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Mar 11, 2016 6:02 PM
Dec 2014
But I'm not sure How I feel about the Teen angst and emo atmosphere that some of the characters are showing ( I know the movies are not done and all ) But I hope this unnecessary angst will go away by the 3rd or 4th movie sets I want to love these movies so much But its really hard when the characters are Acting like this >_<
Mar 11, 2016 6:20 PM

Feb 2011
lord23 said:
But I'm not sure How I feel about the Teen angst and emo atmosphere that some of the characters are showing ( I know the movies are not done and all ) But I hope this unnecessary angst will go away by the 3rd or 4th movie sets I want to love these movies so much But its really hard when the characters are Acting like this >_<

Agreed, the series as is has been an awful disappointment and just awful in general.
Mar 11, 2016 6:21 PM

Jan 2008
Isn't that kind of atmosphere normal for teenagers though?
Mar 11, 2016 6:35 PM
Dec 2014
Paul said:
Isn't that kind of atmosphere normal for teenagers though?
I guess, I Know when I was a teenager I never act the way they do ( can't speak for other tho )
Mar 11, 2016 6:45 PM

Feb 2011
For one thing, Jou's issue was something they had to already go through as 01 kids, about Digimon dying yet they all still had to fight. Then theres the issue that his approach solves nothing by doing nothing yet hes almost an adult.

Mimi is egocentric and told so, then does more egocentric things. She doesnt thank Sora or Mei for their efforts in the cafe, then later forces Mei to dance and such unnecessarily when she doesnt want to. Then Koushiro coming to the cafe as if he didnt just tell Mimi off yesterday for being selfish.

The rain scene was okay, but Jou's tears at the ramen scene were very sudden. And their great catharsis in the end was underwhelming and disappointing and cliche "do your best/Im by your side/I believe in you and me", something already fucking done in the original series.

Lots of forced angst. Like Taichi and Yamato have had all this time and yet still havent talked once about Omegamon's fusion breaking? Thats kind of fucking important since hes your best fighter and this is a huge life or death war. Way to handwave issues away like that.

Fuck this movie series. They shouldve stopped at 01.
Mar 11, 2016 6:52 PM
Sep 2015
Dragon said:
And their great catharsis in the end was underwhelming and disappointing and cliche "do your best/Im by your side/I believe in you and me", something already fucking done in the original series.
You sure you're watching Digimon? This has been in every digimon series.
Mar 11, 2016 6:53 PM

Feb 2011
breaker335 said:
Dragon said:
And their great catharsis in the end was underwhelming and disappointing and cliche "do your best/Im by your side/I believe in you and me", something already fucking done in the original series.
You sure you're watching Digimon? This has been in every digimon series.

And I never denied that. Your point?
Mar 11, 2016 6:57 PM
Sep 2015
Dragon said:
breaker335 said:
You sure you're watching Digimon? This has been in every digimon series.

And I never denied that. Your point?
Why bring the issue up if you acknowledge it's a running theme in the series? It's like Leomon dying.
Mar 11, 2016 6:59 PM

Feb 2011
breaker335 said:
Dragon said:

And I never denied that. Your point?
Why bring the issue up if you acknowledge it's a running theme in the series? It's like Leomon dying.

If someone does a crime everyday, do you start ignoring the crime by the third day and say nothing on days 4, 5 and after?
Mar 11, 2016 7:04 PM

Mar 2014
Tamers and Fronteir were better than Adventure anyway.

Fight me.
"Fuck this shit, fun things are fun!"
Mar 11, 2016 7:04 PM
Sep 2015
Dragon said:
breaker335 said:
Why bring the issue up if you acknowledge it's a running theme in the series? It's like Leomon dying.

If someone does a crime everyday, do you start ignoring the crime by the third day and say nothing on days 4, 5 and after?
This analogy has nothing to do with my original point.
Mar 11, 2016 7:10 PM

Feb 2011
Sounds like someone doesnt understand my analogy. Thats fine, dont worry about it.

To the Frontier and Tamers guy, I could definitely see some people liking that more. Tamers has a darker storyline, and Frontier was pretty unique as far as Digimon series goes. Id personally say Xros Wars > 01 > Frontier > rest >> Hunters Through Time for me. To each his own.
Mar 11, 2016 7:31 PM
Dec 2014
Also one thing I don't understand is why is ken a bad guy again ? he had so much character development in 02 Now all of that is Gone ? it makes no sense >_<
Mar 11, 2016 8:38 PM
Jul 2012
I have two things I want to say to your answer:

This are long replies, so I put them under spoilers

You are not wrong on some things related to the plot. There is forced angst here, but they are there to help convey and really drive to the viewer the problems the characters are facing. I won't say forced angst is good writing, the writer is just really trying to drive a point because this is a series of movies and they are using a kids' show as a basis. He/She needs to add some big moral-of-the-story to it.

