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Oct 29, 2020 10:27 AM

Nov 2011
What an adorable episode. The more I watch Adachi, the more charming I find about her character. They even got to spend some time at the pool.

Adachi and Shimamura's relationship continues to deepen further as the two hangs out together. Also glad to see that Yashiro girl back. She brings in more entertainment even though she got less screen time than the previous episode. The song montage was really sweet if you ask me.
Oct 29, 2020 10:29 AM

Mar 2019
New couple with astronaut girl ? Lets go
Shimamura is doing a lot of training, relaxing in the swimming pool must be nice...
The sauna contest reminded me of Golden Kamuy
Very interesting discussion about mothership,
Adachi being teased is so cute

Lots of romantic scenes wiht lots of suggestion.

Karaoke party, they sang together good opportuniy to get closer.
そして劇中歌へ~♪ this song was so heartwarming

Mod Edit: Removed Text.
Koito91Oct 30, 2020 11:17 AM
Oct 29, 2020 11:43 AM

Feb 2019
Very cute episode as usual. I liked the conversation between Adachi’s mom and Shimamura. It helped us understand a lot of what’s going on with Adachi mentally. Sit-up challenge was cute and man that head pat at the end was pure diabetes. Adachi has finally accepted that she does like Shimamura. Great episode, can’t wait for next week
Oct 29, 2020 11:48 AM

Sep 2020
Great episode, very cute overall. Adachi and Shimamura's interactions are as entertaining as usual, and their relationship grows slowly. I loved the dialogue exchange between Shimamura and Adachi's mom. So far this show is hitting all the right spots, especially with the visuals.
Oct 29, 2020 12:05 PM

Apr 2019
nice lil part at the pool, the character interactions in this anime are just wayyyyyy too good and realistic. the discussion between Adachi's mom and Shimamura was interesting

Oct 29, 2020 12:12 PM

May 2015
Is it just me, or the conversations, the inner monologues and the way they behave with each other feel kind of unnatural. OK, this is just an anime, it would be an unrealistic expectation to expect them to behave like normal humans do when at the outset there was a blue-haired "alien" girl walking in a space-suit (or was she floating on a river in the first scene?), as if the story just tried to tell me "hey don't take me too seriously". But that conversation in the sauna, Shimamura's monologues, or when Adachi nonchalantly pressed Shimamaura's face into her croch or asked her to pat her head... It just doesn't feel too well written, most of the time it is more like a bunch of kawaii fan service scenes (not with panties of course but with a lot of shots of tights, croches, big boobs and the girls being cute all the time) than a story of a romance building up.
IshitatesoOct 29, 2020 12:22 PM
夏草や 兵どもが 夢の跡
Oct 29, 2020 12:13 PM

Oct 2013
Recipe for success:

1. Reduce Astro-girl's screen time

2. Profit

This episode has been so great without the annoying alien
Oct 29, 2020 12:38 PM

Jun 2015
Yashiro really is pretty playful huh. The sit up conversation sure was a odd one. Still attending a gym will be a good thing for Shimamura. Its interesting in that of all people to meet that she ends up meeting Adachi's mother. Destiny indeed. Still though confrontational and rude for a stranger at least her actions served to change Adachi's mother. The duet with Adachi and Shimamura sure was nice. Though it was slightly outside of her comfort zone the day out with Shimamura and her friends sure was an excellent experience for Adachi. It was cute seeing Adachi be cuddled though. Overall a sweet and heartwarming ep that while doing well in expanding upon Shimamura and Adachi's relationship also did well to expand upon her personal live via the intro of her mother.
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Oct 29, 2020 12:51 PM

Dec 2019
Hidden gem of Fall 2020 imo its really nice to see Adachi's development and to get more depth to the characters smh people r really sleeping on this cz of the yuri tag
Oct 29, 2020 1:32 PM

Mar 2020
Seems like the farther we go into this show the bond between Adach and Shimamura deepens.

Adachi's mother is mighty fine. It was a short but meaningful bit for the mother to learn about her daughter and how she is doing nowadays.

