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Oct 30, 2020 8:53 PM

Aug 2010

Ep 1 is free to watch on bilibili with English subs -->
To get rid of the comments on the screens, click the little blue button below the video.

Funimation will be streaming TGCF too, their first donghua.
XealiasOct 30, 2020 8:58 PM
Oct 30, 2020 9:22 PM

Aug 2014
did a live of my reaction and screamed the whole time literally more than anything i couldve asked for and they showed so so much im so happy
Oct 30, 2020 10:07 PM
Jun 2016
I can't believe how gorgeous this episode was. And the HANDHOLDING. GUH. This episode was godly.
Oct 30, 2020 11:42 PM
Jul 2015
The last five minutes was so damn powerful. HUALIAN WORLD DOMINATION
Oct 31, 2020 1:05 AM
Oct 2020
Oct 31, 2020 1:07 AM

Jan 2020
I fangirled so hard. Seeing the characters animated and talking was such a treat.
Oct 31, 2020 1:56 AM
Oct 2020

only one complaint... ehh the sequence of events is a little bland and its a little to fast to be funny . But Ive read the novel so this was still reall enjoyable 9/10 for that. If you just went into this watching the donghua only and didnt read the novel.. youd be lost somewhat and the Donghua wouldnt be as enjoyable.
Oct 31, 2020 3:15 AM
Jul 2009
I've never been so excited while watching ANY series before and I was sooo happy to see that eye roll you have no idea!!!

The only thing I hope for at the moment is that we'll get to see Xie Lian's past more detailed later on!
And they did a pretty amazing job already on portraying the relationship between XL and HC... so much for sworn brothers HAHAHA

omg I think this will be the first and last time in my life I'll get a YT membership to watch the episodes SO WORTH IT

I'm already rooting for a 3rd season... YES A 3rd SEASON!
Oct 31, 2020 4:23 AM
Jul 2014
Thanks MAL for sending me an email about it, otherwise I wouldn't know it was out :)

What can I say, I've read the novel so many times.. This story gives me life. Seeing it animated is an heavenly blessing XD The animations/art style is pretty amazing, the inclusion of funny bits is also well done, the only thing is that I feel like the frame rate is pretty low so at times the animation doesn't flow that well. But overall i was so excited I could barely contain myself!

Also, god damn when that first butterfly appeared in the tea shop, I teared up, my heart can't take this. And the last 5mins, giving bits and pieces.. *sigh* so beautiful.

As someone else mentionned, as novel readers it was okay to follow the pace and events, but if I didn't know the story I would be very confused. As a counter, you still get some information about the characters/story as dialogue and conversations so you can still understand a bit.
Oct 31, 2020 4:31 AM
Feb 2015
I'm crying this was so good
Oct 31, 2020 7:53 AM
Sep 2018
I loved it. The animation, the music, the comedy. This adaption has no room for improvement! I love you Haoliners 😭❤️
My heart stopped when Xie Lian caught little Hong-er and then it stopped again when he tripped in the present and “The Groom” steadied him. The music was perfectly on time while flashbacks played throughout.
And then when you think it's over, they show the ring at the very last shot! ❤️THE RING!❤️ <~(this doesn't count as a spoiler, right?)
Oct 31, 2020 8:11 AM

Jul 2009
What did we do to deserve an extra long episode! And omg the second one is out already too! THANK YOU THANK YOU!

But they can't really censor this right? If the ring is in the ending doesn't that mean they won't erase that detail? HOW DOES A SWORN BROTHER GIVE A PRECIOUS RING?! Nope, this is gonna be BL like it has to be!
Oct 31, 2020 10:12 AM

May 2017
Man this is great! The animation are beautiful, the ost are good,they really go all out for this, i hope the quality stay the same for the rest of ep !
Oct 31, 2020 10:57 AM
Aug 2019
The animation and music are so stunning! I can't wait to see more.
Oct 31, 2020 11:49 AM

