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Sep 9, 2021 5:27 PM

Dec 2016

This anime intentionally or not is bring interesting question about nature vs nurture.
Does Idaten not care about humans because they are "gods" or because Rin trained them to thing this way, like they experienced pain of "death" so many times during their trainings that they became dull to it.
Same with demons.. if they were raised in normal environment would they still be killing without hesitation or would be able to coexist like ED is showing?
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.112/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.203/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Sep 10, 2021 3:52 AM
Mar 2012
Satisfying cool fights Emperor vs Hayato, Rin vs Queen.
Rin's brute strength but lol so simpleminded.
Nun Gill birth to idaten clone congrats. She kinda crazy with salvation for all, but that Jesus water reference lol. Well for how rare new idaten appears, the gods are oddly nonchalant about it.
Sep 10, 2021 5:18 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
The way they showed Rin having a weakness was kinda nice. Good Episode for me, aside from the fact that the priestess turns into a cliche character imo.

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Sep 10, 2021 6:38 AM

Jun 2019
Such a great episode. I enjoyed it very much. A new Idaten. Nice. The OST was on point as always. The action was amazing and the Idatens were once again being OP AF against the demons. Looks like Mio will have to start from scratch.

Sad to see Rin like that. I don't like when she cries. I hope she'll be alright.
Sep 12, 2021 8:37 AM
Feb 2020
Ariahs0235 said:
what if Hayato and the others are the same situation as the nun?

If that's the case, the human version of them is already dead.
Sep 12, 2021 12:56 PM

Mar 2010
I don't blame the lead itaden to shed some tears, she hasn't cried in too far long of a time. as they say a good tear or two is good for you. Glad we get a idaten of that nun wouldn't mind getting raped by here to balance out the universe.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 12, 2021 4:53 PM
Jun 2020
HamsSOLO said:
Ariahs0235 said:
what if Hayato and the others are the same situation as the nun?

If that's the case, the human version of them is already dead.
. Well that's kinda true but I hope they will show the previous human version of Hayato and the others.
Sep 14, 2021 2:19 PM
May 2021
Sigmar-Unberogen said:

- I mean considering you were so sympathetic towards the demons and seemingly so opposed to the Idaten can you blame me for assuming that?

"Yeah, I feel bad for demons, they never had a winning chance."
"I'd say, Idaten can go to hell!"
You can assume what you want in your head but it's always better to ask for answers instead. This is basically "so what you're saying is..." argument. If I say I don't like color black, doesn't mean I like white. Assuming that I do - is ludicrous at best.

- Ok so let's assume you're correct that she thought her god would be different. Cool. Did she not still receive the salvation she asked for? Assuming she believed in a different god, she should still be more thankful than anything else because from her perspective, she should be seeing it as her god providing her indirect salvation, meaning her prayers were answered.
I don't know why you think "she should be more thankful" considering how Idaten never intended to rescue ANYBODY, and even when one happed to rescue a nun, he said he'd give 0 shits whether she died or not; and all this happened MOMENTS after the rescue. Yeah, I'd be incredibly grateful too...
Instead what we saw was a knee-jerk reaction from her because of her self-righteousness.
It's baffling why you'd say this. The nun clearly believed in a merciful, protector-god; not some... god-like kid... who runs around killing/fighting "presumably redeemable in nun's opinion" demons, while saying "I don't give a shit if humans die in process or not".

You're wrong about her not caring for Hayato btw. In the manga she showed an active concern for Hayato's well-being despite the fact he explicitly told her that he didn't give a shit whether she died or not. Do you see the hypocrisy here?
Ok, so Nun turns out to be a very caring and kind person. This also says a lot about what kind of religion she would follow and what kind of god she would believe in. My point though was about nun showing concern towards a demon and an enemy, because in the end the said enemy basically saved her from the "I only care about fights - god"! Nun's belief must have shattered at this point. A god that isn't the god she envisioned, and a demon who basically did the god's job! What a twist! That slap she gave to Idaten was like "You call yourself a god?". She may not yet realize this, but I think she refuses to acknowledge Idaten as gods, despite them being akin to gods - meaning, overpowered and unkillable.

- I'm not even sure we're watching the same show here.
If you're confused than fret no longer - we do watch the same show; end of discussion.
"Biased against demons"? I'm not biased towards anyone in this show, because all 3 parties involved (Idaten, demons and humans) have all showed major character flaws. I'm simply stating the facts.

