Nope you’re getting blue balls on your birthday ( ಠ◡ಠ)っ
I would still count the online one as a class. Nerd (。・//ε//・。)
Well even though I’m a female, I’m into girls as well as guys (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) While I have a specific type when it comes to guys, my taste in girls is more general… I’m attracted to girls like me, aka girly girls… I guess you could call them lipstick lesbians, but I’ve heard that’s kind of offensive to say XD
It’s really messed up. Girls like your ex who will physically threaten or harm guys know that they can get away with it, and if you so much as lay a finger on her, the cops are going to automatically take her side ಠ_ಠ I believe that if a girl hits a guy, she should very well expect to be hit back and that it should be socially acceptable for the guy to retaliate. This is why I vehemently hate characters like Taiga and Asuka. They remind me of this social norm that is prejudiced and unfair, and it just triggers me so much (ʘдʘ╬)
If you’re into these type of girls, perhaps you should reconsider (¬_¬)
Ooh you have a pool?! I’m jelly (´・ε・̥ˋ๑)
It’s hot as balls in Cali. Kill me now (; ̄д ̄)
Just usual 4th of july stuff- bbq and fireworks :D
Uh huh suuurrree :P
Do you still listen to rap? You should give these songs a listen. I’m obsessed with them. They’re so fucking good; I really like underground rap ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱ They’re my summer anthem at this point basically lol 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Yeah I probably do (ಠ ∩ಠ) If you think I’m wishing you hbd, you got another thing coming. NOW I HAVE TO RETURN THE STRIPPERS AND THE CAKE I WAS PLANNING ON GIVING YOU AND I CAN’T GET MY DEPOSIT BACK YOU ASS (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻
Damn 7 classes?! Could you be a bigger nerd? (눈_눈)
Bruhhh you have the worst fucking taste in girls I’ve ever seen (๑و•̀ω•́)و
I find it so disturbing that many people are accepting toward the trope of a female hitting her male lover in a fit of rage. If a man hits a woman because he was overwhelmed with emotion, people would automatically label it as abuse and that the man isn’t good for the woman. But apparently abusive tsunderes get a pass. I hate them. It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, any kind of unconsented physical harm toward other people or your significant other is simply a really shitty thing to do (╯=▃=)╯︵┻━┻
No wonder all your relationships are terrible (◔ д◔)
Yeeee it’s summer, take it easy ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Did you have a nice 4th of july?
I don’t see Saiki on your watch list 🔎🔎🔎 You said you were going to watch it :o
Did you seriously just say “you’re welcome”? What the hell is wrong with you… I don’t think you have the right to say that in this situation (¬▂¬)
A lot of places are way better than Missouri (-∧-;)
4-5 classes seems like a lot 0_0
Ugh you seriously have the worst taste in girls =_= It pisses me off every time I look at your Asuka dp (ʘдʘ╬)
Saiki makes me laugh a lot. Let me know when you watch it (๑>ᴗ<๑)
Best of luck with your new relationship (♡ >ω< ♡)
Wow I’m really surprised you and your ex reconciled :o Hopefully it lasts.
Well thanks for being mature and owning up to it (´・ε・̥ˋ๑)
Aww it's kind of a bummer you couldn't go to LA. Hopefully it'll happen soon! ヽ(゜~゜o)ノ
I don't think I've ever taken an online class but that sounds like it would be the bomb. Showing up for class was such a struggle for my lazy ass ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I never was able to get into AoT :/ I felt like it was trying too hard to be dark and edgy. Maybe I'll give it another shot one day... but I've lost interest in most anime.
I recently watched Saiki Kusuo. You should watch it, it's hilarious! (≧∀≦) Each episode is only 5 minutes long... and kissanime groups them into 20 minute episodes.
Sorry for the late reply =_= I couldn’t think of what to reply back… I pretty much said all I had to say on the topic of incarceration… and umm 3 summer classes sounds terrible 。 ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐ But at least you’ll get to graduate sooner. Just keep that in mind lol. Also I thought you were going to LA for the summer? Did that already happen? :o I feel like saying you were “so busy with stuff at home” is a bullshit lie for missing someone’s birthday for a whole week and a half. It would’ve just taken 2 seconds to send a birthday message and I’m pretty sure you were on mal on that day too. I’m not mad about you wishing me hbd late, it’s more the shitty excuse that bothers me tbh.
