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Jan 15, 2020 2:05 AM
Finally a confession! I am so tensed with the love triangle Lol but at the end chihaya will be karuta-baka forever 🤣 |
Jan 15, 2020 2:54 AM
Brilliant episode, and stunning direction once again! Dr. Harada really is the MVP! What a tight match that was, especially that gripping end there yikes! Some unorthodox methods to throw his opponent off, "meanness" xD, but I suppose that can also be a strength when used correctly lol. Arata really is too kind-hearted but I'm glad he pointed out that little difference in level in the end, looks like he's got some fair ground to cover after all. Damn, Harada-sensei and the reader's little moment there, so sweet. I doubt Dr. Harada will play after this event so here's to hoping he'll be able to give it his all and prove to be a worthy challenger to the Meijin at least. Are those flags I see for Shinobu-chan being made in advance? Good lord, Suou-meijin really likes to beat around the bush, doesn't he? Got to feel bad for him though, he lost his bride almost immediately lol and Taichi sure didn't bother to hold back. Shinobu-chan's grandma seems as stoic as ever, meanwhile. Taichi garnering a bit of courage from Harada-sensei was really nice to see as well although I feel like he's pointing that to the wrong direction lol. I'm getting a nasty feeling that Karuta and Taichi aren't going to go a long way in the near future... And that bloody confession! Fudge, that came outta nowhere! What the hell was that, Arata? Kanade-san and Sumire-chan's reactions in the background were gold too! And of course Chihaya would be mortally stunned by that lmao. Actually, I watched this episode a couple hours ago but fell asleep right after so I figured I needed to re-watch to watch it with a clearer mind or so to say and so here I am after my second viewing of the episode. I can't wait for a couple of weeks to have 2 episodes to watch on that Wednesday again! |
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni |
Jan 15, 2020 6:45 AM
shanimebib said: straggy said: I'm sad Arata didn't win the game but I'm so glad he confessed. Taichi's such a creep. Once again showing he'll go behind Chihaya's back to twist things without her knowledge just like when they were kids. Don't get why anyone likes him. That was to fend off Suou-meijin ofc. How can you say bad things about Taichi like that? Because he's a stuck-up rich kid. He only started to play karuta in the first place because he was mad Arata and Chihaya were friends. He bullied Arata and stole his glasses when they were kids and got away with it. That attitude and behaviour clearly never changed because now he's being a creep and telling people he's Chihaya's boyfriend. Any girl can agree that a guy going behind your back and saying he's your boyfriend without your knowledge like that is creepy af and a big red flag. And not to do with his personality, but... he's really ugly. Chihaya deserves better than a guy with beige spiders sitting on his eyelids. |
Jan 15, 2020 6:52 AM
The low score of this amazing, fantastic, great anime is insulting my religion. |
Jan 15, 2020 7:20 AM
Oh god, Arata just simply said it! Suo-san had a minor heartbreak and Taichi called himself her boyfriend. Too much for one episode, I'm happy for Harada-sensei by the way. The only thing I hope for now is that Chihaya won't be as oblivious as before and actually make a serious consideration about the confession. |
Jan 15, 2020 8:25 AM
Jan 15, 2020 9:03 AM
sweetangie said: YESYESYYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you shanimebib for this warm beautiful frame of this episode post discussion: I TOTALLY LOVE IT SO MCUH!!!! A BEAUTIFUL WAY TO WELCOME EVERYONE COMING TO THIS EPISODE DISCUSSION: THIS PRICELESS MOMENT REALLY BROUGHT TO ME AND A LOT OF THE FANS JOY OF OUR HEARTS ALL COMING TOGETHER. XD Suki ya, Chihaya! Knock, knock, Am I dreaming? NO, I'M AWAKE AND I’M SO DELIGHTFUL SEEING THIS EPISODE COME TO LIFE, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S REAL: CHIHAYA X ARATA SHIPPERS UNITE HERE IT IS EVERYONE, THE EPISODE I BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS ( SINCE 2013 WHEN CH 119 FIRST ARRIVE AND EVER SINCE THEN I ALWAYS WISH TO SEE THIS BEING ANIMATED AND NOW THE WAIT IS OVER: NOW WE ARE LIVING IT): LET’S BURST ALL OUR LOVING HEARTS TO HEAR THE VERY FIRST REAL LOVE CONFESSION OF CHIHAYAFURU COME TO LIFE (OMG, MY HEART IS RACING SO HARD THAT I CAN’T STOP MYSELF FROM ALL THE THRILL AND EXCITEMENT THAT BROUGHT THIS EPISODE INTO A ULTIMATE PARADISE FOR OUR SHIP!!!!!! ARATA MY BOY, YOU DID IT SO BEAUTIFULLY SHARING A MOMENT WITH CHIHAYA USING THE “CHIHA” CARD TO EXPRESS HIS OR SHOULD I SAY, THEIR INNER LOVE OUT OF OUR KARUTA-BAKAS: SEEING HOW CHIHAYA SEES THE “CHIHA” CARRIES A HIDDEN SPECIAL MESSAGE THE AFFECTION IN HOW DEEPLY AND IMPORTANT SHE SEES ARATA: THE MORE FAR HE IS THE MORE SHE WANTS TO DRAWN BY HIM BY): (THAT’S EXACTLY IN HOW ARATA FEELS ABOUT CHIHAYA) : CHIHAYA, SHE SHOULD REALLY CATCH WHAT SHE WAS SAYING, THAT’S THE VOICE OF HER INNER HEART THAT SPEAKING OUT LOUD AND I’M SO HAPPY THAT IT’S ARATA WHO SHE’S SAYING THIS WORDS TO, USING KARUTA TO EXPRESS THE HEROINE’S INNER FEELINGS: HER WORDS MADE ARATA REALIZED THE SPECIAL AFFECTIONS HE FEELS FOR CHIHAYA ALL THIS TIME: EVER SINCE THEY WERE KIDS “HE’S ALWAYS BEEN IN LOVE