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Apr 10, 2016 1:22 AM

Nov 2011
Ah more chemistry between Deku and All Might. Interesting. I like it although his real form isn't what people may expect (was shocked pretty much myself first time I've seen it awhile ago before)

OST is still pretty good for this show. Deku proves himself to be pretty couragous this episode :D
Apr 10, 2016 1:26 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Lol at All Might’s real look. He doesn't look too good. Seems like that monster’s still loose. Bakugou’s in danger too. Midoriya just went in there without thinking. Don’t worry, All Might is here! Seems like it’s time for Midoriya to become a hero.

Damn, they only adapted the rest of chapter 1. With this pacing, it's guaranteed that they won't adapt that arc. Hopefully they at least start the arc before ending the series, then come back with a second season (just like Shokugeki no Souma). Hey, at least the next episode PV confirms that it'll adapt at least two chapters. The pacing is still good though.

GoldenDevilGamerApr 10, 2016 1:43 AM
Apr 10, 2016 1:27 AM

Jun 2014
This episode was so good. Flawless adaptation so far, the build up was so epic, the OST was great, I'm really liking this.

Also, to the people complaining that they only adapted the first chapter so far, it was a long chapter and I prefer this type of pacing rather than a really rushed adaptation like Nanatsu no Taizai.
Apr 10, 2016 1:29 AM
Mar 2015
Okay that was adapted the best it could've been. Don't even lie.

5/5 for the perfect adaptation

2 episodes covered the first chapter because the chapter is quite long.
Apr 10, 2016 1:39 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
The pacing continues to flow how I want it to as well so that's an extra plus for me

Looking forward to seeing the anime only reactions to this lol but other than that, it's perfectly adapted yet again this week

I think I liked it more than in the manga this time too
Apr 10, 2016 1:40 AM
Jul 2012
This was great my only problem still remains the episode count with this anime otherwise it's a great adaption so far.
Apr 10, 2016 1:45 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Jakerams said:
This was great my only problem still remains the episode count with this anime otherwise it's a great adaption so far.
As much as we all wanted them to adapt certain arcs, I would rather a good in depth and quality adaptation instead of them rushing through things to get to the epic stuff

I have no doubt in my mind that we will get a S2 though, this series was huge in Japan last year
Apr 10, 2016 1:47 AM
Jul 2012
Tokoya said:
Jakerams said:
This was great my only problem still remains the episode count with this anime otherwise it's a great adaption so far.
As much as we all wanted them to adapt certain arcs, I would rather a good in depth and quality adaptation instead of them rushing through thing

I have no doubt in my mind that we will get a S2 though, this series was huge in Japan last year
True but they could always go the toei path and just keep it extremely slow paced with a longer episode count.
Apr 10, 2016 1:50 AM

Jun 2014
Jakerams said:
Tokoya said:
As much as we all wanted them to adapt certain arcs, I would rather a good in depth and quality adaptation instead of them rushing through thing

I have no doubt in my mind that we will get a S2 though, this series was huge in Japan last year
True but they could always go the toei path and just keep it extremely slow paced with a longer episode count.

It isn't extremely slow paced though.
Apr 10, 2016 2:27 AM
Jul 2012
alpha_shadow said:
Jakerams said:
True but they could always go the toei path and just keep it extremely slow paced with a longer episode count.

It isn't extremely slow paced though.
I mean Toei is extremely slowpaced with their series usually.
Apr 10, 2016 2:43 AM

Jan 2015
I want to cry. This is great great great.
Apr 10, 2016 2:45 AM

Jan 2015
So that's the real form of All Might. To be feeling pathetic even after the people talking about him, how excruciating that pain can be. And yet, he fight back and change the weather. Congratulations Izuku, you've choose the "perfect" model Hero you want become to. Watching this anime so far makes want to do exactly like my Signature shown, because it's so true. Anger and yet, sadness at the same time.
I'd like to say something "serves you right" to Katsuki or something like that, but it feels not "right" at the moment.
MasceraApr 10, 2016 3:00 AM
[url=]convert gambar online
Apr 10, 2016 2:46 AM

Dec 2012
All Might reverting into his true self. Must of been a shock for Deku.
Some of the pro heroes having trouble with the Slime villain. Bakugou taken as a hostage.

Deku charging towards the villain without thinking. Trying to help out Bakugou.
All Might- "Detroit Smash" So awesome. He freaking changed the weather with that wind pressure.

