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Nov 16, 2022 9:49 PM
Dec 2021
FutureMeat said:
spaggett said:

There are subconscious mechanisms built into you that calculate how attractive someone is, many qualities are considered, but primarily is physical attractiveness - in fact it is a prerequisite before anything else is considered. In some sense, you are right, people don't calculate others' attractiveness, their brains do. You know this as well as I do. You can rank women, 3D or 2D, in terms of physical attractiveness pretty much instantly after gazing upon them. But can you really explain why? Well, we use science to extract truth about which qualities are deemed attractive and which ones are not. Regardless, this ancient calculator is built into all of us. We don't even need science to know what is attractive and what is not, it's an innate ability. As for people who want to for marriage, in general people who do this are religious, and it's understandable why they wait. Even still, they likely have the urge to have sex even before marriage (or else why would they be together?). I hope you can see why it is completely absurd that the MC, in this particular case, would decline the opportunity to engage in sexual activity with a woman that is as stunningly beautiful as Karin.

To elaborate further as to why it's absurd, I think of it from a motivation perspective. When your brain calculates whether you should do something or not, it considers reasons why you should and reasons why you shouldn't. When your desire to do something overcomes your desire not to do it, you will do it. So we should consider the reasons why he should accept Karin's advances, and reasons why he wouldn't. For the reasons why he should, well I think it's rather obvious, but to recap, the MC, by his own admission, stated that she is attractive (meaning his brain determined she has suitable genetic material), and consequently the urge to engage in sexual acts would have to be present. This is a very strong urge, and the reasons to overcome this must be overwhelming, but it is possible. So let's investigate reasons that may inhibit his motivation to do such beautiful and natural acts. Well, overall there are many, but in his particular case, there seems to be really nothing, or at least nothing substantial. He states the reason is that he thinks she does not love him and sex should only be done between people who love each other. This is preposterous, as she exclaims that she in fact does love him. Another reason, as you stated, was he was told he was not allowed. I think I've made it clear in my previous response why this isn't remotely enough to hold him back. There is no conceivable nor probable punishment associated with disobedience with regard to this unearthly command. They are in a room alone, so it would be irrational to assume that anyone would even find out. Even if someone did find out, what punishment was he threatened with? Literally nothing. This certainly is in no way enough to avert the MC from his primal desire to propagate his genes, or simply engage in an act as pleasurable as the one literally being spoon-fed to him on a solid gold plate. I think you are right about it possibly being against his morals, though. I hope you can understand my confusion, and I think you make some good points. Feel free to criticize my own thinking, as well.

Asahi's point is that what Karin was feeling was lust and not love, since they hadn't *really* gotten to know each other well enough by that point. Asahi also believes that sex is only worthwhile if its with someone you truly love, not just with someone who's attractive

Fair enough. And there may be a chance he would decline. According to a study done in 1979, 75% of men agreed to have sex when approached by a female stranger who requests it. Mind you, they are complete strangers, so it doesn't exactly apply to Asahi and Karin's situation; the number would probably be higher if the male and female had a similar relationship to Asahi and Karin. Not only that, but Karin's probably more attractive than the female used in the study. I'd say, all things considered, it is extraordinarily unlikely that any sane man would reject Karin's advances in that situation. If they were complete strangers, it's still unlikely any man would decline, according to the study.
Reference: Clark III, Russell D., and Elaine Hatfield. "Gender Differences in Receptivity to Sexual Offers." Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality 2 (1989): 1.
Nov 16, 2022 11:10 PM

Mar 2022
This is an L anime fr
Nov 16, 2022 11:22 PM

Jul 2012
The most uncomfortable episode of them all wowee thanks I hate it.
Nov 16, 2022 11:35 PM

