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Mar 9, 2011 2:13 PM

Sep 2009
Good episode, though by this point, it's a bit underwhelming. At least we know it can wrap up with the remaining few episodes.
Mar 9, 2011 2:17 PM

Aug 2010
That was such a sweet sweet episode! Sawako finally gathered her courage and confessed. I think it required a lot of strenght from such a shy and insecure person as she is. And I have to admit, I shed a tear

After watching the 1st season which, in my opinion, was cute, beautifully drawn and had an unique story but the pace was a little bit to slow (or maybe it was suitable enough? I don't know) I wasn't eager for watching the 2nd season. I thought that I'll watch it, but it wasn't a priority to me. But after watching first 2 eps I've fallen in love again with this sweet story and Sawako who reminds me shy myself from high school
gambatte Sawako-chan!
Mar 9, 2011 2:22 PM

Nov 2007
Best episode ever. <33

So looking forward to the next one!!
avatar made by akihito @

Mar 9, 2011 3:17 PM

Sep 2008
Joe trolled the relationship progression.
What a bro.
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Mar 9, 2011 3:48 PM

Aug 2010
pin was amazing as always:)
can't wait for next weeeek!
Mar 9, 2011 4:17 PM

Dec 2009
Best episode ever!

Stupid Joe. Pin was awesome in this episode lol! Ryu cool as always.
Sawako <3

10/5 :D
Mar 9, 2011 5:05 PM
Jan 2011
DUDE! I also can't wait 4 the next episode 2 be subbed!!!! Finally the confession after me yelling at the screen 4 the last episodes before They were both really dense and slow 4 a while it seemed! BUT THIS EPISODE WAS AMAZING!!!!!! I loved it!!!
Mar 9, 2011 5:05 PM
Jan 2009
its about damn time. light the fireworks! my head has been saved from going bad with all the previous hair ripping.

anyone else think its kind of creepy having your homeroom teacher show up at a girl students house at night? i guess he dd do some good though. can't wat to see what happens from here on out
Mar 9, 2011 5:06 PM
Jan 2011
Mar 9, 2011 5:54 PM

Apr 2008
-Vid said:
Hmm, in all seriousness, the story should've ended after the confession. Why the hell coudn't Kazehaya just confirm her feelings by telling her the same? There'd be no more need to talk, no more misunderstandings, no more cliffhangers for us. xD

Sure, I wouldn't want KnT to end, but right now I'm feeling a little pessimistic that it'll drag on even though it could've ended perfectly.

For the actual episode - right, Joe, I guess everyone hates you. What a useless guy. He nearly screwed it up on new year's eve as well. ;/

Pin was awesome. <3 Epic support characters ftw. :)

I agree with pretty much everything here, including how fun Pin was this episode. But really, the first point is the important one. While I'm seeing a lot of satisfaction in this thread, very little really happened for an episode called confession. The misunderstandings are just too drawn out, and while Sawako has the excuse of zero confidence and social ignorance, I really don't know how Kazehaya can be lovestruck enough to fail to understand basic Japanese.

I sort of agree with 2046, too. I'm really just watching for the resolution at this point. I still like the characters, but the fun scenarios and character development have been replaced with a stagnated confusion.
Mar 9, 2011 5:57 PM
Jul 2009
what a beautiful episode!! love it!! :D
Mar 9, 2011 6:01 PM

Oct 2010
Finally! Cute episode. Sawako really shined during the confession; And was adorable during the time she was working on the costumes and talking to Pin.
Mar 9, 2011 6:34 PM
Aug 2010
It was hilarious when Pin was trying to enlighten Kazehaya but he just failed at it.

I can't wait until next episode :)
Mar 9, 2011 7:19 PM

Dec 2009
Sawako, you finally did it! I'm so proud of you TwT
And omg, when Kazehaya pulled her into the classroom~ *o*

Lol and just as everyone else feels, GO DIE JOE!!! Dx
Mar 9, 2011 7:27 PM

Jul 2010
After more than 20 episodes, Sawako finally confessed her feelings!
Damn it! Joe had to ruin the mood! He is so annoying! Always bothering Shota!
Mar 9, 2011 7:38 PM

Dec 2010
I was literally jumping up and down when I saw this. So so so unbelievably happy throughout the entire day today (saw it early this morning and I was about to hug strangers [I held back the urge])

Only a few words do I have for such a wonderfully amazing "awwwww" inducing episode:

1. Of course I shouldn't have expected this episode would fix it all and they would all be reassured of their ever so cute love for each other. Naturally, it's KnT season 2, where everything is a cliff hanger and simple (at times idiotic) misunderstandings create more drama than possibly imaginable.

