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I have times when I eat kinda emotionally because of stress for example and it still happens so it's hard for me to lose anything, but I lost like 6-7 kilos (so like 15 pounds) and everyone is telling me I look great though I don't see it that much (I was never overweight so maybe that's why it's not that visible, but sure someone did notice). Wish you good luck, it took me so much time to lose it becasue I love to eat way to much, but you'll get there one day too! :D
I am vaccinated but I did it mostly to go on vacations (I was in Portugal this summer). Anyway, I do't want another lockdown and closing restaurants and not seeing friends too much...I'm an introvert, but sure it had influence on me. I was never even sick for corona, so I live quite normally and would like all to do he same.
Sorry that I don't reply. I actually almost never go there now (didn't watch anime for half of a year), so that's why. I don't know if it will change in a future, I don't know what's happening in the anime world anymore.
I get it, to me subtitles are just better because of the original sound. Sometimes dubbing can ruin everything if the voice actor is bad...I think I need to show some anime to my bf at last, but I bet we would have to chose sometihing with dubbing for him xD But great idea, OPM is a great chose, I think I'll go with it too!
I started eating better too! And I honestly feel good, I still need to minimize salty snacks (I love crisps way too much), but I'm getting better, I eat way more vegetables and less meat which I think is great! I also lost 4 kilos and I started to like some sport at last :D
It's a good thinking! I started to focus on good things too. Actually, life is going on and we can't stop living and doing the things we love because of it. It's our new reality and we have to deal with it :)
My bf likes dubs for example, he doesn't watch anime but he doesn't like to read while watching in general, he says he can't focus... How is that possible that I can, and some people can't? People are too lazy sometimes for me and that's all xDD
Quite well, but as I mentioned, I almost forgot about MAL existence. I'm writing my final work for studies (the last year) and it doesn't go so fast, also I need to finish some exams, I started exercising, I'll be moving from my house soon...So yeah, many things happen during these times. How are you then? :)
Wow, good! Better late than never haha xD I don't watch English du, I really don't like it, besides I watch almost everything with subtitles, I'm that type of person. I loved the original one even though it wasn't according to manga, filled with fillers and minor characters/stories, it was still so wonderful, I still feel nostalgia thinking about this.
I will try to go back to those replies then! I finally have some time since I have summer break from uni.
Ugh, don't worry! I know it's pretty depressing and I got kinda sad because of it too, especially thinking of cancelling all my vacation plans... But the thing is that we have to fight and be strong. I'm sure the beautifull days will come again. Stay safe and healthy!
I think I asked about WhatsApp, didnt I? Because that would be better to talk to, but I think you already replied that you don't have it. If not and if you still come here, we can keep talking here.
I don't have neither Discord or Twitter :( I do have Facebook, even though it's kinda private site. Dunno if it would be ok for you.
It's so sad actually. I try to do something with it too, but it's not like you can change it in a few days. And speaking about that, I have very sad times lately and my depression is here again...Mostly because of work. I can see some light of hope, but it's still so far away. I hope you're doing better.
Ugh, so that's tough really. You should look for something easier to get. I mean, life is hard and when you don't gat what you want, you have to substitute it to something else. I wanted to go to different university, but here I am, studying in absentia at private university...But I can say I'm quite satisifed with that and glad I could see it all different. Now I probably wouldn't like to study normally.
Lately, here in Poland we had probably the hottest temperature ever, it was almost 40 degrees...I almost died. I was never so sunbornt in my country, and not lying on the beach, justy normally going to school, work and stuff. I'm glad now it's over, but instead we have rain now and it's kinda cold, but I'm still not sure if this hell was better. I like when it's warm sometimes, but not like this. If I were on vacation, having so hot temperature would be nice...But oh I wasn't xD
Yay, I'm happy for you then.
I know that feeling but happily, my house is ok right now. So now when the weather has changed I dress like in summertime here, but when I go out it feels more like autumn. When it was so hot I wore dress like quite often, and I normally don't wear dresses cause I don't feel comfortable in them, but you know, I just had to. xD
Just like me xD I keep telling everyone that everything will be all right and meanwhile I stuck with my depression and low self-esteem...
It is hard because you almost don't have your own private and social life, you have to be ready to fly all the time and you don't really visit new places much...Because you have next flight in a few hours. It can be really stressful and stuff but I love using other languages and practise them, love to travel and fly, that's why I'm still thinking about being stewardess.
Ikr, I sometimes love this adrenaline, even though I may not look like this type of person.
Wow cool! I'd loe to see snowy and cold New York one time in my life...<3 Yeah, based on weather in Denmark at past winter...It was 30 degrees there, which is the hottest weather in Denmark for like...ever?
I have allery to that shit too...That's why I feel pretty good ant winter. But my allergy can be connected with dust too, I sneeze all the time If I don't take my pills and that's the worst.
Wish you good luck on your long distance realtionship! I hope you both can meet more often soon.
I'm waiting for the summer tbh, spring is kinda weird again, I got a few hotter days but others were so windy and cold... The weather is changing all the time, I just don't know what to wear xD
Yeah, I think I did everything I could do. Thanks for believing in me!
To be honest, me kinda too, just because I wanted to be a stewardess for a lot of time and I'm still thinking about it. I just love travels and I love looking at the sky, it's so soothing ^^ So maybe that's why...Not to mention the feeling when you're stomach 'jumps', not everyone likes it, but for me it's definitely something extraordinary :D
Unfortunately, mine wasn't the coldest too. I love cold winters, winters are supposed to be cold for me, and I'm winter child, I mean, I'm used to cold weather. I really wouldn't mind having cold, real winter. But nowadays it's not happening, clima is changing and that's the worst.