Jan 2017
Not a single teenage boy would refuse sex in similar circumstances especially with a dumb reason like muh morals and your future happiness when the whole fucking population is about to extinct and you could save humanity by acting like a man for once, but he's japanese so what can we do, most anime has cringe main characters anyway. The episode itself, however, was pretty bad in general and somehow really didn't fit in what we have seen so far. Ofc a plot twist was expected, and I'm sure some will think it's masterful writing, but I feel like they're just going for the meme and trying to make it as random as possible.
Nov 17, 2022 12:12 AM
Nov 2022
It was very random, but for some strange reason I liked it, "Sometimes an elitist Seinen viewer, other times a generic romcom consumer"
Nov 17, 2022 12:14 AM

May 2019
Such a weird and random episode with Karin turning into a magical girl and testical destroying alien robots, ok then. The end indicated that this may be some sort of simulation which has been theorized in previous episode discussion threads so hopefully we'll get more info on that next episode, and beach goodness too.
Nov 17, 2022 3:18 AM
Jul 2018
Liked first few episodes, but naah, dropping this thing now.
Nov 17, 2022 6:32 AM

Jan 2021
oh boy I wonder what will happen if Aoi's eyes glows red again
Nov 17, 2022 6:52 AM
Jun 2020
Alright, the main propose is already bad, what could make it worse? That's probably the question when it comes to this anime writers. Like, a harem + ecchi is 90% of the time trash, but this... the MC is trash, the side characters, at the moment, are trash, the main girls are all trash, with a slight sensation of being developed characters. It all seems to end up building something to a past of them being known before, but it all doenst matter, since its an actual bad stereotype, trying to, i dont know, be a parody or something like that. In the end, its not drama, not comedy, not the main idea thats expressed in the first episode, its just bad, and will probably worsen by the time passes.
Nov 17, 2022 7:10 AM
Sep 2021
Hilarious episode, made me laugh a lot. Best episode so far, it even didn't get boring, the story is really interesting.
I give it 6/10.
Nov 17, 2022 7:52 AM
Nov 2019
this has to be the most retarded anime ive watched nothing makes sense or relevant to the to main plot in this episode its like a different anime every episode
Nov 17, 2022 10:16 AM
Nov 2022
spaggett said:
I am so confused by Passione and their decision-making. I mean, the show is supposed to be an ecchi, but there is hardly anything happening in six episodes that would suggest that it even is an ecchi. So if it isn't an ecchi, what is it? The story is so bad that there is no way it is supposed to be plot-driven. What are the redeeming qualities of this show that make up for its god awful storytelling? Not to mention the illogical thought process of the MC. It makes zero sense that he would decline sexual intercourse with a 10/10 model that says she's in love with him, simply because he thinks she isn't and would regret it, DESPITE the fact that she is literally telling him that she wouldn't. How does he think he knows her feelings better than herself? What on Earth am I watching? Hope it gets better.

Passione really dropped the ball hard with the ecchi in this anime. And it's a shame because the manga is actually worth reading even if just for the ecchi's sake. But the anime? It's not even worth watching for the fanservice, simply because the fanservice is extremely nerfed in the anime compared to the manga.
Nov 17, 2022 10:23 AM
Nov 2022
Speirs09 said:
this has to be the most retarded anime ive watched nothing makes sense or relevant to the to main plot in this episode its like a different anime every episode

The first four episodes were not like this tho, I did enjoy the slice of life harem shenanigans in those, it's just the previous week's episode and now this episode that I found disappointing. I mean, I'm not one to enjoy action that much to begin with, so all the random forced action scenes were just plain boring and unnecessary for me. And at this point, it looks like it's not worth watching even for the ecchi fanservice, simply because of how tame it is compared to the manga.
Nov 17, 2022 10:25 AM

Sep 2020
This might be one of the most hilarious and fun episode I've seen in a while, feels like a To love ru+Gintama episode.
Nov 17, 2022 10:44 AM
Nov 2022
AniStrawberry said:
I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take the episode seriously because the robot was like… taking.. you know. I feel like this show might actually turn serious but I’m praying for it not to be. I don’t even know what to say about this show anymore.