WITH HER” AND HERE’S IT IS “ARATA’S LOVE CONFESSION (HERE IT COMES!!!!!): HERE WE HAVE IT MINNA, IT’S A VERY BEAUTIFUL SCENE DRAWN OUT A LOT OF SPRINKLES AND WARM SINCERE SMILES FROM BOTH CHIHAYA AND ARATA, and SO HEARTWARMING AND MAGICAL SCENE CAME ALL TOGETHER TO BRING THIS BEAUTIFUL MESSAGE FROM ARATA’S HEART!!!!!! WHAT ARATA SAID AFTER THE CONFESSION WHERE HE PLANS TO MOVE TO TOKYO SO HE CAN BE NEAR HER; SAYING IF SHE LIKES, THEY CAN PLAY KARUTA TOGETHER THEN: OMG, OMG, THAT’S SO CUTE AND TOUCHING!!!!!! (Don’t mind me, people, I got so overly excite that my caps expresses HOW HYPE AND OVERLY HAPPY THIS EPISODE REALLY MADE ME AND SO MANY FANS WHO REALLY LOVES THIS SERIES): as a bonus here’s our two bakas expression after the confession, seriously I just can’t stop from loving this ship, THEY BOTH ARE SO ADORABLE, LOL!!!!! Overall, one of my favorite episodes overall couldn’t stop from crying during the confession, even before that: my heart got torn seeing my boy lost this match overall ( Arata CHEERLEADER FOREVER ALL THE WAY): even though he lost the match but by him confession, his inner heart made him a WINNER: it made Arata see what he lacks will help him grow more, seeing more of himself and his own realization really is outstanding in both the strength and his weakness: his innocence and his kind genuine heart is one of the best characteristics why I really love about Arata, his character profile really drawn me in. *I wish I could have joined this discussion sooner but it can't be helped, work just gets in the way in the time like this... meh, but late better than never AND OF COURSE, I WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS DISCUSSION, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO ARATA BIG DEVELOPMENT AND HUGE CHIHAYA X ARATA MOMENTS COMING IN, LOL!!!!! XD * As always I’m always looking forward to the next episode, let’s see Chihaya’s expression on the next one: something that’s must-see and witness. haha i was waiting for your post, wasnt disappointed. The moment all of us fans were waiting for and it was so beautiful. I loved the part the music stopped at Arata's confession, like really quiet and then it started playing again with high tempo. All those flashes from the past leading upto that smile when he realizes he is in love with her. I was tearing up so hard, waited so many years for this. Worth it shanimebib said: I updated the first post with a moment that deserves it! Fionavar said: Still not a cool thing to do, also he honestly had no right to do that. Eh, he realized Suou-meijin was hitting on Chihaya! But I forgot that you like Suou-meijin! -SP- said: My boy Arata finally confessed, feel bad for Sou though. Eh?! You feel bad for Suou-meijin as well? I don't want him to take my Chihaya! Kipo0007 said: Contemplating on Suo's taunt at her calling her a " Fresh Apple" and doubting herself, but for real suo isnt completely wrong. Even for a queen the challenges are real. Suou-meijin says some amazing stuff! It resonates with when he said "but you won't be the next" to Arata! Shinobu should pay more heed to him actually! And yes, her hairstyle is so cute! Everything she does oozes cuteness! I don't see why everyone thinks (in the Chihayafuru universe) that she is an oddball! Kosmonaut said: Damn, Arata lost the match, but the boy has got 'em balls. Poor Suo though, losing his bride so soon into the marriage. That's one of the reasons why I like him so much. He is straightforward with everything. It started from "But you cannot call it a dream" to Chihaya back in those days! His straightforwardness has the ability to shake people up just like his "That's cowardly" was the first thing that hit Taichi in the guts. And now he is thinking about getting out of the shadows of his grandfather and win for himself. He realized what he lacked were meanness, experience and passion but more than anything they were love - for karuta, for Chihaya who loves karuta, and for himself who loves Chihaya. His confession to Chihaya was the culmination of the love he felt at that very moment. _Ridley_ said: Just absolutely screaming at Arata's confession. What a beauty. I know! That's why I had to change my first post! Yea suo meijin is one of a kind special character.He speaks some amazing things and has a humorous side to him as well. I developed quite a liking to him and especially his voice. The VA has god like voice acting skills. Respect. Ofc shinobu is a lovable oddball, she just needs some good friends to play and be with and i am hoping chihaya to be the first one.Her mom should be more supportive and caring for her instead of nagging her constantly. She looked absolutely adorable in that hairstyle. Also cant wait till she shows up in her new kimono which her grandma got. Also need to learn how to extract the exact message to quote from. i dont want the other quoted messages from your post xD Mod Edit: Double post merged, quoted post edited to match earlier changes |
Fleeting_DreamJan 21, 2020 2:32 PM
Jan 15, 2020 9:44 AM
