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i remember when i watched this episode and just sat in my chair for like 10 minutes after, completely silent and in awe of what i just saw
the whole hitagi end arc, and especially the ending to this episode, is one of the most jaw-dropping, heart-wrenching things i've ever seen, truly peak fiction
"Leonardo... it wasn't, by any means, only your eyes that we welcomed into Libra."
- Klaus von Reinherz
Once again, very well done. Another 8/10 for the monogatari series.
I'm just wondering if it truly would have a significant effect if I watched this in the chronological order, or at least the semi-chronological order. Meaning, watching certain parts of Owarimonogatari before certain parts of this Second Season. Because Ougi clearly had a major hand to play in this whole ordeal. While the airing order certainly isn't chronological, perhaps they thought it be interesting to present a story, then fill in the holes and flesh it out even more later on. Whatever the case is, I'm still going to stick to the airing order for now, as it is how probably most people watched this. If I ever go for a second viewing, I'll definitely try it chronologically.
So while ideally next should be Owarimonogatari while these events are still fresh in the mind, Tsukimonogatari is next so that's the one I'll be watching. It's only 4 episodes after all. As for Hanamonogatari, I'll make an exception for that one. I will actually leave that until the very end.
edit: fck it, nevermind, I need answers. Diving straight into Owarimonogatari
That was an amazing episode. Beyond my expectations really. That talk by Kaiki to Nadeko was great.
It was really sad to see what happened to Kaiki at the end. I thought he was evil, but he wasn't. He wasn't good, but he wasn't evil. He was just Kaiki. Can't believe they killed him off at the end like that... Rest in peace, Kaiki. I will actually miss you. You were a great protagonist for this last arc.
Monogatari Series Second Season was really good. It had its ups and downs, but I liked Hanekawa's arc. Maybe I love this one.
First off, a bunch of screenshots from previous episodes, was too enthralled to discuss between episodes. Some symbolism I bring up as well but stuff I assume most would have also realized anyway.
Her identity discovery is hilarious.
Set up back in Nisemonogatari?! God, awesome! Love this shot by the way, hahaha, Kaiki's so sinister looking despite his honest feelings. This arc featuring him as the protagonist was amazing, seeing how he actually thinks was part of what made him so much better than before, and he was already a very funny character with a very big presence.
Such a protagonist pose, haha.
This entire phone sequence was so much fun, really engaging conversation between the two, really cool symbolism with the eyes all over, super awesome, experimental visuals to keep what could have been a stilted scene from being such.
Heeey! Third best girl is back! I adore her hair.
Using the cat mouth for her more often is awesome symbolism on how she is now all of herself, where previously Black Hanekawa would come out in a completely catlike form, she's now accepted her entire emotions, personality and feelings.
Kaiki saying a lot of similar things to Araragi, hahaha. How humiliating. But nah, what's with this series having really cool eye reflection shots? Here's another one from a past episode I didn't post. Following Kaiki's conversations with Senjougahara, Hanekawa, Yotsugi as well as Sengoku, all really fun, entertaining, interesting, introspective, honestly, a whole lot, this arc really shifted my opinion on the character, he went from a very fun presence to one of my favourites.
Beautiful finale which I honestly won't be fully going into on why it worked so well for me, but, where Nekomonogatari: Shiro spoke to me deeply with its finale, relating to a problem I was dealing with in the past, on the opposite side of things (with Shiro being at the beginning of the season, relating to a problem I had in the past, Koi is at the end, yet) Koimonogatari related to a problem I'm dealing with right now, which has been on my mind for a while, a problem which has been building up but has particularly been on my mind recently, even talking about it with some people, but yet to know how to feel on how I could conclude it. First relationship issues, if I were to quickly summarise the sort of issue it is. This episode felt like a clarity of sorts, with Kaiki really feeling like a teacher. As I mentioned earlier, I wouldn't really be going to into this episode as it did strike a very personal, relatable sort of deal with the stuff with Sengoku, but, yeah, found its conclusion beautiful, teared up a bit from Kaiki's whole speech.
Both laughed a lot and felt satisfied when he lied his way out of things with Araragi. Kaiki made for an amazing protagonist this arc. It's funny, as much as I love Araragi as a character, the arcs which I've really related to have both been ones with separate protagonists. Previous arc is still the one I cried the most in, however, don't get me wrong. I miss Hachikuji.