It was OK. Praying it stays lighthearted. Thankfully next episode looks like a beach episode so I don’t think it will get to serious

Also the ecchi was really cringey

Looks like next episode is going to be nudist beach too, not just a normal beach episode. I hope Passione ramps up the ecchi, they need to get back to the glorious explicit ecchi fest that was episode 4. And I hope it stays light-hearted too. The fight scenes aren't doing it for me, they just feel unnecessary and boring, so I hope the action doesn't become a constant thing in this anime. Though honestly? I won't be surprised if in the next episode some random terrorists invade the beach and start shooting the nudists with machine guns or something like that.
Nov 17, 2022 10:48 AM

Jul 2014
That was a wonderfully nonsensical episode, apart from Asahi's insistence on not having sex; cos heaven forbid an ecchi harem have characters do the deed. And we finally have a reveal of sorts too with some sort of council overseeing this all. Where will that go, I wonder? And does Aoi's eyes briefly turning red have anything to do with that?
Nov 17, 2022 11:36 AM
May 2022
Nucleus69 said:
AniStrawberry said:
I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take the episode seriously because the robot was like… taking.. you know. I feel like this show might actually turn serious but I’m praying for it not to be. I don’t even know what to say about this show anymore.

It was OK. Praying it stays lighthearted. Thankfully next episode looks like a beach episode so I don’t think it will get to serious

Also the ecchi was really cringey

Looks like next episode is going to be nudist beach too, not just a normal beach episode. I hope Passione ramps up the ecchi, they need to get back to the glorious explicit ecchi fest that was episode 4. And I hope it stays light-hearted too. The fight scenes aren't doing it for me, they just feel unnecessary and boring, so I hope the action doesn't become a constant thing in this anime. Though honestly? I won't be surprised if in the next episode some random terrorists invade the beach and start shooting the nudists with machine guns or something like that.

I really hope that doesn’t happen. But love flops is doing anything now so I wouldn’t be totally shocked

But I didn’t think Passione would make it really awkward and cringey with all of that weird stuff. Like having a fairy pet named after a condom brand??? A machine that takes guy’s… things??? I think it got to far.
Oh. And the condoms on the fairy pet.. took me half the episode to notice that
AniStrawberryNov 17, 2022 11:41 AM
Nov 17, 2022 12:45 PM
May 2022
It was boring and that story of this episode was stupid
Nov 17, 2022 1:41 PM

Jan 2021
What the hell did i just watch xD
Nov 17, 2022 2:36 PM

Oct 2022
BAHAHADVJHSHUF i started watching this show expecting it to be some stupid harem but that was genuinely hilarious, it feels like somethin that would happen in gakuen handsome. man i love parodies of bad genres
Nov 17, 2022 6:38 PM

Mar 2014
Dernus said:
RedChrome said:
Whoever made this random shitty abomination must be braindead

You know that steins;gate 0 anime/VN? Toru Yasumoto (aka Ryou Yasumoto who was a scenario writer for both the vn and show wrote this.

Really !? Then wtf is this garbage he is writing ?? What is he desperate, threatened or trying to troll us ?
Nov 17, 2022 8:18 PM

Dec 2010
RedChrome said:
Really !? Then wtf is this garbage he is writing ?? What is he desperate, threatened or trying to troll us ?

Not really. He's just a sub writer for some Science Adventure games but some people like to make him look more important than he actually is for some reason.
Nov 18, 2022 12:50 AM

Oct 2008
oh i like that scene!: when you are on high school at class in the morning and all of a sudden a cute girl approaches your table and suddenly asks: "let's have sex" HOW CLEVER!!! i want that to happened to me don't care if its prank or not! LOLOLOLZ!

Nov 18, 2022 6:44 AM

Mar 2014
Chipp12 said:
RedChrome said:
Really !? Then wtf is this garbage he is writing ?? What is he desperate, threatened or trying to troll us ?