Also nice to see Adachi and Shimamura sing the merry go round song together.

Art is as good as ever :)

Good episode :)
Oct 29, 2020 1:38 PM

Sep 2019
Shimamura talked to Adachi's mom about her, she defended Adachi against her mom it looks like it worked. Shimamura was really forward to Adachi in this episode, it's nice to see her grow.
Oct 29, 2020 1:55 PM

Apr 2020
Really cute ep, Adachi got her headpat :)
Also liked the song at the karaoke for the ending song
Oct 29, 2020 2:01 PM

Aug 2017
Had a tough, tiring day but this episode has cheered me up ;)
Oct 29, 2020 2:06 PM
Shōjo Specialist

Oct 2014
That was just adorable!

I think I am really starting to understand the way the stories are being told. I’m so very excited my hearts beating fast for them to get to that one point. So many paths are being explored. Adachi finally realized. Not in a weird way haha but if it is weird she’s ok with it. I like that it’s nit too complicated.

Yashiro is still quite a mystery to me.
Oct 29, 2020 2:07 PM
Jul 2017
This show might just end up changing the perception about yuri anime.
Oct 29, 2020 3:14 PM

Mar 2017
I'm conflicted. On the one hand the couple is cute and we see them really grow closer together. On the other hand, both DO skip school and the mom is 100% right about being concerned. But... she DOES have a job so she isn't really completely irresponsible, but then again, they did not eat dinner mother and daughter in what sounds like YEARS so that is messed up. THEN AGAIN, the way that was presented was that she is busy, which sounds very 90's family movie about the dad who works all the time and misses out on their children but like with the mom.

Really I am very concerned all around. The alien is really a big distraction and mood swing and I have a very bad feeling we will have drama coming up. But that is a nice headpat.

I really do not tend to like these yuri where we are in episode 4 and no kissu yet. The last more serious one I liked (Kase-san and Morning Glories) at least had kissus but that was a long OVA. I am more of a Sakura Trick type of fan as the recent very serious drama yuri of the last few years just unnerve me too much to enjoy.

While cute, these two are both delinquents and kinda rub me the wrong way. I mean I get it, Japan work culture sucks and the reason for so much high school anime is because it was the last time they had any freedom.

But as someone who was near the top of the school in academics all the way through university it does slightly bug me how much these two DNGAF.
Oct 29, 2020 3:28 PM

Oct 2007
I feel it's Shimamura who is actually the more aggressive of the two when it comes to their "relationship".

Adachi is sort of always holding things back.

the crotch sniff is hot.

The headpat at the swing is cute!

looking forward to next episode. :)

Oct 29, 2020 3:42 PM

Oct 2020
I thought Shimamura wouldn't say anything to the mom knowing how she's more of someone who keeps to herself, but seeing her stand up for Adachi was so freaking heartwarming. I want to learn more about Yashiro. She's a weird one

Oct 29, 2020 3:58 PM

Mar 2019
Everybody loves headpats. For sure.

Onee-san.....Shimamura still seeing Adacchi as he imouto?!

Anyway everything can be settled with a sauna battle now.
Oct 29, 2020 3:58 PM

Apr 2015
Amazing episode. So adorable, it melts my heart.

Honestly, Shimamura standing up for Adachi towards Adachi's mum was pretty sweet. I love how she did it in a way without revealing that they are (close) friends.

Gotta love these lap pillows man, this time the other way around which made for some really adorable scenes. Adachi's blush again steals the show for me. She's just too adorable. The way she pressed Shimamura's face into her skirt though. Calm down girl.

Headpats for Adachi, that was cute. Didn't think Shimamura was gonna do it at first, but Adachi got what she deserved. She's been good and opening up more towards other people as well. Now that she has realised her own feelings for Shimamura, let's see if she can be honest to those feelings soon.
CeddyyBearrOct 29, 2020 4:05 PM
Oct 29, 2020 4:58 PM

Jul 2017
NGL, Shimamura's POV throughout this episode got me intrigued though of her thinking and such. Really wondering what's her take with Adachi by being both a friend and one that stands for her weird kinks and still being able to love her as she is.

