choyos said:Yumekichi11 said:
The anime should be called The Dolls of Kamisama.
Thing is that it bothers me to know these are God when clearly they look like inventions from them. Right? I mean a God would not turn itself to those dolls IMO. You got an interesting point there but I don't think those dolls are actually gods. Its like on Tenchi GXP when the tribe use to call the gigantic robot a "god", but it was no more than an old robot. Exactly what I though but Tenchi did not cross my mind. Come to think of it, it does make sense that the train of thoughts is like that and may be like that.choyos said: And the doll part can be reference to the seiki, not the robot. Maybe there is some cruel truth behind this ("the village are the once insane") and they are all been played by these "gods", hence they are the dolls.
Of course, all of this is speculation and way to soon to draw conclusions about this. I am interested in the notion that same people may have been turned into those dolls but yeah it's too son to tell, however from the beginning if such is the case then that crazy out of control doll may have been a insane person much more worse than Aki. What is to know is why did that kakashi go wild suddenly?
choyos said: Also, Utao have problems to control her anger and this affect the way kukuri behaves. When she was trying to make it grab the cup of chocolate she broke it. She loves his brother (im talking about family love here btw).
So the control may be related to emotions. Interesting to know.
choyos said: She is mad and sad that he left the village, and now she is struggling with her emotions.
Another clear example of this is on the fight, her brother ask her to stop, Aki was no longer been aggressive. Her pride was hurt when she was launch out of the window, she was mad and couldn't think straight and start charging her lazers. Good thing she did not use a huge amount of power like Kyouhei did in the beginning else the whole block would be dead not to mention a lot of other damages. Aki also was angry at Kyouhei that he left. Interesting enough both of them have their emotional issues although Aki I would like to know what is his thing with anger other than being emprisonned. Pretty sure it's blood lust.Lefake said:LOL Is that another Imouto with a brother complex I smell?
Yeah that was hilarious and I also find it was somewhat in the same manner the following in the spoilerit remains to be seen what the BDs may come as to the change it can incur.notsureifsrs said:DrHouse said:
titty monster provides a reason for them to explain shit to us, the viewer, while cutting board provides reason for the MC to go back to his old ways I really don't give a shit, I'll fap to either I think you should wait to fap to fan hentai mangas of this or drawn because IMO that is not stimulating enough. Perhaps in future episodes there may be something more.MorningGlory said: The BGM when they summon the Kakashi is annoying la la la AMEN TO THAT BROTHER! Someone else who finds that annoying makes me not stand out too much and makes me :D Yes the BGM is annoying. What is this? Retro samurai movies?MorningGlory said: Kuga is so cool in the intense action in the beginning,but now Kuga have no more kakashi (most protagonist start from zero lol).I thought that white kakashi belong to Kuga since the loli girl is crying,
Yes it does belong to him because you can see in the beginning he was operating it.MorningGlory said: but now its belong to that loli girl 0.0!!! . That's because Kyouhei relinquished his rights as a Seki so they have to take the closest one in the family that is the youngest and that would be Utao.MorningGlory said: I wonder the enraged kakashi that destroy the whole place is belong to who?. It belongs to Aki, that's obvious but just saying to tell you. |