TheDeedsOfMen said:Chickengirl said:I'm still mixed on this anime as an anime-only.
This is the first isekai I've tried to watch because of the slightly more unique premise compared to other popular isekais, that being the mc is a girl, and a spider.
The scenes with Kumoku are enjoyable. Yeah her personality is a little grating and annoying, but I'm trying to get used to it. The CG varies from mediocre to awful. those blue velociraptors and the dragon, which looked more like a horned Godzilla was "oof" bad.
I started to tune out a bit once it switched over to the human characters. I get the story is just beginning, but it's giving off very generic fantasy vibe right now. Hopefully it gets less boring for me. I'll keep watching it for now...
Ashhk said:pipn123 said:Too many teenage kids drama scene :(,not enough spider
Yeah, I wish there were more spider girl moments, at this point it's almost half of the episode with the other students, who care of them, we're here for the spider
dark-chaos said:I like the manga version more because it's focus on spider girl moments, who care about other idiots
If you like Kumoko and hate Shun, you should watch the story on the human side all the more. That's the point. You'll get to mockingly laugh at him and meme about him all day. And it is very closely related to Kumoko as well. I won't say more because of spoilers.
mcbignuts said:TheDeedsOfMen said:mcbignuts said:TheDeedsOfMen said:mcbignuts said:Wow that was pretty terrible all in all.
First of the human side of things is so painfully bland and boring. Take any other generic Isekai and paste over it and nothing changes. It's so choke filled with overdone tropes, the sister who is super clingy to her brother, the protag who is a prodigy and a nice guy, the rival who is kind of a dick. There is nothing wrong with using these tropes but that is literally all these characters are, there is nothing extra about them. It was way more noticable now that they ate up half the screen time.
Secondly the direction and cgi. So the cg has been mediocre from the start but there was just so much of it this episode that my Berserk ptsd started to act up. Some of the shot composition and selection here was just baffling. Hugo teleports from his seat to be standing next to the male protag(i dont remeber his name) the shot of Hugo dissing everyone water magic held for way to long with nothing happening, the action scenes were a mess with the camera going all over the place, and the last scene in the human story line where half the screen was covered in the blood effect almost made me laugh out loud. Having seen the level of cg in Land of the Lustrous and beastars makes this travesty almost unbearable.
The first two episode were not amazing but I still watched because I enjoy the manga in a turn my brain of kind of way. But I might just drop this here, having to sit through more of the human side sounds pretty miserable. I dont see it getting any better from here.
Again, this is why you read the LN and not the manga. Anyone who has read the LN knows that the story on the human side is not what it seems. Shun especially is a mockery of the generic OP harem protagonist.
I have actually read the first 3 volumes of the Light novel. They were in my local books store and I got curious. Read them and returned them the next day. I just think this kind of story doesn't work in book format, with the page long skill dumps and what not. It read like a first person rpg dungeons crawler but without the actual fun part where you play the game. The level of writing was also pretty low but that is to be expected from a Light novel.
If you read that far, how did you not notice the plot developments and the inevitable conclusion that the early human side is generic on purpose? Sure, if you get to volume 5, it will really spell it out, but by volume 3 you should have noticed.
I was not commenting on the LN, I was commenting on the anime, in which what has curently been shown is extremly generic. I can't comment on the later parts of the LN but I can say that what I read, purposeful or not, did not deviate that far from any other generic Isekai. But hey, I might be wrong, it was years ago that I read the LN and the characters were not my biggest problem with the story. I just remember being bored out of my skull and wondering why I paid money for this experience.
They made some changes, but the Shun scenes in this episode were still close to their equivalents in the LN. The LN nailed the scenes, and the anime also did (aside from some visual imperfections). Maybe you forgot about some of the plot developments in volumes 2 and 3. Like I said, it gets even more obvious in volume 5, but you must have noticed.
Well friend, maybe there is a clever setup to subvert audience expectation. It does not change the fact that the execution of said setup is really boring to experience. Maybe the pay of is worth it, maybe it isn't. Guess I'll have to stick around to find out. My hopes are not high though.