83
@deg I don't care about law ... I just said he deserves it

I didn't even bring up Thorfinn to begin with you mentioned him so I told you the difference ...

Also law is established by humans ... there are many BS laws and many laws changed over the past 500 years. And different countries have different set of laws.

Mass murder mostly now is punished with jail when I believe murder is supposed to be punished with murder whether you killed 1 or 4000.

So you cannot enforce your opinion with the "law" argument because it is a human thing that changes. Humans only agreed that killing is bad.

My opinion is not solely based on "he murdered a guy so he deserves it" ... the Lnu started it so this is the price to pay. I am talking about his entire attitude as soon as the conflict started.

He reaped what he sowed.

It is funny that you immediately thought I meant Einar ... maybe I was talking about Styrk. So you probably agree with me deep inside you (;

The gist of it I believe all of them deserve what they got: Einar, Styrk, and Ivar.

They all played an important role in this conflict: Styrk was a sly; Ivar was arrogant and rebellious and made things worse by brining the sword and attacking the elder; Einar -- who is supposed to be one of the leaders of the village -- was hasty and selfish because he valued his "hardwork" and the village named after his idolized lover over the safety of people when they didn't even have weapons! And then after killing he kept seeking for an excuse by saying "tell me I had no choice tell me I was right?" instead of admitting his mistake like Thorfinn dead.

It is not about killing for me ...

You can believe otherwise it is fine in the end right and wrong cannot be declared by humans alone because they ban what is "right" when it is against them and allow what is "wrong" when it benefits them.
@UaEfAlCoN83 youre tripping

it's easy for us as the reader to criticise einars actions, but those actions are a product of war. What else could he do, die?

war induces fear in people. if you were in his situation, you'd be just as skeptical about the validity of thorfinns peaceful approach.
not everyone is like thorfinn. in fact, NOBODY is like thorfinn in the story. if there was a way to always deal with conflict in a pacifist manner, we'd see it in our world today, but we don't.

einar and styrk didn't choose violence out of bloodthirst, they saw it as the only way they could survive. Styrk couldn't envision a future for the Nords if they gave up there and then. That isn't because he's a horrible person, it's a product of his situation.

Thorfinn is great, but the only reason he can even take the approach he does is because he's strong. If he hadn't used force against garm, or snake, or the characters he dueled after his changed outlook, the Vinland expedition wouldn't even have existed.

Einar realised his mistakes, and they probably weigh more on him than that stab wound ever will, so if you're unwilling to forgive him for his actions, you should be unwilling to forgive Thorfinn too.
Today, 1:31 AM

May 2016
I'm sure Arnheid will forgive Einar if they meet in the Afterlife......πŸ˜₯
"Genki is Life, Genki is Love"
Today, 2:15 AM
Jan 2021
The only thing i can say is that i did not see thet coming, it never occurred to me that Einar could fucking die. This just makes me worried for Gudrid and her children. What will happen now? Is the story about to end, like this???
Today, 2:18 AM
Jan 2021
Reply to deg
will einar really die? damn hope not
@deg I don't see him surviving this, the amount of blood he lost in what seems to be a few seconds and the way he strugled to speek... This is the end for Einar...
Today, 2:19 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to L0RR3_B0RR3
@deg I don't see him surviving this, the amount of blood he lost in what seems to be a few seconds and the way he strugled to speek... This is the end for Einar...
@L0RR3_B0RR3 let me inhale more of my hopium lol
Today, 2:24 AM
Aug 2013
Reply to topfloorboss45
@UaEfAlCoN83 youre tripping

it's easy for us as the reader to criticise einars actions, but those actions are a product of war. What else could he do, die?

war induces fear in people. if you were in his situation, you'd be just as skeptical about the validity of thorfinns peaceful approach.
not everyone is like thorfinn. in fact, NOBODY is like thorfinn in the story. if there was a way to always deal with conflict in a pacifist manner, we'd see it in our world today, but we don't.

einar and styrk didn't choose violence out of bloodthirst, they saw it as the only way they could survive. Styrk couldn't envision a future for the Nords if they gave up there and then. That isn't because he's a horrible person, it's a product of his situation.

Thorfinn is great, but the only reason he can even take the approach he does is because he's strong. If he hadn't used force against garm, or snake, or the characters he dueled after his changed outlook, the Vinland expedition wouldn't even have existed.

Einar realised his mistakes, and they probably weigh more on him than that stab wound ever will, so if you're unwilling to forgive him for his actions, you should be unwilling to forgive Thorfinn too.

