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Apr 9, 2010 10:00 PM

Dec 2009
This is a simpler recommendation thread, where you can focus on just one genre at a time, so hopefully its easier.

So first up is RPGs, either write a post asking about a game with ANY criteria, bring up any games you want people to know about, or just start any discussion about an rpg

I will soon make similar topics of any genre i can think of

so to start off, i've got Izuna 2 for the DS, i just got all the gods in my party, do need to level them ALL up?
Love & Piece

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Apr 10, 2010 12:54 AM

Feb 2010
ive never played it mate
but i know that i am getting that game soon!:D
Apr 10, 2010 1:24 AM

Dec 2009
Thanks, I've been looking for a thread like this. Anyways I suggest The World ends with you on the DS, and Kingdom Hearts for the PS2, those are fun RPGs I've finished, I finished more but I'll have to remember the names.
Apr 10, 2010 3:52 AM

May 2009
I mostly play RPG's.. I enjoy them the most actually =0 Like Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy or Agarest.. Valkyria Chronicles.. The fact that you can get so many characters with you is enjoyable ^^
Apr 10, 2010 4:28 AM

Dec 2009
I like RPGs with multiple endings, but have played others like FF, Fire Emblem, Grandia etc. I really took a liking to Shin Megami Tensei series, just started Strange Journey a while ago.
Haven't played Izuna yet tho.
Apr 10, 2010 10:32 AM

Apr 2010
I'm playing online games some time already.
And I can recommend Lineage2.Alot of you propobly knows it.Next one I can recommend anime lovers is Megaten(Shin Megami Tensei Imagine Online) It's anime style game,there are quests,acts(Something like main quests)You can make any monster in-game your pet if you make contract.Work with it,raise friendship and more.Quality is pretty nice.(When i started i thinked it's bad,but later i found it good)Next game would be RF Online.It's very good game,i recommend you it 100%.There's 3 races,Elf,Robot,Midget(No,it's not old little midget)Elfs can summon creatures,Robots(Looks like human size mecha robot) has special weapon launcher.It's real sweet thing,gives nice dmg.And midgets has special mecha,close range and long range.They are pretty cool style things.After you get level 40(Easy to get)You have quests,chip wars.Where all 3 races go kill each others chip and players.You can kill your own race too,if you drink chaos potion.You can't speak to other races,but that's actualy good I think.Well,there's alot more to tell you about that,but I don't feel like writing more.You should check by yourself,it's worth it!
Apr 10, 2010 10:36 AM

Dec 2009
RPGs are the best...fighting ones come after them O_^d
"Got it?this is what it means to kill things"
Apr 10, 2010 1:35 PM

Dec 2009
Nasuversepro said:
RPGs are the best...fighting ones come after them O_^d

What a coincidence, next topic will be fighters.
Love & Piece

Apr 10, 2010 10:07 PM

Dec 2009
ArchieBlaye said:
I like RPGs with multiple endings, but have played others like FF, Fire Emblem, Grandia etc. I really took a liking to Shin Megami Tensei series, just started Strange Journey a while ago.
Haven't played Izuna yet tho.

I like to play those RPG with different endings too, for the games you recommended, can you tell me what console it's for? Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, DS, stuff like that.

By the way Star Ocean 3: Til the end of time have many endings too, it's very long but pretty fun. Try it if you haven't already, I'd suggest.
Apr 11, 2010 5:02 AM

Nov 2008
I recommend
- Fire Emblem 7(excellent character development)
- Valkyrie profile(sitting through a 30min + cutscene is tiring but is worthwhile)
- Golden Sun 1&2(Best soundtrack ever on the GBA)
- Disgaea 1&2(Too broke to buy a PS3 to play disgaea 3)
Apr 11, 2010 6:30 AM

Apr 2010
Out of all the games I own, most of them are RPG's :)
I'd recommend the following:
-Shadow Hearts Series
-Persona Series
-.hack Series
-Xenosaga Series
& of course Final Fantasy xD
Most of you probably know all of them already :P
oh nearly forgot Lost Odyssey :3
Apr 11, 2010 6:57 AM

Dec 2009
Hmm...the ones I can remember right now that have multiple endings are Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor(DS), Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey(DS), Disgaea 1, 2 and 3(PS2 and PS3 for last one), and you might consider Persona 3 and 4(PS2) as multiple endings, tho all you really do is see something different in the ending(like just a dialog or something) with the one you spend most time with. Also, Chrono Cross(PS1) has multiple endings. You have to finish the main story first tho.

