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Jun 20, 2023 10:21 AM
Dec 2022
I see people saying that the end of cyberpunk is bad because the villain won and all the characters we liked died

 But for me the ending fully represents the message of cyberpunk culture, cyberpunk Edgerunners is not a shounen battle like demon slayer and Boku no hero, cyberpunk Edgerunners is a pessimistic and tragic story, The villain and main character of Cyberpunk Edgerunners is the nightcity itself, a place that companies will always win, No matter what happens

Mod edit: Spoiler tag added to the title.
-DxP-Jun 23, 2023 7:38 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jun 20, 2023 10:31 AM
Nov 2021
bcuz some ppl think that sad ending=bad writing
Jun 20, 2023 10:31 AM

Apr 2023
The ending wasn’t bad for me, but it could’ve been better. It felt kind of rushed. The Cyberskeleton was kind of dumb. Also I didn’t care for the Lucy romance. I’m fine with the characters dying though.
Jun 20, 2023 10:38 AM

Oct 2020
I think the ending, along with the some of the character deaths, felt unsatisfactory because of the length of the series. The ways they died and the choices that led them to dying made sense, but with less time to grow attached to the characters, it's hard to make those deaths feel impactful.

If I had to guess what the average person disliked about the ending, I'd wager that they didn't like
Jun 20, 2023 10:43 AM
May 2016
After like ep 3, it was pretty predictable. I was almost like praying during the second half because I wanted them to choose a unique route that's not predictable.
That was my problem with the ending.
Jun 20, 2023 10:43 AM
Mar 2021
beacuse it was lol
Jun 20, 2023 10:44 AM
Jun 2023
The ending felt  half-assed and cliche, like the rest of the show.  I get the urge  to make a bad ending in a cyberpunk story but none of the characters were really engaging enough for me to care about them, they were very much stereotypical and two dimensional, though gotta admit I liked Becca. The anime succeeded what it was aiming for, which was to promote the game, that's why Adam Smasher pretty much came out of nowhere and killed everyone, end of story.
DocromoJun 20, 2023 10:47 AM
Jun 20, 2023 10:51 AM
Sep 2020
Cyberpunks don’t make a name for themselves by how they live their known for how they die. The ending was good imo.
Jun 20, 2023 10:55 AM

Apr 2016
The ending was fine because the main character got what he deserved.
Jun 20, 2023 11:16 AM
Jul 2022
well might as well say that it is bad if the ending got u depressed for like a week. that's the only way to cope from the sadness it gave me lmao.
Jun 20, 2023 11:20 AM
Mar 2023
The end was obvious from about fifteen minutes into the first episode.

The writing really turned to shit after the big guy whose name I cannot possibly care about died.

And the animation was always pretty bad. To say nothing of the dreadful static backgrounds.

The show's only redeeming quality was the music, and most of that came from the game.
Jun 20, 2023 11:23 AM

Jul 2015
Because they've got so used to good triumphing over evil.

Jun 20, 2023 11:24 AM
Jan 2023
I don't remember what happened at the end, can somebody refresh to me, pls?
Jun 20, 2023 11:32 AM
May 2023
I feel like the ending is only pretty good for people who’ve actually played the game, as it makes sense for why you killed Adam smasher and people you avenged in the end that you may have loved in the show
Jun 20, 2023 11:34 AM

Dec 2021
because our favorite characters died
"Tits don't make the woman. It's the ass." - Darx
Jun 20, 2023 11:56 AM
Oct 2021
Because he died just for Lucy so she can have a vocation to the moon. I actually thought that people live at the moon and they have a really nice life up there. But it was just a small trip no ?
Jun 20, 2023 11:58 AM
Feb 2021
Honestly I don't understand how people could have expected a happy ending. It ended exactly as I was expected, given the shows well-written social commentary on desperation and addiction.
Jun 20, 2023 12:13 PM

Mar 2021
it's not about how it ended for me. it's the execution that was pretty bad.
Jun 20, 2023 12:35 PM
Oct 2021
It's not that characters died, per se. I expected them all to die by the end. It's that quite a number of things didn't make sense just to get to that ending.
Rebecca's brother (Forgot his name) died because he just decided to fuck around with a psycho, even though I would've thought they'd know how dangerous they could be. That pretty much set my expectations to how the rest of the deaths would be.