"You can become a hero"

Next week time for Deku to inherit "One for All" & see some of the other students.

Plus Ultra!
Santoryu_XBurnerApr 10, 2016 2:58 AM
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Apr 10, 2016 2:50 AM

Jan 2012
As expected we got the second half of Chapter 1 adapted this week, with little added touches. So still a pretty leisurely pace, but another good episode I'd say. I love the design for the true All Might, always have. XD I was surprised to see he has blue eyes, I coulda sworn they were red in the manga, but I musta been wrong. That ending with All Might and Deku at sundown got me teary eyed just like the manga. XD Something about the incorporation of the flashback with his mom and All Might's words just gets me. Feel so happy for the boy! XD Next week the real fun should begin, training to inherit All Might's power. I saw Uraraka in the preview!
Apr 10, 2016 2:59 AM

Jun 2014
The OST in this anime is pretty damn good, it made All Might's epicness feel much more intense.

All Might's true form is hilarious tbh, I couldn't believe it when I first saw it in the manga. He changed the weather with a single punch, what a beast. Looks like Deku will get One for All next episode and we'll get to meet some of his future classmates.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Apr 10, 2016 3:14 AM

Dec 2013
Really liking All Might in this episode.

Dem Midoriya tears at the end was pretty emotional to watch. Dude is a hero!
Apr 10, 2016 3:29 AM

Jul 2014

My heart is melting. Deku was too precious. Kacchan's superiority complex is coming thru.

Fortunately it seems that they won't be adapting 1 chapter per episode.

Next! episode! Uraraka! And! Iida! Can't! Wait!
Apr 10, 2016 3:36 AM

Jul 2013
I really like how the adaptation has been so far. Looks like Bones is being really careful with this one so they won't have to do another Brotherhood adaptation xD

Great to know that they'll be adapting more than 1 chapters for the next episode.

Apr 10, 2016 4:01 AM
Jan 2016
The voice acting ,animation and OST were great. As a manga reader,I can assure the anime-onlys that it just gets better.

Next week's episode will cover more content(in terms of the no. of chapters) based on the preview.

Apr 10, 2016 4:08 AM

Dec 2014
That was beautiful,Great adaptation by Bones.
The OST is just amazing.

Loved how they animated the scene where Deku runs to save Kacchan by visually playing everything that went through his mind at that one moment.

All Might was awesome as usual, The soundtracks they play during his scenes are just so epic.

Deku crying at the end was so emotional.
No matter what anyone says and has said,You too can be a hero Deku ;.;

Next episode looks great, Deku's inheritance and introduction of more characters:)
After this episode I have a lot of faith in Bones making this a great adaptation :D

If only it had more episodes :(
I guess I'll just have to hope for a early 2nd season.
Plus Ultra!!
Apr 10, 2016 4:17 AM

Nov 2015
It takes guts to even think about trying what Deku had done. Proud of him!
All Might's true form was so surprising, even his transition was damn funny!
Maybe Deku should better understand his mother's feelings more?
Nevertheless I'm waiting for the team up of Deku and Katsuki now!
Apr 10, 2016 4:18 AM

Dec 2013
Two episodes for one chapter makes it hard to predict just how far they will get by the end of this seasons 13 episodes.

That said, this episode was what actually roped me into the series, what with All Might giving Deku the lecture on how he should lower his expectations down to acceptable levels... and then going back on it, not because of some dumb plothole, but with actual valid reasons. The unfortunate thing is, anime-only viewers will still call out plot holes, given we won't get anywhere near the explanation and background for "One For All".

In any case, I loved that little what I like to call the "Bakugou Kaneki" moment :P
Here's hoping we'll actually get to finish at least the "Universal Studios Japan" arc, since that starts on Chapter 13 and takes up 9 chapters by itself.

And yes you did not see wrong, that was the Tatooine shopping district. You'll get a lot of other Star Wars references soon enough, the mangaka seems to be a fan.
L-RyoshiApr 10, 2016 4:22 AM
Apr 10, 2016 4:27 AM
Oct 2013
L-Ryoshi said:
Two episodes for one chapter makes it hard to predict just how far they will get by the end of this seasons 13 episodes.

That said, this episode was what actually roped me into the series, what with All Might giving Deku the lecture on how he should lower his expectations down to acceptable levels... and then going back on it, not because of some dumb plothole, but with actual valid reasons. The unfortunate thing is, anime-only viewers will still call out plot holes, given we won't get anywhere near the explanation and background for "One For All".

