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Yesterday, 6:57 AM

Nov 2011
They definitely needed all the heroes and allies they can get on the frontlines for this. Seems the monsters got even stronger and this is heading into a climax battle. Not sure if it will be rushed but they're aiming for a big battle.

Not sure how I feel about Akane in this episode. She can definitely be a useful ally but ...we'll have to see how useful she can be.
Stark700Yesterday, 9:32 AM
Yesterday, 8:23 AM

Jul 2017
With the timelines of Takumi's summoning by Nolyn and the summoned Sidonia heroes aligning, shit is going down for bad.

Takumi's new Wedgefort town certainly is thriving with the acceptance of the villagers, though Sofia sensing monsters getting stronger, it's more or less a bad premonition resultant from the heroes' summoning. And only Takumi knows this fact full well enough, as the 3 heroes finally step out of the Holy Empire itself, are just like him, though he could not predict of their bad temperaments heading straight towards Bakilatos, the royal kingdom of Barcula. And it's at Bolton's Adventurer Guild that Takumi finally faces reality against the heroes, most particularly Akira and Yamato, the exception being Akane and her slave assistant Lulu, that Takumi is willing to talk to in private at the hotel he's staying at.

Sofia and Maple escorting both Akane and Lulu to safety, which Takumi soon confirms his actual authencity of whence he came from, as well as being Nolyn's emissary, it all clicks for Akane seeing through the evil exploits of Sidonia and the Church of Divine Light, and just suriving enough not to be brainwashed by them, just for the moment to escape scot free. And just like Takumi, Akane wanting to accept Lulu as not her slave but her friend, and being treated with hospitality from the gang, it certainly feels like home for the two.

Once again, the contract dissolving is mentioned, but it's with the purpose that they're living as a family altogether, without any statuses, which this time, is for the better given the danger Takumi is facing. Time to thwart the trouble impending at Wedgefort!
Yesterday, 8:40 AM

Mar 2021
Akane seems a genuinely nice girl who can see what the kingdom of Sidonia is doing is wrong I think she will be a great ally for Takumi and the girls.
Yesterday, 8:43 AM

Dec 2013
Poor Akane and Lulu, I know those other two are being used but fuck them, I don't want them to have a second chance.
Yesterday, 8:47 AM

May 2015
It felt like they were talking to the audience there at the beginning with the heroes sick of waiting and glad to be going into action.

Maple had an awesome off-screen takedown of that knight with her webs!

It's nice to see the truth set free, and the girls set free. Now I wonder if the heroes will be free of their brainwashing.
Yesterday, 8:58 AM

Apr 2014
Ah shit here we go again. A pair of arrogant pieces of trash heroes from the Unholy Kingdom of Sidonia. When will Akira and Yamato get killed? I hope very soon.
Yesterday, 9:36 AM
Apr 2024
I am so hoping Akane and Lulu and join them in their party.. or maybe they will eventually?

Now all the monsters got loose.. they will need all the help they can get
Yesterday, 9:43 AM
Sep 2015
I'm glad the slave situation was dealed properly in this episode.

Only one episode left, I hope male heroes can be saved before they do irreversible damage.
Yesterday, 10:47 AM
Oct 2010
Could've been drugs in the food, could just be that the guys got high on the isekai rush and turned naturally into @$$holes. Either way, they're probably headed for a bad end next time they meet the mc and try the same brand of BS.

Stampede incoming the next time around on the heels of the same ominous energy that surrounded the idol of the dark god being created. Sidonia's on a path to a bad end too, go fig.
Yesterday, 11:12 AM

Dec 2014
how fitting it is for a scummy nation to have scummy heroes, although from what Akane said, they were brainwashed, still, clearly not very smart to trust the people who summoned you, at least Akane had the smarts to purify her food and water lol
Yesterday, 11:42 AM

Feb 2025
I don't know if I'm buying the "the food brainwashed them" excuse for the guys becoming like that. I just think that the power went up in their heads and brought out their true personalities. Anyway, Takumi put them in their places, it was expected but still good to see.
Only one episode left, but I think there should be at least one more...? I just hope the ending is not super rushed :(

Imouto suki

Tsundere-Chuuni-Imoutos save me...