Apr 2019
i cried watching the ep, i was so happy watching it. looking forward to seeing the next ep
CREDIT — pfp & sign. :official art
Oct 31, 2020 3:02 PM
Jan 2014
It's here! Best Halloween treat ever. Animation is beautiful and so is the music. Already can't wait for the ost. I love the funny faces they make and the sound effects that accompany them. You can feel the electric vibes between Nan Feng & Fu Yao. haha Poor Dianxia stuck in the middle. Hua Cheng's entrance at the end with the bells and music, oh my heart. They are really teasing us with the hints of Hua Cheng. I can't wait to see Crimson Rain Sought Flower in all his glory. Tian Guan Ci Fu to all fellow fans.
Oct 31, 2020 4:28 PM
Nov 2013
Episode 1 is beyond my expectation!? I mean, it's not too focused on fighting like what they did with MDZS but also on the emotional aspect too and I'm really happy with the beautiful last part. They foreshadow the origin of HC and XL's struggle and downfall, even the last boss!!?

The opening sequence has some easter eggs that who read the novel can easily point out.

Hope it isn't like the MDZS donghua which get too focused on the past. I lost interest in it because of that and dropped season 2, may find some time to watch it in future though.
glaceon_cuteOct 31, 2020 4:42 PM
Oct 31, 2020 6:12 PM

Feb 2020
Am I the only one who is a bit disappointed by the first episode? I know they have to change some stuff from the novel, but I feel like the characters weren't portayed in the same way as in the novel, especially Xie Lian.

The pacing was very fast and it was hard to understand what was going on if you didn't read the novel before. I watched the episode with a friend who didn't read it and I had to explain to her what happened in the episode because she was lost. Also I don't think they should have put flashback in the first episode, it was very confusing. I hope the rest of the donghua will get better, at least the last scene with Hua Cheng was great so it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

When I watched the trailers for TGCF I thought it would be even better then MDZS, but it looks like I might end up disappointed.

glaceon_cute said:

Hope it isn't like the MDZS donghua which get too focused on the past. I lost interest in it because of that and dropped season 2, may find some time to watch it in future though.

Season 1 is the only one set in the past, season 2 gets back in the present so you'll probably like it more than the first season.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
anime-primeNov 30, 2020 9:56 AM
Oct 31, 2020 6:53 PM
Nov 2013
Emerys_ said:
glaceon_cute said:

Hope it isn't like the MDZS donghua which get too focused on the past. I lost interest in it because of that and dropped season 2, may find some time to watch it in future though.

Season 1 is the only one set in the past, season 2 gets back in the present so you'll probably like it more than the first season.

I heard it doesn't even go to the Yi city arc in the last episode lmao, and that makes me lose motivation to watch ss 2. But thank you, I will probably watch it when ss 3 releases.

Emerys_ said:
Am I the only one who is a bit disappointed by the first episode? I know they have to change some stuff from the novel, but I feel like the characters weren't portayed in the same way as in the novel, especially Xie Lian.

The pacing was very fast and it was hard to understand what was going on if you didn't read the novel before. I watched the episode with a friend who didn't read it and I had to explain to her what happened in the episode because she was lost. Also I don't think they should have put flashback in the first episode, it was very confusing. I hope the rest of the donghua will get better, at least the last scene with Hua Cheng was great so it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

When I watched the trailers for TGCF I thought it would be even better then MDZS, but it looks like I might end up disappointed.

I read the novel over 2 years ago so I don't remember that clearly, but I guess the facial expressions of characters are kinda poor, and the pacing is fast. Xia Lian is the same as I imagined him though, lol.

I feel like I'm satisfied with episode 1 just because of the beautiful last part LMAO but ep 1 really does have flaws, some are notable like the pacing and world-building.
Oct 31, 2020 7:20 PM

Jun 2013
I can’t describe how happy I am with this adaptation ahhh. Everything’s beautiful, you can actually see how much effort the animators did on this one. The last scene was the cherry on top! Hualian is love.
Oct 31, 2020 10:36 PM

Aug 2015
My god those scenes of Xie Lian as a prince ascended my soul. He looks so good in that masked outfit. I like that the adaptation is showing this earlier. I hope that it's one of those things where a scene is revisited multiple times, with more details being revealed each time, because otherwise that was super short, and I don't think any new viewers would understand at all.
whitherOct 31, 2020 11:29 PM
Nov 1, 2020 12:49 AM
Jun 2017
Nov 1, 2020 1:02 AM
Apr 2019
Emerys_ said:
Am I the only one who is a bit disappointed by the first episode? I know they have to change some stuff from the novel, but I feel like the characters weren't portayed in the same way as in the novel, especially Xie Lian.

