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Mar 12, 2017 10:43 PM
Aug 2013
Spoil me!

I really need to know because there is no clear answer. Has anyone read the manga or can direct me to an an official answer?

Did she really just want a kid and let the Mafia Boss nut inside her?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 13, 2017 12:47 AM
Jul 2011
Don't know but I think the most logical father is the son of the mafia boss.
Mar 17, 2017 9:26 AM

Jul 2015
btt.: yep the first child is from the mafia boss.

mod edit: removed quote and reaction to quote
Galaxy__Mar 23, 2017 9:02 AM
Chimera-Ant Arc sucks
A1-Pictures is great
Lelouch is alive
Mar 21, 2017 11:24 AM

Mar 2015
I see one person say the mafia boss, and one person say the son of the mafia boss. I think we really are supposed to have no clue. In real life things are not always so clear and if it turned out to be someone different would anyone really be surprised? I kind of like that we don't know and I hope it won't ever be revealed. It's not a situation that is explored all that much in stories like this so at least it adds a little interest.
Mar 21, 2017 1:30 PM

Oct 2014
I think that the father is the mafia boss
But that is irrelevant

mod edit: removed quote and bait reaction image
Varete7Mar 23, 2017 9:05 AM
Mar 23, 2017 9:07 AM
Jul 2018
Thread Cleaned.

This thread pretty much derailed into an off-topic argument. I have removed the trolling and all the reactions to the trolling. Make sure you're staying on topic.
Mar 24, 2017 1:36 PM

Jul 2011
Well, the last episode pretty much answers this question.
Mar 24, 2017 2:30 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Yes, it really does. I suspected it at first but then dropped those thoughts when it stopped being something to be discussed among the characters. But just look at the lad, he's identical to him. I'm glad he'll never know though. The man he calls father is the best one he could have ever hoped for.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Mar 26, 2017 1:05 AM
Sep 2015
absolutely irrelevant knowledge. it only makes sense if story will expand any further, like tv3 or so. revealing it at a point, where they dont got any room to play around that is hella unnecesarry
Mar 26, 2017 1:40 AM

Dec 2010
Isn't it...

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
FancyjasperNov 24, 2019 3:24 AM
Mar 26, 2017 4:18 AM

May 2009
According to additional short side chapter it's Yakumo.

That's some really fuck up stuff...
Fucking josei mangakas.
Mar 27, 2017 8:40 AM

Sep 2013
bastek66 said:
According to additional short side chapter it's Yakumo.

That's some really fuck up stuff...
Fucking josei mangakas.

Where do you read the side stories?
Mar 30, 2017 4:11 AM

Jun 2013
I am sure it's Yakumo.

Konatsu said something to him when he visited her during the day while she was sleeping and she said, "What are you doing here during the day?" LOL I'm just guessing.

It's also strongly implied in the last episode that he IS the father. You can't deny it especially when Shinnosuke grew up, he looks like a Sukeroku x Yakumo clone.
Mar 30, 2017 5:29 AM

Jun 2016
Bibimbapski said:
I am sure it's Yakumo.

Konatsu said something to him when he visited her during the day while she was sleeping and she said, "What are you doing here during the day?" LOL I'm just guessing.

It's also strongly implied in the last episode that he IS the father. You can't deny it especially when Shinnosuke grew up, he looks like a Sukeroku x Yakumo clone.

Yeah I was sure already because of the conversation with Sensei and Shinnosuke looking so much alike Yakumo while doing rakugo.
But now that I remember that's so true about what Konatsu said that episode!!!!! *u blew my mind*
Mar 30, 2017 1:01 PM

Mar 2013
Everyone is sayin' that the revelation is in the short chapter.
I really want to read this but I can't find anywhere!
Mar 31, 2017 10:45 PM
May 2013
julianobouken said:
Everyone is sayin' that the revelation is in the short chapter.
I really want to read this but I can't find anywhere!

Here's the link for the omake chapter

Apr 1, 2017 8:09 AM

Mar 2013
Jaslen said:
julianobouken said:
Everyone is sayin' that the revelation is in the short chapter.
I really want to read this but I can't find anywhere!

Here's the link for the omake chapter

Thanks a lot dude!
Apr 1, 2017 11:49 AM
Apr 2017
That volume 10 extra posted just proves that Konatsu loved Yakumo. And that Yakumo felt it was bothersome. I would also like to see the extra that supports him being Shinnosuke's father.

I don't think Yakumo is the father. He just wouldn't have slept with Sukeroku's child. That's not in his character. And it goes against many things he's said in the past in reference to Miyokichi, Sukeroku, and raising Konatsu.
Apr 1, 2017 11:53 AM
Apr 2017
Tasukuu said:
It's not said explicitly in the final episode, but is strongly hinted at.
And yes, the boy looks almost identical to his father (hair color, eye color, even the shape of the eyes).

By the way, same here, I suspected it at first too (I mean, the two of them spent so much time together...)
but dropped the idea when all the characters seemed to agree on who was his real father (and didn't discuss it further)

I like how Kumota Haruko (the mangaka) didn't explicitly reveal things to us, but instead strongly hint at it w

They spent time together because he raised her. xD There are a lot of people who believe the resemblance is more because of his spiritual connection to Yakumo as a reverent fan. There are other people who believe it was Kumota-san servicing the fans, especially the SukerokuxKikuhiko fans.
Sep 30, 2017 4:35 AM
Jan 2016
Who is shinnosukes father.... honestly i think this is very mind fu**ing but i love it. There really is no way to know.
1. Why was she crying outside the room when the yakusa boss and the mistress were talking
2. The other guy im guessing the boss son kept giving weird hints to Yotarou
3. Yakumo wouldnt have passed on to the other side so easily (remember how sukeroku explained to him why he could get on the boat because he was a good person or something like that) and im not saying that him being with konatsu makes him bad but him not responding to being the father is bad (but then again he could have really not known and you know what they say ignorance is bliss.)
4. That side chapter could have meant two things 1. she kept making a pass at the yakusa guy till he finally did it with her or 2. Yakumo fell in the trap
5. She admitted to being in love with Yakumo
6. She said to Yakumo ((when she talked about the baby in her stomach before he passed away)) "i guess i really am a slave to my blood" why did she say that to him? Is it because the second child is Yotarous and this time it wont be Yakumos child? Foreal why did she say that.
7. On the last episode she also does admit to the theory Eisuke had and says she did want something that connects both sukeroku and Yakumo. Also loving Yakumo. However she ends up saying that it was just something she felt for a moment in the past.