Yesterday, 12:04 PM

Mar 2014
... and MC's harem just keep getting larger and larger, now with the addition of these 2 extras 😆
Yesterday, 1:20 PM
Jan 2021
Now things are gonna get interesting.

So it seems the reason that Akira and Yamato changed so drastically in the three month timespan (this episode starts three months after the last episode, meaning Akira and Yamato’s training took three months in total) due to them potentially being brainwashed with the food they were eating, and Akane Misato was prudent enough to use Purification Magic on every single food and beverage that was provided to her since her arrival. Her intuition and Revelation Skill have really come in clutch, and I’m glad that Iruma was able to humble Akira and Yamato pretty easily. It’s clear that Iruma is currently stronger than those two.

The slavery in Sidonia seems to be closer to how other series do it with it looking forced rather than there being an agreement between the slave and master. I’m glad that Lulu is now free and she can live as Akane’s friend while Iruma’s party will likely be protecting them (knowing that Sidonia will be going after them).

If magic is the reason that Akira and Yamato have changed, I’m sure that Iruma can dispel the dark magic with his Purification Magic. I mean, he dealt with Sofia’s curse just like that, so chances are it’s a possibility at the very least.

I’m not surprised that Mani wanted to accompany Iruma’s party during their adventures, and I’m kind of shocked she went straight from Rank H to Rank D in one escort mission, especially since Iruma, Sofia, and Maria took out a Goblin Camp, which was established to require multiple D Ranks, just the three of them (because Maple was busy evolving so she couldn’t help). Now we have a rough timeline of the series thus far. Iruma was placed into the world of Mildgard 15 months ago. 3 months later, he met Sofia and Maria, 6 months later, they met Reyva, 3 months later, they met Mani, and now Iruma and Sofia are A Rank, Maria is also likely A Rank, Reyva’s is unknown, and Mani is a D Rank.

So now Sofia, Maria, and Reyva are equals, and it’s funny how Mani stepped forward despite never establishing a contract with Iruma in the first place. Since Mani isn’t at least B Rank, will she be forced to stay out of this emergency in Wedgefort (the name of the village), or will it be fine since Iruma is the leader of the party and he’s A Rank? I guess we’ll have to see.

This is either setting up for a grand finale in this last episode, or there will have to be a Season 2. We’ll have to wait and see! I wonder what those two swords, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are for. They both have the ability to repair themselves as they get used.
Yesterday, 2:57 PM
Jul 2024
All I can say is I am glad Akane got away from the Empire. However, it seems she dropped out of the Anime' after they got back to Bolton. What the Hell? I'm sure those "Heros" will be looking for her now.
Yesterday, 3:15 PM

Dec 2018
Huh, I guess they just time skipped then lol, so really what was the point in putting Takumi in the past? They could have just said all of what he did in the show happened in three months, I don’t think there was much of a reason for it to have taken as long as it did for him to get to where he is now, it makes more sense logically but he’s the same guy that built a city in ten days lol, and there’s also the fact nothing of note happened in the three month time skip besides the town becoming more prosperous, idk this is basically just me yelling at clouds but it’s something I couldn’t get out of my head lol.

It’s funny tho, we waited all this time for Takumi to meet the heroes, and it was pretty lame unfortunately lol, the fights were never this show’s strongest feature but this looked especially bad I thought, oh well, at least Takumi embarrassed them and recruited Akane and Lulu in the process, I’m glad after all of those scenes of her bearing the empire and those assholes she can finally rest easy, same with her attendant Lulu. And apparently the two dudes got drugged into being pricks? I guess that makes sense, although it did seem like a case of them letting the Isekai world corrupt them, but at least they’re redeemable now this way.