straggy said: shanimebib said: straggy said: I'm sad Arata didn't win the game but I'm so glad he confessed. Taichi's such a creep. Once again showing he'll go behind Chihaya's back to twist things without her knowledge just like when they were kids. Don't get why anyone likes him. That was to fend off Suou-meijin ofc. How can you say bad things about Taichi like that? Because he's a stuck-up rich kid. He only started to play karuta in the first place because he was mad Arata and Chihaya were friends. He bullied Arata and stole his glasses when they were kids and got away with it. That attitude and behaviour clearly never changed because now he's being a creep and telling people he's Chihaya's boyfriend. Any girl can agree that a guy going behind your back and saying he's your boyfriend without your knowledge like that is creepy af and a big red flag. And not to do with his personality, but... he's really ugly. Chihaya deserves better than a guy with beige spiders sitting on his eyelids. Now we are dissing appearance? Not really sure how you got there (and it hurt) because I think Taichi is really handsome. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he is also beautiful. He was designed to look handsome. If he had the appearance of, say, Dou-S-no-Sudou-senpai, very few fans (especially the female fanbase) would like him for what he has been doing. It's just an established fact having read over hundreds of Josei/Shoujo manga where fans tend to give passes to guys who are good-looking. You cannot just isolate the male fanbases either. It's the same reason why girls with rich background and stuck-up personality (tsundere) tends to get more fans. Personally, I think Arata is more handsome than Taichi. In fact, in the entire manga, he is the second most handsome guy drawn by Suetsugi-sensei, only second to the 'younger' Wataya Hajime. Kipo0007 said: Yea suo meijin is one of a kind special character.He speaks some amazing things and has a humorous side to him as well. I developed quite a liking to him and especially his voice. The VA has god like voice acting skills. Respect. Ofc shinobu is a lovable oddball, she just needs some good friends to play and be with and i am hoping chihaya to be the first one.Her mom should be more supportive and caring for her instead of nagging her constantly. She looked absolutely adorable in that hairstyle. Also cant wait till she shows up in her new kimono which her grandma got. Also need to learn how to extract the exact message to quote from. i dont want the other quoted messages from your post xD Oh, don't get me wrong. I love Suou-meijin. I was a bit surprised that he has already been revealed as a teacher. I don't recall this revelation. Also, there was a moment involving him that was used as foreshadowing. I am just glad many haven't noticed because the impact will be much bigger for the anime-onlies like it had on me. I have had nothing but admiration for Suou-meijinl. At one point, I even rooted for him during his match with Harada-sensei and eventually wanted him to become the eternal meijin. I will let people see how they want to Suou-meijin for now until the reveal. It's one of the best moments of Chihayafuru for me because it is tied with the Chihaya we know now who is all sunshine and lovely, not having anything darkness inside her. As for quoting, look for the ["Quote = ABC msg = 999"]Quoted comment.[/ Quote] <--- should be the first or closest to the Quote. For multiple quotes it will expand either direction. Example: ["Quote = XYZ msg = 1000"]["Quote = ABC msg = 999"]Quoted comment of ABC.[/ Quote] <---this ends Quote of ABC. Quoted comment of XYZ which has ABC's Quote.[/ Quote]<---this ends Quote of XYZ. Then you type your message here. Easy! |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Jan 15, 2020 10:58 AM
I did not except the confession either and it was beautiful but I'm kinda sad that it overshadowed Harada's victory. Oh, and sad to see Suo divorce Chihaya so quickly. It was a very short love story lol. Everything aside they look really really good together, I think we can all agree on that. |
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend. |
Jan 15, 2020 11:34 AM
Jan 15, 2020 11:52 AM
Kipo0007 said: Yea suo meijin is one of a kind special character.He speaks some amazing things and has a humorous side to him as well. I developed quite a liking to him and especially his voice. The VA has god like voice acting skills. Respect. Ofc shinobu is a lovable oddball, she just needs some good friends to play and be with and i am hoping chihaya to be the first one.Her mom should be more supportive and caring for her instead of nagging her constantly. She looked absolutely adorable in that hairstyle. Also cant wait till she shows up in her new kimono which her grandma got. Also need to learn how to extract the exact message to quote from. i dont want the other quoted messages from your post xD Oh, don't get me wrong. I love Suou-meijin. I was a bit surprised that he has already been revealed as a teacher. I don't recall this revelation. Also, there was a moment involving him that was used as foreshadowing. I am just glad many haven't noticed because the impact will be much bigger for the anime-onlies like it had on me. I have had nothing but admiration for Suou-meijinl. At one point, I even rooted for him during his match with Harada-sensei and eventually wanted him to become the eternal meijin. I will let people see how they want to Suou-meijin for now until the reveal. It's one of the best moments of Chihayafuru for me because it is tied with the Chihaya we know now who is all sunshine and lovely, not having anything darkness inside her. As for quoting, look for the ["Quote = ABC msg = 999"]Quoted comment.