Personally i love the idea of Shinnosuke being Yakumos son and i dont find it weird cuz they were not blood related and she was of age already. Also its perfect having both yakumos and sukerokus blood (even that evil witch Myokichis blood) its like finally those 3 can be together spiritually or something like that....but thats just my opinion
Nov 23, 2017 10:36 AM
Jul 2012
I'm barely writing any post in a discussion, but this series is paramount for me. So, I'm gonna talk what I've been learning about shinnosuke father. Well, just like most people, I think it's Yakumo.

There are many reason why do I think so. Here's my list:

1. S1 E13, after the scene in which konatsu told Yotaro that she's pregnant, Yotaro asked whether the father is someone she couldn't be with (I immediately thought it was Yakumo because I only thought Yota and Yakumo as the probable option at the time). Then, master asking sukoreku whether he's mad over what he's done to his daughter just made me hypothesize that it's Yakumo.

I was like, well let's see in season 2 to prove my hypothesis.

2. S2 E2, when Yakumo found Konatsu sleeping, then Konatsu suddenly grabbed master's arm. She opened her eyes for a second, I think here she realize that she's holding Yakumo arms (or at least, sleeping beside him), but decided to keep holding it. (It's just like when you sligtly awake and want to pee in your sleep, you dismiss the thought and continue to sleep). This case is proven when she's fully awake, she threw his hand away. (again just like pee, when we completely awake, we go to the bathroom immediately). This scene looks like Konatsu was lonely and missing someone. My point is on the inside (subconsciously), she wanted Yakumo beside him, but it was irrational for her to do so.

This is Konatsu character, just like her mother said she is never honest. Just like on S2 E1, Konatsu told Yotaro that he changed her mind (about marrying him) but on the inside she's really grateful for him (which is shown afterward). And my hypothesis getting stronger here.

3. S2 E3, well Konatsu is driven home by an older man which turned out to be the mafia boss (a strong hint he is someone who have a relationship with her), then Yotaro confront her which confirms that he is the father.

My hypothesis is dead here. It was dashed by the plot. I never thought about it again.

4. S2 E12, sensei confront Konatsu about the true father of shin, and she had a smirk before sipping her coffee/tea. Well, she didn't confirms nor denies it. Although, there's a quote which favor Yakumo as the father "The boss, the mistress, and Yakumo-san have all passed away. I'll be taking it to hell with me". I mean if the father is the boss, what she would take to hell, everybody already knew it.

Here, my hypothesis is comeback to life. However, just like everyone said it could be Konatsu just being teaseful to sensei. But then, someone on reddit pointed me to

5. Rakugo extra (manga chapter), we learn about Konatsu as a teen. This chapter mostly disregard the assumption that the boss is the father. The boss said "I could never go for a kid, so I turned her down". This quote could be disregarded cause Konatsu is getting older. But then "I want to keep your world and mine (Yakumo) separate". This line strongly disregard the boss as the father, I belive the boss is a discipline and strong-willed person that he won't change his mind about this. Moreover pages later, the boss said "rather than Konatsu being in love with me, I think she just want to worry you, master".

My hypotesis is alive. One thing that always bother me about the boss as the father is he is having an affair with the mistress. I think it's unlikely that he'd play around with many girls, especially Konatsu (a foster-daughter of someone he respected). It would ruin Konatsu character as a female, she want to be a better person than her mother (who's whoring around). She works a honest job in the restaurant. Also, I rewatch the Yotaro accusation of the gang boss (S2 E3) and realize that both the boss and konatsu never confirm Yotaro assumption. Furthermore, I read some discussion, and found some stuff.

6. S2 E3, when kotaro and konatsu saying goodbye to the mistress. Before Konatsu leave, the mistress said "just keep it to yourself. Yotaro said it all for you, it wouldn't be right to just shoot it down". I think it's implying to keep the father to herself, revealing the father (that it's not the boss) would break all Yotaro effort.

7. S2 E8, Yakumo said "I owe you a debt I could never repay", people said this line is implied toward many directions and I agree all of them is probable. It's ambigous and could go anywhere (releasing Yotaro, keeping his secret as father, or protecting Konatsu on her teen, etc). But then, the boss reply "I've gotten as far as I have because I can keep my mouth shut". Well, that's just a strong hint for protecting Yakumo secret.

Other reason I somehow disagree with, it's for releasing Yota because Yota senior already decided to release him way before this without asking the boss permission. So, I believe it's a small matter, and it's on his discretion. Finally,

8. Rakugo Extra (manga chapter), Yakumo said "she's in love with me, isn't she?" then said how he knew her very well (probably more than herself), and it's annoying. Then he said "At that time (as she get older), I won't face her because she is your child. I'll face her as another human being". This scene hinting that at the time he face her in the future, it would be as two equal human being. Not as his child friend, or (something he never thought) as his own daughter.

Mangetsu as other option is very unlikely, Yotaro himself defeated him on getting Konatsu xD. I mean why would they decided to hide it if it was mangetsu. If it was the boss, it's because he's married. If it's Yakumo, it's illegal and unethical for them to marry. Furthermore, it's out of character and doesn't make any sense for Mangetsu to just abandon his child. So there's a series of reason why it's more favorable that the father of shinnosuke is Yakumo. Again it's just a hypothesis, but (in my opinion) it's a strongest one.
diajaripsNov 24, 2017 6:10 AM
Nov 23, 2017 4:56 PM

Jun 2014
I'm also tossing in a vote for the Yakumo theory.

It's also pretty poetic that Konatsu hid the father to avoid disrupting the lives around her, just as the fact that she pretty much killed her parents was hidden by Yakumo.
Nov 25, 2017 10:55 AM
Jul 2017
diajarips said:
I'm barely writing any post in a discussion, but this series is paramount for me. So, I'm gonna talk what I've been learning about shinnosuke father. Well, just like most people, I think it's Yakumo.

There are many reason why do I think so. Here's my list:

1. S1 E13, after the scene in which konatsu told Yotaro that she's pregnant, Yotaro asked whether the father is someone she couldn't be with (I immediately thought it was Yakumo because I only thought Yota and Yakumo as the probable option at the time). Then, master asking sukoreku whether he's mad over what he's done to his daughter just made me hypothesize that it's Yakumo.

I was like, well let's see in season 2 to prove my hypothesis.