Btw, I can't understand why Golden Sun is so high rated ._.
Apr 11, 2010 1:48 PM

Dec 2009
there's gonna be a Goldensun 3, anyone knows if its just a rmk or if it will continue the story of

"Got it?this is what it means to kill things"
Apr 12, 2010 10:14 AM

Dec 2009
I looked into Golden Sun 3, and it seems to be called Golden Sun DS, dunno if that's the official title tho. No further info has been release about it, but there seems to be a trailer running around.
Apr 12, 2010 4:15 PM

Dec 2009
Legend of Dragoon (PS1..wish they did a remake, it was AWESOME)
Pokemon :D
Xenosaga series (PS2)
Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3/360)
Mass Effect 2 (360/PC)

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Apr 13, 2010 11:10 AM

Feb 2009
Kingdom Under Fire series? :3 (Xbox)
Suikoden Series (PS)

Apr 13, 2010 12:28 PM

Apr 2008
Hi there, Nice topic

Well, if you mention RPG....... IT'S FINAL FANTASY for sure

don't waste your time on any other game!!
Apr 13, 2010 11:22 PM

Dec 2009
boqbqb said:
Hi there, Nice topic

Well, if you mention RPG....... IT'S FINAL FANTASY for sure

don't waste your time on any other game!!

Even if Final Fantasy is good, I think people show use their time to find others, adding variety and who knows? They might see something better, so I think it's better to not just stick to one series.
Apr 14, 2010 4:54 AM

Oct 2009
HaloX5 said:
I reccomend:

- Tales of Series
- Persona Series
- The World Ends With You
- Star Ocean Series
- Eternal Sonata (Trusty Bell)
- Disgaea Series
- Pokemon Series (obviously xD)
- Fire Emblem (GBA ones)

Totally agree with u on those.
Especially The World Ends With You is just plain awesome. Really loved the concept in there. Hope there will be a sequel or a new one.
Apr 14, 2010 5:27 AM

Apr 2008
DestinySora said:
boqbqb said:
Hi there, Nice topic

Well, if you mention RPG....... IT'S FINAL FANTASY for sure

don't waste your time on any other game!!

Even if Final Fantasy is good, I think people show use their time to find others, adding variety and who knows? They might see something better, so I think it's better to not just stick to one series.

I agree with you, but in this case I prefere to play another known games rather trying something new

What do you say?
Apr 14, 2010 9:39 AM

Dec 2009
I dunno what would he say, but why don't you just try both xD? I know that's not always possible(due to financial issues and all), but you can always try demos or research into gaming sites.
Apr 16, 2010 10:50 PM

Dec 2009
boqbqb said:
DestinySora said:
boqbqb said:
Hi there, Nice topic

Well, if you mention RPG....... IT'S FINAL FANTASY for sure

don't waste your time on any other game!!

Even if Final Fantasy is good, I think people show use their time to find others, adding variety and who knows? They might see something better, so I think it's better to not just stick to one series.

I agree with you, but in this case I prefere to play another known games rather trying something new

What do you say?

I say both doing known games and finding new ones to try out is good.
Apr 17, 2010 6:02 AM

May 2009
Woah. So many console titles. I shall rethink getting PS2/PS3. As for my recommendations:

- Lineage 2 (MMORPG - PC)
- Dragon Age: Origins (RPG)
- The Witcher (RPG - PC)
- The Witcher 2 (well, still in production but I'm sure it will be worth recommendation)
- Neverwinter Nights 2 (RPG - PC)
- The Last Remnant (jRPG - PC/XBOX?)

