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- Total Entries945
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Você já assistiu Gibiate hoje? Ainda não? Vá assistir. É uma obra de tamanha excelência que eu não deixaria a oportunidade passar. Com seu contexto único, promete qualidade em todos os episódios.
Assista o quanto antes e lembre-se: Não seja um Gibia ;)
Have to say I don't check the MAL forums very often (some of the foul replies to your thread explain why, sorry about that), but I felt obligated to post something in favour of the show having a gay pairing to counter the inevitable "they're just friends, no need for yuri here" posts. Honestly it's really frustrating for me to see people dismiss non-straight relationships outright unless they are made absolutely explicit, and even then they will find ways to discount them ("they didn't kiss / "there wasn't a confession scene")