Next up is Maine losing his mind all of a sudden. The MC's decent into madness was much more gradual, meanwhile Maine just wakes up one day and hurts his teammates, and then refuses to take drugs or decrease his relience on his cybernetics because "Can't slow down now". Yeah, sure buddy. Go ahead. Accelerate your demise like a fuckin moron.

Then Kiwi gets chased by two guys trying to kill her, she's hiding behind a dumbster while they're approaching her, and she's talking to our gang on a phone call. When the two guys reach her, she hacks one of them and blows his head so quickly. So was she capable of doing that the whole time? Because it looked like it didn't take her much time, so with the time she had with them approaching her she could've killed both of them and survived.

Then Rebecca. Oh boy the way they killed Rebecca. She notices Adam Smasher falling from the sky on her head. She absolutely has enough time to jump to the side (I think I counted 4 seconds) but what does she decide to do? She points her gun up towards the sky, starts shooting, while shouting "We were talking here!" or something to that effect. Like, what did she hope to accomplish? Did she just give in to the fact that she's dead? Did she hope to kill Adam? Even if she somehow killed him his massive body would've still crushed her. Survival instincts and reflexes be damned, we need her to die so she'll die.

People would claim characters dying suddenly is the point because it keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats and means there's less plot armor. But the show is full of it, and then when it does kill the characters it does so in stupid ways, and doesn't allow for enough time to develop them. Every time someone died my reaction was just "Ok. I guess they're gone now".

The whole show was too short to grow attached to any of the characters. None of them were compelling. David kills an innocent woman and I'm supposed to care about how he's losing his mind? Fuck him. That was caused by his decisions and nothing about him or his "goals" made all of that worth his decent into madness.

And all of that for what? For Lucy's dream? The dream to be free on the moon?  Ok. Enjoy the vast spaces of nothingness you stupid bint. I hope all the deaths were worth it. (Also, aren't there companies mining the moon? It's hard to believe the moon is outside thier influence) 

I know all about THE DEEP THEMES. How there are no happy endings in Night city, the value of freedom, the dangers of seeking power, etc etc etc. I'm ok with the themes. But the way the show handled it's characters made it hard to care about their deaths, about their goals, about their lives.

But hey! That's how things are in a dystopia so that's the point duuuuuude. Yeah, no. This show was a waste of time.

If I misremember something I'm more than happy to concede that I'm wrong. It's been a while since I've watched the show so I could be wrong.
Jun 20, 2023 12:41 PM
Oct 2021
Piromysl said:
Because they've got so used to good triumphing over evil.

Maybe try to misrepresent people's opinions a bit less.
Jun 20, 2023 12:52 PM
Jun 2023
Not gonna lie, I knew they were gonna die the second I heard Adam smasher was in it. He’s there in the game years later meaning his plot armor was a little thicker, simple as that, also there’s a drink in the afterlife bar for the mc so…
Jun 20, 2023 12:56 PM
Oct 2022
It is was not a sad or bad ending , it was just a realistic ending
Jun 20, 2023 1:00 PM

Jul 2015
Secret333 said:
Piromysl said:
Because they've got so used to good triumphing over evil.

Maybe try to misrepresent people's opinions a bit less.

Maybe speak for yourself.

Jun 20, 2023 1:03 PM
Oct 2021
Piromysl said:
Secret333 said:

Maybe try to misrepresent people's opinions a bit less.

Maybe speak for yourself.
Nice comeback bro. Everyone in this thread and other threads talking about their problems with the show and your take is "People are mad the good guys didn't win".
Jun 20, 2023 1:04 PM

Jul 2015
Secret333 said:
Piromysl said:

Maybe speak for yourself.
Nice comeback bro. Everyone in this thread and other threads talking about their problems with the show and your take is "People are mad the good guys didn't win".

Very nice unprovoked conniption.
There's no need to be upset. Just take your meds, an L and move on.
And that's not even what I said, because there are no "good guys" in this show, which makes your little ramble extra ironic.
PiromyslJun 20, 2023 1:08 PM

Jun 20, 2023 1:06 PM

Oct 2013
In my opinion it ended to fast, like we saw how the main char was changing but in the end we didnt saw his whole potencial of his power. Then he got that robot body and it ended. That dead looks so forced (by the studio) for me, just to make sad ending and not because it was necessary 🫠
Jun 20, 2023 1:13 PM
Oct 2021
Piromysl said:
Secret333 said:
Nice comeback bro. Everyone in this thread and other threads talking about their problems with the show and your take is "People are mad the good guys didn't win".

