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Jul 26, 2016 8:52 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, this episode felt like an extended version when Kizuna first tried to resonate with Aine...except it's more lewder. That awkward moment when they got interrupted by a message..

Aine also taking the initiative? LOL. Boob grabs, licking, etc everywhere. Moans skyrocketed lmao
Jul 26, 2016 10:17 AM

Jan 2012
Oh yeah, finally some suckling! XD The ecchi goodness this week definitely made up for the lack of it last week! XD
Jul 26, 2016 11:29 AM

Jan 2015
animefan8800 said:
Oh yeah, finally some suckling! XD The ecchi goodness this week definitely made up for the lack of it last week! XD
Damn man, your comment feels like spoiler for me. Now I just can't wait for the "moment". >_<

Typical Tsudere-type girl, with some selfishness. Oh well. at least she can be useful after that new "Ritual".
When it finally updated and you click the "play" button. LOL
MasceraJul 26, 2016 11:32 AM
[url=]convert gambar online
Jul 26, 2016 11:39 AM

Apr 2014
Best episode as of yet.

Kizuna getting it on with Chidorigafuchi 69/10

Jul 26, 2016 12:24 PM
Jul 2018
The interaction between Kizuna and Chidorigafuchi was decent.

The Heart Hybrid in this episode was so lewd!!!
Jul 26, 2016 12:28 PM

Jul 2015
Jesus christ xD. That's some pretty good action if ya know what I mean.
Jul 26, 2016 12:29 PM

Dec 2014
Last time I remember seeing art from the guy who did the end card it was Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? season 2. At least that's something going for this series.
Jul 26, 2016 12:47 PM

Jul 2013
+ Nice Lewd Scene
= Aine's backstory
= The Battle was okay
- Typical motives from Aine.. seriously another power hungry character... okay I guess at lt starts to end.
- Typical "Ending" of first third of series

I take back what said about anything positive about this... The whole episode aside from the lewd scene felt like I was watching Kamen Rider Ghost's later half but instead of typical "Fight bad guys with power of emotions" it's "Fight bad guys with Power of the Lewd". I guess I'm done!! 3/5 for lewd scene 1/5 for story

Jul 26, 2016 12:58 PM

Jan 2008
Went straight to the good stuff. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nice to see they took it up a notch, even if not by much. Oh and heart shaped pupils, one of my favorite little details in doujinshis.

Really hope Himekawa gets her own scene soon and dat post credit endcard lol.
Jul 26, 2016 1:04 PM

Jul 2015
Probably the best episode yet. I'm actually intrigued with Aine's past. Maybe she has something to do with that lady at the ending, idk. Aine is clearly the best girl. Those other 2 can just leave hahah.

caught in the wonder
Jul 26, 2016 1:23 PM

May 2012
Yep, Aine best girl in every aspect ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So she's just extremely socially awkward. Great, I wasn't really feeling up for tsunderes much. I think that title belongs to Himekawa for now? At least, it feels like she's giving off those vibes.

I actually wanna know more about Aine's past. I bet she plays a whole larger role in all this, and that "clock tower" wasn't actually a clock tower

Definitely enjoyed this episode more than the last 3

Jul 26, 2016 1:30 PM
Aug 2015
I kind of felt this episode was rushed a bit :/
Jul 26, 2016 1:40 PM
Jul 2018
Wow this episode was pretty intense.
Jul 26, 2016 1:45 PM

Jan 2013
Alright, the dialogue during the first have was cliche.
Jul 26, 2016 2:19 PM

Jun 2014
RediceRyan said:
Alright, the dialogue during the first have was cliche.

Very true, but lets face it, no one is going to care about that anyway.