Did I already say in a previous discussion how crazy I found it to hear Kaiki singing in the opening? I don't think I did! What a cool singing voice, haha. I was thinking the other day, 'I hope sometime Araragi has his own opening.' If it's a duet with Senjougahara like this, that works!
Overall, best season, by far. One of the closest works I've seen to a ten. Loved it.
I wonder too...
The story just keeps folding and unfolding into a delightful piece of work. The characters are becoming more complex, and Kaiki is a good example. We initially saw him as a con-man, but it's clear that there was a lot more going on beneath the surface. Some of it is actually revealed while much remains implied. I got the impressions that Kaiki was on some kind of path to redemption by helping Koyomi and Hitagi, and ultimately Nadeko as well. The secret manga artist desire at first seemed a little odd, in the sense that it wasn't a strong enough reason for Nadeko to turn away from her god status. But after some thought I ended up liked that reason. It speaks to the secret dreams and desires that people have. And to me it feels like an encouragement to continue those dreams, rather than be swallowed up by something else while suppressing them.
And just when it seemed like things were wrapping up. Wham! Literally, as Kaiku gets clobbered (by a bit of karma maybe) and we're off on another story arc. I can't decide if Second season is higher for me than the original Bakemono. But they're both up there in terms of my all time favorites.
I feel deceived ngl i thought this was the good ending I hate the junior high kid that ambushed Kaiki I hope he ends up getting strangled buy that snake but the main person to hate is Ougi I refuse to let this slide they have to avenge Kaiki he was a real one since day one he only had mostly good intentions and he was a cool guy who ended up being one the best characters in the series this was a sad ending for him .
OMG!!! Its starting!!! July 7, watching Episode 1, it just came out! I am syked and fucking super excited!!!
Seems episode 1 is going to be a backstory and closer look of who Hanekawa Tsubasa really is. From her point of view. I believe its Nekomonogatari White. --The opening wasn't bad, funny and kinda cute.
Hanekawa talked with Mayoi which was very cute, then with Senjougahara. Suddenly her house burned down and so she slept at the abandoned building. Unexpectedly and very suprising, a crying Hitagi appeared scared because she was worried if something bad happened to Hanekawa to a place like this all alone as a girl. The ending was okay, not such a great episode but I just can't wait for everything to happen!
Btw Hanekawa skipped chapter 8 in the novel for some reason.
After watching Episode 1, I went to read the novel of Nekomonogatari White and stopped at Chapter 52.
Seeing Black Hanekawa was super cute!
Episode 3,
Kanbaru's long hair with her looks was disappointing... But I'm glad how the anime makes everything a little faster and clearer to the point to understand the story in what they're talking about. And I love how it flew pretty fast to where Hanekawa sleeps at the Araragi house for now. Hanekawa sleeping in Araragi's room. And then Black Hanekawa waking up and talking to Shinobu, Yes! Already in Episode 3 were almost in where I left off from the novel, chapter 52. It was awesome seeing all of this animated!
Episode 4:
Hanekawa notices that 25 chapters were skipped and that her body is dirty. Then realizing she's been turning into Black Hanekawa by finding a piece of her hair. Araragi's mother talked to Hanekawa.
Hanekawa then comes across Episode, one of the guys in Kizumonogatari, and then Izuko Gaen joins them, saying she knows everything. A senpai of Oshino.
Hanekawa is about to face the tiger and fix things. Wearing his cloths and taking pictures, lol. She then wrote a letter for Black Hanekawa.
[Episode 5:] Fucking amazing Episode... Hanekawa asks Black Hanekawa to stop Kako, the tiger which is another Kai she created just like the Cat. Fighting Araragi saves her. And she finally confesses and asks if they could go out with a marriage in thought, and she gets rejected and cries.
So sad but really beautiful.... she accepted herself now. Beautiful!
[Episode 6:] a recap of Nekomonogatari Black | Tsubasa Family
[Episode 7:] Mayoi's arc. Talking with the daughter of Oshino? A metaphor conversation, relates it to Mayoi's death. Talk with Ononoki, trying to retrieve Hachikuji's backpack. And tomorrow summer is about to end, so he says as a joke to go to the past of yesterday to finish his summer homework. --But then Shinobu brings him 11 years to the past.
