This topic is about what you think of the first episode of each of the Fall 2015 anime you watched the first episode of. You can discuss what you thought about the first episode of each new anime, how promising, how interesting, well, everything you think about the anime from it's first episode.
I'll personnaly give each anime a number of stars out of 5 to say how promising i think each of them is, followed by what i thought about them, make what you want from your post, you don't have to do it like me if you don't want to. So there goes my list ( I'll update it with new ones when i watch them ) :
Utawarerumono : Itswari no Kamen
This was probably the anime i was the most interested in ( As well as One Punch Man ) when i read the description. After watching the first episode, i still thinks it looks really promising ! Both main characters seem pretty good, i loved their interactions in the first episode. The art is really good, the animation seems good. The setting is really nice, i love those types of settings, it gives a break out of all the school settings ( There are way too much of these ). The story could be interesting and the comedy was actually pretty good IMO, i loved the bath scene XD. This anime also made me think of Spice and Wolf ( Tell me if you got that impression too :P ). Overall, this anime seems very interesting !
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
This anime made me think of SAO mixed with a battle manga ( Well school battle manga ). The main reasons it made me think of SAO are the main character, he looks a lot like Kirito's avatar from the 1st episode of SAO, he does seem like he'll be a better character than Kirito though. Also, it seems like there'll be a big harem growing around the main character as the series go. The last reason is that it really seems that the anime will be popular. It seems to be a bit darker than SAO or DanMachi but i'll have to wait and see. Overall, it seems good, but more of an enjoyable ride than a technically good anime.
Young Black Jack
This anime wasn't in my plan to watch list last season when i was looking at the upcoming anime, but i'm glad i decided to watch it because the first epidode was pretty good ! I didn't have much expectations for it, all i knew was it's a prequel to one of the if not the best selling manga of all time ( According to wikipedia and i'm counting average sales per volume ). But again, popularity doesn't mean anything. Great first episode, i really look forward to that anime !
Comet Lucifer
It was a nice first episode. At first i watched the preview and it seemed interesting, then after seeing 8bit was making it, my expectations became quite low, but after the first episode, it seems pretty decent, i think it'll be a good anime. I doubt it'll be more than a 6/10 though.
One-Punch Man
I was really anticipating this anime and it is great. Saitama is such a badass, i also think he'll become a great character. Of course this anime could go wrong ( any anime could ) but i doubt it will happen, i think it'll be one of the best anime of the season and even one of the best of the year.
That is what i think of the anime i have watched up to now. Those were how promising i thought each anime was from their first episode. So those anime could become worse or better as the episodes go.