Sep 25, 2023 9:37 AM
Deliveries Complete! The first post of each thread has deliveries and backup albums. All requesters were pinged, and almost all were left a comment or sent a DM if I didn't hear back from them in the Bunkasai club (otherwise, I couldn't contact them or they changed usernames). Feedback/Suggestions If you have feedback or suggestions for future Bunkasais, leave it in a reply here! Copy/pasting other user's feedback Most common feedback, summarized: * More chances for other time zones to participate * Have events better spread out over the entire event * Make event start/time zones less confusing * Easier access, better organization and anti-troll procedures in VR (official club for VR?) * Additional easy events * Make Seiyu Scramble easier Please still review all the individual feedback posts here: - We need better ways to handle the trolls in VR ^^; - Please provide alternatives to events that require our emails >_> 1. Better access to VR. All the 3 events I attended, I needed to ask someone for a direct invite trought the game. Invite link probided on forums and discord won't work. At elast for me and some other people. 2. Better assistance control. Having to url and take screenshots to prove assistance is bad. Also is bad for you to manually check assistance. An automated something for it would be godlike feature. I don't know if it's posible and I'm sure you think about it already. 3. Post events links and open discord channels a little bit earlier or let us know in advance what the event would be about. This point is not important, but I would have like to know what some events were about earlier to adapt my schedule better. I am not sure how to improve the event, the only thing I didnt like is that for the discord events there werent forum posts. It would be much easier to follow these if we could post in the forum too and thats where we get our tickets. I really enjoy the live events but it's hard to take part in some of them(time zones problem) e.g. I wanted to enjoy Rosario + Vampire(and last year Overlord) with everyone but I was asleep. I think it would be nice if watching would be divided into more sections(4 episodes then a break another 4..or something like that). More clarifications: I get that this year was more community driven than last year, but I wish some things were a bit better clarified. Example: Photoshop Wars. The rules said, "Choose one." What I thought was that I had to choose only one word and not one of each. This was clarified on Discord, but not everyone uses Discord. Luckily it didn't seem to matter if you chose just one or one of each. But going forward, I wish these kinds of small mishaps can be avoided. Would suck if someone misunderstood something and they had to redo a challenge. Minor Inconsistencies: Seeing that there was an event schedule for Bunkasai, I thought that it showed every event during Bunkasai. I later found out that CSS Contest Gallery was not on the schedule. The sign-up was, though. Scheduled Events: I've noticed that most of scheduled events are favorable to the US. I understand very well why that is the case, but it hurts me as I don't live in the US. If there is some kind of solution to this, I'd be great. This is especially frustrating for one-time events. Example: I had to stay up from 4am to 7am to get the Rosario+Vampire ticket. Overall: I liked Bunkasai 2022 more, but this year had its great moments as well. I especially enjoyed the ones with creative works and the returning events. I am also happy to see more variations/creative ideas put in the events. Thanks once again for such a fun event! All of the events that I attended were fun and engaging in their own way. If i had one complaint I would say not all of the events were easily accessible to people in all time zones and yes that includes the United states where I am from. Also this is more of a suggestion more than a complaint because I don't know where else to put this but I think it would be cool if we could have an Opening and Closing ceremony for the next MAL Bunkasai event. Timezone was definitely impeding participation for some events. But that is not sth on you. AMQ was very fun. Please more of it next time. Maybe osu next time? You could let a auto host bot run the lobby and let it kick everyone after each round, so everyone has a chance to participate. Thank you so, so, SO much for another awesome event this year! It’s my second year doing it, and I throughly enjoyed it as I did the first! There were many events that I enjoyed puzzling my brain over, and some where I just sat back and relaxed, letting my brain rest for a while, which I felt was a great balance! Just one thing I would like to note is the VR system, where it could be a bit clunky based on when I viewed two events from discord as a spectator. I also had issues accessing one of the channels for the event (Anime Cover Quiz), but other than that, the event was completely smooth, and I enjoyed it a bunch! Once