Episode 8, Araragi though in the past 11 years ago by accident, is thinking of saving Mayoi. Btw the Opening if fucking cute clearly telling us that Mayoi loves him. They then find out after coming back to the present that... because he saved Mayoi, it changed the future way too much. They found out that the world was destroyed...
Starting from Episode 8 its really making me love Araragi x Shinobu even more with the first on which was Kizumonogatari. --Seems fucking amazing.
[Episode 10:] Mayoi is alive as survivors, as well as Kiss-Shot in this world, and Oshino and a couple of other known survivors. Oshino asks Koyomi to save their world. A somewhat disappointing older Mayoi. And so that ends Mayoi's arc.
[Episode 11:] Starting Sengoku's arc.
Starting with her being a Snake Kai, and fighting Araragi and Shinobu, and even killing him? Sengoku then tells us how it started, when she met Oshino's niece, creepy and ugly. And how she then meets the Snake because of all the snakes she killed, for some reason...
[Episode 14:] Nadeko's true inner self and thoughts came out thanks to the effects of the snake. A delinquent who yells how she really feels. When she finds the snakes body, as a wish she asks for her love with Koyomi to be requited. When suddenly Koyomi appears and caught her.
[Episode 15:] She ate the serpent and became one. Right now Shinobu and Araragi are down. Her delusions of the snake started when she saw that Araragi had a girlfriend. --Nadeko reflecting on her thoughts with Shinobu and Araragi half-dead. I think its part of Oshino's niece fault.
All of a sudden, a call of Hitagi from Araragi's phone. And she asks for a deal for her to die instead of Koyomi. Nadeko refuses. And they choose to kill each all 4, 3vs1 and to have half a year to prepare. wtf.
[Episode 17:] a "darkness" has appeared. Araragi with Mayoi, so cute. Yotsugi kisses him, then he kisses Shinobu.
[Episode 19:] They meet Izuko Gaen to know about what that darkness is.
[Episode 20:] Mayoi passes on, and kisses Araragi, she loved him.
[Episode 21:] Hitagi End starts.
Senjougahara seeks Kiaki for him to deceive Sengoku to not kill her and Araragi, Kaiki does it for Kanbaru, why?
[Episode 26:] The thing that Sengoku didn't want to show anyone and was hidden in her closet was that she wants to become a mangaka, hilarious lol. And he uses it against her. Everyone is saved.
But Kaiki dies in the end?
The other arcs were awesome but the last one was kinda boring. In general not so great compared to bake and nise.
Damn, nicely done Kaiki. You convinced Nadeko. Youre a great guy. ALso, it was revealed that he actually tried to help the Senjyougahara family but failed.
Isn't Kaiki a bit like Koyomi in terms of personality? Anyways, he got killed at the end. Welp, karma. I really started to like Kaiki as a character, RIP
Nah, no way Kaiki's going out just like that. Still holding onto his advice of not trusting everything he says.
Also, what's with that happy(not for Kaiki) ending? I clearly remember being teased a boss battle against Sengoku. Tf happened to that?
Anyways, best season so far. Dunno how it took me a year to complete.
RioFS said: Nah, no way Kaiki's going out just like that. Still holding onto his advice of not trusting everything he says.
Also, what's with that happy(not for Kaiki) ending? I clearly remember being teased a boss battle against Sengoku. Tf happened to that?
Anyways, best season so far. Dunno how it took me a year to complete.
That was just Nadeko's delusion/fantasy of what she'd be able to achieve. Also, Kaiki's ending is even more insane when you consider that Hanamonogatari came out first in Light Novel order
RioFS said: Nah, no way Kaiki's going out just like that. Still holding onto his advice of not trusting everything he says.
Also, what's with that happy(not for Kaiki) ending? I clearly remember being teased a boss battle against Sengoku. Tf happened to that?
Anyways, best season so far. Dunno how it took me a year to complete.
That was just Nadeko's delusion/fantasy of what she'd be able to achieve. Also, Kaiki's ending is even more insane when you consider that Hanamonogatari came out first in Light Novel order
Good to know. I can stop holding my breath then. No surprise for the LN readers then if they already knew Kaiki's fate but imagine the anime-onlies reaction considering Hanamono just released the year after.
