This anime is so much fun and I wish it were out already so that I could watch it more quickly. But anyway, this episode felt a little more "grounded" in that I knew a little of what to expect, although that doesn't mean it was any less fantastical. The first thing to question is whether or not the creators intended to put all of these symbols and subtext that people are already searching for. I don't think that matters quite as much as whether people are interpreting symbolism in a work, so with that in mind, let's see if I can contribute to the conversation which is already growing in the threads.
What of those men who came to abduct Papika in ep 1? The easiest answer I came up with is that Cocona was chloroformed and left at her house, but then what happened to Papika? I don't know. However, after watching the OP a couple dozen times because of how much I love it, I noticed that the robots which showed up look similar to a crowd that appears in the OP for about 2 seconds at the 1:08 mark and if you freeze it right, you can see a short green haired girl standing among them, who seems to resemble a girl seen elsewhere in the OP. What this means to me is that it happened. The show may have ignored the encounter, but at some point, Papika and Cocona dealt with a bunch of robots who wanted something from them, possibly the shard.
You know what's really stuck with me? Cocona in the OP. She's seen lying on her bed, in the dark, while it's raining, looking kind of unhappy, not really sad or angry, just kind of bored and discontent. I may be interpreting based on how I currently feel, but Cocona looks like she's really not satisfied with her life. She goes to school, talks to maybe 1 or 2 friends, lives with her grandmother. How exciting. Along comes Papika, who's excited, outgoing, has no sense of personal space or restraint, and takes her to a place that's fantastical and right out someone's imagination. Maybe this is exactly what Cocona wants, but it's new and strange and she's not comfortable with going new places even if she's unsatisfied with her current state.
In the first episode, Cocona lost her glasses and when Papika retrieved them, they were broken. Papika was unable to see her current situation, and Papika broke her perception of the world.
In the second episode, they traveled into what looks like some kind of story book, and boy was it some strange story. I've seen some users interpret Cocona's unwillingness to bite as an expression of sexual repression but I think it could just as easily be an unwillingness to accept anything unusual.
This series certainly does bear some similarities to Ikuhara works; the man at the end of the episode who wants to "liberate Pure Illusion" reminded me of other repeated phrases, like everyone who wanted to "revolutionize the world" in revolutionary girl utena, or find their promised kiss in Yuri Kuma Arashii, or something about destiny in Mawaru Penguindrum. Who is he and what does he want? Papika seems to "work" for him but he looks like the kind of character who'll abandon anyone he associates with in order to achieve his goals. So what is Pure Illusion? What of these shards that the girls are finding? It seems to me like Dr. Salt is trying to do so because not just anyone can enter Pure Illusion (I mean, they did tell is that Papika could only enter with Cocona). So why can they enter? I'm pretty certain that Papika and all the other people she associates with are real.
The last shot was of a bunch of eyes opening and seeing the box which I thought the girls were in completely empty. I have no idea what to make of that.
Why a vacuum? That's what I was trying to figure out. I will note though, that Uexkull is really weird. It looks like a rabbit, but it's green? Also, the scene where he and Cocona were being carried toward the lava reminded me of the child broiler from penguindrum.
I really want to see more episodes, because this is such a fun show, even if I don't completely understand what's going on. |