As for classics:

- Baldur's Gate I & II (RPG - PC)
- Final Fantasy VII (jRPG - PS1/PC)
- Final Fantasy VIII (jRPG - PS1 dunno about PC version but there are plenty of good PS1 emulators)
- Gothic (RPG - PC)
_Arris_Apr 17, 2010 6:07 AM
Apr 18, 2010 11:52 AM

Oct 2009
Well I don´t know bout VIII.
Maybe there are some fans, who can explain me, whats so great about it.
The combat system was fair too easy past a certain point and the story just was like *roflcopter*, dunno.
I dont want to insult someone if he like VIII, I just want to try to understand what you see in this.
I persionally recommend IX. The graphical style is unique, but I liked it.
Story is plain awesome, gameplay was okay; nothing really new,but it does its job well.
Apr 22, 2010 4:59 AM

Aug 2009
my two faves are final fantasy and elder scrolls
Apr 22, 2010 10:06 AM

Dec 2009
My PC won't run any of those you mentioned but KOTOR >.<. Well, won't be complaining much, haven't played KOTOR 1, but second one is awesome. I was looking forward to the third one, but it probably won't run anyways Dx.
Apr 22, 2010 12:48 PM

Oct 2009
KOTOR is great =D
But I dont agree with Mass Effect and Oblivion.
I just dont really like the gameplay in Mass Effect.
And Oblivion, well, there´s just something missing for me. I really liked Morrowind better, somehow <_<
Apr 23, 2010 3:37 AM

Aug 2009
true,im trying to get the pc version of oblivion,fallout 3 is awsome as well, in the pc version of oblivion you can customize your own weps , armor etc.
Apr 23, 2010 9:57 AM

Dec 2009
HaloX5 said:
Aww poor Archie, the first one is 1,000,000 times better! Go find it :D

Also thats sad Juraya ;_; I loved those games, Oblivion was very adventurous, and long lasting, and Mass Effect I loved the Characters and the way the game worked ^_^

I'll look into it :]. Also, I heard the camera system was messed up, is that true?
Apr 23, 2010 12:14 PM

Dec 2009
HaloX5 said:

Uuuuuh, I forget D: I just remember the storyline. I replayed the game like 6 or 7 times. But I havent played it in like over a year xD I never had much issue with it =/ I mean sometimes it can be a spaz, but as long as you have your target you should be okay =o

Alright, I'll try it out. Game reviews said pretty good things about it and I liked KOTOR 2, so I think I'll have fun over this one too :]. Well, just found out there isn't the influence thing, so I think I won't have as much fun as in the sequel xP, but should have a good time.
Apr 23, 2010 12:43 PM

Oct 2009
Ye, try it out. First was really way better also in my opinion.
Just the fact, that there are multiple endings, makes it better ^_^.
(At least I can´t remember multiple endings in the second one)
Apr 23, 2010 1:34 PM

Dec 2009
:O There are multiple endings for the first one o.o?? My interest on this has slightly raised *-*.
The second one has different endings, tho I can't recall them very well o.o''. I think being good, being bad and being neutral are the endings you can get.
Apr 24, 2010 7:32 AM

Dec 2009
Nice, I got the feeling this will be nostalgic then :D. I've finished erm...acquiring the game now ^^'', dunno when I'll try it tho. Probably by Wednesday/Thursday.

EDIT: Installed, but failed miserably in my attempt to play ._.
No clue how to make this work, I'm running windows 7 64 bits, was this your OS when you played KOTOR?
ArchieBlayeApr 24, 2010 3:19 PM
Apr 25, 2010 1:29 PM

Dec 2009
Oh, then I think I'll pass on KOTOR lol. Tried (almost) all I could to make this work :S.
Apr 26, 2010 5:31 AM

Aug 2009
ArchieBlaye said:
Oh, then I think I'll pass on KOTOR lol. Tried (almost) all I could to make this work :S.