[/ Quote] <--- should be the first or closest to the Quote. For multiple quotes it will expand either direction. Example: ["Quote = XYZ msg = 1000"]["Quote = ABC msg = 999"]Quoted comment of ABC.[/ Quote] <---this ends Quote of ABC. Quoted comment of XYZ which has ABC's Quote.[/ Quote]<---this ends Quote of XYZ. Then you type your message here. Easy![/quote] Ahh yea i was a little surprised with suo being a teacher revelation. Especially how he has been described failing in academics xD But yea i get what you are saying whats about to come in the future finale. The light and the dark side. And especially i wanna see the "Open Challenge" by the certain someone. :) Also thank you for the guidance, i have a hard time figuring out the coding, took me like an entire day to figure out the bb code image system and spoiler tag. xD But thanks again. I am still re watching the episode and kinda replaying the special moment 3-5 times now. cant get enough of it xD |
Jan 15, 2020 11:53 AM
shanimebib said: Kipo0007 said: Yea suo meijin is one of a kind special character.He speaks some amazing things and has a humorous side to him as well. I developed quite a liking to him and especially his voice. The VA has god like voice acting skills. Respect. Ofc shinobu is a lovable oddball, she just needs some good friends to play and be with and i am hoping chihaya to be the first one.Her mom should be more supportive and caring for her instead of nagging her constantly. She looked absolutely adorable in that hairstyle. Also cant wait till she shows up in her new kimono which her grandma got. Also need to learn how to extract the exact message to quote from. i dont want the other quoted messages from your post xD Oh, don't get me wrong. I love Suou-meijin. I was a bit surprised that he has already been revealed as a teacher. I don't recall this revelation. Also, there was a moment involving him that was used as foreshadowing. I am just glad many haven't noticed because the impact will be much bigger for the anime-onlies like it had on me. I have had nothing but admiration for Suou-meijinl. At one point, I even rooted for him during his match with Harada-sensei and eventually wanted him to become the eternal meijin. I will let people see how they want to Suou-meijin for now until the reveal. It's one of the best moments of Chihayafuru for me because it is tied with the Chihaya we know now who is all sunshine and lovely, not having anything darkness inside her. As for quoting, look for the ["Quote = ABC msg = 999"]Quoted comment.[/ Quote] <--- should be the first or closest to the Quote. For multiple quotes it will expand either direction. Example: ["Quote = XYZ msg = 1000"]["Quote = ABC msg = 999"]Quoted comment of ABC.[/ Quote] <---this ends Quote of ABC. Quoted comment of XYZ which has ABC's Quote.[/ Quote]<---this ends Quote of XYZ. Then you type your message here. Easy! Ahh yea i was a little surprised with suo being a teacher revelation. Especially how he has been described failing in academics xD But yea i get what you are saying whats about to come in the future finale. The light and the dark side. And especially i wanna see the "Open Challenge" by the certain someone. :) Also thank you for the guidance, i have a hard time figuring out the coding, took me like an entire day to figure out the bb code image system and spoiler tag. But thanks again. I am still re watching the episode and kinda replaying the special moment 3-5 times now. cant get enough of it xD (i think i screwed up the quoting code again xD) |
Kipo0007Jan 15, 2020 11:57 AM
Jan 15, 2020 12:20 PM
First world troubles? I appreciated another glimpse into Harada's backstory. All his hard work paid off in the end, though. A well-deserved victory. |
Jan 15, 2020 3:49 PM
Kipo0007 said: I loved the part the music stopped at Arata's confession, like really quiet and then it started playing again with high tempo. All those flashes from the past leading upto that smile when he realizes he is in love with her. I was tearing up so hard, waited so many years for this. Worth it Oh God! I know! Also, I am listening to the part (and replaying time and again) where Arata says: 意地悪さ。経験。情念つ。愛情。愛情。愛情。(Ijiwarusa. Keiken. Jounentsu. Aijou. Aijou. Aijou) with the piano playing in the background! So, beautiful! That's Hosoyan at his absolute best! |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Jan 15, 2020 5:27 PM
Oh boi, almost cried when Dr. Harada won. My eyes watered at the same time everyone was crying when he won. You know a good series is SO DAMN GOOD, when it makes you cry or at least make your eyes get watered down. |
Jan 15, 2020 5:49 PM
shanimebib said: Kipo0007 said: I loved the part the music stopped at Arata's confession, like really quiet and then it started playing again with high tempo. All those flashes from the past leading upto that smile when he realizes he is in love with her. I was tearing up so hard, waited so many years for this. Worth it Oh God! I know! Also, I am listening to the part (and replaying time and again) where Arata says: 意地悪さ。経験。情念つ。愛情。愛情。愛情。(Ijiwarusa. Keiken. Jounentsu. Aijou. Aijou. Aijou) with the piano playing in the background! So, beautiful! That's Hosoyan at his absolute best! *cries in fukui accent* xD |
Jan 15, 2020 6:44 PM