Again you are all missing my point

It is not about me forgiving a character… bro it is a fictional character calm down. I never even said that Thorfinn doesn’t deserve death. I said clearly murder should be punished with murder.

My take on Einar is not about the killing part! I would have killed if I were on his place and we all know Thorfinn is being very idealistic…

I am saying he payed the price of his actions so he deserves it based on his actions. While Einar repented, the chapter didn’t show that he is sincere! They reached a state where everyone is tired and feared death. He focused on “ I killed a person” but it is bigger than that. It is like me being a leader of a country then I risk the lives of my people because I was dumb and selfish then I simply say sorry people.

If you compare him to Thorfinn, he was technically evil and he deserves punishment and he realized that years ago and knew that even if he created Vinland it wouldn’t be enough because he killed tens of people and those lived cannot be returned. Yet he showed that he is sincere. You don’t judge sincerity under fear because fear induces actions that don’t necessarily reflect your beliefs.

If Einar lives, will he show that he really regretted his actions? Maybe and maybe not.

One more thing, Thorfinn mostly killed other fighters and he didn’t induce any war; wars he participated in would have happened either way. Einar was one main cause of this war and he risked lives of women and children.

So the gist of it I am not judging him for killing an “enemy” during war. Obviously if war begins you need to protect yourself.

The mistakes of a leader ≠ the mistakes of an individual

I am criticizing him as a leader
11 hours ago

Feb 2008
@UaEfAlCoN83 "Murder should be punished with murder" What world are you living in? The world does not function according to Hammurabi's code anymore. Your logic defends Thorfinn, since 'he was sincere', however Einar never got the chance to 'be sincere' an yet you say he deserved it?
10 hours ago
Aug 2013
Reply to SSJ_Silver
@UaEfAlCoN83 "Murder should be punished with murder" What world are you living in? The world does not function according to Hammurabi's code anymore. Your logic defends Thorfinn, since 'he was sincere', however Einar never got the chance to 'be sincere' an yet you say he deserved it?
@SSJ_Silver Calm down you are losing your balls ...

I don't care about what law you believe in as law is something that changes, evolves, and involves corruption in many cases. And Vinland's world is not the same as our world so you cannot apply same rules

I clearly mentioned that The mistakes of a leader ≠ the mistakes of an individual. Maybe if Einar lives he would redeem himself but during this arc he deserves what he got. Same for Thorfinn, if he got killed during his journey for revenge I would have said the same. If he got killed when he attacked Canute I would have said the same because his actions lead to that. Assume Einar survives and after 25 years he got stabbed by a person who want to rob him, I wouldn't say he deserves it because during Vinland's arc he did X, Y, and Z; the events of Vinland will not be relevant in this case.

You are basically strawmanning and nitpicking words without having a solid argument. I never defended Thorfinn the way you view it ...

I am talking about this arc I don't see why you people bring Thorfinn and what he did 20 years ago ... If the families of the dead came to Thorfinn and killed as a punishment I will say he deserves it even if he repented because this death is relevant to his actions, unlike if he dies in this arc.

I don't care if you like Einar or not or if you agree with me ... I stated my opinion and gave my reasons yet none of you guys gave a solid reason why he doesn't deserve what he got. If you are trying to convince me give me actual reasons why he doesn't deserve it.

Regret is not enough to reverse actions ... e.g., it is not enough that you regret stealing my money you need to pay me back and compensate me for all damages that resulted from your actions ... regret alone is not enough when it involves people's rights and lives.
9 hours ago
Sep 2020
I‘m in disbelief…
9 hours ago

Aug 2020

yes, it is not easy to accept a truce, feels like a defeat so impossible to not understand the motivation...
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6 hours ago
Mar 2023
deg said:
will einar really die? damn hope not

I hate to break it to you but I'm pretty sure he did
6 hours ago

Jun 2024
This is some crazy shit bro πŸ˜• I actually teared up a little bit. Einar, goodbye my friend :(
4 hours ago

Sep 2014
I wasn't expecting Einar to become even more respectful of Thorfinn after his first kill. Gotta love that direction Yukimura took there.

But because of Styrk, it seems Einar is gone... Judging from the amount of blood, he might straight up stabbed his carotic artery. There's no turning back sadly if that's the case...
3 hours ago

Jul 2016
Wow, Einar dead. Styrk messed everything up..
Penguins are funny
2 hours ago
Mar 2023
UaEfAlCoN83 said:
@deg I don't care about law ... I just said he deserves it

I didn't even bring up Thorfinn to begin with you mentioned him so I told you the difference ...