Haha, I'm just the opposite. I know it's kinda weird. Blooming is actually cool, I just hate how the waether is so weird in spring, it's both cold and hot, it's raining, the snow is melting which is awful and sad...
You're not going to see him for a few months o.O ? Definitely, let's hope this spring will be normal and I won't get depressed xd
If it's going to final exams, I didn't do the best, but quite good and I blame stupid universities for not wanting to have me xD At the end everything is alright, I work most of the time, and I study in absentia. I'm about to begin my second semester, I'm just waiting for the results of two more exams, but I think I passed ;>
Oh,I remember having my first plane ride, it was really something wonderful, and I still love to travel by plane! The only bad thing is probably the noise though.
Well, we'll have spring in month or so. To be honest, everyone seems to be so happy for that, but I'm probably the only one who is depressed, because I love winter so much :_; But I like summer too, I just don't like 'transitional' seasons, like spring and autumn. I prefer the extreme ones.
I'm glad you did good too! <3
Money are always the reason xD Well if you gain much ,no wonder why you want to remain. But sometimes we have to end things which are horrible just to not have problems...I mean, if they treat you wrong, it's just bad. I want to have a job too for a 3 months after all my final exams and I'm currently asking everyone if they need someone to work.
Whoa, to be honest weather was weird this year, especially in april, one day it was like 30 degrees, next rain, one day we saw snow, and then cold, like -12...It's quite normal in my country but it was still so weird. We got some snow, but not much, I wanted more :< Still, it was beautifull. And well, I love winter, but even I wanted to have better weather at last because everyday was so cold and gray and it was really depressing. And it was for quite a long time! Now it's reaaaly warm there, the weather is so nice!!
Haha, snow is just the best excuse xD
It did, time really heals everything, it's true. And now I'm doing pretty fine and I'm even quite positive, which is unusual in my case :3 Hope you're doing great too!
That's super nice! I hope you too will get along and at least become friends ^^ Nice to hear that!
I understand, all my friends who had or have jobs say that their bosses are stupid as heck and they stay doing this job only bacause of money xD So yeah, if it's really hard, it's ok to think about quitting, after all you don't have to force yourself, it's the matter of your future.
Thank you! I hope so too! <3 I hope you will eventually find good boss too!
Oh yes, weather is so weird here too, it was cold in november and it's ok, but I was hoping for white Christmas and it still looks like november, no snow, everything is gray and sad...It sucks since I love winter, but real winter with snow! D:
Well, I've been going through hard times lately (case of death and broken friendship and school is not helping cause it's so much work that I don't know where to start), and I can say that this year was probably the worst year of my life, so I just want to go to the next, and let's hope that 2018 will be at least a little bit better...Though I'm resting a bit on Christmas day, so I'm feeling better. I hope that you're doing good!
I don't have Discord, I've never heard of it, what's that?
The most important thing is that you're both doing your life. People come and go, that's pretty normal, we have to get use to it. So hang in there and stay still! ~~ ^_^
You have a job? I envy you...I want to have job for vacations but for now anyone doesn't seem to want me cause I haven't finished school (oh why I choosed longer high school??!! :<<) and maybe I was too slow to tell them that I want to work. God, I'll probably take my last chance and try to work in bar, but I'm not sure if I can really do it and I'm kinda afraid of other's opinion :(( But well, you're more adult than me after all, I hope I'll find a job in the future...After school I really haven't been having much time, I was so tired that I was going to bed straight...Just study and no time for anything, that sucked, but I have my vacation eventually!!
I also hate that there are so many insects cause in spring they come from everywhere xD But the thing I dislike the most is this weird weather, sometimes it rains, other time sun shines, in the morning when I go to school it's cold but then in the afternoon it's hot so I'm asking why I took my jacket...Especially in april, geez, this april in my country was seriously the worst, the weather was changing everytime!!
I'm just a person who doesn't like transitional things! I'm really a static type of person. That's why I really like winter and summer.
My country has medium weather, though strangers tend to say it's actually pretty cold xD Well it depends, but the weather really can be different all the time! I love when summer is hot and winter cold, like it's supposed to be! <3 This summer for example here will be probably cold and rainy, or if hot, very stormy all the time...God, just why me :<<
Characters can act like LMAO from what people told me. That's funny and interesting though xD
I feel sorry for you dear ;<. Feel free to write on Skype then if you feel like talking! I was very happy for you both, I though you were cute, but almost nothing lasts forever, it's sad but true. Take care and I'm glad you seem to be fine after all! <3
That's exactly why I can't see how people seem to have so many time! xDD I couldn't watch anime, watch other 'normal' series, play games and read manga and books. I just have to choose something, I don't have time for all. I know I could one day do one thing and second another, but that doesn't work in my case cause I barely have ANY time...So when I say it's time to watch something different, I eventually end up watching anime again because I know I won't be able to find another ocasion to watch anything soon.
Lol indeed! ;D I like some thing about spring, but...let's just say winter has way more advantages for me! ^^ But of course there are many reasons to like warm weather. I have very nice memories connected to summer, and summer vacatons and stuff, I reaaaly like summer. And spring is kinda like beginning of it, so...I think I can adapt almost anywhere easily, but I think I still prefer cold over heat...I was born in winter and maybe that's why I always had something for this season. Sometimes I ask myself why I wasn't born in Sweden, Russia, Norway or another cold country, I would probably feel perfect! >_<