May 29, 2023 4:51 AM
Sprout is now open source! The full website, recommendation algorithm, training code, data collection code, and everything else is there. |
Jul 10, 2023 11:44 AM
Hi, I like this tool, can you make one for manga and cross medium recommendations? And also, when is it going to be updated? |
I know your PTW list is bigger than your completed list. |
Jul 12, 2023 10:48 AM
Eternal-Destiny said: Hi, thanks for checking it out!Hi, I like this tool, can you make one for manga and cross medium recommendations? And also, when is it going to be updated? > can you make one for manga and cross medium recommendations This is something I considered. I went as far as to collect a decent amount of users' manga profiles to use to train a different model. However, there's far less data for manga available than for anime. I'm not sure what the quality of the model would be as a result of that. It's something I might explore in the future though! > when is it going to be updated? I aim to re-train the model with fresh data from newly released anime and updates profiles every 6 months or so. The last time I did so was in January, so I should do that pretty soon! |
Jul 12, 2023 4:41 PM
Very cool anime recommendation tool, but it seems like it is not re-fetching my profile after 5 minutes. Is there anyway we can get a button to force it to refresh? |
Jul 14, 2023 11:07 AM
DeadRisingStar said: Hey, I looked into this and it seems that my code for caching profiles was caching them for waaay longer than it was supposed to. It should be fixed now - tyvm for letting me know!Very cool anime recommendation tool, but it seems like it is not re-fetching my profile after 5 minutes. Is there anyway we can get a button to force it to refresh? |
Aug 5, 2023 11:53 PM
dude its awesome.... i tried and i loved what you have done. |
Aug 19, 2023 10:59 AM
When you think to make some update of your page. Is it possible to add options with "date range". |
Sep 28, 2023 4:18 AM
Hi, its been a while, when is it going to be updated? because we're on late september and last update was back in january and it's supposed to have a new update every 6 months. |
I know your PTW list is bigger than your completed list. |
Oct 3, 2023 10:09 AM
Just gave it a try, seems pretty accurate with most of the things I watch. It even picked up on the things I was planning to watch and completely forgot about it. 100% useful! |
Dec 4, 2023 4:13 PM
I've started up the process for training a new version of the model including the past ~9 months of user profiles and newly released anime. Should be live on the site in a week or two! |
Apr 6, 2024 7:15 AM
if possible could you please add the following options - Show more recommendations as its not enough - genre picker to recommend more within a certain subset |
Apr 6, 2024 4:54 PM
I think what it could really do is knowledge of "these things are all part of the same narrative". When it says "recommended because you like Revue Starlight TV" and "recommended because you like Revue Starlight film", it makes me suspect Revue Starlight is basically being counted twice because it's a TV series followed by a film. Also, what you really want to be able to turn of is "things I've already seen part of" (and so probably already know to consider) rather than "ONAs / OVAs / Specials" since there's no obvious reason to turn off OVAs or ONAs which aren't connected to any other anime. MAL has its connections links, so I would have thought it was possible. |
Apr 13, 2024 6:16 PM
Thanks for the offer. But I don't need your service ATM. I already enjoy the services I already have. |
May 18, 2024 2:33 PM
Can't you make it more like Even if you don't make an API, you could make a system that somehow uses the MAL username and gives specific random anime recommendations that this specific user would likely like For now your site not only has no API, but also the recommendations seem to be static and always the same (at least for over a period of a couple of days) |
Click here to see My Tampermonkey Scripts For MAL If you like my work, please consider supporting it! Cryptos |
May 18, 2024 6:40 PM
Who would be dumb enough to trust AI software lol?? |
Jul 27, 2024 9:39 PM
At long last, I've collected fresh data and trained a new model. This model contains new anime released up through July 2024, so newer shows should now be showing up in the recommendations. I've launched the site in preview currently; you can try it out here: The reason I haven't swapped it over to the main site yet is because some users are seeing rather significantly different recommendations using the new model than they used to. I'm not sure what the cause of this is or if the difference is overall better or worse. I'd greatly appreciate some feedback from people as to if they feel that the recommendations from the live site ( or the preview site ( are better for them. Thanks for using the site - and I hope the new model gives you some good shows to check out :) |
Jul 28, 2024 2:57 PM
Reply to ameo___
At long last, I've collected fresh data and trained a new model. This model contains new anime released up through July 2024, so newer shows should now be showing up in the recommendations.
I've launched the site in preview currently; you can try it out here:
The reason I haven't swapped it over to the main site yet is because some users are seeing rather significantly different recommendations using the new model than they used to. I'm not sure what the cause of this is or if the difference is overall better or worse.
