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May 1, 2014 2:41 PM
Jan 2013
NYUUU!!! Why did it end like this??
May 28, 2014 6:17 PM

May 2012
Not a bad ecchi scene I'd say, a bit weird story development but well in general two average episodes.
Jun 18, 2014 10:48 PM

Dec 2012
Guess that was bound to happen. At least it was romantic, albeit the romance was ridiculous to begin with. That ending was so ridiculously cheesy with everyone cheering it on. Couldn't stop laughing like "really?" 5/10, wasn't the worst way to kill a bit of time.
Feb 24, 2015 10:54 AM

Apr 2013
What the fuck did I watch? Everything went downhill so quickly after the first episode only to stop at the most contrived ending I've seen in a while. I feel I lost braincells watching this.
Feb 28, 2015 2:27 AM

Jul 2011
What in the world?? And how does this not have a hentai tag on it? Similar BL scenes get a yaoi tag slapped on it, so I think it would be fair to do the same here.

Uh, well, at least it was consensual and they had feelings for each other? Such a ridiculous development though... seriously I just laughed throughout the whole thing because it was so stupid. XD
Mar 4, 2015 10:44 AM

Apr 2013
[quote=Mirorin]What in the world?? And how does this not have a hentai tag on it?/quote]

It's because no genitals (censored or otherwise) were shown, and the sex scene wasn't as graphic like those in a hentai would be. Not all anime that has a sex scene/mature rating is a hentai, it has to have been advertised as such upon its release.
Mar 28, 2015 5:07 AM
Dec 2011
i loved it.... it was short and sweet... just the way i like it :3 everything is perfect for me :3 i am so glad i watched it :3
Apr 21, 2015 3:24 PM

Jan 2013
What the actual fuck. I didn't think it would be that explicit, everything was so fucked up holy shit.
Aug 9, 2015 11:48 AM

Feb 2015
This is how I felt after watching this...

Oct 15, 2015 8:43 PM

Nov 2007
out of ALL routes, of course they'd go for the incest one -_- that really is a kick in the crotch for me. -sighs-

Oct 18, 2015 2:49 PM

Mar 2013
Shit I was cringing during the whole two episodes. Lame stuff. The sex was anticlimatic as hell. So disappointing that I won't even bother adding this to my list, LOL.
Nov 22, 2015 10:17 AM

Mar 2014
Aneki, I've penetrated your insides

Seriously though they should've gone with the teacher or the scarf guy instead
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Dec 31, 2016 2:01 PM

Aug 2016
I am in cringe hell right now and I want to get out of it XD
I feel violated.

Also: "Let me introduce you to a bunch of good looking guys we will forget about immediately"
Akiho90Dec 31, 2016 2:11 PM
Oct 29, 2017 9:43 PM

May 2013
After such a strong first episode too.... He went totally psycho and rapey, and then suddenly she said no for the 12th time, and that was the magic number of times, and so he magically became a nice guy again. Then suddenly she's like, oh, you know, sex with my brother sounds like an AMAZING idea! Then the sex scene was pretty terrible, I didn't know if I should laugh or cringe. At least the first episode's jack off scene was thoroughly hilarious. And then the massively cheesy ending to top it off, and the teacher being like, nah, I'll just let the siblings make out on stage, that's cool. I just....... I don't know why I did this to myself.....
落下のように、いつも落ちる。いつか救われることができるのかな? または落ち続けるでしょうか?永遠に
Nov 13, 2017 7:54 PM
Jul 2015
How do you fuck up an "incest is wincest" plot THIS badly? I don't even mind the incest, honestly. Resort Boin had it, KxKxK had it and both of those shows were amazing. This had the potential to be a great soft-core hentai like KissxSis or Aki Sora, but instead they made it as thoroughly unpleasant as possible.

The brother straight up goes from caring and shy to rapey and abusive, then back to caring and shy again which makes me just think that side of his personality is only a cover for his abusive side. It's fucking disguising and I can't believe the sister actually wanted him back after being such a monster to her.

I found this show through the sex scene which was alright, but then I thought there might be more scenes if I watch the whole series and it not only failed to deliver on that front: it thoroughly ruined the actual sex scene for me.

Fucking terrible.
Feb 20, 2018 1:09 PM

Oct 2011
hmm I guess this is the norm for vn adapted to ova.. not bad xD
Apr 14, 2019 11:31 PM

Sep 2018
WTF is this? This doesn't even feel like it's made for females, it's just the sort of creepy rapey stuff that is in every late 2000s and onwards "romantic" hentai. Also, wtf romance are you people even talking about, he just acts like a jerk and forces himself onto her and then says that he can't hold back and somehow that translates to that he loves her, there is no romance. Also this episode only highlights the problems with how Japanese culture treats woman, but I'll keep myself from ranting about that.
Also, just to be clear, I don't care about the incest, what pissed me off so much was that it was so rapey.
KristiwazhereOct 13, 2019 11:30 AM
Apr 15, 2019 12:27 AM

Sep 2018
Mirorin said:
What in the world?? And how does this not have a hentai tag on it? Similar BL scenes get a yaoi tag slapped on it, so I think it would be fair to do the same here.