2. Oh Joe. I wanted to punch you very badly. But then I remembered you were a guy and food issues may actually seem worth disturbing the confession we've waited SO SO LONG FOR. Then I remembered Kazehaya is also a guy and he sure as hell didn't care about those snack options (seriously Joe, srsly) and wanted to punch you again.

3. Pin. OMG Pin. Lots of love for Pin, even when he's a misunderstanding propagator because, after all, everyone is in this show!

Ahhh... this episode made me feel so good. I hope the next one makes me feel this good-- or even better :D
Mar 9, 2011 8:14 PM
Nov 2008
I was discussing KnT with a friend recently, and she brought up a good point. The jist of what she said was that season 1 was amazing because it did away with everything bad about romance series. And then season 2 brought it all back. I found this to be a hauntingly accurate description, and seeing this episode only empowers the statement. We are presented with one of the most unquestionably beautiful confession scenes of all time. And how does it end? The cliched random interrupt.

Why!? Why is this necessary!? I'm on the verge of fucking tears over the moment I've been waiting on for years now! And all emotion is instantly wiped by a retarded comic relief moment! I call bullshit!

There was no reason a confession/kiss could not have happened at the end of the first season. If it had, KnT would have arguably been the best anime I had ever seen. Instead, it continues on like this, and the more it continues, the more out of reach for such a position it gets.

I still adore KnT, but it is beyond frustrating to see what it has become.
Mar 9, 2011 8:18 PM

Sep 2007
Omg just hurry up and ask each other out. I'm been annoyed for the last 9 eps with how long it's taking.

Mar 9, 2011 8:22 PM

Oct 2008
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Mar 9, 2011 8:48 PM

Jun 2010
I swear to god if the confession was just another misunderstanding, I was going to hit my head on the wall. Glad I didn't have to do it for that, but when Joe TOTALLY ruined the moment, the urge to hit my head on the wall came back. It was so perfect, but he had to ruin it because of some stupid reason.

Mar 9, 2011 8:59 PM

Aug 2010
licoricesponges said:
YESSS! Finally! Can't wait for the next one. Nothing better screw this up.

Careful there, don't jinx anything.

HawthorneKitty said:
Joe trolled the relationship progression.
What a bro.

Indeed, but since it's episode 9 I would rather wait for the last episode to see it go any further.
Mar 9, 2011 9:33 PM

May 2009
Mar 9, 2011 9:54 PM

Jul 2010
Joe, I freaking hate you,
Sawako, I give you two big thumbs up. You have the guts to do what I don't think I ever could. Even so, Kazehaya's in love with you!!!! Lol, this makes no sense ... I'd better quit before I start rambling. I'm just toooo excited for the next epi!!
Go bald, Kurosaki!
Mar 9, 2011 10:18 PM

Jan 2010
I HNNNGH'd so much this episode.
Sawako was the idealistic girl (for me) this episode.
Mar 9, 2011 11:09 PM

Apr 2008
Joe needs to die in a fire.

Seriously I almost punched my screen as soon as he came into the classroom. I knew it was coming but GOD DAMN I hate him more than flamboyant dude now
Mar 9, 2011 11:10 PM

May 2008
Wow i gotta say Pin is so the man lol i think i might have to change my avatar to honor him
Mar 10, 2011 12:53 AM

Sep 2010
Its either Pin or Joe....

Seriously someone tie them up and lock them in a storage room or something....

Great episode anyways
Mar 10, 2011 1:09 AM

Nov 2007
LMFAO @ PEOPLE EXPECTING THIS SHOW TO END WITH A CONFESSION. really now? /really/? now that would've been lame lmao. knt excels at character development imo, so it's only natural to go BEYOND the confession so the audience can see sawako & kazehaya's relationship develop even further. b/c obviously, as we all know, they didn't get much progress in the first place. DUUUURR. B( facepalm forever.

BUT AHAHAHA i love pin.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON-- oh. it's alright sawako everybody else does it too. now go win for the gold tomorrow k. OH SHIT I'M SO AMAZING I'M KAKKOII"
Mar 10, 2011 1:54 AM
Jun 2008
It was an amazing episode <3 I just can't wait for next week <3 <3
Mar 10, 2011 2:49 AM

Oct 2009
She finally told him! This episode made me so happy.
Mar 10, 2011 6:02 AM

Jul 2010
Kziel said:
Joe ruined the episode.

that star player has boosted their a result
Mar 10, 2011 8:50 AM

Apr 2008
Best episode so far! This was TOO CUTE for words! Finallyfinallyfinally. Cheered like a crazy person, hahahaha.