Very nice unprovoked conniption.
There's no need to be upset. Just take your meds, an L and move on.
And that's not even what I said, because there are no "good guys" in this show, which makes your little ramble extra ironic.
Oh not that good guys didn't win, just that people are used to good triumph over evil, so they say the ending is bad. Yeah that distinction makes your point better, huh?
Don't be mad that someone called you out on your dismissive misrepresentation of people. You posted a comment so I'm more than free to criticize it.
Jun 20, 2023 1:14 PM

Jul 2015
Secret333 said:
Piromysl said:

Very nice unprovoked conniption.
There's no need to be upset. Just take your meds, an L and move on.
And that's not even what I said, because there are no "good guys" in this show, which makes your little ramble extra ironic.
Oh not that good guys didn't win, just that people are used to good triumph over evil, so they say the ending is bad. Yeah that distinction makes your point better, huh?
Don't be mad that someone called you out on your dismissive misrepresentation of people. You posted a comment so I'm more than free to criticize it.

Very nice projection. I'm not gonna be your emotional leverage, so bye.

Jun 20, 2023 1:14 PM
Aug 2018
Some people don’t understand

Wrong people wrong city
Jun 20, 2023 1:15 PM
Oct 2021
Piromysl said:
Secret333 said:
Oh not that good guys didn't win, just that people are used to good triumph over evil, so they say the ending is bad. Yeah that distinction makes your point better, huh?
Don't be mad that someone called you out on your dismissive misrepresentation of people. You posted a comment so I'm more than free to criticize it.

Very nice projection. I'm not gonna be your emotional leverage, so bye.
Nice comeback bro, The sequel.
Jun 20, 2023 1:19 PM
Mar 2021
cause they don't have good taste lol
Jun 20, 2023 2:19 PM
Nov 2019
Because of the pacing. You cannot deny the pacing was way too fast compared to the other episodes.
Jun 20, 2023 2:20 PM
Jan 2017
Cause anime fans don’t know how to think
Jun 20, 2023 2:37 PM
Jun 2021
because it was. it was way too rushed and some certain moments kinda felt unnecessary and doesnt really hit since more is coming anyway and by that point you just go like why? what was the point of that (rebeccas death for example made no sense to me from a writing standpoint). oh and that last line by adam smasher kinda just made me go so they definitely had more planned but couldn't due to time restraint. adams last line was "it was a good fight". mf what fight?! that was a one sided beating of ive ever seen one.
Jun 20, 2023 3:17 PM
Jul 2022
I'd say it might have to do with the way that basically the whole cast was killed as the ending as most endings r usually happy ending where the MC accomplishes his/her goal however this anime has a more unique and realistic way of ending the series and personally I like this ending I think it was a rather unique way to finish
Jun 20, 2023 3:52 PM
Feb 2023
EXMIL said:
I think the ending, along with the some of the character deaths, felt unsatisfactory because of the length of the series. The ways they died and the choices that led them to dying made sense, but with less time to grow attached to the characters, it's hard to make those deaths feel impactful.

If I had to guess what the average person disliked about the ending, I'd wager that they didn't like

imo, the way characters just die in an instant and sort of in vain is what makes it that much more impactful. the world won't stop for you, and if possible, it will spit in your face just for the fun of it
Jun 20, 2023 4:03 PM