In order to push these morals through, he sacrifices things that important to the plot like the whole Omnimon thing. The writer probably intends to shove most of the important plot stuff towards the end and such. It is just easier that way.

What you are seeing is the generalized answers that are conveyed by the final fight scene and digivolutions. Seeing how digimon's evolution is based on trust/feelings between digimon and partner, those feelings, "do your best/Im by your side/I believe in you and me", are more easily conveyed and apparent because its easier to pay attention to a big fight scene than the slow-paced character development.

To summarize(because you are too tired to read this whole essay), you are seeing generalized morals conveyed through the movie. The writer is trying to demonstrate deeper problems and give an answer suiting for children. Plot is, sadly, sacrificed to convey these morals. Instead important stuff will likely be shoved into the last few movies.
Mar 11, 2016 9:07 PM

Feb 2011
I dont think I disagree with most of your statements and do agree a lot of the plot was sacked for the sake of this development. I personally dislike this as I value plot above all else,l (and thus despise plotholes very deeply) and I prefer development that feels more natural and not as forced. The message also does come off a bit preachy which Im not crazy for.
Mar 11, 2016 10:17 PM

Aug 2008
I understand what you mean. It almost feel like slice of life genre anime rather than the good old Digimon I know. The SoL is still decent though but it's what I expect from Digimon.
ZapredonMar 11, 2016 10:21 PM
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Mar 11, 2016 10:30 PM

Jun 2014
Wow it's almost as if this is what the series always had or something...

These are just a few examples, but there are many more. You're only remembering with rose tinted eyes, there was a hell of a lot more whining then you remember.
Mar 12, 2016 1:15 AM

Mar 2015
Jerkhov said:
These are just a few examples, but there are many more. You're only remembering with rose tinted eyes, there was a hell of a lot more whining then you remember.

The point is, this already happened. Why do they have to do it again in such a generic and predictable way? Is this seriously the best that writers could come up with? Just repeating things that already happened in the original? No. The execution of these movies is painfully mediocre unfortunately. Digimon deserves better.
Mar 12, 2016 3:28 AM
Mar 2008
Dragon said:
lord23 said:
But I'm not sure How I feel about the Teen angst and emo atmosphere that some of the characters are showing ( I know the movies are not done and all ) But I hope this unnecessary angst will go away by the 3rd or 4th movie sets I want to love these movies so much But its really hard when the characters are Acting like this >_<

Agreed, the series as is has been an awful disappointment and just awful in general.

Actually, i wouldnt say that its awful in general.
Digimon tends to be predicable in general by mixing slice of life in it and thats what it did here also like in the first movie. 01 is known for that. And some predictability is needed in order for the character(s)/situation(s) to be believable for us. At least i think that, you can disagree at any time.
But thats what they did with Joe and Mimi here. The solution with both was predictable (and for me too fast) and even the problems themselves we knew about since 01 but at the same time, for some people the solution is only temporarly like Joe. As part of growing up/being an adult, some problems from the past chase those persons again sometimes and thats what happened here. Joe struggles again and Mimi shows the problem again.
Did the producers show those things the best way possible? I dont think so, it could be indeed better, but also being a slice of life, thats what happens. At lest i think so, i dont have a lot of experience with actual slice of life anime since it actually bores me.
That what Acxelion wrote, i also think its right, including the point that the producers tend to show mostly nostalgia instead of something completely new, then there you have it.
For instance, was it necessary at all to show Zudomon and Lillymon for 2 seconds? Not at all, the same goes for MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon in the first movie.
Was it necessary to let Leomon die again? Or even the fight between Ogremon and Leomon? No, they could do almost the same with e.g. Andromon.
But they are, for he most part, using nostalgia.
Some things they could do a better job but in the final product i dont think they did a bad job at all, i think its certainly above average.

