the beast girls finally started to have fun in the village, look at how cute they are, poor girls thought they were gona be treated badly
that being said, they are still afraid of the spider and wolves, they are a little scary indeed
the 3 little boys were running, and their babysitter is perfect at saving them from falling, damn haha
everyone else can use magic except him... but he is the only one who can do what he does
out of nowhere, an earthquake, and one of the valkyries told him about the viper and bear fighting in the north
a quick scratch with the farming tool and they are turned into food LOL the 2 main girls were sad about the wine being wasted
asking the younger vampire for a medicine to kill microorganisms to avoid stomachache
eggs + salt + vinnagre + oil = mayonnaise
Flora has no luck in making miso, she just wants to make explosions
mc will do it himself ... it only works cause he said "mold mold mold" LOL
new visitors appeared, a group of high dwarves, and as usual in dwarves, they sure are interested in alcohol
the girls don't want to give it away for free, so the dwarves offered technology that helps make more wine, reminding him of stuff from science classes ... and with that, they actually stayed in the village as workers
i was waiting to see if the elves and dwarves had some word exchange but guess not... yet lol
anyway, with new alcohol, time to do an actual welcoming party for all the recent people who joined, dwarves and beasts
everyone was enjoying the alcohol and mayonnaise, but the star of the show is the dragon guy... who had to get dragged out of there before doing something stupid
with the dwarves there, there's finally adult males... but, at least for the leader, the girls need a beard or they won't get accepted as his partner LOL WTF
mid episode art with the beast girl leader howling with the wolves, cute :D
another dragon like creature is aproaching ... mc was ready to throw a spear, but the dragon guy came to save the day ... another one came and mc got worried and threw his spear... just to be stopped by the butler ... the 2 new dragons were actually Dryes wife and daughter (i've been waiting for her since i saw her in the op song lol)
the 2 were always seeing him sneaking out so they got curious... if he was doing something he shouldn't... it wouldn't end well :D
LOL "i'm sorry i was about to burn the village" "i'm sorry i was about to obliterate the man who threw a spear at my daughter" ... holy shit lmao
oh, it was actually the spider that saved the mother from the spear, they know each other
to avoid future fights with the village, the daughter will live there for a while
the dragon girl, Lasty wanted to be helpful, but her hand was too strong, so she kept breaking dishes and squashing the food
when she was starting to control her strength... it was her sneeze that caused an explosion LOL
the animals are scared of the dragon, so they haven't been able to properly do their jobs, like patrolling or laying eggs
since dragons have a lot of knowledge, maybe her best job would be to teach people or act as a receptionist ... if only people weren't scared of her as well ...
LOL unintentionally using their fear to make them buy all the stuff she talks about ...
the poor demons are getting more and more worried about how strong mc village is
his idea, to send his daughter, Flawrem, to investigate the village and monitor their possible army strength
she was greeted by Lasty, the dragon everyone is afraid of... the village seems so normal, so why is a mighty dragon like her working there?
Lasty got called for another job, so Flawrem took the chance to check out the residents
while dwarves, beast girls and lizardman are still doable, needing to face op people like Lu and Tia was not part of the plan lol she was also worried about the elves, spiders and wolves
not expecting a human to be the leader of the village, she ignored him... but got worried knowing that he is stronger than a dragon, maybe you shouldn't ignore him lol
(this reminds me of an article i saw before, where people wanted a job but ignored the woman who talked to them, but the woman was the recruiter, and since they ignored her , they failed)
after that, she started living there for a while, and while she could talk normally to Lasty... she was still scared of mc
while i enjoyed the 1st episodes, i was expecting to easily finish the anime and rate is something like a 6... but holy shit, this is fun, i might actually give it an 8+ by the end |