Jan 2021
Because the rest of the series was bad as well.
Jun 20, 2023 4:25 PM
Oct 2021
because some people are more into sugar coated stories and happy holding hand endings like in disney movies.
Jun 20, 2023 5:06 PM
Apr 2016
Melt or else……..
Jun 20, 2023 7:26 PM
Mar 2021
Hahaha!! It’s like the video games with multiple endings based on the choices we make… there are good endings and bad endings, just like the cyber punk video game with like 6 different endings. The bottomline is: The characters made their choice knowing there are grave consequences… the ending is neither good or bad.. it was fitting. And I loved it.
Jun 20, 2023 7:40 PM
Jun 2019
Because they are uncultured they like the same old ending
Jun 20, 2023 8:22 PM
Jan 2021
because some people are just stupid bruh, at least when it comes to media. they dont like when bad things happen because they treat media like an escape. I remember when infinity war came out I heard my teacher say it was an amazing movie up until the end, and then when I went to go see it I thought the ending was the best part. Same story with this, and devilman, akudama drive, akame ga kill (although akame ga kill isn't really that good anyway but whatever) and about plenty of other things, and people will continue to say this until they start viewing media as something constructive rather than an escape from their shitty lives. But unfortunately that will never happen
Jun 20, 2023 8:45 PM
Apr 2023
isn't it natural bro? majority ppl want a happy go ending that's it 🙃
Jun 20, 2023 9:34 PM
Jan 2022
I didn't vibe with the show it wasn't bad just not for me Unfortunately, as for the ending I didn't have any problems with it as far as I can remember
Jun 20, 2023 10:46 PM
Jul 2018
Depends on how you classify “bad ending”
For me personally any time I hear the op song I remember all the sad parts of the show and feel a. little depressed kinda like neon genesis
For me what makes a great tragedy is not knowing it’s a tragedy
Jun 21, 2023 1:06 AM
Mar 2021
i think because simply it didnt have time to build up to be better considering how the anime had only 10 episodes but i still think its a nice ending
Jun 21, 2023 2:18 AM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
As many others said, it was predictable and rushed. I didn't care about the characters dying at all and I didn't care about the romance. Everything was predictable and had been done way better in other shows/books.
And before you say I didn't like it cause it was sad... I LOVE sad and realistic endings, so it's not a problem for me at all. I loved the ending of Code Geass, GITS, Millennium Actress, Belladonna of Sadness, Girls' Last Tour, The Girl from The Other Side, etc. But those endings worked because it made sense for the show, it wasn't rushed, you had time to care about the characters, and the writing held up the ending. CP:ER didn't do any of that for me and that's why I didn't like the ending or most of it.
Jun 21, 2023 2:25 AM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Secret333 said:
It's not that characters died, per se. I expected them all to die by the end. It's that quite a number of things didn't make sense just to get to that ending.
Rebecca's brother (Forgot his name) died because he just decided to fuck around with a psycho, even though I would've thought they'd know how dangerous they could be. That pretty much set my expectations to how the rest of the deaths would be.

Next up is Maine losing his mind all of a sudden. The MC's decent into madness was much more gradual, meanwhile Maine just wakes up one day and hurts his teammates, and then refuses to take drugs or decrease his relience on his cybernetics because "Can't slow down now". Yeah, sure buddy. Go ahead. Accelerate your demise like a fuckin moron.

Then Kiwi gets chased by two guys trying to kill her, she's hiding behind a dumbster while they're approaching her, and she's talking to our gang on a phone call. When the two guys reach her, she hacks one of them and blows his head so quickly. So was she capable of doing that the whole time? Because it looked like it didn't take her much time, so with the time she had with them approaching her she could've killed both of them and survived.

Then Rebecca. Oh boy the way they killed Rebecca. She notices Adam Smasher falling from the sky on her head. She absolutely has enough time to jump to the side (I think I counted 4 seconds) but what does she decide to do? She points her gun up towards the sky, starts shooting, while shouting "We were talking here!" or something to that effect. Like, what did she hope to accomplish? Did she just give in to the fact that she's dead? Did she hope to kill Adam? Even if she somehow killed him his massive body would've still crushed her. Survival instincts and reflexes be damned, we need her to die so she'll die.

People would claim characters dying suddenly is the point because it keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats and means there's less plot armor. But the show is full of it, and then when it does kill the characters it does so in stupid ways, and doesn't allow for enough time to develop them. Every time someone died my reaction was just "Ok. I guess they're gone now".

The whole show was too short to grow attached to any of the characters. None of them were compelling. David kills an innocent woman and I'm supposed to care about how he's losing his mind? Fuck him. That was caused by his decisions and nothing about him or his "goals" made all of that worth his decent into madness.