The pacing was very fast and it was hard to understand what was going on if you didn't read the novel before. I watched the episode with a friend who didn't read it and I had to explain to her what happened in the episode because she was lost. Also I don't think they should have put flashback in the first episode, it was very confusing. I hope the rest of the donghua will get better, at least the last scene with Hua Cheng was great so it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

When I watched the trailers for TGCF I thought it would be even better then MDZS, but it looks like I might end up disappointed.

Which part that different about Xie Lian? I thought his portayal in donghua good enough
Nov 1, 2020 12:05 PM

Sep 2018
First of all I wanna say I'm so freaking happy finally be able to watch some adaptation, not only read. I was waiting impatiently since the first trailer came out (so about a year?) and after another rewatch still don't believe I actually saw this episode with my own eyes.

Emerys_ said:
Am I the only one who is a bit disappointed by the first episode? I know they have to change some stuff from the novel, but I feel like the characters weren't portayed in the same way as in the novel, especially Xie Lian.

The pacing was very fast and it was hard to understand what was going on if you didn't read the novel before. I watched the episode with a friend who didn't read it and I had to explain to her what happened in the episode because she was lost. Also I don't think they should have put flashback in the first episode, it was very confusing. I hope the rest of the donghua will get better, at least the last scene with Hua Cheng was great so it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

When I watched the trailers for TGCF I thought it would be even better then MDZS, but it looks like I might end up disappointed.

Yeah, the pacing was kinda fast, I noticed it too- but was a necessity to slow it down? It's just a beginning, (and tbh I didn't wana wait 4eps or so to finally see Hua Cheng first appearance), not very important either, so I guess they wanted to start it dynamically. Maybe later the pace will be different. The novel seemed to be "slower", but idk if it's cuz of long descriptions.
The one thing I can complain is not very smooth scenes changing.
Still- MDZS animation alone seems much "richer" and better done. Yet this ep alone gives me a an impression that the adaptaion of TGCF will be ways faithful to the original story than overcensored MDZS.

The best thing as for now is the music- I absolutely adore it.

mizuharaaya said:

Which part that different about Xie Lian? I thought his portayal in donghua good enough

And I also think the portayal of him was nice. As for me XL was excatly like in novel, even his voice- calm and steady.

krisi9191 said:

big mood right here

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.

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KuniiNov 3, 2020 4:02 AM
Nov 1, 2020 12:56 PM

Apr 2010
Anyone know why we got 2 episodes in a row?
Nov 1, 2020 1:23 PM

Jan 2020
Tekakurika said:
Anyone know why we got 2 episodes in a row?

Not sure, honestly, but I ain't complaining! lol

But, have many not seen it yet? Hardly any discussion. :(
Nov 1, 2020 2:11 PM
Nov 2020
Ep 1&2 had a lot of heart in it I'm so glad that the team put a lot of effort into the donghua I hope everyone can watch it legally as it's free💜
Nov 1, 2020 2:26 PM

Aug 2010
Tekakurika said:
Anyone know why we got 2 episodes in a row?

It's common for Bilibili (and Tencent and maybe other Chinese platforms too) to release more than one ep on the release day.
Most likely because members get to watch newer eps earlier each week compared to non-members and it's a way to attract more people to buy memberships too.
Also another guess for releasing more eps at once is to attract more viewers and keep them interested.
Nov 1, 2020 2:44 PM

Feb 2020
LienAlexandretta said:

Yeah, the pacing was kinda fast, I noticed it too- but was a necessity to slow it down? It's just a beginning, (and tbh I didn't wana wait 4eps or so to finally see Hua Cheng first appearance), not very important either, so I guess they wanted to start it dynamically. Maybe later the pace will be different. The novel seemed to be "slower", but idk if it's cuz of long descriptions.
The one thing I can complain is not very smooth scenes changing.
Still- MDZS animation alone seems much "richer" and better done. Yet this ep alone gives me a an impression that the adaptaion of TGCF will be ways faithful to the original story than overcensored MDZS.