Uh, well, at least it was consensual and they had feelings for each other? Such a ridiculous development though... seriously I just laughed throughout the whole thing because it was so stupid. XD

yaoi isn't necessarily hentai, but anyhow, I do think that this anime should be rated a bit higher on the lewd scale that it is. Also I would barely call what happened in the second episode consensual. She just let herself have sex with him because she wanted him around again and he wouldn't come back unless she let him have his way with her. That's coercive rape, that isn't consensual sex, not once did she say she had feelings for him.
KristiwazhereOct 13, 2019 11:36 AM
Oct 11, 2019 6:35 AM

Oct 2019
kandi_gloss said:
WTF is this? This doesn't even feel like it's made for females, it's just the sort of creepy rapey stuff that is in every late 2000s and onwards "romantic" hentai. Also, wtf romance are you people even talking about, he just acts like a jerk and forces herself onto her and then says that he can't hold back and somehow that translates to that he loves her, there is no romance. Also this episode only highlights the problems with how Japanese culture treats woman, but I'll keep myself from ranting about that.
Also, just to be clear, I don't care about the incest, what pissed me off so much was that it was so rapey.

Thanks for summing up my thoughts. I want that hour I just wasted back. Only thing that prevents me from giving this show a 1 is that the animation is top. Not that a 2/10 is that much of a better rating. Sigh...guess I was bound to find at least one crap show among the incest pile I'm tackling on this month.
Oct 13, 2019 11:40 AM

Sep 2018
Luananee said:

Thanks for summing up my thoughts. I want that hour I just wasted back. Only thing that prevents me from giving this show a 1 is that the animation is top. Not that a 2/10 is that much of a better rating. Sigh...guess I was bound to find at least one crap show among the incest pile I'm tackling on this month.

Personally I don't subscribe to the whole "wanting my time back" mindset anymore. I think that even the garbage stuff has value in it's own way as it only further defines what we like and dislike.
Also what is this Incest stuff you are tackling... I may be interested in it for reasons. ;) Never mind, looked at your profile, surprised that Sakura Tsuushin isn't on your list, that is a rather well known incest themed anime. (Though I didn't like it much for similar reasons)
Oh, and one last thing, if you like doing anime challenges there is an entire club devoted to that. You can find it here if your are interested. Don't blame me for the current theme though with the flashing images, I didn't make it, not sure why they did that, the old theme was fine.
KristiwazhereOct 13, 2019 12:26 PM
Oct 13, 2019 11:38 PM

Oct 2019
kandi_gloss said:
Luananee said:

Thanks for summing up my thoughts. I want that hour I just wasted back. Only thing that prevents me from giving this show a 1 is that the animation is top. Not that a 2/10 is that much of a better rating. Sigh...guess I was bound to find at least one crap show among the incest pile I'm tackling on this month.

Personally I don't subscribe to the whole "wanting my time back" mindset anymore. I think that even the garbage stuff has value in it's own way as it only further defines what we like and dislike.
Also what is this Incest stuff you are tackling... I may be interested in it for reasons. ;) Never mind, looked at your profile, surprised that Sakura Tsuushin isn't on your list, that is a rather well known incest themed anime. (Though I didn't like it much for similar reasons)
Oh, and one last thing, if you like doing anime challenges there is an entire club devoted to that. You can find it here if your are interested. Don't blame me for the current theme though with the flashing images, I didn't make it, not sure why they did that, the old theme was fine.

I never thought about it that way. I said back then (what was it, 2 days ago?) that it was a waste of time, out of frustration, maybe I could've done something more entertaining. But you're right, it's probably best that I watched it. Maybe it being so bad will help me appreciate the other incest shows out there (even those that don't deserve it probably!)
I tend to search for anime a bit randomly (top 20s incest anime youtube videos, you name them), so the one you mentioned I probably haven't found yet. I will look it up though. And on my profile I only mentioned those that came to mind that instant while writing, but I will be watching many others...I hope. I do not know which, I do not know how many more before the month ends, as many as possible I hope, but what I am definitely certain about is that I'll conclude this monthly challenge with Oreimo and, finally, Yosuga no Sora.
Thank you for mentioning the club, I'll check it out. I doubt I'll be joining though. I already have a 'horror anime' challenge in mind for November. Courtesy of my friend...again.
Oct 16, 2019 5:57 PM

Feb 2010
kandi_gloss said:
WTF is this? This doesn't even feel like it's made for females, it's just the sort of creepy rapey stuff that is in every late 2000s and onwards "romantic" hentai. Also, wtf romance are you people even talking about, he just acts like a jerk and forces himself onto her and then says that he can't hold back and somehow that translates to that he loves her, there is no romance. Also this episode only highlights the problems with how Japanese culture treats woman, but I'll keep myself from ranting about that.
Also, just to be clear, I don't care about the incest, what pissed me off so much was that it was so rapey.