Also law is established by humans ... there are many BS laws and many laws changed over the past 500 years. And different countries have different set of laws.

Mass murder mostly now is punished with jail when I believe murder is supposed to be punished with murder whether you killed 1 or 4000.

So you cannot enforce your opinion with the "law" argument because it is a human thing that changes. Humans only agreed that killing is bad.

My opinion is not solely based on "he murdered a guy so he deserves it" ... the Lnu started it so this is the price to pay. I am talking about his entire attitude as soon as the conflict started.

He reaped what he sowed.

It is funny that you immediately thought I meant Einar ... maybe I was talking about Styrk. So you probably agree with me deep inside you (;

The gist of it I believe all of them deserve what they got: Einar, Styrk, and Ivar.

They all played an important role in this conflict: Styrk was a sly; Ivar was arrogant and rebellious and made things worse by brining the sword and attacking the elder; Einar -- who is supposed to be one of the leaders of the village -- was hasty and selfish because he valued his "hardwork" and the village named after his idolized lover over the safety of people when they didn't even have weapons! And then after killing he kept seeking for an excuse by saying "tell me I had no choice tell me I was right?" instead of admitting his mistake like Thorfinn dead.

It is not about killing for me ...

You can believe otherwise it is fine in the end right and wrong cannot be declared by humans alone because they ban what is "right" when it is against them and allow what is "wrong" when it benefits them.

This chapter is Einar's redemption. The author, with this, wants to say that everyone can be overwhelmed by emotion and choose war over peace: war is deeply rooted in human nature.

In the end, Einar felt the weight of the war when he finally killed a man, that was his moment of revelation.

With this chapter, Einar understood what Throfinn's always said and felt, acknowledging he was a "true warrior". After this moment of realization, Einar chose peace following Thorfinn's teachments.

Before dying, he completed his redemption by saving another man's life (an enemy) to prove that his nature was changed to the one of a "true warrior".
1 hour ago
Aug 2013
Reply to GioGioBord
UaEfAlCoN83 said:
@deg I don't care about law ... I just said he deserves it

I didn't even bring up Thorfinn to begin with you mentioned him so I told you the difference ...

Also law is established by humans ... there are many BS laws and many laws changed over the past 500 years. And different countries have different set of laws.

Mass murder mostly now is punished with jail when I believe murder is supposed to be punished with murder whether you killed 1 or 4000.

So you cannot enforce your opinion with the "law" argument because it is a human thing that changes. Humans only agreed that killing is bad.

My opinion is not solely based on "he murdered a guy so he deserves it" ... the Lnu started it so this is the price to pay. I am talking about his entire attitude as soon as the conflict started.

He reaped what he sowed.

It is funny that you immediately thought I meant Einar ... maybe I was talking about Styrk. So you probably agree with me deep inside you (;

The gist of it I believe all of them deserve what they got: Einar, Styrk, and Ivar.

They all played an important role in this conflict: Styrk was a sly; Ivar was arrogant and rebellious and made things worse by brining the sword and attacking the elder; Einar -- who is supposed to be one of the leaders of the village -- was hasty and selfish because he valued his "hardwork" and the village named after his idolized lover over the safety of people when they didn't even have weapons! And then after killing he kept seeking for an excuse by saying "tell me I had no choice tell me I was right?" instead of admitting his mistake like Thorfinn dead.

It is not about killing for me ...

You can believe otherwise it is fine in the end right and wrong cannot be declared by humans alone because they ban what is "right" when it is against them and allow what is "wrong" when it benefits them.

This chapter is Einar's redemption. The author, with this, wants to say that everyone can be overwhelmed by emotion and choose war over peace: war is deeply rooted in human nature.

In the end, Einar felt the weight of the war when he finally killed a man, that was his moment of revelation.

With this chapter, Einar understood what Throfinn's always said and felt, acknowledging he was a "true warrior". After this moment of realization, Einar chose peace following Thorfinn's teachments.

Before dying, he completed his redemption by saving another man's life (an enemy) to prove that his nature was changed to the one of a "true warrior".
@GioGioBord Again it is not about "killing" and "redemption" alone.

He risked the lives of the villagers ... he can redeem himself and show regret but that doesn't undo his actions.

He experienced the consequences of his actions ... no one did him dirty ...
1 hour ago
Jul 2023
this chapter WILL be on my suicide note 😭
15 minutes ago
Mar 2022
What's even the point man

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