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Jun 4, 2016 2:56 AM

Jan 2016

he was so scared of his uptight parents that wanted him to pursue classical music instead of rap that he went to go confront them alone like a man instead of running away, then ended up face down in a river because...................... ??

yottsun's nanaki wasn't even a nanaki
FragOutFireJun 4, 2016 2:54 PM
Jun 4, 2016 2:56 AM

Dec 2013
Well the explanations this episode were pretty straightforward.

Those Nanaki will attempt to make one stay in the village by using their greatest traumas against them. If you manage to overcome the trauma, you age like crazy, but if you fail and end up staying in the village, you'll become lethargic and lose your will to live as a proper human (which I'm assuming you'll eventually die soon afterwards).
Yottsun and Mitsumune were rescued without fully confronting and overcoming their demons, ergo they didn't age.
It also seems like those with a strong will or a set purpose can stave off lethargy, which is why Jack, Ass-kun, Love-pon, Hayato and Valkana have yet to be affected. Koharun being the last boss obviously has some diabolical purpose in her. Masaki's purpose was obviously to look for her love, Reiji-kun.

The only mystery besides the origin of the village right now, is what that area where Reiji was residing was, since it didn't seem to be a part of the Village, and yet it's still part of the setting since he never made it back to reality.

Looking forward to more expositions next week.
Jun 4, 2016 3:06 AM

May 2016
Exposition dumps for days!

I'd love to see a documentary about how this show was made.
It baffles me how a bunch of competent people, who's done some really good shows before, can make such a disaster of an anime.
Jun 4, 2016 3:18 AM

Jul 2013
This should have had 2 season and started slowly. Each character would have a small flashback which would explain why they ended up participating in the tour, and of course it would be boring if nobody died but that is such a used up theme (when characters are dying one by one in mysterious circumstances) by now and it can lead to a catastrophe if it's not executed right. This is at least what I expected when this show started. I hope it at least gets a proper conclusion in the end.
Noir… It is the name of an ancient fate. Two sisters who watch anime. The peace of the newly born, their black hands protect.
Jun 4, 2016 3:35 AM
Apr 2016
This isn't even a trainwreck anymore. It's an airplane exploding during takeoff. One of the most random anime I've ever watched. What were they even trying to do with this? It's like they decided to make pancakes but somehow ended up making scorched scrambled eggs instead.

I knew Mitsumune was naive and dumb but I didn't know he was THAT dumb. "Why were you trying to get some "alone time"?" Seriously?

Was anyone really surprised that Koharun is the last boss? She oozed suspicious from the moment she appeared. The only thing that surprised me is that Jack and Judgeness are her lapdogs, and somehow best friends.

It was hilarious seeing people's true colors at least. Especially Piitan's 180.
Jun 4, 2016 3:37 AM
Apr 2016
James278 said:
I don't get it. You have to lose your nanaki in order to get out of there, but if you lose it you start becoming weird and age rapidly. But others in the group are starting to become weird even though they have't yet lost their nanaki and haven't gotten out of the village. What?
Maybe it was just the subtitles that sucked but seriously, can somebody explain what this is all about to me?

I could try explaining. By visiting the village he was reassured his theory was right and simply lost the fear and the feeling of being wrong, humiliated. When he started acting like a owner in the village it threw him away since he can not be scared anymore*.
Since the most of the bunch of idiots is behaving themselves falsly, like you could have just seen with Piitan and Dahara and ... "The-boss"( who is not affected by neither the weakness or Nanaki since being a crazy bastard negates this), they start losing it. Not just it, but themselves as well. Attempts to start over gone wrong. I doubt they will die, but they will simply disappear, like the Reiji's friends case. He must be feeling himself the guardian of those, who venture in the village, thus staying there unaffected. Or maybe affected, eh.
To make it right you got to not "forfeit" your fear and psychological scars, but to overcome it and live with it, knowing what has happened and that you should do your best to not let anything like that happen again. The village is kind of trying to help those who have gone full re... find themselves again if they decent enough. WHICH is not the case with the most of them like Piitan, Dahara, etc.
*I am with all the honesty lost inside the "how to get out safely", maybe it is just the explanation this episode and later it will be revealed to be a legit case of moral salvation. If you get out you age rapidly (this is the biggest crap idea I got from the whole story, the only one, apparently), if you do not you... get out? Or disappear? Like that oldman who warned Reiji and Masaki against going into that direction episodes ago? Stay tuned.
Jun 4, 2016 3:41 AM

