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Jun 5, 2010 12:08 PM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 5, 2010 12:33 PM

Jun 2009
This episode looks so serious, D: poor Heisuke i guess it's almost time for him and Okita >.<

Jun 5, 2010 1:13 PM

Oct 2008
Fantastically paced episode! not only did they portray the quiet & planned assassination of itou, but they managed to cover the whole of Kyoto via the different stand points of all of the Shinsengumi!

They’ve also set a few wheels in motion for members becoming reastu and also the fighting scenes were fantastically well set up! Serious, but deeply entrancing! Loved it X3

"scary thing is oni instinct''
Jun 5, 2010 2:00 PM

Dec 2007
Nice that Heisuke came back but he was beaten D: Don't die o:
Jun 5, 2010 9:06 PM

May 2010
I thought that this episode was great! Except for the fact that Chizuru was in it.

I love Hakuouki, but Chizuru ruins all of it for me. She's so weak and powerless, and that just infuriates me. I mean, if you can't defend yourself, then why the hell are you standing there in the middle of the battlefield?! MOVE AWAY. And all she can do is scream when Heisuke gets hurt.

UGH. I've had enough of Chizuru already. Sen would make a much better main character. I know that Hakuouki is an otome game/series aimed towards girls, but seriously?! At least make the main character a NON TYPICAL shoujo whiny girl.

Jun 6, 2010 3:07 AM
Feb 2009
3 more eps.
11, 12 and 13 (final).
Jun 6, 2010 4:09 AM

Aug 2008
nice ep ...hope Heisuke will be OK though ...yeah Chizurur gets on my nerves as well ....sometimes i prefer strong heroines but i can endure it ...only 2 more to go.... how sad
click me plz
Jun 6, 2010 12:46 PM
May 2010
I hope no one die
and i think next ep will be great many actions will happen
Jun 6, 2010 10:57 PM

Jun 2010
This episode was really good because it had more action. I can't stop thinking about how usless Chizuru is! >=( This anime should really be longer. :(
Jun 9, 2010 8:02 AM

Dec 2007
Chizuru barely even qualifies as being a character. She's more of a very annoying walking plot device.
Jun 10, 2010 2:03 PM

May 2010
That was a pretty good episode. Too bad I can't understand Japanese!
It's like impossible to finish the entire story in just 2(or is it 3?) episodes. For that to work, one would have to cram everything into the last few episodes(which is a terrible idea.)
Hakuouki...SEASON 2!!!!
hdyfvibuxgyfiogvbsiytivstoetyv*gurgle because blood from nose is above mouth*
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes Trailer:

Here in the US? Hell yes I'm buying it!
Jun 11, 2010 8:10 AM
Jun 2010
Hold on now, This is a love story... in this era, back in the day women were defenseless. Women weren't really excepted to be much of anything. Chizuru, I call her "Chee"... I love that little girl, and Yes! i would love to see her fight... for her to become a true heroine. But, the men in this story are the fighters... we'll probably see one or two women actually fighting with swords or whatever.

But! I prefer her the way she is... when dangers come she does try, if she didn't try to help then i would have a problem with her. I didn't expect for "that" women to be her twin sister...will to be real i did except they had a connection. I would love to she her fight! But, she just not there yet... this is not like Blood+ with Sora fighting her twin she Diva. This is a love story... all i really want to know is who will be with her and what's in store for her too.

Okita-San, Hijikata-san, Heisuke-kun, Kazama,Saitou-san or Harada-san are the top choices for me. I don't need anyone's negative comments... I like her! and maybe ya'll don't that's fine too, But how the story is formed, this is how she should be maybe later she'll be more.... Hell, I don't like Sakura from "Naruto", I love Orihime from "Bleach" though.
Jun 11, 2010 1:23 PM

May 2010
EvilLeoHorse said:
Hold on now, This is a love story... in this era, back in the day women were defenseless. Women weren't really excepted to be much of anything. Chizuru, I call her "Chee"... I love that little girl, and Yes! i would love to see her fight... for her to become a true heroine. But, the men in this story are the fighters... we'll probably see one or two women actually fighting with swords or whatever.

But! I prefer her the way she is... when dangers come she does try, if she didn't try to help then i would have a problem with her. I didn't expect for "that" women to be her twin sister...will to be real i did except they had a connection. I would love to she her fight! But, she just not there yet... this is not like Blood+ with Sora fighting her twin she Diva. This is a love story... all i really want to know is who will be with her and what's in store for her too.