2. S2 E2, when Yakumo found Konatsu sleeping, then Konatsu suddenly grabbed master's arm. She opened her eyes for a second, I think here she realize that she's holding Yakumo arms (or at least, sleeping beside him), but decided to keep holding it. (It's just like when you sligtly awake and want to pee in your sleep, you dismiss the thought and continue to sleep). This case is proven when she's fully awake, she threw his hand away. (again just like pee, when we completely awake, we go to the bathroom immediately). This scene looks like Konatsu was lonely and missing someone. My point is on the inside (subconsciously), she wanted Yakumo beside him, but it was irrational for her to do so.

This is Konatsu character, just like her mother said she is never honest. Just like on S2 E1, Konatsu told Yotaro that he changed her mind (about marrying him) but on the inside she's really grateful for him (which is shown afterward). And my hypothesis getting stronger here.

3. S2 E3, well Konatsu is driven home by an older man which turned out to be the mafia boss (a strong hint he is someone who have a relationship with her), then Yotaro confront her which confirms that he is the father.

My hypothesis is dead here. It was dashed by the plot. I never thought about it again.

4. S2 E12, sensei confront Konatsu about the true father of shin, and she had a smirk before sipping her coffee/tea. Well, she didn't confirms nor denies it. Although, there's a quote which favor Yakumo as the father "The boss, the mistress, and Yakumo-san have all passed away. I'll be taking it to hell with me". I mean if the father is the boss, what she would take to hell, everybody already knew it.

Here, my hypothesis is comeback to life. However, just like everyone said it could be Konatsu just being teaseful to sensei. But then, someone on reddit pointed me to

5. Rakugo extra (manga chapter), we learn about Konatsu as a teen. This chapter mostly disregard the assumption that the boss is the father. The boss said "I could never go for a kid, so I turned her down". This quote could be disregarded cause Konatsu is getting older. But then "I want to keep your world and mine (Yakumo) separate". This line strongly disregard the boss as the father, I belive the boss is a discipline and strong-willed person that he won't change his mind about this. Moreover pages later, the boss said "rather than Konatsu being in love with me, I think she just want to worry you, master".

My hypotesis is alive. One thing that always bother me about the boss as the father is he is having an affair with the mistress. I think it's unlikely that he'd play around with many girls, especially Konatsu (a foster-daughter of someone he respected). It would ruin Konatsu character as a female, she want to be a better person than her mother (who's whoring around). She works a honest job in the restaurant. Also, I rewatch the Yotaro accusation of the gang boss (S2 E3) and realize that both the boss and konatsu never confirm Yotaro assumption. Furthermore, I read some discussion, and found some stuff.

6. S2 E3, when kotaro and konatsu saying goodbye to the mistress. Before Konatsu leave, the mistress said "just keep it to yourself. Yotaro said it all for you, it wouldn't be right to just shoot it down". I think it's implying to keep the father to herself, revealing the father (that it's not the boss) would break all Yotaro effort.

7. S2 E8, Yakumo said "I owe you a debt I could never repay", people said this line is implied toward many directions and I agree all of them is probable. It's ambigous and could go anywhere (releasing Yotaro, keeping his secret as father, or protecting Konatsu on her teen, etc). But then, the boss reply "I've gotten as far as I have because I can keep my mouth shut". Well, that's just a strong hint for protecting Yakumo secret.

Other reason I somehow disagree with, it's for releasing Yota because Yota senior already decided to release him way before this without asking the boss permission. So, I believe it's a small matter, and it's on his discretion. Finally,

8. Rakugo Extra (manga chapter), Yakumo said "she's in love with me, isn't she?" then said how he knew her very well (probably more than herself), and it's annoying. Then he said "At that time (as she get older), I won't face her because she is your child. I'll face her as another human being". This scene hinting that at the time he face her in the future, it would be as two equal human being. Not as his child friend, or (something he never thought) as his own daughter.

Mangetsu as other option is very unlikely, Yotaro himself defeated him on getting Konatsu xD. I mean why would they decided to hide it if it was mangetsu. If it was the boss, it's because he's married. If it's Yakumo, it's illegal and unethical for them to marry. Furthermore, it's out of character and doesn't make any sense for Mangetsu to just abandon his child. So there's a series of reason why it's more favorable that the father of shinnosuke is Yakumo. Again it's just a hypothesis, but (in my opinion) it's a strongest one.

For me, i think it's Yakumo's Son too. Another hint shown in S2 EP 11, when Yakumo died and went to the underworld, little Konatsu appeared for Shin's rakugo, as for Yakumo's performance it was little Shinnosuke. If little Shin is not his Son, then why does little Shin appeared there out of anyone else??? Why not Konatsu if he really acted as a father figure to her? This shows that Yakumo treasured little Shinnosuke so much as his own son just like how Shin treasured his daughter.
Nov 25, 2017 12:05 PM
Jul 2012
Tapyopon said:
diajarips said:
I'm barely writing any post in a discussion, but this series is paramount for me. So, I'm gonna talk what I've been learning about shinnosuke father. Well, just like most people, I think it's Yakumo.

There are many reason why do I think so. Here's my list:

1. S1 E13, after the scene in which konatsu told Yotaro that she's pregnant, Yotaro asked whether the father is someone she couldn't be with (I immediately thought it was Yakumo because I only thought Yota and Yakumo as the probable option at the time). Then, master asking sukoreku whether he's mad over what he's done to his daughter just made me hypothesize that it's Yakumo.

I was like, well let's see in season 2 to prove my hypothesis.

2. S2 E2, when Yakumo found Konatsu sleeping, then Konatsu suddenly grabbed master's arm. She opened her eyes for a second, I think here she realize that she's holding Yakumo arms (or at least, sleeping beside him), but decided to keep holding it. (It's just like when you sligtly awake and want to pee in your sleep, you dismiss the thought and continue to sleep). This case is proven when she's fully awake, she threw his hand away. (again just like pee, when we completely awake, we go to the bathroom immediately). This scene looks like Konatsu was lonely and missing someone. My point is on the inside (subconsciously), she wanted Yakumo beside him, but it was irrational for her to do so.

This is Konatsu character, just like her mother said she is never honest. Just like on S2 E1, Konatsu told Yotaro that he changed her mind (about marrying him) but on the inside she's really grateful for him (which is shown afterward). And my hypothesis getting stronger here.

3. S2 E3, well Konatsu is driven home by an older man which turned out to be the mafia boss (a strong hint he is someone who have a relationship with her), then Yotaro confront her which confirms that he is the father.

My hypothesis is dead here. It was dashed by the plot. I never thought about it again.