Jan 2008
So Koharun snapped after realizing that she won't get Valkana just by acting all unterstanding on his ass, so she recruited two idiots to catch him for her. That's all I got and wanted to get from this #justMayoigathings episode.
Jun 4, 2016 3:41 AM

Mar 2011
That's not even funny anymore...

Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite…
A lie will remain a lie.

Jun 4, 2016 3:45 AM

Jan 2016
Ciara said:
So Koharun snapped after realizing that she won't get Valkana just by acting all unterstanding on his ass, so she recruited two idiots to catch him for her. That's all I got and wanted to get from this #justMayoigathings episode.

don't forget, Koharun pleasures old professors to get ahead

Dahara is in unrequited love with Koharun
Koharun is in unrequited love with Valkana
Speedstar is in unrequited love with Mitsumune
Mitsumune is in unrequited love with Masaki
Masaki is in unrequited love with Reiji

this can only mean one thing. Valkana is in unrequited love with Speedstar, and Reiji is in unrequited love with Dahara
Jun 4, 2016 3:54 AM

Feb 2012

Koharun is the bossu?

At least it was nice to see Yottsun again.
Jun 4, 2016 4:18 AM

Jan 2008
@FragOutFire, and Bus Driver is in unrequited love with the bus, obviously. Oh, it's good to finally know what this show is about, I'm glad you showed me the way, senpai.
Jun 4, 2016 4:34 AM

Dec 2012
So, Nanakimura symbolically would mean Monster Village. It is a single phenomenon, existing in a warped time-space continuum. The sole prerequisite to enter it is to have a psychological scar or lasting psychological trauma. Apparently, though, reaching it has an objective route as well - the shrines and other religiously meaningful markings. The latter would serve as a gate to the 'unseen' and if the visitor(s) happen to have said unresolved psychological issues, the Nanaki would unexpectedly activate and challenge the person's setback. One of the outcomes would be accepting the trauma, which would lead to being teleported back to the reality.

Now, Koharun being a deeper part of the whole story wasn't surprising at all. However, I am curious when she did manage to establish the slave-drive relationship with Jack and Chuuni Jack. Chuuni whatever, but Jack had sold himself real quick, if the exchange was being let out from the prison cell. I wonder how she succeeded into obtaining his obedience and what she promised him in return to his services.

It really depends on who Koharun was looking for, right.
Somehow I think I get why she needed a large number of people, certified to have psychological issues which they had been set on not resolving in their real life. It could be a way to prove her theory on a grandeur scale, in contrast to Prof. Kamiyama, who scored finding Nanaki as a personal quest only. Koharun's proximity and familiarity to professors could arbitrary point to personal and professional agenda, or both, lol. A potential competitor or co-op could be the same Prof. Kamiyama, who self-admittedly saved Yotssun and Mitsumune, but it was never revealed how. For starters, Tokimune died as a child and there's no legitimate reason for Mitsumune to be in a hospital, unless he had been in coma for 10 years or Kamiyama found him unconscious on the highway or something. Either way, this part is really bizarre, because didn't sound very realistic, unless people "fall out" from Nanaki to reality at one place only and Kamiyama waits there for them to 'save' them.

Now, Reiji grew on me a bit, because he seems to be in a position to observe and understand the whole mess, although he hinted it comes with a cost. Perhaps Masaki is aware that she could see him only in Nanaki, this is why she came back to or for him. Judging from his words, Masaki tried to send Mitsumune off to his reality, so maybe she wasn't using him to her ends afterall.

