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Dec 16, 2021 3:34 AM

Aug 2018
And so ends the 4th season
I liked the previous season a little more than this one, but it had its moments. It had some very funny scenes in this episode.
It was good the season.

Tamer2002Dec 17, 2021 3:23 AM
Dec 16, 2021 1:53 PM

Jul 2019
I found Haida way more interesting as the new head of accounting, doing shady stuff and having an actual rivalry with Tadano than his usual miserable self so of course it's all gone in the end.
Life is a despicable endurance race
Dec 16, 2021 6:02 PM

Jul 2011
This season build to something awesome and but ended lacking in the end.

Retsuko and Haida cant be really together now that have the season 5 already announced.

Dec 16, 2021 7:20 PM
Jun 2020
I'm glad Haida did the right thing in the end. I can understand why he did it (obviously doesn't make it right). He was praised by a new, charismatic CEO after not being given the chance by his old boss. I just wish that he was an antagonist for a little longer. Also wished we could see him paranoid more like when the "auditors" came. Overall it was a good episode and a good season. Can't wait for the next one!
Dec 16, 2021 8:30 PM
Nov 2017
Haida is one of my favourites and the most relatable in the show for me. It was a sad sight to watch.
I honestly did not enjoy the season as much as any of the other seasons. It was a frustrating watch, retsuko Haida dynamic did not go as expected and the final episode did not pay off. Trying to make a massive plot out of those 2 is like beating a dead horse. I enjoyed this season for Ton (and was happy Inui and manako came back), but I think that is all.
Other characters didn't seem to do it for me or have their own developments. A lot of what happened felt somewhat out of character too (I'm not just trying to say that because I don't like the plot). Since season 3 retsuko's character can be frustrating too, even though retsuko is great, I don't know why her flaws never get highlighted and she is put on such a high pedestal.
I am not very good at reading non-verbal cues or unspoken language, but it was very annoying how she never told the truth about Tadano.
I'm not very optmistic about new seasons anymore.
Dec 17, 2021 7:38 AM
Aug 2020
Really enjoyed this season on the whole but I’ll echo what many others have said, that the Retsuko and Haida dynamic is very confused at this point and remains so even at the end of the season.
Dec 17, 2021 2:55 PM

Dec 2009
Aggretsuko is truly great. 8/10.
In its many layers it is surprisingly complex from the realistic main plots and sub plots of life and characters who most of them are extremely flawed, including the main cast.

The themes of life issues and development in character they go through and how they adapt or evolve as people is brilliant.
Admittedly S3 so far is my overall favorite, with S4 leaving me a little frustrated again, wanting for more, but the drastic change of plot was very intriguing.

On the surface, many can see it as another failure of Haida and Retsuko getting together, which is honestly somewhat disappointing, but if accepted as is, it's very interesting from how realisitic it is of how flawed and complicated relationships can be or become through bad luck, or whatever.
Upon ponder, even though it's easy to root for Haida, I realized I'm not content with them as a pairing from how flawed they are and how failing their relationship as potential lovers is, but it's entertaining how difficult and unique it is for them to become a couple while mastering their own self-esteem and confidence ... because it's different, unlike most simple happy straight forward romances.

Even if it may not be satisfying yet from how frustrating it is. It's all great development.
It is awesome how these characters evolve with their flaws.
Ton, an aggressive old-fashioned boss, with a surprisingly good heart to keep his employees and the business succeeding.
Tsunoda being fake for ease of benefit to her job, but later using that to help others, and then becoming a cupid for her coworkers.
All of Retsuko's friends who helped her one way or another with her own failures of delusions and shortcomings throughout all of it, even though she has a fairly extraordinary life.

The reveal of Haida's emotions of extreme fear to deepen his relationship now that she's vulnerable from that accident and finally looking at him while walking her home to safety everyday. Being a good acquainted coworker who's had unrequited feelings of love for 5 years who was never seen as a romantic interest whatsoever. To then fall into illegal acts to save his coworkers from staying employed, after he got professional acknowledgement which made him feel fullfilled and proud which he never felt before.
His feeling of inferiority compared to Retsuko and what she's accomplished as an idol with her talent. ... It is frustrating, but all so powerful and amazing.