You got a lot of nerve. Baka you were a week and a half late in wishing me happy birthday (ʘдʘ╬) I hate you now
I still had work the day of my birthday as well as the day after, but I did go to the club. I also took a vacation the week after.
A lot of it is because the U.S. is still racist as hell, even though a lot of people deny it. But when you look at the stats, it's really obvious that there's a racial bias. England doesn't have this same problem. Additionally, most prisons are for-profit and they push for harsher sentencing to get more inmates.
The thing is, the people who get mad at me for not sugarcoating things are the ones who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge their faults, take responsibility, and change their ways ಠ_ಠ I really can't stand those kinds of people.
I also hate people who give bullshit apologies that are nothing but a bunch of obvious excuses and lies (¬_¬) They think just because they say sorry that I'll automatically accept their shitty apology and behavior.
Hi! Yaaaay I love MMO/RPG games and a friend recommended me SAO and wooooooowww I was really surprised to see how everything was adapted in the anime! Now I'm watching Log Horizon and im also liking! ;)
My favorite genres are drama (i love it) and everything related with game, fantasy and magic! Mystery, Horror too!
I need to watch more anime but ye, at the moment that is all! :D
Just wanted to let you know that I will start college in 1 1/2 months! Yay!
I feel ya, I seriously hate math too (⋟﹏⋞) I actually wish I had what it took to be a lawyer. The justice system is so fucked up, especially how it discriminates against black people. Countless research has shown that blacks receive harsher sentences and have higher rates of conviction than white people, even when it’s the same crime. And of course, there’s the way that police officers treat black people and how they get away with shooting them when they’re innocent. I’ve also done a lot of research on juveniles who are tried as adults and it’s really horrifying what happens to kids who are put in adult prison. Their prospects for the future are irrevocably damaged due to being labeled as an adult criminal, and they have extremely high risk of suicide and sexual/physical assault. Not to mention that 70% of juveniles who are sentenced to adult jail for life with no parole are black. If I were a lawyer, I’d want to represent those kinds of people and help them.
I never sugarcoat things lol. You’re one of the few, because many people on mal have gotten upset with me for telling them things that they don’t want to hear, even though they are true. I don’t want to be friends with people like that anyway.
Familial love is different from romantic love though. The former is a biological instinct whereas my point about the latter is how it’s mostly a social construct. The fact that economic and political reasons have been the primary motivator behind marriage for most of history proves that marrying for love is a relatively new invention. One could argue that people who still marry for money these days are staying true to the original intent of marriage :P But marriage is the cornerstone of our society, so the myth of “until death do us ‘part” and “you’re not a complete person unless you’re married” will continue to persist.
You wouldn't enjoy being an engineer or lawyer? Yeah making money + traveling for free sounds like a great deal (ノ≧ڡ≦)
I just realized I don't know what your other hobbies are besides doing the frick frack ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Marriage is difficult, there's no doubt about it. It's definitely not something that you should go into feeling overconfident or idealistic about. You'll have lots of arguments and issues, so you have to be honest with yourself about whether you can remain faithful even when things are shit. Some of the things you've done, like having sex with your friend when she needed comfort and sleeping with your baby mama's bff, is already kind of low and questionable :/
My personal feelings on marriage are pretty cynical. What I take issue with is, how the hell do you expect people to summon the requisite sexual attraction for the same person after being together for a long time? It's just not going to happen, the libido craves novelty and excitement... so how are you going to bang the same person for the rest of your life? Most people argue that "oh it's not about sex, it's about love". Well guess what? Love is fleeting. Love fades. The idea that there is "true love" and that love lasts forever is nothing but a myth. Love is the most fickle and mercurial thing there is. If you look back on history, there are multiple sources that talk about how love is short-lived, and the shorter it is, the more passionate, whereas the passion fizzles out the longer it is. People didn't start marrying for "love" until very recently. Hence, the construct of everlasting love was invented. It's a lie that we tell to make ourselves feel better. Even today, we have lots of evidence that proves love's transient nature: the high rate of divorces (not to mention the people who choose to stay in unhappy marriages), all the commercial business that thrive off dying marriages and claim to "put the zest" back in your love life (prescriptions, professional aid- it's a booming business!), the frequent dalliances of right-wing politicians who preach family values, and the simple fact that the majority of relationships don't work out, etc. Yet, the lie that love lasts forever still persists in the face of overwhelming evidence that shows the contrary. Our entire society revolves around people getting married and starting a family. We idealize long-term monogamous relationships. We shame people who don't want to settle down or want to get out of their marriage, saying that they're just not trying hard enough or they're not a responsible adult. We view wanting to change as failure, wanting to start over as shameful, and wanting more satisfaction as illicit. We and other people blame ourselves when love dies.