Late late reply, but... My thoughts exactly!
I watched this with my husband after he found it on a forum being suggested as "For Female Hentai", and so we tried it... and we were BOTH extremely disappointed (despite he is straight, he hates high pitch anime girls and incest/abuse and also knows how frustrating male-gaze media is for me).
Nevermind the incest (which is something I don't like but it was also the least of my problem with this anime)...
I really felt like I was just watching a hentai aimed at sadistic horny incest/abuse-loving men. The girl gets nude and the camera is focusing all over her body and boobs, while the guys don't even take off their clothes. She went from reminding me of what child abuse is like (being locked in her room and tortured), to reminding me of what molestation is like. Not something I want to relive.

This is why I just stick with Yaoi for R-18 stuff. Then you'll actually see guys getting naked, having flustered facial expressions, and posing sexy, and be able to actually hear the men's voices instead of some screaming baby-voice and totally unrealistic bodies that they always give female anime characters.
I'll also watch non-erotic Shoujo/Josei/Otome for non-rapey romance. Though even some tame otome has got some problems, especially those created by big companies like just about any Visual Novel who just care about profits and are run by bunch of old men using outdated formulas, disconnected from what women really want...

But unfortunately I have never seen any R-18 "for girls" anime/game/manga that were not sickeningly misogynist, pedophilia/ephebophilia, male-gaze (focus on female's body/face expressions), or abusive rape fantasies, except in one yuri doujinshi I stumbled upon featuring a matured Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus, written by an actual woman (a yaoi artist, at that).
PikangieOct 16, 2019 6:08 PM
Oct 20, 2019 8:52 PM

Sep 2018
Pikangie said:
But unfortunately I have never seen any R-18 "for girls" anime/game/manga that were not sickeningly misogynist, pedophilia/ephebophilia, male-gaze (focus on female's body/face expressions), or abusive rape fantasies

Sadly many non-R-18 Josei/Shoujo (female oriented) romance animes are like that as well and many are written by woman. Sadly I think it has a lot to do with how japanese culture views females.
Oct 21, 2019 7:10 AM

Feb 2010
kandi_gloss said:
Pikangie said:
But unfortunately I have never seen any R-18 "for girls" anime/game/manga that were not sickeningly misogynist, pedophilia/ephebophilia, male-gaze (focus on female's body/face expressions), or abusive rape fantasies

Sadly many non-R-18 Josei/Shoujo (female oriented) romance animes are like that as well and many are written by woman. Sadly I think it has a lot to do with how japanese culture views females.

It does seem like it, sadly.
How the society is, how they are conditioned to not have high self esteem (for lady-like modesty), the high importance of male-approval, and sex in general seems like the opposite of in English where saying "no" means "yes" (that I think is more rooted in the "lady-like modesty"). x_x

I remember spending some summers in Okinawa with mom's relatives, and how even as young as 7, I had to do certain things my older brother never had to. Going to get a glass, open a beer can, and pour it into the cup, and hand that cup to my grandfather. That seems to be purely "the woman's job" there, no matter how young or busy she is, or how perfectly able-bodied the man. I'd also notice how my grandmother and even my mom (who didn't live there anymore), did every single house chore as well, including the mens' (grandpa, brother, and mom's brother) laundry. I was expected to at least help a little despite being very young and this not being the norm where we normally lived in USA (with dad's Chinese-American side of the family).
Although, despite this I am glad my mom does stick up for herself if really needed. I asked her once before we had a trip to Tokyo, what would happen if we got groped on the train... and she said she would kick them in the balls, lol. We also had a conversation in adulthood where, she did express the dislike of the excess hentai/lolicon culture in Japan. Or as she called it, "horny anime". xD

I hope it is changing though even if it's just small progress, or so I hear it is changing as more women have gotten jobs and careers today, compared to back then in the 90's. On the news, I heard of some companies that started to let women wear sneakers to work, instead of forcing the high heel dress code. It'll be probably a while before pants are the norm too, for the cold winters at least. I did hear of one school which has started to make unisex uniforms an option, that is basically the blazer and pants but that also females can wear.
Hopefully that also spreads around.
I remember my own elementary school allowing girls to wear pants (unofficially), and we all loved it especially due to the cool climate which had cold mornings, and because we wanted to play comfortably on the jungle gym. By the half of the school year, I only saw 2 or 3 girls on the playground who still wore the skirt, one wearing it really long.
PikangieOct 21, 2019 7:17 AM
Jan 17, 2021 8:18 AM

Apr 2020
at least the cute tiddies kinda redeemed it

Dec 5, 2022 5:41 PM

Sep 2020
too much talk and romanticism to be a hentai. I did not understand the participation of the other male characters and why they also appear on the cover, implying that they would be protagonists. looks like something made by a wattpad writer. It is not understood where they wanted to go with this anime

Sorry if I write something incorrect, English is not my native language.

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