Secret333 said:It's not that characters died, per se. I expected them all to die by the end. It's that quite a number of things didn't make sense just to get to that ending.
Rebecca's brother (Forgot his name) died because he just decided to fuck around with a psycho, even though I would've thought they'd know how dangerous they could be. That pretty much set my expectations to how the rest of the deaths would be.
Next up is Maine losing his mind all of a sudden. The MC's decent into madness was much more gradual, meanwhile Maine just wakes up one day and hurts his teammates, and then refuses to take drugs or decrease his relience on his cybernetics because "Can't slow down now". Yeah, sure buddy. Go ahead. Accelerate your demise like a fuckin moron.
Then Kiwi gets chased by two guys trying to kill her, she's hiding behind a dumbster while they're approaching her, and she's talking to our gang on a phone call. When the two guys reach her, she hacks one of them and blows his head so quickly. So was she capable of doing that the whole time? Because it looked like it didn't take her much time, so with the time she had with them approaching her she could've killed both of them and survived.
Then Rebecca. Oh boy the way they killed Rebecca. She notices Adam Smasher falling from the sky on her head. She absolutely has enough time to jump to the side (I think I counted 4 seconds) but what does she decide to do? She points her gun up towards the sky, starts shooting, while shouting "We were talking here!" or something to that effect. Like, what did she hope to accomplish? Did she just give in to the fact that she's dead? Did she hope to kill Adam? Even if she somehow killed him his massive body would've still crushed her. Survival instincts and reflexes be damned, we need her to die so she'll die.
People would claim characters dying suddenly is the point because it keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats and means there's less plot armor. But the show is full of it, and then when it does kill the characters it does so in stupid ways, and doesn't allow for enough time to develop them. Every time someone died my reaction was just "Ok. I guess they're gone now".
The whole show was too short to grow attached to any of the characters. None of them were compelling. David kills an innocent woman and I'm supposed to care about how he's losing his mind? Fuck him. That was caused by his decisions and nothing about him or his "goals" made all of that worth his decent into madness.
And all of that for what? For Lucy's dream? The dream to be free on the moon? Ok. Enjoy the vast spaces of nothingness you stupid bint. I hope all the deaths were worth it. (Also, aren't there companies mining the moon? It's hard to believe the moon is outside thier influence)
I know all about THE DEEP THEMES. How there are no happy endings in Night city, the value of freedom, the dangers of seeking power, etc etc etc. I'm ok with the themes. But the way the show handled it's characters made it hard to care about their deaths, about their goals, about their lives.
But hey! That's how things are in a dystopia so that's the point duuuuuude. Yeah, no. This show was a waste of time.
If I misremember something I'm more than happy to concede that I'm wrong. It's been a while since I've watched the show so I could be wrong.