Ugh. Don't wanna write more. Seriously, the series has been richer in premises and promises than an actual story development - I indeed wonder why did they waste 8 episodes to literally no-things and rush it like crazy in the last ones :L

Edit: Clarification on Mitsumune being in the hospital.
zellamiJun 4, 2016 5:47 AM
Jun 4, 2016 4:40 AM
Apr 2016
zellami said:
So, Nanakimura symbolically would mean Monster Village. It is a single phenomenon, existing in a warped time-space continuum. The sole prerequisite to enter it is to have a psychological scar or lasting psychological trauma. Apparently, though, reaching it has an objective route as well - the shrines and other religiously meaningful markings. The latter would serve as a gate to the 'unseen' and if the visitor(s) happen to have said unresolved psychological issues, the Nanaki would unexpectedly activate and challenge the person's setback. One of the outcomes would be accepting the trauma, which would lead to being teleported back to the reality.

Now, Koharun being a deeper part of the whole story wasn't surprising at all. However, I am curious when she did manage to establish the slave-drive relationship with Jack and Chuuni Jack. Chuuni whatever, but Jack had sold himself real quick, if the exchange was being let out from the prison cell. I wonder how she succeeded into obtaining his obedience and what she promised him in return to his services.

It really depends on who Koharun was looking for, right.
Somehow I think I get why she needed a large number of people, certified to have psychological issues which they had been set on not resolving in their real life. It could be a way to prove her theory on a grandeur scale, in contrast to Prof. Kamiyama, who scored finding Nanaki as a personal quest only. Koharun's proximity and familiarity to professors could arbitrary point to personal and professional agenda, or both, lol. A potential competitor or co-op could be the same Prof. Kamiyama, who self-admittedly saved Yotssun and Mitsumune, but it was never revealed how. For starters, Tokimune died as a child and there's no legitimate reason for him to be in a hospital, unless he had been in coma for 10 years or Kamiyama found him unconscious on the highway or something. Either way, this part is really bizarre, because didn't sound very realistic, unless people "fall out" from Nanaki to reality at one place only and Kamiyama waits there for them to 'save' them.

Now, Reiji grew on me a bit, because he seems to be in a position to observe and understand the whole mess, although he hinted it comes with a cost. Perhaps Masaki is aware that she could see him only in Nanaki, this is why she came back to or for him. Judging from his words, Masaki tried to send Mitsumune off to his reality, so maybe she wasn't using him to her ends afterall.

Ugh. Don't wanna write more. Seriously, the series has been richer in premises and promises than an actual story development - I indeed wonder why did they waste 8 episodes to literally no-things and rush it like crazy in the last ones :L

You should have stopped writing it where you wanted to begin, to be honest. The whole article is negated by the fact that Masaki also went into the village prior to the series, and, evidently, had no psychological scars to begin with.
Jun 4, 2016 4:45 AM
Jul 2014
I understood Lost for the most part despite some of the questionable and baffling plot choices the writers decided on. While it's not an anime I feel its the best comparison I can make to Mayoiga...with one notable exception:

Mayoiga utterly never gave a damn about making both the characters backstories and their adventures in the village compelling. It's like someone had written down all this in a dossier and a creative team came one day and rushed out something by lunchtime and never came back to think it over. There's just nothing salvageable about Mayoiga at all.
Jun 4, 2016 4:54 AM

Nov 2012
WTF so not one of them is getting "execution" at all....
Jun 4, 2016 5:18 AM

Oct 2013
One might say Kamisama..... really grew up.
Jun 4, 2016 5:19 AM

Apr 2014
Great episode. Mitsumune is back to the real world, Yottsun is alive. Kamiyama aka Kami-sama (God) who saved Mitsumune explains what Nanaki and the place Nanaki Village is:

Nanaki are psychological scars. Nanaki Village is a place where your psychological scars materialize as Nanaki. Losing your Nanaki means losing yourself! If you cut yourself from your psychological wounds, you'll eventually stop functioning as a proper human being.
Jun 4, 2016 5:22 AM

Mar 2016
This show is still terrible, this was even worse than the previous two episodes, the explanations sucked. I'm going to see this to the end.
Jun 4, 2016 5:40 AM

Dec 2012

I think anyone can reach the village and in fact, it's not a lost village. It turns to Mayoiga only for persons with serious setbacks. Since Masaki followed Reiji, it could be him who triggered the Nanaki. She has been visibly tired to and back from the village. However, being separated from Reiji is a trauma in itself. If the acceptance part is true, Reiji's message to her was to leave him be and/or save herself. Either way, if he ever walks out, it would be because of him accepting the monster.