But a coincidental meeting with Adachi's mom in her swimming pastime (aside from a lolicon), and sure enough, the parental afflictions come as they are, and Shimamura standing up for Adachi is pure affection, without the reveal of course.

And more lap pillows because why not. Adachi is becoming more ferocious with her blushing though, the suppression of Shimamura into her skirt...whew, blush girl!

Alien girl Yashiro sure likes to roam around and do her weird stuff...

I'm not gonna complain about the growing Yuri affections this episode, it was truly well done. Shimamura having Adachi in the palm of her hand, and not afraid to go for the offensive. The headpat is one fine example of Adachi opening her heart to Shimamura, slowly but surely.

Adaptation notes:
Mani - Chapter 9-10
Moke - Chapter 7-8
KANLen09Oct 29, 2020 5:03 PM
Oct 29, 2020 4:58 PM

Jan 2015
Does anyone know who's the seiyuu of Adachi's mom? Her voice sounds awfully familiar...
Oct 29, 2020 6:00 PM

Dec 2014
Great episode, might be my favorite one so far.

Shimamura trying to give Adachi's Mom some advice and even going so far as to challenge her to the competition was pretty cool.

I'd rather the alien girl play a more sidelined role like she did in this episode, helps give more screentime to Adachi and Shimamura and their interactions which are the main highlight of the whole thing.

Adachi being absolutely adorable as always, love how she gets flustered around Shimamura. Karaoke was great and the final scene at the park was great too.
Oct 29, 2020 6:03 PM

Apr 2013
Shimamura's a lucky girl.
Oct 29, 2020 6:08 PM

Oct 2018
Shimamura smelled Adachi's most precious part of her body, Jesus Christ.
How I wanted to be a lesbian girl
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
Oct 29, 2020 6:18 PM
Oct 2020
O anime melhora a cada episódio.
Oct 29, 2020 6:20 PM
Jul 2020

That head pat tho. Pretty good solid 7.5/10 on my head pat scale.

I loved this episode. We got to meet Adachi’s mom. We also got to learn what Adachi’s mom thinks of Adachi.
Oct 29, 2020 6:48 PM

Jan 2011
the fuck was up with that pool scene there was little to no context to it like at first i was like typical dude just eyeing some girls in swimsuits then it pans over to a bunch of kids just wondering why that even needed to exist took away from me enjoying the girls being cute as usual
Oct 29, 2020 7:37 PM
Jul 2020
very nice episode i liked it. 👍
was a little confused at first when adachi’s mother was introduced. she’s alright. a very stereotypical mother. I don’t see anything wrong with her accept for the fact she’s gossiping about her own child to someone else. any respectable parent doesn’t do that(obviously context depends too)

bruh the head on the lap scene. i saw it last week at the end of episode three but that was straight up weird. guess it’s a yuri anime thing to push someone’s head near your pussy and then them seeing absolutely nothing wrong with that.....

the ending; when adachi held onto the empty can, was kinda creepy. personally, i don’t inference that as being a cute moment lol no
Oct 29, 2020 7:38 PM
Jul 2020
katsu044 said:
the fuck was up with that pool scene there was little to no context to it like at first i was like typical dude just eyeing some girls in swimsuits then it pans over to a bunch of kids just wondering why that even needed to exist took away from me enjoying the girls being cute as usual

same i was super confused
Oct 29, 2020 8:21 PM

Jul 2012
Adachi and Shimamura both sang a beautiful song in the karaoke!

What an incredible episode! I did not expect that Ms. Adachi has showed up in the pool, let alone having a conversation with Shimamura about how has Ms. Adachi been treating her daughter. It really shows how much Shimamura has cared for Sakura Adachi, and that headpat gave Adachi a really warm, passionate feeling, making their relationship sweeter than ever before. I'm happy that Adachi has accepted Shimamura as a partner, and singing karaoke together is especially heartwarming. Akari Kito and Miku Itou are both incredible seiyuus, and listening to their beautiful voices always makes me happy.