4. S2 E12, sensei confront Konatsu about the true father of shin, and she had a smirk before sipping her coffee/tea. Well, she didn't confirms nor denies it. Although, there's a quote which favor Yakumo as the father "The boss, the mistress, and Yakumo-san have all passed away. I'll be taking it to hell with me". I mean if the father is the boss, what she would take to hell, everybody already knew it.

Here, my hypothesis is comeback to life. However, just like everyone said it could be Konatsu just being teaseful to sensei. But then, someone on reddit pointed me to

5. Rakugo extra (manga chapter), we learn about Konatsu as a teen. This chapter mostly disregard the assumption that the boss is the father. The boss said "I could never go for a kid, so I turned her down". This quote could be disregarded cause Konatsu is getting older. But then "I want to keep your world and mine (Yakumo) separate". This line strongly disregard the boss as the father, I belive the boss is a discipline and strong-willed person that he won't change his mind about this. Moreover pages later, the boss said "rather than Konatsu being in love with me, I think she just want to worry you, master".

My hypotesis is alive. One thing that always bother me about the boss as the father is he is having an affair with the mistress. I think it's unlikely that he'd play around with many girls, especially Konatsu (a foster-daughter of someone he respected). It would ruin Konatsu character as a female, she want to be a better person than her mother (who's whoring around). She works a honest job in the restaurant. Also, I rewatch the Yotaro accusation of the gang boss (S2 E3) and realize that both the boss and konatsu never confirm Yotaro assumption. Furthermore, I read some discussion, and found some stuff.

6. S2 E3, when kotaro and konatsu saying goodbye to the mistress. Before Konatsu leave, the mistress said "just keep it to yourself. Yotaro said it all for you, it wouldn't be right to just shoot it down". I think it's implying to keep the father to herself, revealing the father (that it's not the boss) would break all Yotaro effort.

7. S2 E8, Yakumo said "I owe you a debt I could never repay", people said this line is implied toward many directions and I agree all of them is probable. It's ambigous and could go anywhere (releasing Yotaro, keeping his secret as father, or protecting Konatsu on her teen, etc). But then, the boss reply "I've gotten as far as I have because I can keep my mouth shut". Well, that's just a strong hint for protecting Yakumo secret.

Other reason I somehow disagree with, it's for releasing Yota because Yota senior already decided to release him way before this without asking the boss permission. So, I believe it's a small matter, and it's on his discretion. Finally,

8. Rakugo Extra (manga chapter), Yakumo said "she's in love with me, isn't she?" then said how he knew her very well (probably more than herself), and it's annoying. Then he said "At that time (as she get older), I won't face her because she is your child. I'll face her as another human being". This scene hinting that at the time he face her in the future, it would be as two equal human being. Not as his child friend, or (something he never thought) as his own daughter.

Mangetsu as other option is very unlikely, Yotaro himself defeated him on getting Konatsu xD. I mean why would they decided to hide it if it was mangetsu. If it was the boss, it's because he's married. If it's Yakumo, it's illegal and unethical for them to marry. Furthermore, it's out of character and doesn't make any sense for Mangetsu to just abandon his child. So there's a series of reason why it's more favorable that the father of shinnosuke is Yakumo. Again it's just a hypothesis, but (in my opinion) it's a strongest one.

For me, i think it's Yakumo's Son too. Another hint shown in S2 EP 11, when Yakumo died and went to the underworld, little Konatsu appeared for Shin's rakugo, as for Yakumo's performance it was little Shinnosuke. If little Shin is not his Son, then why does little Shin appeared there out of anyone else??? Why not Konatsu if he really acted as a father figure to her? This shows that Yakumo treasured little Shinnosuke so much as his own son just like how Shin treasured his daughter.

The person who showed up on the weird pillow is someone whom you wanted most to hear your Rakugo. It doesn't confirm whether Shin was his son or not, but just like you said it's a sign that Shin was really important for Yakumo.

Another hint that Yakumo really love shin is that he pass down his own Rakugo for shin (something that he really wanted to take to his death). in S2 E8, Sensei inquire whether he should delete all the record or not since Yakumo doesn't too fond of the records, but Yakumo glanced to shinnosuke instead and said "let me think about it", and . Afterward, we knew that the record is published (Shin listening to it in the last episode). In my opnion, he gave the permission to publish it just for shin. (I mean he is an old-school conservative and basically doesn't give two shit about everything, all the more stranger or next generation).

Note: I don't get the hate of Konatsu-Yakumo relationship, I mean they're not incest. Yakumo didn't treat Konatsu like his kid, just like he said in the first season "as long as you go to school, you can do anything you want". Although we know later on Yakumo forbid Konatsu to do Rakugo which is, in his mind, for a good reason (I'd need another paragraph to elaborate about this, so I won't spam here unless people asked). The terrible point of incest is your kid could ruined because of the close DNA, but look how Shin turned out to be.
diajaripsNov 25, 2017 12:24 PM
Dec 9, 2017 10:35 AM
Jul 2016
After I finished Season 2, I think the father is Yakumo too but coming here and reading all of your proofs of the Yakumo theory just... goddamnit, I can't even count how many times my mind has been blown for the past 30 mins. Just know that I just gave you guys a round of applause.

This is like Usagi Drop all over again, i mean the hate towards the relationship lol but I love them.
Dec 28, 2017 1:05 PM
May 2017
diajarips said:
I'm barely writing any post in a discussion, but this series is paramount for me. So, I'm gonna talk what I've been learning about shinnosuke father. Well, just like most people, I think it's Yakumo.

There are many reason why do I think so. Here's my list:

1. S1 E13, after the scene in which konatsu told Yotaro that she's pregnant, Yotaro asked whether the father is someone she couldn't be with (I immediately thought it was Yakumo because I only thought Yota and Yakumo as the probable option at the time). Then, master asking sukoreku whether he's mad over what he's done to his daughter just made me hypothesize that it's Yakumo.

I was like, well let's see in season 2 to prove my hypothesis.

2. S2 E2, when Yakumo found Konatsu sleeping, then Konatsu suddenly grabbed master's arm. She opened her eyes for a second, I think here she realize that she's holding Yakumo arms (or at least, sleeping beside him), but decided to keep holding it. (It's just like when you sligtly awake and want to pee in your sleep, you dismiss the thought and continue to sleep). This case is proven when she's fully awake, she threw his hand away. (again just like pee, when we completely awake, we go to the bathroom immediately). This scene looks like Konatsu was lonely and missing someone. My point is on the inside (subconsciously), she wanted Yakumo beside him, but it was irrational for her to do so.