But just for fun, since i saw here "rankings" for the Digimon series, i would say:
01 <<< Frontier/Tamers/02 <<< Savers <<< Xros Wars

PS: At least the movies are better than the game "Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth"
MahadoKusanagiMar 12, 2016 3:35 AM
Mar 12, 2016 7:41 AM

Dec 2010
Onsen and maid café.
And evolutions coming out of nowhere just because of fanservice.
Adventure tri sucks and is the worst season ever, even worse than Xros Wars [...] Hunters [...]
Mar 12, 2016 7:29 PM

Feb 2011
The angst and emotions in the original werent nearly this forced. They were built up more over time and alluded to and not rushed for the sake of fitting them into the movie. Also youre quite rude. Its okay to disagree with an opinion, but insulting someone for their opinion is the truly childish thing to do.
Mar 12, 2016 7:33 PM

Apr 2014
Dragon said:
The angst and emotions in the original werent nearly this forced. They were built up more over time and alluded to and not rushed for the sake of fitting them into the movie. Also youre quite rude. Its okay to disagree with an opinion, but insulting someone for their opinion is the truly childish thing to do.
pretty sure ur letting nostalgia cloud ur judgement
Mar 12, 2016 7:34 PM

Feb 2011
As an example of that, Matt's issue that you quote was something suggested in his reataurant episode with Jou and numerous times in scenes with TK and esp his fight with Puppetmon's minion. This tension and internal conflict wasnt concluded for several episodes from Puppetmon's death up til the Piedmon fight.

Izzy first mentions his issues with his parents in the beginning few eps saying that hes adopted and this is later shown more in detail at myotismons arc. He also has a touching scene of him saving his parents and other scenes with them.

This movie crammed Jou and Mimi's issues (plus others) into four episodes. Of course its not up to snuff.

Also if youre gonna respond, respond to all my points and dont ignore any of them.
Mar 12, 2016 8:30 PM

Dec 2010
Dragon said:
As an example of that, Matt's issue that you quote was something suggested in his reataurant episode with Jou and numerous times in scenes with TK and esp his fight with Puppetmon's minion. This tension and internal conflict wasnt concluded for several episodes from Puppetmon's death up til the Piedmon fight.

Izzy first mentions his issues with his parents in the beginning few eps saying that hes adopted and this is later shown more in detail at myotismons arc. He also has a touching scene of him saving his parents and other scenes with them.

This movie crammed Jou and Mimi's issues (plus others) into four episodes. Of course its not up to snuff.

Also if youre gonna respond, respond to all my points and dont ignore any of them.

I know, right? I totally agree with you.
Mar 12, 2016 11:21 PM
Dec 2014
Bioshocked said:
lord23 said:
But I'm not sure How I feel about the Teen angst and emo atmosphere that some of the characters are showing ( I know the movies are not done and all ) But I hope this unnecessary angst will go away by the 3rd or 4th movie sets I want to love these movies so much But its really hard when the characters are Acting like this >_<

Dragon said:

Agreed, the series as is has been an awful disappointment and just awful in general.

I guess you guys never actually watched the show and don't know why Digimon was so good in the first place.

I remember the Character development in the original which I liked a lot what I don't Understand why we have to go through it again also Why is these Digimon movies Focusing on politics of all Things ?

( Tamers was good with out any of that type of crap ) also its pretty stupid calling people stupid for having an opinion I understand your way too hyped at the moment But I had issue I want to express
TyrelMar 14, 2016 12:45 AM
Mar 12, 2016 11:36 PM

Jun 2013
lord23 said:
Bioshocked said:

I guess you guys never actually watched the show and don't know why Digimon was so good in the first place.

I remember the Character development in the original which I liked a lot what I don't Understand why we have to go through it again also Why is these Digimon movies Focusing on politics of all Things ?

( Tamers was good with out any of that type of crap ) also its pretty stupid calling people stupid for having an opinion I understand your way too hyped at the moment But I had issue I want to express

Because people aren't always happy. And they're worrying about different things now.

(Tamers was a different kind of struggle) I'm not that "hyped", I just see this hate for Tri because it's not "awesome fights every episode."
TyrelMar 14, 2016 12:45 AM
Mar 13, 2016 1:02 AM

Mar 2015
Bioshocked said:
I just see this hate for Tri because it's not "awesome fights every episode."

Literally nobody is disliking tri because of the reason you mentioned...
Mar 13, 2016 1:18 AM

Oct 2014
I'm going to agree with almost everything that Dragon said.

I saw the first movie and didn't get it. Not only the art is way worse than the original, the plot doesn't make much of sense.

I'm not talking about nostalgia feelings, but why we need to see every struggle that the characters had passed in the first place? Hell, the bloody evolutions isn't a symbol of "I've overcome this personal flaw"?

The lack of action isn't a problem, but the plot itself is.

PS: Finally I found people that liked Tamers
Mar 13, 2016 8:50 PM

Feb 2011
BliuBliu said:
Bioshocked said:
I just see this hate for Tri because it's not "awesome fights every episode."