Anyway, I ended up writing way too much >.> I don't want to make it any longer than it already is, but there's a lot more I could say on the subject.... such as how the invention of true love is paired with the invention of "soul mates". I think we're asking too much of one person. A single person isn't sufficient to fulfill all your needs and desires for the rest of your life.
It sure is. Terrorists is such a hot button issue (even though you’re more likely to be mauled by a bear than killed by a terrorist), and the government/politicians use fear-mongering to justify a costly and bullshit “war on terror” (◔ д◔)
It is fun, but it wouldn’t hurt to find some other hobbies :P
How can you be so certain that you’ll be faithful? It’s not like when you get married, someone’s going to wave a magic wand, and your urges to fool around are going to magically vanish all of a sudden. Married or not, you’ll still be you. You’ll have to do some soul-searching and change yourself beforehand.
Haha I wouldn’t know since my boyfriends paid for everything, but I guess if you asked them, they would agree with you. I don’t come cheap lol ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
Why homeland security? Are you going to take that government job?
You, settle down? Haha that’s funny. You’re such a horndog ಠ◡ಠ Your friends are right- you really need to exert more self-control, like keep it in your pants gdi. It doesn’t matter if she initiated, you’re just as guilty. You have to take responsibility for your own actions; you have no one to blame but yourself. You better not end up cheating on your future wife (ಠ ∩ಠ)
It’s kind of the opposite for me. As I get older, the more I enjoy being single :P
Nice, that’s soon :o What do you plan on doing when you graduate?
What is wrong with you.. if it's her bf, she can't be a good person ಠ_ಠ
Buy it! Lemme know when you try it :D
Dude you need to buy condoms in bulk from Amazon :P Cheaper that way too.
I had a grilled cheese sandwich with pepper jack cheese. Omg the cheese was so creamy and delicious (っ˘ڡ˘ς) Though the sandwich was cold by the time I had a moment to eat -_-
Great job ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ How many years until you graduate?
Lol you’ve been a total pussy hound haven’t you /(/ / ͡°/ ͜ʖ/ ͡°/ /)/
You wish (눈_눈)
What??! How have you never had them?! (〇o〇;) You have to try them! I like the regular ones too but the flamin’ hot lime Cheetos are 10x better!
Haha niiice ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Though I bet everyone can take every inch of you when you have a tiny dick jk jk :P
All Comments (386) Comments
I would still count the online one as a class. Nerd (。・//ε//・。)
Well even though I’m a female, I’m into girls as well as guys (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) While I have a specific type when it comes to guys, my taste in girls is more general… I’m attracted to girls like me, aka girly girls… I guess you could call them lipstick lesbians, but I’ve heard that’s kind of offensive to say XD
It’s really messed up. Girls like your ex who will physically threaten or harm guys know that they can get away with it, and if you so much as lay a finger on her, the cops are going to automatically take her side ಠ_ಠ I believe that if a girl hits a guy, she should very well expect to be hit back and that it should be socially acceptable for the guy to retaliate. This is why I vehemently hate characters like Taiga and Asuka. They remind me of this social norm that is prejudiced and unfair, and it just triggers me so much (ʘдʘ╬)
If you’re into these type of girls, perhaps you should reconsider (¬_¬)
Ooh you have a pool?! I’m jelly (´・ε・̥ˋ๑)
It’s hot as balls in Cali. Kill me now (; ̄д ̄)
Just usual 4th of july stuff- bbq and fireworks :D
Uh huh suuurrree :P
Do you still listen to rap? You should give these songs a listen. I’m obsessed with them. They’re so fucking good; I really like underground rap ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱ They’re my summer anthem at this point basically lol 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Damn 7 classes?! Could you be a bigger nerd? (눈_눈)
Bruhhh you have the worst fucking taste in girls I’ve ever seen (๑و•̀ω•́)و
I find it so disturbing that many people are accepting toward the trope of a female hitting her male lover in a fit of rage. If a man hits a woman because he was overwhelmed with emotion, people would automatically label it as abuse and that the man isn’t good for the woman. But apparently abusive tsunderes get a pass. I hate them. It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, any kind of unconsented physical harm toward other people or your significant other is simply a really shitty thing to do (╯=▃=)╯︵┻━┻
No wonder all your relationships are terrible (◔ д◔)
Yeeee it’s summer, take it easy ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Did you have a nice 4th of july?