Okita-San, Hijikata-san, Heisuke-kun, Kazama,Saitou-san or Harada-san are the top choices for me. I don't need anyone's negative comments... I like her! and maybe ya'll don't that's fine too, But how the story is formed, this is how she should be maybe later she'll be more.... Hell, I don't like Sakura from "Naruto", I love Orihime from "Bleach" though.

I don't think this is a love story. There hasn't been any heavy hint of romantic development between the characters.

And about Chizuru, I don't find her annoying. But I do surely hope she can at least draw out her sword to protect herself when she is in danger. Until now, the sword has been more like an accessory than a weapon. But I guess that's how the female protagonist in an otome game should've behaved. Being protected by a bunch of bishonens.
Jun 13, 2010 7:36 PM

Jun 2010
BrokenGlassDolls said:
I thought that this episode was great! Except for the fact that Chizuru was in it.

I love Hakuouki, but Chizuru ruins all of it for me. She's so weak and powerless, and that just infuriates me. I mean, if you can't defend yourself, then why the hell are you standing there in the middle of the battlefield?! MOVE AWAY. And all she can do is scream when Heisuke gets hurt.

UGH. I've had enough of Chizuru already. Sen would make a much better main character. I know that Hakuouki is an otome game/series aimed towards girls, but seriously?! At least make the main character a NON TYPICAL shoujo whiny girl.


i partly agree with you. it is a fact that she can't fight alot an always stays at the battle field 'waiting' for someone to save her. BUT, she is some kind of use to the shinsengumi as, just like harada said in ep9 ' it was because of you that i fought harder then usual ... ' sth like that , so she is like something that so called gave the shinsengumi the 'extra power' they need in order to fight the oni, especially kazama .

love story , it really did not gave us much of a hint of telling that it's a love story, but i can sorta see that some love related feelings are in it . maybe i'm just being too sensetive to this feeling called ' love ' , and just thinking it all up, but i hope it really is a love story. :3 and if IT is , then i hope chizuru will be with hijikata or shouji ... XD
Jun 14, 2010 12:43 PM

Apr 2010
This was probably the best episode in this show, but it still lacked that something..
And I still hate Chizuru. I just can't stand weak characters that do nothing but scream other's names with a sad look on their faces. Kind of reminds me of Orihime..

Optime olere occisum hostem!
Jun 14, 2010 1:11 PM

Sep 2009
And another episode of Chizuru being useless..Good heroine please? Other than that great episode.
Jun 14, 2010 1:12 PM

Dec 2009
So much Chizuru hate . Hey at least compared other plot devices she does something from time to time.
Jun 14, 2010 1:13 PM
Jun 2010
WTF is Orihime doing in this anime ?

Jun 14, 2010 1:34 PM

Feb 2009
StarRisa said:
This episode looks so serious, D: poor Heisuke i guess it's almost time for him and Okita >.<

Spoiler tag pretty please?!
Jun 14, 2010 1:45 PM

May 2008
This was a really well made episode, though Chizuru was more useless than usually and almost no Hijikata just at the begining.~
Jun 14, 2010 2:19 PM

Feb 2009
BrokenGlassDolls said:
I thought that this episode was great! Except for the fact that Chizuru was in it.

I love Hakuouki, but Chizuru ruins all of it for me. She's so weak and powerless, and that just infuriates me. I mean, if you can't defend yourself, then why the hell are you standing there in the middle of the battlefield?! MOVE AWAY. And all she can do is scream when Heisuke gets hurt.

UGH. I've had enough of Chizuru already. Sen would make a much better main character. I know that Hakuouki is an otome game/series aimed towards girls, but seriously?! At least make the main character a NON TYPICAL shoujo whiny girl.


THIS very much!

Gosh, can't they have 1 episode without Chizuru. I really hate the fact that she can't fight back when she's always there causing trouble for herself =_="

It's becoming ridiculously annoying!
At first I was like, (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ <--- Then I was like
In the end, I was \(▽ ̄\( ̄▽ ̄)/ ̄▽)/ヤッタァー!!
Jun 14, 2010 3:39 PM

Feb 2009
- no Hijikata

+ whiny Chizuru

+ Twin sister !?


Pretty okay episode. Alot of info for one episode, but I'm sure that they're probably doing the best they can. I just don't see how Hijikata's gonna go oni, or if Heisuke will really die, or if Okita is gonna get it together. I'm trying to see it, but I have a feeling that some loose ends will not get tied up in this season.

Jun 14, 2010 5:12 PM

May 2010
Am I the only one who laughed at this scene?

Everyone is all ready to fight, with this fierce look on their faces. Except for the fact that Chizuru's just standing there, smiling like an idiot.