This is Konatsu character, just like her mother said she is never honest. Just like on S2 E1, Konatsu told Yotaro that he changed her mind (about marrying him) but on the inside she's really grateful for him (which is shown afterward). And my hypothesis getting stronger here.

3. S2 E3, well Konatsu is driven home by an older man which turned out to be the mafia boss (a strong hint he is someone who have a relationship with her), then Yotaro confront her which confirms that he is the father.

My hypothesis is dead here. It was dashed by the plot. I never thought about it again.

4. S2 E12, sensei confront Konatsu about the true father of shin, and she had a smirk before sipping her coffee/tea. Well, she didn't confirms nor denies it. Although, there's a quote which favor Yakumo as the father "The boss, the mistress, and Yakumo-san have all passed away. I'll be taking it to hell with me". I mean if the father is the boss, what she would take to hell, everybody already knew it.

Here, my hypothesis is comeback to life. However, just like everyone said it could be Konatsu just being teaseful to sensei. But then, someone on reddit pointed me to

5. Rakugo extra (manga chapter), we learn about Konatsu as a teen. This chapter mostly disregard the assumption that the boss is the father. The boss said "I could never go for a kid, so I turned her down". This quote could be disregarded cause Konatsu is getting older. But then "I want to keep your world and mine (Yakumo) separate". This line strongly disregard the boss as the father, I belive the boss is a discipline and strong-willed person that he won't change his mind about this. Moreover pages later, the boss said "rather than Konatsu being in love with me, I think she just want to worry you, master".

My hypotesis is alive. One thing that always bother me about the boss as the father is he is having an affair with the mistress. I think it's unlikely that he'd play around with many girls, especially Konatsu (a foster-daughter of someone he respected). It would ruin Konatsu character as a female, she want to be a better person than her mother (who's whoring around). She works a honest job in the restaurant. Also, I rewatch the Yotaro accusation of the gang boss (S2 E3) and realize that both the boss and konatsu never confirm Yotaro assumption. Furthermore, I read some discussion, and found some stuff.

6. S2 E3, when kotaro and konatsu saying goodbye to the mistress. Before Konatsu leave, the mistress said "just keep it to yourself. Yotaro said it all for you, it wouldn't be right to just shoot it down". I think it's implying to keep the father to herself, revealing the father (that it's not the boss) would break all Yotaro effort.

7. S2 E8, Yakumo said "I owe you a debt I could never repay", people said this line is implied toward many directions and I agree all of them is probable. It's ambigous and could go anywhere (releasing Yotaro, keeping his secret as father, or protecting Konatsu on her teen, etc). But then, the boss reply "I've gotten as far as I have because I can keep my mouth shut". Well, that's just a strong hint for protecting Yakumo secret.

Other reason I somehow disagree with, it's for releasing Yota because Yota senior already decided to release him way before this without asking the boss permission. So, I believe it's a small matter, and it's on his discretion. Finally,

8. Rakugo Extra (manga chapter), Yakumo said "she's in love with me, isn't she?" then said how he knew her very well (probably more than herself), and it's annoying. Then he said "At that time (as she get older), I won't face her because she is your child. I'll face her as another human being". This scene hinting that at the time he face her in the future, it would be as two equal human being. Not as his child friend, or (something he never thought) as his own daughter.

Mangetsu as other option is very unlikely, Yotaro himself defeated him on getting Konatsu xD. I mean why would they decided to hide it if it was mangetsu. If it was the boss, it's because he's married. If it's Yakumo, it's illegal and unethical for them to marry. Furthermore, it's out of character and doesn't make any sense for Mangetsu to just abandon his child. So there's a series of reason why it's more favorable that the father of shinnosuke is Yakumo. Again it's just a hypothesis, but (in my opinion) it's a strongest one.

^All of this seems very logical. Adding onto it is the fact that Yakumo himself states that he was never able to quite let Miyokichi (Yurie) go. Konatsu is beautiful and does (in my opinion) carry a resemblance to Yurie, despite them being very different, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Yakumo at some point wavered, with the result being Shinnosuke. Let's also not forget that Yakumo seemed to dislike children, but warmed up to Shinnosuke rather quickly.
Jan 7, 2018 12:43 PM
Jan 2018
mirrorgirl said:
diajarips said:
I'm barely writing any post in a discussion, but this series is paramount for me. So, I'm gonna talk what I've been learning about shinnosuke father. Well, just like most people, I think it's Yakumo.

There are many reason why do I think so. Here's my list:

1. S1 E13, after the scene in which konatsu told Yotaro that she's pregnant, Yotaro asked whether the father is someone she couldn't be with (I immediately thought it was Yakumo because I only thought Yota and Yakumo as the probable option at the time). Then, master asking sukoreku whether he's mad over what he's done to his daughter just made me hypothesize that it's Yakumo.

I was like, well let's see in season 2 to prove my hypothesis.

2. S2 E2, when Yakumo found Konatsu sleeping, then Konatsu suddenly grabbed master's arm. She opened her eyes for a second, I think here she realize that she's holding Yakumo arms (or at least, sleeping beside him), but decided to keep holding it. (It's just like when you sligtly awake and want to pee in your sleep, you dismiss the thought and continue to sleep). This case is proven when she's fully awake, she threw his hand away. (again just like pee, when we completely awake, we go to the bathroom immediately). This scene looks like Konatsu was lonely and missing someone. My point is on the inside (subconsciously), she wanted Yakumo beside him, but it was irrational for her to do so.

This is Konatsu character, just like her mother said she is never honest. Just like on S2 E1, Konatsu told Yotaro that he changed her mind (about marrying him) but on the inside she's really grateful for him (which is shown afterward). And my hypothesis getting stronger here.

3. S2 E3, well Konatsu is driven home by an older man which turned out to be the mafia boss (a strong hint he is someone who have a relationship with her), then Yotaro confront her which confirms that he is the father.

My hypothesis is dead here. It was dashed by the plot. I never thought about it again.

4. S2 E12, sensei confront Konatsu about the true father of shin, and she had a smirk before sipping her coffee/tea. Well, she didn't confirms nor denies it. Although, there's a quote which favor Yakumo as the father "The boss, the mistress, and Yakumo-san have all passed away. I'll be taking it to hell with me". I mean if the father is the boss, what she would take to hell, everybody already knew it.