again, thank you to all the staff who helped organize this event, and I’m looking forward to it next year as well! I'm so confused with the timezones > _ < good thing discord automatically converts it, but it would be great if we use the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or GMT +0 Seiyuu Scramble was the only forum event that I didn't like. It was way too hard. YayakoChii said: for the discord events there werent forum posts. It would be much easier to follow these if we could post in the forum too and thats where we get our tickets I agree with this. There should be other ways to get discord-exclusive tickets for the people who don't use discord/don't want to use discord. ✧ Thoughts about Bunkasai ✧ I think that Bunkasai is the best MAL event. I like that it's engaging, and lots of stuff to do in the different events/panels. I really like the events that engages the community, and where you'll see people socialize, and come together i.e. the purely social events like Scribble, and the co-op events like "Whose clothes are those", etc. ✧ VRChat events ✧ Better organisation for the VRChat events, like I've seen others mention in the feedback. The links that were provided for the rooms didn't work, or wasn't to the actual live event session, but rather to the world, so you could create your own instance. ✧ Japan party schedules ✧ More info about how to join and when the different panels are happening for the VRChat events. Like a separate schedule for the Japan Party, because it wasn't entirely clear where and when the live performances were going to happen. ✧ Automation of events ✧ All the events using Google Forms can be automated to e.g. send a score and the ticket through MAL PMs or something like that. This can be done by utilizing both MAL and Google's API. This would help the event organisers, so it's much easier to hold an event without the manual labor of checking each submission. There are some exceptions to this, because some of the events require manual reviews i.e. VA School, Boba Tea Cafe, etc. ✧ Event schedule calendar ✧ A thing I've personally done for both Bunkasai 2022 and 2023 is to set up a shared Google Calendar with all the Bunkasai events. This would really help with the organisation of the event, so people e.g. import the calendar into their own personal calendar. It should also be a solution that works across timezones, so you see the events in your own selected timezone. ✧ Difficulty ✧ This just applies to the Seiyuu Scramble, which was insanely hard. Like there's actually no way you can complete it with no prior knowledge. You'll just have to have listened to a shit-ton of VAs and link it together with the character you heard the VA from. I also tried using the Discord channel and hint Google Docs, but I still had no chance of actually getting a substantial score. ✧ Timezones ✧ I've seen a couple of people mention timezones. I live in EU, and I didn't personally have that many problems with the schedule. Most events were after work-time into the evening/night. Some of the events started in the middle of the night, but I think that this is just a product of a global event. Panels and their hosts comes from all the different timezones, so I don't really expect to take part of everything (even though I'm a completionist :)). Overall, this was so much fun! I'm sad that some of the events I at least wanted to check out were at times I couldn't possibly make, but I understand it's impossible to accommodate all time zones. On the last day, too many events were smushed too close together. I had to leave the Community Panel because it didn't finish in time for the start of the PV Watch Party and therefore missed the posting of the ticket for the panel (though the moderator was kind enough to DM it to me, having seen I was in the audience I suppose). Then I could only see the first half of the PV Watch Party (just barely enough to get the ticket) before switching to the last movie Simulwatch, which the PV Watch Party overlapped for the first hour of the movie. It would have been nice if there was some more separation to get a chance to see all the events (i.e., I would've actually liked to see the rest of the PV Watch Party if possible). Specific to the Seiyuu Scramble, it was simply too hard. There were really no seiyuu included for those of us who are fans of older anime and haven't seen too many of the last few seasons, even though many of those seiyuu are in the top 100 favorites, and frankly, the hints weren't helpful at all (especially since they were just translations and I already understood the Japanese fine, but as I saw a few people comment, the quotes were still way too general for those of us totally unfamiliar with the anime in question to have any chance of figuring out what it is). If hints had been a little more targeted, like in the Whose Clothes event for example, maybe we could've had a chance of getting some answers right even being unfamiliar with the anime (as was the case