Plus, Adachi pulling Shimamura's head on her lap pillow was funny.
DawnHibikiOct 29, 2020 8:26 PM
"You don't have to believe in yourself, because I believe in you." - Drax the Destroyer

Mirishita ID: L3N93SKX
Discord: DawnHibiki #6454
Oct 29, 2020 9:27 PM

Aug 2020
that karaoke scene was beautiful.
Oct 29, 2020 9:29 PM

Mar 2019
Liked the episode...

But it lacked of crazyness/weirdness this time!!!....

Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Oct 29, 2020 9:41 PM
Sep 2020
theyre so cute wtf i cant wait for the next episode
Oct 29, 2020 9:49 PM

Oct 2016
Hnnnnnnnnng, another really good and really adorable episode. What is up with that dude in the pool though lmao, Imma need to call the FBI chief.

That episode definitely made me like Shimamura more, especially when she defended Adachi. Not that I don't like Yashiro but, I like it better when there's no one in the way of our two lovebirds. Yes, headpat Adachi more.

Looks like we are going to get some Yuri overload next episode can't wait.
Oct 29, 2020 11:48 PM

Oct 2007
DawnHibiki said:
Adachi and Shimamura both sang a beautiful song in the karaoke!

have to agree. That donut song is so kawaii! :3
Oct 30, 2020 12:30 AM

Jul 2016
Dude... was really necessary to have a scene with a pedo eyeing little girls in swimsuits? And please tell me he wasn't crouching because he had a boner. That part was so disgusting, honestly.

So, leaving that weird addition aside, it was another quite lovely episode. Shimamura won some really good points during that talk with Adachi's mother, demonstrating in the process just how much she cares for her friend and the last few minutes with flustered Adachi coming to the conclusion she likes Shimamura were very well executed in my opinion. The fact that she kept the empty can as a memento was really adorable, by the way.
SouthRzVaOct 30, 2020 12:36 AM
Oct 30, 2020 12:41 AM

Aug 2019
lmao that guy looking at little kids scene had me dying, also I don’t hate the little alien girl but currently she looks to be the cockblock between the two girls and it’s starting to get a little annoying but it’s whatever she’s cool
snowykevinOct 30, 2020 12:44 AM
Oct 30, 2020 2:00 AM

Mar 2017
snowykevin said:
lmao that guy looking at little kids scene had me dying, also I don’t hate the little alien girl but currently she looks to be the cockblock between the two girls and it’s starting to get a little annoying but it’s whatever she’s cool

Clam jam. I keep seeing this, do they have dicks I am not aware of?
Oct 30, 2020 3:31 AM

May 2020
Mattuz said:
What was with that one pervert kid at the pool. I can't tell if he was getting excited over the swim teacher's butt or the kids. Possible lolicon

Both. Both is good.
Oct 30, 2020 4:03 AM

Jun 2019
I'm enjoying this show more and more each week, the relationship between the two girls is so complex and ever changing. Adachi is the one who appears to feel more strongly for Shimamura, but I get the feelings that won't be the case for long. Shimamura seems to be falling for Adachi more as the episodes go on.

I love Yashiro as well, the blue haired alien/fairy. Not quite sure what the deal is with her, Shimamura described her as "the girl with blue hair", so did her parents really allow a young girl to dye her hair vivid blue, or is there more to her than meets the eye, is she actually an alien like she claims? We'll have to wait to find out i suppose.
Oct 30, 2020 4:06 AM

Feb 2014
This was a pretty heartwarming episode, as long as we ignore the blatant lolicon at the swimming pool. That short scene really felt out of place, though. =/

The conversation between Shimamura and Adachi's mother was intriguing. Both sides had some good points about Adachi and her mother was right to test Shimamura the way she did, but I think Shimamura did really well. Although her and Adachi constantly skipping school is something they need to sort out and the concern from Adachi's mother is spot on, Shimamura was also right to stand up for Adachi, showing how much she cares for her, without directly revealing to Adachi's mother about the close friendship she has with her daughter.