Like you said, the change between scenes wasn't smooth at all, and except for the very last scene with HC, every scene seemed rushed and we couldn't feel the emotions and the real meaning of what was happening. I understand that the firsts chapters of the novel are not as interesting since Hua Cheng isn't there yet, but they were still crucial for the worldbuilding and to set the mood of the story. I understood everything cause I already read the novel, but for someone who hasn't read it, the first episode was really confusing.

TGCF is my favorite novel so I had high hopes and expectation for the donghua, but the first episode makes it seems like they're gonna rush the story to mainly show ''cute'' moments between HC and XL to please the fans. As much as I love the relationship part of the story (Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are literaly my favorite ship ever), what also made the novel so great was the complexity of the plot and the deepnest of all the supporting characters in the story.

11 episodes is very short, so I hope they're not going to adapt passed the Ghost City Arc. I'd prefer the story to go slow but feel as deep as the novel.

I think the donghua did the physical appearance of the characters perfectly, I just hope they're not going to mess up their personality, or cut the scenes too shorts so we lose precious informations about the characters.

But yeah, it's only the first episode so even if I found it a bit disappointing, I still think the rest of the donghua can make up for it
Nov 1, 2020 6:41 PM

Aug 2015
Nice to see this donghua's rating pass 8 point now...
the novel was masterpiece, and this donghua deserves it.
Nov 1, 2020 11:42 PM
Apr 2019
Nov 1, 2020 11:58 PM
May 2017
Man, the Chinese language sure does get its points across much quicker than Japanese. My slow brain couldn't read and register the subs fast enough. The subs Funimation had were also very thin and hard to see against light backgrounds.

It's a pretty show with nice animation though. Hopefully I'll get better at reading the fast subs as time goes on.
Nov 2, 2020 2:21 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Wow, they kind of
Even so, I have to say, the whole insert/ED song scene/flashback/backstory played out nicely and was filled with emotions. Still, I'd rather it play out like the novel, but it's to be expected. The other two MXTX adaptations were also fast-paced. I did find the episode very exciting, though. Seeing all the characters with such good visuals is a treat ^^ Nan Feng and Fu Yao arguing was fun! Looking forward to more of it :'D They always made me laugh.

The communication array was not how I thought it'd be, but definitely very cool to have a visual of it now!

I'm curious to hear the thoughts of non-novel readers, I wonder how this episode was, or if it was confusing at all.
Nov 2, 2020 4:00 AM

Jul 2010
So far seems very overhyped. I guess the fans are happy to see fave novel animated, but for a newcomer the beginning didn't intrigue me at all. I'm gonna follow the 3 episode rule anyway.
Also the clothes and some fighting animation was very unnatural and distracting. Feels like the animation team just wanted to flex.
Nov 2, 2020 5:45 AM
Nov 2020
Finally the long awaited series is out! (Q.Q) tears of joy~~~

tingy said:
Wow, they kind of
Even so, I have to say, the whole insert/ED song scene/flashback/backstory played out nicely and was filled with emotions. Still, I'd rather it play out like the novel, but it's to be expected.

While I would agree the transition of flashback of Xianle and XL/HC history is weird and fast paced in the first episode, but I think it is also necessary for the animators to build up the characters by giving it some back story in 1st ep.

As someone that had read the novel, that scene probably feels more like a spoiler but I believe for those that didn't, they will probably feel intrigued by it. Feeling lost in 1st ep is better than getting lost in ep3 or 4. I bet more flashbacks will be played out soon as the anime progress in order to fill in back stories.

I really hope the upcoming episodes will have decent plot development and subtly hilarious jokes slot in ! I think it is really great that the jokes are still so relevant in ENG HARD SUB! I practically LMAO

Nov 2, 2020 8:32 AM
Jul 2018
Man, the subs for this show are atrocious. It hurts to read. How could a big streaming site do such a poor job?
I hope Chinese companies would stop releasing their shows to international audiences and either sell streaming rights to third parties abroad or leave everything to fansub groups cause fansubbers do a much better job with translations.