Yayy, I love this show~<3
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Mar 10, 2011 9:02 AM

Aug 2009
I SOOOO WANNA KILL JOE!!!!!!!!!!! Ò____Ó


Mar 10, 2011 9:22 AM

Apr 2008
Chiska said:
It was an amazing episode <3 I just can't wait for next week <3 <3

Yeah! This episode was great <3
Mar 10, 2011 12:02 PM

Nov 2008
The interruption might be cliche, but it really doesn't take away from how awesome the confession was. As for the anime been slow paced...that is exactly what I love about it. Situations in which love is involved are never easy..and there are so many who struggle just to confess and convey their feelings. I think to some extent its realistic, while other times its not, but I still love it.

Pin was cool there for a second...

Ryuu was so cute sleeping and he really is such a good friend!!!!

And I know people hate cliche, but sometimes I just can't help but love it!
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Mar 10, 2011 12:12 PM

Feb 2011
Joe must love kazehaya!!! every episode is the same...

joe: kazehaya!!! kazehaya?? kazehaya.....GGGGGGrrrRGGGGrrr it's the only thing, that boy knows to say!!

best episode ever!!! romantic and powerful at the same time, loved the door scene. when he opens and hold her :)

it's too much ask for a kiss in the next episode? :p
hapiness only real, when shared
Mar 10, 2011 12:52 PM

Mar 2011
Well, it sure has been a LONG time since I've gotten this feeling from watching an Anime episode. Wow, that confession was just.. perfect. I couldn't stop smiling through all of it. Sawako was adorable and Kazehaya pulling her closer to hold her made me feel like SQUEEing.

Brilliant episode, I cannot wait for next weeks!
Mar 10, 2011 1:26 PM

Nov 2008
want to hear prediction?
ep 10: kiss
ep 11: bed
ep 12: wedding XDD

jokes aside, It's really nice when it's first love. These days, kids say yes and that's it - burning desires comes up next xDD So many blush-blush when its first love, I missed those days xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mar 10, 2011 2:49 PM

Aug 2008

Joe deserve my true hate... seriously. He killed the moment which EVERYONE have waited so long.

But... this episode is awesome. My heart pumped hard... and yay! this goes on. "From now on" :D yay! cubed.

Can't wait another week. And this is going to the end. :(
Mar 10, 2011 3:03 PM

Nov 2010
OMG that went very well! I feel like an innocent highschooler again! XD
Good Job Sawako!
I laughed so hard when Joe entered! I can't believe he did that! Because of what he did, a lot of KnT2 fans are eager to watch the next episode! XD
Pin you're the man!
Mar 10, 2011 4:02 PM

Mar 2009

btw, does anybody know the name of the piano song that was playing during kuronuma's confession? can't find it anywhere :/
Mar 10, 2011 4:36 PM
Aug 2010
skinono!! skinono, skinono \(^v^)/
Mar 10, 2011 4:38 PM

Oct 2010
I cried manly tears of happiness for Sawako x Kazehaya as follows,

that was the best of best in the entire series in development and thus decided to make a avatar of him while I may change soon again. I really feel bad not having as much time to comment on episode 8 but may later on. Oh yeah everything went fine until what happened in the spoiler
God damn it Joe! I hate you! He screwed the whole thing! All was perfect. I blame Ryuu partially too but only do not have anything against him because he could not lie in all this. Other than that I laughed so nicely at the comedy so I must say that it was a most excellent and great episodes dudes and gals.

About Kazehaya and Sawako Kuronuma, she was a most amazing girl this episode, particularly in her facial expressions never before seen with such shyness or redness. I liked a lot of them in the spoiler
as well as her hands were drawn and shown more realistically than ever before TBH. I loved the beginning art of this episode. Sawako in the bamboo stick meant something of a feeling “I finally came out of my hiding and feel better” well along those lines. Loved this flashback but found the setup of this one much more in synchrony with the flow of this episode. I love Sawako's hands here while she is right outside the door leaning. They are just well portrayed and a second look at them cannot deny that anymore in this episode. Sawako's face in the spoiler
seen from the side in close up view while having some tears was just astonishing, especially the art render. Vivid emotions is all I can say. While I cannot deny that my favorite of all time as of this episode of Sawako's facial of shyness is in the following spoiler
undeniable they are. You got to love how symbolically the pink drapes signify what follows a beautiful hug between Sawako x Kazehaya and it follows at a different angle, whom both depictions have this wonderful background with colors. Beautiful and emotionally moving., especially with the fact that during that hug Sawako's hand clings on to Kazehaya, which suggests to me that she has such a powerfully emotional response that her nervous level is beyond anything she experienced.

