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Feb 20, 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
A bit of background story about Senku this episode but I find his connection with Zeno rather interesting. It seems Senku really did look up to him at the time. Every scientist has to start off from somewhere.

How times have changed since...and Zeno as well. Pretty interesting episode imo given the circumstances in this arc.
Feb 20, 5:29 AM

May 2020
Yeah if he can read about rocket engineering at the age of 10, then yes, reading all those research papers… *english* research papers, with a dictionary in hand shouldn’t come much as a surprise lol. Though it’s absolutely wild, how Senku used to send his thoughts via mail to scientists all around the world with bare minimum effort to hide himself, again, at the age of ten. Btw, they reverting to the same is equally wild lmfaoo… even recruiters take more time than that xD

Though it’s actually something that Senku and Xeno used to be in contact back then, or more like it’s convenient that way, but yeah, Senku has realised the same now, so I’m looking forward to when Xeno would come to know about the same as well. I mean the mutual respect they had for each other makes the inevitable reunion something much more than just simply looking forward to it, but yeah, this backstory does make one thing clear, Xeno for his people, is what Senku to his bunch was… right down to the minute detail, that is lol.
Feb 20, 6:11 AM

Oct 2009
Full love for this episode for little twerp Senkuu alone. Fking adorable 🥰😂 but damn, his poor dad though. The same way we don't get enough of those days, they didn't really spend much time together either, huh... which is sad, knowing what we know now.
Feb 20, 6:38 AM

Feb 2020
They both even look like brothers

Feb 20, 6:41 AM

Feb 2019
This was one of my favourite Dr.Stone episodes ever. Wow. Seeing Senku and Xeno's friendship backstory was awesome. I didn't realize Xeno was so young when he started out at NASA, so he and Senku both were young prodigies and found a sense of brotherhood in one another. Xeno was just as important to young Senku's development as Senku's father.

Speaking of Senku's dad, I freaking lost it when Senku came to the US only to get the NASA black card from him and instantly left lmaoo.

Where Senku and Xeno differ is their philosophy on the applications of science. Xeno wants to use it for power and control, while Senku just loves challenging himself and learning new things. Even back during his NASA days, the writing was on the wall for Xeno to become a classic mad scientist.

Stanley staying so calm during the petrification was funny as well and Luna over here panicking about not having a rich man to be a power couple with was great too.

It's interesting how much the scientists were able to elarn about petrification before the world got hit. With another day or two, they would have cracked the code and maybe even had a defense plan in place!

Very good episode that sets the tone for the battle to come between Senku and Xeno.
Marinate1016Feb 20, 7:41 AM
Feb 20, 6:56 AM
Jun 2016
Frankly 10/10 episode. FANTASTIC ADAPTATION! It expanded significantly on the manga, and golly it was time well spent, characterized Xeno a bit more which is appreciated. Also, Luna was chanting "I'm Luna, the capable woman!" FOR 3700 YEARS! Frankly not going nuts while trapped in your mind for so long really does make her capable.
Feb 20, 7:10 AM

Jan 2025
Another flashback! ost mad me feel nostalgic . This ep gives me goosebumps . Can't wait for next ep. Senku V.S Xeno
Feb 20, 7:17 AM

Jan 2018
Damn. This whole episode was basically a flashback. But it was honestly a really good flashback episode.

It's been a while since we saw Senku's past. He was always a gifted child (both mentally and in terms of having connections) but it's cool to see how he started out. Mf started talking to NASA scientists when he was 10 lol.

Xeno was only 20 when he first contacted Senku? Damn. He's also insanely talented. But it seems like he wanted to conquer the world even before the petrification happened. Classic mad scientist.

