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May 17, 2016 10:43 PM

Jan 2016
This is where you can introduce yourself. Say a little bit about yourself, and what your favorite anime is.

Ill start with myself. Im Kazum (Everyone just calls me either Kazum, Nefer, or Austin) Im 21 years old. I live in the State of Missouri in the United States and attend college going into my junior year majoring in History Education and minoring in Political Science. Ive been watching anime for about 2-3 years now. I kind of have an obsession with Aisaka Taiga from Toradora! and from that you can probably tell my favorite anime lol.
KazumAug 2, 2016 5:47 PM
Taiga is Knowledge, Taiga is Power, Taiga is Life
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Aug 3, 2016 2:12 PM

Oct 2015
Hiiiii!! :)
I'm Ruby! I've been watching anime since I was little, some of my first animes were Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon and Pokemon. I LOVE Oreos, Nutella and books. Some might say I'm an Oreo addict, but hey it could be worse you know? Hehehehehe!! I'm also kinda obsessed with Harry Potter. I'm secretly a ninja, and wizard but psshhh no one needs to know that!!! I tend to fangirl a lot about stuff, such as my Anime Senpais. Trust me I have a lot of Anime Senpais...YAAAYYY Anime Senpais for the win!!! Hehehehe!! Feel free to message me if you want to talk about anything or have any recommendations!! ^-^
Aug 3, 2016 5:09 PM

Dec 2015
sup I'm rekei and I'm the Co-leader of the club

i've watch anime for most of my life starting with stuff like bleach, naruto, gundam seed destiny and Zatchbell.i enjoy most genres my favorites being psychological seinen and slice of life. Some of my favorite anime are Initial D, Non Non biyori and Oregairu

feel free to message or add me
Aug 3, 2016 9:02 PM

Dec 2015
@Carson thanks for the invite! I think some people know be but.....

Hello to all! My name is Karen Shirotori (可憐白鳥). If you don't interchange the names, it means "lovely swan". I'm currently 14 and in high school. I play violin like Miyazono Kaori from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. I got reunited to anime in May 2015. My favorite anime genres are action, drama, fantasy, school, shounen, and supernatural.

I hope we'll be friends, 'kay?

P.S. I sometimes stalk people's profile's for no good reason.

Aug 7, 2016 8:59 PM

Dec 2012
Hey there! you can call me Slade. I'm 18 and I'm transferring to a new college this year. Ill be a Junior at UCD. Anyways I've been watch anime since i was a wee lad. I'm actually majoring in animation so maybe one day ill be able to help make an anime or maybe my own if I'm lucky. Im interested in talking anime with some new friends :) Also my fav. type is dark, action, adventure!
Just go with the flow.....(flow smashes you into a rock)....god damn it flow....
Aug 8, 2016 6:41 PM
May 2016
Heya there,

My name is Jeevan. I am 23, and I am in my final year of college (well, Bachelor's).

Anyways, I only started watching anime recently (about 3 months ago - which I am super glad for. I wasn't taking any classes during summer spent most of my free time watching anime).

I have watched anime in the past (Pokemon, DBZ and all), but was never really a passionate fan of any of those series. So, it took me some time to get into it.

As for my favorite series...hmm. Nodame Cantabile comes to mind. It was the series that really spurred my interest in anime.

Oh, thank you @Carson for the message!
Aug 8, 2016 9:02 PM
May 2014
Hey guys my name is Francisco and I'm 21 years old from California. I've been watching anime for about 2 years but I'm already at over 400 completed so I guess I'm somewhat of a veteran lol. I like pretty much every genre but, if I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be romance or drama. This is the first club I've joined on here so I'm not sure what to expect but I'm hoping to make new friends so hit me up to introduce yourself or if you want to discuss anything! Looking forward to talking to all of you.
Aug 9, 2016 2:09 AM

Nov 2013
Yo , I'm Zetsubounoouji ( Prince of Despair )
Most people call me Dan/Sting. I'm 17 and I live in Bulgaria . I'm in a class focused on English and Art . I've been watching anime since the age of 6 , but had a major hiatus from 2012 to 2014 . I started off with anime like Shaman King , Naruto , Bleach , YGO , Pokemon and all the overrated 90's shows . The person who showed me the road down to anime/manga/light novels/visual novels etc was my mother . Sadly , my parents work abroad a lot and I can't watch anime with them that much xD .
Fave anime - KHR
Fave manga - TG/TG:RE

That's all ~
Aug 9, 2016 4:04 PM
Jan 2016
Hello all,

I'm Taluun but calling me Ben is also pretty common. I'm 24 and live in Chicago, Illinois, USA. I graduated with my degree in aerospace engineering last year and have been working since then. I will be getting married in another week and a half to a friend I have had since the 7th grade. I have been watching anime since I was 6 with stuff like Pokemon, Digimon and Tenchi Muyo being my first 3. While I watched stuff throughout my life it wasn't until Winter 2014 that I started watching seasonal stuff.

