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Feb 17, 6:28 AM

Jul 2017
The entrance towards the Schnee mansion, to then only be dealt with a magic circle for both Hajime and Yue to lose consciousness immediately, sees them getting into the act...with everyone onward looking at them being worried and all for their safety, despite their sexual innuendo jokes. In truth, that would be the Concept Magic...or rather, its prerequisite of ancient magic matter from the labyrinth's tests to prep both of them to transfuse their powers together to create an artifact similar to the Compass. While the both of them are out, Kaori and the rest discuss on how to deal with Eri while leaving Kouki to his own devices for recuperation, which thankfully he'd regained his sanity, which they could tell him on the developments thus far (as well with Shizuku's confession to Hajime)...that unfortunately, only smeared more hate from Kaori.

The actual transmutation showing a glimpse of the old Hajime being in the Great Orcus Labyrinth and surviving on his own instincts for the motivation to return home, together with Yue, creates a key artifact out of pushing their magic limits, which indicates that it is a success. Now all they need is yet another artifact to prevent re-summoning, and this requires the gang to go to the Demons' Realm.

There's only one way to go: complete the last artifact by getting out of the Schnee Snow Fields, get the rest of their classmates back and go home, for good.

A stopgap season for all the small things, for the final season will adapt the remainder of the LN, where Irregular Hajime and the gang are to face Eri, Freid and the Demon Army.

The final showdown awaits...
KANLen09Feb 18, 4:42 AM
Feb 17, 6:28 AM

Dec 2021
And so, they arrived at the mansion, but Hajime and Yue suddenly collapsed in pain. Even after waking up, they seemed to be taking a break lol. Kaori and Shizuku-chan were jealous; lol. They began the challenge to return to the present world and even obtained the key to modern times. I seriously wonder if Kouki saw the true meaning behind the power Hajime gained through his struggles. It was frustrating because it seemed like Kouki thought Hajime gained his strength effortlessly

Anywho though, I want to congratulate everyone who's made it this far and went through the suffering that was the last 20-ish weeks.

Seriously though, I had hope for this season during the Shea arc at the beginning, because for Arifureta standards, that arc was actually good... but then it ended, and we went back to that classic boring Arifureta we all know and love. But hey, at least the edginess is finally gone lol.

Still though, this is undoubtedly probably the best season of this, not saying it's good, but you know, it's something.

Feb 17, 7:34 AM

Apr 2020
finally the return to earth in sigh.

kinda wanted his classmates to know the suffering he went through, and finally they all got glimps of it
Feb 17, 8:58 AM
Aug 2023
Not sure why the episode won't work on crunchyroll
Feb 17, 8:59 AM

Jul 2024
only Hajime and Yue who have conquered all other labyrinths get the full package of creation magic, but the other except for Kouki get something.

Kouki, despite regaining a measure of rationality is still fucked up. I expect he will be a continuing source of unwanted drama.

Shea doesn't want any part of Altina.

That is a big ass company of apostles there. Going after Eri to redeem her is a fool's errand. It will not end well, goddamn traitorous murderous necrophiliac piece of necromancer shit.
LordCrueltyVFeb 17, 1:21 PM
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 17, 9:11 AM

Feb 2019
Not doing a full review, but season 3 of Arifureta was definitely the best the series has been from a character development and story standpoint. Animation and direction were much better than the previous two seasons and minus a few bad scenes I’m satisfied. After 3 seasons, you might as well finish adapting the books and I’m kinda excited to see Hajime and the crew finally get back to earth.

Really nice finale that set up the potential fourth season. Proud of Suzu for going to confront Eri and Shizuku for telling Kouki directly to his face how she feels. That “I’m not asking for your opinion” scene had me cracking up. I do lowkey sympathise with Kouki a bit because being in a party with a dude who has every girl falling in love with him has to be a little grating, but there’s better ways to handle it. At least he apologised and they put this behind them.

We’ve got the key to go home finally. But I doubt it’ll be as easy as just twisting it and going, last chapters of the story should have some nice twists and turns. I felt like everyone grew up quite a bit in these 16 episodes. Solid season.
Marinate1016Feb 17, 12:56 PM
Feb 17, 9:19 AM
Sep 2015
It doesn't convince me that it deserve season 4, just like how season 2 didn't convince me that it deserve season 3, just like how season 1 didn't convince me that it deserve season 2.
Feb 17, 9:26 AM

Dec 2022
Welcome back to Ice Cave Namek.