Not really. He's just a sub writer for some Science Adventure games but some people like to make him look more important than he actually is for some reason.

Oh that would explain a lot, cause any writers with dignity will never write this garbage ep
RedChromeNov 18, 2022 7:21 AM
Nov 18, 2022 7:03 AM

Sep 2018
This is just satire isn't it !?

I mean, it's not good satire, but it can only be meant to take the piss out of other things because it has no substance of its own.

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Nov 18, 2022 1:28 PM

Nov 2012
Aoi is either a succubus/demon (could work with the 1st ep when she had no pantsu) or a terminator/robot

My Candies 2024

My Old Candies:
Nov 18, 2022 1:46 PM
Feb 2021
This is so confusing. The first 2 episodes were a pretty normal romcom type of show and ever since it feels like it doesn't know what genre it wants to be. There is romance, fantasy, comedy, ecchi, harem, shounen and more just mixed into a mess. Im still gonna watch to the end since i find it all still a little interesting but damn, I wish it would just pick a path and stick to it.
Nov 18, 2022 6:55 PM
Feb 2020
That was interesting? Only word that I can think of to describe what I just saw. A magical girl that changes costume on a whim gives me cutie honey vibes. Asahi has a lot of restraint and I can understand him not wanting to be pushed to have sex. He and Karin along with all the other girls are just starting to get closer to each other and he hasn't decided yet on who he wants to exclusively be with; since he hasn't had an adequate amount of time to know (or remember) any of them. It's not just a girl thing. Lots of people want their first time to be special and memorable. Geez Aoi! That eye glow was creepy! XD That ending was weird (as if this show itself wasn't weird enough) and it really left me with more questions than answers. I get that it's highly likely to be a simulation, but now I'm wondering things like why is it happening? Is this a government or private funded project? Did Asahi and the girls volunteer for this or was it against their will? Are the girls really all human like Asahi? Or is one an actually an AI or something like that? Or maybe this show just broke my brain and I'm simply over thinking it @_________@
Nov 18, 2022 9:36 PM

Jan 2011
feel like i've made a grave mistake continuing this in my curiosity to see what twist comes out in the end

also...that room was...that room i know this episode was all one sex joke was that room
Nov 19, 2022 1:09 AM
Feb 2020
The episode was mostly just incredibly boring, and took everything way too far.
Nov 19, 2022 4:42 AM
Jan 2015
At this point, I am convinced that this show is trying to be the next Punch Line (2015).

For anyone that doesn't remember that anime, it was another comedy "harem"-esque show where the main protagonist was a ghost of a recently deceased teen boy. None of the female cast could see him, but he was constantly subject to seeing them in compromising positions. Unfortunately, the issue is that if he gets a nosebleed/excited, the world ends. That's the basic plot, from what I remember.

HOWEVER! About halfway through - maybe a bit more - the show gets injected with a ton of character drama and some action. The tone of the show doesn't make a sharp left turn, but it shifted significantly.

From everything I've seen of Renai Flops over the past several weeks, I think the showrunners are attempting to foreshadow something similar. In fact, I've been getting this exact vibe since episode 2. I would not be surprised to see this turn from an absurdist parody (ala Henkei Shoujo) to something that tries to take itself semi-seriously (despite the hand that they have dealt themselves in the form of this WTF lead character roster) with a hefty dose of humor too.

Do I think it will make this tonal shift anywhere near as palatable as Punch Line? HAHAHA!!! NOT AT ALL! I expect that this will crash and burn in an incredibly bright ball of flames as soon as it stops towing the line between 'absurdist harem parody' and 'absolute garbage'. That said, I still look forward to seeing how it all plays out and will be holding on until the end!
Nov 19, 2022 4:52 AM
Apr 2022
Still waiting for the grand reveal, but this show is too retarded to care about that anymore
Nov 19, 2022 5:20 AM

Aug 2014
Karin is that kind of girl eh
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Nov 19, 2022 2:03 PM