Favorite shows are Code Geass, Monogatari Series, S;G, Haruhi, and Toradora with honorable mentions from The Tatami Galaxy and Tekkon Kinkreet.

I also just started to update my MAL the other day and it has quite a ways to go before its up to date.
Aug 10, 2016 8:23 AM
Jan 2009
Hi ya am Kiril , most people call me Kiril :) (what a surprise) . i am 28 years old (that pretty old if i go by all others here :) ) and i am from Bulgaria/Plovdiv . I am currently working i computer repair-shop before was IPS cable guy . I have been watching anime in all my life but got rly into past 15 years ha . Some of my first are Voltron , Saber rider after that Pokemon , Shaman king , YGO you know all the shity stuff that been on TV :) . Recently i have started to read manga (never been my thing before) but with degradation quality of the anime plot recent years ( or maybe i become pretty old for this stuff , dknow) i just give it a try .HAHA and now i am manga fan too . So i normally watch anime every day and i have pretty big list but on Anidb - it is my first choice for list my watches , but after i started with manga i am getting to use mal more because no manga list on anidb . Fav genre Echhi/Romance , like ones with strong MC (dont like limps perverted bastards) , generally hate slice of life and those anime with only one gender protagonists . Fav anime, hmm so many . So hmm that become pretty long , Ok this is for now if you wanna talk or recommendation for anime or manga , or wanna recommend me something for reading or watch just write me .
PS: sorry for ma English never rly learn it , i was meh back in the school and was 1st generation of Bulgarian students that have to learn it like normal subject in school ...
SeibarAug 17, 2016 3:10 PM
Aug 11, 2016 11:31 AM

May 2009
Sup! I'm Cheo, Aredros is my profile name for almost everything... I've been in the anime train for quite long (since I was a kid with pokemon, saint seiya, etc), I'm 23 now and I am from Caracas/Venezuela. Currently working as a translator and studying in the university.

About my tastes in anime... for me its in like any other media, If the show is well written, or have an amazing art/ost I will like it (its not like I consider myself something... is just that I have always been a little picky about plots in books, movies, anime, etc) , do not care about genre, seinen, shounen, shoujo, etc... If it is good I will watch it... following that rule I really dont appreciate shows that are based only on things like ecchi, gore, or only action, etc (but well, even I have my guilty pleasures sometimes...)

About my favorite series: Monogatari series, Spice And Wolf (I absoluty love it and read all the novels), Fate Zero, Shiki, Mawaru Penguindrum, Madoka, between others....
<img src=""/>
Aug 14, 2016 1:28 AM
Aug 2016
Hey everyone, I'm YoungLyon or just lyon. Been watching for about 6 years now (kinda on and off; I don't watch much tv). 19, Indiana. Favorite genre is Slice-of-life. I only watch shows with finished stories. I don't like waiting for new episodes. If you want recommendations or have any recommendations hit me up.
Aug 14, 2016 4:04 AM
Jul 2016
Umm, Hi everyone! You can call me Beam :) (Beam is my name translated to english) I am 25 years old girl and I live in finland. Ive been watching anime since I was very young. I dont even remember them all :)
I graduated about 3 months ago to art therapist :)
My fav genre is romance/ humour and of course supernatural. Oh, I just looove the steamy romance scenes, that makes me blush and giggle like a schoolgirl :D It just makes me happy :)

Right now my fav anime/manga is akatsuki no yona. Dance with the devils hit the spot for me too.

That's all :3
Aug 16, 2016 2:06 PM
Jan 2016
@bonbonbeam Akatsuki no Yona has got a great story so I can see why you like it!

Im fairly known as Shira around here (Chrono(demon from manga I read) and Max(My irl name) works fine too) Iam 19 years old and just ended my studies in the swedish highschool

In my sparetime I study japanese and during my next year I will start studying russian in school) Will see how that goesXD

Ive read some manga since a girl in in elementary school introduced me to it and ever since then Ive watched tons of anime!

In case you are new to anime or just want to watch something good feel free to ask and I will give you watch ideas

If you like hunting pokemon, we might team up and catch em all if you are up to it! (Pokemon Go)

I highly recommend: Spice and wolf, Baccano and Natsume yuujincho (last one isnt so famous but its really got the dfeels if your up for it)

The rest you will have to find out yourself :p
Aug 16, 2016 4:24 PM

Mar 2016
Hola muchachos! I'm Caitlin! I am a perv that needs some love. I'm from Colorado, but originally from Mexico. I am also an artist who plays the trumpet and speaks English, Spanish, and Japanese. I am fairly new to anime, but I still love it! My favourite genres are ecchi and psychological (weird mix, I know). Hmm... what else? Umm, I like pie. I also have an obsession with pie. Whenever I talk to someone, I end up say pie at least ten times.
Aug 16, 2016 10:31 PM

Jul 2016
Hi minna-san! My name is Mikiyo (美紀代) but you can call me Miki.
I'm french youtaite, my passion is drawing and look animes
I am 14, and I have been watching anime since I was 8, my first animes was some shoujo. My favorite anime genres are yaoi, shounen, school, idol, psychological and supernatural...I have trouble with reverse harem :x
I recommend >> Black blood brothers, Noblesse, Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
and my favourite anime >> D.gray Man!
I hope we get along well in the club. lovlove ♥
Nothing last forever ~
Aug 17, 2016 2:30 PM

Sep 2014
I'm not the best at introductions, but whatever. I'm a 20(soon 21) year old Swedish male who likes anime, manga and stuff. I felt like this group had some nice people so I decided to join it. I study high school teacher with History and English as subjects.