I'd greatly appreciate some feedback from people as to if they feel that the recommendations from the live site ( or the preview site ( are better for them.
Thanks for using the site - and I hope the new model gives you some good shows to check out :)
I've launched the site in preview currently; you can try it out here:
The reason I haven't swapped it over to the main site yet is because some users are seeing rather significantly different recommendations using the new model than they used to. I'm not sure what the cause of this is or if the difference is overall better or worse.
I'd greatly appreciate some feedback from people as to if they feel that the recommendations from the live site ( or the preview site ( are better for them.
Thanks for using the site - and I hope the new model gives you some good shows to check out :)
@ameo___ The preview site says it uses the Jan 2023 model with the latest shows from around that time. Can you please take a look? Thanks for your hard work! How easy can the site take on new titles as additional seasons air? |
Jul 28, 2024 3:47 PM
I don't trust that AI software stuff. Who would lol? |
Jul 28, 2024 3:51 PM
Reply to mo_lave
@ameo___ The preview site says it uses the Jan 2023 model with the latest shows from around that time. Can you please take a look?

Thanks for your hard work! How easy can the site take on new titles as additional seasons air?
Thanks for your hard work! How easy can the site take on new titles as additional seasons air?
@mo_lave my bad - I made a configuration mistake last night and the -preview subdomain was pointed at the old site. It's fixed now - tyvm for letting me know! @DesuMaiden I know you're probably a troll, but the "AI" part of this really isn't anything crazy or special. It's a simple neural network that learns relationships between anime based on user watch patterns. The whole site and model is open source as well: It's just a much simpler version of recommendation algorithms that power things like TikTok, Twitter, etc. |
Jul 28, 2024 7:16 PM
Reply to ameo___
@mo_lave my bad - I made a configuration mistake last night and the -preview subdomain was pointed at the old site.
It's fixed now - tyvm for letting me know!
@DesuMaiden I know you're probably a troll, but the "AI" part of this really isn't anything crazy or special. It's a simple neural network that learns relationships between anime based on user watch patterns.
The whole site and model is open source as well:
It's just a much simpler version of recommendation algorithms that power things like TikTok, Twitter, etc.
It's fixed now - tyvm for letting me know!
@DesuMaiden I know you're probably a troll, but the "AI" part of this really isn't anything crazy or special. It's a simple neural network that learns relationships between anime based on user watch patterns.
The whole site and model is open source as well:
It's just a much simpler version of recommendation algorithms that power things like TikTok, Twitter, etc.
@ameo___ Great! The new model passes my gut check i.e. I was looking forward to see them soon. One thing I noticed with the Jan 2023 model is that there seems to be a bias on shows released in the past year if I keep on watching the top recommendations. I had a time where when I finished Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown and liked it, the top recommendations immediately jumped to the latest available Bungo Stray Dogs, My Hero Academia, and Bleach seasons as of 2022. It appears to be corroborated when the "Recommended Because" section are other 2022 anime. I'm not sure if it's part of the design. Oh, I find it odd that Lycoris Recoil still isn't selectable. So is Stardust Telepath |
mo_laveJul 28, 2024 7:39 PM
Jul 29, 2024 11:22 AM
I use MAL for anime recommendations. I don't bother with that AI shit. |
Jan 16, 8:01 AM
Just stumbling on this now, amazing work! I've already added the top recommendations to my plan to watch list. A great feature would be to able to put two profiles in and show the top matches from each list. My partner and I like to watch anime together and it would be great to use this to find something that appeals to both of us. |
Jan 17, 6:53 AM
Reply to ameo___
At long last, I've collected fresh data and trained a new model. This model contains new anime released up through July 2024, so newer shows should now be showing up in the recommendations.
I've launched the site in preview currently; you can try it out here:
The reason I haven't swapped it over to the main site yet is because some users are seeing rather significantly different recommendations using the new model than they used to. I'm not sure what the cause of this is or if the difference is overall better or worse.
I'd greatly appreciate some feedback from people as to if they feel that the recommendations from the live site ( or the preview site ( are better for them.
Thanks for using the site - and I hope the new model gives you some good shows to check out :)
I've launched the site in preview currently; you can try it out here:
The reason I haven't swapped it over to the main site yet is because some users are seeing rather significantly different recommendations using the new model than they used to. I'm not sure what the cause of this is or if the difference is overall better or worse.
I'd greatly appreciate some feedback from people as to if they feel that the recommendations from the live site ( or the preview site ( are better for them.