Kipo0007 said: haha i was waiting for your post, wasnt disappointed. The moment all of us fans were waiting for and it was so beautiful. I loved the part the music stopped at Arata's confession, like really quiet and then it started playing again with high tempo. All those flashes from the past leading upto that smile when he realizes he is in love with her. I was tearing up so hard, waited so many years for this. Worth it OH YES, AND THE BEST PART IS "IT'S TOTALLY WORTH THE WAIT!!!!!! ( hard to believe it's since almost seven years since the manga published this awesome chapter where Arata confessed his love to Chihaya, CHIHAYA SURELY IS OVER THE MOON AS WE SPEAK) Arata confession was all over my mind and heart yesterday that I couldn't sleep right away from all the excitement I felt ( SO HYPER THE THRILL JUST COULDN'T STOP!!!): Arata surely cast a spell on me too, HIS CHARMS REALLY DOES THE TRICK, HE'S SO IRRESISTIBLE: AND I DON'T BLAME CHIHAYA FROM HOW SHE REACTED AFTER HIS LOVE CONFESSION, FOR HER TO FAINT FROM THE JOY AND HOW SHE WILL REACT BY THE NEXT EPISODE IS PRICELESS, I CAN HARDLY WAIT, LOL!!!! <3 |
Jan 15, 2020 7:03 PM
Oh man, this match was even more tense than I thought it would be! :D In the end Harada-sensei won. I am happy, he really deserved it. Arata has still time to master his abilities and gain experience in order to challeng the Master. Suo was hilarious with that scarf and Chihaya. ;D And those captions, like "bride" , "divorced", haha. Suo in general was great in this episode. His "Hello" towards Shinobu was funny as well. About Shinobu, her haircut was cute. ;-) Taichi got mentally cucked on the way to give Suo back his scarf. Arata was faster to express his feelings, while Taichi acted like a good friend OR as a simp if we are talking about romance and stuff. I hope Harada's knees are gonna get better before challenging Suo. It will be five duels with mandatory three victories. I doubt either of then is not gonna win at least once. That last scene with Suo was interesting. I think he will win with Harada, but won't end his career in karuta world. Instead, he will continue playing in order to see Chihaya fighting for Queen's title. |
Jan 15, 2020 7:16 PM
So much happened in this episode XD Even though I knew what was gonna happen going into it, sure didn't cut the emotional punch lol. Let's start off with - obviously Harada winning! I was cheering for him the entire time and I'm so glad that Chihaya finally was too. So much to look at here - him basically being someone like Taichi, who spent his life doing something else, and then teaching everyone at the Society how to play - people "without good game sense" (like Taichi!). Ah, and the moment with him and the reader at the end was so nice :3 Then of course, we move on to Arata's confession - something I'm sure that even Chihaya can't ignore (plus of course Kana would explain it if she did lol). Taichi saying he's Chihaya's girlfriend to Suou - poor guy hahaha. I love to see him and Shinobu - they're really such great characters. Oh man, knowing how this is going to end up is kind of sad really, but doesn't make me any less excited for what's about to happen. I guess my next question is ... how much will this season cover? Up to the end of the Master/Queen finals? Or maybe even more? There's a certain other scene I'm sure the fangirls would love that I wonder if we'll see ... because I mean, well, that'd be a good way to spice up the season XD |
Jan 15, 2020 7:51 PM
straggy said: shanimebib said: straggy said: I'm sad Arata didn't win the game but I'm so glad he confessed. Taichi's such a creep. Once again showing he'll go behind Chihaya's back to twist things without her knowledge just like when they were kids. Don't get why anyone likes him. That was to fend off Suou-meijin ofc. How can you say bad things about Taichi like that? Because he's a stuck-up rich kid. He only started to play karuta in the first place because he was mad Arata and Chihaya were friends. He bullied Arata and stole his glasses when they were kids and got away with it. That attitude and behaviour clearly never changed because now he's being a creep and telling people he's Chihaya's boyfriend. Any girl can agree that a guy going behind your back and saying he's your boyfriend without your knowledge like that is creepy af and a big red flag. I mean if we're going by the show itself, Inokuma was right there and told him he looked cool. Because it was obvious to everyone but Suou that he was just looking out for her. It wasn't about being possessive, even if it wasn't necessarily a good move for him. But the argument that he hasn't changed since he was a child is strange. The first two seasons offer plenty to show he's not the same spoiled rich kid. |
Jan 15, 2020 8:20 PM
