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Oct 15, 2016 5:43 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm so they were trying to break out of that sick place.

I feel bad for the kids in this series tbh, especially the one that got caught by one of the trained operatives. The suffering continues ;_;
Oct 15, 2016 7:04 AM

Sep 2015
What a slow pace
Well that wasn't shit, we know more about Mi Liu past at least and we got some action scenes
Oct 15, 2016 7:10 AM

Jan 2015

Flashback of Mi Liu and some fanservice where he learn the harsh truth of being a "Child of Peace" Bloodivores
[url=]convert gambar online
Oct 15, 2016 7:18 AM

Dec 2014
This episode wasn't all that bad (Maybe cause nothing much happened?), Definitely an improvement over the first two.

If some of those prisoners had powers, Why didn't they step up earlier? They could have tried to control the situation much earlier.
Assassin guy seems quite strong.

Not entirely sure how Mi Liu's power works, What exactly is it?
Flashback was interesting, Mi Liu was betrayed by everyone around him. :(

Fan service was easily the best part of the episode though. xD
Oct 15, 2016 7:42 AM
Jun 2014
Well, this ended up as the only anime I'm watching this season... Better be good.

Mi Liu's past was sad.
My mom entered the room exactly at the fanservice. lol
Oct 15, 2016 7:58 AM

Aug 2016
Hm, interested to find out what happens next. The fanservice was hilarious, and we got to know the characters a little more, namely Mi Liu and Cho Ifen, kinda. (well, the part about having married five times and killing her husband, but I thought she ended up there for something financial? Which is the truth?) I also liked the part where Mi Liu blushed when he saw part of Anji's breasts haha, I hope they'll become closer over time... If one of the dies I swear I'll scream.
Oct 15, 2016 8:41 AM

Dec 2014
so the MC backstory a little... I am wondering still what is really happening here
Oct 15, 2016 9:12 AM

Sep 2014
That was an improvement,but still slow-paced.The flashback was interesting to see and we also heard a little about hemomancers who have special abilities and Mi Liu is one of them.It seems that they trapped all the bloodivores to distinguish who are hemomancers through these monsters' attacks.
Oct 15, 2016 9:17 AM

Feb 2015
Animation feels like it degrades every episode. Dialogue has been very typical and contrived. Given up pretty much all expectations on this one.
Oct 15, 2016 9:19 AM

Apr 2011
Better than the last two episodes I'm fascinated to see we're the story goes
Oct 15, 2016 10:24 AM

Nov 2013
Lee Shin = Kanda I don't really like how the face is drawn/animated. They look stoic most of the time.
It is pretty cool that other people had the hemomancy power. Aw poor MC... :(
Oct 15, 2016 10:34 AM

Sep 2015
Dam backstabbing teacher and kids
Oct 15, 2016 11:14 AM

Aug 2015
nothing happened at all and the animation fucks up sometimes, like their faces are sometimes a little bit off if you get me. Something's just not right.

Overall; still extremely slow paced, I really want to drop it honestly
Oct 15, 2016 12:28 PM
Oct 2016
this is the worst anime mabye , of all time !!
Oct 15, 2016 12:49 PM

Feb 2015
Why the hell did Mi Liu's father even had the kid when he didn't even care about him?! "Child of peace?!" That's just BS... щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
Oct 15, 2016 1:03 PM

Mar 2012
Perhaps his dad already know that he won't die even if the criminal tried to drop him?
Oct 15, 2016 1:22 PM

Jun 2015
Damn, Mi Liu got betrayed by everyone at that school. Even his father betrayed him. That sucks.
Oct 15, 2016 2:11 PM

Jul 2010
Lol oh my god this animation is terrible. But I think it's reached the status where it's so bad that it's good. lol
Oct 15, 2016 2:45 PM

Sep 2015
After watching this episode i dropped the anime and gave it 3/10
i will not waste my time with this.
Oct 15, 2016 2:49 PM

May 2016
Any anime that the Chinese gets their hands on, always turns to complete shit.
Oct 15, 2016 4:41 PM

Jun 2013
those fucking bastard sold him out
Oct 15, 2016 5:07 PM
Jun 2016
I watch too many shows, I already figured out whats happened, not sure WHY but I'm 80% sure I know the story :> There is a qualidae code level twist coming.
Oct 15, 2016 5:19 PM

Jun 2016
Worst episode so far. Slow paced, no much happened and animation was really bad.
Oct 15, 2016 6:41 PM

Sep 2014
Lol the animation is as bad as to be expect from Namu Animation.