I could elaborate or expand on other characters and the overall development of the plots to their lives and the story, but- it's a fun experience and I'm eager for the next seasons.
waalex11Dec 19, 2021 8:00 PM
Dec 17, 2021 4:28 PM
Jun 2021

I've completed season 4 and I got to say that I did enjoy it. Let's hope in the next season they don't try to force Haida and Retsuko together, I honestly don't like to see them as a couple, Haida has a plan, that he tries to work towards (getting married etc.), which is shown in this season and Retsuko still has a child-like mentally as 'everything is going to be fine' (personally) is a bit of a Mary Sue, she always the one to fix everything, but that might just come with the genre of the anime.

I also enjoyed how Inui and Tadano also played a part of Retsuko's and Haida's personal life, I hope to see them more in future seasons and live there own personal lives. As well as the insight of Ton's relationship with coworkers, his family and himself.

I enjoyed this season's villian Himuro, and wished he was around for longer, and thank god he wasn't made into a romantic interest, that would have killed me. I just wished we could have seen his personal life, maybe his apartment, lifestyle and love life? as this would have provided an insight of his goals/beliefs. Was he like this for his own gain, or was he hoping for a better future for a special someone?

But, honestly can't wait till the next season! :)

Dec 17, 2021 10:21 PM

Dec 2020
hm it was interesting. i preferred the previous seasons though. still good season. 7/10
Dec 18, 2021 11:09 AM

Jun 2010
The shtick about Haida lacking the confidence to move forward with Retsuko shouldn't have taken up half the season; the resolution of Retsuko giving him confidence by being more forward should probably have happened around episode 3 and skipped entirely her briefly losing interest in him.
Dec 18, 2021 7:26 PM

Apr 2008
I had fun the whole way through and never regretted binging it, but it was a weird arc. Like others said, we had half the show about Haida failing at relationships then the actual relationship existed for maybe one episode before zooming into the fraud plot with their dating status basically gone. Not that I particularly want the relationship. Haida sucks in a lot of ways and all the more so by the end of this season. Guess it's actually one of those depressingly accurate parts of the show that Retsuko is interested despite how terrible he is.

Also dunno how to feel about her mouth beaming them both out the window. Was pretty sure the show was a little more realistic than that.
Dec 18, 2021 9:51 PM
Mar 2019
Maybe Not Quite As Good As Previous Seasons, But Still Enjoyable To Watch In One Sitting (If Possible).
I Saw A Few Negative Comments Beforehand, In My Opinion They Were Wrong.
I Have Not Been Disappointed With Any Season, Long May They Run.
Shame It Takes A Years Wait.
Dec 19, 2021 5:36 AM

Dec 2020
Honestly, kinda disappointed in this season.

Takes way too long for Haida and Retsuko to get together and the moment they do, they're apart because of shady shit Haida was doing. Then it ends with him leaving and I guess, them back to happy dating? But it didn't feel like it.

I felt the strongest part of this season were the side characters, honestly. Love Fenneko so much, but yeah, waiting so long to see Haida and Retsuko together only to be severely disappointed.

Yet another long wait for s5!
Dec 21, 2021 7:18 AM
Mar 2021

This ending ruined the season for me. I was enjoying what they were doing with the characters, but they hodgepodged way too much bologna at the end. Why was there a rap battle, why did the CEO agree to an arm wrestle, how/why did Retsuko mouth beam them out the window. But my biggest gripe was they tied everything up with a neat little bow, making me wonder why they had to get rid of people in the first place. Is the company still in the red? It just built up so much tension and then said, well none of it mattered... so soft reset after the whole season? Really left a bad taste in my mouth
Dec 21, 2021 1:12 PM

Oct 2019
MetalMongoose17 said:

This ending ruined the season for me. I was enjoying what they were doing with the characters, but they hodgepodged way too much bologna at the end. Why was there a rap battle, why did the CEO agree to an arm wrestle, how/why did Retsuko mouth beam them out the window. But my biggest gripe was they tied everything up with a neat little bow, making me wonder why they had to get rid of people in the first place. Is the company still in the red? It just built up so much tension and then said, well none of it mattered... so soft reset after the whole season? Really left a bad taste in my mouth