Masaki indeed partially fits and misfits the story so far, but this merely outlines her as the odd one - another phenomenon, which influences the mountain theater on its own way. Fine, OK, supernatural and so on. My problem with the story is that neither part was established in a conceivable way. At least the personal drama should have been taken more seriously as in the stories with Mitsumune and Hayato. For one, I pretty much lost concept whose trauma counted and whose didn't.
Jun 4, 2016 5:46 AM

Oct 2013
I've made to episode 10 , so I guess I'll make it to the end. Some episodes have been better than others, but overall seem long and dragging. Maybe I don't like "mystery" anime.

I know I shouldn't compare Mayoiga to the completely different Flying Witch, but when I watch the latter anime the time seems to fly by and I'm left wanting more. In the case of Mayoiga I keep looking at the time and thinking 'hurry the fuck up."
Jun 4, 2016 5:48 AM

Jul 2007
Without gory deaths this is garbage.


2 episodes left. The next two eps better be a long montage of utterly ridiculous over-the-top deaths for all the characters to make up for making me waste my time for whole season.
Jun 4, 2016 5:54 AM

Feb 2016
Daniel_Naumov said:

I could try explaining. By visiting the village he was reassured his theory was right and simply lost the fear and the feeling of being wrong, humiliated. When he started acting like a owner in the village it threw him away since he can not be scared anymore*.
Since the most of the bunch of idiots is behaving themselves falsly, like you could have just seen with Piitan and Dahara and ... "The-boss"( who is not affected by neither the weakness or Nanaki since being a crazy bastard negates this), they start losing it. Not just it, but themselves as well. Attempts to start over gone wrong. I doubt they will die, but they will simply disappear, like the Reiji's friends case. He must be feeling himself the guardian of those, who venture in the village, thus staying there unaffected. Or maybe affected, eh.
To make it right you got to not "forfeit" your fear and psychological scars, but to overcome it and live with it, knowing what has happened and that you should do your best to not let anything like that happen again. The village is kind of trying to help those who have gone full re... find themselves again if they decent enough. WHICH is not the case with the most of them like Piitan, Dahara, etc.
*I am with all the honesty lost inside the "how to get out safely", maybe it is just the explanation this episode and later it will be revealed to be a legit case of moral salvation. If you get out you age rapidly (this is the biggest crap idea I got from the whole story, the only one, apparently), if you do not you... get out? Or disappear? Like that oldman who warned Reiji and Masaki against going into that direction episodes ago? Stay tuned.
Ah that makes a lot of sense. Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain this to me! Yeah how to get out safely is still kind of confusing.
Jun 4, 2016 6:00 AM

Nov 2015
This episode continues to make me think this series is actually a little...bad as a horror series?? It's certainly not what I expected which at first wasn't a big deal but's just not really what I like at all in horror.

The reveal at the end was super obvious, wasn't the least bit surprised.

Xaelbolg said:
It was hilarious seeing people's true colors at least. Especially Piitan's 180.

I figured we were gonna see at least one of the couple showing that they were frustrated with the other just because of honeymoon phases ending.
yani_senpaiJun 4, 2016 6:04 AM
Jun 4, 2016 6:16 AM
Jul 2013
Koharun is Nanaki a freaking ghost
Jun 4, 2016 6:24 AM
Sep 2015
that Kami-sama guy became old for Three years... Plus he is in the news article.. Why it was said that Nanaki village is just a rumor in the first place if it was already proven..
Jun 4, 2016 6:35 AM

Feb 2014
I think my head is starting to hurt now. -__-

It's pretty obvious that Koharu would be behind this, considering the timing of her first appearance, as well as the songs of Nanaki Village too.

Yottsun being alive was random admittedly, but with him and Mitsumune back in the real world, at least they have some good info coming from the Kamiyama guy.

Same goes for Lion's group, after encountering Reiji and hearing the info about Nanaki Village from him.