Here, my hypothesis is comeback to life. However, just like everyone said it could be Konatsu just being teaseful to sensei. But then, someone on reddit pointed me to

5. Rakugo extra (manga chapter), we learn about Konatsu as a teen. This chapter mostly disregard the assumption that the boss is the father. The boss said "I could never go for a kid, so I turned her down". This quote could be disregarded cause Konatsu is getting older. But then "I want to keep your world and mine (Yakumo) separate". This line strongly disregard the boss as the father, I belive the boss is a discipline and strong-willed person that he won't change his mind about this. Moreover pages later, the boss said "rather than Konatsu being in love with me, I think she just want to worry you, master".

My hypotesis is alive. One thing that always bother me about the boss as the father is he is having an affair with the mistress. I think it's unlikely that he'd play around with many girls, especially Konatsu (a foster-daughter of someone he respected). It would ruin Konatsu character as a female, she want to be a better person than her mother (who's whoring around). She works a honest job in the restaurant. Also, I rewatch the Yotaro accusation of the gang boss (S2 E3) and realize that both the boss and konatsu never confirm Yotaro assumption. Furthermore, I read some discussion, and found some stuff.

6. S2 E3, when kotaro and konatsu saying goodbye to the mistress. Before Konatsu leave, the mistress said "just keep it to yourself. Yotaro said it all for you, it wouldn't be right to just shoot it down". I think it's implying to keep the father to herself, revealing the father (that it's not the boss) would break all Yotaro effort.

7. S2 E8, Yakumo said "I owe you a debt I could never repay", people said this line is implied toward many directions and I agree all of them is probable. It's ambigous and could go anywhere (releasing Yotaro, keeping his secret as father, or protecting Konatsu on her teen, etc). But then, the boss reply "I've gotten as far as I have because I can keep my mouth shut". Well, that's just a strong hint for protecting Yakumo secret.

Other reason I somehow disagree with, it's for releasing Yota because Yota senior already decided to release him way before this without asking the boss permission. So, I believe it's a small matter, and it's on his discretion. Finally,

8. Rakugo Extra (manga chapter), Yakumo said "she's in love with me, isn't she?" then said how he knew her very well (probably more than herself), and it's annoying. Then he said "At that time (as she get older), I won't face her because she is your child. I'll face her as another human being". This scene hinting that at the time he face her in the future, it would be as two equal human being. Not as his child friend, or (something he never thought) as his own daughter.

Mangetsu as other option is very unlikely, Yotaro himself defeated him on getting Konatsu xD. I mean why would they decided to hide it if it was mangetsu. If it was the boss, it's because he's married. If it's Yakumo, it's illegal and unethical for them to marry. Furthermore, it's out of character and doesn't make any sense for Mangetsu to just abandon his child. So there's a series of reason why it's more favorable that the father of shinnosuke is Yakumo. Again it's just a hypothesis, but (in my opinion) it's a strongest one.

^All of this seems very logical. Adding onto it is the fact that Yakumo himself states that he was never able to quite let Miyokichi (Yurie) go. Konatsu is beautiful and does (in my opinion) carry a resemblance to Yurie, despite them being very different, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Yakumo at some point wavered, with the result being Shinnosuke. Let's also not forget that Yakumo seemed to dislike children, but warmed up to Shinnosuke rather quickly.

Wow.your are all great 👏👏 i just finished the anime and really wanted proof of yakumo and konatsu. I am happy that yakumo has an heir and having yota as shin's father figure. No wonder why shinnosuke is a genius.when yota call shin "bon" in the final episode i think yota must have known that his master is the father of shin and that konatsu loved yakumo.
Jan 11, 2018 7:43 AM

Jul 2008
Leave it to josei mangakas to make things incredibly uncomfortable at the end.
Apr 5, 2018 9:51 AM
Feb 2017
Is konatsu a Wh*** before she had first child? If so how did she end up there?
May 4, 2018 3:40 AM
May 2015
You know, assuming Yakumo did in-fact have sex with Konatsu and is the father of the baby, I have to wonder why would either of them have sex? Because the argument that these two are the parents does seem factual without a direct statement confirming it, but it just feels weird for two characters that supposedly hate each other to end up fucking one another. Even if I were to consider that Konatsu secretly loves Yakumo (and vice versa), it would still feel like Konateu is fucking her father figure.

I don't know, this just really seems weird as hell to me.
May 6, 2018 6:33 PM
Nov 2015
There some quotes from the special that implies that Boss is the father. All of this is considering that the translation provided is correct:

Yakumo to Boss: If Konatsu becomes happy will you be able to pass on? [1]
Yakumo to Boss: What sort of thing did you leave behind... [2]
Boss to Yakumo: Well they say time heals all wounds
Boss to Yakumo: At that time, I won’t face her because she’s your child
Boss to Yakumo: But I’ll face her as another human being

[1] Sounds like he's asking Boss if he's able to leave Konatsu even thou she likes him
[2] Something like a baby maybe?
From the rest of the conversation it implies that Boss will *leave* Konatsu, and will rely on time to face her (when the child is born?)
In the ending there's not much, it's just Yakumo trying to get hate from Konatsu, like he aways did
Edit 1

After this conversation Yakumo goes to Konatsu and she asks him if he's angry (about the pregnancy?)
4tKBMay 6, 2018 7:59 PM
May 7, 2018 7:41 PM
May 2015
So I'm guessing evidence was intentionally distributed equally to both arguments so as to keep up the mystery? Good enough for me.
May 20, 2018 11:00 PM

Mar 2009
diajarips said:
Note: I don't get the hate of Konatsu-Yakumo relationship, I mean they're not incest. Yakumo didn't treat Konatsu like his kid, just like he said in the first season "as long as you go to school, you can do anything you want". Although we know later on Yakumo forbid Konatsu to do Rakugo which is, in his mind, for a good reason (I'd need another paragraph to elaborate about this, so I won't spam here unless people asked). The terrible point of incest is your kid could ruined because of the close DNA, but look how Shin turned out to be.

Main issue with it is child grooming and pedophilia. Regardless of whether Yakumo 'treated her as a kid' he did raise her and was her guardian. It would be pretty awful if he's Shinnosuke's father.

The DNA factor seems inconsequential to the child grooming factor.
Feb 10, 2019 11:58 AM

Dec 2015
Lola_LaLoka said:

6. She said to Yakumo ((when she talked about the baby in her stomach before he passed away)) "i guess i really am a slave to my blood" why did she say that to him? Is it because the second child is Yotarous and this time it wont be Yakumos child? Foreal why did she say that.