As for the episode, it was kinda meh. Mind you, it's still good for a Haoliners show, but that's setting the bar really low. The animation lacks fluidity, but I like the colour scheme and character designs. The backgrounds are lovely. Too bad they are still using that Spirit Pact director, that guy just can't adapt anything without turning it into hard to follow mess. This time he screwed up badly by including a romantic MV between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian at the end... when right at the start of the next episode Xie Lian wonders who that guy in red could be or if he is perhaps the ghost groom! This makes the whole narrative fragmented and schizophrenic! Either you make an avant-garde compilation of evocative scenes or follow a more traditional approach to story structure - you can't have both, at least not with your poor set of skills!

Emerys_ said:

When I watched the trailers for TGCF I thought it would be even better then MDZS, but it looks like I might end up disappointed.

The director for this show is 李豪凌 - the guy who turned Spirit Pact into a WTF train.
Lower your expectations accordingly.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
anime-primeNov 30, 2020 9:56 AM
Nov 2, 2020 9:38 AM
Jul 2009
Emerys_ said:
Am I the only one who is a bit disappointed by the first episode? I know they have to change some stuff from the novel, but I feel like the characters weren't portayed in the same way as in the novel, especially Xie Lian.

The pacing was very fast and it was hard to understand what was going on if you didn't read the novel before. I watched the episode with a friend who didn't read it and I had to explain to her what happened in the episode because she was lost. Also I don't think they should have put flashback in the first episode, it was very confusing. I hope the rest of the donghua will get better, at least the last scene with Hua Cheng was great so it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

When I watched the trailers for TGCF I thought it would be even better then MDZS, but it looks like I might end up disappointed.

Maybe it's just a thing of taste?
Because for me it's the other way around. Aside from the confusing mess that was the first season of MDZS I found the whole development and scenes too slow paced and had to fight the urge to skip forward later on.
I think TGCF did it just right 🤔

The scene showing his past is the same. I can understand people getting confused by it but I guess it's intended to intrigue people. Just because you don't understand everything at ep 1 immidiately doesn't mean it's bad.
I personally am sick of those animes where I know exactly how the show will go and end just by watching 2 episodes.
Of course they also shouldn't make it too confusing right at the start. We'll just have to see I guess

But I, too, hope that they'll take their time to flesh out the characters. But there's only so much you can show in such a short time. It only has 11 episodes and i doubt they're gonna make 5 seasons or more to flesh out everything the way it is in the novel

The book is always better. It's always been this way and always will be^^

But I think they did amazing with the first episode

chi4ko said:

The director for this show is 李豪凌 - the guy who turned Spirit Pact into a WTF train.
Lower your expectations accordingly.

I didn't watch spirit Pact but pls don't scare me like dat
VedrunNov 2, 2020 9:44 AM
Nov 2, 2020 11:19 AM

Mar 2013
It was SOOOO beautiful I cried so much and I was shaking so much. Thank you hualian you're really loved.
Nov 2, 2020 8:01 PM

Jan 2020
chi4ko said:

The director for this show is 李豪凌 - the guy who turned Spirit Pact into a WTF train.
Lower your expectations accordingly.

Vedrun said:

I didn't watch spirit Pact but pls don't scare me like dat

lmao I did not know this.

I did not like Spirit Pact at all. Forced myself to watch 4 episodes and then dropped it like a ton of bricks. I am not worried about TGCF though because it's stronger visually and story-wise. My bias is showing though because I am also a fan of it.
Nov 2, 2020 9:24 PM

Feb 2020
Definitely agree with everyone above that the pacing is way too fast. I couldn't understand like half the stuff that was going on. This is coming from someone who hasn't read the novels. The animation and character design is lovely though. Will probably keep watching.
"You... are truly slothful!"

Nov 3, 2020 4:50 AM

Nov 2018
Saw this show popped up as the highest rated airing series so far, and it looks really promising. The only problem I have with it is the pacing and the subtitles, as I have to read a million miles an hour.
MAL EMOJIS - Get your specially formatted emojis for MAL forums.

Nov 3, 2020 5:35 AM

Dec 2016
Like with MDZS before. This just blows my mind how well it's done. I thought the animation wouldn't be so great when I saw the pvs, but I was WRONG. It's not the same as MDZS donghua animation and art style but' still very well done. Actually reminded me of Ghibli in a few instances when paired with the music.