And all of that for what? For Lucy's dream? The dream to be free on the moon?  Ok. Enjoy the vast spaces of nothingness you stupid bint. I hope all the deaths were worth it. (Also, aren't there companies mining the moon? It's hard to believe the moon is outside thier influence) 

I know all about THE DEEP THEMES. How there are no happy endings in Night city, the value of freedom, the dangers of seeking power, etc etc etc. I'm ok with the themes. But the way the show handled it's characters made it hard to care about their deaths, about their goals, about their lives.

But hey! That's how things are in a dystopia so that's the point duuuuuude. Yeah, no. This show was a waste of time.

If I misremember something I'm more than happy to concede that I'm wrong. It's been a while since I've watched the show so I could be wrong.

Woah, dude, I couldn't agree more with your stance on this. Damn, you actually wrote out my thoughts on the show perfectly. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like this show.

And can we talk about the lack of animation and the static backgrounds? Too much. Also, the lighting is wrong and terrible. There aren't even shadows on the goddamn cars as they are moving. And the lighting doesn't make sense.
Jun 21, 2023 11:50 AM
Mar 2023
Docromo said:
The ending felt  half-assed and cliche, like the rest of the show.  I get the urge  to make a bad ending in a cyberpunk story but none of the characters were really engaging enough for me to care about them, they were very much stereotypical and two dimensional, though gotta admit I liked Becca. The anime succeeded what it was aiming for, which was to promote the game, that's why Adam Smasher pretty much came out of nowhere and killed everyone, end of story.

>"most of the characters are two-dimensional"
>favorite character is coomer jailbait
check this guy's hard drive
Jun 21, 2023 1:16 PM
Jan 2020
Secret333 said:
It's not that characters died, per se. I expected them all to die by the end. It's that quite a number of things didn't make sense just to get to that ending.
Rebecca's brother (Forgot his name) died because he just decided to fuck around with a psycho, even though I would've thought they'd know how dangerous they could be. That pretty much set my expectations to how the rest of the deaths would be.

Next up is Maine losing his mind all of a sudden. The MC's decent into madness was much more gradual, meanwhile Maine just wakes up one day and hurts his teammates, and then refuses to take drugs or decrease his relience on his cybernetics because "Can't slow down now". Yeah, sure buddy. Go ahead. Accelerate your demise like a fuckin moron.

Then Kiwi gets chased by two guys trying to kill her, she's hiding behind a dumbster while they're approaching her, and she's talking to our gang on a phone call. When the two guys reach her, she hacks one of them and blows his head so quickly. So was she capable of doing that the whole time? Because it looked like it didn't take her much time, so with the time she had with them approaching her she could've killed both of them and survived.

Then Rebecca. Oh boy the way they killed Rebecca. She notices Adam Smasher falling from the sky on her head. She absolutely has enough time to jump to the side (I think I counted 4 seconds) but what does she decide to do? She points her gun up towards the sky, starts shooting, while shouting "We were talking here!" or something to that effect. Like, what did she hope to accomplish? Did she just give in to the fact that she's dead? Did she hope to kill Adam? Even if she somehow killed him his massive body would've still crushed her. Survival instincts and reflexes be damned, we need her to die so she'll die.

People would claim characters dying suddenly is the point because it keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats and means there's less plot armor. But the show is full of it, and then when it does kill the characters it does so in stupid ways, and doesn't allow for enough time to develop them. Every time someone died my reaction was just "Ok. I guess they're gone now".

The whole show was too short to grow attached to any of the characters. None of them were compelling. David kills an innocent woman and I'm supposed to care about how he's losing his mind? Fuck him. That was caused by his decisions and nothing about him or his "goals" made all of that worth his decent into madness.

And all of that for what? For Lucy's dream? The dream to be free on the moon?  Ok. Enjoy the vast spaces of nothingness you stupid bint. I hope all the deaths were worth it. (Also, aren't there companies mining the moon? It's hard to believe the moon is outside thier influence) 

I know all about THE DEEP THEMES. How there are no happy endings in Night city, the value of freedom, the dangers of seeking power, etc etc etc. I'm ok with the themes. But the way the show handled it's characters made it hard to care about their deaths, about their goals, about their lives.

But hey! That's how things are in a dystopia so that's the point duuuuuude. Yeah, no. This show was a waste of time.

If I misremember something I'm more than happy to concede that I'm wrong. It's been a while since I've watched the show so I could be wrong.

Well said. Expressed my feelings exactly 👌🏼
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