I totally agree with you! I did like the season but I think it was not necessary to make Homuro a villain in the first place, what was wrong with having Ton out of the company?(he was old fashioned and sometimes you need change to progress), also why did Retsuko give Ton a second chance, he was already bullying her and even at the job she gave him he was acting all boss like 😒
I think Haida was already having a big development becoming the boss and learning to be confident about himself and his feelings, they didn't need to make him do something so bad :( it was just an excuse for making Retsuko solve everything with her metal.
The themes were great, but the ending disappointed me a lot, specially since we didn't get to know why Homuro was doing all that scheming, he wanted to upgrade the company using technology and younger people, he was already doing lots of changes so was it really necessary to plot something so evil?
Dec 21, 2021 9:14 PM
Jul 2008
Tadano was so hot when he was like, "not so fast" and beat Haida in arm wrestling. Dayum Tadano, you to perfect!😍
Dec 28, 2021 3:51 AM

Sep 2012
Loved this season overall, but I wish the ending didn't undo the big changes like Ton and Kabae leaving. It kind of makes it as though this season never happened and didn't matter if they're just going to undo the most dramatic consequences.
Dec 28, 2021 10:44 AM

Dec 2015
Great season. Liked the new president and how the things developed. The story with the "unauthorized" access was fun. And Ton is one of my favorite characters and he had a lot of screentime ans was very important.

Looking forward to season 5.
Jan 3, 2022 4:23 PM

Jan 2016
I appreciate everything turning out to be hunky dory in the end, and i'm satisfied with the relationship of Retsuko and Haida, but man, the company is gonna fukin tank now that the CEO has changed, tech wizard Haida quit, and the boomer pig guy is in charge of accounting now . I bet everyone will be finding new jobs in season 5

"Get your tentacles off me or ill make calamari out of your manhood" -Mirai Nikki Dub
Jan 3, 2022 4:23 PM

Jan 2016
I appreciate everything turning out to be hunky dory in the end, and i'm satisfied with the relationship of Retsuko and Haida, but man, the company is gonna fukin tank now that the CEO has changed, tech wizard Haida quit, and the boomer pig guy is in charge of accounting now . I bet everyone will be finding new jobs in season 5

"Get your tentacles off me or ill make calamari out of your manhood" -Mirai Nikki Dub
Jan 3, 2022 11:07 PM

May 2017
A good and very solid season, although a bit behind Season 2 and 3 imo. While I did like Haida's development, I did not like some of the overall things happening in the ending and Retsuko's character. For me it kinda felt like, she did grow in the past three seasons, but in this one many of it felt a bit neglected. I can't pinpoint it exactly. Maybe it just felt this way because the focus shifted more to Haida. And as mentioned I did not like, that the whole season barely had any effects on the overall story. Yes this happens in all of the seasons, but in S4 there were so many new things happening with employees changing, etc. that I would have liked to not end on: "everything went back to how it was in Episode 1", except Haida quitting his job.
Jan 5, 2022 1:32 PM

May 2018
I can't express how much I simply just love this series, it's probably better than most anime I've watched.
Jan 21, 2022 4:48 PM

Jul 2007
I was impressed by S4 early on, but at the end of everything, I do feel like this is the weakest finale for this series so far. I hated Ton, but his character development was handled well and I was intrigued. Haida’s character development, on the other hand, felt forced. The final confrontation felt so annoyingly predictable and the mouth beam thing gave me whiplash back to the end of Higurashi Sotsu. I really like this series but I hope S5 has something new to offer.
Jan 24, 2022 6:05 PM

Aug 2018
Maybe I'm the only one, but I found Retsuko kinda irritating in this episode.
She used to hate Ton, she even reported him to the new presindent and got him fired, but in the end she wanted to be on his side against her (kinda?) boyfriend. She even met Tadano behind Haida's back, another thing against him for helping Ton, always that same persone that she used to hate.
Sorry, I really don't get her.
The mouth beam was ridiculous too.