Man sucks for the MC to be betrayed by everyone like that.
Oct 15, 2016 7:42 PM

Apr 2015
I expected more from this episode. Mi Liu's story is sad but nothing very impactful.

The animation was ridiculous, especially when they were in the warehouse. But i have already seen worst animations and although it's something bad, i can watch with no problem

The fanservice was really random and stupid.
Oct 15, 2016 7:50 PM

Oct 2016
I dont really quite understand what a hemomancers means but I think they are bloodivores with special powers :v ..I like to know a little more past of Mi Liu like how he met that short tempered guy and that big titted girl ..
Oct 15, 2016 8:09 PM

Jun 2013
This series is actually pretty damn sad, very underrated as well!
I do agree that the animation in this episode was really bad though.
Oct 15, 2016 8:12 PM

Aug 2013
the sole reason I'm watching this because of Anji, she's hot & voiced by Kitamura Eri
Oct 15, 2016 8:31 PM

Oct 2011
Mi Liu past omg 😲
Oct 15, 2016 8:58 PM
May 2016
Felt bad for Mi Liu's past, even his father, that's horrible. Nothing much happened on this episode. Ah there's a fanser— well never mind
Oct 15, 2016 9:29 PM
Feb 2016
A bit slow compared to last week but I guess we're going to have answer-question pattern for every new episode. Same as last week's episode was disappointed how the side-main characters manage to survive from being eaten by the monsters because they were 'lucky' enough that the monsters attention was elsewhere from them. If it was made that obvious better yet don't let them appear altogether just make them appear when they have believable reason how they manage to survive. The fan-service made me want to drop this but questions about Mi Liu make me want to continue it. I'll see how next week's episode is gonna go.
Oct 15, 2016 10:12 PM

Mar 2016
I don't get how last episode assault rifle bullets were shown to bounce right off the monsters' tough hides, but in this episode Mi Liu was able to draw blood with a handgun, and Lee Shin's blades were able to slice through the monsters like butter -.-?

These inconsistencies along with the terrible animation are just two among a plethora of problems I'm already noticing this early into the series.

The episode was 20-something minutes, but it felt more like 40. That's the sign of unengaging storytelling. I don't think I'm going to continue with this.
Oct 15, 2016 10:12 PM
Aug 2015
God this show is terrible. Where the fuck did these super powers come from?! If they had powers why the hell didn't they use them earlier. Saw the fan service coming a mile away her tits are huge for a reason. The older chick with the brown hair is probably some kind of sadist who's going to want the MCs dick later on .Really an assault rifle and shotgun won't work on those monsters but a pistol can? Worst of all the assassin guy is just hacking away at the monsters like it's nothing . Are you fucking serious?!And finally they try to make the viewers feel sorry for the MC but it's just so forced. I thought he was supposed to be some kind of savior of humanity. Well this anime is shit already I might drop this earlier than planned.
BaconKingpinOct 15, 2016 10:17 PM
Oct 15, 2016 11:19 PM

May 2010
Seriously, I need that quality of plot armor in my life.
Oct 16, 2016 12:08 AM

Sep 2013
Belly Shirt, aka Lee Shin, is pretty bad ass.

What I don't get is that the hemomancers or whatever it's called, didn't use their abilities sooner like that guy who can move heavy objects. If the falling debri was enough to momentarily pin down those monsters, why not do it before? I know the abilities shown thus far are nothing incredible, but they could've used it sooner. But I digress, we don't know the extent of their abilities.

I'm going to laugh really hard if one of the hemomancers has an ability that is extremely powerful, but decided not to use it for whatever reason.

More Anji fanservice. I really don't mind. I dig chicks with purple-ish hair. That chick has been married 5 times and killed her last husband? She puts Ric Flair to shame! After hearing that, I'm not sure if I trust her now.

Mi Liu's past wasn't as tragic as I expected. It's still a little sad but I also felt that his father knew Mi Liu would survive.