She still pisses me off so much. If she's such a strong oni, THEN WHY IS SHE SO WEAK?! D:
Jun 14, 2010 6:15 PM

Mar 2010
Personally I like Chizuru's character, but I agree that she could be stronger in battle. At least not to the point of shaking and not even pulling out her sword.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that the other Chizuru is a boy? I mean it would just make sense, Chizuru is a girl and dresses like a boy so the tough one dressing like a girl must be a boy. That would be funny if it's true.
I hope Heisuke isn't dead!
Jun 14, 2010 8:01 PM

Mar 2009
Just a guess, but Okita's probably gonna drink that Oni stuff and lose his tuberculosis right?
Jun 14, 2010 8:14 PM

May 2010
mollymarie said:
Personally I like Chizuru's character, but I agree that she could be stronger in battle. At least not to the point of shaking and not even pulling out her sword.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that the other Chizuru is a boy? I mean it would just make sense, Chizuru is a girl and dresses like a boy so the tough one dressing like a girl must be a boy. That would be funny if it's true.
I hope Heisuke isn't dead!

Jun 14, 2010 8:46 PM
Oct 2008
It's starting to pick up at last. =) Past few episodes have been far from satisfactory. Haha personally can't help hoping Heisuke was beaten lol, so we can finally see Saitou in action.

Haha Chizuru's uselessness is to be expected... At least she's not as whiny as some I've seen. There are those who'll cry about twice every episode and have all the guys worship her like some goddess.
Jun 14, 2010 9:24 PM

Jun 2008
Damn you, Historical Okita having TB! Damn you!

Overall, I liked this episode. I've just kind of given up hope that this is going to be a serious show (little late, eh) for me. Some of the moments were just so laughable. And the whole 'twin sister' bit. Totally did not shock me one single bit.

I hope Okita drinks that damn potion. I don't care if he turns into a lunatic zombie with white hair and red eyes. Something tells me that he's going to actually die though. I might cry if that happens.

Rule of Anime #18 - Law of Hemoglobin Capacity
The human body contains over 12 gallons of blood, sometimes more, under high pressure.
Jun 14, 2010 10:24 PM

Feb 2008
Chizuru's uselessness is REALLY started to piss me off to the point where I can't even enjoy the anime anymore. Especially after seeing how awesome her twin sister is. Sure her sister was raised by the clan and would obviously be better/ more in tune with her oni abilities. But OH MY GOD! Chizuru cannot do ANYTHING! She won't unsheathe her sword, she just stands there and trembles like a cornered rat. Disgusting.
Jun 14, 2010 10:50 PM

Dec 2009
Kaede_foong said:
I don't think this is a love story. There hasn't been any heavy hint of romantic development between the characters.

Not romantic at all... even the "flirting" seems like an afterthought.
Jun 14, 2010 11:20 PM

May 2010
somehow I feel this series is lacking, it has all the elements bit not enough of each.
I'd like to see even more action, more romance, more comedy,more history,...etc.

everything feels so condensed, I think it would have been better if this series was longer.

...and regarding Chizaru, even though she seems annoying, I think her character fits well with the background she came from and the role she plays.
Jun 14, 2010 11:34 PM

Feb 2009
Jun 15, 2010 12:35 AM

May 2007
BrokenGlassDolls said:

She still pisses me off so much. If she's such a strong oni, THEN WHY IS SHE SO WEAK?! D:

Agree. I know it's not that anime where some weak human learns he/she's actually a demon, and has to learn how to use the powers, but come on...

Btw, I know quite a lot about the bakumatsu, and from this point of view the bunch of information Hakuouki provides is only enough to leave you in darkness about what is actually happening. E.g. Sakamoto has never been mentioned before his assassination...

Anyway, I liked how they did Itou's assassination, apart from the 50 vs 2 part, when all the other Shinsen-soldiers except from Sano and Pat-san vanished into thin air... And I'm still wondering what all those Satsuma-guys were doing there. Wasting men away... The two oni could handle the situation easily.

FyndraJun 15, 2010 12:45 AM
'I think of my fellow men from the Shieikan as my lifelong comrades. My most proud and precious good fortune has been to have met all of you, Soji.' [Yamanami Keisuke, vice-commander, Shinsengumi]
Jun 15, 2010 5:53 AM

Jun 2009
BrokenGlassDolls said:
I thought that this episode was great! Except for the fact that Chizuru was in it.

...if you can't defend yourself, then why the hell are you standing there in the middle of the battlefield?! MOVE AWAY. And all she can do is scream when Heisuke gets hurt.