And Takumi removing the slave shackles from his harem was nice, feels like he should have done this a long time ago but it does feel a bit sweeter this way. And lastly, looks like the big threat of the finale is gonna be this monster stampede, I can’t see this ending in a satisfying way but we shall see!
Yesterday, 7:24 PM

Jun 2016
Considering that in the manga and most likely in the ranobe, the difference between Takumi's arrival and the heroes is three years, changing this part was a good thing otherwise the series would have stopped at 12 episodes before halfway through this story arc.
Yesterday, 8:10 PM
Jun 2019
Much better than I thought it would be as a "mixed familiar isekai trope salad". Hoping for a second season or seek out the source.
Yesterday, 8:28 PM
Oct 2022
Finally, after seeing his countrymen have the contract dispelled at the first chance she could (by him), he was like, "I guess it would be a bad look that I created contracts and kept them for months."

Glad the shows actually doing something. A bit "too little, too late," but it's slightly more entertaining than it had been.

One day I would like villainous heroes that are more than "Give me your women!!" types.
Yesterday, 10:02 PM
Aug 2024

Looking forward to next episode.

Yesterday, 10:05 PM

Jun 2021
Pretty sure Akane will help Takumi to fix those country in the future, but it seems this series will end hanging on this season (since it have 1 episode left and the story to meet the heroes just started). I hope this series will get 2nd season
Yesterday, 10:44 PM
Jan 2021
Reply to KANLen09
With the timelines of Takumi's summoning by Nolyn and the summoned Sidonia heroes aligning, shit is going down for bad.

Takumi's new Wedgefort town certainly is thriving with the acceptance of the villagers, though Sofia sensing monsters getting stronger, it's more or less a bad premonition resultant from the heroes' summoning. And only Takumi knows this fact full well enough, as the 3 heroes finally step out of the Holy Empire itself, are just like him, though he could not predict of their bad temperaments heading straight towards Bakilatos, the royal kingdom of Barcula. And it's at Bolton's Adventurer Guild that Takumi finally faces reality against the heroes, most particularly Akira and Yamato, the exception being Akane and her slave assistant Lulu, that Takumi is willing to talk to in private at the hotel he's staying at.

Sofia and Maple escorting both Akane and Lulu to safety, which Takumi soon confirms his actual authencity of whence he came from, as well as being Nolyn's emissary, it all clicks for Akane seeing through the evil exploits of Sidonia and the Church of Divine Light, and just suriving enough not to be brainwashed by them, just for the moment to escape scot free. And just like Takumi, Akane wanting to accept Lulu as not her slave but her friend, and being treated with hospitality from the gang, it certainly feels like home for the two.

Once again, the contract dissolving is mentioned, but it's with the purpose that they're living as a family altogether, without any statuses, which this time, is for the better given the danger Takumi is facing. Time to thwart the trouble impending at Wedgefort!
@KANLen09 Speaking of Akane acknoledging Lulu as a friend, I wonder if that motivated Iruma to dissolve the contracts and acknowledging everyone as equals. Or it was just a coincidence.
Yesterday, 10:50 PM
Jan 2021
Reply to TheColonel76
Huh, I guess they just time skipped then lol, so really what was the point in putting Takumi in the past? They could have just said all of what he did in the show happened in three months, I don’t think there was much of a reason for it to have taken as long as it did for him to get to where he is now, it makes more sense logically but he’s the same guy that built a city in ten days lol, and there’s also the fact nothing of note happened in the three month time skip besides the town becoming more prosperous, idk this is basically just me yelling at clouds but it’s something I couldn’t get out of my head lol.

It’s funny tho, we waited all this time for Takumi to meet the heroes, and it was pretty lame unfortunately lol, the fights were never this show’s strongest feature but this looked especially bad I thought, oh well, at least Takumi embarrassed them and recruited Akane and Lulu in the process, I’m glad after all of those scenes of her bearing the empire and those assholes she can finally rest easy, same with her attendant Lulu. And apparently the two dudes got drugged into being pricks? I guess that makes sense, although it did seem like a case of them letting the Isekai world corrupt them, but at least they’re redeemable now this way.