That's such a weird way to end the season. I really like Kaiki, but I really really hate his philosophy. I think it worked for Sengouku because she was putting too much emphasis on her own feelings, but I can't even believe that he himself believes what he told her.
I guess that means he did deceive her. Even so, it really kinda sucks that we won't have either Hachikuji or Sengouku for the last chapter. Also, wtf was the preview at the end of the Sengouku arc for if she's not the snake kami anymore.
Idk, I really liked the arc, but I can't say it was as satisfying as I would've liked. The whole theme feels kinda misanthropic and fake. There's the whole thing of Senjougahara treating Araragi as if he were her first love even though I guess Kaiki was, and that combined with what Kaiki said about humans being replaceable...
Yea, it really does feel like something's super off. Idk if we'll see Kaiki again, but I hope there's something of his backstory.
Well here we are at the end at long last, it nearly took me two months (off by one day lol) but I made it, and I think it’s safe to say this last arc is the best one of the season, and that’s mainly due to Kaiki. Once again, the arc’s titular character wasn’t actually the focus of the arc, this time it was Senjougahara, but it was instead Kaiki, and I couldn’t be happier about this because he not only made this arc for me, he’s also one of the biggest reasons I loved the Karen Bee arc. Being along for the ride with detective Kaiki was a lot of fun, it’s wild how much of this arc was simply talking too but it was so engaging. And Kaiki had an odd chemistry with Senjougahara, from that very first meeting at the airport and all of their phone calls, it felt like each one was a meeting of the minds but Kaiki always had a 1-up lol.
And this final episode itself man, after all the prep it turned out Nadeko never trusted Kaiki to begin with, so of course the plan failed, but honestly I don’t think the car crash story was ever that good to begin with lol. Despite this, Kaiki managed to talk Nadeko down with some very inspiring stuff, all while being strangled by snakes and kicked by Nadeko, that man is a GOAT among GOATs. And he did this by finally using what he found in the closet, I was ready for something messed up but no, it was actually her true dream of becoming a mangaka, and boy Nadeko’s reaction was priceless lol. And then the unthinkable happened, Kaiki actually managed to revert Nadako back to being a human, I was thinking after she had become that far gone there was no going back but he saved not only her, but Araragi and Senjougahara as well, I guess that final boss battle that was teased at the end of Nadeko’s arc didn’t happen after all lol. And then comes Araragi, almost like a side character in Kaiki’s story, so that makes two arcs in this season that didn’t even really have him in it lol. And just when you thought the crazy son of a bitch made it out alive, they ended up calling back to whoever was stalking Kaiki in an earlier episode, which looks like it ended up killing him, and of course that connects to Ougi somehow, let’s just say I’m not too fond of her for taking a real one from us lol. But man, RIP Kaiki, if this really is the end for him. He’s truly one of my favorite Monogatari characters, if not my favorite, he single-handedly raised my score of this season from an 8 to a 9.
And with that, I am now done with Second Season, aka the third season of Monogatari, while it took me a while to get through it I did really enjoy each and every arc from this season, this is also despite some of the bad hairstyle changes lol. If I had to rank the arcs, it would probably go Hitagi End, Mayoi Jiangshi/Nadeko Medusa (both tied), Tsubasa Tiger/Shinobu Time (also tied lol), really there wasn’t a dull moment, despite this ranking I liked them all with Hitagi End being my clear favorite, of course I’m mad Kaiki died (if he’s actually dead) but still lol, can’t deny how good it was. And of course I liked all the OPs and EDs, my favorite of the OPs is probably the final one and my favorite ED is ED2, but they once again made some bangers, if there’s one thing Monogatari hasn’t missed it’s the music. But from here I guess I have that Kanbaru arc next and then I’m not sure, excited to get to some of the later stuff tho because this is a series that I started back in 2019 so I’ve always been interested in where it goes, it just took me this long to come back lol.
Insane character development this whole season man monogatari has one of the best side casts in fiction. Kaiki is just straight up one of my favorite side characters now his conclusion is eh but I heard "Ougi" thats all I need to know cause I alr know she has a season for her. About Hitagi tho her development was nice, Most times she wouldn't listen and just be mean and all that but with Kaiki I feel like she just became such a better character. I ain't forget Sengoku either her arc was so fun to watch I had so much enjoyment and she's definitely now one of my favorite antagonist... We also learned more about Shinobus past which was needed it was ight felt a little boring but im happy we learned more about her.