This was an exhilarating prequel episode. Can't wait to see Senku and Xeno meet in the present.
Feb 20, 7:45 AM
Feb 2022
I frickin cried when both of em stood besides each other..... none of em said a word yet it conveyed everything..........UGGHHHHH i wanna do good in science but physics is too hardddd
Feb 20, 7:45 AM
Feb 2022
Reply to Nerdason
They both even look like brothers

@Nerdason yo brother how do u add images in comments??
Feb 20, 7:50 AM

Aug 2020
great ep

this backstory between Senku and Dr X was interesting
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Feb 20, 8:06 AM

Dec 2018
Unrelated to the episode, but I just realized Senku’s hair reminds me of Henry’s hair from Eraserhead, that guy was not a scientist tho lol.

And wow what an episode this was, probably one of my favorites of the season despite it being all flashback, it really took me back to the start of Season 1, I got a good bit of nostalgia from that, same with seeing Senku’s dad again, it’s also weird seeing the characters of Dr. Stone in the modern world after we’ve become so used to them in the stone world lol. I loved getting to learn more about Xeno and Senku’s relationship in the past, it was pretty wholesome for the most part but it looks like something happened to make Xeno into the way he is now, something to do with his project being rejected, it’s unfortunate this turned him down the mad scientist path but perhaps it’s not too late for him and Senku to correct things in the present, I’m really hoping they can reconnect and use the power of science together like they did in the past.

It was also really cool seeing the response to the stoned birds in the past, they were analyzing the hell out of them and were very close to reaching a breakthrough, but we all know what happened before they could, it was sad witnessing it again but at least they figured out if you stay awake there is a chance of coming out of it. But good lord I can’t even imagine staying awake and doing nothing for that long, it really goes to show how superhuman Senku and Xeno are, same with everyone else that stayed conscious the whole time, although I find it hard to believe Luna was among them lol, but mad respect if so, I’m wondering why her and her simps were even present for that meeting but maybe we’ll find that out eventually.
Feb 20, 8:25 AM
Jul 2024
This background of these two was actually REALLY good. Also, both already had opposing views of how to use their genius. But how on God's Green Earth did a kid get a hold of Helium three??!!
Feb 20, 8:26 AM
Jul 2024
Reply to senku_13
I frickin cried when both of em stood besides each other..... none of em said a word yet it conveyed everything..........UGGHHHHH i wanna do good in science but physics is too hardddd
@senku_13 Try biology. Plenty of stuff to do there my Man.
Feb 20, 8:43 AM
Oct 2019
I like Xeno, he is an interesting character, eager for the next episodes
Feb 20, 9:20 AM
Apr 2020
I like how this explains why Xeno knows Japanese to at least some extent, but that doesn’t explain how they knew the green light was the petrification ray, If that were the case Senku would have known as well, which in episode one he did not. It feels a little bit like a recon, but not quite, but I don’t hate it. It definitely makes for a more interesting story and I want to see how Xeno is going to react when he finds out it’s Senku and not Teiju. I also find it somewhat hard to believe that Senku never mentioned his friend, Teiju, helping him with his experiments? Weren’t they emailing for like 10 years? Xeno definitely should’ve at least questioned the name.
Feb 20, 10:37 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Wow i loved this episode. This season is amazing so far.
OP is a banger.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Feb 20, 10:44 AM

Jul 2022
Good thing Byakuya had an astronaut salary so Senku could spend it all on scientific gadgets. Another sign that he's one of the best parents ever.

Xeno is the perfect counterpart to Senku. Just look at their character designs: Senku wears white, has his hair spiked up, keeps his hands out of his pockets, and has his collar free. Meanwhile, Xeno combs his hair back and down, wears black, keeps his hands in his pockets, and has his collar covered. Even his eyes lack the same sparkle. It's a pretty clear way to show that he's an antagonist and rival to Senku.

They're both brilliant minds, teacher and student, who remained constant even after years of petrification, separated by continents. And yet, they're the ones bringing science back to the world. I can't wait to see what happens next!
Feb 20, 10:58 AM

Feb 2013
Senku just being a kid and detonating rocket engines with his bff. Explains his hair style too. Lovely episode. Don't give up on your dreams, kids.