for me with the Whose Clothes event, where some dedicated sleuthing and a few kind hints got me to a 60/60 score). Also, honestly, since it was called 'Female Edition' I'd been expecting/hoping for a 'Male Edition' as well, which I might've done better on (lol). But overall, thanks for the experience! I really enjoyed it, watched some things I hadn't been planning to watch but thoroughly enjoyed, and most importantly, thanks to the AWCc event I discovered the peak of human artistic expression that is Little Bean, for which I will forever be grateful. Oh, for a suggestion, I was thinking something like an AMV simulwatch or even just a sharing of favorite AMVs (like the Image Swap) could be fun. I really liked the event again this year, the only suggestion I have is to not have events that only happen one time, because of the time difference and work I couldn't participate in some. It could happend twice during the event or something. And the seiyuu one was really hard, it could have hints or just easy 😅 Overall it was a lot of fun and thank you for hosting It be nice to be able to have an option to search up club posts like we can do with standard forum posts (unless there is a way and I just didn't know). Took me a while to find my original post links for this post. Feedback: For future VRChat events, I feel like it would be a good idea to create an official MAL group or something along those lines. I'm not entirely sure how the groups thing works myself because I've never made one, but I know it would allow you to create an instance that anyone in the group could join without needing to ask an individual person for an invite or click an invite link through Discord. I and a few others had issues joining the maid cafe event due to not being able to request an invite from anyone already in the instance. Once I managed to get in, the event was a lot of fun, but I think having it be a group instance could seriously help with organization and make the event more easily accessible. My Feedback Early Bunkasai notification/volunteer sign up (1) Please let anyone who could host an event know a couple months in advance to start planning. (2) also announce this to general MAL population so we can have some volunteers sign up for more simplified tasks or busy work which anyone can do. Saves event organizers a lot of time. A pool of potential volunteers would be very helpful for things like deliveries or adding up votes, etc. I've done this many times for events and it helps a lot. Yes some volunteers may sign up and not come through, but any help is invaluable. Assistant hosts and additional consideration for more time zones Should try to allow all time zones to have more chances to participate. Maybe some volunteers can "rehost" or continue to host an event after the organizer is done or goes offline. Example: someone hosts a VR or discord event at 5PM in their own time zone, 8 hours later one of their volunteers rehosts the event or continues it in their own time zone for some time. So forth, so that more times zones are covered. Naughty List for non-participants A couple event organizers (refer to them as EOs from now on) felt a little discouraged by users posting in their event but not participating. I'd suggest letting them submit the non-participanting users to a "naughty list"; later whoever reviews stamp rally can look over the naughty list to check if those particular ppl are posting stamps they didn't deserve- ask those non-participants to try again. Confirmed this would satisfy those EOs so they don't feel cheated. There may be only 2-3 people who make the naughty list so it's not a big deal, this also doesn't impact the experience of actual participants or overburden EOs. Going in any harder on ticket verification could become very annoying and counter-productive while simultaneously taking up many resources which would be better used for making the event more fun. There's always going to be a few cheaters etc, and with a naughty list they might still get by, but with that they also don't impact the EOs experience. Since it's just for badges, don't need to get too serious. Preset PSD stamp rally on Photopea It's possible to just host a PSD on Photopea of the stamp rally. Users can go to the PSD and drag their downloaded tickets onto it right there and then export a PNG easily. I can set this up; simply let me know before the event starts Spotlight art/photoshop events in wrap up post A best-of type summary of the user Photoshop/art events, would be an awesome thing to link from a wrap-up post again or on club page- imo the best events along with whose clothes are those and deserve more spotlight Honor Roll Did you collect 10 tickets or more? 👀 If you can link us to an Imgur or ImgBB album with at least 10 Bunkasai tickets, we can feature your username and ticket count on the club front page information in our wall of fame all year- The Bunkasai Honor Roll! (ty Sheycroix for the awesome name 😎) You must also link all the posts where you participated in forum events. Winner and Competitor tickets will count as separate tickets from Admit One tickets in this case. |