In discord I usually go by the name of dzerato if that's of anyones interest.

I'm not a particulary picky anime viewer, but my favorite anime is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I simply hope to get along with people.
Aug 18, 2016 2:37 PM

Oct 2015
Hello all, glad to be here, however short or long of a time I stay. Online I go only by Memor though it's often taken so I have to make variations. I'm super surprised it was available on a site as populated as MAL though haha.

I've been looking for a smaller group to join for a while now and this is the first one I came across!

I'm complete trash at making friends and are generally afraid to add people so if you feel like adding me then please do not hesitate. I will probably be over the moon.

My favourite anime is Gintama but my favourite series is the To Aru Majutsu no Index series, spinoffs included (though I'm still in the process of reading Index so it's not like I'm some Toaru guru lol). Yeah the anime was pretty iffy but I would love to use this opportunity to advise everyone who watched it to read the LN. Then and only then will you understand. ;)

Thanks for having me.
Aug 19, 2016 11:53 AM

Jul 2008
dunno how good i'll be at this since kinda rusty but here goes.

hello,username RyokoAyekaLover but most people just shorten it to Ryoko or Ryo and while i may not be the best conversation starter by any means once you get me going i can keep the conversation going ^^. 25 year old guy who has been watching anime since he was 5 on TV and by the time i started watching anime on the computer in May 2007 i had already watched 60 entries worth of anime on MAL so needless to say i been at anime watching for some time which only rivals the amount of time i've been playing video games which was from 5 and continue to this day ^^.i also like chatting so don't be afraid and feel free to message me or talk to me in the club(but try to avoid pm's if possible..i never check that)

some of my favorite anime include:
2.)Ranma 1/2
3.)Hayate no Gotoku
and naturally more which you can find out on my profile along with a bunch of other stuff(though some stuff in spoilers may be out of date)
Aug 21, 2016 11:02 PM
Jul 2018
Hey what's up everybody; how we doin'?!

Most my friends call me Deezy, I'm a 25-year-old kid from California, currently I am working as a part-time bartender, and I look forward to getting an opportunity to meet everyone. ^.^

I'm going to try to keep things short and sweet. Overall as an anime fan I wouldn't say I'm very picky; I'm pretty open minded, and like trying new anime. I am also a pretty big gamer, been gaming since I got my first console a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. And to cap this off I am lightweight a sports junkie. Feel free to send friend requests or message me anything.

Aug 27, 2016 7:47 PM

Nov 2015
Heys guys, as you can see i'm GenericAnimeName

I got recommended to join this club, so i look forward to getting involved in the club

I'm a guy from Australia who likes anime,manga(obviously), gaming, music and sport

i've watched Anime for just over a year, my top 10 are:

Monster, Serial Experiments Lain, Steins;Gate, Gankutsuou, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Shirobako, NHK ni Youkoso!, Flying Witch
,Genshiken, Death Parade
PvaGlueAug 27, 2016 7:51 PM
Aug 31, 2016 3:46 PM

Feb 2015
Do I really have to say something about myself... I'd rather leave it to the folks who likes to critize others...
Sep 15, 2016 5:53 PM
Sep 2016
Hiya, I'm Black Nerd and I'm into anime (no duh), history, and mythology. I don't have one favorite anime but a couple of my favorites are Soul Eater and Kill la Kill
Sep 23, 2016 10:05 AM
Oct 2012

My name is Clinton, but you can call me Clint for short if you'd like. I'll be twenty-five in November and I've been watching anime ever since a friend of mine introduced DeathNote to me at the age of sixteen. I don't think I have an all-time favorite yet, but a few shows that I love are Mushishi, Cowboy Bebop, and Ookami to Koushinryou.

I'm pretty laid back and try to keep an open mind, so feel free to leave a recommendation it if suits your fancy, or shoot me a message if you want to chat.
Dec 13, 2016 5:07 PM
Oct 2014
Finally getting around to introducing myself! Im ginger_guy, a third year university student living in Detroit. I am dual majoring in poli/sci and global studies with two minors in German and econ. Been watching anime seasonally for the last 2 1/2 years or so now. My favorite show is probably NGE as its the one I always come back to when I'm searching for something to watch.
Dec 15, 2016 12:07 PM

Dec 2015
Welcome @irenevanessa018 and don't worry we have a few members who's native language isn't English
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