Aside from the hentai lewd scene, I found this episode to be pretty boring.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 26, 2016 2:21 PM

May 2014
For me it was the best episode until now, i enjoyed it not only for the lewdness but also for the story, with the appearance of the first AU Soldier and the first LN volume behind us this is going to get much more fun from now on and having read the LN it will also start having less cliches and being less predictable, it's a shame we are only having about 3-4 volumes animated because from the 4th onwards it completly dumps the generic school harem scenario
Jul 26, 2016 4:27 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
This is the kind of show you're seriously better off watching a webm compilation of the ecchi scenes on rather than actually taking the time to watch the anime as a whole. Like really it's like 80-90% crap nobody cares about and then the remaining part being the ecchi, I.E: the only thing people are even watching it for in the first place
Jul 26, 2016 4:30 PM

Sep 2015
did i just see kurousagi?

why her hair's colour change?
Into the Internet!
Jul 26, 2016 4:56 PM

Mar 2014
HaXXspetten said:
This is the kind of show you're seriously better off watching a webm compilation of the ecchi scenes on rather than actually taking the time to watch the anime as a whole. Like really it's like 80-90% crap nobody cares about and then the remaining part being the ecchi, I.E: the only thing people are even watching it for in the first place

Duh, ofc the LEWD is the main and only selling point of the series.

If you don´t care about the story it´s perfectly fine, but there are people like me who read the novels and think it´s at the very least decent for what it is. So refrain from including us in your assumptions.

Btw, the vol 1 which has just ended is the worst (PLOT-and-plot-wise) and the second is not that much better. You don´t get to the heart of the series till vol 4, that´s where it becomes truly entertaining.
Jul 26, 2016 5:04 PM

Mar 2012
wow, that was one of like 2 upskirts ive seen all year, where the hell have they all been?
Jul 26, 2016 6:32 PM

Sep 2015
HaXXspetten said:
This is the kind of show you're seriously better off watching a webm compilation of the ecchi scenes on rather than actually taking the time to watch the anime as a whole. Like really it's like 80-90% crap nobody cares about and then the remaining part being the ecchi, I.E: the only thing people are even watching it for in the first place

Pretty insulting to those who actually read the novels and like the stories. Everyone preference is different, you have your hate and i have my like. Of course you are free to write anything anywhere. But try not to think your opinion represents all the community, there are real people who watch it for the story/plot especially starting from volume 4. As someone who have watch tons of anime and manga like you, should not be judging an anime based on ecchi scene without knowing its story.

Plus no offence to you but, you can drop it and seriously better off watching a web compilation of the ecchi scenes on, yet you continue to watch and comment here. Totally defeats the purpose.
valvravetruthJul 26, 2016 6:50 PM
Jul 26, 2016 6:46 PM

May 2016
fap/10... this show delivers as usual.
Jul 26, 2016 6:55 PM

Apr 2014
She has a big leave blower as new weapon, she even pulls a fucking string to turn it on, wtf....
Jul 26, 2016 7:12 PM

Apr 2011
Aw. Aine just needs more love. She doesn't have anyone else. But don't worry, Kizuna is here for you. She's now brighter than before and has a huge leaf blower to blow those pesky leaves. I thought I would never see a upskirt panty shot given the lewdness, but were given a loli panty shot. Thank you, Sylvia. The 'action' is definitely good. Pure uncensored goodness. Love it.

The tsundere must be next.
Jul 26, 2016 8:11 PM

Oct 2015
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) muh luv for Aine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 26, 2016 8:52 PM
Dec 2015
I really hope Himekawa is next. She is the best girl just for her thinking everything is indecent.
I'm not just a Tsundere, I am THE Tsundere.
Jul 26, 2016 9:06 PM

Dec 2015
still trying to figure out why they just didn't make this a hentai series
Jul 26, 2016 9:37 PM

Jun 2013
Dont care what anyone says, this is enjoyable as fuck!
Jul 26, 2016 9:37 PM

Aug 2013
Like this it should be this plot, many breasts, a proactive protagonist, some legal dialogues here and there and small mysteriesto stoke the curiosity of those who watch, with the tips in the episode it is possible to form some theories about the origin of Aine, so as those who are attacking the Earth, Kizuna really showed a great attitude in this episode, and thus that it gains the heart (and body) of heroin, and the breasts certainly can not miss in the episode, I look forward for the next episodes ..
Jul 26, 2016 10:08 PM

Jun 2013
"That's a huge nuisance!"