That initial purchase was around $24,000 USD for anyone curious. Knowing how the US throws away taxpayer money though, I doubt that even made the accountants blink.
Feb 20, 11:01 AM

Feb 2012
Senku using his dad's astronaut credit card to buy expensive equipment and go on plane rides all over the world 😂

Dr. Xeno acknowledged Senku's prowess early on and replies to his emails sincerely unlike the other NASA scientists. In the conversation with the other scientist about the petrified swallows, it's apparent he recognises the threat a scientifically literate youth can pose. Millennia later, when the world returns to the stone age, he implements the dictatorship he so mentioned in the cafeteria. He has said before about toppling the youth kingdom of science.

If it was a meeting for military and government officials like Stanley and the other soldiers we've seen in previous episodes, I presume Luna just wanted to date one of the wealthy people attending and Max and Carlos are just assistants or bodyguards she dragged along? Or does she actually have some elite skill like the scientists and soldiers there? I think the former works better as it shows both people who have a plan like Senku and Xeno and those without like Luna can both have the drive to stay awake that long.
Fortress_MaximusFeb 20, 11:11 AM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Feb 20, 11:23 AM
Feb 2020

the scientist of the week is xeno for discovering that the swallows still have brain waves, unless someone else discovered that

these are my thoughts from during the episode:

why is xeno okay with a child building rockets unsupervised?

xeno mentioned the stone world before people were turned to stone
is he the one who petrified everyone?

a long time ago senku mentioned that he went to africa, now they are finally expanding on that, even if its not much

when the anime eventually ends someone needs to do a video going through every crime senku comitted

shouldnt the kingdom of science just put luna in jail? isnt that the logical thing to do?

woah they were doing scientific studies on the petrified swallows
its possible xeno had access to this data and senku didnt
if so that would be info that gives xeno an advantage

woah they are expanding on senku making the love potion

oh ok so xenos crew were all high level people who knew each other before the petrification
that must be how so many of them stayed concious for 3700 years

im guessing not since xeno was talking about it right before the human petrification


a few episodes ago xeno made me wonder if it was a lot more common/natural than i thought for people to maintain conciousness
but i guess its easier than i thought, i thought you would have to be more insane like senku and taiju to pull it off, but i guess you just have to be insane to try doing it without being given a reason, but if you try most people can do it

one thing i wish the petrification kingdom saga did was show more of the perspective of the petrified people
we have mostly only seen senkus perspective

part of stanley's cigarette got petrified
how does that work?

why does it look like the moon is about to crash into earth?

does this imply that xeno and senku broke out of the petrification at the same time?

unless the petrification has some overpowered healing property even after being revived, stanley should not be smoking

i think senku didnt know any of the research that xeno knew about the swallows petrification

i was wondering if xeno could be senkus real father, but after this episode i guess its very unlikely
Feb 20, 11:34 AM

Aug 2022
Backstory about Senku and this Doctor Xeno. I don't care about it at all, I just want to see the plot progress.
Feb 20, 11:41 AM

Jan 2009
science is power

so xeno and senku have 10 years age difference

Feb 20, 12:40 PM

Nov 2016
i loved that they made the acetylene gas to stop the engine!! it worked instantly too
Feb 20, 12:42 PM

Feb 2014
It's been a while since I've seen a full-on flashback episode like this, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The feeling of nostalgia seeing the modern world again before the worldwide petrification is pretty nice, but it was seeing how much Senku and Xeno communicated to each other over the years that was the most enjoyable part for me. One thing that was noticeable was the change within Xeno while working at NASA, where he did have his struggles of proposals being rejected, which could be one of the reasons as to why he thinks the way he does right now.