Awww ._. its such a good game too. How did you play KOTOR2?
Apr 26, 2010 10:08 AM

Apr 2008
KOTOR 2 works on xbox 360 atleast the first version of the 360, dunno about the newer versions, FFXII and XIII both good games but i like XII more.

No1 mentioned Lost Oddysey O.o? it's a good game kinda hard to get into but it's one of the best i've played atleast. Last Remnant was for me hard as hell and what i've heard is that IT should be easy as hell...maybe it's only me who fails at it or im just unlucky.

Mass Effect 1 good game quite a while since i played it so can't remember much to say about it.

KOTOR 1 is the only game i've played only seen a friend of mine play KOTOR 2 on the 360 but that game is seriously a "must play game"

sry for the long post>.<

[ Hi i want to play a game on my PC called grid but when I try to run the game it comes up with a message I need a compatible graphics card Is there anywere I can download one? Cause I can't find the right thing.. ] <--- That is funny stuff

Apr 26, 2010 11:42 AM

Dec 2009
HaloX5 said:

Awww ._. its such a good game too. How did you play KOTOR2?

I played KOTOR 2 in my desktop, which is a Pentium 4 using Windows XP lol. Now it's broke, so...

But I do recall KOTOR 2 running on this pc too, so I dunno, maybe I need a clean install or something.
Apr 26, 2010 5:12 PM

Aug 2009
ArchieBlaye said:
HaloX5 said:

Awww ._. its such a good game too. How did you play KOTOR2?

I played KOTOR 2 in my desktop, which is a Pentium 4 using Windows XP lol. Now it's broke, so...

But I do recall KOTOR 2 running on this pc too, so I dunno, maybe I need a clean install or something.

It is a must Archie D:
Thats like saying you havent played... um, Spyro xD yes that'll do. Its like one of the best Star Wars games ever made along with Star Wars Battlefront. (In my opinion, KOTOR IS the best Star Wars Game ever made xD)
Apr 27, 2010 6:26 AM

Oct 2009
Yeah, KOTOR is definetly the best until now.
But I´m really interested in the new Star Wars MMO which is going to be released.
Sounds quite interesting to me.
Apr 28, 2010 4:16 AM

Aug 2009
Juraya said:
Yeah, KOTOR is definetly the best until now.
But I´m really interested in the new Star Wars MMO which is going to be released.
Sounds quite interesting to me.

Star Wars: The Old Republic? Yeah me too, though my current computer wont be able to handle it, the "Old Republic" the Era where the KOTOR games are placed, which is before thousands of years before the first film, is probably my favourite Star Wars Era. I'm not really obsessed with MMO's and I know how to steer clear from WoW. But this is made by Bioware :D And its basically KOTOR as a MMO *__* Cant resist~
May 1, 2010 4:35 AM

Dec 2009
HaloX5 said:
ArchieBlaye said:
HaloX5 said:

Awww ._. its such a good game too. How did you play KOTOR2?

I played KOTOR 2 in my desktop, which is a Pentium 4 using Windows XP lol. Now it's broke, so...

But I do recall KOTOR 2 running on this pc too, so I dunno, maybe I need a clean install or something.

It is a must Archie D:
Thats like saying you havent played... um, Spyro xD yes that'll do. Its like one of the best Star Wars games ever made along with Star Wars Battlefront. (In my opinion, KOTOR IS the best Star Wars Game ever made xD)

I should try reinstalling, or wait until I format my pc again(which I don't want to cause it's such a bother lol). Well, one day, maybe xD.
Btw, I haven't played Spyro either :P.