Thanks for using the site - and I hope the new model gives you some good shows to check out :)
@ameo___ I've been looking for something like this for awhile! Most recommendation sites I've seen based on MAL profiles tend to just factor in whether or not you watched a series, rather than how you rated it, so I'm glad to finally find something that should, in-theory, recommend me stuff based on my actual tastes! Without having seen any of the anime on this list, because, well, they wouldn't be recs if I'd already seen them, I'd say the non-preview site's recs feel like they'd be "better" for me, for the most part. Samurai Champloo (which has a lot of the same creative staff as Cowboy Bebop, which I loved) is on the non-preview site's recs, and even says the reason is because I liked Cowboy Bebop, the Cowboy Bebop movie and Baccano! (which, while unrelated to Bebop is an anime I liked for much of the same reasons I enjoyed Bebop). The non-preview site also recommends Millionaire Detective because I liked Moriarty the Patriot and, without having seen Millionaire Detective, just feels like that's probably a pretty safe bet. When I turn on extra seasons, the non-preview site's top recommendation (or, at-least, the one at the top of the list; I'm assuming the recommendations are ranked in some way, but of-course I'm not sure. Even if I looked at the open-source code, I'll openly admit I'd be too math-illiterate to understand most of it. ^_^;) is Free! Season 3. And, yeah, I think it's very safe to assume I'll like that one, since I loved the previous 2 seasons. It does show-up on the non-preview version, too, but much lower down the list. I will say, though, the fact that the site factors in the one anime I dropped without a rating as "Because you disliked..." could be a double-edged sword. In my case, that anime is one I am never going to watch, so it's not exactly fair to say that I "disliked" it. But I know that most people who drop series without ratings are doing so as a way to say they disliked the series, so that's definitely just a me thing. Both versions of the site place Corpse Princess quite high on the rec list, so I might check that out soon. I've been looking for something to watch soon! Out of curiosity, I also tried the site with my IRL best-friend's MAL username, since I think I know her taste pretty well and have a fair guess about whether or not she'd like a given series that I've watched. Both versions of the site only return a few anime I've seen when using her username (those being Death Parade, KADO and Hanako-kun), which isn't a large sample size, but I suppose that isn't surprising since we've watched a lot of the same series, lol. The preview site recommends Hanako-kun for her, and the non-preview site recommends Death Parade and KADO. I imagine she'd enjoy Hanako-kun and Death Parade, but I *think* she'd probably like Death Parade more, for what that's worth. Honestly, I could see her going either way on KADO. I have been surprised by some of her anime rankings before, though, so maybe she would prefer Hanako over Death Parade? XD |
My greatest contribution to this website: |
Jan 22, 10:34 AM
It was useful as I realized I missed watching a Natsume entry If you take suggestions, add a toggle that ignores on-hold/plan to watch stuff, as I am already aware of those. |
Jan 26, 4:35 PM
Reply to Kasen-Ibara
I've been looking for something like this for awhile! Most recommendation sites I've seen based on MAL profiles tend to just factor in whether or not you watched a series, rather than how you rated it, so I'm glad to finally find something that should, in-theory, recommend me stuff based on my actual tastes!
Without having seen any of the anime on this list, because, well, they wouldn't be recs if I'd already seen them, I'd say the non-preview site's recs feel like they'd be "better" for me, for the most part.
Samurai Champloo (which has a lot of the same creative staff as Cowboy Bebop, which I loved) is on the non-preview site's recs, and even says the reason is because I liked Cowboy Bebop, the Cowboy Bebop movie and Baccano! (which, while unrelated to Bebop is an anime I liked for much of the same reasons I enjoyed Bebop).
The non-preview site also recommends Millionaire Detective because I liked Moriarty the Patriot and, without having seen Millionaire Detective, just feels like that's probably a pretty safe bet.
When I turn on extra seasons, the non-preview site's top recommendation (or, at-least, the one at the top of the list; I'm assuming the recommendations are ranked in some way, but of-course I'm not sure. Even if I looked at the open-source code, I'll openly admit I'd be too math-illiterate to understand most of it. ^_^;) is Free! Season 3. And, yeah, I think it's very safe to assume I'll like that one, since I loved the previous 2 seasons. It does show-up on the non-preview version, too, but much lower down the list.
I will say, though, the fact that the site factors in the one anime I dropped without a rating as "Because you disliked..." could be a double-edged sword. In my case, that anime is one I am never going to watch, so it's not exactly fair to say that I "disliked" it. But I know that most people who drop series without ratings are doing so as a way to say they disliked the series, so that's definitely just a me thing.