I'm truly disappointed by this episode but I liked the season after all and the characters' development that others pointed out, especially Ton, and his family, and my boy Haida.
Feb 5, 2022 12:54 PM

Mar 2013
I think almost everyone's missing something very important here: Retsuko can shoot laser beams out of her mouth!!
Feb 7, 2022 6:32 PM

Jul 2009
Mar 30, 2022 4:38 AM
Mar 2016
This season is garbage. I hated it. If this is what they were planning, they should have just ruined the Haida x Retsuko relationship in season 1. Nothing in this season feels real or organic. We're just watching the characters make choices they'd never make. The supporting cast gets no screentime. The original hesitancy in the relationship is kind of cute, but insanely frustrating. How they're supposed to still be together at the end makes zero sense.

I feel like the writing staff changed for this season. It felt like a shitty drama show. They set up to make interesting commentary on the modern job market, and abandoned it for a 2-bit hackjob about "embezzling bad," when no one even has a reason to do so. The company is literally doing fine throughout the season. The new CEO is just looking to tighten profits. But forget any commentary about downsizing, let's make a nonsensical parody of Mission Impossible for the millionth time instead.

It makes no sense why Ton and Kabae would come back. Haida's algorithm already reduced workload. If anything, that would be an impetus for further downsizing. And now with a modern setup, analog workers would be outmoded. Haida is given no real motivation to commit fraud. Haida and Retsuko spend the entire season lying to each other. Fenneko makes Retsuko think he's cheating with Tsunode. Ton can't even work a price scanner, but learns to use a computer. Kabae stays in a vent for a week instead of just placing a camera. This season is complete garbage.
Jun 15, 2022 9:46 PM

Apr 2016
Hard to enjoy Haida as the bad guy when Ton is suppose to be one of the good ones, ugh.

They never bothered to show why Himuro was willing to commit fraud I guess the arc was just "change? wrong! Just keep the status quo!" lol.

Haida excuse of "finally someone notice me!" like last season didn't have a girl being clearly interested in him or his little "friendship" with Tadano but I guess that's the only way they can keep trying to make Retsuko x Haida a less aggressively boring couple, can't imagine what are they going to do with them for a 5th season, 5th!

It was nice seeing Hyoudou again, though.
Jun 19, 2022 2:30 PM

Sep 2009
Darkdaxter said:
This season is garbage. I hated it. If this is what they were planning, they should have just ruined the Haida x Retsuko relationship in season 1. Nothing in this season feels real or organic. We're just watching the characters make choices they'd never make. The supporting cast gets no screentime. The original hesitancy in the relationship is kind of cute, but insanely frustrating. How they're supposed to still be together at the end makes zero sense.

I feel like the writing staff changed for this season. It felt like a shitty drama show. They set up to make interesting commentary on the modern job market, and abandoned it for a 2-bit hackjob about "embezzling bad," when no one even has a reason to do so. The company is literally doing fine throughout the season. The new CEO is just looking to tighten profits. But forget any commentary about downsizing, let's make a nonsensical parody of Mission Impossible for the millionth time instead.

It makes no sense why Ton and Kabae would come back. Haida's algorithm already reduced workload. If anything, that would be an impetus for further downsizing. And now with a modern setup, analog workers would be outmoded. Haida is given no real motivation to commit fraud. Haida and Retsuko spend the entire season lying to each other. Fenneko makes Retsuko think he's cheating with Tsunode. Ton can't even work a price scanner, but learns to use a computer. Kabae stays in a vent for a week instead of just placing a camera. This season is complete garbage.

I agree with everything you wrote. This season was a dumpster fire and a waste of time. It's incredible how a show can do a complete 180 and end up with such a terrible storyline. Literally nothing made sense... How is Haida commiting fraud when he already streamlined the Accounting Department's computer systems? On top of the company changes the President already made. It was random and only served the purpose of giving Retsuko a chance to go on some moral high ground parade. What bullshit. Retsuko is the most listless and useless protagonist ever; I couldn't support her after season 3 and she continued to disappoint as expected.

The writers should have picked a side, shitty rom-com or social commentary on the Japanese workforce. Because they royally fumbled both storylines and now no one cares. YAWN!
Jul 23, 2022 7:18 AM

Oct 2015
Glad Haida to see altered his ways thanks to Retsuko. Love can make you do stupid things sometimes, additionally how he wanted to arm wrestle Tadano and it backfired. It was a losing mission from the get go, it was great that he surrendered before he made things worse for his character. However, he shouldn't do any death voice ever in future.