Shishio-kunNov 6, 2023 12:31 AM
Sep 25, 2023 9:45 AM
@BlackRose_1210 @CallMe_Senpai @ariyadesu21 @A-LEECE @Jehan5000 @Synertry Since you all had at least ten tickets it seems, you can apply for the Bunkasai Honor Roll and I will add your name to the club front page for the year. I'll add your ticket count as well. Just link me to an album with the tickets and your links to your participation posts in the forum events as proof. |
Sep 25, 2023 10:26 AM
Since my Bunkasai album has stuff from last year, my event and such... allow me to share them individually T_T
FEEDBACK - We need better ways to handle the trolls in VR ^^; - Please provide alternatives to events that require our emails >_> |
SheyCroixSep 25, 2023 10:54 AM
Sep 25, 2023 10:26 AM
Is this okay? TOTAL STAMP COUNT: 32 1. ☀️CSS Contest Gallery☀️ Comment - 2. ⭐️Image Swap!⭐️Comment - 3. H&E King of the Bunkasai Comment - 4. Design Showcases Comment - 5. Boba Tea Cafe + Art Jam Comment - 6. ~Lowest Budget Voice Acting School 2~ Comment - 7. Seiyuu Scramble Comment - 8. H&E Queen of the Bunkasai Comment - 9. Anime Watching Challenges Club Comment - 10. Whose Clothes Are Those? Comment - 11. Photoshop Wars! Comment - 12. MAL League of Legends Comment - 13. Intro to Anime Music Quiz Comment - 14. JAPAN PARTY 2023 Comment - 15. Anime Cover Quiz Comment - 16. H&E Battle of the Bands Comment - 17. Anime Skribble Comment - 18. Higher or Lower Comment - 19. AniSong Karaoke Comment - 20. Chess Arena Comment - 21. FAL Bootcamp Comment1 Comment2 - 22. Movie Simulwatch Comment - 23. Navigating Anime Community Comment - 24. PV watchparty Comment - 25. Rosario to Vampire simulwatch Comment - 26. VR Maid Cafe Comment - FEEDBACK 1. Better access to VR. All the 3 events I attended, I needed to ask someone for a direct invite trought the game. Invite link probided on forums and discord won't work. At elast for me and some other people. 2. Better assistance control. Having to url and take screenshots to prove assistance is bad. Also is bad for you to manually check assistance. An automated something for it would be godlike feature. I don't know if it's posible and I'm sure you think about it already. 3. Post events links and open discord channels a little bit earlier or let us know in advance what the event would be about. This point is not important, but I would have like to know what some events were about earlier to adapt my schedule better. THANK YOU! |
StuntdrathSep 26, 2023 7:29 AM
𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 (ᐢ..ᐢ) ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ |
Sep 25, 2023 10:34 AM
Honor Roll - Album
Feedback/Suggestions I enjoyed everything, thanks again everyone! I am not sure how to improve the event, the only thing I didnt like is that for the discord events there werent forum posts. It would be much easier to follow these if we could post in the forum too and thats where we get our tickets. |
YayakoChiiSep 25, 2023 11:30 AM
Sep 25, 2023 11:32 AM
Sep 25, 2023 11:44 AM
Tickets: 1. H&E Battle of the Bands - 2. H&E King of the Bunkasai - 3. H&E Presents: Queen of the Bunkasai - 4. Boba Tea Cafe + Art Jam - 5. Whose Clothes Are Those? - 6. Design Showcases - 7. Image Swap - 8. CSS Contest Gallery - 9. Movie Simulwatch Party - 10. FAL Bootcamp - 11. Anime Higher-or-Lower - 12. Anime Cover Quiz Feedback: I really enjoy the live events but it's hard to take part in some of them(time zones problem) e.g. I wanted to enjoy Rosario + Vampire(and last year Overlord) with everyone but I was asleep. I think it would be nice if watching would be divided into more sections(4 episodes then a break another 4..or something like that). |
ayumika4Sep 25, 2023 12:20 PM
Sep 25, 2023 12:07 PM
I also managed to get more than 10x tickets. ^_^ Total: 17x (including 1x winner) Note: Not sure how I show proof of myself actually getting most of Discord tickets. I generally prefer to not make comments after all. Either way, below are some screen shots of when I was in the chat based on memory.
More may be added later. These are the feedback I thought of while making this post.
MickHealSep 25, 2023 12:30 PM
Sep 25, 2023 12:30 PM
Imgur Album Link Battle of the Bands Whose Clothes are Those Queen of the Bunkasai Photoshop Wars Design Showcases Anime Cover Quiz Image Swap Anime Higher-or-Lower Anime Movie Simulwatch Party |
Jehan5000Sep 25, 2023 1:43 PM
Sep 25, 2023 2:15 PM
myuniquenameSep 25, 2023 2:22 PM
Sep 25, 2023 2:48 PM