And Takumi removing the slave shackles from his harem was nice, feels like he should have done this a long time ago but it does feel a bit sweeter this way. And lastly, looks like the big threat of the finale is gonna be this monster stampede, I can’t see this ending in a satisfying way but we shall see!
@TheColonel76 Since you're under the impression that everything happened in 3 months, let me break down the timeline according to the information from this epiosde.

Iruma has been in the world for 15 months.

Relative to the point in time that Iruma was dropped in, Iruma met Sofia and Maria 3 months later. The three met Reyva 6 months later (9 months relative to the starting point that I mentioned), and then another 6 months later, they met Mani.

So, Iruma could not have accomplished what he's done (building up his party, leveling up his abilities, and so on) in the matter of 3 months. Without that time, he wouldn't have had the ability to build Wedgefort in 10 days.

Also during the 3 months after the summoning, Iruma and Sofia became A Rank adventurers.
Yesterday, 10:56 PM
Apr 2018
You leave your town for 5 minutes and the whole place falls apart
Yesterday, 11:22 PM

Feb 2019
takumi finally came face to face with the heroes, and good for akane for always purifying every meal served to her, but then again she had that unique skill that alerted her to not trust the princess who welcomed them after they were summoned. her two cohorts, on the other hand, are typical weak-minded, easily corrupted, power & fame hungry beings; it was nice to see their arses kicked by takumi when they thought they could intimidate him to giving them mani & sofia. can't wait to see them get schooled even more & brought back down to reality.
Yesterday, 11:46 PM

Feb 2019
Akane is awesome I knew she was gonna end up being a good person and Takumi could work with her. It really sucks it’s only the last two episodes where Takumi actually gets to meet the heroes tho. Feel like we could’ve got there faster
Today, 12:19 AM

Nov 2024
Bruh for some reason these summoned male heroes talk like a villains. The way the plot went about of how Takumi revealed about him being from another world was weird and dumb, should have taken some different way to go about it. Like how the heroes were talking about elves and they just encountered the one elf that Takumi owns, seriously!?

I never enjoy the forced romance/harem, they just ruins the show and that's exactly happening here.

The dudes was a 40 year old before he turned into a 17 after coming to this world, but he lack a certain level of maturity for his age and that's annoying!!!
Today, 12:58 AM
Feb 2024
Saw that defection coming...kind of thought there would be more to it than a simple escape, but perhaps next week will prove me wrong.
Today, 2:36 AM
Nov 2024
Reply to KanameYuuki
Poor Akane and Lulu, I know those other two are being used but fuck them, I don't want them to have a second chance.
@KanameYuuki well the question is, if its their fault at all.

if they are drugged or enchanted or something, its probably not their fault, so i think they should get a chance to redeem themselfs
Today, 2:42 AM
Nov 2024
Reply to XArceusX
Bruh for some reason these summoned male heroes talk like a villains. The way the plot went about of how Takumi revealed about him being from another world was weird and dumb, should have taken some different way to go about it. Like how the heroes were talking about elves and they just encountered the one elf that Takumi owns, seriously!?

I never enjoy the forced romance/harem, they just ruins the show and that's exactly happening here.

The dudes was a 40 year old before he turned into a 17 after coming to this world, but he lack a certain level of maturity for his age and that's annoying!!!
@XArceusX where is that comming from?

takumi is really mature compared to most isekai protagonists.

what exactly was weird and dumb about his revelation? he didnt want to keep it a secret anymore because he realised that a: it will be harder now that the heroes showed up. especialy with akane near him. and b: he knows that he can totaly trust his "family".

also this is a "harem" thats correct. but at least not every single one of them if perma simping over takumi and they all got their own motivations and thoughts.

the show has flaws definitly, but i kinda dont get a single one of your critique points^^

oh and also: of course they talk like villains, because they are the villains. or probably they were made villains. since akane mentioned that they werent like that from the beginning, its quite sure for me, that they somehow got manipulated.
Today, 3:11 AM

Nov 2024
Reply to Wrathberry84
@XArceusX where is that comming from?

takumi is really mature compared to most isekai protagonists.