Both versions of the site place Corpse Princess quite high on the rec list, so I might check that out soon. I've been looking for something to watch soon!
Out of curiosity, I also tried the site with my IRL best-friend's MAL username, since I think I know her taste pretty well and have a fair guess about whether or not she'd like a given series that I've watched. Both versions of the site only return a few anime I've seen when using her username (those being Death Parade, KADO and Hanako-kun), which isn't a large sample size, but I suppose that isn't surprising since we've watched a lot of the same series, lol.
The preview site recommends Hanako-kun for her, and the non-preview site recommends Death Parade and KADO. I imagine she'd enjoy Hanako-kun and Death Parade, but I *think* she'd probably like Death Parade more, for what that's worth. Honestly, I could see her going either way on KADO. I have been surprised by some of her anime rankings before, though, so maybe she would prefer Hanako over Death Parade? XD
I've been looking for something like this for awhile! Most recommendation sites I've seen based on MAL profiles tend to just factor in whether or not you watched a series, rather than how you rated it, so I'm glad to finally find something that should, in-theory, recommend me stuff based on my actual tastes!
Without having seen any of the anime on this list, because, well, they wouldn't be recs if I'd already seen them, I'd say the non-preview site's recs feel like they'd be "better" for me, for the most part.
Samurai Champloo (which has a lot of the same creative staff as Cowboy Bebop, which I loved) is on the non-preview site's recs, and even says the reason is because I liked Cowboy Bebop, the Cowboy Bebop movie and Baccano! (which, while unrelated to Bebop is an anime I liked for much of the same reasons I enjoyed Bebop).
The non-preview site also recommends Millionaire Detective because I liked Moriarty the Patriot and, without having seen Millionaire Detective, just feels like that's probably a pretty safe bet.
When I turn on extra seasons, the non-preview site's top recommendation (or, at-least, the one at the top of the list; I'm assuming the recommendations are ranked in some way, but of-course I'm not sure. Even if I looked at the open-source code, I'll openly admit I'd be too math-illiterate to understand most of it. ^_^;) is Free! Season 3. And, yeah, I think it's very safe to assume I'll like that one, since I loved the previous 2 seasons. It does show-up on the non-preview version, too, but much lower down the list.
I will say, though, the fact that the site factors in the one anime I dropped without a rating as "Because you disliked..." could be a double-edged sword. In my case, that anime is one I am never going to watch, so it's not exactly fair to say that I "disliked" it. But I know that most people who drop series without ratings are doing so as a way to say they disliked the series, so that's definitely just a me thing.
Both versions of the site place Corpse Princess quite high on the rec list, so I might check that out soon. I've been looking for something to watch soon!
Out of curiosity, I also tried the site with my IRL best-friend's MAL username, since I think I know her taste pretty well and have a fair guess about whether or not she'd like a given series that I've watched. Both versions of the site only return a few anime I've seen when using her username (those being Death Parade, KADO and Hanako-kun), which isn't a large sample size, but I suppose that isn't surprising since we've watched a lot of the same series, lol.
The preview site recommends Hanako-kun for her, and the non-preview site recommends Death Parade and KADO. I imagine she'd enjoy Hanako-kun and Death Parade, but I *think* she'd probably like Death Parade more, for what that's worth. Honestly, I could see her going either way on KADO. I have been surprised by some of her anime rankings before, though, so maybe she would prefer Hanako over Death Parade? XD
@Kasen-Ibara Thank you very much for the detailed info!! > I'd say the non-preview site's recs feel like they'd be "better" for me, for the most part. Yeah... that's the feeling I've had myself and the general vibe I've been getting from other people. I'm not sure why that is - the main difference is that I collected more data for the new version and included a larger number of profiles in it. It could be that some characteristics of the data (average rated anime count, average account age, average age of the people behind the accounts lol) changed which resulted in lower-quality results of the model. It's for this reason that I've held off on swapping to the updated model so far. I still plan on going back and spending more time to figure out the issue, but I've been working on other projects. That being said, Sprout has been seeing a spike in traffic recently so I might prioritize that work in the next couple of months! ---- Anyway, thanks again for your detailed feedback and info! |
Jan 27, 3:18 PM
Reply to ameo___
@Kasen-Ibara Thank you very much for the detailed info!!
> I'd say the non-preview site's recs feel like they'd be "better" for me, for the most part.
Yeah... that's the feeling I've had myself and the general vibe I've been getting from other people. I'm not sure why that is - the main difference is that I collected more data for the new version and included a larger number of profiles in it. It could be that some characteristics of the data (average rated anime count, average account age, average age of the people behind the accounts lol) changed which resulted in lower-quality results of the model.