Another part that I enjoyed was seeing how Xeno and his close colleagues handled the arrival of the petrification itself, which hit the night before they were planning to make the news about their research on the stone birds public. Stanley was the definition of calm, while Luna was the complete opposite. XD

Still, it does make me wonder if there is a way for both Senku and Xeno could work together as allies instead of enemies. At the moment, that looks to be a very unlikely scenario, but never say never.
Feb 20, 1:13 PM
Oct 2015
Americans just so happened to have a top-tier-meeting right before the happening, just so Xeno would have all the help at the start. AND their meeting place had an abundance of saltpeter as well to manufacture gun-powder. America was playing stone age with medium difficulty while Senku had hell mode.
Feb 20, 2:01 PM
Jun 2019

One of the best episodes yet
Feb 20, 2:30 PM
May 2021
This how it all started Yhh I l enjoyed this in the manga !
Feb 20, 2:51 PM

Nov 2017
The flashback is very interesting of the origin of their petrifications!
Feb 20, 4:20 PM

Oct 2019
May I also get a NASA credit card with a near infinite credit limit please? Pretty pretty please?

Btw, can anyone really maintain consciousness and retain that for... 3,000+ years without losing their mind or passing out?
And would it matter either way? We have seen the unpetrification fluid work on anyone, with not a single fail.
It was established before that only the composition mattered (the exact proportion of nitric acid to alcohol).
Consciousness retention is a new variable that was never raised before.

As for Senku counting time, second by second, for 3,000+ years, this is truly an impossible feat.
Genius or not no one can do that. Even if someone could somehow endure counting seconds for so long,
there would be no way to do it accurately for that long, since they'd lack any external reference.

Even with a mean variation of +/- 10% they would be off by 300+ years.
We are humans, not computers or clocks.
SharpedonFeb 20, 4:36 PM
Feb 20, 4:39 PM

Mar 2010
damn I couldn't fathom just being in complete darkness being stuck in my own mind. AND while not being able to move like some vegetable. holyyy

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 20, 5:15 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to ImaPandaFox
I like how this explains why Xeno knows Japanese to at least some extent, but that doesn’t explain how they knew the green light was the petrification ray, If that were the case Senku would have known as well, which in episode one he did not. It feels a little bit like a recon, but not quite, but I don’t hate it. It definitely makes for a more interesting story and I want to see how Xeno is going to react when he finds out it’s Senku and not Teiju. I also find it somewhat hard to believe that Senku never mentioned his friend, Teiju, helping him with his experiments? Weren’t they emailing for like 10 years? Xeno definitely should’ve at least questioned the name.
ImaPandaFox said:
that doesn’t explain how they knew the green light was the petrification ray

They didn't. Stanley simply saw those two advance guards get petrified first and connected the dots. It surely helped that they were talking about it just minutes earlier.

The "consciousness retention" bit looks like a recon, but it might be not. Bear in mind this was the POV of Dr Xeno, Stanley, Senku et al from 3,000+ years ago, not their current one. So they all thought consciousness retention was required to get revived, but in retrospect it was unnecessary*: it has been repeatedly established that the sole criterion for unpentrification is the correct percentage of nitric acid and alcohol, which Senku discovered. That fluid has worked on everyone, without a single fail.

I mean unpentrification in a sane amount of time. Both Senku and Xeno were unpetrified via prolonged exposure (decades or even centuries) to nitric acid alone, which as this episode mentioned attacks the mineral very mildly and slowly (removes a few ions per hour or so). This is similar to how aqua regia dissolves gold. Its constituent acids, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, cannot attack gold on their own but together they can.

*Well, not entirely: Senku needed to remain conscious to count seconds for... 3,000+ years. A feat I doubt Xeno or anyone else could pull.
Feb 20, 5:17 PM
Oct 2016
I do very much enjoy a trip down memory lane with a different perspective added in. We had just learned that Senku did know Xeno before the world turned to stone. But we also see at the very end of the episode that Senku is responsible for Xeno knowing how to break out of the stone too. Since he sent the Americans information about the birds being turned to stone first when the petrification was just being tested prior to the worldwide blast. Senku effectively lead to the current situation they're in battling over this cornfield. It was interesting seeing the world before stone again, Senku doing his childhood experiments emailing Nasa themselves asking some crazy complicated questions. Xeno is the only one as equally ambitious about science would reply to an email like the one Senku sent. Xeno really helped nurture Senku scientific mind and helped him become better. Both of them brilliant science minds now destined to face off here!
Feb 20, 6:16 PM

Apr 2015
I have to say this is one of the best backstory episode focus i see in anime. It was really well done.

