I feel like I kind of understand what Usui meant by saying "...conventional crap like being boyfriend and girlfriend just gets in the way."
Unnecessarily long, so TLDR: Basically he is lying through his teeth; he doesn’t want people to know that Misaki is the only reason they haven’t started dating.
For starters, Misaki clearly has a really difficult time letting men into her life, being that her dad literally abandoned the family with nothing when she was young. It definitely scarred her. Usui, being the one person in her life who can truly say he understands her, wants to make her feel as comfortable as he can. He WANTS to be her boyfriend, that much should be clear, but he prob felt like if he tried pushing her too much for that he might accidentally chase her away. He understands that she isn’t ready yet, so he is being patient and caring for her in his own way, and trying to make things easy for her. Like that one time he asked her boss to help her in ways she wont notice, this is him just doing that.
Misaki, as we know, keeps getting bullied by everyone else in her sphere for not realizing how much he likes her, and for not making it official. Surely he knows this too!! If not he probably is intuitive enough to infer that if he is getting asked about it, then she is getting asked too. He wants everyone in their sphere to think that them not making a 'label' of the relationship is a mutual choice, rather than it being because of Misaki taking her time and healing her childhood traumas. In other words, he is waiting for her to say that she loves him too, so he knows that she is ready, before pushing for the next step. That is one theme that makes me love this manga, as silly as it is to say, they do a great job highlighting the importance of healing and moving past childhood scars. Regardless, they are both healing, and they are both helping each other heal, which is why Usui will hopelessly wait as long as he has to until Misaki is ready to take the next step.
Him getting irritated with everyone who asks him shows that he himself is becoming impatient. The longer he waits for her, on top of how guarded she is, makes him feel more and more hopeless. He was starting to feel a little anxious that they wouldn't work out. Every time he gets asked why they aren’t dating yet, by Kanou and now by Kuuga, he’s probably like ‘you guys don't need to keep reminding me.’ He gets defensive, because he is aware of how hopeless the situation he’s in is, pining for someone who is headstrong and oblivious, but him saying he doesn’t want to be official is more of a cover story, or rather a lie… Am I making sense?
And he probably is a little irritated too because he is very protective over Misaki, and is probably upset that people won't just leave her alone to work out her problems in peace.
Though, again, in regards to why he said what he said about dating, I just think this was his way of protecting her. Yes he is anxious, as most people are in talking stages, but that only explains his irritation and tone. The reason why he actually said it was because he doesn't want Misaki to feel like she is being backed into a corner, and he rather wants her to come to that realization (that she is in love with him) herself. Like he feels as though if Misaki realizes that everyone around them, including him, think that they should become official, she may feel overwhelmed and pressured into the relationship. Either that or it might push her away forever.
He’s basically deflecting and saying ‘I'm going to tell you that I don't want an official relationship, and I’m going to say that they’re dumb, but really I'm only saying that because the girl I love isn’t ready for one yet, and I want to take some of the blame for not taking the next step so she won’t feel like she owes me anything!!! So leave us alone!! I’m also slightly pissed because unrelated people care so much, and that is making me nervous, because deep down I actually am really scared that it won't work out. But I am not going to say that out loud because I hate telling people my feelings.’
I kind of doubt he wanted to keep things lowkey, not wanting to put a label on it, because that's a more modern dating concept so I just feel like it's unlikely (plus this chapter came out in like 2010, and the writer is probably more traditionally minded). Like how that one 20 year old maid is hitting on the 14 year old nephew of the boss… CRAZY NOWADAYS but it was a different time back then… unfortunately.
This manga is a lot more emotionally invested than I realized, and I only realize it now after growing up a bit and reading it again. The art and the dialogue is always so cheerful and lighthearted that it is easy to forget that despite them being fictional characters, they were written well enough to have detailed traumatic backgrounds that affect the way they respond to social situations. |