AlexTheRiot said: straggy said: shanimebib said: straggy said: I'm sad Arata didn't win the game but I'm so glad he confessed. Taichi's such a creep. Once again showing he'll go behind Chihaya's back to twist things without her knowledge just like when they were kids. Don't get why anyone likes him. That was to fend off Suou-meijin ofc. How can you say bad things about Taichi like that? Because he's a stuck-up rich kid. He only started to play karuta in the first place because he was mad Arata and Chihaya were friends. He bullied Arata and stole his glasses when they were kids and got away with it. That attitude and behaviour clearly never changed because now he's being a creep and telling people he's Chihaya's boyfriend. Any girl can agree that a guy going behind your back and saying he's your boyfriend without your knowledge like that is creepy af and a big red flag. I mean if we're going by the show itself, Inokuma was right there and told him he looked cool. Because it was obvious to everyone but Suou that he was just looking out for her. It wasn't about being possessive, even if it wasn't necessarily a good move for him. Well, Inokuma-san didn't know whether Taichi was Chihaya's boyfriend or not. She could as well assumed that he actually is and thought it was cool to do so. It still looked cool to me at the very least, but that is probably because I like Taichi. After giving it a careful thought though, I can see why some viewers found his action there breaching a line he shouldn't have. It's not like Kumiko from Hibike! Euphonium for example who told others that the hair-clip she was wearing was a present from her "boyfriend". The difference here is that Kumiko knew Shuuichi was in love with her and she herself saw him as a prospective boyfriend even before they started dating, so it was not entirely a lie. But I agree on the other part. Taichi has changed a lot. Actually, he has gone through the most development in the entire story. Although some of his actions are still quite questionable. For example, Arata, as honest and simple as he is, just believed that Taichi would tell Chihaya that he would be moving to Tokyo for college. Of course it's a no brainer at this point that Taichi didn't tell Chihaya (and hence her reaction). This is why if Arata's confession was not enough of a shock for her as it should be, revealing that he will be returning to Tokyo just added more to her bewildered emotion that she had shown in this episode. |
shanimebibJan 15, 2020 8:25 PM
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Jan 15, 2020 11:13 PM
how much will this season cover? Up to the end of the Master/Queen finals? Or maybe even more? There's a certain other scene I'm sure the fangirls would love that I wonder if we'll see ... because I mean, well, that'd be a good way to spice up the season XD Thumbnail in last pic will give you an idea |
Jan 16, 2020 3:34 AM
WHAT?! HARADA-SENSEI WON ?! HOORAAY !!!!! WHAT?! ARATA CONFESS HIS FEELING TOWARD CHIHAYA ?! UNBELIEVABLE! What? Suo-meijin got heartbreak over Chihaya? lmao, that was hilarious. Arata repeated "Love" three times on the ceremony caught me off, another hilarious moment. And also, Chihaya's reaction after the confession is really understandable yet a hilarious one. Oh, didn't expect Suo-meijin is a teacher. Wonder what thing he teach this whole time. The hype firing up even more. 101/100 |
Jan 16, 2020 9:29 AM
Is it just me or the number of 8s and 9s dropped and the number of 10s increased after this episode?! Please tell me it's just me! It feels like a lot of viewers are actually changing their scores after this episode! It would be a lie if I said that the stat page has not hurt me, actually it's been hurting me for a long while, and it even hurts more that this is discussed more than this entire anime itself in MAL which is such a huge shame but sometimes it is the positive that I would like to draw from the stats page from time to time. :) I dunno how many of you actually changed or upped your rating after this magnificent episode, but I want to say thank you for showing your love for this beautiful anime! |
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Jan 16, 2020 9:42 AM
@shanimebib , I agree. I dislike Taichi as well and I pretty much agree with most of things you wrote, however I think he is not ugly. But it doesn't matter really. What's the most beautiful in humans is what is dwelled in their hearts, and Taichi proved multiple times that he maybe matured, but didn't change that much. His behaviour might be not childish anymore, but his personality's change is mostly due to him getting older. |
Jan 16, 2020 10:22 AM
Adnash93 said: @shanimebib , I agree. I dislike Taichi as well and I pretty much agree with most of things you wrote, however I think he is not ugly. But it doesn't matter really. What's the most beautiful in humans is what is dwelled in their hearts, and Taichi proved multiple times that he maybe matured, but didn't change that much. His behaviour might be not childish anymore, but his personality's change is mostly due to him getting older. But it is the flaws in him that makes him such a fantastic character whether you like him or not. And having flaws mean having the chance to get better, improve himself, and prove us wrong as we wait for something to happen! I would like to say the same about Arata. There are many who dislike Arata for the exact (opposite) reason. That he is too nice and kind to others. It may not be animated and it's not a huge spoiler either, but he stops running from catching the last train only to help an elderly come down the staircase in the station. Small moments that tell the type of person he is. Even his interactions with Shinobu-chan reveals that kindness is just in his nature. He treats her exactly the way she wants to be treated - someone as equal and as a friend (although she states otherwise, notice that how she keeps tabs on Arata and speaks with him unlike when she is speaking with others). Look at his