I thought it would lead to a twist reveling about the stone process, but we are almost there i think.
Feb 20, 7:09 PM

Feb 2022
Bros spams an email😭 well it eventually turns good for him lmao.

JagerschnappsFeb 20, 7:35 PM
Feb 20, 7:18 PM
Dec 2022
peak episode
i hope senkuu and xeno join sides they gotta meet again

me candies:
Feb 20, 8:34 PM
Mar 2015
Our boi is facing off with his mentor
Feb 20, 11:13 PM
Oct 2019
Pretty lame. This brand new back story feels like a clunky way to tie everything together but feels almost retcon-ny.

To be clear, idc that he knows xeno from before. The whole "comedic" effect of buying equipment on a NASA credit card, but having to fly to Houston to see his dad to get it just so they could set up that standing next to each other scene by the rocket was lame. That they knew beforehand how to undo the petrification (this feels like a retcon; I don't recall this being the case in season 1). And that senku maintaining consciousness for thousands of years wasn't just some sort of anomaly, almost anybody could do it if they knew to do it. Nevermind that the brain requires energy to function, and that obviously they didn't eat anything during those thousands of years (I honestly didn't think about this or care until this episode, because the series decided to bring it back up and make it an important part of their story/history, and now I'm annoyed by the lack of science behind it)
HagePotPotatoFeb 20, 11:32 PM
Feb 20, 11:19 PM
Oct 2017
okay here's my question.... why does he have to be a bad guy?? i mean, it's a bunch of kids and his backstory doesn't really showcase him doing wrong things in modern society, he was researching the petrified swallows as much as any and was preparing for the worst which he was correct.

this is just me as an anime only but its setting up dr. xeno to work with senku instead of resisting each other. He doesn't have a lofty goal of destroying statues and petrifying those who oppose him (yet) but has a brutal view of gaining power by being the most knowledgeable. and we know that senku... doesn't give a crap, xeno can be president of America for all he cares, he just want to bring back civilization and modern science. imo Xeno and Snyder just became hostile only cause they were in a hostile environment with no descendants of ishigami and no revival juice. They survived with who they're with and what they know. Unless Xeno specifically states he's against senku's revival all humanity project and finding the source of the pretrification then i don't think he's that much of an antagonist.

Feb 21, 12:09 AM
Oct 2020
I knew Stoned 'Murica would be good! I like Dr. Xeno's character. He's cool!
Feb 21, 12:34 AM
Aug 2024
Icl I ain’t watched a anime op since dandadan this one slaps
Feb 21, 2:16 AM
Oct 2020
Reply to HagePotPotato
Pretty lame. This brand new back story feels like a clunky way to tie everything together but feels almost retcon-ny.

To be clear, idc that he knows xeno from before. The whole "comedic" effect of buying equipment on a NASA credit card, but having to fly to Houston to see his dad to get it just so they could set up that standing next to each other scene by the rocket was lame. That they knew beforehand how to undo the petrification (this feels like a retcon; I don't recall this being the case in season 1). And that senku maintaining consciousness for thousands of years wasn't just some sort of anomaly, almost anybody could do it if they knew to do it. Nevermind that the brain requires energy to function, and that obviously they didn't eat anything during those thousands of years (I honestly didn't think about this or care until this episode, because the series decided to bring it back up and make it an important part of their story/history, and now I'm annoyed by the lack of science behind it)
@HagePotPotato Goddamn, i wonder what "comedic" scene do you love, you even judged how they portrayed NASA credit card, it isn't that serious, also basically all of your argument is "i don't care" lol who cares then, i am sure you didn't even watch the episode clearly with your eyes open, they literally explaining the brain waves wtf are you talking about. Also remember this isnt "Pure Science" show, this is still anme, if you want real science shit go watch documentary or other, dr stone has always been exaggerated of the science, and its for sake of plot and progression, do you want them to make something and take couple of episode??
Feb 21, 2:30 AM
Dec 2021
ImaPandaFox said:
I like how this explains why Xeno knows Japanese to at least some extent, but that doesn’t explain how they knew the green light was the petrification ray, If that were the case Senku would have known as well, which in episode one he did not. It feels a little bit like a recon, but not quite, but I don’t hate it. It definitely makes for a more interesting story and I want to see how Xeno is going to react when he finds out it’s Senku and not Teiju. I also find it somewhat hard to believe that Senku never mentioned his friend, Teiju, helping him with his experiments? Weren’t they emailing for like 10 years? Xeno definitely should’ve at least questioned the name.