I also didn't like that screaming scene at the end. It ruined the whole mood.
Well, Chizuru is on a way like this, but on the other she's kind and caring towards everyone. I mean, at the non-fighting parts she is ok. :) (Maybe a bit too naive...)
And I think that her oni abilities'll be useful in the end...

Me, too, missed Hijikata a lot in this episode..and a bit Kazama, as well. But at least Saitou and Souji were there. ^_^
Don't belive in yourself! Belive in me who belives in you! (TTGL) XD ...LOVE and PEACE!! ^_^
Jun 15, 2010 6:35 AM

Mar 2009
Useless bitch (chizuru).
Jun 15, 2010 7:09 AM

May 2009
I thought Chizuru couldn't be more useless... this episode proved me wrong.
Jun 15, 2010 7:16 AM

Aug 2009
God dammit Chizuru! If your gonna carry a sword prepare to use it you idiot.

She's practically ruining the show for me now.
Jun 15, 2010 11:46 AM

Oct 2007
WTH am I in love with this series?

With only 3 episodes left if I want to see Chizuru actually fights then I must pray for a second season.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jun 15, 2010 3:36 PM

Jan 2009
Zepwich said:
God dammit Chizuru! If your gonna carry a sword prepare to use it you idiot.

She's practically ruining the show for me now.

I couldn't have said it better myself
Jun 15, 2010 6:21 PM

May 2008
BrokenGlassDolls said:
I thought that this episode was great! Except for the fact that Chizuru was in it.

I love Hakuouki, but Chizuru ruins all of it for me. She's so weak and powerless, and that just infuriates me. I mean, if you can't defend yourself, then why the hell are you standing there in the middle of the battlefield?! MOVE AWAY. And all she can do is scream when Heisuke gets hurt.

UGH. I've had enough of Chizuru already. Sen would make a much better main character. I know that Hakuouki is an otome game/series aimed towards girls, but seriously?! At least make the main character a NON TYPICAL shoujo whiny girl.

I agree with this so much. She pretty much ruined this fantastic episode for me.

I don't get how she's so amazingly useless after seeing what her sister can do.
Jun 15, 2010 6:34 PM

Jun 2010
Oh Chizuru,the biggest mistake you have even done was to leave home. If you had stayed home, you might have been happily married with Kazama.
Instead you chose to leave home, with a sword hoping that people would leave you alone because swords are very dangerous. Saying things like "I might hurt you" hoping that they wouldn't attack you and they might quit while they are ahead. Doesn't really help.
Even though you aren't at home, you should have stayed in the headquarters. You may not be able to find your dad quicker, you could have at least asked any of the member do it for you, while they were on patrol, and because you went outside Kazama found out about you.
And cause even more of a train wreck.
At least you got Heisuke back, only to be seriously injured.
Though even after saying this, her personality doesn't annoyed but I am annoyed on how she acts during a bad situation.

Also was she that useless in the game?
HikariSakura321Jun 15, 2010 7:31 PM
Jun 15, 2010 11:29 PM

Oct 2009
Chizuru, fight or do something once in a while. Bleh. Uselessness meter is going up again.
Jun 16, 2010 12:02 AM

Aug 2008
Didn't Heiskue and Saitou leave just last episode? What's the point of these 'developments' if they get reneged the very next episode? Pretty lame. But at least I'm bored enough to fall asleep now.
Jun 16, 2010 1:51 AM

Jun 2009
Having a twin sister, eh? this needs more episodes 2 more and I don't think they can compress everything in it

They need backup! bad situation for Heisuke
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Jun 16, 2010 7:45 AM

Oct 2009
I thought this episode was quite well-paced and clear-cut.I can't help but feel that some of the episodes were truncated,like some parts were canceled in the final episode production...

I won't deny that Chizuru berates me. Like, come on, Saitou considers her to be a little proficient in sword-fighting in episode 3(if I'm not wrong) and there she was, wavering with her sword at the sight of her opponents. 'like wth?' was my reaction.

Sadly, there wasnt much Hijikata here. He just sat at the tatami mat, proclaiming something and drank. Didnt contribute much to this episode lol
Jun 16, 2010 7:22 PM

Aug 2009
Idk y.. but I want Chizuru to go to the bad side with them.. ;P
Jun 17, 2010 12:48 PM

Nov 2008
Why the hell is Chizuru so shitty?
Jun 17, 2010 1:50 PM

Jan 2009
Noo!!!!! Heisuke-kun T____T
he won't die, right?
Jun 17, 2010 2:33 PM
Mar 2010
Started out good but now i got no idea what's happening :S
Jun 17, 2010 3:51 PM

Sep 2008
At least Saitou was cool this episode... like all the other episodes.
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