I don’t see Saiki on your watch list 🔎🔎🔎 You said you were going to watch it :o
A lot of places are way better than Missouri (-∧-;)
4-5 classes seems like a lot 0_0
Ugh you seriously have the worst taste in girls =_= It pisses me off every time I look at your Asuka dp (ʘдʘ╬)
Saiki makes me laugh a lot. Let me know when you watch it (๑>ᴗ<๑)
Best of luck with your new relationship (♡ >ω< ♡)
Wow I’m really surprised you and your ex reconciled :o Hopefully it lasts.
Aww it's kind of a bummer you couldn't go to LA. Hopefully it'll happen soon! ヽ(゜~゜o)ノ
I don't think I've ever taken an online class but that sounds like it would be the bomb. Showing up for class was such a struggle for my lazy ass ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I never was able to get into AoT :/ I felt like it was trying too hard to be dark and edgy. Maybe I'll give it another shot one day... but I've lost interest in most anime.
I recently watched Saiki Kusuo. You should watch it, it's hilarious! (≧∀≦) Each episode is only 5 minutes long... and kissanime groups them into 20 minute episodes.
I still had work the day of my birthday as well as the day after, but I did go to the club. I also took a vacation the week after.
A lot of it is because the U.S. is still racist as hell, even though a lot of people deny it. But when you look at the stats, it's really obvious that there's a racial bias. England doesn't have this same problem. Additionally, most prisons are for-profit and they push for harsher sentencing to get more inmates.
The thing is, the people who get mad at me for not sugarcoating things are the ones who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge their faults, take responsibility, and change their ways ಠ_ಠ I really can't stand those kinds of people.
I also hate people who give bullshit apologies that are nothing but a bunch of obvious excuses and lies (¬_¬) They think just because they say sorry that I'll automatically accept their shitty apology and behavior.
Do you have a beer belly or something lol
Eww summer classes?! RIP o(>< o)
My favorite genres are drama (i love it) and everything related with game, fantasy and magic! Mystery, Horror too!
I need to watch more anime but ye, at the moment that is all! :D
Just wanted to let you know that I will start college in 1 1/2 months! Yay!
I feel ya, I seriously hate math too (⋟﹏⋞) I actually wish I had what it took to be a lawyer. The justice system is so fucked up, especially how it discriminates against black people. Countless research has shown that blacks receive harsher sentences and have higher rates of conviction than white people, even when it’s the same crime. And of course, there’s the way that police officers treat black people and how they get away with shooting them when they’re innocent. I’ve also done a lot of research on juveniles who are tried as adults and it’s really horrifying what happens to kids who are put in adult prison. Their prospects for the future are irrevocably damaged due to being labeled as an adult criminal, and they have extremely high risk of suicide and sexual/physical assault. Not to mention that 70% of juveniles who are sentenced to adult jail for life with no parole are black. If I were a lawyer, I’d want to represent those kinds of people and help them.
I never sugarcoat things lol. You’re one of the few, because many people on mal have gotten upset with me for telling them things that they don’t want to hear, even though they are true. I don’t want to be friends with people like that anyway.