Tickets: Ticket Album Here! List of individual tickets with proof of participation. 1. King of the Bunkasai 2. Queen of the Bunkasai 3. H&E Battle of the Bands 4. 2023 AWCc Open House 5. Design Showcases 6. CSS Contest Gallary 7. Image Swap 8. Movie Simulwatch Party 9. FAL Bootcamp 10. Vampire Rosario Simulwatch 11. Navigating the Anime Community 12. PV Simulwatch Party Feedback: All of the events that I attended were fun and engaging in their own way. If i had one complaint I would say not all of the events were easily accessible to people in all time zones and yes that includes the United states where I am from. Also this is more of a suggestion more than a complaint because I don't know where else to put this but I think it would be cool if we could have an Opening and Closing ceremony for the next MAL Bunkasai event. |
Konan_Edogawa_Sep 25, 2023 2:58 PM
Sep 25, 2023 3:15 PM
Wow, thanks for tagging me 😁 Could have missed this 😅 Here is the Imgur album link
Looking at the other albums, I missed so many events, damn 😔 Though I spent at least 24 hours on the Seiyuu Scramble alone. Not in one stretch of course. Feedback Timezone was definitely impeding participation for some events. But that is not sth on you. AMQ was very fun. Please more of it next time. Maybe osu next time? You could let a auto host bot run the lobby and let it kick everyone after each round, so everyone has a chance to participate. |
Sep 25, 2023 4:48 PM
Thank you so much for tagging me! Would've completely missed it if not. I appreciate it! 😁 While I only had ten tickets in total, here they are! Bunkasai Ticket Album Click on ticket to be redirected to participation posts (except #9 and #10 which were discord events)! #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 Thank you so, so, SO much for another awesome event this year! It’s my second year doing it, and I throughly enjoyed it as I did the first! There were many events that I enjoyed puzzling my brain over, and some where I just sat back and relaxed, letting my brain rest for a while, which I felt was a great balance! Just one thing I would like to note is the VR system, where it could be a bit clunky based on when I viewed two events from discord as a spectator. I also had issues accessing one of the channels for the event (Anime Cover Quiz), but other than that, the event was completely smooth, and I enjoyed it a bunch! Once again, thank you to all the staff who helped organize this event, and I’m looking forward to it next year as well! |
BlackRose_1210Sep 25, 2023 5:07 PM
Sep 25, 2023 6:16 PM
Sep 25, 2023 9:17 PM
Had lots of fun! 8 tickets + 3 winner tickets: 1. Queen of the Bunkasai 2. King of the Bunkasai 3. Anime 4. Anime Cover Quiz 5. Anime Cover Quiz (Winner) 6. Bunkasai Movie Simulwatch 7. Bunkasai Chess Arena (Winner) 8. Anisong Karaoke 9. Higher or Lower 10. Intro to Anime Music Quiz (Winner) 11. CSS Contest |
removed-userSep 26, 2023 1:42 AM
Sep 25, 2023 10:07 PM
Turns out I did exactly 10 events, what do you know. Album
Sep 25, 2023 10:13 PM
@pokemonvortex If you voted in the Custom CSS contest, you would have 11, since you get an Admit One ticket for that too. If you didn't vote you can still just leave your votes there right now and that's enough for the default ticket heh |
Sep 25, 2023 10:55 PM
Imgur Album Link |
SGKunoeSep 25, 2023 10:59 PM
Sep 25, 2023 10:59 PM
I got 13 participant tickets + 1 winner ticket > _ < Here's the Imgur Ticket Album :>> 1. Design Showcases 2. Battle of the Bands 3 & 4. Whose Clothes are Those? 5. Queen of the Bunkasai 6. King of the Bunkasai 7. Boba Tea Cafe + Art Jam 8. CSS Contest Gallery 9. Seiyuu Scramble 10. Lowest Budget Voice Acting School 2 11. Image Swap 12. Movie Simulwatch Party (Mirai no Mirai) 13. Higher or Lower 14. Anime Cover Quiz I'm so confused with the timezones > _ < good thing discord automatically converts it, but it would be great if we use the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or GMT +0 Happy MAL Bunkasai 2023!! |
ariyadesu21Sep 25, 2023 11:51 PM
Sep 25, 2023 11:04 PM
Count me in! ImgBB album _____________________________________________________________ Whose Clothes Are Those Queen of the Bunkasai King of the Bunkasai Battle of the Bands Design Showcases Anime Watching Challenges Club Open House Bunkasai Image Swap Boba Tea Cafe + Art Jam CSS Contest Gallery (Voting) Photoshop Wars Bunkasai Chess Arena (Discord) Anime Higher or Lower (Discord) Movie Simulwatch Party (Discord) I didn't know the bootcamp discord event had tickets. If I did, I'd have participated for sure. Feedback Seiyuu Scramble was the only forum event that I didn't like. It was way too hard. YayakoChii said: for the discord events there werent forum posts. It would be much easier to follow these if we could post in the forum too and thats where we get our tickets I agree with this. There should be other ways to get discord-exclusive tickets for the people who don't use discord/don't want to use discord. |
StyxParadiseSep 27, 2023 12:31 AM
MALoween✟Mansion 2024 |
Sep 25, 2023 11:14 PM
It was so much fun this year! Got 15 tickets this time round. Chess Arena (Discord) King of the Bunkasai (Forum) Queen Of The Bunkasai (Forum) Battle Of The Bands (Forum) Whose Clothes Are Those? (Forum) Image Swap (Forum) Choose Our Theme! (Forum) Higher-Or-Lower (Discord) (Discord) Design Contest (Forum) Art Jam (Forum) Boba Tea Cafe (Discord) Anime Cover Quiz (Discord) Rosario Simulwatch (Discord) PV Simulwatch (Discord) |