Staying in the village for too long will make the people become less willing and more lazy to do anything. If they can't be rescued in time, then they should start to age rapidly, just like what happened to Kamiyama.

No idea how the last two episode will go, but I'm hoping for a decent conclusion after all of this. >_<
Jun 4, 2016 6:40 AM

Nov 2014
Woah, I never expected that Mayoiga can entertained me this much. It sure was a weird eps, but honestly I think that this development suited this series best, haha.

I personally think the 'aging rapidly after you get out of the village' is actually a pretty good idea. So Nanaki is a personification of your psychological scars, and just like how Kami-sama and Reiji said repeatedly, it's not easy to get rid of your trauma, especially if it's buried so deep into yourself. When you succesfully overcome your trauma and get out of the village, you will aged rapidly, and I think it symbolize the actual 'time' it would take in real life to heal your heart. It sorta like a time machine but unlike Urashima Taro, you still stay in your own timeline. Or maybe it's more like a time shortcut?

But, this is also why I don't understand the explanation from this ep. Kami-sama said that 'losing your Nanaki means losing yourself', and I honestly don't understand this declaration. Nanaki is your trauma, right? So why would getting rid of it means losing yourself? Of course I can understand if the trauma is taken forcefully, but it has been hinted repeatedly that you just 'overcome' them, or in Reiji's word, 'accept your Nanaki'. I think this explanation makes no sense, and this is why I'll stick around until the end because seriously, at this point now I'm just honestly, genuinely curious. The lastt 2 eps is the one that'll determine if this show actually worth something or not, and I'll gladly take the front seat to watch where it'll going.

Sorry if my writing makes no sense, I'm still learning english and I struggled a bit to find the right word ._.

On another note, now that I get a good look of him Yottsun is quite a cutie lol. He should've get rid of those glasses.
Jun 4, 2016 6:46 AM

Jun 2013

Thug life lol and there's a scientist now
Jun 4, 2016 6:53 AM

Aug 2014
I understood every word that was said but this episode was still confusing as fuck to follow and understand. But overall I actually quite enjoyed this episode although I was wishing for everyone to start murdering each other
Get your shit straight Brenda
Jun 4, 2016 7:09 AM

Apr 2011
U1111 said:
This show is still terrible, this was even worse than the previous two episodes, the explanations sucked. I'm going to see this to the end.

Might as well with there being only two episodes left
Jun 4, 2016 7:13 AM
Apr 2016
James278 said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

I could try explaining. By visiting the village he was reassured his theory was right and simply lost the fear and the feeling of being wrong, humiliated. When he started acting like a owner in the village it threw him away since he can not be scared anymore*.
Since the most of the bunch of idiots is behaving themselves falsly, like you could have just seen with Piitan and Dahara and ... "The-boss"( who is not affected by neither the weakness or Nanaki since being a crazy bastard negates this), they start losing it. Not just it, but themselves as well. Attempts to start over gone wrong. I doubt they will die, but they will simply disappear, like the Reiji's friends case. He must be feeling himself the guardian of those, who venture in the village, thus staying there unaffected. Or maybe affected, eh.
To make it right you got to not "forfeit" your fear and psychological scars, but to overcome it and live with it, knowing what has happened and that you should do your best to not let anything like that happen again. The village is kind of trying to help those who have gone full re... find themselves again if they decent enough. WHICH is not the case with the most of them like Piitan, Dahara, etc.
*I am with all the honesty lost inside the "how to get out safely", maybe it is just the explanation this episode and later it will be revealed to be a legit case of moral salvation. If you get out you age rapidly (this is the biggest crap idea I got from the whole story, the only one, apparently), if you do not you... get out? Or disappear? Like that oldman who warned Reiji and Masaki against going into that direction episodes ago? Stay tuned.
Ah that makes a lot of sense. Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain this to me! Yeah how to get out safely is still kind of confusing.
Thank you for showing concern. With all those bloodthirsty madmen wanting to see some deaths it's good to see someone sane trying to figure it out, not insulting the whole work.
Jun 4, 2016 7:19 AM