Sure you do...
-You expected nun to be thankful to Idaten despite the fact Idaten almost killed her in a crossfire multiple times (including Rin's actions). Doesn't matter if some demon was about to kill her as well. Nun already witnessed how demons can be good, so seeing a "god" so casually kill someone who may be just as good as the emperor - is infuriating and requires a slap!
-You claimed only "few" humans died as if to "justify" Rin's erratic actions. It doesn't matter if Rin considers a thousand or a million dead humans as "few".
-You claim Idaten don't kill for sport when some obviously do and you admitted this later.
-And, you even expressed how you don't care about the emperor's last decision, because he's a demon who's supposedly responsible for warcrimes hence all his efforts are equal to null.

For someone who states "facts" you obviously criticize demons more and paint even the most redeemable one of them as bad. Also, you seem to assume that demons sole purpose is to destroy humans. That may have been true for the brainless demons of 800 years ago, but not current demons with intelligence. Things change...

Idaten are an interesting case. I'll admit that Ysley killed humans and reeducated demons for sport. But I think he's more of an anomoly.
So? Anomaly or not, he kills for sport and that's a fact you initially denied, hence why my statement about you being biased is justified. If you're stating the facts, don't claim that emperor's last decision doesn't mean much since he's PRESUMABLY the cause of war and terror; while sugarcoating Rin's atrocities with "she's killing few humans" or with "Ysley is an anomaly"

Idaten's personalities are probably heavily influenced by the thoughts of those they manifest from. Something that is a certainty though is the fact that Idaten hunt and kill demons based on instinct. This was literally explained in the show. Their sole purpose is to eradicate the threat of demons. The show literally also explained that the demon's sole purpose is to be a threat to humanity's existence. How is what I'm saying far fetched when this is literally what we've been told.
I said what I said because you're wrong. Show did say that demons were a threat to humanity, but it was talking about savage demons driven by instincts - one that was killed in episode 1. Even Idaten are not that black and white (apart from Rin perhaps), so for you to assume that demons have to be a threat "just because demons" is biased yet again. The whole Nun-Emperor scene was meant to prove this point!!! Emperor, a demon, A THREAT TO HUMANITY, refused to endanger a random human girl and then refused to nuke the city despite having nothing to lose. Demons are not that simple. If there's one, there can be more. The show itself contradicts your "demon's sole purpose is to be a threat to humanity's existence" argument.
Rin did kill a lot of humans, but in the grand scheme of things, in her mind it's only a few. In her mind, she'd rather kill a thousand humans if it meant killing all the demons in one fell swoop than to kill no humans but to let say a hundred demons escape. The Idaten are apathetic towards humans except when it comes to preserving their species from extinction from demons. This was also explained in the show.
I don't know why you're explaining this to me? Sounds more like an excuse that justifies "Rin, the killing-machine". Why should it matter what Rin thinks when killing humans and demons. My point stands. Demons are more human-like than Idaten are; hence why I said I felt sorry for them. Meanwhile, Idaten are more akin to "heartless killing machines", than humans; hence why I said they can go to hell - because I don't really care what happens to them, since they don't care what happens to humans unless demons are involved.

Just to make it clear, I think demons and Idaten are both a threat to humans on a grand scale and should both fuck off! STILL, I feel sorry for SOME demons, because boiling ALL of them in a single pot is simply unfair. Idaten can go to hell because demons managed to become sentient and one even showed empathy towards humans. Meanwhile Idaten are like drones who have no interest in integration with humans and couldn't change their POV despite having no natural enemy for a while. It's hard to picture what Idaten will do once, or if, demons are gone; they'll probably destroy the world by accident or after getting bored.

- Whether or not the Emperor was in charge of anything is irrelevant.
How is this not a biased statement? What if the emperor was a simple figurehead? His actions would still be irrelevant? How so???
But my point here is that you shouldn't be trying to paint this guy as some misunderstood good guy.
Nor should he be labeled as a monster! At least not yet!
"Don't even get me started on the Emperor showing "empathy" on his deathbed. Where was this "empathy" when his kind were hunting down humans, enslaving the women and literally raping them non-stop." - You used this statement to downplay an obvious act of kindness. At the same time you expected nun to be thankful for the rescue that happened "randomly on the hunt" and almost ended with her death thanks to the erratic actions of the "savior".
Empathy towards humans clearly isn't something that's common among his race, nor is it something he'd normally feel.
There's not enough info for you to claim it's not "something he'd normally feel". Man didn't have enough screenplay, and when he did he showed empathy even though demons supposedly shouldn't do that. I think that speaks volumes. I will have 0 respect for Idaten unless they realize what the nun realized - demons can be redeemed.

