Layout animated and edited by Stuntdrath; the annoying Lesbian🐠 haha
i made
you look FAQ: Yes. I hand-animated from 0 the chest-physics haha
i made
you look again MAL owes me 2 event badges
you found this? congrats!! :3 now go watch some anime
every ♡ has a cool song :3 click all of them!!
I love my haters. They think about me from the time they wake up until they go to sleep.They must be angry. There’s nothing they can do to harm me because they aren’t brave enough to say it directly. Such cowardly beings. The twitter moralists against bullying and the first ones to bully unique people
i rewrited for MAL// chronically depressed// picky, gamer, weird andantagonist-lover //polyglot // wanna befriends? // FFL //MIR //pm the ode in the correct order to win a prize ~ you found this? congrats!! now go watch anime
:3 // <3
not here :3 keep searching <3
Jealous of how unique I am, and angry at how dispensable they are // a big hug for my haters, who are definitely reading this and can’t do anything against it // Little kids in adult costumes. Angry because they can’t stand the truth that not everyone is a robot like them.Can’t stand the failure it’s their own life. Too ashamed to show their real nature they have to hide and hate on others.Willing to point others failures but not their own. Constantly frustrated on how little impact they have in human society.