Lol, this is rich.
Jul 27, 2016 1:27 AM

Feb 2016
Sucking tits that's what i want to see
Jul 27, 2016 3:20 AM

Jan 2016
Paul said:
Went straight to the good stuff. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nice to see they took it up a notch, even if not by much. Oh and heart shaped pupils, one of my favorite little details in doujinshis.

Really hope Himekawa gets her own scene soon and dat post credit endcard lol.

It's coming, I can't place the LN pacing yet but it can't be too far ahead. Next episode or episode 6 I believe should have it.
Jul 27, 2016 3:26 AM

Jan 2015
Is this considered ecchi nowadays? Looked like hentai to me
A curve including all entries should be of a gaussian form. One including limited entries by picking animes you liked and not rating animes you dropped should look like mine.
Amount of total animes each rating should have (percentages): 6-25,7-15,8-6,9-3,10-1
Jul 27, 2016 3:28 AM

Jan 2016
MrHavok said:
For me it was the best episode until now, i enjoyed it not only for the lewdness but also for the story, with the appearance of the first AU Soldier and the first LN volume behind us this is going to get much more fun from now on and having read the LN it will also start having less cliches and being less predictable, it's a shame we are only having about 3-4 volumes animated because from the 4th onwards it completly dumps the generic school harem scenario

I agree kinda wish they fast forward volumes 2-4 and then finished with the 4 and 5 volumes. I don't see this getting a second see but clearly that would be the better watch.

I am a big fan of the LN, favorite ecchi harem series I have read so far.

Bloodriver said:
HaXXspetten said:
This is the kind of show you're seriously better off watching a webm compilation of the ecchi scenes on rather than actually taking the time to watch the anime as a whole. Like really it's like 80-90% crap nobody cares about and then the remaining part being the ecchi, I.E: the only thing people are even watching it for in the first place

Duh, ofc the LEWD is the main and only selling point of the series.

If you don´t care about the story it´s perfectly fine, but there are people like me who read the novels and think it´s at the very least decent for what it is. So refrain from including us in your assumptions.

Btw, the vol 1 which has just ended is the worst (PLOT-and-plot-wise) and the second is not that much better. You don´t get to the heart of the series till vol 4, that´s where it becomes truly entertaining.

valvravetruth said:
HaXXspetten said:
This is the kind of show you're seriously better off watching a webm compilation of the ecchi scenes on rather than actually taking the time to watch the anime as a whole. Like really it's like 80-90% crap nobody cares about and then the remaining part being the ecchi, I.E: the only thing people are even watching it for in the first place

Pretty insulting to those who actually read the novels and like the stories. Everyone preference is different, you have your hate and i have my like. Of course you are free to write anything anywhere. But try not to think your opinion represents all the community, there are real people who watch it for the story/plot especially starting from volume 4. As someone who have watch tons of anime and manga like you, should not be judging an anime based on ecchi scene without knowing its story.

Plus no offence to you but, you can drop it and seriously better off watching a web compilation of the ecchi scenes on, yet you continue to watch and comment here. Totally defeats the purpose.

I couldn't agree more with these 3 guys. If it's not for you then drop it and move on. There are enough of us fans that enjoy series just the way it is. It's a lewd harem and it only gets more lewd each episode here on out.
Maverick-samaJul 27, 2016 3:33 AM
Jul 27, 2016 3:44 AM

May 2014
Maverick-sama said:
MrHavok said:
For me it was the best episode until now, i enjoyed it not only for the lewdness but also for the story, with the appearance of the first AU Soldier and the first LN volume behind us this is going to get much more fun from now on and having read the LN it will also start having less cliches and being less predictable, it's a shame we are only having about 3-4 volumes animated because from the 4th onwards it completly dumps the generic school harem scenario

I agree kinda wish they fast forward volumes 2-4 and then finished with the 4 and 5 volumes. I don't see this getting a second see but clearly that would be the better watch.

I am a big fan of the LN, favorite ecchi harem series I have read so far.

Bloodriver said:

Duh, ofc the LEWD is the main and only selling point of the series.

If you don´t care about the story it´s perfectly fine, but there are people like me who read the novels and think it´s at the very least decent for what it is. So refrain from including us in your assumptions.