- You're painting all Idaten under the same brush as Rin here. Did you conveniently forget that Ysley and Prontea were shocked that Rin wouldn't care if she killed humans in her rampage? Not all Idaten are the same.
I don't know why you'd say this when I already stated that: "First of all I'll start with admitting that NOT ALL Idaten are hertless killing machines. Paula is likely not hertless". I think you got too emotional after reading the word "biased" and accidentally skipped this very important phrase.
Likewise not all demons are the same. You make all these excuses for the Emperor
Because I was talking about the emperor in particular, not about all demons in general! I expressed how emperor was a more decent being than Rin and Hayato; hence why it's understandable why nun felt sorry for demons despite getting raped by the soldiers of their army. You just assumes that I had to like/support/side with all the demons in this show...
but conveniently choose to ignore the fact Rin was carrying a trauma and fear for centuries that clearly influenced the behaviors she displays in the show.
I have no problem understanding why Rin's killing demons without question, but she has spent 800 years in a world dominated by humans and still couldn't advance beyond demon-killing-machine state of mind. There's nothing to discuss about a pale and boring character as Rin. Same can't be said about the Emperor. Boring drones like Rin can go to hell, alongside with boring psycho-demons who have only murder/rape/violence on mind.
What you fail to understand is that everyone in this show has flaws and all of them are very different from each other even if they share the same race.
No, you just failed to read.
The Emperor not pressing the nuke button was indeed a redeemable moment, but does that wipe away the fact he enabled all the atrocities that went down in Zoble? Of course not.
Once again, WE DON'T KNOW THAT. Dude may have been an emperor with no power whatsoever. Just because he was on the "evil side", doesn't mean he has to be evil. You assume you know the story of the character to help taint his image - this only proves that you're biased.

P.S And, just a reminder - we're having this discussion because you ASSUMED that by saying: "Yeah, I feel bad for demons" and "Idaten can go to hell" - I had to be siding with ALL the demons.

anddddddddddd I was proven right about the demons in today's episode. So much for all that "empathy" they were capable of.
Sep 16, 2021 10:01 AM

Nov 2013

anddddddddddd I was proven right about the demons in today's episode. So much for all that "empathy" they were capable of.

There's a reason why I ignored you last time. I'm tired explaining that:
1) I don't side with demons. I do dislike Idaten, but yet again, me hating A, doesn't mean I have to like B. You just naively assumed this as a fact.
2) I never said that ALL demons are/can be good or are capable of empathy. I was talking about the EMPEROR in particular. Learn to read please.
3) All you've proven yet again is how biased you're POV is. Ironically you told me not to tag every idaten as "heartless killing machines", and yet here you are...

Stop mentioning me...
Sep 16, 2021 10:02 AM
May 2021
Sigmar-Unberogen said:

anddddddddddd I was proven right about the demons in today's episode. So much for all that "empathy" they were capable of.

There's a reason why I ignored you last time. I'm tired explaining that:
1) I don't side with demons. I do dislike Idaten, but yet again, me hating A, doesn't mean I have to like B. You just naively assumed this as a fact.
2) I never said that ALL demons are/can be good or are capable of empathy. I was talking about the EMPEROR in particular. Learn to read please.
3) All you've proven yet again is how biased you're POV is. Ironically you told me not to tag every idaten as "heartless killing machines", and yet here you are...

Stop mentioning me...

tears 😭😭😭
Sep 21, 2021 8:02 AM

Oct 2017
The human demon mix breds are becoming more humane eh, parasyte all over again after all.

The nun is kind of a pain in the ass. It's not like I dun see where she's coming from but still. Also nice we got a nun idaten.

The war is finally over, I dun even knw if this could be called a war thou. This was a one sided massacre. Miku managed to escape and she surely will be the cause of many trouble in future.
Oct 10, 2021 10:34 AM

Jul 2015
Takeshita is quite respectable for a demon, on the other hand the nun Gilltina is a troublesome one with her nonsensical criticism on the Idaten's one-sided battle despite the demons literally having done the same for Zoble's conquest of other territories.

Nov 13, 2021 10:33 AM

Jan 2021
I'm glad the nun actually has a role in this show, took em long enough.
This kinda makes me wonder what the other idaten human forms were like.

Never watched as much anime as I wanted to
Dec 25, 2021 1:17 PM

Apr 2016
Uuuugh, the nun was already starting to annoy me in the manga. Really bummed out to see that she's the basis for a new Idaten....

I feel like that new Idaten is going to be the first and most biggest factor in me starting to dislike this series a bit. Hope I'm wrong, because her "empathy" for those fucking demons is something I'm really not enjoying.
Jan 10, 2022 10:33 AM
Nov 2020
That scene of the new Idaten being born was so good,makes me wonder about the original one for each of our characters,like what type of situation where they wishing to be saved from
Mar 16, 2022 5:44 AM

Jul 2011
It's funny how it almost makes you root for Brandy and the Emperor because they are such underdog.
May 25, 2024 12:27 AM

May 2021
All the demons getting slaughtered
Honestly they were completely outclassed from the start
Mappa animators cooked
Didn’t see there families with this🔥🔥
Inhales oxygen
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