Wow now that I think about it, she might have meant how Miyokichi had a child with Sukeroku whom she wasn't actually in love with to spite Yakumo while actually being in love with Yakumo. If he really is the father and Chinatsu loved him, then this would make her Miyokichi and Yotaro Sukeroku
Apr 26, 2019 4:38 PM
Apr 2019
I just finished watching the whole series, and even though may here consider the argument of the father of Konatsu's son irrelevant or derailing the story itself, it doesn't. It doesn't because it let you know the character even deeper, and shows you the real feeling of everyone around. There is a lot of implicit information around the relationship of some characters, being Yakumo Yurakutei's relationship with Konatsu the more complex of all. By being Yakumo Yurakutei the father of Konatsu's son, it presents you a more intimate relationship between them and the possibility that Konatsu new exactly what happened with her parents, as their last conversations may hint. At the same time, there is also a big chance that Yotaro new it later on, which makes him more honorable -the way in how the relationship between Yotaro and Kanutso grows could be a proof of this-. No matter how much we speculate, the way on how this "secrets" lives on, and the complexity of relationships and its acceptances are characteristics of the world of Rakugo, its evolution, and how Japanese society function. Rakugo was a tool for many to get out of poverty and out of the most segregate social classes; however, they always move through these classes as many entertainers did during these periods of time. That's why it's important to know or guess, the father of Konatsu's son, that honesty, he was drawn in the same was as Yakumo Yurakutei. The value of family, no matter how it evolved, is the same value these people gave to Rakugo, no matter how it evolved.
JCornejoApr 26, 2019 4:41 PM
May 15, 2019 11:24 PM

Apr 2012
bastek66 said:
According to additional short side chapter it's Yakumo.

That's some really fuck up stuff...
Fucking josei mangakas.

I always laugh when they talk to me about the "dirty" male manga, because it is the female manga that is most free and inventive in this regard. It was shoujo and josei who invented yaoi and yuri, it was shoujo manga that was leading the number of serious romance on taboo or controversial topics.

Jacksnapp said:
Lola_LaLoka said:

6. She said to Yakumo ((when she talked about the baby in her stomach before he passed away)) "i guess i really am a slave to my blood" why did she say that to him? Is it because the second child is Yotarous and this time it wont be Yakumos child? Foreal why did she say that.

Wow now that I think about it, she might have meant how Miyokichi had a child with Sukeroku whom she wasn't actually in love with to spite Yakumo while actually being in love with Yakumo. If he really is the father and Chinatsu loved him, then this would make her Miyokichi and Yotaro Sukeroku

The second season clearly shows that Oneesan truly loved the fathers of each of her children. In this case, the "slave of the blood" implies that the identity of her father and the history of her childhood tightly connects her with the situation in which she is now.

N0rth_Stardust said:
So I'm guessing evidence was intentionally distributed equally to both arguments so as to keep up the mystery? Good enough for me.

In the sense of? The last episode is literally hammered on the head in the question of who is the father of Shin-chan.
May 16, 2019 8:09 AM

Dec 2015
RobertBobert said:

Jacksnapp said:

Wow now that I think about it, she might have meant how Miyokichi had a child with Sukeroku whom she wasn't actually in love with to spite Yakumo while actually being in love with Yakumo. If he really is the father and Chinatsu loved him, then this would make her Miyokichi and Yotaro Sukeroku

The second season clearly shows that Oneesan truly loved the fathers of each of her children. In this case, the "slave of the blood" implies that the identity of her father and the history of her childhood tightly connects her with the situation in which she is now.

I hope you don't mind me asking you to explain it further but I don't see the connection to Yotaro in your interpretation?
Edit: I mean I get that Yotaro's like a surrogate Sukeroku in many ways for both of them but is that really all you meant?
May 16, 2019 1:11 PM

Apr 2012
Jacksnapp said:
RobertBobert said:

The second season clearly shows that Oneesan truly loved the fathers of each of her children. In this case, the "slave of the blood" implies that the identity of her father and the history of her childhood tightly connects her with the situation in which she is now.

I hope you don't mind me asking you to explain it further but I don't see the connection to Yotaro in your interpretation?
Edit: I mean I get that Yotaro's like a surrogate Sukeroku in many ways for both of them but is that really all you meant?

She loves Yotaro, because he sincerely respects her as a person and was even ready to support her in a difficult period as the best friend. Not to mention the fact that he sincerely helped her become the narrator herself. It's pretty subtle, but I think that Yotaro here can be called one of the most positive male characters in the title.

Thus, if relationship of Konatsu’s parents was toxic, and her relationship with Yakumo was hopeless, her marriage to Yotaru turned into a happy family of two caring parents and two happy children. I don’t know if this was intentional, but I personally saw his relationship with Oneesan as a kind of “fixing” all problems with romantic or friendly relationships earlier in the show.
Jun 8, 2019 5:38 PM

Oct 2008
Vote for the Yakumo theory. It might be a mistake, or wrong on many levels, in the anime and outside of it (morally). However as immoral, twisted and unlikely as it might be, I hope that Yakumo is the father.

I like controversy, that is my reason for wanting Yakumo to be the father.
Jul 25, 2019 12:08 PM
Jul 2019
This Thread is rather old and i do feel ashamed to post to a old thread, but right now i have a strong urge to write. So please forgive me for that.

At first I didn't really care about who Shinnosukes father is. But with the hint at the end of the last episode, i was kinda shocked. And after reading this thread and the extra chapter, I can see it too. Without the extra chapter I would not have believe it.

So Konatsu loved Kikuhiko. Maybe since she was a teen or maybe even earlier. There is a high chance that, she remained silent about the fact, that she know the truth about her parents death. And that she knew, that Kikuhiko tries to protect her from harm through saying it was his fault, that her parents died. Still even after all this years never revealing the truth. So it is rather understandable that she has strong feelings for her foster father even tho Kikuhiko is trying his best, to cool down her feelings and turn it into hatred - because he noticed those feelings from the start.

His world is very complex. Believing that it's his fault, that his best friend (Hatsutaro) and his love (Miyokichi) died, he carries a heavy burden. So he sees the Ghost of Hatsutaro from time to time, like his friend can't move on to the afterlife until his daughter grows into an adult or only representing the guild Kikuhiko feels toward his friend. Like after she is an adult, he can finaly be freed from his burden. I have no doubt that for Kikuhiko Konatsu is only his adopted daughter, he is raising instead/for the sake of Hatsutaro. But it is also very important to mention that, at the end of the anime it was revealed, that he has never stopped loving Miyokichi. And that very fact, might be the key to why it might have happend.