Poor Tanuki, back to sucking up again with his stooges. I am glad the elephant chairman is back though along with Ton and Kabae.

Not a perfect season, but hey the atmosphere was a killer. For a kiddies looking show, I'm shocked how its context is so mature.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Oct 3, 2022 8:09 PM
May 2020
Wow, they tied up all those story threads in such an efficient way and now Retsuko sees Haida as not a coworker but a friend! Although, there romantic relationship seems far away.
Oct 31, 2022 11:12 PM

Mar 2017
What the hell was this?
I loved every episode up until I started watching this season.
Nothing felt consistent. Nothing felt right.

Especially given that literally everything they did in the season completely gets retconned, I feel like I wasted my time watching a complete mess unfold only for none of the elements to matter in the end. The least they could have done was give Haida some redemption, but I feel like they rushed it and never truly dug into the topic of morality properly.

Also, the one thing that I liked was the idea of Retsuko opening her own business, but now it doesn't matter? Everyone is just back to the good ol' days at the office? Was this plot point meant entirely for the purpose of going behind Haida's back? I feel like this completely devalues Retsuko, Ton, and everyone else involved with the issue.

Maybe it's just me, but I could not stand this season at all.
Nov 2, 2022 1:48 AM

Aug 2019
I have mixed feelings. Its not like I hated the season but I feel like they messed up with this episode cause I liked how they added more complexity to Ton's character but what was it all for if in the end it goes back to square one (with the exception of Haida leaving) as if nothing ever happened?? I hope that at least he's learned his lesson.
Also they better not drop Haida and Retsuko as "just friends" after 4 damn seasons
But still, 7/10

Jan 2, 2023 11:41 PM

Nov 2018
This conclusion was total nonsense...with how well they've been handling mature themes, it's a complete letdown to finish the season with an arm wrestling song battle and them somehow getting shot out the window by Retsuko's growl. The only good thing about this season was that the side characters got some development, but it came at the cost of wrecking Haida's character and making Retsuko a secondary only hope is that the BS ending was just their way of saying "oops, yeah, this was a bad decision, let's just pretend that never happened" and it can go back to being -good- next season 
Jan 22, 2023 8:56 PM
Oct 2020
Based on the final episode rating distribution and comments this is one of the most polarizing final episodes I've even seen. I have some mixed emotions about it myself, but overall the series is still on my good side. I really liked the covert operation with Kabae and Retsuko doing the mission impossible thing. Seeing Retsuko drop down on the desk was actually a little jarring- in the sense that when she dropped down on all fours, she actually resembled the red panda that she's styled after. And that in a nutshell is what elevated this series for me. The fact that the characters look like stuffed animals but somehow managed to elicit an empathic response in me. 

I will say the ending was little disappointing to me. So much build up to reach a conclusion of an interrupted arm wrestling competition. Finally ending with her wave-motion-gun-like voice to blow the two bad execs out of the window. Having the cheetah guy there was a nice touch, though. It bought back some light-hearted humor. I keep expecting that guy to open a bag of Cheetos lol!

Still a solid 7/10 for me and I'm looking forward to the next season. Wow, I finally get to watch a series that's actually current. This could be my first one.
Feb 4, 2023 10:20 PM

Dec 2009
Finally having binged everything and rewatching this, this new main plot is still as frustrating as ever.

Haida finally gets Retsuko's attention to potential date, which he chokes until she says she'd like to know him more because she's unsure whether she likes him romantically or not,
which finally gives him the confidence and for them to comfortably date for a bit.

Until he gains even more confidence with his extraordinary techniques at work, and unfortunately gets manipulated to do illegal accounting with his go with the flow personality to accept things as is,

All while he lies about that, and Retsuko lies about singing again, and meeting Tadano.

The drama of S3 & S4 is incredibly frustrating but overall the story remains intriguing, even if this complicated pairing/romance has its issues on its journey which hopefully is worthwhile in the end at the finale season. 7/10.