Oct 2018
i don't know where the story (if there is one) will lead us but the girls are cute and funny with fan service so let's see what happen next (and love to ear Itou Miku, Ayana Taketatsu and Rie Takahashi voices ^^)
Nov 19, 2022 2:09 PM

Oct 2018
bigbadtoph said:
Is this based on a true story?

it's seems that there is a manga version started on june 2022 so i don't know if the anime will do an original story because i don't think there is material for an 12 episodes anime with a manga who have only 5 month except if the 2 based of somethink who is not related on Myanimelist
Nov 19, 2022 3:54 PM
May 2021
this episode was so confusing to me, because like what is going on??? im hoping it'll all tie together somehow eventually, but right now it just kind of feels like the plot got lost
My 2023 candies:
Nov 19, 2022 4:23 PM
Oct 2020
Ok so she's a magical girl because why not. Anyways those rabbits meeting up at the end what does that mean? I think it's maybe all a simulation
Nov 20, 2022 6:52 AM

Dec 2015
This show is one of the most genius satires that the anime industry has ever produced
Nov 22, 2022 7:11 AM
Feb 2021
This anime is so stupid and dumb.

Nov 23, 2022 3:51 AM

Jan 2018
dropped it after this episode.
Nov 25, 2022 3:08 AM

Oct 2018
The final character based episode is here, and they have already started blurring the lines.
Dec 4, 2022 8:49 AM
May 2022

As coisas vão começar a se mover agora...

Mais um lembraça desbroqueada e aparantemente ela tbm “conheceu” ele criança, sinceramente está bastante confunso, e quem são coelhinhos e essa tal dr. Yoshino? Eles estavam discutidindo algo e parece q cada um deles escolheu uma garota, e os olhos da Aoi ficaram vermelhos quando ela olhou o vidro, será q ela conguiu ver oq tava rolando?
Dec 18, 2022 6:19 PM

Dec 2012
What the hell is happening lmao now a magical girl Is he in a dating game?

Dec 23, 2022 10:26 AM

Mar 2010
That was out of da blue, but that mami look alike and Mahou outfit was real nice.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dec 28, 2022 3:46 AM

Jul 2015
I thought the secret agent stuff last episode was already weird but this oversexed magical girl stuff takes it to another level.

Dec 28, 2022 8:25 PM

Sep 2020
Hilarious, one of the wackiest episodes I've ever seen!

SOD's anal beads killed me!
"You can't decide the future, but I'm going to re-educate you in the past!" - Erna Kurtz
Jan 6, 2023 9:01 PM
Jan 2014
Wtf was the author on when writing this... futuristic assassin and now celebrity magic girl? Dude really wanted to speedrun tropes
Jan 7, 2023 1:14 AM

Apr 2019
From normal to weird, I seriously have no idea what's going on anymore at this point, i mean at this point it's fairly obvious that this really isn't the real world, it seems that Aoi and Amelia were the most normal parodying some normal romance high school love story while the others seem to be parodying other anime like that Tengu themed Onsen or that action pack Cyberpunk episode and this episode with Mahou Shoujo and Evangelion mix together with a weird mix of neutering men in the world. At this point it's fairly obvious that this isn't the real world and might just really be a simulation just as everyone has guessed
JorovieJan 7, 2023 1:30 AM
Jan 10, 2023 3:48 AM

Aug 2017
3/5 as I get annoyed with male characters who lecture the girl on why she doesn't really like him.
CarbonMDJan 10, 2023 5:15 AM
Jan 12, 2023 11:41 AM

Sep 2012
CarbonMD said:
3/5 as I get annoyed with male characters who lecture the girl on why she doesn't really like him.
there is difference between lust and love, u can lust for some1 and not love him or her and that was hes point, without lecture there was same lesson in Call of the night where the vamp girl explained it to MC

and he was right until the end of the EP she didn't love him for real, she fell for him at the end of the ep
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