Btw, the vol 1 which has just ended is the worst (PLOT-and-plot-wise) and the second is not that much better. You don´t get to the heart of the series till vol 4, that´s where it becomes truly entertaining.

valvravetruth said:

Pretty insulting to those who actually read the novels and like the stories. Everyone preference is different, you have your hate and i have my like. Of course you are free to write anything anywhere. But try not to think your opinion represents all the community, there are real people who watch it for the story/plot especially starting from volume 4. As someone who have watch tons of anime and manga like you, should not be judging an anime based on ecchi scene without knowing its story.

Plus no offence to you but, you can drop it and seriously better off watching a web compilation of the ecchi scenes on, yet you continue to watch and comment here. Totally defeats the purpose.

I couldn't agree more with these 3 guys. If it's not for you then drop it and move on. There are enough of us fans that enjoy series just the way it is. It's a lewd harem and it only gets more lewd each episode here on out.

Well did have a second season of Shinmai Maou no Testament and from what i know of the authors afterword in volume 8 they are planning of doing a third season down the line when they have more Shinmai Light Novel volumes to adapt, so hopefully this series will also get a 2nd season.
Jul 27, 2016 3:44 AM

Nov 2015

I seriously just hope this gets a season 2 so I can f*p to it. Story seems pretty average so far though.
Jul 27, 2016 3:49 AM

May 2014
Sonicfanx1 said:

I seriously just hope this gets a season 2 so I can f*p to it. Story seems pretty average so far though.

It get's decent later in the series, from light novels volume 4 onwards it drop the Infinite Stratos type scenario and get's much better both plot wise and "PLOT" wise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 27, 2016 6:02 AM

Jan 2016
MrHavok said:

Well did have a second season of Shinmai Maou no Testament and from what i know of the authors afterword in volume 8 they are planning of doing a third season down the line when they have more Shinmai Light Novel volumes to adapt, so hopefully this series will also get a 2nd season.

I am hopeful for a second season, I don't see any series on the horizon like this(lewd/ecchi/harems). So a second season would be nice and a third season Shinmai_Maou_no_Testament would be great.
Jul 27, 2016 6:18 AM

Jul 2015
Aine~ <3

I need this guilty pleasure shows every season lol
Can't wait for Himekawa!

Jul 27, 2016 6:27 AM

Jun 2015
The ecchi scene was...meh...
I was expecting more, considering that it's the only good thing they got going for them...
I still can't understand why some people think that this will top Highschool dxd and shinmai...
Jul 27, 2016 6:35 AM

May 2014
Creepy_Noire_fan said:
The ecchi scene was...meh...
I was expecting more, considering that it's the only good thing they got going for them...
I still can't understand why some people think that this will top Highschool dxd and shinmai...

I don't think it will ever top HS DxD, it's one of the few ecchi series that found its way to extreme popularity up to the point of being a near mainstream anime, but honestly I enjoy this more than Shinmai and having read the Light Novels I can say this show keeps getting better and better in terms of both plot and "plot" (if the animation keeps fateful to the the LN lmao) as the author improved a lot while writing this and in the Shinmai LN honestly I don't see the same potential for improvement that I see in this series, from Volume 4 onwards it's starts being really fun and you get a lot "feels" and I can say at least for myself, you start to give a damn about the history, while I do admit that the beggining isn't the best, specially being the Infinite Stratos generic scenario, but I see it heading in a better path than Shinmai, so I will honestly say that if given the chance this anime, based on what I read from the LN of both series has the potential to top Shinmai
Jul 27, 2016 7:13 AM

Jun 2015
MrHavok said:
Creepy_Noire_fan said:
The ecchi scene was...meh...
I was expecting more, considering that it's the only good thing they got going for them...
I still can't understand why some people think that this will top Highschool dxd and shinmai...