I can't comment how accurate it is to the novel since I only read chapter 1 and 2 months ago. But I really like Xie Lian, he's almost as lovely as the one in the manhua.
My only problem are the subs. They go really fast and I have to pause and back to reread. Not taking it on the donghua itself.
Nov 3, 2020 5:47 AM

Aug 2017
cryzwatchesanime said:
Definitely agree with everyone above that the pacing is way too fast. I couldn't understand like half the stuff that was going on. This is coming from someone who hasn't read the novels. The animation and character design is lovely though. Will probably keep watching.

Had the same problem with the show, haven't read the novels. The ending which some claim to be emotional didn't resonate at all, but I'll keep watching to see if the problems the show has becomes less intrusive.
We are only here for a short amount of time, I want to waste as much of that time possible doing nonsense
Nov 3, 2020 6:17 AM

Sep 2017
Watched it because I spotted it in the top airing section

It was a great surprise, I went blindly into the anime and the first anime was pretty good

The only downside was the voice acting, it was kinda weak especially the main character (well, I've chinese voice acting wasn't as good as the japanese one and it seems to be true to a certain extent, MDZS had a great voice acting though)

I didn't see any major problem with the pacing
It was indeed fast, but since I didn't read the novel I guess it's not really bothering me

_cjessop19_ said:
Saw this show popped up as the highest rated airing series so far, and it looks really promising. The only problem I have with it is the pacing and the subtitles, as I have to read a million miles an hour.

Yeah, it's sometimes hard to keep up especially when English isn't your native language ;_;

But I'm currently binging Monogatari and it's more or less the same pace (with more dialogues !), guess we just have to get used to it
Nov 3, 2020 7:33 AM
Jul 2009
SputnikPlanitia said:
the plot is good?, i should watch it?, I've only watched Mo dao zu shi from the same creator and it's really good, is this the same?

As I've read the novel I can promise you the overall plot is amazing.
And I think they've done a nice job adapting so far^^

Ya'll keep complaining about subs being too fast and make it sound like that's the shows fault. Chinese is a very fast language. I have watched no donghua until now where I DIDN'T have problems keeping up with reading.
If you gotta blame someone either blame it on the Chinese language for being too fast or the English for being too slow.


I'd probably get to read 1 word out of 10 before the subs change lol
Nov 3, 2020 2:15 PM

Jan 2016
I enjoyed it, although I was confused the majority of the time.
Nov 3, 2020 4:10 PM

Mar 2019
This is the first ever Chinese anime i've ever watched, and I must say, it's visually impressive. The story hasn't captivated me as much, but i'll gladly stick around for the visuals.
Nov 3, 2020 4:59 PM

Jul 2014
cryzwatchesanime said:
Definitely agree with everyone above that the pacing is way too fast. I couldn't understand like half the stuff that was going on. This is coming from someone who hasn't read the novels. The animation and character design is lovely though. Will probably keep watching.

If I remember correctly, Ep 1 is pretty accurate to how the novel +a few chapters starts off and the pacing is about the same, more or less.
Nov 3, 2020 7:52 PM
Apr 2020
I need a lot of help with what is happening. As a non-novel reader, I started watching this yesterday because of how highly this was rated, but I am completely lost. I am very confused with how the world works since it didn't really bother explaining any of it. Is it like this is the novel too? I dropped this after one episode yesterday, but I am not exactly sure if it was the right decision.
Nov 3, 2020 8:01 PM

Aug 2015
MagentaBee said:
I need a lot of help with what is happening. As a non-novel reader, I started watching this yesterday because of how highly this was rated, but I am completely lost. I am very confused with how the world works since it didn't really bother explaining any of it. Is it like this is the novel too? I dropped this after one episode yesterday, but I am not exactly sure if it was the right decision.

actually most Chinese series getting better after 5++ eps, I was non novel reader MDZS and found it interesting after eps 10.
The only way to find this series interesting, you must keep watching it and pay attention because some event in ep1 will connected to later arc, probably season2 or 3.
If you think it's not interesting after 5+ eps probably 'not your cup of tea', but like i said the story will getting better probably in season 2 or 3 depends of the pace.
And remember, the original novel is BL.

For this series, the original novel have 244 chapters and i found it really interesting after 50+++ chapters. The high rating probably came from novel reader like me. Pardon my English I'm not native.
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