Yeah I don't know anymore, it was probably for the best.
You should! I'm sure it would be a worthwhile reread with all of the underlying text.I almost never rewatch or reread things either. I don't find it entertaining if I already know what's going to happen.
Exactly! I usually just immediately pick up something new to keep my mind off of the feeling. Its pretty depressing...
Probably. You might even be able to find scholarly articles analyzing it.
Well even if you didn't notice the art the first time around, if you go back and look at it again (especially the scenic shots) you'll be able to tell how much effort and love went into every single panel. Punpun's portrayal as a bird was probably my favorite part of the entire manga. My mind was blown when I realized that his appearance was only the way that he perceived himself. His evolution especially at the end of the manga was amazing. And speaking of the end of the manga~~ it was perfection. I went into mourning after finishing because I felt like I actually lost a part of myself. :')
I would have to spend a few hours contemplating that one... I'm tempted to say it was a reference to mental disability because he seemed frozen in his childhood, but I really couldn't tell you right now.
I was doing that for a while but I left that club.
Everybody is busy playing Persona 5 right now haha. And yeah Punpun is my absolute favorite manga of all time!! I can relate to a lot of the angst Punpun feels, and his thought process is so real and raw. I also adore Asano Inio's art (because how could anyone not?? Its gorgeous???) and I love the symbolism throughout the manga. What about you?
Nier wäre auch ein Spiel, auf das ich mich sehr freue. Habe den ersten Teil geliebt. <3
Ich hoffe, dass ich CF eben bei einem Angebot ergattern kann, da es bei mir ja eh nicht eilt.
Sehr sehr wenig, da meine Kleine viel Aufmerksamkeit braucht und wenn sie mal schläft, muss ich meist kochen oder den Haushalt machen usw. Vermissen tu ich das Zocken schon, aber Zeit mit meiner kleinen Tochter verbringen ist viel wichtiger und das Schönste überhaupt. <3 ^^
Apr 2, 2017 2:57 PM
So unendlich viel ist bei mir nicht passiert, aber beruflich gehts bei mir vorran. Werde demnächst stellvertretender Filialleiter mit 3000€ Brutto im Monat. Kann man definitiv machen.
Für Anime und Visual Novels habe ich daher eher weniger Zeit (vor allem VNs quasi aufgehört zu lesen), in meiner Freizeit spiele ich eher PC Spiele oder halt Freundin.
Und uhm viel mehr kann ich eigentlich auch garnicht dazu sagen haha ^^'>
Hallo, wie gehts so? Hast bestimmt schon das neuste Blazblue gespielt, oder? Ich habe leider viel zu viel zu tun und komme selten zum Spielen, deswegen warte ich noch ein wenig bevor ich es mir kaufe.
Mar 13, 2017 1:38 AM
Vielen Dank^^
Wie gehts dir eigentlich so? Studium schon hinter dich gebracht?
All Comments (943) Comments
Jetzt ist sie fast 5 Monate alt und versucht zu sitzen und rollt sich hin und her. Mittlerweile ist auch ALLES interessant und ist sehr neugierig. xD
You should! I'm sure it would be a worthwhile reread with all of the underlying text.I almost never rewatch or reread things either. I don't find it entertaining if I already know what's going to happen.
Exactly! I usually just immediately pick up something new to keep my mind off of the feeling. Its pretty depressing...
Probably. You might even be able to find scholarly articles analyzing it.
I would try it if I had time and money. :(
Well even if you didn't notice the art the first time around, if you go back and look at it again (especially the scenic shots) you'll be able to tell how much effort and love went into every single panel. Punpun's portrayal as a bird was probably my favorite part of the entire manga. My mind was blown when I realized that his appearance was only the way that he perceived himself. His evolution especially at the end of the manga was amazing. And speaking of the end of the manga~~ it was perfection. I went into mourning after finishing because I felt like I actually lost a part of myself. :')
I would have to spend a few hours contemplating that one... I'm tempted to say it was a reference to mental disability because he seemed frozen in his childhood, but I really couldn't tell you right now.
Everybody is busy playing Persona 5 right now haha. And yeah Punpun is my absolute favorite manga of all time!! I can relate to a lot of the angst Punpun feels, and his thought process is so real and raw. I also adore Asano Inio's art (because how could anyone not?? Its gorgeous???) and I love the symbolism throughout the manga. What about you?
Ich hoffe, dass ich CF eben bei einem Angebot ergattern kann, da es bei mir ja eh nicht eilt.
Sehr sehr wenig, da meine Kleine viel Aufmerksamkeit braucht und wenn sie mal schläft, muss ich meist kochen oder den Haushalt machen usw. Vermissen tu ich das Zocken schon, aber Zeit mit meiner kleinen Tochter verbringen ist viel wichtiger und das Schönste überhaupt. <3 ^^
Für Anime und Visual Novels habe ich daher eher weniger Zeit (vor allem VNs quasi aufgehört zu lesen), in meiner Freizeit spiele ich eher PC Spiele oder halt Freundin.
Und uhm viel mehr kann ich eigentlich auch garnicht dazu sagen haha ^^'>
Wie gehts dir eigentlich so? Studium schon hinter dich gebracht?
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