I think its cus they saw that in the distance, the green light shone on some ppl and turned them into stone.
Feb 21, 4:05 AM
Nov 2022
Always pleasure to see backstory
Feb 21, 4:12 AM
Jun 2007
Senku and Xeno met back in the days eh.
Hope we getting closer to the truth of petrifications.
Feb 21, 6:24 AM
Apr 2023
Just a matter of time until they both get to build rockets
Feb 21, 6:52 AM
Oct 2020
At the start of the episode it says senky age 10, but in his email he says he's 7 years old, is that a discrepancy in the story or did senku just lie ?

Besides that, 10/10 , perfect episode
Feb 21, 9:02 AM
Nov 2019
So not only does Senku know who Xeno is, but they've actually known each other for a while and even met once. This is getting very interesting.
Feb 21, 10:25 AM

Feb 2016
What is even the point of Luna and her simps being here bro, now that we know what happened before the petrification it just makes it even more clear that those characters are worthless lol

It's funny how they imply that anyone can just send an email to NASA containing some files and they will just go ahead and open them without a care in the world lmao

And Xeno is cringe, I mean, he is a good guy, gets his project rejected, becomes emo with a black coat and begins to hate humanity and wants to rule over it. That hilarious, reminds me of Tobey Maguire's Spiderman in his 3rd movie when he gets the symbiote and becomes emo exactly like that.
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Feb 21, 10:58 AM
May 2018
Reply to Plopop
okay here's my question.... why does he have to be a bad guy?? i mean, it's a bunch of kids and his backstory doesn't really showcase him doing wrong things in modern society, he was researching the petrified swallows as much as any and was preparing for the worst which he was correct.

this is just me as an anime only but its setting up dr. xeno to work with senku instead of resisting each other. He doesn't have a lofty goal of destroying statues and petrifying those who oppose him (yet) but has a brutal view of gaining power by being the most knowledgeable. and we know that senku... doesn't give a crap, xeno can be president of America for all he cares, he just want to bring back civilization and modern science. imo Xeno and Snyder just became hostile only cause they were in a hostile environment with no descendants of ishigami and no revival juice. They survived with who they're with and what they know. Unless Xeno specifically states he's against senku's revival all humanity project and finding the source of the pretrification then i don't think he's that much of an antagonist.

@Plopop I think there are two possible routes for how Xeno's character will turn out to be, the latter being more probable than the former: a technocratic dictator who strives for the sake of humanity's progress and rules with an iron fist despite the humans or an ambitious selfish "mad" scientist who will design and build crazy projects - preferably pertaining to weapons or energy - at all costs in order to challenge himself and satiate his hunger for greater scientific stuff.

Seemingly he has a project called "Project Helium-3" which is handed back to him with a rejection stamp on it. The likes of the people who rejected his brilliant idea, of which I think this wasn't the first one, as well as the plain ordinary people are the reason why he decided to rant at Senku about ruling over the foolish masses by scientific might. He regards these masses as hindrances on his path to magnificence.

I agree with you on them cooperating. Maybe he will change his mind about killing the enemy scientist when he finds out it's Senku but there'll be a conflict since Xeno will be hellbent on realizing this helium project or something of the sort yet in the end they'll end up working together as brothers in science like before to discover the unknown behind the petrification.
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