Konatsu x Kikuhiko:
I believe the sexual relationship konatsu and kikuhiko had, was rather short or a once in a lifetime thing. Because it is very unethical for him, as a foster father, to sleep with his daughter. He has very high morals. But if he sees her not as a daughter of his own or daugther of his best friend, but rather as the daugther of his first and only love or even maybe for a short moment as Miyokichi herself. It is very possible he has given in to Konatsu. On the spur of the moment.

My 2 Cents.
user2019v2Jul 25, 2019 12:14 PM
Aug 14, 2019 8:57 AM

Dec 2017
For me Is Yakumo. Check his face

Nov 24, 2019 7:51 PM

Apr 2017
Old thread yet I also think the father is Yakumo based from my observations throughout the series since I have been spoiled accidentally about this whole "Father issue" when watching halfway of 1st Season. Not that important but I also notice in S2 EP 4, After Higuchi leave the car, he takes a photo of Yakumo and Shinnosuke. This also proves that Higuchi have been hypothesize about Yakumo being Shinnosuke's biological father for a long time. It would be nice if Higuchi will give that picture to Shinnosuke.
Dec 3, 2019 10:53 AM
Jul 2017
It's NEITHER Yakumo NOR the Yakuza Boss.

It is indeed true that Konatsu fell for Yakumo, and flirted with the Yakuza boss and did all the juvenile things to get Yakumo's attention. As it's shown in the manga and the anime, the teenage Konatsu was stormed by both her romantic feelings and hate for Yakumo. She labelled it as "hate" and "wanting to kill him". Only when she grew up that she realized her true feelings for Yakumo- as reported by Yakumo and Konatsu herself. So, she sleeping with Yakumo is out of the question for a young Konatsu, because she herself thought she only hated him. Who would sleep with the person they hate???? And Yakumo clearly says he is only troubled by her feelings and feel sorry for Konatsu thinking of the time when she would finally realize that it's all not hate what she feels for Yakumo. He thought it would be better for her mental health if she continued to believe that she only hated him. So it's actually only sympathy and wanting to protect are yakumo's feelings towards her. It's unlikely he'd just sleep with her once and then continue to live in the house as if nothing happened. Konatsu also thanks him for raising her despite the many tantrums, not for "giving something to treasure" or any other subtle hints.

The yakuza boss himself says he saved her from a lot of trouble with other gangs and random men. And that he would never lay a hand on a kid. Konatsu, who started behaving like a delinquent and trying to seduce the boss was ALREADY pregnant by an unknown man. The only thing he did was to save Konatsu from falling into deeper shit by getting into a different gang (and perhaps into prostitution like her mom) Despite it being none of his business, the boss did it out of respect for Yakumo. And he never denied speculations about him being the dad to save Konatsu from having more trouble (who would dare call names if she's the yakuza's woman? even in an era where single moms are frowned upon?). The mistress of the boss also knew it, that's why she was kind and protective towards Konatsu. That's also the debt that Yakumo says that he can never repay. Coz imagine the kid having to grow up not knowing the father's name?? That's also the reason Konatsu keeps it a secret. Speculations are better than not knowing. And as far as the kid is concerned, he has a father- Yotaro

So PLEASE don't disrespect those nice two elderly men, and re-read the manga to figure it out. The clues that you claim are only to confuse you and now you will see a different meaning to the dialogues. :)
Dec 18, 2019 10:44 PM
Nov 2018
My impression after reading this thread is that some of the people here don't know that this is the only josei manga by the author. She is a mainly a BL author, and kwoning that while watching the series makes the experience very different. The author didn't intend to make this a BL story but if you know this info and that tropes of the genre Miyokichi's character changes completely.

So yeah, Yakumo didn't fuck Konatsu. Because he is gay.
AAAAAAA_Dec 18, 2019 10:51 PM
Apr 11, 2020 11:56 AM

Feb 2017
I know this is going to make you all feel nauseous, however, I'm at ep. 12 already and look, the spy of the Yakumo 8th generation said that it is a possibility that Shinnosuke is a mix blood between Yakumo and Sukeroku. Meaning, based on this context, Shinnosuke is the mix, otherwise, why would they insert the scene in the episode? And so, it is definitely Yakumo. It's twisted and kind of disgusting, but I think he really banged his friend's daughter because she wanted to "carry on the Sukeroku bloodline". She demanded it and they had Shinnosuke. I know, it's freaking weird. At the same time it's legal because they're not blood related. However, the slight incestual feeling feels off due to their father-daughter relationship growing up. This junk is so twisted but that's my guess. Good luck with this.


Apr 12, 2020 4:43 AM
Apr 2020
Kiku IS not the father - confirmed gay by Kumota
Apr 12, 2020 7:32 AM

Feb 2017
heroyin said:
Kiku IS not the father - confirmed gay by Kumota

New update: Just finished the 12th episode and Shinnosuke's name had "Kikuhiko" in it. Now it's confirmed. How would you explain this then?


Apr 12, 2020 7:38 AM

Feb 2017
heroyin said:
Kiku IS not the father - confirmed gay by Kumota
I translated it and read the message and it said it was a REMAKE by a BL author. Meaning, it was rewritten by a BL author, making the gay ship or whatever you're talking about. Also, it's interesting that the author him/herself has a Twitter account. Thanks for telling though.


May 30, 2020 10:58 AM

Feb 2017
jeannelle said:
Actor_Irelend719 said:

New update: Just finished the 12th episode and Shinnosuke's name had "Kikuhiko" in it. Now it's confirmed. How would you explain this then?

they end up receiving given names when entering rakugo, no?

You don't clearly know the importance of names in Japanese culture. Names are not that easily changed, especially the last names. The last names tends to indicate the familial name that expresses ties with one's family. Therefore, it wasn't given because Shinnosuke has entered into the rakugo, but it was already given when he was already born at that moment. Your point is not plausible because names are not that easy to alter in Japanese culture in general. That's my critique for you, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. :)


Jul 8, 2020 5:29 PM
Sep 2018
Im assumin Yakumo is the father. Konatsu was always in love with him. But it still remains disgusting because he raised her and was lovers with her mother. Konatsu did for sure love Yakumo but her revenge was probably sleeping with him and bearing his child similar to the way Kikuchi slept with Sukeroku giving birth to KOnatsu.

Both mother and duaghter's revenge was similar and was done out of "love". IN the end, i believe yakumo is a sad character.

Also, Shinnosuke looks like Yakumo with a bit of Sukeroku so it is probably true that Yakumo is the father.

But my question is, did Yakumo sleep with Konatsu out of love or guilt?

merope28Jul 8, 2020 8:35 PM
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