what exactly was weird and dumb about his revelation? he didnt want to keep it a secret anymore because he realised that a: it will be harder now that the heroes showed up. especialy with akane near him. and b: he knows that he can totaly trust his "family".

also this is a "harem" thats correct. but at least not every single one of them if perma simping over takumi and they all got their own motivations and thoughts.

the show has flaws definitly, but i kinda dont get a single one of your critique points^^

oh and also: of course they talk like villains, because they are the villains. or probably they were made villains. since akane mentioned that they werent like that from the beginning, its quite sure for me, that they somehow got manipulated.
@Wrathberry84 I know that Takumi's mature, that's why I specifically said "for his age". I don't hate the dude, but for someone who wants to live peacefully and doesn't want to get in trouble, he definitely isn't living that way. I can't point out the way he acted immature from each episode as I'll have to rewatch for them.

The way heroes encounter didn't made sense, why would they come to adventurers guild as they are heroes and not adventurers. And they happen to encounter the only elf that was Takumi's? This part was weird and dumb. Takumi explaining about himself and his past is something that was gonna happen at one point.

To a certain degree all the girl have felling for him and in future it's possible that Akane will also join them.

You remember Máni, the widow women. She's now in love with him in just a single episode. I'm not against widows finding love again, but the way they brought wasn't satisfying... just another forced. I'm not criticize it cause lots of anime follow the same trend.

The horoes, probably are brainwashed by the princess. No one changes this much in just 3 months unless they were jerk to began with from the start.
Today, 3:55 AM

Dec 2018
Reply to KingBaller06
@TheColonel76 Since you're under the impression that everything happened in 3 months, let me break down the timeline according to the information from this epiosde.

Iruma has been in the world for 15 months.

Relative to the point in time that Iruma was dropped in, Iruma met Sofia and Maria 3 months later. The three met Reyva 6 months later (9 months relative to the starting point that I mentioned), and then another 6 months later, they met Mani.

So, Iruma could not have accomplished what he's done (building up his party, leveling up his abilities, and so on) in the matter of 3 months. Without that time, he wouldn't have had the ability to build Wedgefort in 10 days.

Also during the 3 months after the summoning, Iruma and Sofia became A Rank adventurers.
@KingBaller06 No I know he’s been there longer than three months, I’m saying I feel like he could have done everything in the show in three months. Yeah I know it makes more sense for him to have been there longer, but I was just saying that the time skip felt pointless when they could have had the heroes training alongside Takumi building up his party in the original three months instead of sending Takumi further back in time, or better yet just make it 15 months for both the heroes and Takumi, I’m just thinking of better ways to do it than time skipping.
Today, 3:59 AM
Nov 2024
I kinda dont like the harem thing too. What i wanted to point out is, that its at least better than some other shows, where the wonen are just there to simp over the protag. I mean they all have some kind of feelings for him, but the simping is not that hard.

Why they went to the guild? Dunno, mb they were checking out places of interest. And why they met takumi and the elf there? Well, eould be boring if they just go there and meet noone xD.

@mani: is she in love with him? Dunno.
Dont confuse familiar love with romantic love
9 hours ago
Nov 2017
LMFAO those corny ass heroes. Hope Takumi shows them their place even more in the future
9 hours ago
May 2016
Man with only 1 ep left this is going to get resolved way too quickly or beleft on a cliffhanger. :(
Akane seems pretty dumb, she should have purified ALL of their food not just hers and what was her escape plan? Hope to run into someone powerful and nice enough to help her? What if she never met Takumi?
3 hours ago

Mar 2013
While I have some disappointments towards the adaptation skipping a whole 3-month period, this episode was lovely on its own after they finally introduced Akane, and her new place with MC.

She's finally smiling! 😌
CrazyButNot4U3 hours ago
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
34 minutes ago
Jan 2017
It took him 11 episodes, but he did it. Takumi finally became part of the main plot. I'm aware that the story's development is a deliberate slow burn that the show is mostly character-driven instead of plot-driven, but if the story sets up the external factors that would affect the protagonist, sooner or later, viewers will want a payoff.

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