Yet the fear should not be there but full enjoyment and satisfaction but let's remember how her mind got warped completely because of the people around her, thus the body response may not at all handle that well her emotions for a first time but after this things will settle more and more. Well she better get over it if she wants in the future a family with Kazehaya. The reaction from shy to super red in the spoiler
is most likely my 2nd favorite after my first. That was just pure greatness in regards to Sawako facials. All was well until like I mentioned moronic Joe here makes poor Sawako panic beyond the cosmos considering it depicts Saturn and Uranus, planets furthest from earth. Kazehaya's reactions were obvious from being angry towards Joe to kind of face-palming over a disaster. While Sawako runs out fast with a hand trying to cover her shy face. While I loved this depiction of Sawako/Kazehaya that clearly shows their cosmic temporary going their way. Kind of found Sawako's hugging Kazehaya while earth watches depiction funny whom it does come in the second part of this episode. In the end I find her face full of light with a smile great to see and I really like the way she looks in this form just because it is cute. It looks like she wants to see Kazehaya more than ever, which suggest a emotional love inauguration that got successfully in. Now where is that kiss damn it! :D

About Pin, Pin was not only funny but got through to Sawako with his speech about hidden feelings. I loved Pin's laughing expression here in front of Ayane and Chizuru. Pin's face was just priceless upon coming to check on the girls to see their progress. While around that part his talk started mainly when Sawako looked cute with her hand on her face with those hands being as red as her face. While Pin's expression towards that was hilarious as ever. While Sawako kept being shy Pin most impressed me with what I call “A surprising Pin getting super serious” and this is all due to his thumb pointing out to his heart as he explains the hidden desires notion. Sawako being surprised with her facial expression at all this while having some tears kind made me think chaotic emotions that suddenly got enlighten. I mean shy red face with tears while suddenly having a illumination of the ideal needed to comprehend. What followed impressed for it was a double surprise facial expression for one that is impressed and shocked at its impressed version in the spoiler
While in all this excitement Pin runs wild in the night towards Kazehaya's place to his great surprise. He never let him say what he was supposed to except vaguely give out ideas to others about Kazehaya's hidden desires. In fact Kazehaya boots him out. While the boys don't do much considering Joe is constantly eating chips and Ryuu is sleeping? WTH? But then again he did lots of sports.

Rest in spoiler
About preview, from the looks of it, Sawako will look more beautiful than ever with her costume and make up. While Kazehaya x Sawako holding hands once again looks promising for perhaps the magical kiss. BTW during the confession part the OST made it sound so much like the heavens's bells were ringing and TBH I prefer this over 100 times VS Yosuga. It is far better to show love like this IMHO than a direct show of Yosuga. Far better and the confession ranks as 2nd best after the one of Clannad. I guaranteed you all that one.
Yumekichi11Mar 10, 2011 8:23 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 10, 2011 4:58 PM

Nov 2008
Excelletn episode! :D
Mar 10, 2011 6:00 PM

Jan 2011
That was a beautiful episode. I really enjoyed Sawako's confession and I'm really glad that she finally mustered up the courage to tell Kazehaya her true feelings.

When she said that Kazehaya brought color to her world, I truly believed her especially when I remember how far she has come and how much her life has changed since Kazehaya took the first step to sit next to her in seat number 19. It was never mentioned in the anime but in the manga, Ayane and Chizu assured her that if Kazehaya hadn't taken the first step, they probably would have never made the move to sit next to her because being the first is always a difficult step to make.

I loved when Kazehaya reached out and touched Sawako's hand. He rarely touches her so that moment was very special to see. The hug and the moments afterwards were very nice as well. :D Now I wonder how many times I'll watch this episode... Hmmm!

As usual, Pin kept me laughing. It's also amusing to me that Ryu is always sleeping. LOL
Mar 10, 2011 9:26 PM

Sep 2008
Probably after this and next episode,

according to manga....
Mar 10, 2011 9:55 PM

Dec 2010
This episode truly got me in the edge of my seat. literately
This was the BEST ever confession EVER! I loved all their expressions. I kinda predicted that the bastard Joe would interfere, but i didnt really mind that he killed the moment where they were just about to kiss because throughout this whole season it was about the slow pace and slowing revealing and tiring to get the message across, suddenly getting kissed would be out of the blue. ( and feel like a waste of time? :/ )
I think that this was a great episode!
L0l'ed at heaps of stuff like where Joe was asking Ryu where he was, Pins face! and how he suddenly turned around he ran for the boys house. ( he runs crack up as! )
Loved it soo much, THIS EPISODE was what we were waiting these 9 weeks for....
HoooO~ >////////<
Mar 10, 2011 10:44 PM

Oct 2010
This is the first episode i actually liked pin in. The part where he turns around after ruuning was great
Mar 10, 2011 11:20 PM

Mar 2010
damn joe, if i was shota i would have beaten the sit out of him so badly that there wont be a character call joe in kimi ni.
Mar 11, 2011 12:36 AM

Jan 2009
The long-awaited confession was ruined by Joe. Great.
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