Literally nobody is disliking tri because of the reason you mentioned...

Yeah Bioshocked, rather spend time bashing others for their opinions and calling them names, take the time to read carefully each of the complaints and address them, and not in a childish fashion. Not one person has said they want awesome fights every episode in this thread.
DragonMar 13, 2016 10:56 PM
Mar 13, 2016 10:44 PM

Aug 2015
As far as the competition was between Adventure series and Tamers, I will be a fan of Tamers here.

Sometimes, Adventure (as a whole, including tri for now) forgot something that Tamers achieved in a much better fashion which is, the character development and the worldview of the Digimon as a whole, especially when the Digimon partners and the other Digimon in Tamers are going to compared with the ones in Adventure. Tamers played the term "evolution" and "saving the world" in a much, much different way than Adventure, granted the head writer for Tamers is none other than Chiaki J. Konaka, who is also responsible for Serial Experiments Lain and Texhnolyze.

Also, I wanted to like tri's approach of character development. It seemed to be good when the movies are separated but when you take the six movies into one whole series, the character development is pretty problematic since the series wanted to make every single Chosen Child to be developed per movie (in pairs), rather than doing it over time (the movies did it briefly, but it felt like it was done like a checklist). It can't help that fanservice stuff was added here for no real connection to the plot other than talking about the plot stuff with nothing really happening.
Frankies_MonsterMar 13, 2016 10:51 PM

Mar 14, 2016 2:32 AM

Mar 2015
Tamers also had something that Adventure lacks and that I was hoping Tri. would fix.

First thing are villains whose actions made sense. In Adventure, you had Devimon, Etemon, Vamdemon and Dark Masters who all wanted to rule the world because they are evil. I'm aware Adventure was aimed at young audience so it doesn't really bother me that much, but it's certaintly not a virtue of the series. 02 was a little better in this department though except for the final villain. In Tamers, you had Devas, Zhuqiaomon, Beelzebumon, D-Reaper. Villains who have legit motivations behind their actions and are not black and white. D-Reaper wanted to destroy the world, but it made sense because of the nature of the character. We don't know who are the villains in Tri yet because nothing is happening except for useless chatter that's supposed to be character development, but I don't have my hopes high after the first two movies.

Second thing is actual character development for Digimon and partner Digimon. Although I like Digimon partners in Adventure/02 and you can notice that each one has a slightly different personality, they still just feel like tools or pets for the children on many occasions for me. They aren't treated equally to the children, not even in Tri where they are just doing cute things for the sake of being cute. Tamers also had more focus on children, but Digimon weren't left out in the dust. We got a sufficient look into their problems, their desires and their change over the course of the season. And imo, even the children in Tamers are better developed than in Adventure. It's superior in every way IMO.
Apr 5, 2016 9:06 PM

Feb 2012
Still no digimon ADVENTURE. Still everyone acting as if they did not grow up at all during the first season already. What's up with Digimon Kaiser? I hope 02 kids development didn't get undone like the Adventure kids did. I think Tamers is dreadfully dull, but it did this commentary stuff better. Nothing new here. A deconstruction where everything entertaining was made boring. Not the only anime that thinks it's being smart by doing it.
Apr 11, 2016 7:44 PM
Mar 2009
My issue with the drama here is that a lot of it is way too similar to things these characters have already been through.

It's as though they took "let's celebrate the characters" to mean "let's rehash their character arcs" rather than show off how much they had grown.

To be honest, I think 02 actually showed off how they had matured as people better than this has so far, though maybe Taichi is okay?
Apr 12, 2016 4:57 AM
Apr 2015
doesn't matter, i want to see Omnimon for god sake!
Jul 11, 2016 9:33 PM

Jul 2013
Don't expect little kids to completely reach maturity. As they grow older, they're bound to encounter problems and personal issues whether they've dealt with it in the past. And that's exactly what's happening in Digimon Tri. The conflicts that they experience among themselves and their contradicting behaviors all relate to their respective crests which is the reason why I like the drama in this series so much. They build up good drama while at the same time slowly developing the plot. I like how the writers are taking their time with the movies. Nothing feels rushed.
May 24, 2017 12:19 PM

Apr 2017
Their current drama are associated with growing up. They sorted those problems out before as children, but now that they have grown, they are having some of those problems back and struggling to find the reasonable way considering digimons, real world, governments, studying and future.

I find this series quite good till now. Digidestined are acting wisely considering the circumstances.

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