2/5- This episode was very slow. Nothing of note happens here other than Mi Liu's past and the mystery on why all the bloodivores are there deepens. If I can say anything good about this episode is that Belly Shirt is pretty cool and Anji has nice breasts.
TehSnawnOct 16, 2016 12:12 AM

Oct 16, 2016 1:44 AM
Oct 2016
So what's Mi Liu's power exactly? He could fly, make glass shatter.
Oct 16, 2016 2:38 AM

Jan 2013
I feel so sorry for Mi Liu right now ugh...

"Please stop talking about math when I'm eating."
Oct 16, 2016 5:06 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm so is Mi Liu's power to slow down time because thats what it looks

The assassin is still a pretty cool character

At least they manage to get through the door by blowing it
but right into a dead end though.

Anji is a pretty good shot though. And at least they managed to save that girl.

The plot thickens though
Why were all bloodivores with special abilities gathered in one place

At least the ability users are finally showing their mettle at last
The crate gathering power was impressive

Hmm Mi Liu must have had a rough childhood
abandoned by his parents and friends and teachers because of what he is
but i guess thats why he is the person he is today

Overall a good episode that had some good backstory for Mi Liu while also fleshing out his current personality. Combat scenes were well done as well.
The plot gets more interesting by the episode though and can't wait to see what happens next week
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Oct 16, 2016 5:42 AM

Nov 2014
I'm a little surprised people still follow this, like come on. There are like 50 anime airing this season and you chose this one?
Oct 16, 2016 5:53 AM

Oct 2014
The relationship between Mi Liu and Anji is incredibly awkward but apart from that I'm enjoying this so far. The soundtrack is great, the action is pretty good, the censors are crap but the story has a good foundation this should be a decent anime.
Oct 16, 2016 8:07 AM

Mar 2015
was i the only one or does the fightscenes between the assassin and the monsters look really unrealistic?
Trying to be creative
Oct 16, 2016 8:09 AM

Mar 2015
And i dont mean the normal unrealistic because of the monsters but the fact that his hits and way of fighting looks really sloppy and it doesnt look like he hits everything
Trying to be creative
Oct 16, 2016 8:10 AM

Mar 2015
nokitron said:
I'm a little surprised people still follow this, like come on. There are like 50 anime airing this season and you chose this one?

Well im looking like 10 anime at the moment there is one or two more no problem
Trying to be creative
Oct 16, 2016 8:16 AM

Nov 2014
MrMiyamura said:
nokitron said:
I'm a little surprised people still follow this, like come on. There are like 50 anime airing this season and you chose this one?

Well im looking like 10 anime at the moment there is one or two more no problem
MrMiyamura said:
nokitron said:
I'm a little surprised people still follow this, like come on. There are like 50 anime airing this season and you chose this one?

Well im looking like 10 anime at the moment there is one or two more no problem

Very well nice keep it up
Oct 16, 2016 8:21 AM

Mar 2015
nokitron said:
MrMiyamura said:

Well im looking like 10 anime at the moment there is one or two more no problem
MrMiyamura said:

Well im looking like 10 anime at the moment there is one or two more no problem

Very well nice keep it up

Weeeelllll its really difficult but do you have a recommendation for this season?
Trying to be creative
Oct 16, 2016 8:32 AM

Nov 2014
MrMiyamura said:
nokitron said:

Very well nice keep it up

Weeeelllll its really difficult but do you have a recommendation for this season?

I am currently following Sangatsu and Drifters. Both are very interesting and wellmade imo. I also hear good things about Yuri on Ice.
Oct 16, 2016 8:48 AM

Mar 2015
nokitron said:
MrMiyamura said:

Weeeelllll its really difficult but do you have a recommendation for this season?

I am currently following Sangatsu and Drifters. Both are very interesting and wellmade imo. I also hear good things about Yuri on Ice.

I will give it a try thx
Trying to be creative
Oct 16, 2016 1:23 PM
Mar 2016
If it's gonna be this slow, then maybe I should put it on hold until the last ep.
Oct 16, 2016 2:09 PM

Sep 2015
Not too bad. I'm at least continually interested in what's going on in this series.

Credit goes to the guys at Minimalistic-Animoo Deviantart Group for the vectors.
Oct 16, 2016 4:47 PM

Oct 2015
Yes Mi Liu, ignore the fact that that very specific office had photos of you and your family in it on top of the map. The map is the only weird thing in that office.
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