expression seeing Harada-sensei giving it his all. Those blushes just sum him up. But because he is too nice, cannot be outspoken, arrogant and possessive, people consider him as a blend and uninteresting character. But that should not be the case. He has already started showing that he is flawed because of those limitations that even hurt his chances. His weakness of not being able to speak up (remember that it was in his nature, never protesting when he was made fun of when he was a lonely boy from an impoverished family back in those days), his weakness of prioritizing a couple of cards over others (the first time he wanted to become possessive), and ultimately failing to win when it mattered, taking Yuu's kindness for granted because they grew up together, and even sighing a relief when Taichi lost - these moments make those claims all but false. He is not some divine being with everything served on his plate. He is more human than many think he actually is. I find his character more fascinating for that alone. It's a story I want to read. But then again, the charm is probably so much more because there is so little I know from this boy from Fukui and each reveal makes me want to know more and more about him. As I stated, I consider Arata as the second most handsome (after the young Wataya Hajime) and Taichi being third. I even consider Su-won from Akatsuki no Yona as beautiful (although I hate him with a passion). But preference is subjective, so I cannot help people change their mind. What I agree with you is though that what dwells inside is far more important. I honestly feel that if you take Arata's face away, he will still be an endearing character to his fans. If you take away Taichi's, I doubt he would have had this many fans to begin with (twice the number of Arata fans both in Japan and outside Japan). |
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Jan 16, 2020 1:13 PM
Omg, that was beautiful, I was all team Taichi before this episode, but I don't know who to root for anymore :(. Btw, I see a lot of hate for Taichi, and I don't really feel that's deserved. Taichi is the most human of the two main ships. For me, he resembles the fear of failure, which I think is a very relatable one. His parents are rich, and he has to shoulder their huge expectations. Even though playing karuta is not the easy way, it's still his passion and he keeps playing, despite his fear. I don't agree with him being an inconsiderate person either. The reason they made him say he's Chihaya's boyfriend is not to portray him as a possessive person, but to show his intentions and desires. Also, I'm so happy that Harada-sensei won :)!!! I hope for him that he wins against Suo, despite Suo also being a cool guy, I don't feel Harada has a chance to ever become a master anymore if he doesn't win this time. And he thoroughly deserves it to have been a master at least one time. Uggh, I can't wait for the next episode. |
Jan 16, 2020 1:21 PM
Harata won and it feels right. The old bastard deserves it. Also Arata makes a power play and actual speaks his feelings. Serves you right Taichi. Chihaya's reaction is about as Chihaya as they come and I love it lol. Also rip Sou getting his heart broken. |
Jan 16, 2020 2:55 PM
ProofByColor said: Also rip Sou getting his heart broken. Well, there are plenty other Class A players for him! He can pick from many! Haha! Tenbun-kun said: I hope for him that he wins against Suo, despite Suo also being a cool guy, I don't feel Harada has a chance to ever become a master anymore if he doesn't win this time. And he thoroughly deserves it to have been a master at least one time. Many fans will have this sentiment. Besides, that cocky Suou-meijin claims he will win five in a row like it's a given and retire from Karuta after reaching the same heights as Arata's grandfather the Eternal Meijin - Wataya Hajime. All the money should be on Suou to win but all the hearts should be with Harada-sensei (including Kitano-sensei)! No one actually mentioned that Tsundere Kitano-sensei (Suihoku's coach, the society of the Nikuman, Tsukue-kun and Kana-chan) crying after Harada-sensei winning! That was very touching. :') |
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Jan 16, 2020 7:07 PM
HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS WAS THE BEST EPISODE EVER OF THIS SHOW YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT SHIT FELT LIKE 45 MINUTES AND 4 MINUTES AT THE SAME TIME HOLY FUCK THIS EP DESERVES A REWATCH The match was actually tense as fuck even though I had a feeling Harada was gonna win and I'm so glad he did. I love that they're making other characters shine. Bruh the Taichi and Arata drama that happened here Jesus Christ man Also lmfao Suo is hilarious |
Jan 16, 2020 7:19 PM
An amazing episode, the best so far till now. This show never disappoint to you episode after episode. I still can't stop to notice how blessed we are with this incredible production work. |
-¡Give yourself to me! |
Jan 17, 2020 12:49 AM
What a great episode. It’s definitely the best. How great is Harada!! 10/10 |
Jan 17, 2020 5:01 AM
I love scene when Chihaya says If i was in grade school i will root for arata If i was in middle school everything for karuta But in high school today ,most important thing is who teach me everything thats harada sensei. |
Jan 18, 2020 4:27 AM