The only complaint I have is the arc where they go into the future or something that was a little boring but I did like how Araragi and Shinobu spent way more time together even with this season to.
OMG , I did not expect this ending . I used to hate Kaiki but I feel sad about him . Also I can't understand Ougi's plans . Anyways that season was a roller coaster , can't wait for more!!
The construction of Kaiki as a villain in the beginning was good, and this construction of Kaiki as an "anonymous hero" was perfect; at the beginning of the arc he said not to trust anyone and not to believe in the words they say, he was practically talking about himself! I hope Ononoki or Gaen saved him.
The romantic development between Araragi and Tsubasa was great; the same happened between Kaiki and Hitagi, it was implied that the two still loved each other; but I didn't understand the author's epiphany of forming a couple between Araragi and Hitagi, it was a forced couple from the beginning, she simply asked him out because Araragi saved her; Tsubasa fell in love with him after saving Araragi himself and having witnessed the events that preceded Gold Week; and Araragi fell in love with Tsubasa because he saw her as an ideal person, beautiful, intelligent and shy; I was very confused by all this romantic development!
Senjougahara is better off with Kaiki then Koyomi.
@thetopgun I agree, they are both manipulative; from the beginning it is clear that the relationship between Ararragi and Hitagi is quite forced; the conversation between Kaiki and Ononoki in the previous episode, and Hitagi saying that Kaiki was deceived by her, leaves it implicit that the two still love each other.
Fairly enjoyable season of Monogatari Series, though I gotta say it started losing steam right after its second arc (Mayoi Jiangshi/Kabukimonogatari). Story development in Nadeko Medusa was particularly disappointing, Shinobu Time ended up being mostly about Mayoi's character with Shinobu being relegated to the background and Final Hitagi was only interesting because of Kaiki taking the MC role.
7,5/10 -> 7/10 - Now onto Tsukimonogatari because I'm dumb and watched Hanamonogatari before concluding Second Season.
Hi, I'm planning to watch all these monogatari series, How should I start? Chronologically or by the date every anime was released? Can someone give me a list please?
Peak Cinema! A lot of good arcs were showcased in this season nadeko being the highlight of it all while letting the characters carry the show with their mannerism and dialogue.
Kaiki my god and saviour
Thanks for saving little Nadeko & Senjougahara and others lives.
The secret of Nadeko closet that save the day was her stash of shoujo ecchi mangas. Being mangaka is far better than being an murderous god. Kaiki convinced Nadeko very well to bring back sense in her. Made her work towards an actual dream and letting go of this toxic feelings. Finally Nadeko was treated with respect and care from Kaiki of all people. And she took it well and give up her status. That last big battle never meant to be.
Koimonogatari solved few issues I had with Otori like the excessive villainization of Nadeko. Really interesting messaging as well. Where Koimonogatari it's about rejecting Love and go after other things. Very very fine message. For Nadeko it was utmost necessary and Kaiki got her out of that horrible situation. She finally got Happyish conclusion.
Half expected Araragi to ruin it all but thankfully he didn't. Kaiki really put it best not all jobs are for everyone. Here Araragi could do nothing and it's better for him stay out for while. He can do nothing to help her so don't make it worse by forcing it.
Let Nadeko live happily
Fuck whatta brilliant protagonist Kaiki had been. Was quite sceptical about him but he delivered quality as he promised. Before he was an entertaining annoying bad guy now he is one of the best characters. This arc really did him justice. Wasn't much Senjougahara mostly in phone calls but Kaiki and Nadeko made it up.
Kaiki went out of his way and helped Senjougahara twice and atleast this time all worked out.
Good that Hanamonogatari comes before this so ik he isn't ded..
Kaiki created and told peak fiction
Second favourite arc of the 2 season after Kabukimonogatari. This was good satisfying ending after the heartbreak with Hachikuji...
But all of together have been exceptional. Improved upon the first season. This is one of if not THE greatest anime series I watched.
And so it ends. After all of these episodes, manga notebooks were in the closet? Such a frivolous thing? Oh well, Shaft still did an amazing job with this last episode. Kaiki really has a way with words.