rossoveskySep 27, 2023 3:00 AM
Sep 25, 2023 11:20 PM
NorskNoobingSep 25, 2023 11:24 PM
Sep 25, 2023 11:40 PM
#23 (Also currently displaying them all in my profile...) Forum posts: Battle of the Bands King of the Bunkasai Queen of the Bunkasai AWCc Open House Design Showcases CCS Contest Gallery Whose Clothes Are Those? Bunkasai Image Swap Seiyuu Scramble I think that's all the forum events...other things were in Discord. Feedback: Overall, this was so much fun! I'm sad that some of the events I at least wanted to check out were at times I couldn't possibly make, but I understand it's impossible to accommodate all time zones. On the last day, too many events were smushed too close together. I had to leave the Community Panel because it didn't finish in time for the start of the PV Watch Party and therefore missed the posting of the ticket for the panel (though the moderator was kind enough to DM it to me, having seen I was in the audience I suppose). Then I could only see the first half of the PV Watch Party (just barely enough to get the ticket) before switching to the last movie Simulwatch, which the PV Watch Party overlapped for the first hour of the movie. It would have been nice if there was some more separation to get a chance to see all the events (i.e., I would've actually liked to see the rest of the PV Watch Party if possible). Specific to the Seiyuu Scramble, it was simply too hard. There were really no seiyuu included for those of us who are fans of older anime and haven't seen too many of the last few seasons, even though many of those seiyuu are in the top 100 favorites, and frankly, the hints weren't helpful at all (especially since they were just translations and I already understood the Japanese fine, but as I saw a few people comment, the quotes were still way too general for those of us totally unfamiliar with the anime in question to have any chance of figuring out what it is). If hints had been a little more targeted, like in the Whose Clothes event for example, maybe we could've had a chance of getting some answers right even being unfamiliar with the anime (as was the case for me with the Whose Clothes event, where some dedicated sleuthing and a few kind hints got me to a 60/60 score). Also, honestly, since it was called 'Female Edition' I'd been expecting/hoping for a 'Male Edition' as well, which I might've done better on (lol). But overall, thanks for the experience! I really enjoyed it, watched some things I hadn't been planning to watch but thoroughly enjoyed, and most importantly, thanks to the AWCc event I discovered the peak of human artistic expression that is Little Bean, for which I will forever be grateful. Oh, for a suggestion, I was thinking something like an AMV simulwatch or even just a sharing of favorite AMVs (like the Image Swap) could be fun. |
2024 Candies: |
Sep 25, 2023 11:49 PM
This sounds fun, thank you very much for the invitation! Also I love the Chess ticket a lot! Sending my appreciation @Shishio-kun I'll just insert the links here separately as I have already gotten the tickets into a collage... if that's okay? From Left to Right 1. Battle of the Bands 2. Whose Clothes Are Those (Participant) 3. King of Bunkasai 4. Queen of Bunkasai 5. Image Swap 6. Design Showcase 7. MAL Bunkasai Chess Arena (Winner) 8. CSS Contest Gallery 9. Anime Cover Quiz (Discord) 10. Photoshop Wars 11. Anime Higher or Lower (Discord) 12. Intro to AMQ (Discord) |
Sep 26, 2023 12:33 AM
YES! It's meant to be like those two are in a chess competition and well Rem just got check mated :D for those wondering 🙏🥰️ |
Shishio-kunSep 26, 2023 12:36 AM
Sep 26, 2023 12:51 AM
King/Queen of the Bunkasai (Best Boy/Girl of the Year) H&E Battle of the Bands Design Showcases Seiyuu Scramble: Female Edition Bunkasai Image Swap! CSS Design Contest 2023 Anime Watching Challenges Club Open House Whose Clothes Are Those? Photoshop Wars! Boba Tea Cafe + Art Jam is Open! Tickets without proof Feedback/Suggestions I really liked the event again this year, the only suggestion I have is to not have events that only happen one time, because of the time difference and work I couldn't participate in some. It could happend twice during the event or something. And the seiyuu one was really hard, it could have hints or just easy 😅 Overall it was a lot of fun and thank you for hosting |
akko_chanSep 26, 2023 2:32 PM
Sep 26, 2023 12:59 AM
Sep 26, 2023 1:04 AM
This was so much fun Seiyuu Scramble: Female Edition H&E King of the Bunkasai H&E Presents: Queen of the Bunkasai H&E Battle of the Bands: The Bunkasai Anime OP Ranking List MAL Bunkasai Chess Arena - Discord event ⭐️Image Swap!⭐️Post a pic, get a custom signature! CSS Contest Gallery Intro to AMQ - Discord I also should have tickets for higher or lower and cover quiz and fal bootcamp, but couldn't find my tickets... |
Sep 26, 2023 2:45 AM
Sep 26, 2023 3:04 AM
Sep 26, 2023 4:34 AM