Nov 2015
Has anybody tried to kill themselves after watching this every week?! Lol at Yottsun coming back I was glad in some way .
More backstory with Nanaki revealed to be 3D PTSD. And trying to understand the science behind people turning old after moving past their fears. Is this show really that sadistic?
Wasn't it obvious that Koharun is (maybe) evil. I don't know about final boss... She is as fucked up as the other characters.
I don't think she is responsible for anything other than controlling the jack-asses (pun intended).
bluebear_toraJun 4, 2016 7:25 AM
Jun 4, 2016 7:42 AM
Nov 2015
I wanted blood shed through a battle royale. :I
Jun 4, 2016 7:49 AM

Sep 2015
Maybe that "boss" koharun is the duplicate koharun from previous episode xD
Jun 4, 2016 7:50 AM
Jun 2013
Excellent episode. This is definitely my favorite series next to Kabaneri and Sakamoto. The twists so far are really entertaining to watch. Really looking forward to next episode on what kind of twists this series will cook up next.
Jun 4, 2016 8:10 AM

Dec 2014
dont know if i like this show or not yet xD must see the ending!
Jun 4, 2016 8:14 AM

Jun 2015
Fantastic episode. Cant believe Koharun is evil. I know she has been a prime suspect the whole time but it seemed too obvious and the show made everyone divert their suspicions. Sucks because my Valkana and Koharun ship might be ruined. But i think is see a new one. Is Lovepon x Mikage a thing? I think thats a pretty good ship. So about the episode. Things are finally starting to make sense. They are explaining the story and its kinda screwed up. Its a lose lose situatuation. Get over your fear or lose your humanity. I wonder if they will actually turn into nanaki. That would be even more screwed up. And i kinda felt the same as Maimai. Reiji could potentially be very important in saving the people of Nanaki village but he wont because of Masaki. I wonder how Koharun convinced those two to join him. She probably has control over the Nanaki so she probablt blackmailed them. So the only way to escape this lose lose situation is to do something about her im assuming. Well there are two episodes left and im extremely hyped
daze3xJun 4, 2016 8:22 AM
Grimgar season 2 please!!!!
Jun 4, 2016 8:19 AM

Jun 2013
Good episode, was not expecting that ending!
Jun 4, 2016 8:22 AM

Mar 2012
Am I the only one who enjoyed this episode?

I mean..

Some mysteries were explained but we're left again with a cliffhanger.

On another note, some people are mad about the show now because no one actually died? Lmao.

Jun 4, 2016 8:29 AM

Dec 2015
Exactly what I was expecting. It's like the anime makers realised they almost never made the story progress thinking they were making a full-sized series when it is only 13 eps long.
It was interesting to finally get most of the things said. But there are still a few who have to be explained later on (or never?): the fact Reiji is able to stay relatively aware despite living there, how did the professor enter the dimension to rescue the two boys or did they fall out of it accidentally? etc... But I felt like someone threw me a big bag with no warning. The fact Koharun is the great mind behind the situation is no surprise with her "background".


danieltortoisee said:
No surprise at all that Koharun is a "mastermind" of sorts, though I don't see how any of this really benefits her at all

She might want to make a thesis or something about this place. For that, either she doesn't had the needed trauma or she simply doesn't want the wrinkles who come with the exit. With guinea pigs, she can maybe prove it unlike the professor who got his answer only for himself.

edit: @dzn018 (Young) People nowadays tend to mistake horror for slashers. Based on that, a lot of actual horror litterature/cinema would not even be considered to be part of the genre. (well, when I was younger, lot of my classmates/friends were certain horror was always something relying on supernatural).
Rei_IIIJun 4, 2016 8:39 AM
Jun 4, 2016 8:47 AM

Mar 2014
Wow that ending right there is a HUGE TWIST !!