Is Star Wars: The Old Republic an MMO o_o? I dunno if that's a good or a bad thing...
May 1, 2010 5:28 PM

Oct 2009
Well, I read some articles about gameplay and it really sounds interesting to me.
I just don´t know if I´m interested enough to pay monthly fees for it, since there will be some more alternatives like FF XIV or Guild Wars 2 (which won´t cost me extra <_<).
May 1, 2010 6:00 PM

Dec 2009
I hope it has an offline mode >.<.
May 2, 2010 3:13 AM

Oct 2009
I´m sorry to shatter your hopes, but since it will be an MMORPG the chance for it to have an offline mode is about 0 % =/
May 2, 2010 6:31 AM

Dec 2009
Now I can say you're wrong :P, have you seen Phantasy Star online? It has an offline mode, so I'll maintain my hopes for now xD.
May 2, 2010 1:54 PM

Oct 2009
ArchieBlaye said:
Now I can say you're wrong :P, have you seen Phantasy Star online? It has an offline mode, so I'll maintain my hopes for now xD.

Touché :P
May 7, 2010 7:22 PM

Dec 2009
Hard will be finding the original Spyro >.<. And not sure if I'm up to it either, low graphics can be bothersome sometimes o.o''.

So The Old Republic will be pay-to-play, like monthly? D:
May 8, 2010 10:52 PM
Mar 2010
I saw that the Tales series was mentioned, but I wanted to add that Tales games are my favorite games across any genre. :P

However Demon's Souls is an amazing game, I basically played nothing but d'ss until I 100%ed it on my 5th play through at around level 260. Really fantastic and as addictive as it is challenging. PS3 exclusive is really the only downside.
May 9, 2010 6:28 AM

Dec 2009
PsyBorg said:
I saw that the Tales series was mentioned, but I wanted to add that Tales games are my favorite games across any genre. :P

However Demon's Souls is an amazing game, I basically played nothing but d'ss until I 100%ed it on my 5th play through at around level 260. Really fantastic and as addictive as it is challenging. PS3 exclusive is really the only downside.

They say Demon's Souls is pretty hard to beat, yet you did it 5 times o_o, nice going!

HaloX5 said:

You can always buy it online o-o
And *gasp* I cant believe you just mentioned graphics D: Graphics mean nothing if the game is good o_o

I'm unsure about it, I havent looked into it for a while. There is no point since I wouldnt be able to play it at the moment anyway. But i'm assuming its "pay-to-play" it may be like Guild Wars and cost nothing at all o-o

I know graphic means nothing, but I also know that I have that kind of preconceived feelings when playing >.<. Like how GBC or GBA games can be really better than NDS games. I should look into it first tho.

And yea, same, my laptop wouldn't be able to run it, for sure, but I'm looking to get a new one next month(I hope I do), which would run the actual games.
May 10, 2010 6:01 PM
Mar 2010
ArchieBlaye said:

They say Demon's Souls is pretty hard to beat, yet you did it 5 times o_o, nice going!

Well it is really hard yeah, the game gets more difficult after each time you beat it in order to accommodate your increase in level (to a degree). But even then I had a lot of fun learning what to do and how to do it in order to survive.

HaloX5 said:

That would be me *bows* I wuv you already PsyBorg :D
I am a HUGE Tales Fanatic that plays every game I can get my hands on of the series, by ANY MEANS NESSASARY. Its my favourite RPG Series, and I can kill people just by talking about it ^_^ I just completed Dawn a while ago with a friend, so I themed myself on one of the characters yet again xD

Yeah it's my favorite series too, favorite game being ToS :P I still haven't 100%ed Vesperia but I've beaten it once or twice, and I have had Dawn since it came out, but I'm scared to play it ._. I played about an hour in and was really dreading the lack of free roam and the fact that they were showing flashbacks to a scene that literally just occurred 10min ago >.> and they changed llyod's voice actor which is lame.

And while graphics don't necessarily impede a game's story I was noticing that they were really lacking for a next gen title. It's not good to take a step back in graphics or anything when making a good game, just saying my opinion.

I'll eventually play it though when I get a dent in my "plan to watch" list of anime XD and I'm sure I'll like though.

edit: this is the longest post I've made in awhile o_O even on the other forums I frequent, well I'll explain all of that later in an intro thread if I ever make one, or if there's even a sub forum for that somewhere >.>
PsyBorgMay 10, 2010 6:04 PM
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