Ginger91 said: I feel bad for Taichi! I'm quite excited to see how the relationship between Arata and Chihaya is going to be like after the confession! I'm not expecting a lot of romance, but ... Oh, Chihaya's gonna chase after Arata, kiss him and say yes in the next episode! Jokes aside, yeah, Taichi got beaten to Arata's honesty. It's his passive aggressive nature that makes things never seem to go his way. I think it has a lot to do with his demonic mom and his upbringing. The parenting plays a very important role in the Chihayafuru characters. |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Jan 18, 2020 12:48 PM
I don't post often, but man this has been my favorite long running series. This last episode in particular blew me away, it's like many years finally comming to a conclusion. This is what anime is to me. |
Jan 18, 2020 1:39 PM
I cried along with them when Harada-sensei won.... my heartttttttt Arata was super cute with his confession... ughhhhh but i still sail ChihayaXTaichi... |
Jan 18, 2020 1:44 PM
Ramp said: I don't post often, but man this has been my favorite long running series. This last episode in particular blew me away, it's like many years finally comming to a conclusion. This is what anime is to me. Joined MAL in April 2005?! Are you being serious, Senpai?! Yes, I totally agree! This is what sums up why I fell in love with anime and continue to love even after 20 years of watching this medium of entertainment! |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Jan 18, 2020 9:04 PM
shanimebib said: Ginger91 said: I feel bad for Taichi! I'm quite excited to see how the relationship between Arata and Chihaya is going to be like after the confession! I'm not expecting a lot of romance, but ... Oh, Chihaya's gonna chase after Arata, kiss him and say yes in the next episode! Jokes aside, yeah, Taichi got beaten to Arata's honesty. It's his passive aggressive nature that makes things never seem to go his way. I think it has a lot to do with his demonic mom and his upbringing. The parenting plays a very important role in the Chihayafuru characters. If that scenario happened My jaw would drop on the spot and i would have got a heart attack on the spot with happiness. More so on the shock that chihaya will actually do that and not be a clueless goof for once xD |
Jan 19, 2020 6:43 AM
This was such an amazing episode, probably the best of the entire series yet! I'm seriously considering giving this season a 9/10 if they can keep this up because they improve every single episode. It seriously makes me wonder how they do it. |
Jan 19, 2020 7:46 AM
The confession I've been waiting T__T Also I'm happy Dr. Harada won, he deserved it. |
Jan 19, 2020 1:05 PM
I find it interesting how when I first watched Chihayafuru a few years back I was very much Team Taichi. However, as the years have passed and the more I've matured, I've come to realise that I really don't like the way Taichi deals with things and I am - in fact - very much Team Arata. I think my heart stopped during his confession. |
♡ artist サコ |
Jan 19, 2020 1:27 PM
Wonderful scene ... °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° I love Chihaya too ... (ノ´ з `)ノ |
Jan 19, 2020 1:52 PM
Hoooooly shit, this is unironically one of the greatest episodes of anime I've ever seen period. With the way episode 13 was setting things up it felt like Harada was going to lose so the victory actually caught me off guard. And Arata's confession man, totally out of left field. It was obvious he liked her but it was just a weird but welcoming moment for him to confess. Feels like the love triangle proper will be begin from hereon out. |
Jan 22, 2020 9:15 AM
I was hoping Arata would win, I'm starting to like Arata more and more. So far I didn't take any sides on the shipping aspect but this episode helped me decide - Arata x Chihaya is going to be my ship, sorry Taichi. And Suo meijin is really funny XD |
Always the same… Every age, every generation. Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji) |
Jan 22, 2020 2:07 PM
Poor Suo san... he got divorced.. haha Never thought Harada is gonna win I was sure Arata will be the challenger but I longed for it. and that confession it was awkward but sweet. |
Jan 26, 2020 3:23 AM
Jan 28, 2020 12:36 PM
Chihahya won't be able to handle this. HaXXspetten said: Aaaand the fangirls all go wild Always bothered me a bit how people try to frame Chihayafuru as a shipping story when it really isn't but that aside it's definitely a nice moment +1 really dislike this about the community |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Jan 30, 2020 9:51 PM
Thats a surprised confession from ma boi Arata that Chihaya froze from it xD |
B O C C H I S W E E P |
Feb 1, 2020 5:17 AM
This is definitely my favorite episode of the series! This is creeping into my top 5 favorites now! I Can't believe Arata went for it!!!! Dr. Harada's story and all of the older players who are battling against their youthfulness has been so thrilling for me. I loved this anime before, but this season has really surprised me. Between the match, the confession, seeing Shinobu and her character challenges, and Suo getting more screen time...I don't know what else I can say. Chihaya had 3 top tier players falling for her and she was completely oblivious lol Chi x Arata all day though!!! |
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