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Steins;Gate 0: Kesshou Takei no Valentine - Bittersweet Intermedio
May 8, 2018 8:07 AM
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Days: 47.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries108
- Reread0
- Chapters2,377
- Volumes358
All Comments (39) Comments
Seriously, index deserved season 3, just when accelerator was getting more screen time.
From a French perspective, English text directly translated would mostly be low level writing. Because our standards are quite different. That's the job of the translator to fill the gap.
Obviously, on top of this, there are grammar mistake, spelling mistakes, and the like. All of this is usually objective. A real plothole is obviously objective as well.
But none of this is enough to lead to the conclusion about the work being "judged", so the conclusion will always be subjective~
Anime aren't literature so they can't be good piece of it :p. It's a completely different medium after all ^^".
Also, a review for an anime/manga will always be subjective, even if done by a professional (btw being professional doesn't mean being right when it comes to art critic).
Anime X has 20 frame per second -> objective.
Anime X is therefore well animated -> subjective.
Anime Y 's plot has this and that that are illogical (real plothole)
Anime Y's plot is therefore bad-> subjective
Every times you draw a conclusion from an objective. Peoples on MAL seem to believe that ust because there was an objective observation somewhere in the middle of the path toward their final opinion that this opinion is more objective than others' opinion. Whereas it's just as biased and subjective.
It's simple really. The moment you judge it, you use your standards, your tastes, your opinions of what should be an anime, what is good and what isn't, of what is tolerable/forgiveable and what isn't. You can't judge art objectively.
Based on what you say, it sounds like your problem is that these shows are, in reality, shallow. They don't provoke much. They don't use the storytelling medium to find new ways of saying things. Rather, they just dump all of their ideas into it with hopes that the mere presence of themes is enough.
But it isn't. Just because your anime has a certain theme/subject matter doesn't mean it's philosophically deep. Typical stories about saving the world can definitely be a way to examine ideas deeply - just look at Medabots and Digimon Tamers.
In fact, it's often the shows that focus on telling a story that are the deepest and most meaningful. Tatami Galaxy, Dennou Coil, Medabots, WataMote - none of these need the over-seriousness of Texhnolyze or NGE's last half or Ping Pong. The stories speak for themselves.
Haven't watched any Miyazaki, actually
Anno is full of ideas, but lacks coherency. I only watched NGE+EOE but while he has a unique take of things, he cannot arrange his thoughts. He just dumps everything. It's entertaining, but disappointing. The fact he's still remaking NGE reinforces this.
Yuasa is a very talented director. He's concerned with life, its nature, people in general with all of their flaws. His realism is very convincing. He uses different art styles and motions to express it. His storytelling is also very focused and tight. Ping Pong and Tatami have no wasted moment, although Tatami is the superior of the two.
Chiaki is another person who's very talented, but he must be restrained. On SEL/Tex he's less restrained, so these shows are far more predictably artsy than Tamers. Dark colors, weird visions, serious faces, monologues. Tamers, where he's forced to adapt his style to children's show, is where he shines. The combination is more subversive, original and surprising than these two.
You're welcome
I can see why you found that intriguing indeed. The poll of voters isn't the same so any downvote (especially by any hater of LOGH community that would give it a 1, for example)will influence the global rating far easier.
Argh, space opera. It's not a genre I personally enjoy so the number of novels I've read in this genre are limited, and most of them were read more than 10 years ago too. I vaguely remember enjoying one of them, and that it was one or two volumes long so pretty short, I kind of remember vaguely some part of it but don't remember the title nor the author's name, sorry. I borrowed it from a local library so I don't have it on my bookshelves, too. I'm afraid I can't help you on this one, sorry.
ImO it wouldn't give anything good. Sometimes they try to adapt novels that aren't appropriate for a visual medium though, so they could have tried with this one. That would have been a waste of money ImO,but why not.
However since the series is already finished, they won't try so this possibility is already over. Hakomari will never get an anime so we'll never know if that could have worked x).
It's not that the story is complex (because ImO it wasn't that complex ) but more like lots of scenes aren't fitting a visual medium, that's the same problem for the similar novel Tsukumodou, for example.
Also, Hakomari is only popular on MAL, you know. Even if it was adapted in anime, this wouldn't have made a very popular show in Japan as the result ^^".