Familial love is different from romantic love though. The former is a biological instinct whereas my point about the latter is how it’s mostly a social construct. The fact that economic and political reasons have been the primary motivator behind marriage for most of history proves that marrying for love is a relatively new invention. One could argue that people who still marry for money these days are staying true to the original intent of marriage :P But marriage is the cornerstone of our society, so the myth of “until death do us ‘part” and “you’re not a complete person unless you’re married” will continue to persist.
Just wanted to let you know that I will start college in 1 1/2 months! Yay!
I just realized I don't know what your other hobbies are besides doing the frick frack ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Marriage is difficult, there's no doubt about it. It's definitely not something that you should go into feeling overconfident or idealistic about. You'll have lots of arguments and issues, so you have to be honest with yourself about whether you can remain faithful even when things are shit. Some of the things you've done, like having sex with your friend when she needed comfort and sleeping with your baby mama's bff, is already kind of low and questionable :/
My personal feelings on marriage are pretty cynical. What I take issue with is, how the hell do you expect people to summon the requisite sexual attraction for the same person after being together for a long time? It's just not going to happen, the libido craves novelty and excitement... so how are you going to bang the same person for the rest of your life? Most people argue that "oh it's not about sex, it's about love". Well guess what? Love is fleeting. Love fades. The idea that there is "true love" and that love lasts forever is nothing but a myth. Love is the most fickle and mercurial thing there is. If you look back on history, there are multiple sources that talk about how love is short-lived, and the shorter it is, the more passionate, whereas the passion fizzles out the longer it is. People didn't start marrying for "love" until very recently. Hence, the construct of everlasting love was invented. It's a lie that we tell to make ourselves feel better. Even today, we have lots of evidence that proves love's transient nature: the high rate of divorces (not to mention the people who choose to stay in unhappy marriages), all the commercial business that thrive off dying marriages and claim to "put the zest" back in your love life (prescriptions, professional aid- it's a booming business!), the frequent dalliances of right-wing politicians who preach family values, and the simple fact that the majority of relationships don't work out, etc. Yet, the lie that love lasts forever still persists in the face of overwhelming evidence that shows the contrary. Our entire society revolves around people getting married and starting a family. We idealize long-term monogamous relationships. We shame people who don't want to settle down or want to get out of their marriage, saying that they're just not trying hard enough or they're not a responsible adult. We view wanting to change as failure, wanting to start over as shameful, and wanting more satisfaction as illicit. We and other people blame ourselves when love dies.
Anyway, I ended up writing way too much >.> I don't want to make it any longer than it already is, but there's a lot more I could say on the subject.... such as how the invention of true love is paired with the invention of "soul mates". I think we're asking too much of one person. A single person isn't sufficient to fulfill all your needs and desires for the rest of your life.
It is fun, but it wouldn’t hurt to find some other hobbies :P
How can you be so certain that you’ll be faithful? It’s not like when you get married, someone’s going to wave a magic wand, and your urges to fool around are going to magically vanish all of a sudden. Married or not, you’ll still be you. You’ll have to do some soul-searching and change yourself beforehand.
Haha I wouldn’t know since my boyfriends paid for everything, but I guess if you asked them, they would agree with you. I don’t come cheap lol ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
You, settle down? Haha that’s funny. You’re such a horndog ಠ◡ಠ Your friends are right- you really need to exert more self-control, like keep it in your pants gdi. It doesn’t matter if she initiated, you’re just as guilty. You have to take responsibility for your own actions; you have no one to blame but yourself. You better not end up cheating on your future wife (ಠ ∩ಠ)
It’s kind of the opposite for me. As I get older, the more I enjoy being single :P
What is wrong with you.. if it's her bf, she can't be a good person ಠ_ಠ
Buy it! Lemme know when you try it :D
Dude you need to buy condoms in bulk from Amazon :P Cheaper that way too.
Great job ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ How many years until you graduate?
Lol you’ve been a total pussy hound haven’t you /(/ / ͡°/ ͜ʖ/ ͡°/ /)/
You wish (눈_눈)
What??! How have you never had them?! (〇o〇;) You have to try them! I like the regular ones too but the flamin’ hot lime Cheetos are 10x better!
Haha niiice ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Though I bet everyone can take every inch of you when you have a tiny dick jk jk :P