After that, we got plenty of great moments between Adachi and Shimamura, from the funny lap pillow scene, the karaoke duet and the cute headpat towards the end of the episode. =3
Oct 30, 2020 5:24 AM
Oct 2018
slicesofcake said:
Does anyone know who's the seiyuu of Adachi's mom? Her voice sounds awfully familiar...

It’s Itou Shizuka.
Oct 30, 2020 5:54 AM

Jan 2011
Aye, so they're gonna foist alien girl onto imouto.
Oct 30, 2020 1:42 PM

Apr 2018
Omg, this ep was so cute seeing Adachi and Shimamura deepen their relationship with one another. I really liked the sauna scene where Shimamura called out Adachi's mom for not understanding her. The song that Shimamura and Adachi sang together was so good! It's cute that Adachi kept the Energy Drink Can just to remind her of the memory she made with Shimamura that day. I can't wait for the next episode!
Oct 30, 2020 1:54 PM

Nov 2016
Excellent episode Thank you anime director for the bountiful thighs in this anime uwu, I would only complain about the appearance of that lolicon guy, nobody will spoil my cute girls series he deserves the banish >:/
Oct 30, 2020 8:36 PM

Oct 2008
this great yuri show is getting better and better! slowly but well executed!
Shimamura is hot, Adachi it hot! mom pof Shimamura is hot, mom of Adachi is hot! why are the women of this show all hot!?!? deyumn!

Oct 30, 2020 10:08 PM

May 2018
I did not expect the random pedo scene in the pool lmao, I don't remember it being in the manga. It also make Adachi's mother's statement about being the youngest person there make no sense since there are other young people in the pool.

Headpat gifs

Oct 30, 2020 11:13 PM
Oct 2020
Great episode as always! Really like this show so far, glad I got back into anime while this show us still airing.

I feel like this sounds dumb, but I don't know what was glitching on with Adachi and the can. Can someone explain that to my small brain without spoilers for the rest of the series? I plan on reading the LN once the show ends, so I don't wanna ruin it for myself...
Oct 31, 2020 6:25 AM

Feb 2020
Okay, finally i had a time to catch up these episode. The development felt so nice with a lot of sweet moment between Adachi and Shimamura. They still held themself so far very tightly, yeah, indeed, no need to rushed the moment.... And no, Adachi, you were not the weirdos. I felt your feeling already and how your love toward Shimamura was just so touching, its not so weird, its really understandable. You just, kissed her already xD. Okay, i am kidding. No way its happening in a fast way. But the aggresive Adachi just too sweet to be watched and how Shimamura pretty easily granted her wishes just adding more sweetness into their relations. Lmao. Come on, just kiss each others already. Its pain me a lot with that head pat scene. Its teased me a lot xD.

Well, the shukoh~ alien girl had a less screen time there. I couldn't complain much, because they might've lessen the drama a bit for the sake of that romantic sweet scene at the end between the lovebirds. Lol, okay! But, her reaction toward Shimamura's little sister was pretty a gold amount, and i don't have a surprised if she just pass her liking into that little girl. Lol. Shimamura's little sister expression when the alien girl said she was an alien, just made me laugh. Yes, she was a fairy and you were so cute back there, girl. I really hope you enjoyed your time with that shiny little girl!

Also, the moment of the nature of maturity Shimamura had in the first part kinda shocked me for a while. Yes, her interaction with Adachi's mama was so great. She managed to change her perceptions toward her daughter. And its just simply great with how they resolved the thing, sauna competition! Currently, i just love Shimamura personality to even more. Though, she still had pretty much complain against the crowded peoples and chosing the silent-peace area as indeed as the way she escape from the whole crowded world.

Same as Adachi? Indeed, most of the part and thats why they just matched up with each others in a pretty similarity. The different between them was the way Shimamura can adapted well with the worst emotional situations, while Adachi pretty much lacking that situations. Then, the karaoke scene gave a hope that they both can fill each other weaknessess and the compatibility was just a high rated there. Yes, Adachi, be more active aggresive to protect your beloved Shimamura! And well, ngl, they were just too sweet and really hope they held some longer alone activity that had a better picture with their progressed relations. Lets see next....
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