The first two seasons are great for the hysteria and life lesson themes,
but then these latest two become a bit too extraordinary with Retsuko becoming an idol and a few other things, while Retsuko and Haida's potential romantic relationship keeps getting these obstacles creating an awkward development. 
waalex11Feb 4, 2023 11:00 PM
Jun 11, 2023 12:00 PM

Apr 2018
This show... really, really likes to maintain its own status quo, doesn't it? Every Season finale, without fail: Boom. Reset button (even when it makes no sense, like re-hiring Kabae as if she was ever that crucial to the company, which i assume is still in the red).
Mar 28, 2024 4:58 PM

Jul 2007
I loved to see everyone on a mission to know the truth! Retsuko as a spy was great, but when she was tied up from the roof she looked hilarious, I loved it 😅😅.

Of course it wasn't Haida's doing. I didn't want him to quit but I am glad he's still friends with Retsuko, although we need them to be a couple someday, and that it lasts 🥲.
Mar 30, 2024 9:06 AM

Oct 2013
It was painful to watch, I guess I'm done with this show... well, in another season of 10 episodes....

Frankly it was better as a 1min show or just the first season when it was still a satyr about a salarywoman, since "Tadano is a rich AI dude" it became too unrealistic, and the relationships are stuck in loops and weird dramas...

PS : also they ALWAYS make Haida dirty I swear! even in this episode they literally throw him out of the window while he was "fighting for the right thing" and how Restuko is ALWAYS a freaking weathervane who never know what she wants.
TitadouMar 30, 2024 9:17 AM
Dec 1, 2024 8:19 AM
Nov 2022
I think this season is awkward and disappointing
Retsuko and Haida's relationship is seem to be fragile.

I've always admired Haida and this season he made some bad decisions with some desires that I'm not sure about yet. Haida seems to want to build a future with Retsuko. But he didn't seem to lack money. So I don't understand why he made that decision. He probably just wants some kind of success in life, that's the reason I figured it out.
Due to stress or something, Haida was childish and said a lot of bad things. But he was never childish enough to ask Retsuko about what Retsuko and Tadano's relationship was considered highly inappropriate.
Haida chose the wrong path because he wanted acceptance or whatever. He did something very wrong, which I feel is probably the most serious mistake of all Retsuko's ex boyfriends.
This made me very sad and disappointed because no matter what I thought, Haida was not a person who would be so livid as to allow such a terrible thing to happen. This is Haida in my opinion from past seasons.
I'm glad Haida finally made the right choice. This was far too late for what he had planned to do. And it was something that he should be able to stop himself without even having anyone tell him.

Retsuko is the main character I criticize every season. At all times, she tends to distance herself from her co-workers. and not letting her co-workers help her solve her problems I don't like her at all in this aspect. That's not what friends do.
I felt that the many times she overlooked her co-workers and sought help from others was rude. But this season, I'm glad she opened up more to her co-workers. She and her friends worked together to solve the problem before it escalated.
But this season, she still has things to complain about. I don't understand why she relies on her ex-boyfriend Tadano. I know Tadano is talented and smart. But the problems she faces I don't think Tadano is an expert on. And the way she solves problems like making money from singing, I don't think Tadano is necessary. and I feel bad that she never apologized and felt guilty for keeping in touch with her ex so intimately. And the writer chose to ignore it? In the end, Haida still feels bad and praises Tadano in front of Retsuko. And she didn't do what I expected, like reassure Haida at all. But she expressed only agreement.

Lastly, Tadano, he is still a good person, handsome person, talented person. This is a character that I didn't like from the beginning because it was a character that was so much more exaggerated than the others. I feel like this character was overhyped by the writers.
Which makes me hate this character even more. I know Tadano has done nothing wrong. The fact that he let the Haida know that he was not the enemy was understandable. But I don't understand. WHY Tadano-kun, who is a good and handsome man, wants to cherish the affectionate way he calls other people's girlfriends, Ret-chan. I think this is not good behavior and Haida has every right to object to this behavior.

Finally, I will continue to watch and hope things get better.
PS. I am not very good at English and use a translation machine. If there are any misunderstandings, please forgive me.

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