All this time she was acts like innocent and that she had nothing to do all the weirdness in the village but now I'm convinces that she might be the person behind all this craziness
Jun 4, 2016 8:51 AM

Nov 2015
Well, the character I trusted the most is the mastermind... I didn't saw that coming

Now that I'm thinking it, she was suspicious, but I never thought of her as someone suspicious... I was too focused on finfindg clues on Dahara that I forgot about her...
Jun 4, 2016 8:53 AM

Apr 2015
RedChrome said:

All this time she was acts like innocent and that she had nothing to do all the weirdness in the village but now I'm convinces that she might be the person behind all this craziness

she deserves an Oscar for that

Zukrad said:
Well, the character I trusted the most is the mastermind... I didn't saw that coming

me 2

Oh My Arceus!! That plot twist!! it hit me so hard!! LOL
this anime deserves a comedy tag...
finally, Pii-tan fighting with Mambe...
looks like they got hypnotized or something, that makes them become so lazy...
so... Jack and Judgness are working together, and their boss is Koharun?! WOW
I guess no one can die in that village
yup, Masaki still missing
Jun 4, 2016 9:08 AM

Apr 2015
The fuck am I watching...again.

Full of sighs when watching this...ready to give a right bollocking after the last episode

Did get some insight into the settings, logical interpretations are now possible, but they spent too much time finnicking with unwanted quirks
LanzJun 4, 2016 9:13 AM
Jun 4, 2016 9:18 AM

Apr 2016
I'm surprised this episode didn't annoy me, it was way better than the last 8. Although I was suspecting this village would turn out to be a place which helped people get over their past, I'm not pleased with the fact that the explanation behind all of this isn't realistic. However, that ending was all I was watching the anime for. I wanted to be shocked and I was - I didn't suspect Koharun for a minute because these crazy people did. There were clues she might have been behind all of this, yet she seemed good and that reveal surprised me. The one thing I liked.
Jun 4, 2016 9:20 AM
Jun 2016
I feel like Koharun lured everyone onto the tour. She lured them because she wanted to do research on Nanaki Village, and the 'Nanaki'. She lured them by saying that they could escape society, which is true. Koharu probably wanted to do research on the Nanaki, but we learn from this episode that by researching your own, it doesn't end so well. So therefor, she had a bunch of people (or test subjects, in this case) go on a our to Nanaki Village so that they could encounter their psychological scars, and she could do research.

Maybe that was why Koharun was desperate to obtain information from Mitsumune after Mikage, Lovepon and others locked him up in a cell and he encountered Tokimune, his psychological scare.
jennhastwittahJun 9, 2016 7:16 PM
Jun 4, 2016 9:27 AM

Jul 2009
Well shit, I've called it and they really did it lmfao.

Also dat yaoi bait with Jack and Judgness.

Kami-sama? For real? This is getting more funny than Sakamoto in a few ways.
Jun 4, 2016 9:29 AM

Aug 2013
Mayoiga = too much unnecessary flashbacks then dumping all the actual important information at once to the extent that it makes audience confused.

Still confused about the timeline though. So the village and the 'real world' have different times.
The village constantly shows us that it's evening time, so the time in the village is finally becoming more disoriented.
The village's time probably reflects on mental states of the people- but does Reiji and others are in the same 'time'...? lol why am I even thinking about this

This episode is confusing af.

I think what I get are (from explanation above) those who have strong trauma still maintained their 'willpower' or whatever in the village, while the others are simply losing themselves.
Still need detailed explanation on Mitsumune's and Yotssun's rescue though.

We also get the hint that Masaki not seeing 'Nanaki' is because she's searching for Reiji. Guess who's getting cucked this season-

That random flashback of Lion though. Wow.
Maimai acts like she wanted to get out the village when she's the one who randomly tell her past and saying she wanted to stay there.

Takano Miyo back again with obsession of village research and manipulating everyone!
(pretty interesting on how Koharun is controlling the Jacks though. Koharun is <3 )

Jun 4, 2016 9:31 AM

Jul 2015
At first I was like "Okay, I can understand the dad. This is progressing about as normal as it should" and then suddenly there was just yelling and I kind of just lost it. Its weird how everyone being all fatigued they all seem a bit more human.

Black dude managed to escape rather quickly and found god err... or so I though... but I was actually happy about that. Grandma is still the scariest thing in this entire show. Nanaki was explained so that's nice.

I think there were suppose to be some OMG moments or something in there but I didn't care enough to pay much attention.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jun 4, 2016 9:40 AM
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Nov 2014
It's Miyo Takano all over again holy shit
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