In any case, I loved that little what I like to call the "Bakugou Kaneki" moment :P
Here's hoping we'll actually get to finish at least the "Universal Studios Japan" arc, since that starts on Chapter 13 and takes up 9 chapters by itself.

And yes you did not see wrong, that was the Tatooine shopping district. You'll get a lot of other Star Wars references soon enough, the mangaka seems to be a fan.
Not to mention that the first villain last episode was at Tatooine train station
Apr 10, 2016 4:36 AM

Aug 2010
Absolutely loved the last "U can also be a hero" scene in the sunset.
So many feelz :*)

Can't wait for nxt ep. Deku should start his path of BAness.
Hope we get a montage or sth :P

And Ochako nxt ep <3
Apr 10, 2016 4:40 AM
Apr 2016
Love the character building, BUT I'm already getting sick of Deku crying a whole bunch.
Apr 10, 2016 4:43 AM

Feb 2013
This episode was epic!
Deku jumping in without thinking is truly what a hero has to do.
Bakugou is being a tsundere, he should just say thanks.
Apr 10, 2016 4:45 AM

Sep 2013
So All Might regains the exact same voice when slim, just like in the Vomics. Interesting.

My boy Iida next episode
Apr 10, 2016 4:47 AM

Jan 2015
this episode was so good. Don't think adaptation could've been any better.
I was so emotional during this episode. 10/10. All might looks like a really good person
Apr 10, 2016 4:55 AM
Mar 2016
Durst0n said:
Love the character building, BUT I'm already getting sick of Deku crying a whole bunch.

Trust me, he got character development very early in the manga. And his character development is unbelievable good, but I don't think the whole character development will happen in the first 13 episodes. But parts of it will happen, I don't remember him crying anymore after chapter 1 (the first two episodes only adapted chapter 1), I could be wrong though, I just don't remember it.
Apr 10, 2016 5:04 AM

May 2015
TheEnhancedExe said:
Durst0n said:
Love the character building, BUT I'm already getting sick of Deku crying a whole bunch.

Trust me, he got character development very early in the manga. And his character development is unbelievable good, but I don't think the whole character development will happen in the first 13 episodes. But parts of it will happen, I don't remember him crying anymore after chapter 1 (the first two episodes only adapted chapter 1), I could be wrong though, I just don't remember it.
"unbelievable good" is exaggerating, he just stops being a crybaby and his growth is ok but nothing out of the ordinary.
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Apr 10, 2016 5:06 AM

Apr 2015
Just like last week I had another major childhood flashback when Deku jumped in to help "Kacchan" and when All Might told him he can be a hero. Even though I don't have the comparison to the manga that was done perfectly in my book.

Now I'm completely sold on this and the preview made me even more interested!
Apr 10, 2016 5:08 AM
Mar 2016
zal said:
TheEnhancedExe said:

Trust me, he got character development very early in the manga. And his character development is unbelievable good, but I don't think the whole character development will happen in the first 13 episodes. But parts of it will happen, I don't remember him crying anymore after chapter 1 (the first two episodes only adapted chapter 1), I could be wrong though, I just don't remember it.
"unbelievable good" is exaggerating, he just stops being a crybaby and his growth is ok but nothing out of the ordinary.

Maybe you're right^^ but compared to before, he changes a lot IMO, chapter 38 and chapter 76 are the best examples I think
Apr 10, 2016 5:20 AM

Jul 2013
L-Ryoshi said:
Here's hoping we'll actually get to finish at least the "Universal Studios Japan" arc, since that starts on Chapter 13 and takes up 9 chapters by itself.

They'll at least finish that arc based on the OP and I think they can burn through that pretty fast too. I'm just wondering if they'll just end it there or start the next arc halfway and end it as cliffhanger just like Shokugeki no Souma.

Apr 10, 2016 5:30 AM

Jul 2013
god i love All Might the fact he looks like a Gorillaz character makes him that more badass

47 pages of manga adapted into 2 episodes and it feels well paced don't know how the rest of the series will go gotta wait and see
Apr 10, 2016 5:36 AM

Jan 2016
Nice pacing and well adapted from the manga.Finally there's someone who believes in him. Is Deku going to get a quirk or is he going to use the power from the suit he's wearing in the OP? Or is it something else?

I wonder how far they'll progress in the anime. So far it's been only 1 chapter from the manga.