I don't have an account on imgur or similar page, so I just copy all ticket on 1 single image: Whose Clothes Are Those? H&E Battle of the Bands: The Bunkasai Anime OP Ranking List H&E Presents: Queen of the Bunkasai H&E King of the Bunkasai Design Showcases ⭐️Bunkasai Image Swap!⭐️ Boba Tea Cafe + Art Jam is Open! Photoshop Wars! ☀️CSS Contest Gallery☀️ 🌾 2023 Anime Watching Challenges Club Open House |
Sep 26, 2023 5:41 AM
Sep 26, 2023 6:15 AM
>>> Imgur Album <<< Battle of the Bands Whose Clothes are Those? King of the Bunkasai Queen of the Bunkasai (I support the Mami Hate Club) Photoshop Wars (ticket was awarded one post down) Boba Tea Cafe Art Jam Design Showcases AWCc Open House Seiyuu Scramble (I watch dub, Seiyuu School is significantly easier with its word bank) Bunkasai Image Swap |
Chober |
Sep 26, 2023 7:21 AM
Sep 26, 2023 7:27 AM
Reply to Shishio-kun
YES! It's meant to be like those two are in a chess competition and well Rem just got check mated :D
for those wondering 🙏🥰️
@Shishio-kun that looks so cool!! i wish i was better at chess hahahaha |
𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐿𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎 (ᐢ..ᐢ) ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ |
Sep 26, 2023 8:17 AM
Tickets and proof: 1. Photoshop Wars 2. Anime 3. Image Swap 4. King of the Bunkasai 5. Queen of the Bunkasai 6. Whose Clothes Are Those? 7. Anime Cover Quiz 8. Battle of the Bands 9. Seiyuu Scramble 10. Choose our Theme! 11. Movie Simulwatch (Wolf Children) 12. Anime Higher-or-Lower Source for 11 & 12: Trust me :-) |
Sep 26, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to Stuntdrath
@Shishio-kun that looks so cool!! i wish i was better at chess hahahaha
@Stuntdrath ty! :D Well I am admittingly not qualified to give advice but what I've seen other ppl do to improve greatly is start learning those preset Chess strats like this and then they kinda work from there. Its not like going to automatically win the game for anyone but I notice it seemed to give players a very effective path to leveling up their rating. If the other player can't deal with it, seems to be dominating. Much less randomness too since there's a lot more control this way. And of course they got better with learning some important fundamentals and minimizing the big mistakes (look up and minimize blundering as they call it). It's kinda like learning a big combo or how to headshot consistently. Like oh, now all I need to do is focus on this and there's less randomness to games |
Shishio-kunSep 26, 2023 8:50 AM
Sep 26, 2023 10:54 AM
Got 15 tickets in total! Album link Original post FEEDBACK It be nice to be able to have an option to search up club posts like we can do with standard forum posts (unless there is a way and I just didn't know). Took me a while to find my original post links for this post. |
vamp2000Sep 26, 2023 11:01 AM
I'm level » [Under The Sun - Korea Girl] « 0:00 〇────── 4:46 ↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡ |
Sep 26, 2023 11:12 AM
Here are my tickets! Can't believe I got 10+ lol
UniqueOtaku101Sep 26, 2023 11:57 AM
𝓢𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱𝓮 𝓘𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓮 |
Sep 26, 2023 11:19 AM
That Ram figurine is beautiful. |
MALoween✟Mansion 2024 |
Sep 26, 2023 11:29 AM
My MAL BUNKASAI 2023 album Listed as they shown in my imgur album linked above Battle of the Bands King of the Bunkasai Queen of the Bunkasai Whose Clothes Are Those? Design Showcases AWCc Open House Bunkasai Image Swap CSS Design Contest Bunkasai Movie Simulwatch (Discord) Maid Café (VRChat) Anime Higher or Lower (Discord) -4 tickets: admit ticket, two bonus and the awesome Rick Roll- Boba Tea Cafe (Discord) -just visitor at the Stage Event channel- Rosario+Vampire Simulwatch (Discord) Anime Cover Quiz -just spectator at the Stage Event channel- Navigating the Anime Community Pannel (Discord) PV Watch Party (Discord) -just watched the streaming on Discord, not VRChat- Next year I'll take screenshots on Discord, just in case :D |
HEIKE7000Sep 26, 2023 11:40 AM
Sep 26, 2023 11:54 PM
Reply to HEIKE7000
My MAL BUNKASAI 2023 album
Listed as they shown in my imgur album linked above
Battle of the Bands
King of the Bunkasai
Queen of the Bunkasai
Whose Clothes Are Those?
Design Showcases
AWCc Open House
Bunkasai Image Swap
CSS Design Contest
Bunkasai Movie Simulwatch (Discord)
Maid Café (VRChat)
Anime Higher or Lower (Discord) -4 tickets: admit ticket, two bonus and the awesome Rick Roll-
Boba Tea Cafe (Discord) -just visitor at the Stage Event channel-
Rosario+Vampire Simulwatch (Discord)
Anime Cover Quiz -just spectator at the Stage Event channel-
Navigating the Anime Community Pannel (Discord)
PV Watch Party (Discord) -just watched the streaming on Discord, not VRChat-
Next year I'll take screenshots on Discord, just in case :D
Listed as they shown in my imgur album linked above
Battle of the Bands
King of the Bunkasai
Queen of the Bunkasai
Whose Clothes Are Those?