I don't think it will ever top HS DxD, it's one of the few ecchi series that found its way to extreme popularity up to the point of being a near mainstream anime, but honestly I enjoy this more than Shinmai and having read the Light Novels I can say this show keeps getting better and better in terms of both plot and "plot" (if the animation keeps fateful to the the LN lmao) as the author improved a lot while writing this and in the Shinmai LN honestly I don't see the same potential for improvement that I see in this series, from Volume 4 onwards it's starts being really fun and you get a lot "feels" and I can say at least for myself, you start to give a damn about the history, while I do admit that the beginning isn't the best, specially being the Infinite Stratos generic scenario, but I see it heading in a better path than Shinmai, so I will honestly say that if given the chance this anime, based on what I read from the LN of both series has the potential to top Shinmai

I see…
I’m glad to hear that it gets better.
I’ll admit, the IS feel really annoyed me (still haven’t recovered from hundred) but it wasn’t bad enough to make me hate it.
I'm kinda sad that i won't be seeing any twintails nor nekos but i think i'll enjoy this more if the plot and "plot" gets better
Jul 27, 2016 7:43 AM

May 2014
Creepy_Noire_fan said:
MrHavok said:

I don't think it will ever top HS DxD, it's one of the few ecchi series that found its way to extreme popularity up to the point of being a near mainstream anime, but honestly I enjoy this more than Shinmai and having read the Light Novels I can say this show keeps getting better and better in terms of both plot and "plot" (if the animation keeps fateful to the the LN lmao) as the author improved a lot while writing this and in the Shinmai LN honestly I don't see the same potential for improvement that I see in this series, from Volume 4 onwards it's starts being really fun and you get a lot "feels" and I can say at least for myself, you start to give a damn about the history, while I do admit that the beginning isn't the best, specially being the Infinite Stratos generic scenario, but I see it heading in a better path than Shinmai, so I will honestly say that if given the chance this anime, based on what I read from the LN of both series has the potential to top Shinmai

I see…
I’m glad to hear that it gets better.
I’ll admit, the IS feel really annoyed me (still haven’t recovered from hundred) but it wasn’t bad enough to make me hate it.
I'm kinda sad that i won't be seeing any twintails nor nekos but i think i'll enjoy this more if the plot and "plot" gets better

Well Hayuru Himekawa should cosplay a neko at least once during the anime, so it's something look forward to :p
Jul 27, 2016 8:03 AM

Jun 2015
MrHavok said:
Creepy_Noire_fan said:

I see…
I’m glad to hear that it gets better.
I’ll admit, the IS feel really annoyed me (still haven’t recovered from hundred) but it wasn’t bad enough to make me hate it.
I'm kinda sad that i won't be seeing any twintails nor nekos but i think i'll enjoy this more if the plot and "plot" gets better

Well Hayuru Himekawa should cosplay a neko at least once during the anime, so it's something look forward to :p

...with her personality, that might actually be extremely lewd and cute at the same time! I can't wait to see that embarrassed face! XD
I approve !!!
Jul 27, 2016 8:33 AM

May 2014
Creepy_Noire_fan said:
MrHavok said:

Well Hayuru Himekawa should cosplay a neko at least once during the anime, so it's something look forward to :p

...with her personality, that might actually be extremely lewd and cute at the same time! I can't wait to see that embarrassed face! XD
I approve !!!

Here is a "preview" of whats to come
Jul 27, 2016 9:03 AM

Jun 2015
MrHavok said:
Creepy_Noire_fan said:

...with her personality, that might actually be extremely lewd and cute at the same time! I can't wait to see that embarrassed face! XD
I approve !!!

Here is a "preview" of whats to come

...t...that's really... least i know who's going to be my favorite character in this show...
Jul 27, 2016 10:34 AM

May 2012
MrHavok said:

Here is a "preview" of whats to come

Welp, and just like that, I'm swayed lul Sorry, Aine

Jul 27, 2016 11:03 AM

May 2014
Olem said:
MrHavok said:

Here is a "preview" of whats to come

Welp, and just like that, I'm swayed lul Sorry, Aine

Aine also has some good moments ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 27, 2016 11:27 AM

May 2015
Ecchi and lewd goodness. That did not disappoint ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)....

Jul 27, 2016 12:00 PM

May 2016
Pervert mode: ON

Someone tell me, will the sucking tits scenes be longer in the future? I'm glad they stepped into this territory, but this time it was just too quick, I want longer sucking...

Perver mode: OFF

Now excuse me, but I gotta go kill myself real quick...have a good day...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
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