Apr 10, 2016 5:40 AM

May 2012
Felt a lot more emotional than it was in the manga, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Hell, I like Deku more even a little more than I did.

Bakugou as prideful as ever.

I really liked the song that played in the background when Bakugou first got caught by the villian; it really set up a nice feel for how I feel most the villians are. The song for when Deku and All Might made a move feels very Hero-esque as well

GhassanB said:
Nice pacing and well adapted from the manga.Finally there's someone who believes in him. Is Deku going to get a quirk or is he going to use the power from the suit he's wearing in the OP? Or is it something else?

I wonder how far they'll progress in the anime. So far it's been only 1 chapter from the manga.


The preview spoils what it's going to be. Don't watch the preview if you don't wanna know lol
OlemApr 10, 2016 5:47 AM

Apr 10, 2016 5:45 AM
Jul 2014
This episode was great, the first was kinda meh, but this one stepped up a notch. I havent read manga, si I do not know what to expect, but I am looking forward to it.
Apr 10, 2016 5:52 AM

Jan 2016
Olem said:
Felt a lot more emotional than it was in the manga, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Hell, I like Deku more even a little more than I did.

Bakugou as prideful as ever.

I really liked the song that played in the background when Bakugou first got caught by the villian; it really set up a nice feel for how I feel most the villians are. The song for when Deku and All Might made a move feels very Hero-esque as well

GhassanB said:
Nice pacing and well adapted from the manga.Finally there's someone who believes in him. Is Deku going to get a quirk or is he going to use the power from the suit he's wearing in the OP? Or is it something else?

I wonder how far they'll progress in the anime. So far it's been only 1 chapter from the manga.


The preview spoils what it's going to be. Don't watch the preview if you don't wanna know lol

Yeah I never watch previews because they spoil so much information. I just asked these questions because they were stuck in my head for a while. Well, only 1 way to find out: wait for the next episode :D
Apr 10, 2016 5:53 AM

Jul 2015
Bones are adapting this manga so well, I'm so happy that My Hero Academia is being treated right. Looks like the next episode will cover two chapters. I think people will start to like Izuku a bit more soon.
"Your guilt will be your past, and that will be your God."
Apr 10, 2016 5:54 AM

May 2013
Ah damn it, I had tears in my eyes at the last part:
"You can become a hero." - "Dreams can become reality."

Stuff like that is my weakpoint. ;_;
"The fool who believed in miracles now walks among the dead." ~ Blade of the Phantom Master
Apr 10, 2016 5:55 AM

Dec 2014
This episode sold me on the series. Really liked it. All Might's true form still looks pretty cool in a way. The whole showering blood thing reminds me of the teacher from Rakudai Kishi no Calvary for some reason.

Guess taking 2 episodes to adapt one chapter isn't that bad after all. Chances are this will get a sequel because it's a Shounen Jump adaptation and nowadays they always get sequels, so I hope that at least this half ends on a satisfying note. I also kind of like how early this comes out. Like right when I wake up it's available on various sites, legal or otherwise. That's surprising.
Apr 10, 2016 6:00 AM

Dec 2014
Yes the end touching scene....
Backing him up all the way
Apr 10, 2016 6:23 AM

Sep 2015
All Might's real form was LOL. But mad respect for his character and that Detroit smash.
Looks like Deku is gonna undergo some Saitama style training next episode onw. Can't wait
Apr 10, 2016 6:32 AM

May 2015
good episode this is one of the best spring anime ive seen for 2016
Kono Giorno Giovana Niwa Yume Ga Aru
Apr 10, 2016 6:32 AM

Apr 2011
Its so fucking good so far I must read the manga nowish
Apr 10, 2016 6:34 AM

Jul 2013
This episode on fucking point.
So much respect for Deku and All Might.
Amazing episode.

Deku undergoing training next ep! Woo
Iida and Uraraka next ep as well :D
Apr 10, 2016 6:36 AM

Sep 2014
Better than the manga lol. This was indeed epic
Apr 10, 2016 6:37 AM

Aug 2014
Damn what an episode. Especially the moment with All Might got me laughing so hard xD Well so far so good, Deku is surprisingly likeable aswell.
Apr 10, 2016 6:39 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
I struggled not to cry. That was the best episode so far from this season.
Apr 10, 2016 6:42 AM

Feb 2013
StefanHere said:
the fact he looks like a Gorillaz character makes him that more badass

Thank You -- I was trying to remember who he reminded me of..

Great episode - definitely need more.
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