Arifureta has always been trashy, but it had never been boring until now. Let's start with the positive. Season 3 comes out swinging with the Bunny Wars arc. Action is plentiful, and the chuunibyou rabbits are charming enough.

Things fall off quickly afterwards as the group makes their way into the sixth labyrinth. The series staples start to rear their ugly heads again, namely horrible animation (or even lack thereof) during the fight scenes with some of the choppiest CGI out there, and multiple instances of: Problem presented > Nagumo solves it with no explanation simply by being Gigachad.

The experience sinks to its lowest in the grueling Ice Cave arc, in which the series departs from its adventuring roots in favor of deep, gripping character development such as, "The guys are insecure because they are weaker than Nagumo, and the girls are insecure because they want into Nagumo's pants and aren't there yet." Amazing! Totally worth spending seven episodes on.

4/10, compared to 5 for previous seasons. Do yourself a favor and stop after Bunny Wars.
MALoween 2024 Candy: ///
Feb 17, 9:40 AM

Jul 2013
Just another Monday for Yue and Hajime just doing lewd things.

Anyway that being said, they now have the key to complete his goal. I wonder if he'll bring his harem. Honestly not much to say. Like Kouki doesn't know when to STFU about his jealously with Hajime. And I had to 2x the explaination with magic.

For the season overall, I say it wasn't the best. While I do admit the Shea Arc was the best thing about the season. But after the mediocre Ice Cave arc... yeah aside from Shizuku's confession, I really didn't care for that arc. Not mention the animation just seems to be no different from s2. I'll give it 5/10.

I just hope the finale become just interesting as I read it. Inevitable final season awaits.

Feb 17, 10:16 AM

Jul 2022
It wasn't a bad season finale, but overall, the best part was Shea's arc, after that, it got pretty boring. As someone who hasn't read the manga or the light novel, it was obvious that they skipped parts of the story, making it less interesting.

Still, with all they've progressed, all they have left to do is finish off the last artifact and gather their companions to return to Earth, with the inevitable final battle approaching. To make the time invested in this anime worthwhile, I hope they manage to get another season out. In my personal opinion, it's a bit better than the previous seasons, but only on the romantic side like the development of Shea or Shizuku. The action and story leave a lot to be desired, but it gains extra points for Kouki's humiliation.
Feb 17, 11:18 AM

Jan 2024
Have to be honest I won't miss it.
This season started very strong with Shea and Haulia arc and it progressively went down hill. After first arc there's only 3-4 good episode (all of them are Yue central)rest very meh. I hoped for some demon war but it all saved for last season. Which made this season less impactful. And yet it's still best Arifureta season.

Final episode wise it was ok wrapped things up a bit and they got their key to home world. Finally sneak peak of the battle with demons which will hopefully be in 4th season. Not doing that now will be so pointless.
If one thing this did right is making Shea so much more better and lovable. She deserves some "action" with other two asap.

W Yue cOnTeNT to finish off good job bonus points👍
Feb 17, 11:29 AM

Oct 2017
They got the key, just some final prep left before they can return. Yue and Nagumo died, or so I thought but nope. Next season should be the last, whenever that is. Not much to say about the season as a whole. Started with some decent episodes but gradually became the same as usual. At this point though I'd like to see this through to the end so waiting for the final season.
Feb 17, 11:36 AM

Apr 2013
I have no idea what they did to get that key and I'm not even sure what that key does. But that army of Kaoris sure did nothing to make me understand this anime any better.

I did not think Arifureta could get more boring or confusing, but here we are. 2/10
Feb 17, 11:50 AM
Jan 2021
Reply to Gator
I have no idea what they did to get that key and I'm not even sure what that key does. But that army of Kaoris sure did nothing to make me understand this anime any better.

I did not think Arifureta could get more boring or confusing, but here we are. 2/10
@Gator It's pretty obvious what they key is, what it does and how they got it. You must of not been paying attention were you 2nd monitoring this?
Feb 17, 11:55 AM
Apr 2019
Kouki has to be one of the most annoying characters in fiction
Feb 17, 12:02 PM

Apr 2014
i enjoyed the season

now to wait for an announcement for next season
"one step at a time"
Feb 17, 12:57 PM
Oct 2022
Feb 17, 1:16 PM
Mar 2020
Trash - let's leave at that... It started well, but ended up as a trash... Let's sit on the couch and chat about nothing... and it feels like animation quality went down even more... huh oh well
Feb 17, 1:17 PM

Jul 2024
Gator said:
But that army of Kaoris sure did nothing to make me understand this anime any better.