It's for this reason that I've held off on swapping to the updated model so far. I still plan on going back and spending more time to figure out the issue, but I've been working on other projects. That being said, Sprout has been seeing a spike in traffic recently so I might prioritize that work in the next couple of months!
Anyway, thanks again for your detailed feedback and info!
> I'd say the non-preview site's recs feel like they'd be "better" for me, for the most part.
Yeah... that's the feeling I've had myself and the general vibe I've been getting from other people. I'm not sure why that is - the main difference is that I collected more data for the new version and included a larger number of profiles in it. It could be that some characteristics of the data (average rated anime count, average account age, average age of the people behind the accounts lol) changed which resulted in lower-quality results of the model.
It's for this reason that I've held off on swapping to the updated model so far. I still plan on going back and spending more time to figure out the issue, but I've been working on other projects. That being said, Sprout has been seeing a spike in traffic recently so I might prioritize that work in the next couple of months!
Anyway, thanks again for your detailed feedback and info!
ameo___ said: Sprout has been seeing a spike in traffic recently so I might prioritize that work in the next couple of months! Perhaps, it's because AniBrain recently bid farewell. And others recommend Sprout as an alternative. Edit: AniBrain is back! |
IridescentJauneMar 5, 1:05 PM
Jan 30, 4:55 PM
Reply to ameo___
@Kasen-Ibara Thank you very much for the detailed info!!
> I'd say the non-preview site's recs feel like they'd be "better" for me, for the most part.
Yeah... that's the feeling I've had myself and the general vibe I've been getting from other people. I'm not sure why that is - the main difference is that I collected more data for the new version and included a larger number of profiles in it. It could be that some characteristics of the data (average rated anime count, average account age, average age of the people behind the accounts lol) changed which resulted in lower-quality results of the model.
It's for this reason that I've held off on swapping to the updated model so far. I still plan on going back and spending more time to figure out the issue, but I've been working on other projects. That being said, Sprout has been seeing a spike in traffic recently so I might prioritize that work in the next couple of months!
Anyway, thanks again for your detailed feedback and info!
> I'd say the non-preview site's recs feel like they'd be "better" for me, for the most part.
Yeah... that's the feeling I've had myself and the general vibe I've been getting from other people. I'm not sure why that is - the main difference is that I collected more data for the new version and included a larger number of profiles in it. It could be that some characteristics of the data (average rated anime count, average account age, average age of the people behind the accounts lol) changed which resulted in lower-quality results of the model.
It's for this reason that I've held off on swapping to the updated model so far. I still plan on going back and spending more time to figure out the issue, but I've been working on other projects. That being said, Sprout has been seeing a spike in traffic recently so I might prioritize that work in the next couple of months!
Anyway, thanks again for your detailed feedback and info!
@ameo___ I think the MAL popularity's factor is greatly attenuated in the default setting. I see a lot of Death Note, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Attack on Titan in interactive recommendations even if the selections are unrelated. Example selection (all are set to amazing): Violet Evergarden, Violet Evergarden the Movie, A Place Further Than The Universe, Your Lie in April Top non-preview recs (non-related titles): - Anohana: #70 popularity - Yuru Camp: #459 - A Silent Voice: #20 - I Want to Eat Your Pancreas: #163 - 3-gatsu no Lion: #311 Cowboy Bebop, Chainsaw Man, and Death Note did not appear Preview recs (non-related titles): - Spirited Away: #44 - A Silent Voice: #20 - Howl's Moving Castle: #99 - Hunter x Hunter (2011): #8 - Spy x Family: #61 Cowboy Bebop, Chainsaw Man, and Death Note are present |
mo_laveJan 30, 8:47 PM
Feb 15, 2:12 AM
Id like to add a recommendation, I think the bot only sees your full anime list of what you've watched including the stuff in your "dropped" catagory, it should actually just shuffle with all the categories in 'completed > watching > plan to watch > on hold' excluding the dropped one Example: Recommended :peace maker kurogane You liked: fairy tale 100 yr quest But 100 yr quest didn't really suit me and I dropped it so like it still considers that I liked an anime that I dropped. |
NimuuuuuuFeb 15, 2:16 AM
Mar 2, 11:10 AM
I love it man! Been thinking for a while now "there should be an AI that does it, it can't be hard to script that yourself..." - today I finally put in the search terms and got this thread right away. So great. It's a little rough around the edges, but who cares, it already saved me like 2 hours of time just now. Gonna keep using and recommending this for sure! Cheers! |
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