Design Showcases
AWCc Open House
Bunkasai Image Swap
CSS Design Contest
Bunkasai Movie Simulwatch (Discord)
Maid Café (VRChat)
Anime Higher or Lower (Discord) -4 tickets: admit ticket, two bonus and the awesome Rick Roll-
Boba Tea Cafe (Discord) -just visitor at the Stage Event channel-
Rosario+Vampire Simulwatch (Discord)
Anime Cover Quiz -just spectator at the Stage Event channel-
Navigating the Anime Community Pannel (Discord)
PV Watch Party (Discord) -just watched the streaming on Discord, not VRChat-
Next year I'll take screenshots on Discord, just in case :D
HEIKE7000 said: Next year I'll take screenshots on Discord, just in case :D Next year, yes, you'd need some kind of screenshot proof to apply for Honor Roll if the tickets were from Discord or VR etc. I announced it too late this year because I didn't even come up with until like Friday before the event closed and we had several discussions about it from there before announcing it post-event heh. I was actually going to drop it for now because some ppl wouldn't have Discord proof, and the comments I read made me think too few would have 10 or more tickets, but SheyCroix convinced me to do it so we thank and praise her 🙏 Anyways, next year we will open this kinda thing earlier so you can know! |
Sep 26, 2023 11:57 PM
Reply to StyxParadise
@StyxParadise Thank you I dont like most figurines but the chess stand makes me want it 🥰️ |
Sep 27, 2023 12:33 AM
OK I think this is everyone's ticket total? Correct me if I missed something. I'll put them up on the front page now~ I checked the pages you linked, everything looks good! If you have an extra ticket, keep in mind that winner tickets count as an extra and if you are a competitor in an event, you should also get and count the default Admit One ticket for attending the event. Stuntdrath 34 NorskNoobing 29 Bahamut_Zero 24 budrking354 23 Sheycroix 21 MickHeal 21 akko_chan 20 HEIKE7000 19 Ekhan175 18 YayakoChii 17 ayumika4 15 pokemonvortex 15 Jehan5000 15 StyxParadise 15 vamp2000 15 elsewherecw 14 ariyadesu21 14 Aur0ra 13 A-LEECE 13 CallMe_Senpai 12? ElBriga27 12 Ksoro 12 SGKunoe 12 BocchiTheRock 12 Konan_Edogawa_ 12 Synertry 12 Twintail_Daemon 11 Sam565 11 myuniquename 10 BlackRose_1210 10 lvlad95 10 @Sheycroix 21 @Stuntdrath 34 (extra Admit One LoL) @YayakoChii 17 @CallMe_Senpai 12? @ayumika4 15 (love the Oddish art!) @MickHeal 21 @Jehan5000 15 @myuniquename 10 @Konan_Edogawa_ 12 @Synertry 12 @BlackRose_1210 10 @Twintail_Daemon 11 @BocchiTheRock 12 @pokemonvortex 15 @SGKunoe 12 @ariyadesu21 14 @StyxParadise 15 @NorskNoobing 29 @elsewherecw 14 @Ksoro 12 @akko_chan 20 @Sam565 11 @Aur0ra 13 @A-LEECE 13 @Bahamut_Zero 24 @budrking354 23 @lvlad95 10 @ElBriga27 12 @vamp2000 15 @Ekhan175 18 @HEIKE7000 19 |
Sep 27, 2023 12:40 AM
@rossovesky @SteveI33I Some of the links aren't leading to your posts, they lead to the first page in the event instead. I need you to just fix that and everything should be fine. You get the link to your post from the number on the upper right of it |
Sep 27, 2023 12:41 AM
@joMAL I noticed in another thread that you have 10 tickets or more, you can apply for this! See the opening post, hope to hear from you |
Sep 27, 2023 1:10 AM
Reply to Shishio-kun
Some of the links aren't leading to your posts, they lead to the first page in the event instead. I need you to just fix that and everything should be fine. You get the link to your post from the number on the upper right of it
Some of the links aren't leading to your posts, they lead to the first page in the event instead. I need you to just fix that and everything should be fine. You get the link to your post from the number on the upper right of it
@Shishio-kun sorry, now should all be fine |
Sep 27, 2023 3:02 AM
Reply to Shishio-kun
Some of the links aren't leading to your posts, they lead to the first page in the event instead. I need you to just fix that and everything should be fine. You get the link to your post from the number on the upper right of it
Some of the links aren't leading to your posts, they lead to the first page in the event instead. I need you to just fix that and everything should be fine. You get the link to your post from the number on the upper right of it
@Shishio-kun Ah, I understand now, thanks for letting me know. I've added the changes and linked them to my posts :) |
Sep 27, 2023 4:33 AM
I've got a total of 17 tickets! I wish I could've joined more events but school life is too busy at the moment
Sep 27, 2023 5:54 AM
Reply to Shishio-kun
HEIKE7000 said:
Next year I'll take screenshots on Discord, just in case :D
Next year I'll take screenshots on Discord, just in case :D
Next year, yes, you'd need some kind of screenshot proof to apply for Honor Roll if the tickets were from Discord or VR etc. I announced it too late this year because I didn't even come up with until like Friday before the event closed and we had several discussions about it from there before announcing it post-event heh. I was actually going to drop it for now because some ppl wouldn't have Discord proof, and the comments I read made me think too few would have 10 or more tickets, but SheyCroix convinced me to do it so we thank and praise her 🙏
Anyways, next year we will open this kinda thing earlier so you can know!
@Shishio-kun That was a question I had before I read the entire thread. "How was I going to prove that I was at the discord events that I claim I was at?" I noticed that I happened to be in the screenshot of some of the screenshots people provided as proof but I didn't take any myself at the time. |
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