Those are Ehit's apostles, some sort of an artificial biological automaton optimized for combat. The alternative body Kaori uses is from an apostle that Hajime defeated.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 17, 1:26 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to IzanaSolos
And so, they arrived at the mansion, but Hajime and Yue suddenly collapsed in pain. Even after waking up, they seemed to be taking a break lol. Kaori and Shizuku-chan were jealous; lol. They began the challenge to return to the present world and even obtained the key to modern times. I seriously wonder if Kouki saw the true meaning behind the power Hajime gained through his struggles. It was frustrating because it seemed like Kouki thought Hajime gained his strength effortlessly

Anywho though, I want to congratulate everyone who's made it this far and went through the suffering that was the last 20-ish weeks.

Seriously though, I had hope for this season during the Shea arc at the beginning, because for Arifureta standards, that arc was actually good... but then it ended, and we went back to that classic boring Arifureta we all know and love. But hey, at least the edginess is finally gone lol.

Still though, this is undoubtedly probably the best season of this, not saying it's good, but you know, it's something.
@IzanaSolos now all that left is to deal with the apostels and the demon
Feb 17, 1:30 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to phantomfandom
It doesn't convince me that it deserve season 4, just like how season 2 didn't convince me that it deserve season 3, just like how season 1 didn't convince me that it deserve season 2.
@phantomfandom since only one arc left it better to finish the main story
Feb 17, 1:37 PM
Dec 2023
I hope we get season 4
Feb 17, 1:57 PM
May 2016
Boring season capped by a super boring finale. You made the key now just go home, all these side journeys why bother?
Feb 17, 2:38 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to LordCrueltyV
Gator said:
But that army of Kaoris sure did nothing to make me understand this anime any better.

Those are Ehit's apostles, some sort of an artificial biological automaton optimized for combat. The alternative body Kaori uses is from an apostle that Hajime defeated.
@LordCrueltyV Oh right... I remember something like that happening, been a while since I saw that. Thanks.
Feb 17, 3:12 PM
Dec 2022
They're one step closer to returning home!! I can't wait!
Feb 17, 3:24 PM

Feb 2013
Begun, the clone wars have.

This definitely started stronger than it finished. Shea arc was peak and then they come back from a break and tank it.
Feb 17, 6:43 PM
Apr 2013
EP 16

Its ep 16
Laaast ep
Honestly i dunno where all the eps went like
What happened to this season
Like i thought with the extra eps they would wrap up the story clearly its not over yet
S4 or a movie?

One last post ed scene whatever this is

So yeah not much really to say
Talking as expected
A bunch of flashbacks for some reason

Fundamentally the issues is just the same

Like obvious its been awhile and what not
I honestly dont remember much of what happened
The whole season 16 eps we had a leetle bit here and there and really all that happened is the last two labrynths are taken out
And the whole shizuku thing
The issues of the others remain the same kaori shafted tio didnt get much even yue and shea kinda ehh
Like aside from the funneh ep with lili talking for the entire ep there isnt much of note
Its all about more or less the same as s1/s2 and yet for better/worse
Feb 17, 9:26 PM

Jul 2021
I’m in a weird place on this season. On the one hand, the production value was much better than it was previously, and I appreciate that from a smaller studio. However, from a story perspective this really was a Snoozefest compared to Season 2, perhaps that’s an unpopular opinion though.

I’m sure the light novel is probably written more compellingly, haven’t been able to read it yet, but I just couldn’t feel the stakes in the trials because I didn’t much care for the side cast outside the main few and Hajime. After the Shea arc, it really didn’t have much going for it.
Feb 17, 9:49 PM
Oct 2019
it's quite alright.
Feb 17, 10:37 PM

Aug 2019
Shea's arc is the most interesting story in this season.
Then until the end of this season, I was still annoyed when I saw Eri's face.😂
Feb 18, 1:14 AM

Jul 2015
Damn, it was sad to see Kouki being completely cucked like that with both of his childhood friends going after Hajime. Author could at least throw him some crumbs.

Feb 18, 2:52 AM

Feb 2018
Sheesh, they took a big step towards their goal. Good thing Kouki was able to clear his mind too.

It'll be pretty interesting to see if Hajime manages to get back home with everyone, it makes me wonder how it'll go.

We get a lil surprise for next time at the end, can't wait to see that either, I'll be waiting for another season if that is gonna exist.

Never ending plan to watch list...

