This is a boring place, get the hell out of here!
*At the moment, looking for new anime series to watch by poking in sky's with my index finger*
Most likely you are not very different from me and I am not very different from you.
Yet, we are not equal.
Similar but different.
Do you know what would have been ironic?
If every one was made of iron.
I feel like writing something meaningful here, but the itching in my nose and a moron spamming my mail box with comments got the better of me. I'll be back when I come with something good to write in this particular space. *RESERVED FOR SOMETHING MEANINGFUL*
My religion is Shananism and I only obey orders given by Zero-sama.
All Comments (79) Comments
How's it?
I'm guessing you reaching out to a random person who FR aye... :p
Fair enough... well I'm HamoNinja...
Because, you know, it's cheap and they've got worldwide free deliveries.
And as usual, the Book Depository messed up with the release dates ( ¬‿¬)
It was released like, June 30th, though their website still says August 15th. Oh them.
Now go ahead and read, and then weep when you realize you have to wait until July 5th before you get to know what happens after the cliffhanger in vol.9. Or maybe even August 15th, depending on which release date is correct D:
This really ain't my day.
Since you've read up to chapter 45, you'd want to get volume 8-9.
Vol.8 covers chapters 44-49, and vol.9 is chapters 50-53.
Vol.10 will be out on July 5th, if I recall correctly.
And instead of Amazon UK, I'd recomment the Book Depository.
Here's vol.8 and here's vol.9.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go beat myself for spontaneously helping a stranger.
I didn't see Jing: King of Bandits on you list. As I said its a good short series.
Thanks again
Any Anime you would recommend thats not on my list?
How about you?