Feb 18, 5:41 AM

Apr 2020
Reply to phantomfandom
It doesn't convince me that it deserve season 4, just like how season 2 didn't convince me that it deserve season 3, just like how season 1 didn't convince me that it deserve season 2.
@phantomfandom yet u are here lol
Feb 18, 6:05 AM
Jul 2021
Waiting for Season 4
Feb 18, 6:33 AM

Sep 2011
It feels not right that Hajime and Kouki did not confront each other again.

Feb 18, 6:35 AM
Sep 2024
it was fine until the main character started kissing shea and basically everything fell in love with him xd
Feb 18, 6:48 AM
Jul 2019
Nagumo and Yue getting cozy in bed is feast for the eyes
Feb 18, 3:37 PM
Jul 2024
Feb 18, 3:57 PM
Nov 2018
I'm glad it's over with. If there's another season, I would probably watch it since it's supposed to be the last one.
Feb 18, 6:12 PM
Feb 2021
A season which started so promisingly with the bunny arc turned into utter shit with the ice cave arc and ends with the most boring episode of the season of a finale. Just how many times did Tio make the same joke or Kaori say the same thing to Shizu in this episode?
Feb 19, 6:16 AM
Jun 2007
Such a long journey and finally key is created!
Feb 19, 2:32 PM

May 2016
Finally finished watching this season. This season has the same issues as the last 2 seasons of getting a terrible anime adaptation. I'm a fan of the Arifureta novels (both LNs and WNs) but the anime always fails to capture the fun and interesting parts of the novels. Even though they are adapting the same scene in the LN, the anime completely lacks the emotional impact the scene brings. It feels like watching a drama where the actors all read dialogues in a monotonous tone without any emotion behind it. I'm not talking about the voice acting in the anime. All the VAs did an excellent job at portraying the characters. The problem is the direction of the scenes itself. It's just all over the place.

By the look of things, it seems like this series is probably gonna get another season with a terrible adaptation to conclude the main story. The sheer number of epic battles in the upcoming volumes are most likely gonna look like garbage if the same studio is adapting the next season. People would've looked at this show in a totally different light if a better studio were to adapt it and get an adaptation on par with the likes of Solo leveling or other great LN adaptations like 86 or Mushoku Tensei. Well, at least getting something is better than getting no anime adaptation at all, I guess.

Feb 19, 4:38 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to LordCrueltyV
only Hajime and Yue who have conquered all other labyrinths get the full package of creation magic, but the other except for Kouki get something.

Kouki, despite regaining a measure of rationality is still fucked up. I expect he will be a continuing source of unwanted drama.

Shea doesn't want any part of Altina.

That is a big ass company of apostles there. Going after Eri to redeem her is a fool's errand. It will not end well, goddamn traitorous murderous necrophiliac piece of necromancer shit.
@LordCrueltyV I couldn't have said it better. Kill her, or leave her behind. But be done with her. She's not even human any more. Those Apostles will be the Problem, though. I guess that god is getting SERIOUS.

Feb 19, 5:45 PM

Jul 2024
Sheol01 said:
I guess that god is getting SERIOUS.

Relative to his typical lack of a serious nature, I guess. This world and all the beings on it are nothing but a game to him. The sentients on it are just NPCs or playing pieces to him, to be built up and then betrayed into despair and torment.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Feb 20, 2:00 AM

Feb 2012
I liked the first half with Shea but this season really dragged for the 2nd half especially the Shizuku and Kouki episodes.
Feb 20, 2:57 PM

Mar 2013
wow. I gotta love that they showed Hajime's hardships when he was at the very bottom of the dungeon. The cinematic was cool!

I'll miss this girl

P.S. Wow, what an astounding amount of Kaori's bodies...

I want a S4 for the next arcs.

I'm also curious about the artifact to prevent the resummons.
CrazyButNot4UFeb 20, 3:07 PM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Feb 20, 9:31 PM
Jun 2011
If this gets another season, this might be the first isekai where they make it back home lol (sao don't count)
Feb 21, 2:53 AM
Jan 2017
3/10 WTF IM just watching
Feb 21, 11:42 AM
Jul 2016
Now we wait........ xD
Feb 22, 9:00 AM
Dec 2020
Kinda surprised how good this season is. Started watching Arifuerata a few months ago and binge watched the S1 & S2. honestly this third season might be the best (except the start of the S1 which will never be surpassed). I really hope we'll get a fourth season to watch Hajime finally going back home
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